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Stimulation by thyroid stimulating hormone and Grave's immunoglobulin G of vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA expression in human thyroid follicles in vitro and flt mRNA expression in the rat thyroid in vivo


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Stimulation by thyroid-stimulating hormone and

Grave's immunoglobulin G of vascular

endothelial growth factor mRNA expression in

human thyroid follicles in vitro and flt mRNA

expression in the rat thyroid in vivo.

K Sato, … , S Yamaguchi, M Shibuya

J Clin Invest.






To elucidate the pathogenesis of thyroid gland hypervascularity in patients with Graves'

disease, we studied the expression of mRNAs for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)

and its receptor, Flt family, using human thyroid follicles in vitro and thiouracil-fed rats in

vivo. Human thyroid follicles, cultured in the absence of endothelial cells, secreted de

novo-synthesized thyroid hormone in response to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and Graves'

IgG. The thyroid follicles produced VEGF mRNA but not flt-1 mRNA. The expression of

VEGF mRNA was enhanced by insulin, tumor-promoting phorbol ester, calcium ionophore,

dibutyryl cAMP, TSH, and Graves' IgG. When rats were fed thiouracil for 4 wk, their serum

levels of TSH were increased at day 3. VEGF mRNA was also increased on day 3,

accompanied by an increase in flt family (flt-1 and KDR/ flk-1) mRNA expression. These in

vitro and in vivo findings suggest that VEGF is produced by thyroid follicles in response to

stimulators of TSH receptors, via the protein kinase A and C pathways. VEGF, a secretable

angiogenesis factor, subsequently stimulates Flt receptors on endothelial cells in a

paracrine manner, leading to their proliferation and producing hypervascularity of the thyroid

gland, as seen in patients with Graves' disease.

Research Article

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Stimulation by Thyroid-stimulating Hormone and Graves' Immunoglobulin G


Vascular Endothelial Growth



Expression in Human Thyroid




and fit

mRNA Expression in the Rat Thyroid In Vivo

Kanji Sato,* Kazuko Yamazaki, § Kazuo Shizume,11 Yoshio Kanaji,§ Takao Obara, Kazuoki


Hiroshi Demura, * Sachiko Yamaguchi,** and Masabumi Shibuya**

Departments of*Medicine and tSurgery, Institute of Clinical Endocrinology, Tokyo Women'sMedicalCollege, Tokyo 162; §Kanaji Hospital, Tokyo 115; I1ResearchInstitute forGrowth ScienceinJapan, Tokyo; 1Mitsubishi-YukaBCL, Tokyo 174; and **Department of Genetics, Institute ofMedicalScience, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 108, Japan


To elucidatethepathogenesis of thyroid gland


in patients with Graves' disease, we studied the ex-pression of mRNAs for vascular endothelial growth factor

(VEGF) and its receptor, Flt family,usinghuman thyroid follicles in vitro and thiouracil-fed rats invivo.Human thy-roid follicles, cultured in the absence of endothelial cells, secreted denovo-synthesized thyroid hormone in response to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and Graves' IgG.

The thyroid follicles produced VEGF mRNA but notflt-i

mRNA. Theexpression of VEGF mRNA was enhanced by insulin, tumor-promoting phorbol ester, calcium ionophore,

dibutyryl cAMP, TSH, and Graves' IgG. Whenrats were

fed thiouracil for 4 wk, their serum levels of TSH were

increasedatday 3. VEGF mRNAwasalsoincreased on day

3, accompanied byanincreasein




and KDR/

flk-1)mRNAexpression. Theseinvitroand in vivofindings

suggest thatVEGF is produced by thyroid follicles in re-sponseto stimulators of TSHreceptors, viathe protein ki-nase A and Cpathways. VEGF, asecretable angiogenesis factor, subsequently stimulatesFlt receptorsonendothelial cells in a paracrine manner, leading to their proliferation

and producing


of the thyroid gland, as seeninpatientswithGraves' disease.(J. Clin.Invest. 1995. 96:1295-1302.) Keywords:hypervascularity* angiogenesis

*angiogenesis factors * Graves' disease * endothelial cells


Inpatients with Graves' disease,thethyroidglandis hypervas-cular, and avenoushumisusually heard(1). Although these

phenomenaarepathognomonicclinical features of Graves' dis-ease, theirpathogenesis remainstobeelucidated.

This work hasappearedinabstractform( 11-14November1993.The Abstracts of the66thMeeting oftheAmerican Thyroid Association, T-74[No. 145]Tampa, FL).

Addresscorrespondence to Dr. MasabumiShibuya, Department of Genetics,Institute ofMedicalScience, UniversityofTokyo,4-6-1 Shi-rokane-dai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan. Phone: 81-3-5449-5550; FAX: 81-3-5449-5425.

Receivedfor publication31 October 1994 andacceptedin revised form 15May1995.

Recently, a number of in vivo angiogenesis factors have been reported (2, 3). However, TGF-a, TGF-3, TNF-a, angio-genin, andPGE havelittle or no mitogenic effecton cultured endothelial cellsinvitro. Although acidic fibroblast growth fac-tor,basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and platelet-derived endothelialgrowthfactor can stimulate both vascular endothe-lial growth in vitro and angiogenesis in vivo, they lack a signal peptide, implying thatthese factors may become available to theirtarget cellsonly after cell death (2, 3).

Incontrast,vascular endothelial growth factor


a secretable factor that preferentially stimulates theproliferation of endothelial cells, does have asignal peptide, implying that it is a physiological angiogenesis factor (4, 5). Recently, a receptor



tyrosine kinase (now designated as


and an


kinaseKDR/fik-1(6, 7),have been identified as thereceptorsforVEGF(7, 8).Thebindingsites for VEGF arelocalizedexclusively onendothelial cells (9), and binding tothe receptorisfollowed by proliferation of the cells (3-11).

On theassumption that VEGF fromthyroidparenchymalcells and Flt family on endothelial cells might be involved in the thyroid gland hypervascularity seen in patients with Graves' disease, westudiedwhether thegenefor VEGFisexpressed in human thyroid cells, and whether the levels of VEGFmRNA areregulated by thyrotropic factors, using human thyroid folli-cles insuspension culture,inwhich thyroid follicles incorporate 125I and secrete de novo-synthesized thyroid hormones into the culture medium in responsetothyroid-stimulatinghormone (TSH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (12-14). Further-more, westudied the in vivo expression of VEGF


family mRNAs in thiouracil-fed rats, in which thyroid epithelial and endothelial cellproliferationhas been examined in detail

histo-logically (15).


Sources ofmaterials and Graves' IgG. Culture media (F-12, RPMI 1640)wereobtained from Gibco Laboratories, Grand Island,NY. FCS wasobtained from Filtron Ltd., Brooklyn, Australia. Collagenase (type IV), bovineTSH,thiouracil, A23187, dibutyryl cAMP, H7,and tumor-promoting phorbolester(12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate, TPA) were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO. IgG from patientswith untreated Graves' disease(Graves'IgG)wasobtained,as described previously (14). Usually,6 ml serum was dialyzed against

1. Abbreviations used in thispaper: flt, fins-like tyrosine kinase or VEGF receptor;GAPDH, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphatedehydrogenase; TPA, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; TSI, thyroid-stimulating Ig; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.

J.Clin. Invest.

© TheAmericanSocietyfor Clinical Investigation,Inc. 0021-9738/95/09/1295/08 $2.00


10 mMTris-HClbuffer (pH 7.4) and applied to a protein A-Sepharose column. After eluting with 0.1 M glycine-HCl buffer (pH 3.0), the eluate was immediately neutralized with 1 N NaOH and then extensively dialyzed against 0.9% NaCl solution. Finally,the eluates weredialyzed against culture mediumand sterilized by filtering through a0.45-eum filter (Millipore, Corp., Bedford, MA). The samples were stored at40C. Preparation ofthyroidfollicles. Patients with Graves' disease sched-uled for surgery were given iodine supplements for 8-14 d before surgery.Informedconsent wasobtainedfrom allsubjects. The thyroid tissue ( 15-30 g) obtained bysubtotalthyroidectomy from these patients wasmincedwith scissors into small pieces (3X3X3 mm) in 10 ml ice-coldCa2", Mg2"-freeHBSS. The dissected thyroid tissue was filtered through nylon mesh (80 mesh) and washed with 10 ml HBSS. The dissected thyroid tissues were digested with 0.3 mg/ml collagenase (type IV) and 5 mg/ml dispase (Godo Shusei Co., Tokyo, Japan) in HBSS at320Cfor 30 min,and thyroid follicles were obtained as de-scribedpreviously (12, 13).

Thethyroid follicleswereculturedin 1 mlF-12/RPMI 1640 (1:1) mediumsupplemented with various concentrationsofFCS(0-10%)in 24-multiwell dishes (- 300follicles/2-cm2 well). In several experi-ments, the follicles were cultured in serum-free F-12/RPMI 1640(1:1) mediumsupplemented withBSA(2 mg/ml),bovineinsulin (5


hydrocortisone(10-8M), bovinetransferrin(5


and NaI(10-8 M),asdescribedpreviously(13, 14). The dishes were pretreated with agarose to prevent attachment ofthyroidfollicles(16).

When thyroid hormonogenesis was studied, 125I ( 15,000 cpm) wasadded afterculturing for5d,and afteranadditional 3 dof culture, '25Iincorporated into the thyroid follicles and organic 1251releasedinto the culture medium werecounted asdescribedpreviously. Thin-layer analysisrevealed thatorganic 1251releasedintothemediumwasmainly

["25I]thyroxine(T4) and [1251]triiodothyronine(T3)(17).

In vitrostudiesof VEGFmRNAexpressioninhumanthyroid folli-cles. To studythe regulation of VEGF mRNA expression in thyroid follicles, - 30,000 follicles werecultured in 10 ml F-12/RPMI 1640

mediumsupplementedwith1%FCS for 3 d.Then,thethyroid follicles weretreatedwithinsulin, TPA, TSH,orIgG from patientswith active Graves' disease for 0-3 d,asdescribed in eachexperiment. In some experiments, thyroidfollicleswerecultured in mediumcontaining vari-ousconcentrations of FCS (0-10%)or serum-freeF-12/RPMI 1640 mediumsupplementedwithinsulinand TSH(10pU/ml).Usually, 10-cmdishes were pretreated withagarose toculturethyroid follicles in suspension.Afterappropriatecultureperiods,thethyroidfollicleswere centrifugedandtotalRNAwasextractedasreportedpreviously (18). Inseveralexperiments, thyroid follicles wereculturedin agarose-untreated dishes.Thethyroid follicles became attachedtothe disheson thefollowing dayand became flattenedondays5-7 when RNA was prepared.

VEGF concentration inconditionedmedium. Humanthyroid folli-cleswerecultured in F-12/RPMI 1640 mediumsupplementedwith 1% FCSfor 3 d andsubsequentlytreated withbovineinsulin for6h. After centrifugation at3,000 rpm for 10 min, theconditionedmedium was


Polyclonal anti-human VEGF antiserumwasobtainedby immuniz-ing rabbits with a subcutaneous injection ofhuman ['4Cys] ['5Tyr]

-VEGF ( 1- 13residues)conjugatedwithbovinethyroglobulin.The anti-bodycross-reacted with recombinant human VEGFequipotently with [4Cys][' 5Tyr]VEGF (1-13 residues). Using ['25I]VEGF(spact, 55 TBq/mmol; Amersham International,LittleChalfont, UK)asa tracer andrecombinant human VEGF otbained fromPeproTech,Inc.(Rocky Hill,NJ)asstandard, radioimmunoassaywasconducted in 0.3 ml phos-phate buffer (50 mM, pH 7.4) containing0.1%BSA,0.1% Tween20, and0.02%NaN3.Thesensitivity ofthe assay was0.3ng/ml.

Invivoexpression ofVEGF andfltfamilymRNAsinthiouracil-fed rats. 8-wk-old male Wistar-Imamichirats werepurchasedfrom Shizu-oka Laboratories AnimalCenter,Shizuoka,Japan.Therats werefedrat

chowwithalow iodinecontentandcontaining0.25% thiouracil.Control rats werefednormalratchow. After1,3, 7, 14, 21,and28d,therats

were anesthetized with ether. After blood had been taken from the abdominal vein, the thyroid gland was removed from the trachea and dissectedwith scissors in anice-colddenaturing solution (4 M guanidi-niumthiocyanate) (19). Thenthyroidpieces were homogenized using a homogenizer with aTeflon pestle. RNA from fourto sixrats was combinedand usedforNorthern blot analysis.

SerumT3 and T4 were measured using immunoradiometric assay kits (Eiken ImmunochemicalCo., Tokyo, Japan). Rat TSH was mea-suredusinga rat TSHl25Iassaykit(PRA.548;Amersham Life Science, Tokyo, Japan). To avoid interassay variance, all samples were deter-minedsimultaneously.

Northern blotanalysis of mRNAs for VEGF,




Totalcellular RNA was isolated by guanidinium thiocyanate and phenol extraction accordingtothe methodofChomczynski and Sacchi (19). 10


of total RNA was electrophoresed on 1% agarose-formaldehyde gelscontainingethidium bromide. RNA samples were transferred onto nylon membranes and then hybridized with human VEGF cDNA span-ning nucleotide 0.6 kb (6, 20, 21), rat VEGF 0.5-kb cDNA, rat


1.2-kb cDNA, or rat


1.2-kb cDNA (21) labeled with

[a-32P]deoxy-CTPby the random primer method. The filters were washed threetimes(30mineach)to astringency of 0.1 xsodiumcitrate,0.1% SDSat550CandexposedtoX-omatfilm (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY)with an intensifying screen at -700C. For comparison of RNA loading,thefilterswererehybridizedwith32P-labeledhuman/3-actinor glyceraldehyde3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) cDNA (supplied by Y. Murata, Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University,Nagoya, Japan) (22), as described previously (18).

Statisticalanalysis. Statistical analysiswasperformedby Student's ttestwhen twocomparisons were made. Differences were considered significantat P <0.05.


Effects of TSH, Graves' IgG, and FCS on thyroid function in cultured human thyroid follicles. As reported previously (12, 13), bTSH stimulated human thyroid follicles to incorporate


andreleaseorganic 1251 into the culture medium in a concen-tration-dependentmanner(Fig. 1, left). The minimal and maxi-mal stimulatory effects of bTSH were obtained at 0.1 and 10

MU/ml, respectively.

Graves' IgG also stimulated thyroid function in a dose-dependentmanner (Fig. 1, right). The IgGwaspurified from 6 mlserumand reconstituted in 6 ml culture medium. It stimu-latedthyroidfunctionat20


andproducedastrong stimu-lationat300


whereasIgG obtained from normal subjects hadnoeffect(Fig. 1, middle).

Whenthyroidfollicles werecultured in mediumcontaining

various concentrations ofFCS, TSH-inducedthyroid function was impaired in a concentration-dependent manner (Fig. 2). TSH stimulatedthyroid function maximally in serum-free me-diumsupplementedwith 0.2% BSA.Thyroidfollicles cultured with FCS at low concentration (1%) respondedto bTSH but lost theirresponsivenesstoTSHathigher concentrations

(2.0-10%). Therefore, subsequent experiments were usually per-formed in mediumcontaining 1% FCS orserum-free medium

supplementedwith 0.2% BSA.

VEGFmRNA expression inmonolayer thyrocytesand

thy-roidfollicles insuspension culture. Thyroidfollicleswere cul-tured in serum-free medium supplemented with insulin and bTSH for 5 d withorwithout agarosecoating. Thyroidfollicles cultured in flasks without agarose coating became attachedto thebottom and grew in amonolayerwithin5d,whereas those inagarose-coated flasks grewinsuspension. VEGFmRNA was

expressedtoagreaterextentinthyroidfollicles than in


(-) 0.1 0.3 1 3 10 .005 .02 0.1 0.3 .005 .02 0.1 0.3

bTSH ( g U/ml ) Normal IgG Graves' IgG

(ml/ml) (ml/ml)

layer cells (Fig. 3). Therefore, the following studieswere per-formedusingthyroid follicles in suspension culture.


of insulin on VEGF mRNA expression and VEGF concentration in the conditioned medium. Insulin stimulated VEGF mRNA expression in thyroid follicles in a time- and dose-dependentmanner.Theminimalstimulatoryeffect of insu-linwasobservedat0.04


and itmaximally increased the mRNA at0.2


(Fig. 4, upper panel). However, at a higher concentration (25,tg/ml), VEGFmRNAexpressionwasrather





0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

I 0 1 2 5 101

FCS concentration (%)


91 Figure 1. Effects of TSH and Graves' U IgG on thyroid function in human thy-¢> roid follicles in suspension culture.

. Human thyroid follicles were cultured - in24-multiwelldishes containing 1

mlserum-freeF-12/RPMI 1640 me-diumsupplemented with 0.2% BSA, 2 insulin (5


and various con-centrations ofbTSH (left), and IgG

x from a normalsubject (middle) and a O patient with activeGraves' disease - (right).On day 3, 1251 (a 15,000 X



addi-3~, tional 3 dofculture,125Iin the thyroid follicles (columns) andorganic1251 0 released into the culture medium(.)

were counted. Data are means of qua-druplicate cultures. *P<0.05,**P < 0.01,***P< 0.001.

depressed. VEGFmRNA induced by insulin (0.2 ig/ml)was increased maximally at 2-3 h (Fig. 4, lower panel).

Basal VEGF concentration in the medium conditioned by thyroid follicles for 3 dwas4.4±1.2ng/ml (n=3, mean±SD). Consistent with the mRNAlevel, treatmentofthyroidfollicles with insulin for 3 d increased the level of immunoreactive VEGFin the conditioned medium in a biphasicmanner(insulin 0.2


VEGF 7.8 ng/ml; 1 ug/ml, 14.8 ng/ml; 5


8.0 ng/ml; 25


6.4 ng/ml; mean of duplicates),



(0 - 6 :_




- L humanthyroidfollicles. Humanthyroid

folli-- cleswerecultured inI mlF-12/RPMI 1640

( 1:1I)mediumcontaining0-1I0%FCS,in the 3~


orabsence ofcU/ml),bTSH(10

oasdescribed in Methods. After 5 d ofculture,

"'5Iwasadded,andafteranadditional 3 d of - 2 hculture,thIinthethyroidfollicles(columns) andorganicc Ireleased into the culture me-dium(1 ) were counted. DataaremeanstSD

(n =4). *P< 0.01,** P< 0.001. 1




U-x U


0 la















BSA(%) 0.2


Figure3. VEGFmRNA





4- 28S thyrocytesandthyroid



follicles in suspensionculture.


follicles wereculturedin serum-18S freeF-12/RPMI 1640



with 0.2%BSA, insulin,

p-actin _ and bTSH (10


for 5 d in 10-cmdishes Monolayer Follicle withor without an

agar-I I ose coating.Total RNA TSH10gU/mI (10


extracted frommonolayer thyro-cytes(without coating) orthyroid follicles culturedinsuspension (with coating),wassubjected to RNAblot analysis withahuman VEGF cDNA probe. Thelocations of 28S and 18S rRNAs areindicatedby arrowheads. Forcomparison of RNAloading,a


probewashybridizedtothe samefilter.

gesting that VEGF was secreted into the culture medium. A slight discrepancy between the levels of VEGF mRNA and of VEGFprotein after stimulation with insulin might be dueto a differenceofdegradationorofsecretion rate of VEGFproteins indifferent concentrations of insulin.

Effect ofprotein kinase C stimulatorson VEGFmRNA ex-pression. TPA, a potentprotein kinase C activator, stimulated VEGF mRNAexpressionin atime- anddose-dependent man-ner.TPA


stimulated VEGF mRNAat



M (Fig. 5,upperpanel), and the TPA-induced VEGF mRNA expressionwasincreasedmaximally at2-4h incubation (Fig. 5, lowerpanel).

The calcium ionophore, A23187, also stimulated VEGF




TPA 0 10i 10- 0le le M


-"ctin _0 16

TPA 0 1 2 4 6 24 h

Figure5. EffectofTPAonVEGFmRNAexpressioninthyroidfollicles. Humanthyroid follicles were cultured for 3 d in medium containing

1%FCS andsubsequentlytreated with TPA(0-106M) for3 h (upper panel). In theotherexperiment, thyroid follicles werecultured for 3 d and treated withTPA(10-8 M) for the indicated times, from 0to 24 h(lower panel).Total RNA(10


wassubjectedto RNAblot analysis withahumanVEGF cDNAprobe.Forcomparisonof RNA loading, GAPDH(upperpanel)or


(lower panel) probewas hybridizedtothe samefilter.

mRNA expression in a concentration-dependent manner

(Fig. 6).

Effect ofprotein kinaseAstimulatorsonVEGF mRNA ex-pression. Whenthyroid follicleswerecultured in medium sup-plemented with bTSH (10


and various concentrations of FCS for the first 3 d, bTSH markedly stimulated VEGF mRNAexpressionatlower FCS concentrations (0.5-2%), but the stimulatory effect of bTSH was abolished at higher FCS concentrations (5%) (Fig. 7, upperpanel). Therefore, subse-quentexperiments wereperformed using thyroid follicles cul-tured with 1% FCS orserum-free medium supplemented with 0.2% BSAand insulin and/or TSH.

GAPDH 0 02

Insualn 0 0.04 0.2 1 5 25 lglml



Insulin 0 1 2 3 6 24 h

Figure 4. Effect of insulinon VEGF mRNAexpressioninthyroid follicles. Human thyroid follicleswerecultured in mediumcontaining 1%FCS for 3 dandsubsequentlytreated with various concentrations ofbovineinsulin(0.04-251g/ml)for 6h(upperpanel).Inthe other experiment,after additionof bovine insulin(0.2,ug/ml),thyroid folli-cleswerecultured for the indicatedtimes,from 0-24 h(lowerpanel). Total RNA(10


wassubjectedtoRNAblotanalysis witha human VEGF cDNAprobe.Forcomparison ofRNAloading, GAPDH probewashybridizedtothesamefilter.















Figure6. Effect ofacalciumionophore, A23187,onVEGF mRNA expression.Humanthyroidfollicleswerecultured in mediumcontaining

1%FCS for 3 d andsubsequentlytreatedwithA23187(0-10


for 3 h.Total RNA(10


wassubjectedtoRNAblotanalysiswith ahuman VEGF cDNAprobe.Forcomparisonof RNAloading,a [-actinprobewashybridizedtothesamefilter.



GAPONH-TSH 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 AUImI

I I a* I A. z .J

FCS 0.5% 1% 2% 5%


Insulin -*,*

TSH 0 0 1 10 100PliW

Figure 7. Effect of TSHonVEGF mRNAexpressioninthyroid follicles. Humanthyroid follicles were cultured in mediumcontainingbTSH(10


and various concentrations of FCS(0.5-5%)for the first 3 d. Total RNA(10


wassubjectedtoRNAblotanalysiswitha human VEGFcDNAprobe (upper panel). Inthe otherexperiments, humanthyroid follicles were cultured inserum-freemedium supple-mented with 0.2% BSA for 3 d.Then,thethyroidfollicleswerecultured inserum-free mediumsupplementedwith0.2%BSA, insulin (0.04pgI ml),and various concentrationsofbTSH(1-100


foran addi-tional3 d.Total RNA(20


wassubjectedtoRNA blotanalysis with a human VEGFcDNAprobe (lowerpanel). Forcomparisonof RNAloading,aGAPDHprobewashybridizedtothesamefilter.When hybridization signalsontheblotswereanalyzedquantitatively by densi-tometricscanning ofautoradiograms, VEGF mRNAexpression shown in thelowerpanel (control:l)increased 1.5-(insulin/-), 1.6-(insulin/ TSH 1


2.2-(insulin/TSH 10


and 2.0-fold(insulin/ TSH 100


Afterpreculture ofthyroid follicles in serum-free medium without TSHfor 3 d, time-course studies revealed that the stim-ulatory effect of bTSH on VEGF mRNA expression was not

distinctly evident within 1-6 hatphysiological concentrations (1-100


although in two of six experiments, bTSH stimulated VEGFmRNA expression slightly at2 hof incuba-tion. However, whenthyroidfollicleswerecultured with bTSH in the presence of insulin for 1-3 d, TSH stimulated VEGF mRNA expression in aconcentration-dependent manner(Fig. 7, lowerpanel).

This was also the case with IgG obtained from serum of patients with Graves' disease. Graves' IgG stimulated VEGF mRNAin human thyroidfollicles cultured for 2 d (Fig. 8).

Dibutyryl cAMP also mimicked the effect of TSH and Graves' IgG, increasing VEGF mRNA expression at 0.05-1 mM (Fig. 9), atwhichconcentration thyroidhormonogenesis was substantiallystimulated, asdescribedpreviously (14).

When thyroid follicles were cultured in medium supple-mented with 1%FCS, bTSH (100


andH7 (20


for 3 d, the TSH-induced expression of VEGF mRNA was substantially inhibited by H7 (Fig. 10), suggesting that-TSH stimulatesVEGF mRNAexpression at least partly through pro-tein kinase C pathway.

Expression of


in cultured thyroid follicles. Thyroid

Figure 8.Effect of

28S Graves' IgGonVEGF

mRNAexpression in

VEGFmRNA _ thyroid follicles. Human

thyroid follicles


-*Vt <-1as

cultured in medium


1% FCS for 3 d



and subsequentlytreated

with Graves'


(thy-roid-stimulating Ig

T1- + [TSI])(100 l/ml)for2

d. Total RNA(10


lane) wassubjected to RNA blotanalysiswith a human VEGF cDNA probe. Forcomparisonof RNAloading,aGAPDHprobewashybridized tothe same filter. Whenhybridizationsignalson the blotswereanalyzed quantitatively by densitometricscanningofautoradiograms, VEGF mRNAexpresion (control:l)increased 3.0-fold in the thyroid-stimulat-ing Ig-treatedthyroidfollicles.

follicles cultured in serum-free medium supplemented with 0.2%BSA, insulin (1


and bTSH(10MU/ml)for 3d,

expressed VEGF mRNA but not


mRNA (Fig. 11). In contrast, humanplacental tissue obtained at anormaldelivery

showed high expression of


mRNA, as reported

previ-ously (6).

Expression of VEGF and


family mRNAs in ratthyroid

glands in vivo. In thiouracil-fed rats, serum T3 and T4 levels were decreasedrapidly: serumT3 level(day0; 72.0±13.0ng/

dl, n = 5, means±SD) was lowered to 42.9±11.1 ng/dl (P < 0.05) by day 3,accompanied byasignificantincreaseinthe serumTSH level(day 3, 1.42+0.24ng/ml, means+SD, n=5; day0, 0.66+0.15ng/ml,P <0.05). After 7d,serumT4(day

0, 3.9±0.6


was undetectable (<1


and serum TSH increased steadily (day 7, 2.1±0.54; day 14, 4.3±0.90; day 21, 4.5±1.0; day 28, 6.6±2.7 ng/ml, n = 5,means+SD),

accompanied byenlargement of thethyroid glands. However, thethyroid glandswere notweighedtofacilitaterapid prepara-tion of the RNA. Consistent with the in vitro findings, VEGF mRNA wasexpressedin thethyroidgland of controlrats.VEGF mRNA expression increased to a greaterextent on days 3-7,

then decreasedto the control levelby day 14 (Fig. 12A).

Asexpected, thyroidglandsof controlratsexpressedmRNA of VEGF receptors,


andits related gene






mRNAs werealsoincreased on days 3-7, and decreased gradually tothe control level on days 14-28 (Fig. 12, Band C). The response of


was slightly slower than that of



Figure9.Effect of


2"s tyryl cAMP onVEGF

VEGF mRNA_* mRNAexpression.


werecultured in medium

GAPDH -40- containing1%FCS for 3

W W W dand subsequently


Figure10. Effect of H7


VEGF mRNA * mRNAexpression.

Hu-manthyroid follicles werecultured in medium _ 2 containing 1% FCS,

GAPDH mRNA 0-i bTSH(100MU/ml),and


H7(20MM)for2d.To-tal RNA(10


1 2 3 wassubjectedto RNA blotanalysis with a hu-manVEGF cDNA probe. For comparison of RNA loading, a GAPDH probe washybridized to the same filter. When hybridization signals on theblots were analyzedquantitativelyby densitometric scanningof autoradiograms, VEGF mRNAexpression (control:1) increased 3.3-and 1.1-fold in the TSH- 3.3-andTSH/H-7-treatedthyroid follicles, respec-tively. Lane 1, control; lane 2, TSH; lane 3, TSH+ H7.


Ithas beenproposed from in vivo studies that thyroid angiogen-esis during thyroid enlargement may be duetoparacrine

mito-genic factors releasedby epithelial thyroid cells: angiogenesis

factor(s)may beproduced within thethyroid glandand diffuse into theblood vessels, causing mitosis of capillary endothelial cells(15, 23-25). Using human thyroid follicles in suspension culture, which incorporate 1251 and secrete




into the medium in response to TSH and Graves' IgG, we demonstrated that both thyrotropic factors increased the level of VEGF mRNA inatime- anddose-dependentmanner. Since VEGFisa secretableangiogenesis factor capable of specifically stimulating the proliferation of endothelial cells (2-11), it is reasonable to speculate that VEGF, produced in response to


2 3









Figure11. Expressionof


mRNAin humanplacentaand cultured humanthyroidfollicles. Humanthyroidfollicles were cultured in serum-free mediumsupplemented with 0.2% BSA, bTSH (10


and insulin(1


for3 d.Then,total RNAwaspreparedasdescribed inMethods. mRNA wasprepared from human placenta(6).The mRNA (1


lane1)and total RNAfrom humanthyroidfollicles (10,tg; lanes 2 and3)weresubjectedtoRNAblotanalysiswith human


cDNAas aprobe (left).Ethidium bromidestainingof RNAsamples areshown(right). At about the8-kbband locatedabovethe28S rRNA is thefull-length


mRNAand thetwostrong bands of 2.2 and 3.0 kbarethe


shorttranscripts which encodeonlytheextracellular domain of the Flt-1 receptor(right,lane1)(6).Theseshorttranscripts arehighly expressedinplacenta butlow inmostof other tissues(6).

A O 1w 2w 3w 4w Figure12. Expression of VEGF andfitfamily mRNAs in thiouracil-fed VEGF ~ _ _ E




con--18S taining0.25% thiouracil * 7 for28d. Ondays 3,7,

14, 21, and 28, blood was


taken. Then, the thyroid

Flt-1- _. _ _ a i glandwasimmediately


_removed and RNAwas



prepared.About10 ,Ag of


_totalRNA was analyzed -las



C ratVEGF,







lk-1l) g *-28Sl probes.ThesameRNA


t _ 1 w filterwas



~ l


with these probesafter removal of theprevious probe. After hybridization witheachprobe at 1X 106 cpm/ml,thefilterwaswashed andexposedtox-rayfilm (Fuji Photo Film Co.,Tokyo, Japan)for4d (VEGF probe),7d(flt-IorKDR/flk-1 probe), and 1d(/3-actinprobe). The ratiosofVEGF,




mRNAs to the control


mRNAs(1.0 at 0-d)increased 3.8-, 1.1-,0.8-,and 1.0-fold; 4.6-, 1.5-, 1.2-, 1.0-, and 1.0-fold;and 2.0-, 2.3-, 1.0-, 1.0-, and 1.0-fold; respec-tively,on3-d, 1-, 2-, 3-, and4-wk.

TSH receptor stimulators, is responsible for proliferation of endothelial cells that surroundthyroid follicles, leadingto en-largement of blood vessels.

Indeed,Greiletal. (26) have reported that porcine thyroid follicles produce anendothelial cell growth factor withamol wt of - 15,000, which binds to

heparin-Sepharose. Although

thethyroid glandcontains bFGF(27), theproteinlacksasignal

peptide, suggestingthatFGForFGF-relatedangiogenesis fac-tors become activeonly when cells are damaged or destroyed. In contrast, our in vitro findings suggest that human thyroid follicles produce VEGF mRNA in response to various factors (insulin,proteinkinaseAandCactivators)andsecrete immu-noreactive VEGF into the culture medium, suggesting that VEGF is the mostlikely candidate for the angiogenesis factor produced in the thyroid gland. At this moment, however, we cannotcompletely ruleout aminorpossibilitythat the antibod-ies other thananti-TSH-receptor antibody in Graves' IgG also contribute inaparttothis process.

Previously, light-andelectron-microscopicstudiesby Woll-manetal. (15, 23-25) demonstrated thatthyroid enlargement

in thiouracil-fedrats started withendothelial cellproliferation ondays 3-5. Furthermore, it was shown that [3H]thymidine

incorporation into endothelial cells of capillaries, veins, and arteries was initiated within 48 h of thiouracil feeding (28).

Thelabeling index (percentage of labeled nucleiinendothelial cells)peakedatdays 2-5(15-17%)and decreasedgradually

thereafter butwas still greater than in thecontrol on


20. During this time, capillaries seemed tofuse with each other, causing furtherenlargementof blood vessels.In


with these


findings, our in vivo data indicated thatthe levels of both VEGF and VEGF receptor(fItfamily)

mRNAsincreasedondays 3-7 in thethyroid glandof thioura-cil-fed rats,suggestingthat VEGF stimulates endothelial

prolif-eration. Adecrease in VEGF mRNA


by day 14was


almost consistent with, butslightly earlier than,thedecreased labeling index observed in the thiouracil-fedrats(28). A slower decrease in the mitotic index might be due to a release of residual VEGF stored within the tissuesoraminor difference inexperimental conditions.

Underthe experimental conditionsweused, human thyroid follicles in suspension culture are devoid ofendothelial cells ( 12). Therefore, it is reasonable for thyroid folliclestoexpress VEGF mRNA but not


mRNA. As expected, however, rat

thyroid glands, composed of endothelial cells and epithelial

cells, expressed


family mRNAs, which also increased on day 3, when VEGF mRNA was maximally increased. VEGF receptors (Flt family) are expressed both in endothelial cells participating inneovascularizationaswellasinquiescent endo-thelium (29). Since VEGF specifically stimulates endothelial cellproliferation via activation of its receptors(FMt family: Flt-1 andKDR/flk-I tyrosine kinases) (8, 21, 30, 31 ), the increase in


family mRNA expression probably reflects proliferation

ofendothelial cells in thethyroid. Interestingly, the levels of VEGF and


family mRNAswere decreasedby days 14-28, whenendothelial cells ceasedto proliferateandcapillaries be-gan to fuse with each other (15).

At the present time, the regulatory mechanism of VEGF expression in endocrine tissues is poorly understood. Wehave demonstrated that treatment of human thyroid follicles with TPA and a calcium ionophore (A23187) readily (within 2-4 h) induces a significant increase in VEGF mRNA, suggesting that VEGF mRNAexpression isregulatedbyaprotein kinase C-mediatedsignaltransductionpathway,asreportedin

preadi-pocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells (32, 33). Further-more, we have demonstrated that dibutyryl cAMP, TSH, and Graves'IgG also induced VEGF mRNAexpression,suggesting thatboththyrotropic factors stimulate the expression of VEGF mRNAatleast in part by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A pathway. Analogous findings have also been reported for PTHinosteoblast-likecells (34). Since TSH and Graves' IgG stimulate both the protein kinaseAandproteinkinaseC path-ways (35-39), it isreasonable tospeculatethatTSH aswell asGraves' IgG stimulates VEGF mRNAexpression by acting

onTSH receptorsthroughbothpathways.ItislikelythatVEGF,

synthesizedin thyrocytes in responsetoTSH orGraves' IgG,

issecreted and bindsto


receptors on endothelial cells, thus

stimulating endothelial cellproliferation andleadingto

hyper-vascularity of thyroid glands in patients with Graves' disease. Otherphysiologicalstimuli that increase VEGF mRNA are es-trogen in theuterus(39), hypoxiaincultured cells(40),PGE, and 1,25(OH)2D3in osteoblast-like cells(34, 41).

Recently, Yamane etal.(21) demonstrated in rat liver that parenchymal cells produce VEGF, which,oncesecreted, binds toFltreceptorsonsinusoidal endothelial cells, leading to their

proliferation. Reciprocally, nonparenchymal cells produce he-patocyte growth factor, which binds to the Met receptor on hepatocytes, causing hepatocyte proliferation. Thus, there is a communication systembetweenhepatocytesandsinusoidal en-dothelial cells in the liverthrough VEGF and the


family. By analogy with the liver, the thyroid gland also may possess acommunication system between parenchymal thyrocytes and endothelial cells, via production of VEGF by thyrocytes and subsequent stimulation of


receptors on endothelial cells, leading to proliferation of endothelial cells. Whether or not endothelial cells inthethyroid produce thyroid growth factors remains tobestudied.

Interestingly, the stimulatory effect of TSH on VEGF mRNA expression was abolished when thyroid follicles were cultured in mediumsupplemented withahigh FCS concentra-tion (5-10%), in which thyroid follicles were not capable of synthesizing thyroidhormonein responsetoTSH. These find-ings are consistent with those in the ovary, testis, and adrenal glands, in which all cell types expressing VEGF mRNA are steroidogenic and/or steroid responsive (42), suggesting that hormonogenesis and angiogenesis in endocrine tissues are closely regulated.

Finally, it should be pointed out that in the thyroid gland

of patients with Graves' disease, lymphatic fluid is produced

profusely andflows into the retroorbital region(43).This

phe-nomenon may be due partlytooverproduction of VEGF in the thyroid, since the angiogenesis factor is alsoa strong vascular

permeability factor(44-46).

In summary, we have demonstrated for the first time that thyroidparenchymal cells of the thyroid gland express VEGF mRNA but not


mRNA, and that VEGF mRNA expression

is stimulated by TSH and Graves' IgG, via the protein kinase A and C pathways. We have also shown that VEGF and


mRNAexpressionisincreased in the enlargedthyroid glandof

thiouracil-fed rats. These in vitro and in vivo findings may account atleast in part for thehypervascularity of the thyroid

glands seenin patients with Graves' disease.


Wethank Drs. A. Sawano and Y. Ishii(Departmentof Genetics, Institute of Medical Science, University ofTokyo) for excellenttechnical assis-tanceandhelpfuldiscussions.

This work was supported by a grant-in-aid for scientific research from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan (04253204, 06671060),and a research grant from Institute for Growth Science in Japan,Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo.


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