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Higher Education Studies, Reports and Surveys in the SREB States


Academic year: 2021

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Higher Education Studies, Reports

and Surveys in the SREB States

April 2001

Southern Regional Education Board

592 10th St. N.W.

The following is a partial listing of studies on postsecondary education that have been com-pleted or are under way in SREB states. Higher education agencies or coordinating boards in the states supplied the information, which may help other states that are conducting or considering similar research.

The study commission or agency is included in parentheses, as is the date the study was com-pleted or is scheduled to be comcom-pleted. If no commission or agency name is listed, the study was done by, or in conjunction with, the state higher education agency. Addresses are provided at the end of this report.

The Southern Regional Education Board collects this information yearly, so this list reflects only recent publications. Previous listings are on the SREB Web site, www.sreb.org.

SREB does not have copies of these reports and studies. Please direct requests for copies to the appropriate state higher education agency.

Academic programs

* Academic programs inventory (Mississippi, IHL, September 2000)

* Academic program inventory, North Carolina senior colleges and universities (North Carolina, UNC, January 1999)

Baccalaureate program needs in selected counties (Florida, PEPC, January 2001)

Florida A&M University program review reports 1999-2000 pilot (Florida, SUS, March 2001) Florida Atlantic University program review reports 1999-2000 pilot (Florida, SUS, March 2001) Florida Gulf Coast University program review reports 1999-2000 pilot

(Florida, SUS, March 2001)

Florida International University program review reports 1999-2000 (Florida, SUS, March 2001) Florida State University program review reports 1999-2000 pilot (Florida, SUS, March 2001) International education study abroad programs (Florida, FCCS, January 2000)

New offerings for a new era: Evaluating the viability of new degree programs (Florida, SUS, March 2001)

* North Carolina transition program in the biomedical sciences (North Carolina, UNC, 2000) Program productivity review (Kentucky, 2000)

Program review in the State University System of Florida (Florida, SUS, November 2000) * Proposal for a UNC Coastal Studies Center, Roanoke Island, NC


Status of non-viable programs, second monitoring year (Alabama, April 2000) Status of non-viable programs, third monitoring year (Alabama, April 2001)

University of Central Florida program review reports 1999-2000 pilot (Florida, SUS, March 2001) University of Florida program review reports 1999-2000 pilot (Florida, SUS, March 2001)

University of North Florida program review reports 1999-2000 (Florida, SUS, March 2001) University of South Florida program review reports 1999-2000 pilot (Florida, SUS, March 2001) University of West Florida program review reports 1999-2000 (Florida, SUS, March 2001)


* Are you making plans for college? Your guide to preparing for college (Oklahoma, September 2000) * Closing the achievement gap in North Carolina: Examples of initiatives at the University of North

Carolina (North Carolina, UNC, January 2001)

* Diversity & closing the achievement gap in North Carolina (North Carolina, UNC, February 2001) * Equity in education (Florida, SUS, December 1999)

* GEAR UP for College — A guide for parents (Oklahoma, September 2000)

Guide to Oklahoma colleges and universities 2000-2001 edition (Oklahoma, September 2000) * Institutional profiles of University of North Carolina 2000-2001 (North Carolina, UNC, July 2000) * Race and gender summary (Mississippi, IHL, June 2000)

SAT scores for first-time freshmen (Georgia, BOR, May 2000)

* School to college-going rates indicators report (Oklahoma, December 2000) Student guide to Maryland higher education (Maryland, September 2000)

Admissions, retention and graduation

A marketing and recruitment assessment of Florida’s community colleges (Florida, FCCS, January 2001) * A uniform recruitment and retention strategy for Texas public institutions of higher education

(Texas, April 2000)

Academic probation and suspension: Impact study of retention policy (Oklahoma, June 2000) Admission policy impact study (Oklahoma, April 2000)

* Baccalaureate graduation rates (Texas, June 1999)

* Background on the increase in the UNC Board of governors’ minimum course requirements for undergraduate admission (North Carolina, UNC, April 2000)

Common prerequisites manual (Florida, BOR, 2000)

Degrees and certificates awarded by Arkansas higher education institutions 1999-2000 (Arkansas, March 2001)


* Degrees conferred 1999-2000 (Georgia, BOR, October 2000) Degrees conferred, vol. I (Oklahoma, October 2000)

Inventory of degree and certificate programs (Louisiana, December 2000) Opening fall enrollment 2000 (Maryland, November 2000)

* Report on alternative admissions criteria study (Texas, October 2000)

* Report on retention, graduation, and time-to-degree (North Carolina, UNC, January 2001) * Retention and graduation rates at four-year public institutions (Maryland, June 2000)

Retention, graduation and transfer rates at Maryland community colleges (Maryland, June 2000) Selected information on enrollment: A ten-year comparison (Mississippi, IHL, November 2000) Student progression cohort analysis (Florida, PEPC, May 2001)

Trends in degrees and certificates awarded by race and gender (Maryland, February 2000) Trends in degrees awarded by program (Maryland, April 2000)

Articulation and student transfer

* Articulation agreement (Mississippi, SBCJC, February 2001)

Business concentration articulation matrix and student transfer guide (Louisiana, December 2000) Community and junior college transfers in Institutions of Higher Learning

(Mississippi, SBCJC, 2001)

Performance of Maryland community college transfer students at public four-year campuses (Maryland, December 2000)

* Reports on performance of transfer students (North Carolina, UNC, 2000) * Student migration report (Texas, September 2000)

Student transfer guide and general education articulation matrix (Louisiana, October 2000) Undergraduate transfers — Maryland public institutions of higher education, 1998 -99

(Maryland, September 2000)


Enrollment by place of residence: Maryland colleges and universities (Maryland, June 2000) * Enrollment data (Mississippi, SBCJC, February 2001)

* Enrollment forecasts, 2000-2015 (Texas, January 2001)

* Enrollment report, fall 2000 (North Carolina, UNC, November 2000)

* Enrollment projections, 2000-2009 — Public Colleges and Universities (Maryland, June 2000) * Preliminary enrollment report (Mississippi, SBCJC, January 2001)

Responding to projected increases in student enrollment (Texas, April 2000) Student enrollments, fall 2000 (Arkansas, June 2001)


Facilities and equipment

* Campuses of the University of Georgia (Georgia, BOR, February 2001) Facilities inventory and space utilization (Louisiana, September 2000) * Facilities inventory and utilization study (North Carolina, UNC, 1999)

* Space projection model for public universities, technical colleges and Lamar centers (Texas, March 2001)

* Space projection models for public health-related institutions (Texas, March 2001) * Preplanning for a minor capital outlay project (Georgia, BOR, February 2000)

Process for implementation of privatized student housing (Georgia, BOR, February 2000) * The University of North Carolina centers and institutes (North Carolina, UNC, 2000)

Finance, budget and expenditures

* 2000-2001 budget (Oklahoma, June 2000)

* Academic cost accounting (Arkansas, March 2001)

* Annual performance/program budgeting summary data on research and public service activities (North Carolina, UNC, February 2001)

* Budget at a glance (Georgia, BOR, Fall 2000)

Capital funding guidelines report (Maryland, June 2000)

Coordinating Board recommended funding formulas (Texas, May 2000) Educational and general budgets summary and analysis (Oklahoma, 2000) Grants and contracts report (Maryland, November 2000)

* Historical review of performance funding in Tennessee (Tennessee, THEC, April 2001) Institutional profiles and funding needs for FY 2001 (Oklahoma, 2000)

* System profile (Mississippi, IHL, January 2001)

Goals and accountability

2000 performance accountability report, vols. I & II (Maryland, November 2000) Accountability measures report, pilot study (Mississippi, IHL, August 2000)

* Accountability overview and report on campus visits (North Carolina, UNC, July 2000) * Accountability report (Georgia, BOR, February 2001)

* Accountability report (Oklahoma, May 2000)

* Benchmarking and management review study (Georgia, BOR, September 2000)

Employment patterns of college graduates in Tennessee (Tennessee, THEC, December 2001)

* First in America — Progress report (North Carolina, N.C. Education Research Council, December 2000) * Institutional strategic plan progress reports (Virginia, SCHEV, November 2000)


* Long range planning — 2000-2005 (North Carolina, UNC, January 2000) Low productivity degree program report (Maryland, November 2000) * Mississippi university quality points (Mississippi, IHL, March 2000)

Process for implementation of privatized student housing (Georgia, BOR, February 2000) Report of Study Commission on Higher Education (West Virginia, January 2000) Student satisfaction survey (Louisiana, summer 2001)

Top 10 graduate degree brochure (Mississippi, IHL, 2001)

Trends and statistics in Louisiana Postsecondary Education: 2001 report on accountability (Louisiana, March 2001)

Higher education and economic education

Funding and other initiatives to increase responsiveness to the needs of business and industry (Florida, PEPC, December 2000)

* Migration Study: higher education to the workforce (Tennessee, THEC, February 2001) Systemwide business program and economic development review (Oklahoma, April 2000) Technical college economic impact study (South Carolina, SCTECH, 2000)

Master plans and statewide reports

A focus on higher education in Oklahoma (Oklahoma, May 2000) Annual program evaluation report (South Carolina, SCTECH, 2000)

* Annual joint report on kindergarten through higher education (Tennessee, THEC, February 2001) Annual report, 1999-2000 (Alabama, December 2000)

Annual report (Georgia, BOR, January 2001)

Annual report, parts I and II (Mississippi, IHL, January 2001) * Annual report, 2000 (Georgia, DTAE, November 2000)

* Annual report on the status of higher education (Tennessee, THEC & TBR, February 2001) Annual status report to governor (Kentucky, 2000)

* Board of Governors’ report (North Carolina, UNC, January 2001) * Closing the Gaps by 2015 (Texas, October 2000)

* Coordinating Board strategic plan 2001-05 (Texas, June 2000) Educational needs index (Tennessee, THEC, January 2001)

Final report on the implementation of recommendations made by the Citizens Commission on the Future of Oklahoma Higher Education (Oklahoma, June 2000)

Five-year strategic plan (Mississippi, IHL, August 2000)

Globalizing Texas higher education for the new century (Texas, January 2001) Guide to higher education in Mississippi (Mississippi, IHL, September 2000) * Higher education report card, 2000 (West Virginia, January 2000)


Master plan of postsecondary education (Louisiana, March 2001)

* National Science Foundation Grant 2001-2002 — North Carolina Initiative (North Carolina, UNC, 2000) Oklahoma State Regents for higher education annual report (Oklahoma, 2000)

Overview of Maryland private career schools (Maryland, November 2000) Policy on undergraduate degree definitions (Louisiana, May 2001)

Policy on undergraduate general education requirements (Louisiana, May 2001)

* Priority plan to strengthen education at Prairie View A&M University and Texas Southern University (Texas, October 2000)

* Report and recommendations of the Task Force on the Martin Luther King Center for Racial Reconciliation (North Carolina, UNC, December 2000)

* Report on performance of Texas public universities (Texas, March 2001)

Smart Start for Brain Gain 2010 — Impact a life and make a difference (Oklahoma, November 2000) * Statewide master plan for 2000-2005 (Tennessee, THEC, January 2001)

Strategic Plan 1999-2004 (South Carolina, SCTECH, 2000) Summary of campus master plans (Texas, January 2000) System plan of excellence (Mississippi, IHL, May 2001) * System supplement (Georgia, BOR, January 2001)

Medicine and Health

* Health professions education: Higher education’s role (Texas, July 2000) * Texas-Mexico border health education needs (Texas, October 2000)

* Report on instruction in medical ethics, and Jurisprudence Provided by Texas medical schools (Texas, October 2000)

Personnel, salaries and compensation

* Analysis of faculty workload policies and practices of North Carolina Community Colleges (North Carolina, NCCCS, October 2000)

Annual employment outcomes report (Oklahoma, June 2000) Faculty opinion on the issues (Oklahoma, 2000)

* Faculty salaries & employment 2000-2001 (North Carolina, NCCCS, March 2001)

Faculty turnover and retention: A summary of exit surveys at Texas public universities, health-related institutions and technical colleges (Texas, June 2000)

Potential for retirement in Mississippi public community and junior colleges (Mississippi, SBCJC, August 2001)


Preparation for college and school/college partnerships

* College going rates by county and high school (West Virginia, June 2001)

College performance of new Maryland high school graduates: Student outcome and achievement report (Maryland, September 2000)

College preparation program agreements between state universities and community colleges (Florida, FCCS, January 2000)

College reach out program evaluation (Florida, PEPC, January 2001) Counseling for future education (Florida, BOR, January 2001)

High school graduate performance report (North Carolina, NCCCS, July 2000) * High school survey — Tennessee’s best and brightest (Tennessee, THEC, May 2001)

Oklahoma high school indicators project: Mean ACT composite score by Oklahoma high school site (Oklahoma, November 2000)

* P-16 in action: Focusing on partner schools (Georgia, BOR, spring 2001)

Pass rates on Texas Academic Skills Programs (TASP)/alternative test, by race/ethnicity, test areas and high school, 1994-98 (Texas, Spring 2001)

Summary of Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP) test results, by higher education institution (Texas, Spring 2001)


Advanced Research/Advanced Technology program progress report (Texas, August 2000)

Evaluation of the Advanced Research and Advanced Technology programs (Texas, January 2001) * Expenditures for research and other sponsored projects (Texas, April 2000)

* Intellectual property task force report (North Carolina, UNC, June 2000)

* North Carolina — Israel Scientific Research Program (North Carolina, UNC, December 2000) Research assessment program, 2000 final report (Texas, July 2000)

Research catalog (Mississippi, IHL, October 2000)

Remediation and developmental studies

* Annual remediation trends (North Carolina, UNC, May 2000)

Annual student remediation report (Oklahoma, April 2000)

* Appropriations for developmental education in Texas (Texas, October 2000) Developmental education accountability pilot programs (Texas, October 2000) * Remediation rates indicators report (Oklahoma, February 2000)


Statistical reports and fact books

A matter of facts (North Carolina, NCCCS, March 2001) * Almanac 1998-99 (Mississippi, IHL, 2000)

* Annual data profile for public community and technical colleges (Texas, 2000) * Annual statistical report (North Carolina, NCCCS, October 2000)

* College profiles for public community and technical colleges (Texas, 2000) * Data book (Maryland, February 2000)

* Fact book (Delaware, 2000)

Fact book (South Carolina, SCTECH, 2000) * Fact book on higher education (Arkansas, July 2001) * Fall enrollment fact book (Mississippi, IHL, February 2001)

IHL at a glance (Mississippi, IHL, December 2000)

Information digest 1998-99 (Georgia, BOR, December 1999)

* Statewide fact book for public community and technical colleges (Texas, 2000) * Statistical abstract, 1999-2000 (Alabama, June 2000)

* Statistical abstract of higher education in North Carolina 1999-2000 (North Carolina, UNC, May 2000)

* Statistical data, 1999-2000 (Mississippi, SBCJC, February 2001)

* Statistical profile of higher education in West Virginia (West Virginia, April 2000) * Statistical report (Texas, Spring 2000)

* Student data report (Oklahoma, June 2000) * Trend book (Maryland, January 2000)

Trends and statistics in Louisiana Postsecondary Education: 2001 report on accountability (Louisiana, March 2001)

Student financial aid and tuition/fees

A guide to repaying student loans (Oklahoma, September 2000) A guide to student loans (Oklahoma, November 2000)

Are you looking for money for school? Your guide to Federal Stafford and PLUS loans (Oklahoma, September 2000)

* Delaware scholarship compendium (Delaware, fall 2000) Financial aid report (Georgia, BOR, September 2000)

Financial aid for Maryland residents (Maryland, September 2000) Grant and scholarship programs (Oklahoma, 2000)

McWherter scholarship overview (Tennessee, THEC, March 2001) Maryland student financial support (Maryland, October 2000)


* Meeting the needs of the under-served: Financial aid in Tennessee (Tennessee, THEC, May 2001) Oklahoma guaranteed student loan program disbursement service (Oklahoma, June 2000)

Oklahoma guaranteed student loan program — Success through education (Oklahoma, November 2000) Student financial aid policy (Florida, PEPC, February 2001)

Tracking the HOPE status of Fall 1994 freshmen (Georgia, BOR, February 2001) Tuition and fees effective 1999-2000 (Oklahoma, 2000)

* Tuition and fee report (Virginia, SCHEV, June 2000)

Undergraduate student financial aid survey (West Virginia, December 2000)

Teacher education and preparation

A study of the capacity of teacher preparation programs in Maryland (Maryland, November 2000) An analysis of teacher education programs in Tennessee (Tennessee, THEC, June 2001)

* Annual pass rates on licensure exams (North Carolina, UNC, August 2000) Leave a lasting impression….teach (Oklahoma, October 2000)

* NC TEACH profile (North Carolina, UNC, November 2000)

* Second-year progress report: University-school teacher education partnership (North Carolina, UNC, June 2000)

Teacher education annual report on systemwide review (Oklahoma, October 2000) Teacher education program review: Florida Atlantic University (Florida, SUS, July 2000) Teacher education program review: Florida Gulf Coast University (Florida, SUS, March 2001) Teacher education program review: University of Central Florida (Florida, SUS, January 2000) Teacher education program review: University of South Florida (Florida, SUS, September 2000)

Technology and distance learning

A study of the differential tuition for distance learning in the State University System of Florida (Florida, BOR, September 2001)

An overview of distance and technology mediated instruction in the State University System of Florida (Florida, BOR, September 2001)

* Analysis of funding issues related to distance learning in the North Carolina community college system (North Carolina, NCCCS & MGT America Inc., January 2001)

Digital media education coordination group report (Florida, BOR, March 2001) Distance learning in community colleges: A look at the online and teleclass experience

(Florida, FCCS, January 2000)

* Expanding the technology workforce: Final report of the task force on development of a technology work-force (Texas, May 2000)


* Inventory of distance learning and off-campus degree programs document (North Carolina, UNC, June 2000)

Office of information and instructional technology (OIIT) quarterly update (Georgia, BOR, Summer 2000 )

* Report on a study of access to higher education through distance learning (Texas, September 2000) * The UNC information technology strategy (North Carolina, UNC, 2001)

* UNC technology development initiative with Research Triangle Institute (North Carolina, UNC, August 2000)

Vocational/technical and adult education

* Automated student and adult learner follow-up system outcomes report for public community and technical colleges (Texas, 2000)

Vo-tech enrollment (Mississippi, SBCJC, February 2001)

* Results: Information on Georgia technical and vocational institutions (Georgia, DTAE, fall 2000) Selected vocational education programs (Florida, FCCS, December 2000)

University degrees/workforce needs (Florida, PEPC, December 2000) Vo-Tech enrollment (Mississippi, SBCJC, February 2001)


Higher education agencies

Alabama Commission on Higher Education◆100 North Union Street ◆P.O. Box 30200 ◆Montgomery, AL 36130 ◆(334) 242-1998 ◆www.ache.state.al.us

Arkansas Department of Higher Education◆114 E. Capitol Ave. ◆Little Rock, AR 72201 ◆(501) 371-2000 ◆www.arkansashighered.com

Delaware Higher Education Commission◆820 N. French St. ◆Wilmington, DE 19801 ◆(302) 577-3240 ◆www.doe.state.de.us/high-ed

Florida Postsecondary Education Planning Commission (PEPC)◆Turlington Building ◆325 W.

Gaines St. ◆Tallahassee, FL 32399 ◆(850) 488-7894 ◆www.firn.edu/pepc

Florida Community College System (FCCS)◆1314 Florida Education Center ◆325 W. Gaines St. ◆Tallahassee, FL 32399 ◆(850) 488-1721 ◆www.dcc.firn.edu

Florida Board of Regents (SUS)◆1514 Florida Education Center ◆Tallahassee, FL 32399 ◆(850) 488-4234 ◆www.borfl.org

Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education (DTAE)◆1800 Century Place NE, Suite 400 ◆Atlanta, GA 30345 ◆(404) 679-1600 ◆www.dtae.tec.ga.us

Board of Regents of the University of Georgia (BOR)◆270 Washington St., S.W. ◆Atlanta, GA 30334 ◆(404) 656-2213 ◆www.usg.edu

Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education◆1024 Capital Center Drive, Suite 320 ◆Frankfort, KY

40601 ◆(502) 573-1555 ◆www.cpe.state.ky.us

Louisiana Board of Regents◆150 Third St., Suite 129 ◆Baton Rouge, LA 70801 ◆(225) 342-4253 ◆www.regents.state.la.us

Maryland Higher Education Commission◆16 Frances St. ◆Annapolis, MD 21401 ◆(410) 260-4500 ◆www.mhec.state.md.us

Mississippi State Board for Community and Junior Colleges (SBCJC)◆3825 Ridgewood Rd. ◆Jackson, MS 39211 ◆(601) 432-6518 ◆www.sbcjc.cc.ms.us

Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL)◆3825 Ridgewood Rd. ◆Jackson, MS 39211 ◆(601) 432-6611◆www.ihl.state.ms.us


North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS)◆200 W. Jones St. ◆Raleigh, NC 27603 ◆(919) 733-7051 ◆www.ncccs.cc.nc.us

University of North Carolina General Administration (UNC)◆P.O. Box 2688 ◆Chapel Hill, NC

27515 ◆(919) 962-1000 ◆www.northcarolina.edu

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education◆500 Education Building ◆State Capitol Complex ◆Oklahoma City, OK 73105 ◆(405) 524-9100 ◆www.okhighered.org

South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (CHE)◆1333 Main St., Suite 200 ◆Columbia, SC

29201 ◆(803) 737-2260 ◆www.che400.state.sc.us

South Carolina Technical and College System (SCTECH)◆111 Executive Center Drive ◆Columbia,

SC 29210 ◆(803) 896-5280 ◆www.scteched.tec.sc.us

Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC)◆Parkway Towers, Suite 1900 ◆404 James

Robertson Parkway ◆Nashville, TN 37243 ◆(615) 741-7572 ◆www.state.tn.us/thec

Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR)◆1415 Murfreesboro Road, Suite 350 ◆Nashville, TN 37217 ◆(615) 366-4400 ◆www.tbr.state.tn.us

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board◆P.O. Box 12788 ◆Austin, TX 78711 ◆(512) 483-6101 ◆www.thecb.state.tx.us

State Council of Higher Education for Virginia◆James Monroe Building ◆101 N. 14th St. ◆Richmond, VA 23219 ◆(804) 225-2600 ◆www.schev.edu

West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission◆1018 Kanawha Blvd. E., Suite 700 ◆Charleston,

WV 25301 ◆(304) 558-2101 ◆www.hepc.wvnet.edu


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