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Shri Krshna Sharanam Mama Ashtakshara Mantra


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Shri Krshna Sharanam Mama

Ashtakshara Mantra

INTRODUCTION: Shri Krshna Sharanam Mama

• Meaning: Shri Krushna is my shelter

• This mantra is called the ‘Ashtaakshar mantra’ or the eight-syllable mantra. Literally, it means “Lord Krishna is my refuge.”

• These eight syllables contain within them a profound truth that allows us to see the world as it is, as opposed to seeing it through the lens of our misconceptions, imagination, concoctions and false knowledge.

Mantra * Tantra * Yantra: meaning and Hindu philosophy

The process of worship in Hinduism invariably involves the use of three basic techniques: the Mantra, the Tantra and the Yantra.

Symbolically, they represent the three basic spiritual paths of Hinduism, made popular by the teachings of Sri Vasudeva Krishna Yadav in the Bhagavad gita. The Mantra Symbolically represents the use of Jnanamarg, the path of knowledge, the Tantra of Bhaktimarg, the path of devotion, and the Yantra of

Karmasanyasmarg or the path of detached action. Unless these three are present in some form or combination, the worship is incomplete.

TANTRA is the systematic use of the body and the mind as the physical instruments of Divine realisation. The simple use of Tantra in an ordinary householder's regular worship include the use of certain bodily postures like prostrating before the deity, the lotus position, the folding of hands in front of the deity, purification of the body through fasting and bathing, concentration of the mind on the image, breathing practices, etc..

YANTRA is the use of certain external objects, symbols or some mechanical means to

worship the divine. The act of folding of hands in front of the deity; the manner in which a fireplace is built for the performance of some yagna, the method in which the place is prepared and the materials are assembled, the manner in which the oblations are poured into the fire, the way the priests sit around the altar….

The very design of the temple as an outer symbol of the existence of the Divine on the material plane, the act of visiting the temple, circling around the temple, entering the temple, the lighting of the lamps in front of the divine, the decorations and the ornamentation so characteristic of Hindu temples the manner in which the images are built and installed, the offerings, the method of worship, the partaking of Prasad, and in short any practice that is mechanical, symbolic and ritualistic to a degree, form part of this approach only.


• Mantra is a combination of sacred syllables which forms a centre of spiritual energy which serves as a magnet to attract spiritual vibrations.

• The chanting or recitation of mantras activates and accelerates the spiritual force thus promoting harmony in all parts of the human being.

• Mantra is NOT prayer supplication(requests) – it is a sequence of SOUNDS which embodies a particular form of Shakti/God

• Every mantra has 6 aspects: a Rishi (Guru), a Raga (melody), a Devata (deity), a Bija (seed sound), a Shakti (power) and a Kilaka (pillar)

1. Guru is the channel for the flow of grace, knowledge and power from the Divine / Bhagwan 2. Sequence of sounds should not be changed as it will alter rate of vibration, must pronounce correctly

since sounds are vibrations which give rise to definite forms. Repeated chanting (Japa) of the name of the Lord gradually builds up the form/image and manifestation of the deity worshipped.

3. Presiding deity of the mantra is Shri Krshna with whom the disciple/devotee develops a personal relationship and worship as aspect of God that he/she can understand.

4. Bija is the essence of the mantra that gives it self-generating power. (e.g. as a tree is hidden in a seed, so the energy in the mantra is the seed from which will grow a spiritual being.)


5. Kilaka represents the driving force and will-power that the devotee needs to pursue the mantra. Once the self-generating power of the mantra takes root then the pillar like Kilaka becomes a very fine thread joining the devotee to the mantra, to the power of the mantra, to the Guru and to the Deity…. until all become one.

6. The Shakti, Energy, Potency of the mantra is released through repetition (Japa) until the individual finally encounters his/her Krshna and a uplifting spiritual experience takes place.

• Therefore in conclusion when a Mantra is uttered with specific rhythm, with sincerity of devotion and purity of thought/action, and with phonetic and grammatical accuracy, in a manner prescribed by the Guru, it is believed to invoke a particular deity and compel the deity to assist the invoker to achieve a desired end. According to Hindu beliefs, if a mantra is pronounced correctly and faithfully the deity to whom it is addressed has no choice but to respond to the invoker

automatically and help him!

• Man + Trai - “to protect or free from the bondage of samsara” = the thought that liberates and protects. - “Mananat trayate iti mantraha” – that which by repeating one is protected is Mantra

AUM (Om) = Pranav Mantra (primary) = Shabda Bhraman = sound vibration (Big Bang) from which universe created. All beings communicate by sound energy.

• Many types of Mantras: (with 5, 6, 8, 12, 32 syllables etc..) for Healing, Fire, Rain, Wealth, Protection, Knowledge/Wisdom

Om Namo Narayanaya * Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya* * Om Namo Shivaya * *Om Gang Ganapatiye Namaha* *Om Aim Hrim Klim Chamundaya Vichhe* *Om Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam Uruvaru Kamiva Bandhana Mrutya Mukshi Ya’mamratat*

Ashtakshar Mantra

Shri Krshna Sharanam Mama

• By repeating ashtakshar mantra, with knowledge of its deeper significance, one attains love and devotion for Shri Krishna and detachment is attained. Pleasures and liberation are firmly established.

 JAPA = by repetition the mind is given a WORD symbol of the Divine and an ASSOCIATION or ATTACHMENT with the chosen Lord builds up…. and so DETACHMENT from other affairs.

Constant chanting achieves a state of single-pointed attention – Training the mind for focused meditation. E.g. 1 drop of water vs. 500 million drops

 Saying a word causes a thought form to rise up [e.g. say Pen, say Lake, say Rose.]

• From the repetition of ashtakshar mantra, one will be free from illness and all sins will be destroyed. Wealth and power is immediately attained and one can reside in the home with security and stability. • One who recites ashtakshar mantra can not be harmed by ghosts or other spirits, wild animals,

thieves, etc. and in adversities one is protected by Prabhu. In His shelter, enemies become friends and just as a mouse seeing a snake becomes frightened, enemies become filled with trepidation. By repetition of ashtakshar mantra, sinful actions, harmful conditions, detrimental planetary configurations in one's horoscope are all destroyed and anand swarup Shri Krishna everlastingly resides in the heart.

For every Pushti soul, Ashtakshar Mantra is the ultimate and supreme mantra, that is bestowed of the highest attainments. Whenever any one remembers and repeats 'ashtakshar mantra' deeply in the heart, he will experience supreme peace.

Ashtakshar is not an ordinary mantra for obtaining mundane fruits but a supremely divine mantra bestowing the ultimate attainments. Each letter is embodied with divine powers and every vaishnav should repeat it unceasingly with a pure heart to attain those precious fruits.

It destroys egotism, awakens the pure sentiments of 'daas bhava', serving Prabhu as humble servant and bestows firm dedication to Prabhu's lotus feet. Ashtakshar mantra has not been created by anybody but it is wondrously and divinely manifested in 'Golok Dham'.



From WEBSITE: http://www.pushtikul.com/pushti_parimal/description_of_ashtakshar_mantra.htm Once Shri Thakurji and Shri Swaminiji, assumed the play of reciprocal man-lila i.e. annoyance in love and emotions in their forest garden in Golok Dham, out of their own divine will, which got intensified to an extent beyond all limits. The beauty of Thakurji's hidden feminine aspect radiated on His lotus face, similarly the beauty of Swaminiji's hidden masculine aspect radiated on hers. From the eternal union of these two hidden aspects, the burning fire of their passionate desire for reunion emerged in the shape of Shri Vallabh who witnessed the divine couple's entire lilas.

Shri Vallabh approached Swaminiji and with the utmost dedicated sentiments of love, escorted her into the presence of Thakurji. At the exalted moment of their ecstatic reunion, Shri Vallabh gazed towards them and pronounced, 'Shri Krishna Sharanam Mama', which means, 'Shri Swaminiji and Shri Krishna, I surrender to you' In this way 'Ashtakshar Mantra' got manifested. He, who is the reunited form of the divine couple, is

exceedingly beloved to all the devotees of Golok Dham. Therefore, the name Shri Vallabh was given as, Vallabh means 'dearly beloved'. Following this, according to Prabhu's instructions, Shri Maha Prabhuji manifested on earth to grant Salvation to all Daivi souls and to whom, he bestowed ashtakshar mantra as the first initiation.

This mantra has eight letters. 'ASHT' means eight and 'AKSHAR' means letter, thereby it is called ashtakshar mantra. These eight letters are not inanimate like ordinary letters, but, they are bestower of wondrous divine powers. Each letter has profound depths of significance reviled by Shri Gosainji in his text 'description of significance of Ashtakshar Mantra'.

Initially let us consider the in-depth meaning of each individual letter in chronology.

Attainment of good fortune and wealth Destroyer of sin

Destroyer of three types of sufferings

Remover of the suffering of the cycle of birth and death Attainment of divine knowledge

Unwavering devotion for Shri Krishna

Divine love for Guru who reveals the supreme precious jewel, Shri Krishna Merging with shri hari and being liberated after taking re-birth. Merging in the devotional path is superior to merger in the path of knowledge.


Now an in-depth elucidation of each of the letters.

'Shri' is the Bestower of good fortune. Here good fortune refers to a happy married life for which ample wealth is required. Wealth comes of its own to a devotee who unceasingly repeats ashtakshar mantra and he will not be required to engage in any efforts to obtain it himself. The reason for this is that Prabhu's devotees always are desire less, An apt example of this is in the account of Shri Maha Prabhuji's sevak Narayandas Brahmachari in which it is narrated that piles of money appeared in his home each night. Considering it to be impure dirt, he swept it out of the house in the morning and threw it away. From a worldly perspective, the pleasures of married life are considered to be the height of mundane pleasures and normally tremendous efforts are to be made to obtain them. One who ceaselessly repeats astakshar mantra, with no desire, will attain these pleasures just by the pronounciation of the letter 'Shri'.

'KRU' The pronunciation of this letter absolves a soul of the most heinous sins. All the means for becoming purified of sins delineated in the scriptures are rigorous and requires undergoing much hardship and physical strain. Entrance into the devotional path becomes possible only when all sins have been destroyed .

There are three types of sins :- (1) Committed by the body. (2) Committed through speach. (3) Committed mentally.

Unceasingly repeating ashtakshar mantra as suggested by Shri Mahaprabhuji is an exceedingly simple means for removing all of the three above mentioned sins and the pronunciation of the letter will destroy them all.

'SHNA' Human beings experience three types of sufferings:- (1) Adhibhautik.

(2) Adhyatmic. (3) Adhidaivik.

On being relieved from these sufferings, the heart and mind becomes purified and then only Prabhu's seva and remembrance arises. Other than surrender, there is no means for purification. Pronunciation of this letter removes the three types of suffering, the heart and mind gets purified and pious inclination arises. 'SHA' By pronouncing this letter one is liberated from the cycle of birth and death and moving repeatedly through the eighty four lakhs of species. By becoming freed from egotism and attachment, one is released from worldly bondage and becomes worthy for bhagavad attainment.

'RA' One who is devoid of all worldly attachment, considers mundane pleasures to be insignificant. At that point an intense desire for attaining Prabhu arises and ,. profound questioning begins, 'who is Prabhu ? what is His nature ? What is the nature of an individual soul ? How one can please Prabhu and thereby attain Him?' By pronouncing the letter, a penetrating requisitiveness on all these matters awakens and upon realization of this knowledge total fulfillment is attained.

'NAM' After realization of the knowledge about Prabhu's personality one attains Bhakti (Devotion) through a firm, unwavering love for Him. By pronunciation of the letter, the divine Love for HIM develops. Devotion is not attained by every one but depends upon divine grace. Prabhu bestows HIS graces on those to whom He so desires. Devotion is superior of knowledge.

'MA' For entering into the path of devotion, guru's grace is mandatory and realization of Prabhu comes through the door of Guru. It is by guru's grace that one attains worthiness for seva. Guru is the bridge between Prabhu and the individual soul. Love for Prabhu comes where there is first love for guru. This love is attained by pronunciation of the letter. It is through Guru's grace that the darkness of ignorance is removed. Knowledge of Pushti Marg is attained and one experiences the 'anand' of Prabhu's own form.

'MA' Once the soul becomes totally and exclusively absorbed in Prabhu, by pronunciation of the letter, he merges with Prabhu and takes no further birth. ,

In this way, each letter of ashtakshar mantra has the capacity to bestow divine powers, Knowing that the souls have surrendered to Him and are entirely devoid of any means for divine attainments, Shri Maha Prabhuji, in his unlimited compulsion bestowed this divine precious gift.


To reveal the greatness of 'ashtakshar mantra' Shri Gusainji wrote the text 'Description of Ashtakshar Mantra' and by studying this in depth, one can understand its profound meaning.


From WEBSITE: http://www.pushtikul.com/pushti_parimal/description_of_ashtakshar_mantra.htm

Meaning : O Krishna. O Krishna. Whoever ceaselessly repeats the name of Krishna in this way attains the anand and paramanand of his divine form and attains His eternal abode of Golok Dham.

Meaning : What harm can the Lord of Hell do to one who perpetually remembers Shri Krishna? By doing so, the most heinous of sins are destroyed.

Meaning : The Lord of Hell is afraid of one who unceasingly repeats ashtakshar mantral 'Shri Krishna Sharanam Mama.'

Meaning : By the power of ashtakshar mantra, liberation and other divine fruits may be attained by daivi souls who are devoid of any means for these attainments. Guru Shri Vithalnathji (Sri Gosainji) is revealing his treatise on this subject.

Meaning : I myself am giving in- depth detailed commentary on the profound essence of ashtakshar mantra. One who has imbibed this and in whose heart ashtakshar mantra resides is a bhagavadiya beloved of Sri Vallabhacharyaji.


Meaning : By repeating ashtakshar mantra, with knowledge of its deeper significance, one attains love and devotion for Shri Krishna and detachment is attained. Pleasures and liberation are firmly


Meaning : From the repetition of ashtakshar mantra, one will be free from illness and all sins will be destroyed. Wealth and power is immediately attained and one can reside in the home with security and stability.

Meaning: One who recites ashtakshar mantra can not be harmed by ghosts or other spirits, wild animals, thieves, etc. and in adversities one is protected by Prabhu. In His shelter, enemies become friends and just as a mouse seeing a snake becomes frightened, enemies become filled with trepidation.

Meaning : By repetition of ashtakshar mantra, sinful actions, harmful conditions, detrimental planetary configurations in one's horoscope are all destroyed and anand swarup Shri Krishna everlastingly resides in the heart.

Meaning : The repetition of ashtakshar mantra removes all forms of suffering and happiness is attained in all spheres., This mantra is superior to all others and therefore it should be repeated unceasingly day and night.

Meaning : This mantra is the purifier of all the three worlds, so, what doubt can there be that it purifies the human soul ? It is the king of all mantras and reigns supreme


Meaning : Any one who perpetually repeats the mantra in solitude with reverence, attains wealth and powers. This mantra reveals the profound depths of Shri Krishna and Shri Maha Prabhuji has manifested it for the benefit of his devotees.

Meaning : This mantra is the essence of all scriptures, vedas, puranas etc.

Meaning : The precious, invaluable words of Srimad Vallabhacharya Shri Krishna Sharanam Mama should be remembered perpetually.

In this way to reveal the profound significance of ashtakshar mantra, Shri Gosainji has described each letter individually.

To impart his teachings that ashtakshar mantra should be repeated unceasingly, Shri Maha Prabhuji has written in the text Navratna:

Meaning : Shri Maha Prabhuji declares 'it is my view point that one should perpetually, with every bhava, repeat ashtakshar mantra and associate with those devotees who do so'. Shri Maha Prabhuji's main teaching is that ashtakshar mantra should be repeated with every bhava (Sarvatma Bhava) and unceasingly.

Sri Gosaiji writes :

Meaning : From the time of my father Shri Maha Prabhuji manifested Shri Krishna Sharanam Mama, we have been freed from all worries concerning any undertaking of this world or the transcendent sphere. In Shiksha Patra Shri Hariraiji states :


Meaning : In favourable times and in adversity, 'Shri Krishna Sharanam Mama' manifested by Shri

Mahaprabhuji, is both the means and the fruit. In this way many great scholars and Goswami-Acharyas have described the profound significance of ashtakshar mantra, shedding light so that daivi souls may attain liberation.

One of the distinguishing characteristics of ashtakshar mantra is that it does not begin with Omcar, unlike other seed mantras which do begin with Omcar. According to scriptural law, any mantra beginning with Omcar should not be pronounced in any impure state, such as, if one has been to the toilet and subsequently has not bathed or during the sutak etc. The prescribed method for purification must be adopted before such mantras are pronounced. In his unlimited compassion, Shri Maha Prabhuji bestowed graced upon daivi souls so that they would not be deprived of the right to repeat Prabhu's name even for an instant in this age of Kaliyuga. Perpetually, day and night under all circumstances, ashtakshar mantra should be repeated within the heart. Through this unceasing repetition, one can avoid useless thoughts and discussions and seva in the form of Prabhu's name can be performed because Prabhu's name has equal significance as Prabhu's seva in His own divine form as expressed in the following renown line from Sri Maha Prabhuji's writtings.

Prabhu expresses His divine play in this universe through two means. His own form and His name. Also, as we walk and move about throughout the day and night, unknowingly, ants, beetles, and other insects are crushed beneath our feet. If at that moment Prabhu's name is being repeated in our heart, by the power of Bhagavad name, that soul will be liberated and we will be saved from the sin of killing a living soul. In this way by the repetition of ashtakshar mantra day and night with humbleness, all suffering and faults will be removed. Wealth, fame and other worldly pleasures will be gained and liberation, full absorption and merging into Prabhu's divine form will be realized.

In the stories of Bhagwadiya, narrations on the ashtakshar mantra are found : One time as Shri Maha Prabhuji was moving in the circumambulation of India, he imparted the teaching Do not let even a moment pass without the repetition of ashtakshar mantra. Unceasingly pronouncing Shri Krishna Sharanam Mama'. Krishnadas Meghan did not fully realize the profound significance of this teaching. The group along with Shri Mahaprabhuji camp on the edge of a pond. For the purpose of making leaf plates and bowls, Krishnadas

wandered quite distant into the dense forest. He came to a pond and on the water's edge a large parrot was sitting on the branch of a tree, which had bent low.

Being in the dark dense forest and seeing such strange parrot, which, he had never seen before, Krishnadas got frightened and began repeating ashtakshar mantra. He pronounced ashtakshar mantra three times and each time the parrot drank some water. Observing these strange, phenomina, which he had never seen before, Krishnadas hurriedly collected the leaves and returned back to the camp where Shri Maha Prabhuji inquired 'Krishnadas, what did you see in the forest?'.

Krishnadas related all that he had seen and experienced. To reveal the hidden reasons for the events, Shri Maha Prabhuji explained " Krishnadas, that parrot which you saw is a devotee who has taken birth as a bird. He practise unceasingly repetition of ashtakshar mantra. Hearing you reciting it three times, he was able to pause for a moment to quench his thirst. I have explained to all of you formerly that the perpetual repetition of ashtakshar mantra is for your welfare and the welfare of those who will hear it". In this way Shri Maha Prabhuji taught the power of ashtakshar mantra to his intimate sevaks.

In the treatise called Narad Panchratra, the greatness of ashtakshar mantra is described. By reciting ashtakshar mantra, sinful actions, adverse circumstances and the devastation of unfavorable planetary configuration are all removed and the anand swamp Shri Krishna everlastingly resides in the heart. If the moment or crisis or disaster arises, on remembering ashtakshar mantra deeply in the heart the difficulties will be resolved of its own and by the grace of Shri Vallabhacharya, Bhagavad realisation will be attained.


Shri Maha Prabhuji's main teaching is that Ashtakshar mantra should be repeated with every bhava. ”I have explained to all of you formerly that the perpetual repetition of ashtakshar mantra is

for your welfare and the welfare of those who will hear it". In this way Shri Maha Prabhuji taught the power of ashtakshar mantra to his intimate sevaks.

OTHER BENEFITS of doing Japa ~ Shri Krshna Sharanam Mama

Ability to concentrate increased

Develop single-pointed focus on life goals

Control of breath, temperament, health

Control of emotions and calming of mind

i.e. reduce Stress

“Vacuum clean” mind and prepare mental space to store higher knowledge and


Accumulation of Positive thoughts will erase Negative garbage

Relief from loneliness, depression


ASHTA – 8- EIGHT – common feature of Lord Krishna avatar

Lord Krishna’a birth on 8



Ashtakshar Mantras

8 Disiciples (Ashta Sakha / Sevaks)

8 Jhankis (Aath Samayna Darshan)



Avatar of Vishnu if Krishna

8 wives/Patrani of Lord Krishna

Devaki’s 8


son is Krishna


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