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Y Embajador de México en los Estados Unidos de América


Academic year: 2021

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James H. Billington

tHe liBrarian of Congress of tHe United states of ameriCa


His exCellenCy edUardo medina mora amBassador of mexiCo in tHe United states of ameriCa

Cordially invite yoU to a maJor international ConferenCe

on December 12-13, 2013 9:15 am - 5:30 pm

and reqUest tHe pleasUre of yoUr Company at a reCeption and dinner

on tHUrsday, tHe twelftH of deCemBer 6 pm: reCeption Hosted By tHe emBassy of mexiCo inClUding a display of mexiCan treasUres HoUsed at tHe liBrary of Congress

7 pm: CeleBratory dinner inClUding a speCial toast to

Living Legend AwArd recipient MigueL León-portiLLA LibrAry of congress • thoMAs Jefferson buiLding

ten first street, se • wAshington, dc

rsvp to speciALevents@Loc.gov or +1 202-707-1616

by November 28

Cover: virgin of san Juan de los lagos

James H. Billington

el BiBlioteCario del Congreso de los estados Unidos de amériCa


el exCmo. edUardo medina mora emBaJador de méxiCo en los estados Unidos de amériCa

le invitan Cordialmente al ColoqUio eL 12 Y 13 De DIcIembre De 2013 9:15 HrS. - 17:30 HrS. reCepCiÓn y Cena Jueves 12 de dicieMbre, 18:00 hrs.

reCepCiÓn ofreCida por la emBaJada de méxiCo inClUye Una exHiBiCiÓn de tesoros mexiCanos resgUardados en la BiBlioteCa del Congreso

19:00 hrs. cenA de ceLebrAción Brindis espeCial al reCipiendario del gALArdón LeyendA viviente, don MigueL León-portiLLA

LibrAry of congress • thoMAs Jefferson buiLding ten first street, se • wAshington, dc favor de Confirmar asistenCia a speciALevents@Loc.gov o AL +1 202-707-1616

anteS DeL 28 De novIembre

portada: virgen de san Juan de los lagos

C e l e b r a N d o a


9:30 am

Tribute to the virgin of Guadalupe

Traditional Concheros dance by Maru Montero Troupe • Spoken tribute by novelist and essayist Ana Castillo 9:45 am


The Librarian of Congress James H. Billington • Ambassador of Mexico to the U.S. His Excellency Eduardo Medina Mora

10:10 am

mexican Dance performance Folkloric dance from Jalisco, veracruz and morelos by maru montero troupe 10:30 am

Keynote address: mexico city’s aztec past

Intro: Colin McEwan, director of Pre-Columbian Studies, Dumbarton Oaks Leonardo López Luján, archaeologist, historian of pre-Hispanic Mexico and director of the historic Templo Mayor project that is unearthing the Aztec metropolis beneath Mexico City 12:00 pm

Lunch 1:30 pm

the Women of mexico: From Goddesses to revolutionaries Intro: Gwen Kirkpatrick, chair, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University

Carmen Boullosa, novelist, poet, playwright

2:30 pm

photographic essay: mexico’s Splendid patrimony

Intro: Helena Zinkham, chief, Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress

Adalberto Ríos Szalay, photographer, environmentalist, author

3:30 pm

panel Discussion: on mexico’s Diversity

Moderator: John Hessler, Jay I. Kislak Collection curator, Geography & Map Division, Library of Congress

Panelists: Guadalupe Curiel Defossé, director, National Library of Mexico • Antonio Saborit, director, National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico City • Marta Turok, anthropologist, specialist on Mexican folk art • Ben Vinson, scholar on Afro-Mexican culture and dean, College of Arts & Sciences, George Washington University

5:00 pm

Living Legend award presentation

Intro: Everette Larson, head, Hispanic Reading Room, Library of Congress Miguel León-Portilla, the foremost scholar of Nahuatl, the indigenous language of Central Mexico


phot o Cr edit: adalbert o ríos szala y 9:30 am Welcome

Georgette Dorn, chief, Hispanic Division, Library of Congress Capricia Marshall, former United States Chief of Protocol

10:00 am

Keynote address: revolutionary mexico

Intro: Barbara Tenenbaum, specialist on Mexican Culture, Library of Congress

Enrique Krauze, historian, essayist, publisher

11:00 am

World Film premiere “the History of the mexican revolution”

a one-of-a-kind documentary, 30 years in the making

Intro: Gregory Lukow, chief, Motion Picture, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division, Library of Congress 12:15 pm

Lunch 1:45 pm

panel Discussion: on mexico’s contemporary arts and Letters Intro: Laura Ramírez Rasgado, director, Mexican Cultural Institute Moderator: Rubén Gallo, literary and cultural critic

Panelists: Carmen Boullosa,novelist, poet, playwright• Álvaro Enrigue, novelist, short story writer• Lillian Liberman,film director, producer• Jorge Volpi, novelist, critic, essayist

3:15 pm

panel Discussion: Where is mexico? the mexican-american experience

Moderator: María Hinojosa, CNN and PBS commentator, journalist

Panelists: Sandra Cisneros, novelist, essayist, poet • Francisco Goldman, journalist, novelist • Carlos Tortolero, president, National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago

4:45 pm

musical performance by cuartetoLatinoamericano music of Domingo Lobato, Gabriela ortíz, manuel ponce, and Silvestre revueltas Intro: Susan Vita, chief, Music Division, Library of Congress 5:45 pm


The Librarian of Congress James H. Billington • Ambassador of Mexico to the U.S. His Excellency Eduardo Medina Mora


phot o Cr edit: adalbert o ríos szala y


is made possiBle tHroUgH tHe generoUs sUpport of:

tHe emBassy of mexiCo in tHe United states of ameriCa tHe James madison CoUnCil of

tHe liBrary of Congress Jay and Jean KislaK BimBo BaKeries Usa donald gerardo and maria de la nieves mier de Jones


101 independence Avenue, se washington, dc 20540 T 202-707-8000 loc.gov 1911 pennsylvania Avenue, nw washington, dc 20006 T 202-728-1600 embamex.sre.gob.mx/eua EMBASSY OF MEXICO IN THE UNITED STATES

for additional information, including speaker biographies

and multimedia content, please visit:


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