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DIVA User Guide. DIVA User Guide. Version 2.0.1


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DIVA User Guide



1 End User License Agreement 2

2 Introduction 3

3 Start screen 4

3.1 Login . . . 4

4 DIVA main screen 6 4.1 Menu . . . 8

4.2 Live/Playback video . . . 9

4.3 PTZ Dome control . . . 10

4.4 Playback controls . . . 11

4.5 Maps . . . 12

4.6 Events . . . 13

4.6.1 Event-list . . . 15

4.6.2 Event Live / Event Playback panel . . . 16

4.6.3 Event History panels . . . 16

4.7 Multi monitor . . . 17

5 Video export 18


Chapter 1

End User License Agreement

User license for the Digital Intelligent Video Architecture DIVAR software.


This End User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal contract between you (natural person or legal person) and the supplier (producer) of DIVAR hardware, firmware and software (”Software Product or Software”), the above

product of which you have received. The Software product consists of computer software, the accompanying media, printed documentation and any on-line or electronic documentation. The act of using the DIVAR

software means that you agree with the regulations of this contract. If you do not agree with the regulations of this contract, the supplier/producer is not prepared to give you the user right to use the Software product. Youre not allowed to use the software product in this case.

SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSEThe Software product in the DIVAR is protected by copyrights and

inter-national copyright treaties, and by other intellectual ownership laws and treaties. The software product is given in license and not sold.

GRANT OF THE RIGHT OF USE.This contract grants you the following rights /obligations: • Use of the software in the DIVAR

• No reverse-engineering, decompilation or dismantling • It is not permitted to add or remove software

• It is not permitted to add or remove hardware

• It is not permitted to change any settings in the operating system with the exception of installation, de-installation or settings of printing equipment.


Chapter 2


This user guide explains how to operate Diva for viewing of live video and playback of recorded video. This chapter explains the following subjects:

• The main screen • Login on Diva • Operating live video • Operating playback video • Exporting of video • Export of an image


Chapter 3

Start screen

The Diva starts with an empty gray screen with at the top a menubar. The menubar is the starting point to use the Diva software. See screenshot below. If only the lock icon is present at the right of the menubar then nobody is logged in.

Menubar, nu user logged in



Click on the lock icon at the right on the menubar to open the login dialog. See screenshot below.

Login dialog

To login the following information should be entered:

• Action


• Server address

Fill in the server address where you want to login. • Name

Fill in the username with which you want to login. • Password

Fill in the password which belongs to the username

To login the user has to use an existing Diva IP-address. The username password combination is used to determine the user rights the user has on the server. Click ’Ok’ to log in and close the dialog. Depending on the user rights some new icons appear after login.

Menubar, user is logged in

From left to right the mneubar shows the following information:

• DIVA Logo.

• Current date and time. • Active profile.

• Current user. • Monitor name.

• Name of selected layout.

• Icon for each monitor. The selected monitor is orange.

• The home icon shows the main screen.

• The toolset icon shows the setup.

• The lock icon shows the login dialog


Chapter 4

DIVA main screen

This chapter describes all operation functionality of the Diva software. The following subjects are included: live video possibilities, playback, control of PTZ cameras and exporting video and/or images.

See screenshot below for a default 3x3 layout to display live video. All layouts that appear in the Diva menu have to be created in the setup of Diva. See the Diva manual for more information.




On the main screen there is a ’floating’ window titled ’Menu’ available. This menu is always in front. The menu contains an explorer with which the user can choose multi-layout, layouts and cameras to assign to video pan-els.

The right most button in the menu bar shows or hides the Diva menu. Use this button to attach the Diva menu to the menubar. It the diva menu is already attached then it is dsiplayed below the menubar. A click besides the Diva menu close the menu again. To detach the menu hold down the left mouse button and drag your mouse outside the icon. Below the menu explorer is explained.

Multi Layouts

A multi-layout is a group of layouts displayed on more then one monitor. When selecting a multi-layout all monitors are refreshed with a layout from the multi-layout.


A layout is group of (video)panels. Each panel can have a different functionality. There are panels to diplay live video, playback video, and there are special panels with playback controls or a list with recent events. The functionalities of the panels is decribed in the following chapters.

To display a layout on the active monitor select the layout name in the menu.

Fixed Layouts

’Fixed layouts’ are predefined layouts with a single function. There are three layouts available: ’Database’, ’Diva Match’ and ’Diva Search’. These layouts are only available when the user has the rights to see these layouts.


Contains a list of all cameras of all Diva servers in the serverlist. The camera list is subgrouped in locations. The subgroup ’All locations’ caontains all cameras for which the current user has the rigth to see. Optionally the location for each camera can be set, every location becomes then a subgroup in the camera list. Select a video panel and a camera from the list to show the video from that camera. A panel is selected if the panel has an orange border.


The list of monitors are all monitors which can display a layout. This can be monitors directly connected to the computer or moni-tors found in the network. To select a monitor select the item in the list. The menubar shows the selected monitor with an orange icon.



Live/Playback video

The image below shows one of the Live video panels from the Diva man screen screenshot from the former page.

Live video panel Playback video panel

Each live and playback panel has an on screen display (OSD) which shows the status of the video.

• Record icon / playback icoon

A red recording icon in the lower left corner of the live video panel shows that the current live image is recorded on the server. If the motion detection is turned off for this camera the recording icon is always red to tell you that every frame is recorded. A gray recording icon tells you that the current live image is not recorded. When a green triangular icon is visble then the panel is a playback panel.

• Camera name

• Motion percentage (only live)

• Date and time recorded video (only playback)

A live/playback panel has the following control modi:

• Full screen / To target panel

A double click on a video panel switches the display to full screen or to a target panel (if available in the multi-layout). A target panel is a panel which has no predefined camera assigned. It takes over the camera from the double clicked panel.



PTZ Dome control

The live control panel is used to control PTZ domes. The dome commands are only send to the dome in the selected panel. A selected panel has an orange border.

PTZ control

To control a dome drag your mouse over the wind rose. The position of the cursor in the wind rose dictates the speed of the dome. Close to the center the speed is low and on the outside the speed is high.

• Focus near • Focus far.

• Switch auto focus /auto iris on. • Zoom in.

• Zoom out. • Open iris • Close iris

• Go to preset ’Home’. • Go to preset 1. • Rotate 180 degrees.

• Save the current position of the dome as a preset. • Go to the selected preset in the list



Playback controls

Playback controls

The playback controls are needed to playback recorded video. The resolution of the topmost trackbar is in days and used to very quickly search through the video. The dates on the left and right of the trackbar are the first and last recorded video image.

The resolution of the lower trackbar is 24 hours, to accurately search through the video of one day. The knobs of both trackbars can be dragged with the mouse.

Both playback directions are devided in seven playback speeds. See list below for the functionality of each button:

• One minute backwards. Holding down the button invokes the repeat function. • One frame backwards. Holding down the button invokes the repeat function. • Playback backwards

• Playback forward.

• One frame forwards. Holding down the button invokes the repeat function. • One minute forwards. Holding down the button invokes the repeat function. • Opens the date time search panel.

• Three buttons to set the export date time range. Position the trackbar and click ’Start’ to get the first date time of the export range. Reposition the trackbar and click ’Stop’ to get the last date time of the export range. To reset the export range click ’Clear’

• Opens the export image dialog to export an image to a PDF file. With support for two images before and one image after the event and a short operator comment. This dialog is explained in a next paragraph.

• Opens the export video dialog. With this dialog the operator can set the export range, choose cameras to export and choose an export location. This dialog is explained in a next paragraph.




Mas, for example from a building or area, can be used in the Diva to easily recognize the position of the cam-eras. The camera icon tells the operator the position of a camera on the map. A double click on the camera icon shows the video on a target panel. A target panel is a special panel type which has no specific camera assigned. It can show video from live and playback cameras. A red dot icon is a link to an other map.

In the image below two maps are shown: one of the area and one of the building. In both maps there are cameras with red icons. The left map also contains a red dot icon with a link to the right map. In both maps you can see a selected camera with video displayed on the target panel below the map. A selected camera or link icon is green.

On the left map of the area, right map of the building. The red dot icon links to the building map.

Above the maps there is a menubar to navigate between the maps. The ’Home’ icon links to the map which is setup as main map. The icon with the up-arrow icon navigates one level up. According to the example above a click on the arrow up icon loads the left map. These maps are hierarchically linked to each other.




In the Diva there are events defined. These events are shown as messages in the event-list and can be used to start a macro. This paragraph describes which events exists and how they can be used to display live and/or recorded video/

Event type:

• Camera connection status • Motion

• Alarm (I/O contacts) • ObjectR

• SceneR • FaceR • CarR • POS • XML • System




This panel shows all events in a list in chronological order. The following properties of each event are shown: date/time, server name, camera name, event type and the event value. If there is a EventLive or a EventPlay-back panel available the video of the selected event is displayed on these panels. The EventLive panel shows the live video of the camera. The EvenPlayback panel shows the image of the same date time as the event from that camera. The complete playback date time is synchronized with the event date time. This means that a layout with normal playback panels available will show the same date time for the assigned cameras. Note: there can only be one EventList panel in a layout. If a multi-layout is loaded with more then one event-list only the first event-list is enabled.

Event list

Functions of the buttons:

• Auto select incoming events

Turn this option on to automatically select incoming events. This option is turned of when playback is started or when an item in the list is selected. There is also an option to automatically turn it on again after a specific time ’Turn auto select on after x seconds’. Where x is the number of seconds between 10 - 3600 to wait to turn auto select on again. It also possible to manually turn on auto select again. • Filter

The event-list can be filtered on each column. If turned on a row of fields appears where each field corresponds with a column in the the list. Simply type what you want to see in the list.

• Enabled events ...

All events are send to the NMS systems. This can result in an overload of events that do not require the direct attention of the operator. Therefor events can be en- or disabled. In live mode click on ’Enabled events’ to open a dialog where the operator can set which events should appear in the list. En- or disabled events do not affect the execution of macros.

• Clear



Event Live / Event Playback panel

The ’EventLive’ panel has the same functionality as a Live panel except the camera on an EventLive panel is assigned by the selected event.

The ’EventPlayback’ panel has the same functionality as a Playback panel except the camera on an EventLive panel is assigned by the selected event.

Left the EventLive panel, right the EventPlayback panel


Event History panels

This type of panel is meant to display images of a range of events. These panels are connected like a chain. The Firt In First Out principle is followed when an event is selected: automatically or manually. The images shift like a film strip through the chain of panels. The image below shows five events images.



Multi monitor

If there more then one monitor connected to the computer the Diva software can utilize these monitors to dis-play a layout on each monitor. A layout on multiple monitors is a multi-layout and can be selected in the menu. It is also possible to (temporary) show a layout on a monitor. First select a monitor by clicking on a monitor icon in the menubar and then select a layout. NOTE: A layout can only be dsiplayed on one monitor.

In the graphic below is a pratical example how to use a multi-layout. The left monitor shows an overview layout and the right monitor shows a ’close up’ of one of the cameras from the overview. The layout on the right monitor contains a target panel which can display any camera. A double click on one of the video panels in the overview layout displays the specific camera in the target panel.


Chapter 5

Video export

Recorded video can be exported to different media: CD/DVD, location on a hard drive, USB stick or network location. The operator can set the export range with the playback trackbars or with date time selection boxes in the dialog. The advantage of the first method is that the operator can select the video with the playback controls and can exactly see what video is going to be exported. The date time range selection in the dialog is useful if the operator allready knows the range.

For both methods there is a layout needed with minimal one playback panel and a playback controls panel.

Method 1:

Click on the ’E’ button in the playback controls panel. Three buttons appear: ’Start’, ’Clear’ and ’Stop’. Search the starting point of the video you want to export and click on ’Start’. Search the end point of the video you want to export and click on ’Stop’. The tackbar displays the export range in orange. Click ’Clear’ to reset the range.

If it is an export of one camera first select the playback panel and then click the export button to open the video export dialog. This dialog, see image on the next page, shows the selected camera and the export range is used from the trackbar.


Exporting video and using the trackbar for the export range

• Server

List all available servers. The camera list is reloaded if a server is selected.

• Cameras

List of cameras of the selected server. Select cameras to export video from.

• Use trackbar strt/end time (optional)

Uses the date time range of the trackbar as date time range for the export.

• Start and end time

Start and end time of the export. Can be mod-ified regardless if the range of the trackbar is used.

• Reset date and time

Resets the export range to the begin and end time of all recorded video.

• Add DivaLite

Default on, adds the software to playback the exported video

• Export location

The location of the exported video. Click ’...’-button to select the location. The size of the lo-cation should be big enough to store the video. Below the field you can find information about the choosen location.

Export video dialog

Method 2:

This method uses the input fields of the dialog to select the date time range. To the left of the above image the dialog is describe in detail.

If all fields are correct and there is enough storage space on the location the ’Export’ button becomes avail-able. Click this button to start the export. The export progress is displayed in the menubar. When the export is finished a dialog shows a message that the export is finished.


Chapter 6

Image export

Single images can be exported from the recorded video. These can be stored locally on the hard drive or on a USB stick. The image is converted to a PDF document together with extra information about the image like cameraname and date and time. Optionally the operator can add some comments. See below a screenshot of the dialog and on the left a detailed description:

• Image to export

• Option to add pre and post images

Check this option to add 2 pre images and 1 post image to the report.

• Information about the image

• Comment field



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