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By Charles Chupp and Ethel M. Doldge.

Published records of th e fioiius Cercospora iii S o u th ern Africa consist of a sm all n u m b e r o f descriptions of species on indigenous p la n ts a n d sc a tte re d references, in lists of p la n t diseases, to species on p la n ts in cultiv atio n . Ju d g in g from specim ens in th e C ryptogam ic H erb ariu m , P re to ria, th e la tte r have n o t alw ays l)een identified correctly. I n th e following pages 25 species on c u ltiv a te d p la n ts are listed ; these are m o stly cosm opolitan, or a t least occur com m only in tropical and sub tro p ical countries ; several are recorded for th e first tim e from S o u th ern Africa.

N o sy stem a tic collections have been m a d e o f fungi causing leaf spots on indigenous plants. Seven species of Cercospora were described by K alc h b ren n e r, Cooke a n d W in te r from m a te ria l collected by M acOw an a n d Medley W ood ; in la te r years, H . a n d P. Sydow described 10 species a n d Cercospora Oliniae w as described by V erw oerd a n d D ippenaar. A considerable q u a n tity of m a teria l in th e P re to ria H e rb a riu m h a d n o t been stu d ied ; u n fo rtu n a te ly m uch of this is in poor condition a n d could n o t be identified, b u t a n e x a m in a ­ tio n o f leaves w ith lesions on which acervuli of Cercospora h a v e d3veloped has revealed a nu m b e r of unrecorded species. I t h as been deem ed advisable, therefore, to bring to g e th e r all records of Cercospora spp. know n to occur in S o u th ern Africa.

I n th e following pages 75 species arc listed ; 25 occur on c u ltiv a te d p la n ts a n d th e rein ain d er on p la n ts indigenous to S ou th A frica ; of th e la tte r 18 were previously recorded from S o u th Africa, 21 are species know n in o th e r p a r ts of th e world an d 10 are described as new. The species are arran g e d in alp h ab e tic al order.

Cercospora Apii Fresen.

B eitrag e z. Mykol. 3 (1863), p. 91, Taf. X I, F igs. 46-54. .

on A p iu m graveolens L inn. var. d u k e D.C., C edara, N a ta l, 2099.

Cercospora arachidicola Hori.

A nn. E e p t. N iahigara Agric. E x p . S ta., Tokyo (1917), p. 26.

on Arachis hypogaea L inn., Gwebi a n d S alisbury, Eijles 4987, 5001 (R h. 481, 836, 212 2 ); B in d u ra , H o p kin s (Rh. 1619) ; M arandellas, H o p kin s (R h. 1474).

Cercospora Argyrolobii C hupp e t D oidge nov. spec.

Maculae am phigenae, p er folium irre g u la riter dispersae, irregulares vel an g u lata e, sordide bru n n ea e, m in u ta e v. effut^ae, b au d a c u tc definitae. Caespituli am phigeni, p lerum que epiphylli, m in u ti, laxe dispersi, atro-olivacei, in to m c n to d e a w folii absconditi. H y p o - s tro m a n ullum v. m in u tu m , sub epiderm ide in n a tu m , irre g u la riter r o tu n d a tu m , usque 4C /X d iam ., su b h y a lin u m , c o n te x tu n)olliusculo in d istin c te p are n ch y m a tic o . Conidiophora per s to m a ta folii em ergentia, b a u d vel plus m in u s fasciculata, pallide v. modice bruniipa, a d apicem pallidiora, crassitudine irregularia, d istin cte creboque se p ta ta , saepe a d se p ta co n stric ta , varie c u r v a ta v. to rtu o sa , ra ro geniculata, ram o sa , 20-100 p. longa, 4 - 6 - 5 /x crassa, cicatrice conidii m in u ta ad apicem o b tu se ro tu n d a tu m v. conicum p ra e d ita . Conidia pallide v. m odice olivaceo-brunnea, o b c la v a ta v. obclavato-cylindracea, breviora in te rd u m cylindracea, re c ta v. le n ite r c u rv a ta , distincte 3 -1 3 -se p ta ta , in te rd u m a d se p ta co n stricta , basi s u b tr u n c a ta vel a d basim obconice tr u n c a ta m sensim a t te n u a ta , apice p le ru m q u e o b tu sa , 15-110 p longa, 4 - 6 - 5 p crassa.

H a b . in foliis Argyrolobii W ib n sii H a rm s, N elspruit, leg. L. C. C. Liebenberg, 26075.


Cercospora Bauhiniae H . a n d P . Syd. Ann. Myc. 12 (1 9 U ), p. 202.

Cercospora latim aculans W akefield, K ew Bull. 1918, p. 210.

on B a u h in ia Gal'pini N .E . B r., leaves, Tzaneen, Liebenberg, 32734 ; N elspruit, Lieben-

berg, 26075 ; Schagen. Liebenberg, 32879.

Cercospora beticola Sacc.

N uovo Giorn. B ot. Ita l. 8 (1876), p. 189.

Cercospora flagelliform is Ell. e t H alsted , N. J e rse y Ann. K ept, for 1890 (1891), p. Soo. Cercospora Spinaciae O ud., Nederl. K ru id k . Arch. I l l , 2 (19(X)), 314.

Cercosporina spinacicola Sacc., N uov. Giorn. Bot. Ita l. N.S. 22 (1915), 73.

on Beta vulgaris L., leaves, P re to ria , 661, a n d N aude, 27574 ; P y ra m id s, Bottomley, 309 3 3 ; P o tch e fstro o m , 2 3 4 9 4 ; Schagen. Liebenberg, 26 1 8 0 ; K e n ta n i, Pegler

2389, 9429 ; N a ta l, w ith o u t locality, 1078 ; Cedara, Staples, 15430 ; M aritzburg, Erxleben, 17006, 17008; Thornville Ju n c tio n , Slatter, 2 3180; B loem fontein, Verwoerd ; Stellenbosch, van der B y l 1159 ; Stellenbosch, K uilsrivier, W ynberg,

D ieprivier, P a a rl a n d W ellington, Verwoerd] A vondale (R h. 7 1 1 ); S alisbury (R h. 1742).

Beta vulgaris L. var. Cicla L., P re to ria, Wager, 23218 a n d N aude, 27574.

Cercospora Byliana H. Syd. A nn. Myc. 22 (1924) 433.

on AU amanda cathartica L., leaves, Tzaneen, van der B y l 1508, Co-type, 34277.

Cercospora caffra H . e t P . Sydow. A nn. Myc. 12 (1914), 267.

on Sclerocarya caffra Sond., leaves, N elspruit, H all, 6618, Co-tvpe ; Schagen, Liebenberg, 26353.

Cercospora canescens Ell, e t M art.

A m erican N a tu r a lis t 16 (1882), 1001.

on Dolichos bijlorus L., leaves, S alisbury (Rh. 2143).

Dolichos sp., N elspruit, Liebenberg, 26070.

P haseolm vulgaris L., Salisbury, B yles 4999 (Rh. 1798, 1987).

R hodesian records fide H o p k in s in P roc. R hod. Sc. Ass. 35 (1938), 122. The n u m b e rs in parentheses, w ith th e le tte rs R h ., are th o se of th e Mycological H e rb a riu m of th e D e p a r t­ m e n t of A griculture, S alisbury, S o u th ern Rhodesia.

Cercospoia Caryae C hupp e t D oidge nov. spec.

M aculae am phigenae, p er folium plus m inus dense dispersae, irregulares, p rim itu s m in u tae , 0-5--2 m m . diam ., m o x confluentes, plus m inus eflfusae e t saepe m a g n am folii p a r te m occupantes, sordide b runneae, in epiphyllo ta n d e m ce n tro albicantes, saepe venulis foliii im ita ta e . Caespituli epiphylli, m in u ti, densi, laxe v. densiuscule dispersi, v ix per- picusl, atro-olivacei. H y p o s tro m a in n a to -eru m p en s, obscure v. olivaceo-brunneum , irregularit(ir ro tu n d a tu m , 15-60 /x d ia m ., laxe e cellulis ro tu n d ato -a n g u lo sis p lerum que s a t d istinctis, 4- 5 /a diam ., m e tie n tib u s com positum . C onidiophora dense caespitosa, sim plicia,


h a n d geniculata, su b rec ta, 15-80 loDf'a, 1 -4-septata, saepe ad se p ta co u stricta , basi pallide })ruiinea, 4 -6 /x la ta , in terd u iii usque 8 /x, apice obtuse r o tu u d a ta pallidiora v. su b hyalina. C ouidia Lyalina v. su b h y alin a, acicularia v. o b clav a ta, rec ta v. lenissime c u rv a ta , pluri- se p ta ta , 20-75 {i longa, basi tr u n c a ta v. s u b tr u n c a ta , 2*5-4 jx crassa, sursum ad apicem s u b a c u tu n i sensim a tte n u a ta .

H ab. in foliis Caryae P c w i Aschers, e t (rraebn., A lkrnaar, 25441 T vpe ; I’laston, leg. W ager, 28204.

Cercospora Cassinopsidis W int. Hedw igia 24 (1885), 34.

on Cassinopsis capensis Sond,, S om erset W est, MacOivan.

T ype specim en n o t seen.

Cercospora circumscissa Sacc.

F u n g i v en e ti novi vel critici, Ser. V. in N uovo Giorn. Hot. Ita l. V I I I (1876), 1 8 9 ;

F ung. Ita l. autograpliice delineati, Fig. 659 (1881).

on P ru n u s a viu m L., leaves, K ingw illiam stow n, Dreyer, 1187.

Cercospora Clerodendri Miyake.

B ot. Mag. Tokyo 27 (1913) 53, Tab. i. Figs. 20-21.

on Clerodendron mijricoidfi R. Br. var. cimecUum, N elspruit, Liebenberg, 26012.

The ty p e of th is species was n o t o b tainable, so t h a t th e diagnosis is n o t ab so lu te ly c e rta in ; th e fungus is d istin c t from C. B akeri Syd. a n d from C. Kashotoensis Y am .

Cercospora Cluytiae K alc h b r. e t Cooke. Grevillea 9 (1880), 24.

on Cliiytia pulchella L., leaves, S om erset E a st, MacOivan 1352, K ew, Type.

Cercospora coffeicola B erk, e t Cooke. G revillea 9 (1881), 99.

Cercospora Coffeae Zim m ., Ber. L an d . n. F o rstw irtsch . in D eutsch-O stafrika (1904) 35 Cercospora H errerana F a rn e ti, A tti 1st. B ot. di P a v ia 9 (1904), 13.

on Coffea sp., leaves, N elspruit, Liebenberg, 26022 ; Concession (R h. 907) ; U m tali (R h. 912, 2735, 2946).

Cercospora columnaris Ell. e t E verh,

P roc. Acad. N a t. Sci. Phil. (1894), F t. I l l , p. 380.

Isariopsis griseola Sacc., Michelia 1 (1878), 273.

Cercospora S tu h lm a n n i P . H en n ., Engl. B ot. J a h r b . 28 (1904), 40.

on Phaseolus vulgaris L., P re to ria , Doidge, 11387 ; B a rb e rto n , W atts, 15 ; W inkle S p ru it, Doidge, 2504 ; S o u th ern Rhodesia, H opkins.

Cercospora Commelynae K alchbr. e t Cooke. Grevillea 9 (1880) 24.

on Com m elina benghalensis L inn., S om erset E a s t, M acOwan 1346, K ew , Type.


Cercospora Corchori S aw ada.

Agric. E x p . S ta., F o rm o sa 1 (Special Bull. 19) (1919) 37, 667.

on Corchorus tridens Liiin., N elspruit, Liehenberg, 26001, 26309.

Cercospora Corchori has hyaline, acicular conidia. In th e o th e r species of Cercospora on th is ho st genus conidia are coloured, n o t acicular.

Cercospora cruenta Sacc. Michelia 2 (1880), 149.

on Phaseohis vulgaris L inn., Cedara, Staples, 15428 ; P o tc h jfstro o n i, 23497 ; S o u th ern R hodesia, H opkins.

Cercospora Curtisiae C hupp e t D oidge nov. spec.

M aculae am phigenae, distinctissim ae, irre g u la riter sparsae, suborbiculares v. irregulare.s, saepe a n g u lata e, 2 - 4 m m . d ia m ., obscure castaneo- v. p u rp u re o -b ru n n ea e, saepe venulis folii lim ita ta e , n o n n u n q u a m zonula ru fo -b ru n n e a circ u m d a tae . Caespituli sem per hypo- phylli. C onidiophora in te rd u m dense fasciculata, in h y p o stro m a te ro tu n d a to obscure bru n n eo v. fere a tro , 20-60 ft diam ., in d istin c te p are n c h y m a tic o o rta, p le ru m q u e solitaria in hy p h is ram osis p ro c u m b e n tib u s o riunda, su b h y a lin a v. pallide olivacea, c o n tin u a, 15-70 /x longa, 2*5-4 crassa, raro s e p ta ta v. geniculata, apice o btuse ro tu n d a ta , h a u d a t te n u a ta , cicatricibus apicalibus conidiorum m in u tis. Conidia su b h y a lin a v. pallide olivacea, obcla- vato -c y lin d rac ea , re c ta v. le n ite r c u rv a ta , obscure p lu rise p ta ta , basi obconice tr u n c a ta , apice conica v. ob tu sa , 20-75 ft longa, 2*5-4 ix craasa.

H a b . in foliis Curtisiae fagineae A it., K n y sn a, leg. R einecke, 32077.

Cercospora delicatissima K alchbr. e t Cooke. G revillea 9 (1880), 24.

Asteroina p u llu m K alc h b r. in v o n Thiim en, F lo ra 59 (1875), 380.

on P riva M eyeri J a u b . e t Spach. ( = P riva dentata Ju ss.) B oschberg, M acO wan 1109, 22013, Kew.

The spores of th is species are hyaline, as shown by th e ty p e a t K ew a n d th e co-type a t B erlin a n d P re to ria ; i t m u s t therefore be tra n sfe rre d to th e genus Cercosporella as Cerco- sporella delicatissima (K alchbr. e t Cooke) C hupp nov. com b.

Cercospora Demetrionana W int. H edw igia 23 (1884) 170.

on Crotalaria itUermedia K l., N elspruit, Liehenberg, 25970.

Crotalaria juncea L inn., N elspruit, Liebenberg, 26676,

Cercospora Dissotidis C hupp e t Doidge nov. spec.

C aespituli sem per hypophylli, sine m aculis sed decolorationes griseolas v. brunneolas in d e te rm in a ta s in te rd u m efficientes, ple ru m q u e dense ag g re g ati e t greges irre g u la riter angu- latos, 2 -1 0 m m . longos fo rm a n te s, olivacei v. olivaceo-brunnei, in te r pilos stellatoa folii absconditi. H y p o stro m a n u llu m . Conidiophora p le ru m q u e h a u d fasciculata, solitaria, in Lyphis ram osis, p ro cu m b e n tib u s o riunda, 10-70 /x longa, crassitudine irregularia, 4 -6 /x crassa, pallide olivacea v. fuliginea, p arc e se p ta ta , raro geniculata, apice o b tu se r o tu n d a ta , cicatrice unica conidii apicali p a rv u la p ra e d ita . Conidia pallide v. pallidissim e fuliginea, cylindracea, re c ta v. le niter c u r v a ta , 1-5 -p le ru m q u e 3 -sep ta ta , basi sensim obconice a t t e n u ­ a t a , apice o b tu sa , 20-55 longa, 4*5-6 /x crassa.


Cercospora Dovyalidis C hupp e t D oidge dov. spec.

Maculae am phigenae, distinctissim ae, irre g u la riter sparsae, p rim itu s orbiculares v. ellipticae, dein in te rd u n i irregulares, 5-1 2 m m . d iam ., su b a cu te definitae, d istin cte zonatae, zonulis irre g u la riter concentricis brunneolo-griseis usque atro-brunneis, in hypophyllo b au d raro linea elev a ta lim itatis. Caespituli am pbigeni, densi v. densissim i, in hypophyllo m agis evoluti, p er m aculas irre g u la riter dispersi. H y p o stro m a in e t sub epiderm ide in n a tu m , b rev iter cylindraceum , 15-60 /i, diam ., erum pens, p are n ch y m a tic e e cellulis angulatis, 2*5-5 fjL crassis. 5 - 7 - 5 /x longis, pallide olivaceo-brunneis corapositum . Conidia in cellulis superioribus h y p o s tro m a tu m leniter elongatis, 12-15 n vel u sq u e 30 fx, longis, basi pallide olivaceo-brunneis ca. 4 /x crassis, Aursum leniter a tte n u a tis e t pallidioribus, sim plicibus, rectis, h a u d sep tatis, cicatricibus indistinctis oriunda. Conidia su b h y a lin a v. pallide olivacea, filiform i-cylindracea, recta, c u r v a ta v. u n d u la ta , m o x non, m o x apicem conice a c u tu m versuh lenissime a tte n u a ta , p lu rise p ta ta , h a u d co n stricta, ad basim tr u n c a ta m v. s u b tr u n c a ta m non v. sensim obconice a tte n u a ta , 35-95 fj, longa, 2*5-4 /x crassa.

H a b . in foliis D ovyalidis Zeyheri W a rb ., prope P re to ria , leg. Doidge, 7398.

Cercospora egenula (H. Syd.) C hupp e t Doidge nov. comb.

Cercosepioria egenula H . Sydow, Ann. Myc. 33 (1935), 235.

on Solanum fa n d u m efo rm e E. Mey., N elspruit, Liebenberg, 25999, Co-type.

The genus Cercosepioria is based on “ dense fascicles o f v e ry sh o rt conidiophores ” or alm o st sessile conidia. The length of th e conidiophore is such a relativ e th in g t h a t fully h a lf of th e proposed species m ig h t be d o ubtful. C onsequently all Cercosepioria species w ith coloured conidiophores are considered by th e senior a u th o r (C. Chupp) as being Cercospora spp.

Cercospora Faureae C hupp e t Doidge nov. spec.

M aculae suborbiculares, 2 - 8 m m . d iam ., fusco-cinerascentes, linea p u rp u re a usque b ru n n e a cinctae, n o n n u n q u a m zonatae. Caespituli epiphylli, m in u ti, a tri, perspicui, oculo nu d o visibiles. S tro m a ta p ro m in e n tia , globulosa, a tra , 50-200 n d iam . Conidiophora densissim e fasciculata medie usque obscure olivaceo-brunnea, colore aequalia, crassitudine irregularia, parce a e p ta ta , sim plicia, h a u d geniculata, varie c u r v a ta v. flexa, apice o b tu se r o tu n d a ta , 10-45 /x longa 3*5-5 fj, crassa. Conidia pallidissim e olivacea, cylindracea, rec ta V. su b rec ta, 3 -5 -s e p ta ta , basi obconice tr u n c a ta , apice o b tu sa , 20-50 /x longa, 3 - 5 /x crassa.

H ab . in foliis FaUreae speciosae, Concession, S. R hodesia, leg. J . C. H o p k in s (R h. 1620).

The p ro m in e n t s tr o m a ta a n d v e ry dense fascicles resem ble so m e w h at Cercospora

Protearum Cooke, b u t in Cooke’s species th e conidia are m e d iu m d a r k olivaceous an d

m easure 30-65 X 6-8 /x. The tw o fungi differ also in o th e r characteristics.

Cercospora Fici H eald e t Wolf. Mycologia 3 (1911), 16.

? Cercospora Fici-Caricae S aw ada, D ept. Agr. Res. In s t. F o rm o sa 11 (1922), 151.

Cercospora Jicicola v. B ond-M ont., A cta In st. B ot. Acad. Sci. U R S S. I I , 3 (1936), 755.

on F ic u s Sycom orus L., N elspruit, Liebenberg, 26345.

T his collection has sh o rte r conidia th a n th e ty p e , b u t in o th e r respects resem bles it.

Cercospora fukushiana (M atsuura) Y am . J o u r n . P la n t P ro te c tio n 14 (1927), 699.

Cercosporina fu k u sh ia n a M a tsu u ra, Trans. T a tto ri Soc. Agr. Sci. J a p a n 1 (-1928), 83.


Cercospora {usimaculans A tk.

J o u n i. E lish a Mitchell Sc. Soc. 8, P t. 2 (1892), 18.

Cercospora P a n ic i Davis, Trans. Wise. Acad. Sci. 19 (1919), Pt. 2, p. 714.

? Cercospora Panici-m iliacei S aw ada, D escriptive catalogue F o rn io sau F ungi V, D ep t. Agr. Res. In s t., F orm osa, K ept. 51 (1931), 131.

on Brachiaria serrafa S tapf, K aalfontein, Pole E vans, ](X)81.

Cercospora grandissima R ang.

Bol. Agric., Sao P aulo (1915), 322.

on Dahlia p in n a ta Cav., Salisbury, S. R hodesia, H opkins, (Kli. 507) 34259.

Cercospora guliana Sacc.

A nn. Myc. 11 (1913), 565.

Cercospora A m ygdali Riza, Bull. Soc. Myc. F r. 36 (1920) 191.

on P ru n u s com m unis F ritsch , K lerksdorp, 7 7 9 ; w ith o u t locality, Thomsen, 1177;

L ouw screek, Bradbtiri/, 24891 ; K irkwood, K nights-R ayson, 26634.

Cercospora H aem anthi K alchbr. Grevillea 9 (1880), 24.

on llaem anthus m ugnificus H erb ., P re to ria, Pole E vans, 1203 ; G arstfontein, P re to ria d istrict, Doidge, 1378 ; Buffelspoort, M arikana, Doidge, 28615.

H aem anthus natalensis P ap p e, M aritzburg, Doidge, 867.

H aem anthus puniceus L inn., B oschberg, M acOwan 1020, Tyj)e (H erb. S. Afr. Mus.

35105) ; N a ta l, M edley Wood ; K en ta n i, Pegler 2400, 2’i9<S, 9772, 9738.

Cercospora Halleriae C hupp e t Doidge nov. spec.

Maculae p er folium irre g u la riter dispersae, plerum que irregulares e t plus m inus angu- la tae , 2 -5 m m . d iam ., venulis folii lim ita ta e , in epiphyllo a c u te definitae, obscure rufo- v. p u rp u re o -b ru n n ea e, in hypophyllo indistinctae, v. plus m inus brunneolae. Caeapituli hypophylli, m in u ti, v ix perspicui. C onidiophora ca. 2-15 fasciculatim a d basim sub- stro m a tic e c o n ju n cta , p er s to m a ta em ergentia, pallide v. pallidissim e olivaceo-brunnea p le ru m q u e sim plicia, raro ram osa, parce se p ta ta , re c ta v. plus m inus to rtu o sa , h au d geni cu la ta , apice conica, cicatrice conidii apicali m in u ta p ra e d ita , 10-35 fi longa, 2 -4 yx craasu- Conidia o b clav a ta, sub h y a lin a , re c ta v. leniter c u rv a ta , obscure se p ta ta , basi r o tu n d a ta v, obconice tr u n c a ta , apice conice a c u ta , 15-70 fx longa, 1 -5 -3 ix crassa.

H ab. in foliis Halleriae Incidae Linn., B a rb e rto n , leg. P. A. v a n d er Byl, 7377.

Cercospora heterom alla H , Syd.

Ann. Myc. 22 (1924), 433.

on R ubus rosaefolius Sm ., W oodbush, van der B y l 1533, Co-type.

Cercospora insulana (Sacc.) C hupp nov. com b.

Cercosporina in sid a n a Sacc. N uovo Giorn. B ot. Ita l. N.S. 22 (1915), 74. Cercospora Staticis L obik, Boiezni R a st. (Morbi P la n ta ru m ) 17 (1928), 195.


Cercospora Jussieuae A tk.

Jo u rii. E lisha Mitch. Sc. Soc. 8, P t. 2 (1892) 18.

Cercospora Jussieuae-repent is S aw ada, D escriptive C atalogue of th e F o rm o san

F ungi IV, D ep t. Agr. Res. In st. F orm osa, R opt. 35 (1988), 108.

on Ju ssiem i suffruticosa L. var, angusti,folia L ain., N elspruit, Liehenberg, 26315.

Cercospora Kiggelariae H . Syd. Ami. Myc. 22 (1924) 434.

on Kiggelaria africana L inn., Stellenbosch, B ra in (van d er Byl 1449) co-type ; S tellen ­ bosch, Verwoerd (van d e r B yl 2 6 7 7 ); Schagen, Liehenberg, 26315.

Cercospora Leoni S avul e t Rayas.

R e v u e P a th . Veg. an d E n to m . Agric. 22 (1935) 222.

on V ilis vinifera Linn, (sultana) U pington, Hugo, 33 1 5 5 ; M archand, K a k a m a s ,

Valentin, 33898 ; U pington, du Plessis (Stell. 1045,'1046).

Mr. E. W. M ason o f th e Im p eria l Mycological I n s titu te ex am ined No. 33155 a n d w rote : “ I th in k t h a t No. 33155 can be included in th is species {Cercospora Leoni). T he diagnosis gives th e spores as 0 - , th e n 1 - 2 -, rarely 3 -sep tate, 18-40 X 6 - 5 -7 fi. The S o u th A frican m a teria l is usually l- s e p ta te , rarely 2-septate, 14-25 X 5 *5-8 /x. Cercospora now includes species w ith free conidiophores, sporodochia, sy n n e m a ta like th is specim en, a n d acervuli. I th in k it i^ b est to conform to th is c u rre n t opinion.”

F iv e species of Cercospora have been described on V itis vinifera which are identical or nearly rela te d

Cercospora v itip h y lh (Speschnew) B a rb a rin e (reference n o t found). Cercospora Roesleri (C attan.) S accardo, Michelia 2 (1880), 128. Cercospora Leoni S avul e t R ayss, I.e.

Cercospora coryneoides S avul e t R ayss, I.e. Cercospora F uckelii J a c z (citation n o t know n).

All of these resem ble closely th e fungus nam ed Septosporiuni heterosporum b y Ellis a n d Galloway. T hey also resem ble species of C oryneum ; Speschnew (F ungi Transcapici e t T u rk estan i) n am ed his fungus C oryneum vitiphyllum . I f th is fungus on V itis vinifera is to be regarded as a Cercospora, it could well be Cercospora L eoni, b u t th e senior a u th o r (Ch. Chupp) is inclined to consider som e o th e r genus th a n Cercospora a n d w ould be willing to leave it u n d e r th e nam e proposed by Ellis a n d Galloway.

Cercospora Leonotidis Cooke.

Grevillea 8 (1879), 72.

on Leonotis leonitis R. Br., In aiid a, M edley Wood 5.

T he p o rtio n of th e collection M edley Wood o in th e P re to ria H e rb a riu m , No. 10175, is P accinia Leucadis on Leucas m artinicensis ; it w ould a p p e a r t h a t a m ixed collection has been d is trib u te d u n d e r th is n u m b e r.

Cercospora Liebenbergii II. Syd.

A nn. Myc. 33 (1935) 235.


Cercospora malayensis 8te v . e t 8olh.

Mycologia 23 (1931), 394.

on H ibiscus cannnbim is Linn., Schaweu, Liebenherfi, 2H3r2 ; N elspruit, Liebenberg, 26674 ; Saliaburv, S. Rhotleaia, H opki)ts (Rh. 1233) ; Siiioia, H o p kin s (Rb. 548) ; S h am v a , H o p kin s (R h. 1252).

No. 26312 resenil)les th e ty p e more closely th a n does 26674, which has sh o rter, slightly narrow er conidiophores an d conidia th a n th e tv])e, h u t it nuiy l>e a less m a tu re specim en.

Cercospora m elaena II. Syd. Ann. Myc. 22 (1924), 431.

on F lem ingia Grahnmimui an d A., W oodhush, m n der litjl h')22, Co-tvpo, a n d

D o i d g e , ^ m \ .

Cercospora m elanochaeta I‘j11. e t E verh. Proc. Acad. N at. Sci. I'hil. (1894), 38t).

on Ggmnosporia buxifolia Szysz., \'e ru la m , van der B yL 6946 ; K en ta n i, Pegier 2405, 9771 ; Schagen, Liebenberg, 2 6350; Kscoml>e, H ean, 33214.

Cercospora Momordicae McRae.

Ann. C rypt. E x o t. 2 (1929), 267.

Cercospora Chardoniana Chupp, M onographs Univ. P orto Rico 2 (1934), 245. Cercospora Momordicae Mendoza, P hilippine Jo u ru . Sci. 75 (1941), 173.

on Momordica foetida Schum . a n d T hom ., K en ta n i, Pegler 24oo, 11679.

Cercospora Musae Z im m erm ann.

C entralbl. f. B a k t. I I , 8 (1902), 219.

Cercospora M usae Massee, K ew Bull. (1914), 159.

on M tisa sp., G ondola, M opam bique (Rh. 5766), 34275.

Cercospora m yrticola Speg.

Ann. Soc. Cientif. A rgent. 17 (1884), 167.

Cercospora M y rti E riks., B idr. till. K an e d . Odl. V a x t. S zukdom ar. S tockholm

(1885), 79. [See also Trans. B rit. Myc. Soc. 6 (1919), 157.]

on M yrtu s com m unis L inn., Blauw vlei, W ellington, Doidge, 2066 ; Hopefield van

der B y l 1327.

Cercospora Nicotianae Ell. e t E v erh .

P roc. Acad. N a t. Sci. Phil. (1893), 170,

on N icotiana T a b a ^im L inn., Swaziland, Gray, 894 ; Zom ba, N yasaland, det. M ason ; S alisbury, S o u th ern R hodesia, H o p kin s (R h. 532, 1801, 1803, 3786) ; E ldorado,

H o p kin s (R h. 1767); T relaw ney, H o p kin s (R h. 3304).

Cercospora oblecta H. Syd. Ann. Myc. 33 (1935), 235.


Cercospora occidentalis Cooke. H edw igia 17 (1878), 39.

Cercospora -personata (B. a n d C.) Ellis var. occidentalis Bork. e t Cooke, Grevillea 3

(1874), 106.

Cercospora P aulensis P. H eiin., H edw igia 48 (1908), 18.

Cercospora sonmlensis Curszi, Bol. R. Staz. P atol. Veget. n.s. 12 (1932), 158. Cercosporitm oci-identalic (Cooke) Sacc. Syll. F ung. 25 (1931), 1906.

Cladosporium personatum B erk, e t C urt. var. Cassiae T h u m ., Myc. U niv. No. 1964. Raynularia cassiaecola H eald e t Wolf, U.S. D ept. Agric. Bur. P la n t In d ., Bull. 226

(1912), 101.

on Cassia delagdensis H a rv ., N elspruit, Liebenherg, 2 6033; Schagen, Liebenberg, 26352, 32881.

Cercospora Oliniae Verw. e t D ipp.

S o u th Afric. J o u r n . Sci. 27 (1930), 326.

on O linia cymosa T h u n b ., Stellenbosch, D ippenaar (van der Byl 2583), Co-type.

Cercospora omphacodes Ell. e t Holw. J o u r n . Myc. 1 (1885), 5.

Cercospora Phlogina Peck, New Y ork S ta te Mus. Bull. 150 (1911), 24.

on P hlox D rum m ondi H k ., C raniond, H ill, 6836.

Cercospora Pachycarpi C hupp e t Doidge nov. spec.

M aculae aniphigenae satis perspicuae, sordide b ru n n ea e, a n g u lata e, p rim itu s oblongae,

6-12 X 2-5 -3 ram ., venulis folii llm ita ta e , deinde plus m inus confiuentes, irregulares e t saepe m a g n a m folii p a r te m occupantes. Caespituli am phigeni, p le ru m q u e epiphylli, laxe dispersi, obscure olivacei, m in u ti. H y p o stro m a m in u tu m vel usque 60 /x diam ., in p a r te basali subepiderm ali e cellulis laxe p are n ch y m a tic is ro tu n d a to -a n g u la tis, 5-7*5 /x diam ., com positum ; cellulae in superiore p a r te cylindrice p er sto m a em ergentes, valde elongatae, pallidiores, ca. 2 5 /x crassae, in conidiophora trea n seu n tes. Conidiophora plus m inus dense faaciculata, crassitudine irregularia, in te rd u m cla v a ta , pellucide olivaceo-brunnea, a d apicem h a u d pallidiora, re c ta v. to rtu o sa , parce sed distin cte se p ta ta , raro geniculata,

10-35 fi longa, 5 - 7 - 5 p, crassa, cicatricibus conidiorum apicalibus v. subapicalibus, unicis v. p lu rib u s in quoque conidiophoro p ra e d ita . Conidia pallide olivacea, o b clav a ta, re c ta v. leniter c u rv a ta , obscure p lu rise p ta ta , basi obconice t r u n t a t a , apice su b o b tu sa, 40-130 p longa, 4-5 -6 /x crassa.

H a b . in foliis P achycarpi S ch in zia n i N .E . B r., W onderboom prope P re to ria, leg. 1'. A. v an d er Byl, 2208.

Cercospora Pareirae Speg.

Ann. Mus. Nac. B uenos Aires 20 (1910), 440.

on Cissampelos m ucronata A. R ich., Schagen, Liebenherg, 26314.

Cercospora Persicariae Y am .

J o u r n . Trop. Agric. F orm osa 6 (1934), 605.

?on Polygonum tonientosum W illd., Nels R ivier nr. N elspruit, Liebenberg, 26011.


Cercospora personata (Berk, e t Curt.) Ellis. J o u r n . Myc. 1 (1885), 63.

on Arachis hi/pogaea Liiiu., S k in n e r’s C ourt, 993, 1287 ; H a rte b e e s tp o o rt E x p t. S ta.,

Sellschop, 32136, 32137 ; Crecy, Sellschop, 30619 ; N elspruit, Liehenherg, 26675 ;

I m m e rp a n , Steen, 25364 ; B a rb e rto n , Parsons, 25363 ; N o rth e rn F la ts, Z>ms, 2 5924; C edara, Staples, 17060; M aritzburg, Erxlehen, 15447; Sao P aulo, M opam bique, Howard, 978.

Cercospora phaeocarpa M itter. Ann. Myc. 35 (1937), 239.

on B a u k in ia T h o n n in g ii S chum ., Concession, Ho})kins (Rli. 1621), 34265.

This collection ex a ctly resem bles th e ty p e , w hich is on leaves of B a u h in ia sp., M ajhgaw an, In d ia. I t has been agreed by th e senior a u th o r (Ch. Chupp) a n d by Mr. E . W. Mason of th e Im p eria l Mycological In s titu te , K ew , t h a t all species w ith thick-w alled conidia, especially if th e y are dark-coloured a n d closely se p ta te , should be classed as H elm inthosporium .

Cercospora phaeocarpa should therefore be tra n sfe rre d to th e genus H ehninthosporm m ;

it is quite d istin c t from C. B auhiniae.

Cercospora Pouzolziae H. Syd. Ann. Myc. 33 (1935), 236.

on PouzoJzia hy'poleuca W edd., N elspruit, Liehenherg, 26013, Co-type.

Cercospora pretoriensis C hupp e t Doidge nov. spec.

Maculae am phigenae, irre g u la riter sparsae, suborbiculares, 2-6 m m . diam . saepe 2 vel 3 ju x ta p o sita e e t plus m inus confluentes, in epiphyllo distinctissiniae centro palUde b runneae V. sordide griseae, zonula plus m inus la ta ru b ra v. ru fo -b ru n n e a c irc u m d a tae , in hypophyllo m in u s perspicuae zonula pallidiore. C aespituli epiphylli, per m a cu la m dense v. irre g u la riter dispersi, punctiform es, non vel vix confluentes, atro-olivacei, singuli subinde t a n tu m hypo- phylli. H y p o stro m a in n a tu m , olivaceo-brunneum , irre g u la riter ro tu n d a tu m , 15-60 /x diam ., plus m inus erum pens, co n te c tu molliusculo, ind istin cte p are n ch y m a tic o , e cellulis a n g u la to -ro tu n d a tis ca. 4 -5 /x diam . m e tie n tib u s com positum . Conidiophora dense caespi- toaa, in faaciculis olivaceo-brunnea, singula pallide fuliginea, sim plicia, se p ta ta , cylindracea, apicem o b tu se r o tu n d a tu m versus a t te n u a ta e t pallidiora, plus m inus c u r v a ta v. to rtu o sa , raro a b r u p te geniculata, 10-100 /i longa, 3 -5 fx crassa. Conidia h yalina, a n g u ste cylindracea v. subacicularia, rec ta v. leniter c u rv a ta , iu terd u m subfalcata, p lu rise p ta ta , 30-90 /x longa, basi s u b tr u n c a ta , 2--4 fx la ta, su rsu m h a u d vel seiisim a tte n u a ta , apice su bobtusa.

H a b . in foliis Gom'phrenae decumbeniis J a c q . vqr. genuinae S tuchlik, A rcadia, P re to ria , 6593 T ype e t 775 ; S k in n er’s C ourt, P re to ria, 1937 ; D o u k erp o o rt, P re to ria di.'^trict, leg. Doidge e t B o tto m le y , 32789 ; Schagen, log. Liebenberg, 26316.

Cercospora Protearum Cooke. Grevillea 12 (1883), 39.

Cercospora Protearum var. Leucosperm i Cooke, I.e. Cercospora Protearum v ar. Leucadendri Cooke, I.e.

o n Leucosperm um conocarpum R. Br., H o t t e n t o t ’s H olland, M acO wan 14i)6 (R anenh, F u n g . E u r. 3589) 3929, K ew ; St. Ja m e s , Pole E vans, 5570 ; Stellenbosch.

D uthie (van d e r B yl 62).

Leucadendron argenteiim R. Br., T able Mt., Cape, M acOivan 1467, Kew ; K irsten -

bosch, Pearson, 8354.


Cercospora psychotriaecola C hupp e t D oidge nov. spec.

Maculae u triiiq u e perspicuae, sparsae, p le ru m q u e foliorum niargiiiibus occupantes, suborbiculares v. irregulares, saepe venulis folii lim ita ta e e t tu n c angulosae, 3 - ^ m m . diam ., ca sta n eo -b ru n n eae , iu te rd u m zonula plus m inus la ta pallide v iridula c irc u m d a tae . Caespituli hypophylli, grisei v. olivacei, p er to ta n i m a cu la m densiuscule dispersi. H y p o s tr o m a in fra s to m a ta subepiderm ide in n a tu m , irre g u la riter r o tu n d a tu m , 55-85 ft d iam ., erum pens, in p a r te basali p are n ch y m a tic e e cellulis opace brunneis indistinctib com posita, cellulae in superiore p a r te olivaceae, elongatae, 2*5-4 /u, crassae, in conidiophora tra n se u n te s. Coni- dio p h o ra dense s tip a ta , divergentia, dilu te olivacea, apicem versus pallidiora, crassitu d in e a liq u a n to irregularia, parce se p ta ta , b a u d geniculata, sim plicia, re c ta v. c u r v a ta , apice o b tu se ro tu n d a ta , 5-4 5 fx longa, 2 -4 fx crassa. Conidia su b h y a lin a v. dilu te olivacea, a n g u ste o b clav a ta, apicem versus le niter a t te n u a ta , obscure p lu rise p ta ta , re c ta v. c u rv a ta , basi obco n ice -tru n c ata , apice su b a cu ta , 40-120 fx longa, 2 -4 /x crassa.

H ab . in foliis Psychotriae capensis V atke, in sylvis M am batini prope N elsp ru it, leg. A. 0 . D. Mogg, 32773.

Cercospora punctiformis Sacc. e t R oum .

R ev. Myc. 3 (1881), 39.

Cercospora Vincetoxici E ll e t E v erh ., Jo u rn . Myc. 8 (1902), 73.

on C ynanchum natalitium Schlecht., Isipingo, Doidge, 6642.

This specim en resem bles th e original in ev ery p a rtic u la r, e x c ep t t h a t th e conidia are longer, 30-100 X 3 - 4 /x, as co m p ared w ith 20-55 X 3 - 4 fi.

Cercospora Resedae F uck. Sym b. Myc. (1869), 353.

on Reseda odoraia L inn., K en ta n i, Pegler 2S90, 9428, K ew ; B a rb e rto n , 439 ; Hopefield,

van der B y l 1272.

Cercospora Rhoicissi H . e t P. Sydow. Ann. Myc. 10 (1912), 444.

on Rhoicissus erythrodes (Fres.) P lan c h ., B a rb e rto n , L ounsbury, 1275, Co-type.

Cercospora riachueli Bpeg.

An. Soc. Cientif. A rgent. 9 (1880), 38.

on Cissus sp., Schagen, Liebenberg, 26178.

T his is like th e ty p e , ex c ep t t h a t th e conidia are longer a n d do n o t average as wide. I t is n o t like Cercospora Cissi-japonicae H ori, which h as wider conidia a n d m u c h longer conidiophores.

Cercospora richardiaecola Atk.

J o u r n . E lish a M itchell Sc. Soc. 8, Irt. 2 (1892), 19.

on Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng., P re to ria , Bottomley, 14269; Salisbury, S. R hodesia (R h. 1214).

Zantedeschia angustiloba (Schott.) E ngl., P re to ria, Bottomley, 14271. Zantedeschia R e h n a n n i E ngl., P re to ria , Bottomley, 14270.


Cercospora ricinella Sacc. e t Berk.

A tti R . 1st. V enito Sci., L e tt, ed A rti, 6 ser., I l l (1885), 711.

on R ic in m connm inis Liim ., N elspruit, Liebenberg, 26010.

Cercospora rubro-tincta Ell. e t E verh. Jo u rn . Myc. 3 (1887), 20.

Cercos'pora consohrina Ell. e t E verh., J o u r u . Myc. 3 (1887), 19.

on F ru n u s 'persica Sieb. e t Zucc., l^otchefs'trooni, 23496.

Cercospora scitula H . Syd. A nn. Myc. 33 (1935), 236.

on A n n o n a senegalensis Pers., N elspruit, Liebenberg, 26027.

Cercospora Sesami Zim m .

Ber. L a n d .— u. F o rstw irtsch . D eutsch-O atafrik. (190-1), 28,

on Ceraiotheca triloba E. Mey., Schagen, Liebenberg, 26179.

Pretrea zanguebarica J , Gay, N elspruit, Liebenberg, 26048.

This fungus closely resem bles th e ty p e , b u t cross inoculations should be m ade from

S esam um to Ceraiotheca a n d Pretrea.

Cercospora Solani-melongenae Chupp.

Cercospora Solani-melongenae H ori nom . nud.

Maculae arnphigenae, p er folium irre g u la riter diopersae, subinde 2 vel 3 ju x ta p o sita e e t plus m inus confluentes, suborbiculares, rufo-brum ieae, n o n n u n q u a m zonula in d istin c ta obscuriori m a rg in ata e, centro d em u m arescentes. Caespituli am phigeni, laxe v. densiuscule dispersi, olivacei, m inuti. H y p o stro m a in e t sub epiderm ide iim ato-erum pens, irre g u la riter globosum , obscure b ru n n e u m , p are n ch y m a tic e e cellulis roteundato-angulosis, ca. 3 -5 /z d iam . com positum . C onidiophora densissim e, caespitosa, in fasciculo olivaceo-brunnea, singularia dilu te olivacea, apicem versus pallidiora, crassitudine aequalia v. irregularia, co n tin u a v. parce se p ta ta , sem per sim plicia, h a u d geniculata, rec ta v. leniter c u rv a ta , apice o b tu sa V . conoidea, saepe l)revissima, 5 -3 0 longa, 3 -5 fx crassa. Conidia su b h y a lin a v. d ilu te olivacea, obclavato-cylindracea, re c ta v. lenissime c u rv a ta , 3 -7 -se p ta ta , basi sub- t r u n c a ta v. obconica, apice conica v. obtusa, 30 -4 0 fj. longa, 3 -5 crassa.

H a b . in foliis So la n i melongenae, J a p a n , leg. Hori.

Cercospora Solani-melongenae H o ri is a n om en n u d u m , which was w ith d raw n b y H ori

in fa v o u r o f C. M elongenae Welles. The p a rtic u la rs are given by A re ta I d e ta in th e “ S upple­ m e n t to H a n d b o o k of th e P la n t Diseases of J a p a n I I (1926), pp. 9 9 6 -7 .” W elles’ species h as hyaline acicular conidia a n d in no w ay resem bles H o ri’s collection, which was d istrib u te d to various herb a ria . The above description is based on th e p o rtio n of H o ri’s collection to be fo u n d a t W a shington, D,C, H o ri’s species is identical w ith th e fungus collected on the N a ta l coast, which m a y now be n a m e d :—

Cercospora Solani-melongenae C hupp.

on S olanum M elongena L. v ar, esculentum Nees, C avendish, N a ta l, Wager, 34107

Cercospora Sorghi Ell. e t E v erh . J o u r n . Myc, 3 (1887), 15.


Cymbo'poyon excavahis S tap f, Wolwekloof, Bottomley, 29953 ; Schagen, Liebenberg,


T he S o u th A frican fungus resem bles th e ty p e fairly closely, b u t th e conidiophores a n d conidia are slightly sm aller th a n in m a n y collections.

Cercospora sphaeroidea Speg.

A nal. Soc. Cientif. A rgentina If) (1883), 169.

on Cassia deUiyoensis H a rv ., U m belusi, M opambique, Hoicard, 522.

Cercospora Stizolobii H. e t V . Sydow. Ann. Myc. ]1 (1913), 270.

Cercospora M ucunae-ferrugineae Y am om oto, Trans. Sauporo N a t. H ist. Soc. 13

(1934), 141.

on Stizolobium Deeringianum B ort., Salisbury, H opkins (R h. 5302), 33969.

Cercospora transvaalensis H. Syd. Ann. Myc. 33 (1935), 237.

on A calypha petiolaris H o ch st., N elspruit, Liebenberg, 26002, Co-type.

Cercospora Tremae (Stev. e t Solh.) C hupp nov. com b.

Ragnhildiana Tremae S tev. e t Solh., Mycologia 23 (1931), 405.

on Trem a guineensis (Schum.) F icalho, D u rb a n , Doidge, 1671.

Cercospora Violae Sacc.

N uovo Giorn. B ot. Ita l. 8 (1876), 187.

on Viola odoraia L inn., P re to ria , Faure, 884, Pole E vans, 6678 a n d Wagci 21580 ; P o tch e fstro o m , 23 4 9 5 ; B a rb e rto n , 4 4 0 ; F o r t H are, Lyle, 25422, I d u ty w a ,

Im ra y , 22 3 4 3 ; C ram ond, Pole E vans, 1497 ; D o nnybrook, M organ, 28 6 1 0 ;

Salisbury, Eyles 2098, 14015; Lourenpo M arques, Howard, 951 ; Salisbury,

H o p kin s (R h. 1314, 1602), Kew. Viola tricolor L inn., C larem ont, Cape, 741.

Cercospora Vitis (Lev.) Sacc.

F u n g . Ita l, a u t. del., ta b . 671 (1881).

Cercospora viticola (Ces.) Sacc., Syll. F ung. 4 (1886), 458, a n d m a n y oth«ir synonym s.

on V itis vinifera L inn., P re to ria , Bottomley, 32636 ; V aalw ater, W a te rb e rg , Farrant, 30765 ; B uffelspoort, Bottomley, 32701, M iddelburg, Tvl., 612 ; K ingw illiam stow n,

M olly, 462, 1182, 1173 ; V erulam , Jam es, 33299 ; Eshow e, Pole E vans, 2025 ;

Ezulw eni, Swaziland, Douglas, 26378 ; M odder R iver, Dreyer, 283 ; K e n ta n i,

Pegler, 9 7 4 0 ; Gwelo (Rh. 2 0 4 8 ); S alisbury (R h. 1535, 1988, 1820).

Cercospora W ithaniae Syd. A nn. Myc. 10 (1912), 444.

on W ithania som nifera D u n ., Bluff, D u rb a n , Doidge, 1672, Co-type.

Cercospora Zizyphi F etc h .

Ann. R oy. B ot. G ard. P e ra d in y a 4, P t. 5 (1909), 306.



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