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ISSN: 1311-1728 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-8060 (on-line version) doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.12732/ijam.v33i2.2


BUILD ON COUPLED-α-ADMISSIBILITY Wasfi Shatanawi1,2, Kamaleldin Abodyeh

1Department of Mathematics Prince Sultan University Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA 2Department of Medical Research China Medical University Hospital China Medical University, Taichung, TAIWAN

Abstract: We consider in this article the notions of coupled−α−contraction of types (I) and (II) for a mapping F defined on a set Ψ×Ψ. Many fixed point (FP) results in the domain of metric space are obtained using our new notions. The obtained results are used to modify some known FP theorems. Some example are given to show the authenticity of our new definitions.

AMS Subject Classification: 47H10, 54H25

Key Words: complete metric space, fixed point,α−admissible

1. Introduction and Preliminaries

FP (Fixed Point) theory is one of the main subject that can be used in science to prove the existence and uniqueness of some problems. The beauty of this subject depends on constructing a sequence in a set Ψ by starting with an initial point. The wideness use of this subject in many area attracted many researchers to formulate and prove many existing results in the domain of FP area.


The Banach FP theorem [9] is the first remarkable result in the subject of FP theory. It is worth mentioning that many authors extended the Banach FP theorem to many directions, for example see [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 19], [22]-[27], and [29, 30, 31].

Samet et al. [18] introduced the notion of α-admissible for a map. It is considered as one of the attractive notion that be used to extend the Ba-nach FP theorem to new direction. Abdeljawad [1] extended the concept of α-admissibility to a pair of mappings to modify some theorems of Meir-Keeler type. For some work in theses notions (see [5, 6], [11]-[17], and [20, 21, 28]). In meanwhile, Karapiner et al. [14] built the notion of triangular α-admissibility for a single mapping and studied a FP theorem of Meir-Keeler type. Salimi et al. [17] inserted a new function η to α−admissibilty to build the concept of α-admissible for single mapping with respect to the function η. Recently, Hussain et al. [13] introduced a new notion of α−admissibility and extended the Banach fixed point theorem to new version.

Now we collect all known notions of α−admissibility.

Definition 1. ([18]) Let α be a nonnegative function on Ψ×Ψ. A self-mappingSon Ψ is calledα-admissible if for anyω, ν ∈Ψ such thatα(ω, ν)≥1, then

α(Sω, Sν)≥1.

Karapiner [14] introduced the definition of triangular α-admissibility for a single mappingα.

Definition 2. ([14]) Letα : Ψ×Ψ→[0,∞) be a function. A self-mapping T on Ψ is called a triangular α-admissible mapping if

1. T is α-admissible;

2. α(ω, υ)≥1 andα(υ, ν)≥1 implyα(ω, ν)≥1.

Definition 3. ([1]) Let S, T be two self-mappings on Ψ and α: Ψ×Ψ→

[0,∞) be a function. Then the pair (S, T) is called α-admissible if for any ω, ν ∈Ψ such that α(ω, ν)≥1, we have α(Sω, T ν)≥1 and α(T ω, Sν)≥1.

Definition 4. ([11]) LetS, T : Ψ→Ψ be two mappings andα, η: Ψ×Ψ→


Definition 5. ([12]) Suppose that (Ψ, τ) is a metric space and α, η are non-negative functions on Ψ×Ψ. Then Ψ is called an α, η−complete metric space if the following condition hold: Every Cauchy sequence (λn) in Ψ such

that α(λn, λn+1)≥η(λn, λn+1), for all n∈N, then it converges to an element in Ψ.

Definition 6. ([12]) Let (Ψ, τ) be a metric space andα, ηbe non-negative functions on Ψ×Ψ. A self mapping T on Ψ is called an α, η−continuous mapping if for any convergent sequence (λn) in Ψ that converges to an element

λ∈ Ψ such that α(λn, λn+1) ≥ η(λn, λn+1) for all n∈ N, then T λn → T λ as

n→ ∞.

In this paper, we utilized the notion ofα−admissibilty to derive the notion of coupled−α−contraction of types (I) and (II) for a mappingF defined on a set Ψ×Ψ. We shall also employ our new notions to produce and prove many FP results in the domain of metric space.

2. Main Result We start with the following new definitions.

Definition 7. Suppose that (Ψ, τ) is a metric space andαis a nonnegative function on Ψ4. Then Ψ is called a coupled-α−complete metric space if every Cauchy sequence (λn) in Ψ such thatα(λn, λn, λn+1, λn+1)≥1 for all n∈N, then it converges to an element in Ψ.

Definition 8. Suppose that (Ψ, τ) is a metric space andαis a nonnegative function on Ψ4. A mappingF : Ψ×Ψ→Ψ is called a coupled−α−continuous mapping if each sequence (λn, νn) in Ψ×Ψ with (λn, νn)→(λ, ν) as n→+∞

and α(λn, λn, λn+1, λn+1) ≥ 1, α(νn, νn, νn+1, νn+1) ≥ 1 for all n ∈ N imply

thatF(λn, νn)→F(λ, ν) asn→ ∞.

Example 9. Let Ψ =


n : n ∈ N

. Define a metric τ on Ψ×Ψ via

τ(λ, ν) =|λ−ν|. Also, define the function α: Ψ4 →[0,+∞) via

α(λ, ν, υ, ζ) =

λ+ν+υ+ζ, if λ, ν, υ, ζ ∈ {1,12};


Then Ψis a coupled−α−complete which is not complete.

Proof. It is clear that Ψ is not complete. Now, let (λn) be a Cauchy

se-quence in Ψ such thatα(λn, λn, λn+1, λn+1)≥1. Thenλn, λn+1∈ {1,12}. Since (λn) is Cauchy in Ψ, we conclude that (λn) has a constant tail 1 or has a

con-stant tail 12. In both cases, we conclude that (λn) converges in Ψ to 1 or 12.

Thus Ψ is a coupled−α−complete.

Example 10. LetΨ = [0,+∞). Define a metric τ onΨ×Ψviaτ(λ, ν) =

|λ−ν|. Also, define the function α: Ψ4[0,+) via

α(λ, ν, υ, ζ) =

λ, if λ, ν, υ, ζ >0,

0, otherwise,

and the mappingF : Ψ×Ψ→Ψvia

F(λ, ν) =


2 , if λ >0 or ν >0, 1, if λ=ν = 0.

Then F is a coupled−α−continuous mapping which is not a continuous map-ping.

Proof. Note that (n1,n1)→(0,0) but (F(n1,n1)) doesn’t converge to F(0,0). So F is not continuous. Now let (λn, νn) be a sequence in Ψ×Ψ that

con-verges to an element (λ, ν) ∈ Ψ×Ψ such that α(λn, λn, λn+1, λn+1) ≥ 1 and α(νn, νn, νn+1, νn+1) ≥1 for all n∈ N. So λn ≥ 1 and νn ≥ 1 for all n ∈N

which implies that λ ≥ 1 and ν ≥ 1. So the sequence F(λn, νn) = |λ


2 converges to |λ−2ν| =F(λ, ν) and henceF is coupled−α−continuous.

Definition 11. Let F : Ψ×Ψ → Ψ be a mapping and α : Ψ4 R be a function. The function F is said to be coupled-α-admissible if it satisfies the following conditions:

1. Ifκ, ν, υ, λ∈Ψ such thatα(κ, ν, υ, λ)≥1, then

α(F(κ, κ), F(ν, ν), F(υ, υ), F(λ, λ)) ≥1,


Example 12. Let Ψ = [0,+∞). Define the function α : Ψ4 → [0,+∞)


α(λ, ν, υ, ζ) =

λ, if λ, ν, υ, ζ >0,

0, otherwise.

Also, defineF : Ψ×Ψ→ΨviaF(λ, ν) =λ+ν. ThenFis a coupled−α−admissible mapping.

Proof. Given λ, ν, υ, ζ ∈Ψ be such that α(λ, ν, υ, ζ) ≥1. So λ, ν, υ, λ >0. Note that

α(F(λ, λ), F(ν, ν), F(υ, υ), F(ζ, ζ)) =α(2λ,2ν,2υ,2ζ) ≥1.

So Condition 1. of Definition 11 is satisfied. To verify Condition 2. of Definition 11, let λ, ν, υ ∈ Ψ be such that α(λ, λ, ν, ν) ≥ 1 and α(ν, ν, υ, υ) ≥ 1. Then we conclude that λ, ν, υ > 0 and hence α(λ, λ, υ, υ) = λ ≥ 1. So F is a coupled−α−admissible mapping.

In order to make our work visible, we introduce the following definition:

Definition 13. Let (Ψ, τ) be a metric space. Let F : Ψ×Ψ → Ψ be a mapping and α : Ψ4 → [0,+∞) be a function. Then the mappingF is called coupled-α-contraction of type (I) if there exist a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 ∈[0,1) with


i=1ai <1 such that ifλ, ν, υ, λ∈Ψ such that α(λ, ν, υ, λ)≥1, then

τ(F(λ, ν), F(υ, λ)) ≤ a1τ(λ, υ) +a2τ(ν, w) +a3τ(λ, F(λ, ν))

+a4τ(ν, F(ν, λ)) +a5τ(z, F(υ, λ)) (1) +a6τ(w, F(λ, υ)).

Definition 14. Let Ψ be a set. A point (u, u) ∈Ψ×Ψ is called a FP of a mappingF : Ψ×Ψ→Ψ ifF(u, u) =u.

In the following results, we assume (Ψ, τ) to be a metric space and we consider a real-valued function α on Ψ4 and a mappingF : Ψ×ΨΨ.

Now, we ready to introduce and prove our main result:

Theorem 15. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied: 1. τ is coupled-α-complete;


3. F is coupled-α-contraction of type (I);

4. F is coupled-α-admissible;

5. There existsλ0 ∈Ψsuch that

α(λ0, λ0, F(λ0, λ0), F(λ0, λ0))≥1.

Then the mappingF has a FP.

Proof. By (5), we chooseλ0 ∈ X be such that

α(λ0, λ0, F(λ0, λ0), F(λ0, λ0))≥1.

Fixedλ1=F(λ0, λ0) andλ2=F(λ1, λ1), thenα(λ0, λ0, λ1, λ1)≥1. Condition (4) implies that

α(F(λ0, λ0), F(λ0, λ0), F(λ1, λ1), F(λ1, λ1))≥1

and hence

α(λ1, λ1, λ2, λ2)≥1. (2)

By employing condition 3., we get

τ(λ1, λ2) =τ(F(λ0, λ0), F(λ1, λ1))

≤ a1τ(λ0, λ1) +a2τ(λ0, λ1) +a3τ(λ0, F(λ0, λ0))

+a4τ(λ0, F(λ0, λ0)) +a5τ(λ1, F(λ1, λ1)) +a6τ(λ1, F(λ1, λ1)) = a1τ(λ0, λ1) + a2τ(λ0, λ1) +a3τ(λ0, λ1)

+a4τ(λ0, λ1) +a5τ(λ1, λ2) +a6τ(λ1, λ2).

From above inequalities, we reach to

τ(λ1, λ2)≤

a1+a2+a3+a4 1−a5−a6

τ(λ0, λ1). (3)


r = a1+a2+a3+a4 1−a5−a6


Then we have


From Condition 4. and (2), we deduce that

α(F(λ1, λ1), F(λ1, λ1), F(λ2, λ2), F(λ2, λ2))≥1

and so, we have

α(λ2, λ2, λ3, λ3)≥1. (5)

Similar arguments as above, we get

τ(λ2, λ3)≤rτ(λ1, λ2). (6)

Combining (4) and (6), we conclude that

τ(λ2, λ3)≤r2τ(λ0, λ1).

By induction on n, we can show that α(λn, λn, λn+1, λn+1) ≥ 1 holds for all

n∈N∪ {0}. Also, inductively we have

τ(λn, λn+1) ≤ rτ(λn−1, λn) ≤ r2τ(λn−2, λn−1)

.. .

≤ rnτ(λ0, λ1). (7)

Now, we will show that (λn) is Cauchy. Note that

α(λn, λn, λn+1, λn+1)≥1

holds for all n∈N∪ {0}. So for m > n, we have

τ(λn, λm) ≤ τ(λn, λn+1) +τ(λn+1, λn+2) +. . .+τ(λm−1, λm) ≤ rnτ(λ0, λ1) +rn+1τ(λ0, λ1) +. . .+rm−1τ(λ0, λ1)

≤ r


1−rτ(λ0, λ1).

Lettingn, m→+∞ in above inequalities, we get that


n,m→+∞τ(λn, λm) = 0.

So (λn) is Cauchy. Since (Ψ, τ) is coupled−α−complete, then there exists

u ∈ Ψ such that λn → u as n → +∞. Since F is coupled−α− continuous

and α(λn, λn, λn+1, λn+1)≥1, α(λn+1, λn+1, λn+2, λn+2) ≥1 for all n∈N, we conclude that λn+1 = F(λn, λn) → F(u, u). The uniqueness of limit implies


From Theorem 15 we derived the following results:

Corollary 16. Suppose that the following conditions hold: 1. τ is coupled-α-complete;

2. F is coupled-α-continuous;

3. F is coupled-α-admissible;

4. There existsλ0 ∈Ψsuch that α(λ0, λ0, F(λ0, λ0), F(λ0, λ0)) ≥1;

5. There exista1, a2 ∈[0,1) witha1+a2<1such that ifλ, ν, υ, λ∈Ψsuch

thatα(λ, ν, υ, λ) ≥1, then

τ(F(λ, ν), F(υ, λ)) ≤ a1τ(λ, υ) +a2τ(ν, w).

Then the mappingF has a FP.

Corollary 17. Suppose that the following conditions hold: 1. τ is coupled-α-complete;

2. F is coupled-α-continuous;

3. F is coupled-α-admissible;

4. There existsλ0 ∈Ψsuch that α(λ0, λ0, F(λ0, λ0), F(λ0, λ0)) ≥1;

5. There exista1, a2 ∈[0,1) witha1+a2<1such that ifλ, ν, υ, λ∈Ψsuch

thatα(λ, ν, υ, λ) ≥1, then

τ(F(λ, ν), F(υ, λ)) ≤ a1τ(λ, F(λ, ν)) +a2τ(ν, F(ν, λ)).

Then the mappingF has a FP.

Corollary 18. Suppose that the following conditions hold: 1. τ is coupled-α-complete;

2. F is coupled-α-continuous;


4. There existsλ0 ∈Ψsuch that α(λ0, λ0, F(λ0, λ0), F(λ0, λ0)) ≥1;

5. There exista1, a2 ∈[0,1) witha1+a2<1such that ifλ, ν, υ, λ∈Ψsuch

thatα(λ, ν, υ, λ) ≥1, then

τ(F(λ, ν), F(υ, λ)) ≤ a1τ(z, F(υ, λ)) +a2τ(w, F(λ, υ)).

Then the mappingF has a FP.

Now we introduce the notion of coupled-α-contraction of type (II).

Definition 19. Let (Ψ, τ) be a metric space. Let F : Ψ×Ψ → Ψ be a mapping and α : Ψ4 [0,+) be a function. Then the mapping F is called coupled-α-contraction of type (II) if there exista1, a2, a3, a4∈[0,1) with 2a1+ 2a2<1 such that ifλ, ν, υ, λ∈Ψ such that α(λ, ν, υ, λ)≥1, then

τ(F(λ, ν), F(υ, λ)) ≤ a1τ(λ, F(υ, λ)) +a2τ(ν, F(λ, υ))

+a3τ(z, F(λ, ν)) +a4τ(w, F(ν, λ)). (8)

Theorem 20. Suppose that the following conditions hold: 1. τ is coupled-α-complete;

2. F is coupled-α-continuous;

3. F is coupled-α-contraction of type (II);

4. F is coupled-α-admissible;

5. There existsλ0 ∈Ψsuch that α(λ0, λ0, F(λ0, λ0), F(λ0, λ0)) ≥1.

Then the mappingF has a FP.

Proof. By fixing λn+1=F(λn, λn) and starting with condition (5), we can

construct a sequence (λn) of Ψ such that

α(λn, λn, λn+1, λn+1)≥1.

By employing condition (3), we have

τ(λn+1, λn+2) = τ(F(λn, λn), F(λn+1, λn+1))


+a3τ(λn+1, F(λn, λn)) +a4τ(λn+1, F(λn, λn))

= a1τ(λn, λn+2) +a2τ(λn, λn+2).

Applying triangle inequality to the above inequality, we get

τ(λn+1, λn+2)≤

a1+a2 1−a1−a2

τ(λn, λn+1).

To facilitate our computation, we let r= a1+a2

1−a1−a2. Thus we have

τ(λn+1, λn+2)≤rτ(λn, λn+1). (9)

Repeating (9)n−times, we deduce that

τ(λn, λn+1)≤rnτ(λ0, λ1). (10)

Form > n and applying triangle inequality, we get

τ(λn, λm)≤


1−rτ(λ0, λn).

By letting n, m → +∞ in above inequality, we conclude that (λn) is Cauchy.

Therefore, λn→u∈Ψ. Sinceα(λn, λn, λn+1, λn+1)≥1 and Ψ is coupled−α− complete, we have (λn+1=F(λn, λn)) converges tou and F(u, u). Uniqueness

of limit implies that F(u, u) =u; that is, u is a coupled FP of F.

Now we utilize Theorem 20 to derive the following results:

Corollary 21. Suppose that the following conditions hold: 1. τ is coupled-α-complete;

2. F is coupled-α-continuous;

3. F is coupled-α-admissible;

4. There existsλ0 ∈Ψsuch that α(λ0, λ0, F(λ0, λ0), F(λ0, λ0)) ≥1;

5. There exist a1, a2 ∈ [0,1) with 2a1+ 2a2 < 1 such that if λ, ν, υ, λ ∈Ψ

such thatα(λ, ν, υ, λ) ≥1, then

τ(F(λ, ν), F(υ, λ)) ≤ a1τ(λ, F(υ, λ)) +a2τ(ν, F(λ, υ)).


Corollary 22. Suppose that the following conditions hold: 1. τ is coupled-α-complete;

2. F is coupled-α-continuous;

3. F is coupled-α-admissible;

4. There existsλ0 ∈Ψsuch that α(λ0, λ0, F(λ0, λ0), F(λ0, λ0)) ≥1;

5. There exista1, a2 ∈[0,1)such that ifλ, ν, υ, λ∈Ψsuch thatα(λ, ν, υ, λ)≥ 1, then

τ(F(λ, ν), F(υ, λ)) ≤ a1τ(z, F(λ, ν)) +a2τ(w, F(ν, λ)).

Then the mappingF has a FP.

Corollary 23. Suppose that the following conditions hold: 1. τ is coupled-α-complete;

2. F is coupled-α-continuous;

3. F is coupled-α-admissible;

4. There existsλ0 ∈Ψsuch that α(λ0, λ0, F(λ0, λ0), F(λ0, λ0)) ≥1;

5. There exist a1, a2 ∈ [0,1) with 2a1 < 1 such that if λ, ν, υ, λ ∈ Ψ such

thatα(λ, ν, υ, λ) ≥1, then

τ(F(λ, ν), F(υ, λ)) ≤ a1τ(λ, F(υ, λ)) +a2τ(z, F(λ, ν)).

Then the mappingF has a FP.

Corollary 24. Suppose that the following conditions hold: 1. τ is coupled-α-complete;

2. F is coupled-α-continuous;

3. F is coupled-α-admissible;


5. There exist a1, a2 ∈ [0,1) with 2a1 < 1 such that if λ, ν, υ, λ ∈ Ψ such

thatα(λ, ν, υ, λ) ≥1, then

τ(F(λ, ν), F(υ, λ)) ≤ a1τ(ν, F(λ, υ)) +a2τ(λ, F(ν, λ)).

Then the mappingF has a FP.


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We therefore in this prospective observational study aimed to obtain data on the resistance rates of common pathogens in 18-65 years old female patients with uUTI and to determine

When relationship of phylogenicity and virulence was studied, the prevalence of all virulence genes was found significantly higher in phylogenetic group D ( P &lt; 0.05) as compared