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(Received May 10; revision accepted for publication July 13, 1972.)

This work was supported by contract 72-2735 and grants HD04660 and HD04629 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.

ADDRESS FOR REPRINTS: (A.F.R.) The Fels Research Institute, 800 Livermore Street, Yellow Springs,

Ohio 45387.

PEDIATRICs, Vol. 50, No. 6, December 1972





Alex F. Roche, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., and

Gail H.

Davila, BA.

From the Fels Research Institute, Yellow Springs, Ohio

ABSTRACT. Information is lacking concerning the ages at which children cease to grow in stature and the increment in stature after particular chronolog-ical ages or maturational events. This information would assist the management of children receiving therapy that may alter potentials for growth in stature and would be useful in developing new methods for estimating adult stature from child-hood parameters.

The data were obtained from 194 children mea-sured serially from birth to at least 22 years of age.

Piecewise regressions provided estimates of the

ages at which adult statures were reached and of adult stature levels. Growth in stature ceased at

median ages of 21.2 years (boys) and 17.3 years

(girls). The median stature increments, from 18 years to the cessation of growth in stature, were very small in the girls but were about 1.0 cm in the boys. The median stature increments after the femur or the tibia became mature, until growth in stature ceased, were close to 1.0 cm in each sex.

These results demonstrate the variability of growth in children. Some retain considerable po-tentials for growth in stature after 18 years of age, after the femur or tibia has become mature or after intervals of one or two years during which stature

increments are small. PedIatrics, 50:874, 1972,



OST analyses of the age at which adult

stature is reached and of stature

in-crements after adolescence have been

based on cross-sectional means, although

such data cannot provide information about

individuals. The present data show that

some individuals grow considerably in

stat-ure after 18 years of age and after the

fe-mur and tibia are mature. This study

con-cerns the ages at which individuals ceased

to grow in stature and the total increments (all age intervals combined) in their

stat-ures after particular chronological age or

maturity levels. This information is of value

in the management of children receiving

therapy that may alter their potentials for

growth in stature. Furthermore, it should

assist the preparation of more reliable

methods for estimating adult statures from

childhood parameters and, thus, improve

the care of those children whose present

statures are deviant.

Clements’ analyzed statures to 18.5 years (boys) or 17.0 years (girls) in English

chil-dren of upper socioeconomic levels. After

assuming that growth in stature had ceased

when the increment was less than 3 inch

during either 8 months (boys) or 12

months (girls), he concluded that this

oc-curred at mean ages of 17.8 years in boys

(SD, 0.83 years) and 16.2 years in girls

(SD, 1.13 years). These data were

inade-quate because, by his own criteria, 43% of

the children were still growing at the time of their last measurements. Anderson et al.2

re-ported mean increments, from 17 to 18

years, of 0.9 cm (SD 1.05 cm) in boys and

zero mean increments in girls. Others3’4

have reported mean increments of less than

0.5 cm in boys after 20 years and girls after

18 years. Mean positive increments from 20

to 28.9 years in each sex and a very small

mean increment (0.09 cm) from 29 to 37.9

years in men but not women were found by

B#{252}chi.5There were mean decreases during later intervals in each sex. The mean stature

increments after 20 years were

approxi-raately 0.7 cm for the men and 0.5 cm for

the women. These findings of B#{252}chiare in

general agreement with those of von

Ver-schuere and Miall et al.


*SA = skeletal age.



Boys Girl8

N 10 50 90 N 10 50 90

PIIV 78 12.2 13.7 14.7 64 10.2 11.7 13.2

Menarche . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 11.5 12.8 14.5

Annual increment

<1.0cm 101 16.5 17.5 19.0 91 14.3 15.5 17.0

Four successive six-monthly increments

<0.5cm 101 18.3 19.5 20.0 91 16.0 1.5 20.0

in individuals, the relative influence of mea-suring errors increases, making it

impossi-ble to determine precisely when growth in

stature ceases. This problem is particularly

grave if the data cover a brief age range or

if they were collected at wide intervals in

individuals. Partly due to these difficulties,

and for operational purposes, some have

defined the age when growth in stature

ceases as 17 or 18 years5’#{176}or the completion of skeletal maturation.8’1#{176} Others have

made less acceptable decisions. For

exam-ple, a value extrapolated over about two

years has been used as “observed adult stat-ure.”11


The present data were derived from

Southern Ohio white children (103 boys; 91

girls) in The Fels Longitudinal Sample.

Their recumbent lengths or statures were

measured serially froni 1 month to at least 22 years of age and, in some cases, to ages

exceeding 40 years. Data recorded after 28

years were not used in the present

statisti-cal analysis but they were used to check

some of the findings. The measurements

were made at visits scheduled five times in

the first year and then six-monthly except

after 18 years when they were biennial. The

statures were measured to the nearest 0.1

cm by two independent observers using a

fixed anthroporneter. The greater of the two

measurements was recorded unless the

dif-ference between them exceeded 1.0 cm. On

the few occasions when this occurred the

children were remeasured. In 420 pairs of

measurements in children aged 14 years or

more, the mean interobserver difference

was 0.3cm (SD, 0.15 cm).

These statures were used to obtain

six-monthly increments; the midpoint of the



Boys Girls

10 50 90 10 50 90

Chronological Age (yr) 18.4 21.2 23.5 15.8 17.3 21 .1

YearsafterPHV 4.4 7.8 10.3 4.6 6.0 9.8

Years after menarche . .. . . . . . . ‘3.8 4.8 6 .7

Years after SA* 13 years 4.8 8. 1 10.9 . . . . . . .




To Level of 0-degree Polynomial

To Last Stalure (up to 8 years)

N 10 50 90 N 10 .50 90

16 Years-boys 50 1.2 2.4 &O 103 1.2 2.8 7.2

16 Years-girls 45 0.0 0.9 2.3 91 -0.1 1.1 2.7

18 Years-boys 50 -0.2 0.8 1.9 103 -0.3 0.8 2.3

18 Years-girls 45 -0.3 0.2 1.2 91 -0.4 0.6 1.4

Annual increment <1.0 cm-boys 50 0.0 1.2 2.5 101 -0.2 1.0 2.4

Annual increment <1.0cm-girls 45 0.4 1.2 2.4 91 0.5 1.5 3.0

Foursix-monthly increments <0.5cm-boys 50 -0.2 0.4 1.8 101 -0.3 0.4 1.7

Foursix-monthly increments <0.5cm-girls 45 -0.2 0.3 1.2 91 -0.3 0.5 1.5

terval with the largest increment was

re-corded as the age of peak height velocity

(PHV). When two successive increments

were equally the largest, the midpoint of

this combined interval was recorded as

PHV. In none of these children were two

nonsuccessive increments equally the

larg-est. An age of PHV was not recorded if

more than one successive scheduled visit

was missed between 9 and 17 years.

Con-sideration was given to combining

succes-sive six-monthly increments to annual

incre-ments thus eliminating seasonal effects.

This was not done because PHV would be

determined with less reliability which was

not justified by the small seasonal variations

in increments in a subset of the children.

Furthermore, PHV should be considered

the midpoint of the largest increment

re-gardless of the factors, seasonal or

other-wise, that are responsible.

Age at menarche was obtained by



at appropriate ages.

Recti-linear interpolations were made to obtain

stature at PHV or at menarche because, in

general, these occurred between scheduled

visits. The ages at which the distal end of

the femur and the proximal end of the tibia

became mature were recorded as those of

the first radiographs in which the

corre-sponding epiphyseal lines were completely

obliterated. Children were excluded from

this part of the study if the interval

be-tween this radiograph and the immediately

preceding radiograph of the knee was

greater than 1.7 years. Missing data were

not interpolated to obtain statures at the

ages these bones became mature. The mean



To Level of 0-d egree Polynomial To Last .Statur e (up to 8 years)

N 10 50 90 N 10 50 .90

PHV-boys 50 12.1 17.9 24.3 78 11.6 17.8 28.7

PHV-girls 44 10.8 16.4 22.8 63 10.8 15.8 22.3

Menarche 44 5.8 7.9 10.7 90 4.3 7.4 10.6

Femurmature-boys 20 0.7 1.5 2.2 31 0.6 1.4 2.7

Femurmature-girls 15 -0.2 0.8 1.7 35 0.3 1.0 2.0

Tibiamature-boys 21 0.4 1.5 2.0 38 0.3 1.2 2.3


*01 IN YEAtS

Fic. 1. Graphs of stature against age for two girls differing markedly in age at menarche. The girl with menarche at 11.6 years (No. 255) grew much more after menarche and for a longer period than the girl with menarche at

15.2 years (No. 261).

ages at which PHV and menarche occurred

were similar to those in other healthy Ameri-can childrenll (Table I). Skeletal age was recorded as the mean of the bone-specffic skeletal ages of the left hand-wrist. These

were obtained using the Greulich-Pyle


Applying the method of Mellits14’15 two

polynomial lines were fitted to all available

stature data between the age of PHV and

28 years for each individual. A 2-degree

polynomial was fitted to the earlier data

and a 0-degree polynomial was fitted to the

latter data. Piecewise regressions were

cal-culated to locate the junction between

ear-lier and later data subsets at which the

goodness of fit was maximized for the two

lines (2-degree polynomial; 0-degree

poly-nomial) considered together. This was

ac-cepted as the age at which the individual

reached his adult stature. When the chosen

junction was placed so that there was only

one later datum point, the individual was

excluded from the study unless data

re-corded for stature and recumbent length

af-ter 28 years justified acceptance of this

junction as the age of achieving adult stat-ure. Nine boys but no girls were excluded for this reason. The level of each 0-degree

polynomial (horizontal straight line) was

accepted as the adult stature for each

indi-vidual. The piecewise regression method

provided very reliable estimates of the lev-els of adult stature attained but less reliable

estimates of the ages at which this

oc-curred. In some individuals, the goodness of

fit for the two polynomial lines combined varied only slightly between some junctions. Furthermore, after 18 years, the data points

were at two-year intervals. Consequently, it

was impossible to determine, precisely and

reliably, the age at which adult stature was reached.


In some serial growth studies, data collec-tion is terminated for individual children

when one annual increment in stature is

less than 1.0 cm. This policy is based on the belief that little or no increase in stature occurs after this time. Annual increments in

stature, whether commencing at birthdays

or half birthdays, were reviewed to identify

the earliest annual interval during which

each child grew less than 1.0 cm. The

me-dian ages at the latter ends of these

inter-vals were 17.5 years in the boys and 15.5

years in the girls (Table I). In each sex, the

range from the 10th to the 90th centile was

about 2.5 years. In other serial growth stud-ies, data collection stops when a child first

has four successive six-monthly stature

in-crements that are each less than 0.5 cm. In

the present children, the median ages at the latter ends of these two-year intervals were 19.5 years in the boys and 18.5 years in the


those at which adult stature was reached in

the girls but not the boys. Presumably,

more girls than boys reached their adult

statures during the first two-year period in

which four successive six-monthly

incre-ments were each less than 0.5 cm.

The children studied reached their adult

statures at median ages of 21.2 years

(boys) and 17.3 years (girls) (Table II).

It was expected that these ages would tend

to be later in boys than in girls but it was not anticipated that the sex-associated

dif-ference between these medians would be so

large. There was a wide range in each sex

with growth continuing in 10% of the boys

until 23.5 years and in 10% of the girls until 21.1 years.

Growth in stature tended to continue

longer after PHV in the boys than in the

girls, with wide ranges in each sex. The

centiles for these intervals were similar,

within each sex, to those for the intervals

between the attainment of skeletal age 13

years (boys) or 11 years (girls) and the

ages at which adult stature was reached.

After menarche, growth in stature

contin-ued for almost five years at the 50th centile level and for 6.7 years at the 90th centile level.

Centiles have been calculated for total

increments in stature (sun#{238}of all

six-monthly increments) after particular

land-marks of growth and development (Table

III). The centiles were similar whether

adult stature was considered as the level of the 0-degree polynomial or the last stature

recorded between 22 and 28 years. The

mean differences between these two

esti-mates of adult stature were small (boys:

mean, 0.04 cm; SD, 0.4 cm; girls: mean, 0.2

cm; SD, 0.4 cm) with the last stature

tend-ing to be slightly greater. Despite the

smaller sample size, the level of the

0-de-gree polynomial is preferred because it was

derived from more than one datum point

and, consequently, would be affected less

by measurement error. Predictably, growth

in stature after 16 or 18 years was greater in

boys than in girls. From the viewpoint of

either stature prediction or growth study

design, it is important to note that 10% of

these children grew at least 1.9 cm (boys)

or 1.2 cm (girls) after 18 years of age. The

negative total increments after 18 years at

the 10th centile levels reflect technical

er-rors of measurement involving posture and

other factors. These errors would have

in-creased the range of the distribution of

in-crements lowering the 10th centile levels

and raising the 90th centile levels. It is

rea-sonable to assume that the errors were ran-dom in direction and had little effect on the 50th centiles (medians).

The centiles for further growth in stature,

after the first annual increment of less than

1 cm, were similar in each sex. The medians

for these increments were at least 1 cm and

the 90th centiles exceeded 2 cm. After the

first four successive six-monthly increments

that were each less than 0.5 cm, the median

total increments were small in each sex.

However, the 90th centile levels for total

increments exceeded 1 cm in each sex, even

after this two-year period.

The centiles for growth in stature after

PHV were greater in the boys than in the

girls (Table IV) but the ranges from the

10th to the 90th centiles were similar in

each sex. The increases in stature after PHV

were large with median values that

ex-ceeded 15 cm in both the boys and the girls. Growth in stature after inenarche differed

markedly between the girls studied but was

considerable even at the 10th centile level.

The total stature increments (sum of all

six-monthly increments) after menarche

were associated with the age at which

menarche occurred (n = 96; r = 0.51;

p < .0005). This highly significant relation-ship is illustrated in Figure 1.

Centiles were calculated also for total

in-crements in stature after the distal end of

the femur or the proximal end of the tibia

had become mature. Due to the small

sam-ple sizes for this part of the study, the 10th

and 90th centiles are unreliable, but they

were similar within each sex, for further


the tibia had become mature. There was a

tendency to more growth in the boys than

in the girls after either of these maturity levels had been reached.


The use of piecewise regressions to

deter-mine the age at which adult stature was

reached and the level of adult stature

at-tained in each individual appears

appropri-ate. The ages and levels obtained from

these statistical analyses were found to be

acceptable when checked against the raw

data for each individual. Furthermore, the

almost zero mean differences between adult

statures obtained from the levels of the

0-degree polynomials and the last statures re-corded before 28 years affirm the validity of the method used.

The median values from the present

study direct attention to sex-associated

dif-ferences in the form of late adolescent

growth curves for stature. The girls reached

PHV about two years earlier than the boys

but were about four years younger than the

boys when they reached their adult

stat-ures. The first annual increment of less than

1.0 cm occurred two years earlier in the

girls than the boys but the first series of

four successive six-monthly increments,

each less than 0.5 cm, occurred only one

year earlier in the girls than the boys.

Ap-parently, the rate of growth in stature

de-celerated more rapidly in the girls than the

boys soon after PHV but there was a lesser

sex-associated difference in the rates of final deceleration to zero increments.

Haskel and Bflchi5 reported mean

in-crements in stature for girls after 18 and 20

years, respectively. These findings are not

in conflict with the present conclusion that

the girls reached their adult statures at a

median age of 17.3 years. There was a wide

range of these ages with the 90th centile for this age at 21.1 years. This is consistent with the occurrence of positive mean incre-ments after 20 years. The findings

concern-ing growth in stature after menarche are in

general agreement with those of Fried and

Smithl6 who studied a large sample until

the end of attendance at secondary school.

In the children studied during the present

investigation, there was a slight tendency to

greater growth in stature in the boys than

the girls after either the femur or the tibia

had become mature. Presumably, this late

phase of growth in stature reflects

elon-gation of the trunk and involves increases

in the heights of vertebral bodies rather

than intervertebral disks.17

The total increments in stature (sum of

all six-monthly increments) were too large, particularly at the 90th centile level, to al-low acceptance of views that, for practical

purposes, growth in stature has ceased at 18

years, at the first annual increment that is less than 1.0 cm or when the femur or tibia has become mature.8’#{176}’18 The operating

cri-terion that growth in stature has ceased

when four successive six-monthly

incre-ments are each less than 0.5 cm is prefera-ble to the others considered, except in girls. Their growth in stature after this two-year

interval is similar to their growth after 18

years. The piecewise regression method

re-quires data extending beyond the age after

growth in stature ceases. Consequently, it is

not recommended for determining when

data collection should cease for an


Late adolescent growth in stature is

im-portant in the management of children

re-ceiving therapy intended to alter potentials

for growth in stature. The findings indicate

the ages after which such therapy is likely to be ineffective. In addition, they are rele-vant to the provision of a reliable method

for the estimation of adult stature using

childhood parameters. The current tables

used for this purpose estimate stature at 17

or 18 years.8 This differs substantially from adult stature in some girls and most boys.


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18. Bayley, N.: Tables for predicting adult height from skeletal age and present height. J. Pc-diat., 28:49, 1946.





Alex F. Roche and Gail H. Davila



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Alex F. Roche and Gail H. Davila



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