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Berco Spare Parts for Crawler Machines


Academic year: 2021

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price list

effective April 16th 2007









The here exposed prices cancel and replace the ones established in our previous price-lists and circular letters.

All manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols, and descriptions are used for reference purposes only.

All parts listed are of Berco original production.


A Company of ThyssenKrupp Technologies

Via I° Maggio, 237 • 44034 Copparo (FE) Italy Phone +39 532 864111 • Fax +39 532 864259

www.berco.com • info@berco.com


parties regulated hereby, if not otherwise agreed upon in writing, do not imply the granting to the purchaser of any exclusive right, the existence of any distributorship relation, commission or mandate, with or without agency, nor the granting to the purchaser of the right to use, in any form, BERCO's trade-marks or distinctive signs.


2)) EEXXEECCUUTTIIOONN AANNDD OOBBJJEECCTT OOFF TTHHEE CCOONNTTRRAACCTT - No offer made by agents, representatives and commercial intermediaries of BERCO shall be binding on BERCO if not confirmed by BERCO itself. During negotiations, the mere sending of the present general conditions shall not imply the acceptance of any offer; nevertheless the general conditions substitute and cancel any general conditions priorly proposed by one of the parties.

The sending by BERCO of a price-list or descriptive material of the product not expressly bearing the diction "offer" or an equivalent one, shall not be considered as a proposal. The diction "not binding", "if available" or similar ones inserted by BERCO in an offer shall not bind BERCO to the term of the offer even in case of acceptance of said offer by the purchaser. BERCO's offer shall be considered firm or irrevocable only if qualified as such in writing by BERCO itself and if containing a validity term of the clause.

The acceptance of the contract by the purchaser, however effected, shall involve its adhesion to the present general conditions. The acceptance, with no expressed reserves by the purchaser, of non conformable products for type or quantity shipped at terms different from these contained in the purchaser's request, shall imply acceptance by the latter of both the supply and the conditions proposed by BERCO. The reserves hereabove (even if formulated as specifications or rectifications of the delivery conditions) shall have no force if not given in writing by the purchaser, immediately after receiving the merchandise.


3)) OORRDDEERRSS - All orders shall be sent to BERCO in writing, and shall contain all information required for the correct identification of the products ordered. The purchaser must state the address to which he would like the goods shipped and the method of shipment desired. If the method of shipment is not specified, BERCO will ship the goods according to its best judgment and without responsibility on BERCO's part. BERCO is not responsible for errors or delays caused by incomplete or inaccurate information in purchaser's order. Orders are intended as accepted provided a written confirmation is supplied by BERCO. Such written confirmation is the sole binding document for BERCO.


4)) PPRRIICCEESS - Unless otherwise specified:

the price of the products shall be that in force at the time of shipment; prices shall be deemed to apply to unpacked goods, packing as well as any other cost, such as transportation, handling, importation, custom duties, insurance during transit, and all tariffs and taxes of any kind shall be at purchaser's expense; packing cases and other packing materials are not to be returned, and even if they are returned free of charge, BERCO will give no credit for their return. The prices given in BERCO's price-lists are subject to confirmation, and may be changed without notice.


5)) PPAASSSSIINNGG OOFF RRIISSKK - If not otherwise agreed upon in writing, domestic sales shall be deemed to be Ex Factory and international sales shall be deemed to be FCA (Free Carrier) BERCO's plant, even if expressly agreed upon that the shipment (or part of it) shall be effected by BERCO. In this case, BERCO shall act as mandatory of the purchaser, being agreed that the transportation shall be dune at the risk and charge of the purchaser.

For international sales, the reference that may be made to commercial terms (EXW, FCA, FAS, FOB, CFR, CIF, etc.) is understood to be made to the Incoterms of the International Chamber of Commerce in the text in force at the moment of entering the contract.


6)) DDEELLIIVVEERRIIEESS - Any delivery terms quoted by BERCO are given as an indication only and are not binding upon BERCO: BERCO reserves the right to change those terms as necessary. BERCO does not guarantee that all goods ordered can be delivered in a single shipment and BERCO will be free to deliver any goods ordered in one or more shipments, whichever is required to complete the order. Moreover, in case of a delayed delivery, the purchaser has no right to revoke the order or to ask for indemnity from BERCO for any damages resulting from a delayed delivery.


7)) PPAAYYMMEENNTT- Payments must be made in the currency stated on the invoice and in the manner and at the time or times agreed by the parties. Any delay or irregularity in the payment shall grant BERCO the right to suspend deliveries or to terminate the outstanding contracts even if not relevant to the payments at issue, as well as the right to claim damages. However, BERCO shall have the right, beginning from the maturity of the payment, with no need for any intimation to pay, to obtain interests for delayed payment corresponding to the prime rate of the currency stated on the invoice increased by 3 points.


8)) WWAARRRRAANNTTYY - The warranty shall be limited to the defects of products deriving from defects in material or manufacturing attributable to BERCO and shall not be valid in absence of purchaser's proof of the correct use, maintenance and conservation of the products and of no modification or repair to the products without BERCO's consent. There is no warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The warranty shall have a limited duration of 12 months beginning from the date purchase from an autorithed BERCO dealer or of 1500 working hours, whichever occurs first, and shall be subject to the regular denunciation made by the purchaser according to the following article.

Any compensation for damages to the purchaser shall not exceed the invoiced price of the claimed products. The warranty hereabove shall absorb and substitute the legal warranties and exclude any other BERCO's responsibility, however originated by the supplied products; in particular, the purchaser shall have no right to put forth any claim for damages, reduction of the price or resolution of the contract. Upon expiry of the warranty, no request can be made to BERCO.


9)) CCLLAAIIMMSS - All claims regarding quantity, weight, quality defects or goods typology must be notified from buyer to BERCO within 30 days from goods receipt. All defects for hidden lack of compliance must be notified from buyer to BERCO within warranty period and not over 30 days from defects discovering date. All claims shall be put forward in writing according to BERCO claim procedure. Should the claim be found groundless, the purchaser shall have to refund BERCO with all the expenses made for ascertainment (trips, appraisals, etc.).


100)) MMAANNUUFFAACCTTUURREERR''SS RREESSPPOONNSSIIBBIILLIITTYY - Being stated that, as far as the characteristics of the products are concerned, BERCO shall follow the laws and technical rules in force in Italy, the purchaser shall assume the whole risk of any difference between the Italian provisions and the provisions of the country of destination of the products, holding BERCO harmless. BERCO shall be responsible for damages to both persons and properties caused by the products sold only if serious negligence in manufacturing the products hereabove is proved; in no case shall BERCO be deemed responsible for indirect or consequential damages, loss of production or lack of profit.

Exception made for the prevision hereabove, the purchaser shall hold BERCO harmless in case of third parties' actions based on responsibilities originated by the products sold to the purchaser and shall pay compensation for the damages resulting from such actions. BERCO shall have the right to involve the purchaser who, for its part, shall take all necessary steps to intervene in any legal action brought by third parties in connection with the products hereabove.


111)) FFOORRCCEE MMAAJJEEUURREE -- BERCO shall not be liable for any delay caused, directly or indirectly, by fires, collapses, floods, lack of supplies, transportation difficulties, strikes, lock-outs or any events beyond its control that may hinder or sensibly reduce the production in BERCO's factory or prevent the transportation between BERCO's factory and the place of destination of the products.


122)) IINNTTEERRPPRREETTAATTIIOONN,, MMOODDIIFFIICCAATTIIOONN,, IINNVVAALLIIDD CCLLAAUUSSEESS - Any modification or integration made by the parties to the contracts in connection with the present general conditions, shall be void unless set forth in writing. Any derogation to one or more dispositions of the present general conditions shall not be interpreted extensively or for analogy and shall not imply the will to disregard all present general conditions. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, no variation to the contractual conditions between the parties shall constitute notation of the contract. In case of invalidity or ineffective contractual provisions, the whole contract shall have to be integrated and interpreted as containing all the clauses that allow reaching, in compliance with the law, the essential aim pursued by the agreement containing the provisions hereabove.


133)) AAPPPPLLIICCAABBLLEE LLAAWW - All contracts of sale between the parties as well as the present general conditions, shall be governed by the Italian law. In particular, international sales shall be governed by the United Nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods signed in Vienna as of April 11, 1980 and ratified by the law of December 11, 1985, n. 765.


144)) CCOOMMPPEETTEENNTT JJUURRIISSDDIICCTTIIOONN - Any dispute relating to or however in connection with the contracts governed by the present general conditions shall be settled by the court of Ferrara, Italy as the exclusive competent jurisdiction. BERCO shall however have the right to commence an action in any court having jurisdiction ever the purchaser.


AC 82 621283 9924 HD6 0,117 26.12 AC 86 079533 0305 HD11 2,000 10.82 AC 88 70621312 0306 HD11 2,000 13.48 AC 89 079529 0304 HD11 1,310 23.12 AC 98 079616 0305 HD5 1,310 7.48 AC 99 621298 0306 HD5 1,300 12.78 AC 101 7504114 0304 HD5 0,800 16.41 AC 132 048666 1403 HD9 0,140 16.74 AC 133 048665 9999 HD11 0,024 3.97 AC 152 047151 9924 HD11 0,104 15.02 AC 158 047581 1403 HD6 0,130 23.36 AC 159 047605 9914 HD7 0,010 2.98 AC 189 051478 9905 HD11 1,400 56.66 AC 190 051484 9919 HD11 0,010 1.20 AC 191 051483 9919 HD11 0,010 1.10 AC 192 051482 9919 HD11 0,020 2.05 AC 193 051429 9911 HD11 0,200 26.40 AC 250 904206 9921 HD5 0,003 .05 AC 253 049877 9920 HD5-10 0,001 .09 AC 403 078701 0201 HD11 3,340 44.39 AC 404 078702 0201 HD11 3,380 44.39 AC 430 078835 0201 HD5 2,500 35.04 AC 431 078836 0201 HD5 2,500 35.04 AC 522 050245 9919 HD5 0,016 2.63 AC 523 050246 9919 HD5 0,020 2.87 AC 524 050247 9919 HD5 0,060 4.14 AC 565 904208 9921 HD9-20 0,005 .14 AC 942 051964 9920 HD21G 0,003 .79 AC 946 059387 9919 HD15G 0,020 3.10 AC 947 059386 9919 HD15G 0,025 3.00 AC 948 059385 9919 HD15G 0,040 4.53 AC 1024 629269 1306 HD6 38,170 578.63 AC 1129 083536 1404 HD11 0,368 116.23 AC 1263 096160 9914 HD7G 0,007 1.06 AC 1273 /3 9920 HD11 0,004 .38 AC 1340 9924 HD21 0,180 52.17 AC 1341 9914 HD21 0,002 .90 AC 1346 9920 HD21 0,001 1.82 AC 1353 234950 0303 HD3 0,513 13.60 AC 1354 234951 0305 HD3 0,920 6.18 AC 1355 234952 0306 HD3 0,950 8.51 AC 1374 /36 0301 HD3 51,618 2 629.54 AC 1376 622827 9911 HD7G 0,470 39.28 AC 1377 9905 HD7G 2,120 67.56 AC 1384 923571 9914 HD3 0,001 .31 AC 1385 233777 1003 HD3 0,112 11.05 AC 1398 233780 0803 HD3 4,500 78.96 AC 1399 233781 9902 HD3 0,040 7.46 AC 1482 622612 9904 HD7G 1,120 27.77 AC 1486 622826 9905 HD6A 2,310 152.28


AC 1492 633365 0305 HD16 3,630 17.17 AC 1495 665383 0306 HD16 3,560 24.13 AC 1496 0704 HD3 11,300 136.05 AC 1497 70235346 0701 HD3 14,523 12 262.03 AC 1511 633268 0704 HD16 32,120 219.61 AC 1529 70696667 0305 HD11 2,210 12.20 AC 1531 70668324 0304 HD11 1,750 26.66 AC 1532 70696666 0306 HD11 2,160 17.86 AC 1537 73119576 0701 HD11E 29,258 12 523.96 AC 1538 643959 0704 HD11 21,500 184.94 AC 1539 056312 0802 HD11 3,120 37.25 AC 1544 233950 0702 HD3 11,400 157.06 AC 1545 233971 0802 HD3 1,900 36.80 AC 1546 233952 1003 HD3 0,066 6.15 AC 1547 233956 9904 HD3 0,880 24.30 AC 1548 233953 1404 HD3 0,100 2.70 AC 1551 227711 9902 HD3 0,003 .60 AC 1552 233955 9914 HD3 0,001 .76 AC 1553 233954 9903 HD3 0,120 23.80 AC 1643 645947 0304 HD16 3,209 46.94 AC 1806 9924 HD4 0,330 35.53 AC 1808 921019 9920 HD3 0,002 .11 AC 1809 244454 9924 HD3 0,340 49.11 AC 1819 1209 HD3 40,000 638.69 AC 1821 70252161 1205 HD3 41,700 698.87 AC 1838 73118459 0601 HD7G 44,437 21 655.13 AC 1839 70680950 0601 HD11E 54,207 12 707.87 AC 1840 70699179 0601 HD16 67,080 12 749.15 AC 1862 1501 HD6 0,540 92.51 AC 1871 1501 HD16 0,940 81.07 AC 1890 0801 HD7G 7,810 178.26 AC 1891 0901 HD7G 2,000 56.08 AC 1892 9912 HD7G 0,080 1.63 AC 1893 0604 HD7G 28,500 20 253.38 AC 1895 0801 HD11EP 8,440 171.60 AC 1896 0901 HD11EP 3,300 66.62 AC 1897 9912 HD11EP 0,100 2.61 AC 1898 0604 HD11E 35,000 16 287.30 AC 1900 0801 HD16 12,200 190.90 AC 1901 0901 HD16DP 3,500 50.65 AC 1902 9902 HD16DP 0,014 .46 AC 1904 0604 HD16 43,000 16 301.38 AC 1922 9905 HD5-HD6 1,420 55.76 AC 1929 1302 HD11E 122,166 2,779.76 AC 1933 0604 HD16 48,880 16 322.81 AC 1934 70699180 0601 HD16 72,500 12 792.83 AC 1953 679636 1303 HD11E 72,000 2,087.69 AC 1956 70679539 1303 HD12G 90,000 2,468.97 AC 1957 1302 HD12G 175,770 3,344.17 AC 1959 679538 1303 HD16 103,000 2,957.59


AC 1960 1302 HD16 188,770 3,785.48 AC 1961 1308 HD16 77,000 2 619.48 AC 1965 0309 HD7G 0,125 6.04 AC 1966 0303 HD7G 1,520 23.50 AC 1967 /37 646182 0104 HD11 392,000 3,298.22 AC 1967 /38 647121 0104 HD11 404,000 3,387.46 AC 1967 /41 647279 0104 HD11 434,000 3,654.08 AC 1967 /44 647251 0104 HD11 468,000 3,921.45 AC 1967 /49 0104 HD11 508,000 4,363.86 AC 1967 /56 0104 HD11 590,000 4,988.24 AC 1967 /58 0104 HD11 608,000 5,165.60 AC 1971 71400850 0308 HD7G 0,015 .54 AC 1972 0307 HD7G 2,390 25.01 AC 1973 /38 0302 HD11 138,000 2 1,318.28 AC 1982 0303 HD16D 3,460 52.11 AC 1983 0309 HD16D 0,175 8.31 AC 1988 /41 0302 HD16 299,300 1 2,577.66 AC 1989 0307 HD16D 4,080 40.66 AC 2012 0303 HD6A 0,893 17.01 AC 2013 0309 HD6A 0,044 4.34 AC 2014 /33 647050 0104 HD6A 233,000 2,315.43 AC 2014 /34 647010 0104 HD6A 239,000 2,385.17 AC 2014 /37 646175 0104 HD6A 265,000 2,595.94 AC 2014 /39 647030 0104 HD6A 276,000 2,735.21 AC 2017 /39 0302 HD6A 89,500 2 888.29 AC 2018 0307 HD6A 1,480 18.83 AC 2037 252852 1201 HD4 67,000 6 1,853.19 AC 2038 07000.03065 9914 HD21 0,002 .38 AC 2047 0902 HD4 8,500 473.66 AC 2054 70665304 0304 31 8,400 107.15 AC 2055 A 70684746 0305 FD40 7,370 46.67 AC 2056 A 70665309 0306 31 7,350 55.70 AC 2064 70669703 1209 HD16 178,000 2,267.07 AC 2065 676364 0803 HD16 10,650 130.23 AC 2076 B 1210 HD7G 93,000 837.63 AC 2078 672069 1209 HD11E 126,000 1,772.30 AC 2082 70669472 1203 HD7G 103,000 1,410.87 AC 2088 676871 0201 HD16DP 5,620 63.38 AC 2089 676872 0201 HD16DP 5,620 63.38 AC 2091 /38 70677563 0104 HD16B 701,000 5,760.86 AC 2091 /41 70677560 0104 HD16B 757,000 6,215.35 AC 2091 /42 70677569 0104 HD16B 769,000 6,365.53 AC 2091 /43 0104 HD16B 794,000 6,518.64 AC 2102 671160 9911 HD16D 0,650 62.56 AC 2103 671161 9905 HD16D 1,700 48.28 AC 2104 677276 9904 HD16 1,450 40.04 AC 2106 1402 HD16 0,001 1.62 AC 2107 671158 1401 HD16 0,139 14.26 AC 2108 671162 0802 HD16 5,900 38.67 AC 2109 70671163 0701 HD16 49,570 12 550.25


AC 2110 9914 HD16DP 0,012 .71 AC 2111 056585 9920 HD11E 0,120 1.46 AC 2145 250152 1301 HD4 30,800 20 523.37 AC 2146 1306 HD4 20,420 319.96 AC 2152 0601 HD11E 58,907 12 728.90 AC 2153 /38 668344 0104 HD11E 447,000 3,738.05 AC 2153 /40 668354 0104 HD11E 471,000 3,934.53 AC 2153 /41 668347 0104 HD11E 482,000 4,032.56 AC 2153 /44 668358 0104 HD11E 518,000 4,327.21 AC 2154 70696674 0201 HD11E 3,760 46.88 AC 2155 70696673 0201 HD11E 3,760 46.88 AC 2157 70696668 0303 HD11E 1,940 29.28 AC 2158 70696676 0309 HD11E 0,100 6.94 AC 2159 72210181 9920 HD3 0,011 .45 AC 2160 0801 HD3 4,000 75.06 AC 2162 1101 HD3 0,225 13.53 AC 2163 0901 HD3 2,000 47.96 AC 2164 0604 HD3 19,050 28 193.13 AC 2165 71003801 0601 HD3 28,750 28 398.46 AC 2166 /40 0302 HD11E 172,000 2 1,493.02 AC 2167 0307 HD11E 2,480 32.46 AC 2176 0604 HD11E 39,440 16 294.23 AC 2207 677694 9905 HD16DP 4,450 139.64 AC 2208 70696198 1203 HD16B 210,262 2 3,828.92 AC 2209 73107848 9911 HD11-HD16 0,720 39.72 AC 2211 679901 0803 HD7G 6,000 62.67 AC 2216 A 73109434 0305 FD50 9,600 101.30 AC 2217 A 73109435 0306 FD50 9,600 74.50 AC 2220 73129350 0308 HD41B 0,052 2.33 AC 2221 0694222 0309 HD41B 0,230 9.22 AC 2222 A 0307 FD50 10,300 98.12 AC 2248 70923594 9914 HD21C 0,003 2.94 AC 2258 1003819 0201 HD4-650 1,800 29.88 AC 2259 1003818 0201 HD4-650 1,800 29.88 AC 2260 /27 GK 4353 0102 HD4-650 147,000 1,697.85 AC 2260 /31 0102 HD4-650 169,000 1,948.88 AC 2260 /33 0102 HD4-650 180,000 2,074.41 AC 2260 /34 0102 HD4-650 188,000 2,137.68 AC 2260 /36 71003820 0102 HD4-650 196,000 2,261.72 AC 2262 044129 0303 HD4-650 0,840 16.04 AC 2263 044132 0305 HD4-650 0,980 6.49 AC 2264 70044131 0304 HD4-650 0,670 14.73 AC 2265 044130 0306 HD4-650 0,995 8.80 AC 2266 043593 0309 HD4-650 0,090 3.54 AC 2267 /36 0301 HD4-650 69,020 2 778.77 AC 2268 0307 HD4-650 1,778 14.88 AC 2269 B 0601 652-655 28,000 28 416.12 AC 2280 0801 652-655 3,600 71.16 AC 2282 /41 70694874 0104 21C-FD30 1159,500 8,987.04 AC 2283 /41 0302 21C 404,358 1 3,570.68


AC 2284 70682559 0701 21C-FD30 59,800 12 656.42 AC 2285 73132279 0704 21C-FD30 40,600 16 281.74 AC 2286 73110398 1308 21B 124,200 2 957.76 AC 2289 A/39 0301 FD40 657,630 5,440.70 AC 2294 1308 31-41 234,000 1 1,860.46 AC 2298 1308 HD11E 46,000 2 469.38 AC 2301 70696590 1209 HD11E 118,000 1,430.24 AC 2302 70696588 0803 HD11E 10,400 137.46 AC 2310 0303 21C 4,900 66.05 AC 2311 70691074 0304 21C 4,540 64.01 AC 2312 A 70691056 0305 21C 4,800 31.81 AC 2313 A 70691033 0306 FD30 4,850 41.88 AC 2314 0309 21C 0,165 7.94 AC 2322 73129348 0308 21C 0,036 1.27 AC 2323 0307 21C 5,098 53.07 AC 2325 70696589 9905 11B 2,550 101.69 AC 2326 73107493 9919 11B 0,001 1.87 AC 2327 73107494 9919 11B 0,015 3.03 AC 2328 70696591 1203 HD11B 149,092 4 2,296.86 AC 2334 70690587 9910 31-41B 0,200 23.94 AC 2340 1402 31-41B 0,035 3.58 AC 2343 70923932 9914 31-41B 0,004 1.15 AC 2344 70923584 9914 31-41B 0,004 .47 AC 2350 70682556 0802 21C-FD30 10,700 85.08 AC 2351 70694400 1501 21C-FD30 1,050 119.46 AC 2352 70682540 9904 21C-FD30 1,640 39.88 AC 2355 70682554 9905 21C-FD30 1,220 48.03 AC 2360 70684747 0309 31 0,240 10.90 AC 2361 A 0307 FD40 8,110 76.86 AC 2368 9905 HD16B 2,000 69.57 AC 2380 0303 HD41B 9,600 132.13 AC 2381 A 73110002 0304 FD50 9,200 125.58 AC 2382 A/39 0302 FD50 758,000 7,873.31 AC 2388 70681334 1501 HD11B 1,900 229.70 AC 2389 70681365 1501 HD21C 4,660 475.72 AC 2390 70681380 1501 HD16B 2,860 521.75 AC 2391 P0 15712 1501 HD6-100B 0,970 80.08 AC 2438 B/37 73132013 0109 FD40 1937,000 19,505.94 AC 2438 B/39 0109 FD40 2042,000 20,459.68 AC 2438 B/47 0109 FD40 2461,000 24,274.10 AC 2440 A/37 73147053 0105 31-FD40 1906,000 22,182.68 AC 2440 A/39 0105 31-FD40 2008,000 23,290.77 AC 2444 1308 FD40 220,000 1 1,864.55 AC 2450 A/37 0301 FD40 624,190 1 5,236.10 AC 2451 73119608 0325 31-FD40 6,850 94.47 AC 2452 73134421 0323 31-FD40 8,750 140.86 AC 2453 /37 0314 31-FD40 586,240 1 7,814.54 AC 2454 73129304 0312 31-FD40 0,025 14.07 AC 2455 73119614 0316 31-FD40 0,140 4.53 AC 2458 B/40 0109 FD30-21C 1144,000 9,247.00


AC 2458 B/41 76033314 0109 FD30-21C 1150,000 9,460.14 AC 2459 /41 0302 FD30-21C 414,260 1 3,308.58 AC 2460 B/41 76033309 0105 FD30-21C 1126,000 11,328.23 AC 2461 /41 0314 FD30 381,000 1 4,426.55 AC 2464 B/37 75128672 0109 FD50 2181,000 23,235.76 AC 2464 B/39 73147229 0109 FD50 2308,000 24,423.04 AC 2465 /39 0302 FD50-41B 758,160 1 7,357.26 AC 2466 B/37 75128590 0105 FD50 2157,000 28,586.25 AC 2466 B/39 73147013 0105 FD50 2281,000 30,118.86 AC 2467 /39 0314 FD50-41B 774,000 1 12,589.28 AC 2471 A 70695921 0701 FD40-41B 76,740 6 1,292.21 AC 2473 73128730 1203 FD40-FD50 719,060 12,320.06 AC 2475 70696031 1203 31-41B 718,000 12,673.53 AC 2476 73113887 1209 31-FD40 636,000 8,104.16 AC 2479 70683859 1501 31-FD40 11,307 1,864.32 AC 2480 70681972 0803 31 36,400 456.27 AC 2481 B 1400 FD40-50 0,280 67.36 AC 2482 73134547 1401 31 0,380 29.08 AC 2484 0901 652-655 1,750 55.28 AC 2485 70681916 9919 31-FD40 0,006 6.50 AC 2486 70681919 9919 31-FD40 0,006 3.42 AC 2487 70681918 9919 31-FD40 0,005 3.42 AC 2489 70681936 9905 31-FD40 8,970 266.86 AC 2490 9914 31-FD40 0,003 9.17 AC 2491 70681921 9911 31-FD40 1,450 489.71 AC 2492 70682081 0802 31-FD40 14,200 122.67 AC 2493 70663903 9911 31-FD40 0,800 57.06 AC 2494 70083501 9925 31-FD40 0,550 41.49 AC 2495 70682001 9904 31-FD40 2,580 58.86 AC 2496 8M5007 9914 31-41 0,004 8.39 AC 2498 73139706 9905 31-FD40 1,980 69.26 AC 2502 9913 31-FD40 0,018 .26 AC 2503 73114561 1203 31-FD40 718,000 12,705.52 AC 2504 13110368 1402 31 0,060 11.28 AC 2506 73135342 0704 31-FD40 52,200 16 697.64 AC 2510 76033322 0203 FD30-21C 12,200 567.28 AC 2511 76033323 0203 FD30-21C 12,200 567.28 AC 2512 76033308 0204 FD30-21C 6,900 283.63 AC 2513 76033307 0204 FD30-21C 5,300 283.63 AC 2514 76033304 0204 FD30-21CC 6,900 283.63 AC 2515 76033303 0204 FD30-21C 5,300 283.63 AC 2518 /41 0315 FD30-21C 196,800 1 2,881.58 AC 2519 73119723 0325 FD30-21C 4,370 44.58 AC 2520 73119725 0323 FD30-21C 4,750 66.45 AC 2521 73128008 0312 FD30-21C 0,021 6.49 AC 2522 73119724 0316 FD30-21C 0,060 3.72 AC 2526 /39 0315 FD50-41B 374,712 1 6,834.52 AC 2534 73119676 0325 FD50-41B 9,250 212.45 AC 2535 73134422 0323 FD50-41B 9,500 230.28 AC 2536 73131100 0312 FD50-41B 0,050 14.99


AC 2537 73119678 0316 FD50-41B 0,150 4.96 AC 2538 73128199 0803 FD40-FD50 37,420 479.07 AC 2539 70925421 9914 31-41B 0,003 1.99 AC 2542 /37 0315 31-FD40 565,520 4,703.52 AC 2551 73131749 0201 41B-FD50 19,400 280.84 AC 2552 73131750 0201 41B-FD50 19,400 280.84 AC 2553 73131357 0201 31-FD40 17,600 281.85 AC 2554 73131358 0201 31-FD40 17,600 281.85 AC 2555 73119721 0201 21C-FD30 8,960 95.03 AC 2556 73119722 0201 21C-FD30 8,960 95.03 AC 2557 70691071 0303 FD30B 5,100 58.82 AC 2558 73138142 0803 FD30B 21,320 231.50 AC 2561 70924139 9914 FD30B 0,008 4.05 AC 2562 9919 11B 0,001 2.61 AC 2563 9919 HD21B 0,030 .64 AC 2573 73108992 0309 FD30B 0,230 7.86 AC 2574 A 0307 FD30B 5,450 60.33 AC 2576 A/41 0302 FD30B 414,300 3,219.30 AC 2579 70696667 0305 HD11B 0,700 12.59 AC 2590 B 76069237 1203 FD30C 353,500 2 3,946.66 AC 2591 73146760 0303 FD40 9,500 114.86 AC 2592 73146777 0303 FD50 10,100 162.93 AC 2600 73146778 0309 FD50 0,530 25.72 AC 2602 0307 FD50 10,660 101.02 AC 2603 70671132 0605 FD30C 71,680 9 444.75 AC 2604 70691412 0605 FD30C 82,500 9 486.13 AC 2605 70671143 0604 FD30 73,000 9 510.42 AC 2606 70691372 0604 FD30 83,500 9 565.34 AC 2607 76030058 0601 FD30C 108,000 6 1,061.72 AC 2608 76030057 0601 FD30C 116,600 6 1,110.27 AC 2611 70667259 0604 FD40-50 132,600 4 1,372.48 AC 2612 70666893 0604 FD40-50 152,600 4 1,487.68 AC 2613 76019342 0601 FD40-50 199,000 4 2,375.64 AC 2614 76019343 0601 FD40-50 220,000 4 2,475.27 AC 2620 A 76069358 0803 FD30C 25,000 591.57 AC 2621 76069359 1003 FD30C 0,880 35.38 AK 13 B/27 0102 D2 132,811 1,536.75 AK 13 B/31 0102 D2 152,486 1,763.84 AK 13 B/36 0102 D2 177,081 2,047.53 AK 13 B/37 0102 D2 182,000 2,104.29 AK 13 B/38 0102 D2 186,919 2,160.22 AK 13 B/39 0102 D2 191,838 2,216.80 AK 13 B/40 0102 D2 196,757 2,273.55 AK 13 B/43 0102 D2 211,514 2,444.84 AK 13 B/45 0102 D2 221,351 2,558.37 AK 13 B/46 0102 D2 226,270 2,613.51


AK 13 B/47 0102 D2 231,189 2,671.92 AK 16 0201 D2 1,800 29.97 AK 17 0201 D2 1,800 29.97 AK 21 14260868 1301 EC230B 50,500 10 747.17 AK 26 10014344 1904 PR744 143,000 1,812.42 AK 30 1003 D9GNARROW 1,750 130.32 AK 31 0902 D9GNARROW 52,500 688.88 AK 32 0902 D9GNARROW 52,500 688.88 AK 35 1901 D9GNARROW 638,000 11,458.83 AK 53 0601 245-D9G 144,354 6 1,407.92 AK 54 0604 245-D9G 90,760 696.55 AK 56 0801 245-D9G 30,190 215.28 AK 57 0901 245-D9G 10,500 115.64 AK 58 0901 245-D9G 10,400 121.22 AK 59 9920 245-D9G 0,257 19.59 AK 65 B 14263404 1300 D85-FH400 98,589 1,106.45 AK 66 14263421 1301 D9G 165,000 2 1,979.44 AK 73 1902 D85HD 261,570 3 4,329.96 AK 134 14345001 1301 EC390 115,800 1,497.08 AK 168 0303 EC 50 0,350 15.68 AK 169 0305 EC 50 0,430 6.53 AK 170 0306 EC 50 0,430 8.56 AK 171 /38 0102 EC 50 103,400 1,841.38 AK 171 /39 0102 EC 50 106,120 1,889.78 AK 171 /40 0102 EC 50 108,840 1,938.19 AK 171 /42 0102 EC 50 114,240 2,034.97 AK 171 /50 0102 EC 50 136,000 2,422.17 AK 173 /38 0301 EC 50 29,640 663.02 AK 175 0306 D2 0,850 24.23 AK 177 0307 D2 1,098 40.37 AT 11 0803 25C 1,780 43.47 AT 14 0902 CARRO1 2,350 70.20 AT 16 D 1204 CARRO7 172,700 2,207.56 AT 17 H 1210 D4 87,000 791.72 AT 20 T139464 9920 690E 0,065 2.60 AT 21 0902 CARRO7 6,900 110.48 AT 23 2001 CARRO7 11,500 148.83 AT 32 2201173 1906 CARRO7 9,000 171.23 AT 34 45481994 9926 10CD4 0,200 34.83 AT 35 45481993 9921 VARI 0,003 1.82 AT 36 T139453 9920 CARRO7 0,008 .26 AT 37 F 3380669 H91 1902 CARRO7 68,570 10 1,103.16 AT 40 1306 FL4 19,000 321.07 AT 49 1306 25C 12,100 290.01 AT 99 1904 CARRO7 36,500 550.76 AT 100 T139454 1910 CARRO7 6,164 89.43 AT 103 A 1202 CARRO7 118,500 6 1,370.88 AT 104 A 1201 CARRO7 113,000 6 1,201.62 AT 105 A 1205 CARRO7 86,000 8 848.14 AT 106 0902 CARRO7 6,300 86.41


AT 107 E 1210 D4 87,300 772.90 AT 110 1201 CARRO1 48,288 10 878.19 AT 111 A 1210 FL4 44,000 552.89 AT 114 1205 CARRO1 41,330 660.33 AT 124 3216168781 1201 CARRO2 56,400 8 948.31 AT 129 1101 CARRO2 0,220 17.47 AT 130 0803 CARRO2 2,650 36.26 AT 131 0902 CARRO2 2,260 66.36 AT 134 A 5184980 1401 FL4 0,170 16.84 AT 139 9922 CARRO2 0,005 .85 AT 141 3216.5246.00 1301 ROC201 39,100 20 694.55 AT 142 3216.5108.00 1301 ROC712 40,000 20 652.88 AT 159 3216931600 1301 ROC400 29,390 20 580.07 AT 160 9926 VARI 0,201 36.92 AT 161 2001 CARRO7 10,200 124.22 AT 162 A 1202 CARRO7 106,000 1,307.16 AT 184 XF4-1-34691A 1301 FL6 41,400 764.26 AT 186 71403209 9921 CFH205MS 0,003 1.82 AT 187 3216113400 2001 ROC-400 6,950 115.86 AT 192 3792/2 1301 ROC-D5/D7 42,000 723.75 AT 199 3222327337 1204 ROCD6 117,750 1,777.05 BD 8 2590.402.01 1301 CARRO6 47,600 718.58 BD 12 71318279 2001 CARRO6 9,700 186.19 BD 21 1301 8C 43,700 677.19 BD 30 1204 CARRO9 290,000 3,161.69 BD 38 1903 10C 18,500 24 636.23 BD 39 1911 10C 11,800 346.79 BD 42 /405 5003045 9926 CARRO9 0,300 84.16 BD 42 /540 45481996 9926 CARRO8 0,300 71.54 BD 42 /650 71400904 9926 CARRO10 0,300 71.54 BD 42 /750 45482257 9926 CARRO10 0,300 84.16 BD 43 45481995 9921 10C 0,020 2.14 BD 44 B 1204 (D7) 427,000 4,843.58 BD 45 B 1204 CARRO8 199,484 2,582.02 BD 46 1901 D7 164,000 3,009.81 BD 47 1904 D7 108,300 1,293.44 BD 48 1904 D7 18,400 352.35 BD 49 1910 D7 15,000 655.93 BD 50 1907 CARRO10 24,500 545.32 BD 53 9925 D7 1,160 139.67 BD 54 9920 D7 0,001 .37


BD 55 1903 D7 40,000 1,157.42 BD 56 1911 D7 20,620 756.23 BD 59 1906 D7 17,250 326.30 BD 60 1901 CARRO8 58,760 1,067.97 BD 61 1904 FL8 43,000 772.81 BD 78 1903 FL8 18,500 634.73 BD 85 71318287 0803 FL6 5,400 67.38 BD 88 A 71401160 0604 CARRO8 21,320 195.08 BD 91 A 1202 CARRO6 92,850 6 1,130.80 BD 92 A 1201 CARRO6 79,112 6 993.96 BD 93 B 1205 FL6 62,000 8 696.92 BD 94 E 1210 FL6 59,450 611.71 BD 95 0902 CARRO6 5,315 81.14 BD 102 1901 CARRO3 24,400 557.68 BD 103 1904 CARRO3 16,100 289.65 BD 104 1907 CARRO3 5,100 128.24 BD 115 2204063 9925 CARRO9 0,700 57.57 BD 119 1907 CARRO8 8,860 191.64 BD 127 1402 CARRO8 0,050 11.79 BD 129 1401 CARRO8 0,360 30.25 BE 10 C 1204 BEN90CS 111,300 1,665.79 BE 22 1301 FL4 39,000 20 530.77 BE 23 B 1202 BEN90CS 70,334 8 1,076.23 BE 25 2001 BEN90CS 8,500 216.85 BE 26 1903 BEN90CS 12,800 370.65 BE 28 A 2203175 1201 BEN60 61,544 8 934.63 BE 31 1911 BEN90CS 6,500 239.46 BE 33 2203252 9926 BEN90CS 0,250 75.44 BE 35 1202 BEN130PS 173,700 2,497.49 BE 36 2206002 1201 BEN130 133,800 2,379.70 BE 37 0902 BEN130PS 13,000 580.13 BE 38 0902 BEN130PS 13,000 580.13 BE 56 1301 CARRO7-1 48,000 20 772.59 BE 73 1904 BEN130 47,900 692.63 BE 80 A 1202 D6 185,000 6 1,756.26 BE 81 B 76598739 1902 CARRO2 33,200 970.37 BE 83 1905 BEN60 6,400 217.40 BE 84 1906 BEN60 3,300 128.50 BE 101 0803 CARRO13 60,500 948.77 BE 105 1301 CARRO13 587,000 7,298.63 BE 113 B 1204 CARRO10 432,000 5,019.80 BE 114 2206421 1204 BEN130 216,600 3,675.69 BE 115 1902 BEN130 82,600 1,640.76 BE 121 A 1201 CARRO10 200,000 2,048.33 BE 124 1902 CARRO10 232,100 4,240.62 BE 125 1904 CARRO10 107,000 1,286.48 BE 127 9925 CARRO10 1,700 118.00 BE 128 1905 CARRO10 44,200 993.40 BE 129 1906 CARRO10 18,200 726.94 BE 130 9930 CARRO10 0,017 4.02


BE 132 79083943 9920 CARRO10 0,011 .39 BE 143 9914 CARRO11 0,040 78.52 BE 144 T189545 9914 CARRO11 0,038 15.68 BE 185 1910 CARRO2 4,470 122.76 BG 8 A 1201 CARRO2 53,200 12 786.88 BG 20 12960719 9914 SA150 0,040 19.47 BG 21 9914 SA150 0,030 6.64 BG 23 1904 CARRO2 18,700 367.48 BM 1 1306 D6 38,900 532.67 BM 2 1306 CARRO9-1 35,000 570.68 BM 4 3018-57687 0701 C366 38,660 12 464.61 BM 8 B 1204 (D7) 356,000 3,575.86 BM 9 C 1901 CARRO10 102,000 1,528.94 BM 10 1904 CARRO10 76,400 1,019.88 BM 16 0802 C366 4,670 77.03 BM 17 9911 C366 0,800 98.52 BM 21 A 1202 D6 193,000 1,963.68 BM 22 1903 CARRO9 19,000 382.63 BM 23 B 1204 CARRO9D6 252,000 2,991.29 BM 26 1911 CARRO9 9,700 223.13 BM 32 1306 C166 28,500 461.74 BM 36 7086916 1306 CARRO9-1 42,000 520.92 CA 28 R 14896 0304 1000 0,865 16.65 CA 67 T125615 9922 1000D 0,003 .78 CA 89 9912 1000D 0,070 1.46 CA 92 F 62076 9914 1000D 0,001 .36 CA 100 1306 1150 28,500 416.49 CA 102 R 41050 0201 310 1,400 26.74 CA 103 R 41049 0201 310 1,400 26.74 CA 107 32831 0305 310G 0,510 4.47 CA 127 R 36470 0601 310-350 15,550 45 293.55 CA 138 D 29138 1404 350 0,120 7.52


CA 142 1306 350 12,500 202.53 CA 153 D 31710 0201 1150 2,510 38.08 CA 154 D 31709 0201 1150 2,510 38.08 CA 167 R 33552 0601 850 29,890 28 385.57 CA 168 R 24103 0601 850 36,960 28 404.68 CA 170 D 36170 1301 1150 55,000 20 708.44 CA 174 D 46396 1003 1150 0,085 6.40 CA 175 D 30382 9903 1150 0,135 10.33 CA 178 D 30384 9919 450 0,001 .76 CA 179 D 35288 9914 1150 0,003 .65 CA 184 D 36068 0803 1150 4,070 127.88 CA 186 D 36065 9903 1150 0,085 7.38 CA 188 132.155 9913 1150 0,015 .27 CA 190 D 42886 1209 1150 88,660 1,474.56 CA 191 0605 350 10,000 40 109.04 CA 193 1101 310 0,200 12.50 CA 195 9902 310 0,006 .54 CA 198 9924 450 0,085 23.76 CA 199 9920 450 0,001 .33 CA 201 1203 1150 97,092 2,128.08 CA 205 D45075 0303 1150 0,948 16.95 CA 206 R 14893 0305 1150 1,310 7.49 CA 207 D 36511 0306 1150 1,280 12.28 CA 208 D 45272 0309 1150 0,040 4.11 CA 209 D 45076 0308 1150 0,008 .39 CA 214 R 36468 0601 450 15,660 45 289.65 CA 226 D 35271 1203 450 53,900 8 1,055.65 CA 230 /37 0301 450 39,600 2 558.92 CA 231 /37 0104 850 268,000 2,883.06 CA 231 /38 R 41054 0104 850 269,000 2,959.56 CA 231 /39 D 49003 0104 850 279,000 3,037.87 CA 231 /40 D 49004 0104 850 284,000 3,115.18 CA 231 /50 0104 850 364,000 3,894.17 CA 232 /40 0302 850 91,000 2 870.25 CA 233 0307 1150 1,400 21.10 CA 238 D 35029 0305 450 0,590 5.06 CA 239 D 35031 0303 450 0,480 12.34 CA 240 D 37598 0306 450 0,600 10.92 CA 249 D 35272 1209 450 50,000 794.75 CA 250 D 35270 0803 450 2,120 49.53 CA 251 D 35266 9910 450A 0,020 9.54 CA 252 D 35265 9911 350-450 0,575 45.82 CA 259 D 49921 0704 450 7,800 101.40 CA 260 D 49919 0802 450 1,950 45.86 CA 262 D 49923 0701 450 11,440 20 255.70 CA 263 D 49922 0702 450 7,970 118.68 CA 264 1205 450 51,000 827.61 CA 274 /36 0103 450 156,000 2,088.82 CA 274 /37 D 49614 0103 450 160,333 2,146.52 CA 275 /37 0302 450 48,100 2 645.96


CA 276 D 48007 0303 450 0,490 12.45 CA 278 D 43185 0306 450 0,730 9.67 CA 281 D 43181 0201 450 1,550 27.59 CA 282 D 43182 0201 450 1,550 27.59 CA 283 0307 450 0,760 10.48 CA 286 /35 0102 ATD3100 133,000 1,929.80 CA 286 /36 0102 ATD3100 136,000 1,984.69 CA 287 0305 (350) 0,590 4.79 CA 289 0306 450 0,590 10.23 CA 290 0201 ATD3100 1,350 29.79 CA 291 0201 ATD3100 1,350 29.79 CA 296 D 43409 1301 450 33,000 20 610.48 CA 298 D 46923 1301 850 48,800 20 591.50 CA 302 D 42203 0701 350 7,230 36 199.48 CA 307 /31 0104 350 118,364 1,649.74 CA 307 /33 R 41051 0104 350 126,000 1,756.77 CA 307 /34 0104 350 129,818 1,809.96 CA 307 /35 0104 350 133,636 1,862.24 CA 307 /36 0104 350 137,455 1,915.47 CA 307 /37 0104 350 141,273 1,968.62 CA 307 /41 0104 350 156,545 2,182.30 CA 307 /43 0104 350 164,182 2,287.54 CA 307 /44 0104 350 168,000 2,341.94 CA 307 /51 0104 350 194,727 2,713.83 CA 307 /61 0104 350 232,909 3,245.76 CA 308 D 48669 0303 350 0,376 11.62 CA 309 D 41582 0306 350 0,500 9.63 CA 310 D 48668 0308 350 0,004 .26 CA 311 /33 0302 350 30,020 2 508.14 CA 312 0307 350 0,520 10.40 CA 314 D 43618 0902 350 6,500 141.93 CA 315 D 43619 0902 350 6,500 150.90 CA 316 31163 0704 350 5,140 95.00 CA 317 D 47572 1503 350 0,280 9.26 CA 318 D 42205 0802 350 0,880 19.75 CA 319 A 21619 9902 350 0,011 .90 CA 320 D 29133 9999 350 0,090 19.00 CA 321 D 29134 9909 350 0,153 10.17 CA 322 D 42204 9904 350 0,270 11.59 CA 326 40011 1503 350 0,450 14.90 CA 332 D 43357 1301 350 28,000 20 560.50 CA 333 D 43349 1301 450 37,000 20 558.31 CA 340 D 49100 0802 1150 2,200 33.62 CA 347 D 48685 0704 1150 10,600 35 123.49 CA 349 D 48684 0701 1150 14,800 20 255.68 CA 350 0702 1150 11,520 140.60 CA 352 R 29288 9904 1150 0,562 19.71 CA 353 0901 450 0,990 29.73 CA 355 R 33893 1201 350 60,092 8 1,269.80 CA 356 R 33892 1201 350 60,092 8 1,269.80


CA 357 A R43716 1209 CASE350 43,000 674.49 CA 358 D 51281 0803 350 1,900 39.23 CA 359 D 21262 9921 350 0,120 6.90 CA 361 1205 350 42,000 747.22 CA 362 R 41455 1203 350 46,092 961.11 CA 363 9921 450 0,006 .15 CA 370 0901 350 0,830 45.10 CA 372 0901 310 1,130 33.74 CA 373 B 0601 310-350 15,550 45 274.63 CA 374 0604 350 10,900 40 141.21 CA 376 /36 R 24571 0103 450A 214,000 2,422.77 CA 377 /36 0302 450A 67,100 2 779.75 CA 378 R 33565 0601 450B 21,110 36 300.81 CA 379 R 24570 1301 450A 46,500 20 624.17 CA 380 /40 R 27668 0104 1150B 370,000 3,782.90 CA 381 /40 0302 1150B 132,650 2 1,119.87 CA 382 R 33571 0601 1150B 37,850 21 480.46 CA 383 R 33572 0601 1150B 42,380 21 493.66 CA 385 R 24573 0201 450A 1,950 31.60 CA 386 R 24572 0201 450A 1,950 31.60 CA 387 R24576 0303 450A 0,845 15.50 CA 389 R 24577 0304 450A 0,740 15.15 CA 390 R 24574 0306 450A 1,000 11.54 CA 391 R 24694 0308 450A 0,007 .38 CA 392 0307 450A 1,064 13.18 CA 393 R 25687 0201 1150B 3,030 43.17 CA 394 R 25686 0201 1150B 3,030 43.17 CA 395 R 25697 0305 1150B 1,820 9.46 CA 396 R 25703 0303 1150B 1,380 22.41 CA 397 R 25702 0304 1150B 1,190 21.78 CA 398 R 25699 0306 1150B 1,780 14.45 CA 399 R 25704 0309 1150B 0,100 5.66 CA 401 0307 1150B 2,040 26.40 CA 410 R 24542 1003 450A 0,100 6.47 CA 411 71401086 9922 FH400 0,015 .92 CA 413 R 24544 0801 450A 2,750 58.20 CA 414 R 24545 0901 450A 1,100 33.02 CA 415 0604 450A 15,600 35 151.72 CA 419 0801 1150B 6,400 78.46 CA 420 0901 1150B 1,900 46.91 CA 421 0604 1150B 26,440 20 225.94 CA 422 0604 1150B 30,340 20 238.71 CA 423 R 25680 0701 1150B 20,400 16 292.72 CA 424 R 25683 0704 1150B 15,000 35 143.42 CA 425 R 25685 0802 1150B 2,720 33.20 CA 426 0702 1150B 15,770 167.62 CA 427 C R25647 1210 1150B 102,200 885.41 CA 428 R 25652 0803 1150B 4,700 74.28 CA 430 R 25653 9999 1450B 0,120 5.73 CA 431 D 43745 9903 1150B 0,080 8.58


CA 434 R 34742 9911 1150B 0,030 24.89 CA 435 R 25648 0902 1150B 9,100 132.95 CA 436 R 25650 1201 1150B 136,000 6 1,545.06 CA 440 1101 1150B 0,570 31.22 CA 443 R 36629 1201 450A 111,000 6 1,358.92 CA 444 D 1210 450A 72,500 717.11 CA 445 9902 1150B 0,010 2.33 CA 446 R 24644 0803 450A 2,580 31.86 CA 447 R 36613 0902 450A 12,730 247.43 CA 448 R 36614 0902 450A 12,730 247.43 CA 449 A 1205 450E 71,200 779.76 CA 462 0303 ATD3200 0,490 12.75 CA 463 /36 0301 ATD3100 39,500 2 596.25 CA 465 0303 ATD3200 0,610 13.87 CA 466 0305 ATD3200 0,650 5.33 CA 467 0306 ATD3200 0,630 10.18 CA 468 /40 0301 ATD3700 50,380 2 732.47 CA 469 /39 0102 ATD3700 155,000 2,219.55 CA 469 /40 0102 ATD3700 158,000 2,276.22 CA 483 /36 R 29244 0104 1450 542,000 4,422.36 CA 483 /39 R 34890 0104 1450 578,000 4,790.41 CA 483 /45 0104 1450 644,714 5,522.82 CA 484 /36 0302 1450 187,000 2 1,487.04 CA 484 /39 0302 1450 202,580 2 1,610.25 CA 486 A R33583 0601 1450 50,140 21 543.96 CA 487 A R33584 0601 1450 53,800 21 573.97 CA 488 R 52262 1301 1450 88,000 10 1,147.27 CA 495 R 29193 0303 1450 2,280 32.38 CA 496 R 29192 0304 1450 2,000 32.27 CA 504 R.33591 0801 1450 10,000 91.37 CA 505 R.33589 1101 1450 0,830 39.47 CA 506 R.33590 0901 1450 2,420 51.48 CA 507 R.33587 0604 1450 33,665 20 285.47 CA 508 R.33588 0604 1450 37,465 20 304.19 CA 513 R 42186 1201 450B 84,000 6 1,129.97 CA 514 A R 42177 1205 450B 66,700 761.99 CA 515 C 1210 450B 67,500 679.34 CA 517 R 42122 0902 450B 6,600 113.12 CA 520 A R 33608 0701 1450 25,600 12 332.47 CA 527 1501 1450 0,846 183.52 CA 528 B R 28225 1210 1450B 151,200 1,284.59 CA 529 R 28231 0803 1450 6,450 112.14 CA 530 R 46700 1201 1450 202,000 5 2,338.67 CA 532 R 28230 9921 1450 0,280 28.85 CA 535 1501 1150B 1,140 141.46 CA 536 1501 1150 1,210 132.81 CA 541 B 1308 1450B 78,000 2 737.32 CA 543 R 45906 1301 850B 41,400 20 582.12 CA 545 R 33556 1101 1450 0,320 24.54 CA 547 R 33599 9911 1450 0,500 25.14


CA 548 1402 1450 0,016 1.60 CA 550 R 33607 1401 1450 0,242 19.54 CA 553 M00154 1003 1000D 0,380 14.38 CA 557 R 33597 1101 1450 0,200 13.53 CA 558 0802 1450 3,610 55.12 CA 559 R 33601 9903 1450 0,140 13.02 CA 560 R 46823 9917 1450B 0,050 12.00 CA 561 R 46698 0902 1450B 18,000 223.92 CA 562 9914 1450B 0,002 .26 CA 569 R 50437 0323 1450 2,300 33.65 CA 571 /36 0314 1450B 176,700 2 2,005.97 CA 573 C 1210 450C 63,800 710.76 CA 574 A/36 0105 1450B 530,000 5,696.17 CA 574 A/39 0105 1450B 575,000 6,145.53 CA 574 A/40 0105 1450B 589,000 6,295.29 CA 574 A/41 0105 1450B 603,725 6,444.84 CA 575 A/36 0109 1450B 535,000 4,821.13 CA 575 A/39 0109 1450B 579,000 5,194.21 CA 575 A/40 0109 1450B 594,000 5,318.11 CA 587 R 45916 1301 1150D 72,000 10 966.44 CA 594 D 44307 9911 450-1150 0,519 32.94 CA 595 B R 51252 1210 850D-855D 84,000 814.18 CA 598 0801 350 1,900 43.66 CA 599 0801 450 1,950 61.60 CA 618 /36 0302 1450B 185,000 2 1,517.53 CA 619 R 52261 1301 1450B 118,200 10 1,387.33 CA 620 A 1201 850 113,000 6 1,566.66 CA 621 R 29569 1201 1150 98,000 1,662.54 CA 626 R 44999 0902 850B 8,200 144.82 CA 627 R 46824 0803 850B 3,780 79.26 CA 628 /36 0315 1450B 86,600 1 1,369.47 CA 641 R 52667 1205 1150-1155 105,000 996.68 CA 652 1203 1150 96,530 5 2,060.32 CA 653 9999 850 1,700 25.47 CA 654 0801 850 3,650 61.09 CA 657 0604 850 22,300 24 217.79 CA 658 0604 850 28,800 24 220.60 CA 659 0901 850 1,878 43.57 CA 663 /33 R 39199 0104 350B 143,000 1,887.78 CA 663 /36 0104 350B 157,230 2,059.52 CA 664 R 39197 0201 350B 1,550 27.49 CA 665 R 39198 0201 350B 1,550 27.49 CA 666 R 41427 1301 350B 34,500 20 598.29 CA 669 /38 R51133 0105 850D-855D 285,000 4,285.94 CA 669 /40 R52409 0105 850D-855D 298,000 4,491.82 CA 669 /41 0105 850D-855D 307,000 4,595.17 CA 670 /38 0314 850D-855D 88,400 2 1,492.59 CA 671 /38 0315 850D 47,860 2 1,042.84 CA 672 R 49788 0201 850D-855D 2,650 37.34 CA 673 R 49789 0201 850D-855D 2,650 37.34


CA 674 R 52639 0203 850D-855D 3,700 302.23 CA 675 R 52640 0203 850D-855D 3,700 302.23 CA 676 R 51130 0323 850D-855 1,170 24.64 CA 677 R 52597 1301 850D-855D 46,000 10 660.22 CA 681 /40 R 51183 0105 1150D 385,200 5,041.66 CA 681 /43 R 51184 0105 1150D 414,090 5,387.32 CA 682 /40 0314 1150D 125,000 2 1,804.87 CA 682 /43 0314 1150D 134,375 2 1,940.23 CA 683 /40 0315 1150D 67,520 2 1,187.31 CA 684 R 51185 0201 1150D 3,200 42.70 CA 685 R 51186 0201 1150D 3,200 42.70 CA 686 0203 1150D 4,360 318.49 CA 687 0203 1150D 4,360 318.49 CA 688 R51191 0323 1150D 1,680 27.03 CA 689 R 53118 1301 1150D 96,000 10 1,028.86 CA 690 R 52698 1301 450C-455C 42,500 20 535.22 CA 693 R 52404 1201 450C-455C 88,000 6 1,111.02 CA 694 A R 50452 1205 450C-455C 59,700 776.30 CA 695 /38 R 49303 0104 850D-855D 295,000 2,947.98 CA 695 /40 R 52279 0104 850D-855D 315,000 3,103.72 CA 695 /41 0104 850D-855D 324,000 3,181.44 CA 696 /38 0302 850D-855D 99,000 2 1,008.68 CA 699 A 1203 850 90,200 1,218.17 CA 702 0204 850D-855D 1,500 151.07 CA 703 0204 850D-855D 2,200 151.07 CA 704 0204 850D-855D 1,500 151.07 CA 705 0204 850D-855D 2,200 151.07 CA 706 /40 R 51200 0104 1150D 392,000 3,505.08 CA 706 /43 0104 1150D 422,000 3,767.36 CA 706 /46 0104 1150D 456,900 4,030.66 CA 707 /40 0302 1150D 141,330 2 1,176.78 CA 707 /43 0302 1150D 152,000 2 1,264.58 CA 712 R 50570 9928 450C-455C 0,088 14.60 CA 713 R 46697 0803 450C-455C 2,660 51.44 CA 714 R 52402 0902 450C-455C 6,700 123.62 CA 717 R 51195 0303 1150D 1,837 22.16 CA 718 R 51196 0304 1150D 1,590 21.49 CA 721 0204 1150D 1,640 159.27 CA 722 0204 1150D 2,720 159.27 CA 723 0204 1150D 1,640 159.27 CA 724 0204 1150D 2,720 159.27 CA 725 /36 R 52292 0105 450C 201,000 3,684.67 CA 725 /38 0105 450C 212,200 3,708.52 CA 725 /39 0105 450C 216,000 3,964.30 CA 731 R 52284 0201 450D 1,950 32.63 CA 732 R 52285 0201 450D 1,950 32.63 CA 733 0204 450D 0,970 138.85 CA 734 0204 450D 1,650 138.85 CA 735 0204 450D 0,970 138.85 CA 736 0204 450D 1,650 138.85


CA 737 R 52297 0323 450D 0,880 21.72 CA 738 R 52298 0325 450D 0,680 14.26 CA 739 0203 450D 2,620 277.70 CA 740 0203 450D 2,620 277.70 CA 741 /36 0314 450D 57,450 2 1,250.04 CA 742 /36 0315 450D 32,400 2 860.09 CA 744 /36 R 52283 0104 450C-455C 206,500 2,438.73 CA 744 /39 0104 450C-455C 225,000 2,641.78 CA 745 /36 0302 450C-455C 65,800 2 763.17 CA 746 R52286 0303 450C-455C 0,980 16.76 CA 747 R52287 0304 450C-455C 0,872 15.94 CA 748 R 52288 0305 450C-455C 0,825 5.77 CA 749 R 53993 0306 450C-455C 0,790 11.46 CA 750 R 52290 0309 450C-455C 0,054 4.52 CA 753 0307 450C-455C 0,922 19.95 CA 757 R 55674 1201 1150-1155 137,700 6 1,556.53 CA 758 S 105797 1101 1150-1155 0,500 27.43 CA 759 R 55673 0803 1150-1155 5,100 90.04 CA 760 R 55672 0902 1150-1155 13,000 228.18 CA 773 R 52661 9920 1150E 0,073 2.41 CA 799 /37 0314 550E 144,000 2 1,714.49 CA 802 R 57298 1301 550E 50,955 750.03 CA 812 R56464 1301 850E 46,500 10 650.66 CA 822 R57368 0325 550E 0,660 13.81 CA 823 R57369 0323 550E 1,160 26.08 CA 824 R57377 0316 550E 0,020 2.02 CA 842 R53119 1301 1150GLGP 90,500 1,111.06 CA 845 R56508 1301 850ELT 48,000 657.74 CA 846 R56535 1301 850E-LGP 59,500 940.18 CA 847 /36 295203A1 0105 850G-H 279,632 4,267.18 CA 847 /38 295202A1 0105 850G-H 292,000 4,495.95 CA 847 /40 0105 850G-H 307,368 4,721.92 CA 848 R56515 0323 850G-H 1,300 23.76 CA 850 /36 0314 850G-H 86,270 2 1,655.85 CA 850 /38 0314 850G-H 91,100 2 1,747.86 CA 857 0601 310-350 15,550 45 281.07 CA 858 0204 850G-H 1,950 105.74 CA 859 0204 850G-H 1,350 105.74 CA 860 0204 850G-H 1,950 105.74 CA 861 0204 850G-H 1,350 105.74 CA 862 A 295178A1 0201 850G-H 2,580 50.78 CA 863 A 295177A1 0201 850G-H 2,580 50.78 CA 864 A/37 130345A1 0105 550G-550H 225,000 3,979.23 CA 866 0325 550G-H 0,820 15.11 CA 867 0323 550G-H 1,030 26.71 CA 868 /37 0314 550G-H 70,410 2 1,715.45 CA 869 0305 550G-H 1,030 7.79 CA 870 0303 550G-H 1,150 18.74 CA 871 /37 0302 558G-H 81,970 2 913.08 CA 876 0306 550G-H 1,020 12.82


CA 877 0304 550G-H 1,000 17.84 CA 878 0307 550G-H 1,196 21.23 CA 879 R51131 0325 850G-H 1,020 18.25 CA 880 0203 850G-H 3,300 211.48 CA 881 0203 850G-H 3,300 211.48 CI 3 A 1204 CARRO2 98,815 1,806.21 CI 4 A 1901 CARRO4 33,800 1,352.93 CJ 5109 991109 0601 E200B 33,700 27 423.21 CJ 5110 8E 4573 0601 219-225 39,440 27 423.12 CJ 5111 8E 4576 0601 229 47,533 15 491.46 CJ 5112 854973 0601 E300 55,660 15 558.61 CJ 5525 117-5046 0601 325 44,600 15 521.21 CJ 5726 6I9396 0601 CAT322 42,300 15 478.98 CJ 5897 B 0601 CAT330 61,500 12 591.26 CJ 6676 117-5045 0601 320-315 31,920 27 313.27 CR 12 V 223 0304 D2 0,540 10.70 CR 25 2F 1336 9926 D6 0,058 5.86 CR 134 2A 3241 0304 D6 1,150 17.30 CR 190 5M 2035 0304 D8 2,860 44.02 CR 202 4M 740 0304 D4 0,925 14.07 CR 255 6B 5502 0305 D6 1,670 9.11 CR 256 1M 8807 0303 D6 1,370 18.25 CR 265 6B 5882 0305 D7 3,050 14.98 CR 266 5M2033 0304 D7 2,220 32.32 CR 269 4B 6620 0305 D8 3,500 17.02 CR 306 6B 5277 0303 D2 0,645 11.91 CR 354 7B 9968 1403 D7 0,270 40.77 CR 360 /2 4F 6066 9907 D7 1,240 32.37 CR 360 /4 4B 4341 9918 D7 0,025 .51 CR 365 /4 4M 4823 9918 D8 0,030 .47 CR 398 A 4F 324 9912 D5-D6 0,194 7.50 CR 399 A 4F 262 9912 850B-D6C 0,210 7.70 CR 434 /2 4F 6070 9907 D6 1,350 30.49 CR 434 /3 1A 7599 9920 D6 0,022 .45 CR 434 /4 5K 1765 9918 D6 0,020 .54


CR 456 5B 5744 9999 D4 0,103 83.86 CR 461 5B 4400 9904 D4 0,814 24.37 CR 462 4B 8155 9903 D4 0,150 16.96 CR 464 5B 4399 9914 D4 0,004 5.52 CR 506 3B 4510 9921 D6-D7 0,009 .22 CR 514 3B 4509 9921 D6 0,009 .08 CR 516 8B 9762 1101 D2 0,256 17.86 CR 517 0802 D2 2,300 137.88 CR 524 9B 859 0702 D2 9,200 159.63 CR 529 0701 D2 12,000 12 307.64 CR 542 3B 4512 9921 D7G 0,015 .20 CR 599 4B4845 9922 D2 0,012 1.24 CR 624 9B 2289 9920 D6 0,006 .46 CR 671 /3 3H 2617 9920 D2 0,003 .12 CR 678 /2 4F 6029 9907 D4 0,860 31.70 CR 678 /4 6F 299 9918 D4 0,018 .38 CR 700 3B 8484 9915 D2 0,095 8.12 CR 764 8F 1190 9912 D8 0,420 18.57 CR 766 3B 4514 9921 D6C 0,014 .19 CR 947 1A 4654 9902 D9 0,013 .68 CR 962 7H 463 1306 D2 21,150 305.09 CR 963 5H 9107 1306 D4 29,400 416.59 CR 1024 9F 7978 9907 D8H 1,800 99.45 CR 1025 5H 3182 9920 D8H 0,004 .09 CR 1087 8P 5434 1001 D9 9,900 116.42 CR 1091 2H9247 9914 D9 0,010 1.05 CR 1096 1M 8748 1401 933 0,438 20.15 CR 1098 6H 1309 1402 933 0,027 1.78 CR 1127 6T9872 0605 D7F 36,200 16 248.23 CR 1131 9W 6647 1401 D7 0,330 16.19 CR 1136 8H 3938 1101 D7 0,980 71.36 CR 1138 6H 2953 9902 D7 0,010 .52 CR 1141 6T 9868 0605 D7F 41,400 16 281.56 CR 1146 8H 2262 1402 D6C 0,020 1.36 CR 1148 2H3928 9914 D7 0,003 .70 CR 1149 8H 6393 9902 D7-D8H 0,012 .78 CR 1159 5F3144 9914 D7 0,006 1.05 CR 1160 1H 8720 9914 D7 0,002 .38 CR 1162 1M 4291 9920 D7 0,013 .93 CR 1164 7H 4574 9902 D7 0,008 1.17 CR 1166 5M 1731 0803 D7 11,150 203.17 CR 1168 G IS 8186 1210 D7D-977H 197,000 4 1,385.92 CR 1169 1203 D7D 217,000 1,801.56 CR 1172 2H 6184 9914 D9 0,004 .50 CR 1178 5M2037 0304 D8H 3,740 43.37 CR 1192 4S 8099 0901 D8H 6,000 84.45 CR 1193 8H 2265 1402 D8H 0,025 1.65 CR 1195 9W 7220 1401 D8H 0,410 18.22 CR 1198 2P 8052 1001 D8H 7,270 93.75 CR 1199 8T7130 9914 D8H 0,006 1.01


CR 1201 5M 1247 0801 D8H 18,310 254.48 CR 1202 4S 8073 9902 D8H 0,012 .57 CR 1203 4F 3408 9914 D8H 0,004 .52 CR 1214 8M 383 0802 D8H 9,640 73.60 CR 1215 1H 5728 9914 D8H 0,002 .42 CR 1219 9H 7759 9902 D8H 0,008 1.17 CR 1222 1M 4270 1101 D8H 1,380 84.17 CR 1223 6P 2083 1001 D8H 7,800 99.58 CR 1226 5M 1245 0803 D8H 18,300 281.59 CR 1227 E 9S 7221 1210 D8H 274,500 2 2,265.57 CR 1228 1203 D8H 309,300 2 2,772.15 CR 1256 4H9105 9914 D7 0,006 .76 CR 1257 6H 6237 9902 D8 0,009 .96 CR 1258 8F 6711 9914 D7 0,003 .42 CR 1266 8M 6910 0306 D9G 6,000 50.45 CR 1274 5B 5155 9917 D6 0,008 2.16 CR 1276 6T 9880 0605 D5 22,600 20 186.12 CR 1277 6T 9876 0605 D5 28,700 20 204.83 CR 1278 5M 1915 0801 D6 7,300 129.96 CR 1280 4M 8292 1101 D6 0,660 40.19 CR 1281 2P 8045 1001 D5 3,410 51.55 CR 1282 1H 8128 9914 D6 0,003 .56 CR 1283 1M 3099 9917 D6 0,010 .77 CR 1284 7F8267 9914 D4 0,002 .36 CR 1285 5M 627 0901 D5 2,720 36.28 CR 1287 6H 7382 9902 D6 0,006 .50 CR 1289 1M 3097 1402 D4 0,018 1.30 CR 1291 2M 2858 1401 D4 0,320 14.40 CR 1292 D 118-1611 0601 D5 44,810 21 523.52 CR 1293 D 118-1612 0601 D5B 49,500 21 538.28 CR 1317 6T 9884 0605 D4 24,250 24 186.52 CR 1318 6T 9888 0605 D4 19,000 24 170.98 CR 1320 2H 6338 9914 D4 0,003 .55 CR 1322 1M 4224 0901 D4 2,240 37.28 CR 1325 3K5513 1101 D4 0,501 30.76 CR 1326 1V 9611 1001 D4 3,030 46.65 CR 1328 E 118-1608 0601 D4 36,500 21 477.72 CR 1329 E 118-1609 0601 D4 42,230 21 499.83 CR 1388 1H9696 9914 D6 0,002 .32 CR 1389 1M 7914 9902 D6 0,006 .93 CR 1394 8F8882 9914 D4 0,003 .42 CR 1401 9F2083 9920 D6 0,008 .85 CR 1439 D 3K 2866 1210 933A 72,000 6 748.50 CR 1440 3K 6620 0803 D4 5,055 149.91 CR 1441 4F 7952 9914 D4 0,002 .22 CR 1445 A 1M6226 1315 933F 28,000 343.39 CR 1447 3K 5841 1306 955E 37,500 486.46 CR 1451 3K 7677 1306 955H 52,090 575.23 CR 1456 3S 7090 1306 D7 57,000 670.95 CR 1461 1M 1777 1306 D4C 31,980 467.76


CR 1467 3P 8272 1001 D6 3,200 53.26 CR 1468 5M 1913 0803 D6 7,100 153.42 CR 1477 5M2466 0803 977 11,150 191.54 CR 1478 1203 977H 223,000 5 1,792.75 CR 1493 9H 7536 9925 D9 0,280 52.44 CR 1496 9S 8322 0704 D9G 46,000 16 396.45 CR 1499 1M 1304 9911 D9 0,310 20.55 CR 1503 6H 3977 9914 D9 0,001 .50 CR 1504 8F 737 9902 D9 0,015 1.14 CR 1505 1203 D9G 426,000 2 3,984.65 CR 1506 D 5S1532 1210 D9G 400,500 2 2,986.62 CR 1507 5M 1667 0803 D9 28,000 458.14 CR 1515 F 1M 8867 1210 933-D4 87,660 6 762.93 CR 1516 1203 D4D 100,000 6 1,061.97 CR 1537 1M 8957 0306 D7E 3,410 23.90 CR 1538 1M 8958 0305 D7E 3,500 16.74 CR 1539 1M3669 0303 D7E 2,920 33.67 CR 1540 8M 6238 0309 D7E 0,130 7.30 CR 1541 8M 6239 0308 D7E 0,026 .79 CR 1542 1M3670 0304 D7E 2,650 30.70 CR 1547 7M 430 0307 D7E 3,830 39.97 CR 1558 8M 2621 0309 D8H 0,150 8.31 CR 1559 8M 2620 0308 D8H 0,029 .90 CR 1560 8M 2619 0303 D8H 3,920 47.34 CR 1591 5M 3022 1306 D7E 78,390 842.24 CR 1595 9G 5317 1401 D7E 1,655 77.98 CR 1597 1M 9011 1402 D7E 0,150 7.15 CR 1604 8M 7457 0303 D6 1,340 17.83 CR 1605 8M 7456 0306 D6 1,660 14.65 CR 1606 8M 7454 0308 D6 0,010 .46 CR 1607 8M 7455 0309 D6 0,070 5.13 CR 1608 8M 7488 0307 D6 1,850 24.50 CR 1616 4K 3918 0303 D4 1,040 16.21 CR 1617 5K 2707 0308 D4 0,010 .38 CR 1619 4K 3916 0309 D4 0,044 4.06 CR 1629 8M7289 0303 D7 2,646 32.04 CR 1630 8M 7231 0308 D6C 0,019 .68 CR 1631 8M 7288 0306 D7 2,970 21.82 CR 1632 8M 7290 0309 D6C-D7 0,138 7.86 CR 1633 8M 7387 0307 D7 3,300 29.48 CR 1648 8M 7230 0303 D8 3,400 48.05 CR 1649 8M 7229 0306 D8 3,400 23.95 CR 1651 8M 7388 0307 D8 3,810 40.97 CR 1652 C/1 118-1619 0601 D7E 67,000 12 670.58 CR 1652 C/2 118-1620 0601 D7E 73,050 12 697.12 CR 1656 7M 5110 9912 D6D-D7E 0,230 8.67 CR 1711 9S 8321 0704 D7E 28,500 20 238.55 CR 1714 8M 343 0803 D7E 11,150 203.06 CR 1715 1203 D7E 220,000 4 1,839.69 CR 1723 4M 4828 0802 D9G 12,500 156.29


CR 1727 4M 4826 9911 D9G 0,510 32.66 CR 1732 5K 9458 0201 D4 2,400 35.30 CR 1733 5K 9457 0201 D4 2,400 35.30 CR 1739 B/25 0104 D4C 177,451 1,804.11 CR 1739 B/35 4K7080 0104 D4C 248,431 2,523.77 CR 1739 B/36 4K7136 0104 D4C 255,529 2,595.74 CR 1739 B/38 4K7095 0104 D4C 269,725 2,739.47 CR 1739 B/39 0104 D4C 276,824 2,811.44 CR 1739 B/41 0104 D4C 291,020 2,955.49 CR 1739 B/42 0104 D4C 298,118 3,020.17 CR 1739 B/43 0104 D4C 305,216 3,091.96 CR 1739 B/44 0104 D4C 312,315 3,163.76 CR 1739 B/46 0104 D4C 326,510 3,315.20 CR 1739 B/47 0104 D4C 333,608 3,388.00 CR 1739 B/48 0104 D4C 340,706 3,459.27 CR 1739 B/49 0104 D4C 347,804 3,531.21 CR 1739 B/51 0104 D4C 362,000 3,675.09 CR 1739 B/54 0104 D4C 383,294 3,890.99 CR 1739 B/55 0104 D4C 390,392 3,962.96 CR 1747 2H3934 9914 D7E 0,003 .64 CR 1752 1T 68 9920 D9 0,008 .72 CR 1754 4M 578 0801 D9G 26,820 329.01 CR 1760 4S 8072 9902 D9G 0,012 .76 CR 1761 /3 4B 4342 9918 D8H 0,032 .42 CR 1764 5M 2080 9915 D9G 0,129 85.94 CR 1764 /1 9914 D9G 0,009 .38 CR 1769 /33 2M 2387 0104 D7 524,780 4,122.72 CR 1769 /34 4M 2389 0104 D7 540,683 4,247.13 CR 1769 /36 1S 6944 0104 D7 572,488 4,496.74 CR 1769 /37 1S 6945 0104 D7 588,390 4,623.30 CR 1769 /38 0104 D7 604,293 4,744.88 CR 1769 /39 4M 2388 0104 D7 620,195 4,868.94 CR 1769 /40 1S 2221 0104 D7 636,098 4,995.28 CR 1769 /41 1S 6943 0104 D7 652,000 5,120.96 CR 1769 /42 0104 D7 667,902 5,242.05 CR 1769 /43 0104 D7 683,805 5,366.68 CR 1769 /44 4M 569 0104 D7 699,707 5,491.34 CR 1769 /45 0104 D7 715,610 5,615.38 CR 1769 /46 0104 D7 731,512 5,740.95 CR 1769 /47 0104 D7 747,415 5,865.92 CR 1769 /48 0104 D7 763,317 5,988.86 CR 1769 /49 0104 D7 779,220 6,112.23 CR 1769 /50 0104 D7 795,122 6,240.81 CR 1769 /51 0104 D7 811,024 6,365.61 CR 1769 /52 0104 D7 826,927 6,486.26 CR 1769 /53 0104 D7 842,829 6,613.54 CR 1769 /54 0104 D7 858,732 6,738.94 CR 1769 /55 0104 D7 874,634 6,863.24 CR 1769 /57 0104 D7 906,439 7,111.68 CR 1769 /58 0104 D7 922,341 7,143.81


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