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Key Changes for the 2017 Edition of the ASME BPVC.pdf[1]


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t h e 2017 Ed it ion of


Table OfC ontents

Section IMajor Changes ... 4

Section II, Part A Major Changes ... 6

Section II, Part B Major Changes ... 10

Section II, Part C Major Changes ... 12

Section II, Part D Major Changes ... 14

Section III NCA Major Changes ... 15

Section III Appendic es Major Changes ... 16

Section III, Div ision 1 Major Changes ... 17

Section III, Div ision 3 Major Changes ... 18

General Section III, Major Changes ... 19

Section IV Major Changes ... 20

Section V Major Changes... 21

Section VI Major Changes ... 23

Section VIIMajor Changes ... 24

Section VIII, Div ision 1 Major Changes ... 25

Section VIII, Div ision 2 Major Changes ... 26

Section VIII, Div ision 3 Major Changes ... 28

Section IX Major Changes ... 29

Sections X Major Changes ... 31

Section X I Major Changes ... 33

Section X II Major Changes ... 35 This document represents a general summary of some of the major changes that will appear in the 2017 Edit ion

of t he ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. A ll changes t o t he Code will be available when the 2017 Edition

is issued onJuly 1, 2017. The specific detailed changes should be carefully reviewedand v erified as publishedin



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S e ction I MajorC hange s

Rev ise PG-75 t o Clarify Visual Ex amination Requirement s for Sect ion I Fabric at ion

Visual ex amination is required in c ertain Section I parag raphs andimplied in ot hers, howev er t here are no specific rules

for t echnique, e.g ., direct, remote, magnification, etc. The rev ision to PG-75 prov ides guidanc e for v isual ex amination.

Specific rules are not mandatedby this revision, but specific requirement s would are t o be defined in the manufact urers

qualit y programinline wit hnon-mandatory appendix A-302.

Add a New Nonmandat or y Appendix A- X t o Inc orporat e Code Case 2235 for Ult rasonic Testing

Code Case 2235 w as inc orporat ed in Sect ion I as a nonmandat ory appendix t o allow the use of ult rasonic ex aminat ion

and fract ure mechanics based ac c eptanc e crit eria in lieu of the work manship based crit eria specifiedin PW-52.

Rev ise PW -51.4 t o Allow the Ret ention of Radiographs as Digital Images

Current technolog y prov ides for ac curat e andsecure c onv ersionof radiographs fromanalog film t o dig ital images. This

rev isionadds rules addressing the practic e allowing for ret ent ion of t he radiographic images into digital format.

Rev ise PG-77 t o Clarify Mat erial Identific at ion Requirements for Pressure Part Mat erial Other

Than Plat e

PG-77 addresses identification andtrac eabilit y of plate mat erial but does not address other pressure part material. This

rev isionprov ides t he requirement for a Sect ion I Cert ificate Holder to maintain the identit y of the pressure part material

unt il t he required Data Report is complet ed. Onc e a part ial datareport or Master Data report is c ertified the mat erial

identity requirement is sat isfied. Material identificat ionfor the Part t hat is masked, remov ed, or other wise obliterat ed

due to subsequent proc essing neednot be reestablished.

Rev isions t o PG-25.2.4 and PW -50for Mandat or y the Mandat or y Training , Ex perience, and

Ex amination Requirement s List ed In Sect ion V, Article 1, Mandat or y Appendix II for CR, DR, PAUT


PG-25.2.4 and PW-50 were rev isedso the mandat ory training , experienc e, andex aminat ion requirements list edin

Sect ion V, Art icle 1, Mandatory Appendix II that must be incorporat ed int o t he employ er’ s writ t en pract ic e for t he

qualification of NDE personnel if the techniques of c omputed radiography (CR), digital radiog raphy (DR), phased array

ultrasonic (PAUT), or ultrasonic time of flight difract ion (T OFD) are t o be used.

Rev ision t oPG- for Auxiliar y Lif Assist Dev ices

At the time of lif assist devic es were inc orporated int o t he Code, t he stat e of the art c omprisedonly hy draulic and

pneumatic act uated dev ic es. The prev ious wording excludedot her suitable means of dev ic e act uation. This rev ision

t o PG- adopts new wording that will permit any suitable means of lif assist dev ic e act uation. The proposed



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5 Rev isions t o PW -54 for the Hy drostatic Test of Repair and Replac ement Part s

PW-54.1 w as revised t o clarify that weldedpressure parts are to be subject edt o a hy drostat ic t est wit h the c omplet ed

boiler as required by PG-99. Revise PW-54.2 and PW-54.3 were revised by replacing the word “part ” wit hthe word

“boiler.” PW-54.4 was added t orefer t he reader to parag raphA -64 for guidanc e when supplying repair or

replac ement parts.

Rev ise Table A-320 t o Reference t he 2016 Edition of B31.1, Power Piping

Table A -320 was revised t o referenc e B31.1 - 2016. Also included are two additional foot not es: (1) Figure PG-58.3.1(b)in

Sect ion I shall apply for boiler ext ernal piping (BEP)in lieu of Figure 100.1.2 (B.2)in B31.1, and (2)The 2017 Edition of



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F +852 2368 5269 S e ction II, Part A MajorC hange s

Ov er thirty -fiv e ASTM Specific ations Adopt ed int o t he 2017 Edition

The list of A STM Specifications adoptedint o t he 2017 Edition are shown on t he following pages. Please c onsult the

specification in the 2017 Edit ionto det ermine if the A STM specification and t he ASME specificat ion are identical or if any

requirements were added to the c orresponding ASME specification in Section II, Part A .

Sev en Int ernational Mat erial Specifications Adopt edint o the2017 Edit ion

The list of C SA , EN andJIS Specificat ions adopt edint o the 2017 Edition are shown on the following pages. Please

c onsult t he specification in the 2017 Editionto determine if t he int ernational mat erial specificat ion andthe A SME

specification are identical or if any requirements were addedt o the c orresponding A SME specification in



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7 ASTM Specifications Adopt edint o the 2017 Edit ion of Section II, Part A

A STM A6/A6M-14 StandardSpecification for General Requirements for Rolled St ruct ural Steel Bars, Plat es, Shapes, and

Sheet Piling

A STM A20/A 20M-15 StandardSpecificat ion for General Requirements for St eel Plat es for Pressure Vessels

A STM A31/A 31M-14 StandardSpecificat ion for St eel Riv et s andBars for Riv ets, Pressure Vessels

A STM A36/A 36M-14 StandardSpecificat ion for Carbon Struct ural St eel

A STM A182/A182M-14a Standard Specification for F orged or Rolled A lloy and Stainless St eel Pipe Flanges, F orged

Fittings, and Valv es andPart s for High-Temperat ure Serv ic e

A STM A213 / A 213M - 15 Standard Specification for Seamless F erritic and Aust enitic Alloy -St eel Boiler, Superheat er, and

Heat-Exchanger Tubes

A STM A266/A266M-13 Standard Specificat ion for Carbon St eel F orging s for Pressure Vessel Component s

A STM A249/A249M-15a Standard Specification for WeldedAust enit ic St eel Boiler, Superheater, Heat Exchanger, and

Condenser Tubes

A STM A299/A299M-09 Standard Specificat ion for Pressure Vessel Plat es, Carbon St eel, Manganese-Silic on

A STM A312 / A 312M - 15 Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, andHeavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless

St eel Pipes

A STM A333/A333M-13 Standard Specificat ion for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for L ow-Temperat ure Servic e and

Other Applications wit h Required Notch Toug hness

A STM A335/A335M-15a Standard Specification for Seamless F erritic Alloy -St eel Pipe for High-Temperat ure Serv ic e

A STM A336/A336M-15 Standard Specificat ion for A lloy Steel F orgings for Pressure and High-Temperat ure Parts

A STM A403/A403M-15 Standard Specificat ion for Wrought Aust enit ic Stainless St eel Piping Fit tings

A STM A409/A409M-15 Standard Specificat ion for Welded Large Diameter Aust enit ic St eel Pipe for Corrosiv e or H

igh-Temperat ure Serv ic e

A STM A426/A426M-13 Standard Specificat ion for Cent rifugally Cast F errit ic A lloy Steel Pipe for High Temperat ure Serv ic e

A STM A455/A455M-12a Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon St eel, High-St rength Manganese

A STM A508/A508M-16 Standard Specificat ion for Quenched andTempered Vacuum-Treat ed Carbon and Alloy Steel

F orging s for Pressure Vessels

A STM A515/A515M-10 Standard Specificat ion for Pressure Vessel Plat es, Carbon St eel, for Intermediate- and

Higher-Temperat ure Serv ic e

A STM A516/A516M-10 Standard Specificat ion for Pressure Vessel Plat es, Carbon St eel, for Moderate- and

Lower-Temperat ure Serv ic e

A STM A517/A517M-10 Standard Specificat ion for Pressure Vessel Plat es, A lloy Steel, Hig h-Strengt h, Quenched

and Tempered

A STM A533/A533M-16 Standard Specificat ion for Pressure Vessel Plat es, A lloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered,



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A STM A542/A542M-13 Standard Specificat ion for Pressure Vessel Plat es, A lloy Steel, Quenched-and Tempered,

Chromium-Moly bdenum, and Chromium-Molybdenum-Vanadium

A STM A553/A553M-14 Standard Specificat ion for Pressure Vessel Plat es, A lloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered7, 8, and

9 % Nickel

A STM A562/A562M-10 Standard Specificat ion for Pressure Vessel Plat es, Carbon St eel, Manganese-Titaniumfor Glass or

Difused Metallic Coatings

A STM A572/A572M-13a Standard Specification for High-St rength Low-A lloy Columbium-VanadiumSt ruct ural St eel

A STM A587-96 StandardSpecification for Elect ric -Resistanc e-WeldedLow-Carbon St eel Pipe for the Chemical Industry

A STM A645/A645M-10 Standard Specificat ion for Pressure Vessel Plat es, 5% and 5 1⁄2% Nickel Alloy St eels, Specially

Heat Treated

A STM A656/A656M-13 Standard Specificat ion for Hot-Rolled Struct ural Steel, High-Streng th Low-A lloy Plat e with

Improv ed F ormability

A STM A671/A671M-16 Standard Specificat ion for Elect ric -F usion-Welded Steel Pipe for At mospheric and

Lower Temperat ures

A STM A688/A688M-15 Standard Specificat ion for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless St eel F eedwat er

Heater Tubes

A STM A723/A723M-10(R2015)Standard Specification for A lloy Steel F orgings for Hig h-Strengt h Pressure

Component A pplicat ion

A STM A765/A765M-07(R2012)Standard Specification for Carbon St eel and L ow-Alloy Steel Pressure-Vessel-Component

F orging s with Mandatory Toughness Requirements

A STM A788/A788M-15 Standard Specificat ion for Steel F orgings, General Requirements

A STM A941-15 StandardTerminolog y Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, Related Alloy s, and F erroalloys

A STM A962/A962M-11a Standard Specification for Common Requirements for Bolt ing Int ended for Use at A ny

Temperat ure fromCry ogenic to the Creep Range

A STM A965/A965M-14 Standard Specificat ion for Steel F orgings, Aust enit ic, for Pressure and High Temperat ure Parts



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9 Int ernational Specifications Adopt ed int o the 2017 Edit ion of Section II, Part A

C SA G40.21-13 Specification for st ruct ural quality steels

EN 10088-2:2013 Specificat ion for stainless steels Part 2: Technical Deliv ery Condit ions for Sheet/Plat e and Strip of

Corrosion Resist ing Steels for General Purposes

EN 10088-3:2014 Specificat ion for stainless steel Part 3: Technical deliv ery c onditions for semi-finishedproducts, bars,

rods, wire, sections and brig ht product s of c orrosionresisting st eels for general purposes.

EN 10216-2:2013 Seamless st eel t ubes for pressure purposes — Technical deliv ery c onditions Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy

st eel t ubes with specified elevat ed temperat ure propert ies

EN 10222-2:1999 Specificat ion for st eel forgings for pressure purposes Part 2: F erritic and martensit ic st eels with

specified elevat ed t emperat ure properties

JIS G3118:2010 Carbonsteel plates for pressure v essels for int ermediate and moderat e temperat ure serv ic es



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F +852 2368 5269 S e ction II, Part B Major C hange s

Ten ASTM Specific at ions Adopt ed int o t he 2017Edition

The list of A STM Specifications adoptedint o t he 2017 Edition are shown on t he following pages. Please c onsult the

specification in the 2017 Edit ionto det ermine if the A STM specification and t he ASME specificat ion are identical or if any



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11 ASTM Specifications Adopt edint o the 2017 Edit ion of Section II, Part B

B111/B111M-11 Standard Specificationfor Copper and Copper-A lloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and F errule Stock

B251-10 StandardSpecificationfor General Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper andCopper-A lloy Tube

B367-13 StandardSpecificationfor Titaniumand TitaniumA lloy Cast ings

B543/B543M-12 Standard Specificationfor Welded Copper andCopper-A lloy Heat Exchanger Tube

A STM B574-10 Specificat ion for Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum, Low-CarbonNickel-Moly bdenum

-Chromium, Low-Carbon Nickel-Moly bdenum-Chromium-Tantalum, L ow-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Moly

bdenum-Copper, and L ow-CarbonNickel-Chromium-Moly bdenum-Tungst en A lloy Rod

A STM B575-14 Specificat ion for Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum, Low-CarbonNickel-Chromium

-Molybdenum-Copper, Low-Carbon Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Tantalum, L ow-Carbon Nickel-Chromiu

m-Molybdenum-Tungsten, and Low-CarbonNickel-Moly bdenum-ChromiumAlloy Plat e, Sheet, and Strip

B620-03(R2013) Standard Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium-MolybdenumA lloy (UNS N08320)Plate, Sheet,

and Strip

B674-05 StandardSpecificationfor UNS N08904, UNS N08925, and UNS N08926 Welded Tube

B706-00(R2011) Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Alloy (UNS No. C69100)Pipe and Tube

B928/B928M-13 Standard Specificationfor High MagnesiumA luminum-A lloy Sheet and Plat e for Marine Servic e and



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F +852 2368 5269 S e ction II, Part C MajorC hange s

ThreeAWS Specific ations for Arc Welding Electrodes, Gas Welding Rods and Ot her Filler Metals

Adopt ed int o the 2017 Edition



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13 AW S Specific ations Adopt ed int o the 2017 Edition of Section II, Part C

A WS A 5.20/A5.20M:2005 (R2015)Specification for Carbon St eel Electrodes for Flux Cored A rc Welding

A WS A 5.28/A5.28M:2005 (R2015)Specification for Low-A lloy St eel Electrodes and Rods for Gas ShieldedA rc Welding

A WS A 5.36/A5.36M:2016 Specification for CarbonandLow-A lloy St eel Flux Cored Electrodes for Flux CoredA rc Welding



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F +852 2368 5269 S e ction II, Part D Major C hange s

Add Mat erials t oTables 2A and 2B for the New Class 1 Vessels t hat will be Adopt edin 2017Edition

of SectionVIII, Div ision2

In Section II, Part D Tables 2A and 2B were revisedby adding t he applicability/max t emp limits and stress values for the

new Class 1 v essels that will be adopted in 2017 Edition of Sect ion VIII, Division 2.

Transfer Charts andTables for Mat erial Properties for Elevat ed Temperat ure from Section III,

Subsection NHt o Section II, Part D

In t he 2015 Editionthe elevated temperat ure materials property data w as mov ed from Subsect ion NHto Section

III-Div ision 5. Subsection NHwill be deleted in t he 2017 Edition and. Some of the mat erial properties data is also be mov ed

t o Section II, Part D to av oid any c onfusion of det ermining which Code rules apply if Sect ion I or VIII applications were t o



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S e ction III NC A Major C hange s

Certify ing Engineer

There w as a revision t o the desig nation of the individual taskedwith c ert ify ing designdocument s on behalf of the

Owner andN-Cert ificate Holder. The revision changed the desig nationfrom“Regist ered Professional Eng ineer” t o

“Certify ing Eng ineer.” A ddit ional requirement s were also addedt o for this new designat ion.

Mov e Quality Assurance Sy st em Requirements t o NCA-4000

A s part an efort t owards c onsolidat ion, some quality assuranc e sy st emrequirement s were mov ed t o NCA -4000 wit hout

substant iv e changes other t han renumbering into NCA-4200, 4300 and 4400. The revisions were as follows:

‒ Move NCA -3850 t hrough NCA -3859.2t o NCA-4200. Change numbering from NCA -38XX to NCA -42XX.

‒ Move NCA -3950 t hrough NCA -3963 to NCA -4300. Change numbering fromNCA -39XX t o NCA -43XX.

‒ Move NCA -3970 t hrough NCA -3973 to NCA -4400. Change numbering fromNCA -39XX t o NCA -44XX.

‒ Update NCA -4000 t it le to read “Quality A ssuranc e Requirement s”

‒ Update parag raph citat ions throughout NCA 4200, 4300, 4400.



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S e ction III Appe ndice s Major C hange s

Consolidat e, Simplify and Modernize t he Desig n by Analy sis Rules

There w as a major rewrit e t o c onsolidat e, simplify and modernize t he Design by Analysis rules inSect ion III. The rev ision

inc orporat es most of NB-3200 and all of Appendix X IV. It shouldbe not edthat A ppendix XIV on DesignBased onFatigue

A naly sis was delet ed as part of the rewrite.

New Mandat or y Appendix X X VII for Lev el D Analy sis

A new Mandatory Appendix X XVII for Lev el D A nalysis w as added. The prev ious Non-Mandat ory A ppendix F was

c onv ert ed t o a mandat ory appendix, with some editorial and minor t echnical updates. The c omponent design rules that

were prev iously inappendix F were mov edto the c orresponding subsect ion. It shouldbe noted that non-mandat ory

appendix will remain in the Code for one rev ision cy cle andis scheduled for delet ion in t he 2019 edition. All cross

referenc es t o this appendix, in all subsections, hav e been updated to referenc e A ppendix XX VII.

Qualifications and Duties of Cert ify ing Engineers Performing Certific at ion Act iv ities

There w as a revision t o A ppendix XXIII to specify t hree available means of init ial qualificationfor a Certifying Engineer

and also specify the means for maintenanc e of the Certifying Engineer qualificat ion. One means of qualification retains

the Registered Professional Engineer credential currently permittedinSection III. The proposal also makes mandat ory



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S e ction III Divis ion 1 Major C hange s

Changes t o Div ision 1 t o Accommodat e the New Mandat or y Appendix X X VII for Lev el D Analy sis

There are a series of changes in Div ision 1 t o handle from transition of Non Mandat ory A ppendix F to Mandatory

A ppendix XXVII. A ll referenc es t hroug hout Div ision 1were updat ed t o t he new Mandat ory A ppendix number and the

Lev el D c omponent design rules will be transferredint o t he appropriate subsect ionrat her than appearing in the new

mandat ory appendix.

Changes t oDiv ision 1 Based on Rewrit e of Appendix X III

The design by analy sis rules from t he subsection(s)were mov ed int o Appendix X III and t he referenc es throughout

Div ision 1 were updated t o A ppendix XIII. It should be not ed most of NB-3200 has been deletedfromSubsection NB and

inc orporat ed into A ppendix XIII.

Subsection NHwill no Longer be Published Starting wit h 2017Edit ion

The c ontent of SubsectionNHon elevated temperat ure was inc orporat ed int o BPV III, Division 5, in t he 2015 edition.



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S e ction III Divis ion 3 Major C hange s

New Subsection WD

Subsection WD will be published in the 2017 edit ionfor requirement s relat ed tointernal support struct ures for use in

transportation (Class T C) or st orage (Class SC) containment s. A dditional rev isions were made throughout Div ision 3



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Ge ne ral S e ction III Major C hange

Incorporat ion of End Not es

Throughout all Sect ion III Div isions and Subsections the end notes were reviewed andinmany case inc orporated int o

the body of t he Code. If an endnote was inc orporatedint o t he body of the Code, the endnote w as deleted from



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S e ction IV Major C hange s

Mandat or y Appendix for F eedwat er Economizers

A Mandat ory A ppendix for t he Requirement s for F eedw ater Ec onomizers w as added to Section IV along wit h and

implementing rev isions to HG-100 and H3 data report. A feedw ater ec onomizer is a heat exchanger in which feedw ater

t o be supplied to a boiler or w ater heater is heat ed by flue gasses exit ing the boiler or w ater heat er. When such an

ec onomizer is suppliedwitha SectionIV boiler or w ater heat er, it shall be a c ert ified pressure v essel which may be

c onstruct ed in ac c ordanc e wit h Sect ion IV or ac c ordanc e with Section VIII, Div ision I.

Adoption of the ASME CA-1 Standard on “Conformity Assessment Requirement s”

Various paragraphs were rev isedto replac e c onformity assessment requirements wit h a referenc e t o CA-1. This standard

now c ov ers the c onformity assessment requirements formerly c ov ered by the deletedrequirements.

Clarific at ion of t he Scope for Part HLW

The Sc ope of Part was clarified as shownbelow:

‒ Potable water heaters that ex c eed an input g reater than 200,000 bt u/ hr (60kW)or anominal water c ontaining c apacity of

120gallons (450 L).

‒ Potable water storage tanks with a nominal wat er c ontaining capacit y of 120 gallons (450 L) or g reater.

‒ Potable water heaters and water storage tanks desig ned for pressures not ex c eeding 160psi (1100 kPa) or water

t emperatures not ex c eeding 210°F (99°C)

Corrosion Resistant Mat erials

The Code clearly states t hat int ernal tank surfac es must be c orrosion resistant. It is less clear, howev er, in relation t o

heat exchangers installed int o st orage tank s or w ater heat ers. The revision t o HLW-310.1 will specifically require t hat

heat exchangers installed in HLW stamped v essels shall be made out of c orrosion resistant mat erials.

Clarific at ion of Requirements for Modular Boilers

Various paragraphs were rev isedor added for modular boilers t o clarify the rules for their c ertification andadd

additional details for the required t rimit ems on indiv idual modules. Other revisions clarify the requirement s for

inspection openings and ac c essibilit y t o nameplate stamping. Finally the current limit of 400,000 Bt u/hr limit per



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S e ction V Major C hange s

Article 4, Rev isions t o Table IV-422 in Mandat or y Appendix IV and Table V-422in Mandat or y

Appendix V; Define the Essent ial Variables for Wedge Paramet ers

Current ly the only wedge essent ial variable is the “wedge ang le” in Table IV-422 and “wedge nat ural refracted ang le” in

Table V-422. These do not fully c ov er theessential paramet ers associated wit h phased array wedges, or ev enproperly

define the wedge angel (nat ural refracted angle is diferent for diferent materials under ex amination). The rev isions will

change “wedge angle” t o “wedge cut angle” and addmore essential variables for wedges.

Article 4, Rev isions t o T-434.1.2 t o Add Requirements for Alt ernativ e Mat erials for

Calibration Block s

T-434.1.2 has no requirements for the use of alt ernativ e calibrat ion block s which were manufact ured from a diferent

product formor do not hav e t he same heat t reat ment as the c omponent to be ex amined. This addition of parag raph(c)

will add the nec essary rules so that alternativ e calibration block s may be used.

Article 1, Rev isions t o T-110Concerning Efect iv e Dat e for a New Edition of Sect ion V

The addit ion of paragraph (c) clarifies that SectionV may be used beginning wit h the date of issuanc e and bec omes

mandat ory 6 mont hs af er t he dat e of issuanc e unless modified by the referencing document. The new paragraph (d)

t ells users t hat Code Cases may be used beginning on the date t hey are approv edby A SME.

Article 6, Rev ision t o T-673.1 Concerning the Removal of Excess W at er-W ashable Penet rants

A new paragraph was added t o T-673.1 t o permit removal of wat er w ashable penetrants wit h a clean, dry, lint-free cloth

or absorbent paper followed by w atermoistened wiping as analt ernativ e t o w ater spray.

Article 11, MultipleRev isions t o Updat e the Rules of Acoust ic Emission

MultipleASTM Standards were either added or updat ed.



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F +852 2368 5269 ASTM Specifications Adopt edint o the 2017 Edit ion of Section V

A STM A388/A388M-15 Standard Practic e for Ultrasonic Ex aminat ion of Steel F orgings as an updat e t o SA-388

A STM A745/A745M-15 Standard Practic e for Ultrasonic Ex aminat ion of Austenitic St eel F org ings as an updat e t o SA -745

A STM D129-13 StandardTest Method for Sulfur in PetroleumProducts (General HighPressure Dec omposit ion

Dev ic e Method)

A STM D7091-13 Standard Practic e for Nondestructiv e Measurement of Dry Film Thick ness of Nonmagnetic Coat ings

A pplied to F errous Metals and Nonmag netic, Nonconductiv e Coating s Applied t o Non-F errous Metals

A STM E213-14e1 Standard Practic e for Ultrasonic Testing of Metal Pipe and Tubing

A STM E243-13 Standard Pract ic e for Elect romagnet ic (Eddy Current)Ex aminat ion of Copper andCopper-A lloy Tubes

A STM E273-15 Standard Pract ic e for Ult rasonic Testing of the WeldZone of WeldedPipe and Tubing

A STM E709-15 Standard Guide for Magnet ic Particle Test ing

A STM E999-15 Standard Guide for Controlling the Qualit y of Indust rial Radiographic FilmProc essing

A STM E1114-09(2014)StandardTest Met hod for Det ermining the Size of Iridium-192 Indust rial Radiographic Sourc es

A STM E1165-12 StandardTest Met hod for Measurement of F ocal Spots of Indust rial X-Ray Tubes by Pinhole Imaging

A STM E1419/E1419M-15 Standard Pract ic e for Ex amination of Seamless, Gas-Filled, Pressure Vessels Using

A c oustic Emission

A STM E2075/E2075M - 15 StandardPractic e for Verifying t he Consist ency of A E-Sensor Response Using an A cry lic Rod

A STM E2261/E2261M-12 Standard Pract ic e for Ex amination of Welds Using t he Alt ernating Current Field

Measurement Technique

A STM E2297-15 StandardGuide for Use of UV-A andVisible Light Sourc es and Met ers used in the Liquid Penetrant and

Magnet ic Part icle Methods

A STM E2700-14 StandardPractic e for Contact Ult rasonic Testing of Welds Using PhasedA rray s

A STM E2775-11 StandardPractic e for Guided W av e Test ing of A bov e GroundSt eel Pipework Using Piezoelectric

Efect Transduction

A STM E2929-13 StandardPractic e for Guided W av e Test ing of A bov e GroundSt eel Piping wit h

Magnetost rictiv e Transduction

A STM E3022-15; Standard Practic e for Measurement of Emission Characterist ics and Requirement s for LED UV-A Lamps



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S e ction VI Major C hange s

A t otal rewrit e and update of Section VIwill published in t he 2017 Edition of the A SME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.



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S e ction VII Major C hange s

A t otal rewrit e of Sect ion VII was publishedwith the 2015 Edit ion of the A SME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. There were



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S e ction VIII, Divis ion 1 Major C hange s

Quick-Opening and Quick-Act uat ing Closures

UG-35.2 was revisedt o specifically address quick-act uat ing closures and UG-35.3 was addedt o address quick-opening

closures. A ppendix FF were rev isedto address the needs of bot h quick-act uating and quick-opening closures. The safet y

improv ement s include:

‒ Clear definit ions of aquick-actuat ing closure anda quick-opening closure

‒ Consistency on usage of holding and locking element s

‒ Requirement to hav e apressure release dev ic e (or allowanc e for operating and maint enanc e proc edures) for

a quick-opening closure

‒ Requirement for aPartial Data Report when aclosure is provided as apart

Openings in Pressure Vessels

The referenc es to A ppendix 1-9 andAppendix 1-10 in UG-36 were remov ed. A ppendix 1-9 and Appendix 1-10 were

remov edint heir ent irety. The nozzle desig n methods of Appendic es 1-9 and 1-10 were updat ed andmov edt o Part 4.5 of

Sect ion VIII, Division 2.

Adoption of the ASME CA-1 Standard on “Conformity Assessment Requirement s”

A dded referenc e t o CA -1 (Latest Edition)to Table U-3; replac ed c onformit y assessment requirements in UG-117 and

UG-131 witha referenc e to CA -1; replac ed definit ions in A ppendix 3 withreferenc es t o CA -1; delet ed A ppendix 25

(Rules for A c c eptanc e of Testing Labs). CA -1 now c ov ers t he c onformit y assessment requirement s formerly c ov ered by

the delet ed requirement s.

Manual UT Ex aminations

UW-11(a)(8), UW-11(d), UW-12, UW-51(a)(4), andUW-53 were rev ised to clarify when manual and automatedUT

ex aminat ionmet hods are ac c eptable.

New PR T Certific at e of Authoriz at ion and Cert ification Programfor Organiz ations Fabricating

Parts Wit hout Design Responsibility.

Organiz ations fabricat ing part s are currently requiredto demonstrate design capabilities and are alsorequired t o obtain

separate A SME Certificat es of Aut horizat ion for fabricating part s under each Section of the Boiler Code. This program

will permit organizations that fabricate parts and do not take design responsibility to obtain an A SME Cert ificate. The

new program will alsoa Manufact urer who holds t he PRT Stamp t o fabricat e part s for mult iple Code Sections based on



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S e ction VIII, Divis ion 2 Major C hange s

Incorporat ion of Vessel Classes in Div ision 2

Two v essel classes will be added in 2017 Edition of Sect ion VIII Div ision 2

‒ Class 1 vessels have a Desig n Margin of 3.0, which is the same as 2004 Edit ion of Sect ion V IIIDivision 2

‒ Class 2 vessels have a Desig n Margin of 2.4, which is the same as 2015 Edit ion of Sect ion V IIIDivision 2

F or both classes the t oughness, mat erial, desig n, fabricat ion and ex aminationrequirement s are essentially the same

F or Class 1 v essels, c ertification of the User’ s DesignSpecificat ion is only required if a fat ig ue analy sis is nec essary

F or Class 1 v essels, c ertification of the Manufact urer’ s Design Report is only requiredif Part 5 Design-by -A naly sis is used

t o det ermine the pressure thick ness of a c omponent not c ov ered by Part 4 Design-by -Rule or if a fat ig ue analy sis

is required.

F or Class 2 c ert ificat ion of t he User’ s Design Specification and Manufact urer’ s Design Report is required, same as

requirement as in 2015 Edition.

The int roduction of Class 1 v essels in Sect ionVIII, Division2 will allow U2 Certificat e Holders t o designandc onstruct an

A SME v essel wit ha U2 Certification Desig nat or t hat is lighter than a Section VIII, Div ision 1 v essel but wit hout all of the

additional requirements of a U2 Class 2 v essel.

Class 1 v essels will also prov ide a means for Certificat e Holders t o builda v essel to a User’ s DesignSpecification without

needing t o go t oa full U2 Class 2 v essel design.

Paragraph (e) Acceptance Crit eriafor Shear Stresses

The current basis for det ermining t he ac c eptanc e crit eria is basedon whet her a mat erial is ferritic mat erial or not;

howev er there is nostrict definitionof what c onst it utes a ferritic material. A revisedac c eptanc e crit eria is being

introduc ed basedon if the mat erial carries Not e G2 [Due to the relatively low yield strength ofthese materials, these

higher stress values were established at temperatures where the short–time tensile properties govern to permit the use

ofthese alloys where slightly greater deformation is acceptable. The stress values in this range exceed 662/3% but do

not exceed 90% ofthe yield strength at temperature.Use ofthese stresses may result in dimensional changes due to

permanent strain.These stress values are not recommended for the flanges of gasketed joints or other applications where

slight amounts ofdistortion can cause leakage or malfunction. Table Y–2 lists multiplying factors that,when applied to

the yield strength values shown in Table Y–1,will give allowable stress values that will result in lower levels ofpermanent

strain.] in Table 5 A or N ote G1 [Due to the relatively low yield strength ofthese materials, these higher stress values were

established at temperatures where the short–time tensile properties govern to permit the use ofthese alloys where slightly

greater deformation is acceptable.The stress values in this range exceed 662/3% but do not exceed 90% ofthe yield

strength at temperature.U se ofthese stresses may result in dimensional changes due to permanent strain. These stress

values are not recommended for the flanges ofgasketed joints or other applications where slight amounts ofdistortion

can cause leakage or malfunction. Table Y–2 lists multiplying factors that,when applied to the yield strength values

shown in Table Y–1, will give allowable stress values that will result in lower levels ofpermanent strain.] in Table 5B of



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27 Adoption of the ASME CA-1 Standard on “Conformity Assessment Requirement s”

This is similar t o t he change discussed for Section VIII, Div ision 1. CA -1 on “Conformity Assessment Requirement s” w as

added t o Table 1.1. Various parag raph were rev ised to replac e c onformit y assessment requirements wit h a referenc e

t o CA -1.

Ax ial Compressiv e Stress and HoopCompression

Code Case 2286-5 was prev iously inc orporated into SectionVIII, Div ision2. Paragraphs (b)and (e), (b)

and (c), and 4.4.15 were rev ised to c orrect the limit s for the c ompressiv e st ress factors.

New PR T Certific at e of Authoriz at ion and Cert ification Programfor Organiz ations Fabricating

Parts Wit hout Design Responsibility.

This change is similar to the one prev iously discussed for Section VIII, Div ision 1. This prog ram will permit organizations

that fabricat e parts and do not take desig n responsibilit y t o obtain an A SME Cert ificate.

Correct Equation 4.4.126 in Parag raph

Equation 4.4.126 c orrect ly bounds t he st ress when both stresses are c ompressiv e and equal (pressure st ress) but

div erges in a diferent pat h whenthe st ress tends t owards uniaxial wit h c ertain bounding st resses. This change c orrects



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S e ction VIII, Divis ion 3 Major C hange s

MultipleRev isions t o Sect ion VIII, Div ision 3t oRemov e the Laminat e Mat erial Requirements for

Composit e Pressure Vessels

The requirement s for laminat es used for loadsharing metallic shells were remov ed from Sect ion VIII, Division 3. All

requirements for the materials, desig n, fabricat ion, qualification, ex amination and t esting of laminates as part of t he

fabrication of a Sect ion VIII, Division 3 c omposit e pressure v essel were added t oMandat ory A ppendix 10 of Section

X on Laminat es wit h L oad Sharing Metallic Shells for High Pressure Servic e. KS-720 was also rev isedby remov ing

the requirement for a manufact urer of a c omposite reinforc ed v essels to hav e both t he Section VIII, Div ision 3 “U3”

c ertification designator and t he Section X “RP” c ert ificat ion designat or.

Rev ise KG-130 t o Clarify t he Requirements for Assembly andTesting of Vessels at Field or

Int ermediat e Sit es

The requirement s for field assembly and t est ing of Section VIII, Div ision 3 were clarified and requirement s for assembly

and testing at so-called “intermediat e sites” were addedas part of the rev isions to KG-130. These rev isions and



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S e ction IX Major C hange s

Rev isions t o QW -290 Concerning the Temper Bead Welding

A number of revisions were made to t he QW-290 paragraphs andtables in response t o c onc erns raised by the industry.

These changes were proposed to hav e hardness testing, t oughness t esting, and no additional testing as independent

met hods. The method of ac c eptanc e and t he ac c eptanc e crit eria are t o be specified by t he Construction Sect ion of t he

BPV Code or the Desig n Specificat ionif required t o be eit her hardness or t oughness. If hardness or t oughness are not

specified, t he qualification t est requirement is bend testing .

Proposed Addition t o QF-302.2 t o Allow the Use of t he Hig hSpeed TensileImpact Test (HSTIT)

This revisionis applicable t o plastic fusing methods. This addition t o QF-302.2 allows HSTIT t o be used as an alternat iv e

t o t he bend test for performanc e qualification in the same manner HSTIT is usedfor proc edure qualification.

Various Rev isions t oSection IX t o Allow t he Use of Low Power Densit y Laser Beam

Welding (LLBW)

Sev eral additions and changes were made to Section IX t o allow the use of Low Power Density Laser Beam Welding

(LLBW)that are more applicable whenusing a laser beam proc ess without keyhole welding.

Rev isions t o F orm QW -483 t o Facilitat e Recording of Data Used for the Calculat ion of Heat Input

F ormQW-483 for Proc edure QualificationRec ords was revisedt o include W av eformControl, Power or Energ y, A rc Time

and WeldBeadLeng th in the Electrical Charact erist ics port ion of t he form. This facilitat es the rec ording of dataused for

the calculation of heat input.

Rev ise QW -303.1, QW -303.2 and Table QW -461.9 t o Clarify the Int ent of Section IX Regarding

Performance Qualification Requirement s for Welders Deposit ing Tack Welds.

The Const ruct ion Sections of the BPV Code do not hav e alternat iv e qualification requirement s for welders who only

deposit tack welds and there are varying opinions within industry as t o what the qualification requirement s are for

welders deposit ing tack welds. The revisions toQW-303.1, QW-303.2 and Table QW-461.9 clarify that a welder depositing

tack welds is requiredto hav e the same qualifications as a welder depositing t he production weldwit hin the same weld

joint. The only t hing new is a provision whichexcludes diamet er qualification limits on welders deposit ing tack welds

whichdo not exc eed 25% of t he weld circumferenc e.

Various Rev isions t oSection IX Replacing “Not ch Toughness Test ing ” and “Charpy V-Not ch

Test ing ” wit h “t oug hness t est ing”

There are many ty pes of t oughness t est ing methods (ASTM E 1820 JIC, et c)referenc ed in t he Construction Sect ions of

the BPV Code t hat are applicable to t oughness t est ing of specimens for welding proc edure qualification. Section IX

is being revisedt o use the t erm “toughness t esting” sinc e t he current language may be misc onstrued as only being



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Rev ise QW -403.16 for Welder Qualification Diamet er Limit s for Set-On and Set-In Nozzle or

Branch Connect ions

Sev eral int erpretations exist (including IX-80-08 andIX-80-67)describing how t o apply performanc e qualification

diamet er limits for “set-on” and“set-in” nozzle or branch welds. QW-403.16 is being revised t o define welder

qualification diameter limit s for set-on and set-in nozzles or branch c onnections.

Rev ise QW -322t o Clarify the Requirements for Ex piration, Rev ocation and Renewal of

Performance Qualifications for Welders and Welding Operat ors

The rev ision t o QW-322 clarifies t he requirements pertaining t o t he c ont inuit y, expiration, rev ocation and renewal of

qualifications for welders and welding operat ors.

Various Rev isions t oSection IX regarding Terms such as “…omission of inert back ing gas…”

Various rev isions to Section IX are being made to no longer require t he requalification of a welder whenan inert gas

back ing is not used. QW-408.8 is anessential variable for performanc e qualificationfor welders qualifying for GMA W/

FCA W, GTA W, and PAW. By strict application of this rule, a welder who qualifies for GTA W using argonas the back ing gas

must requalify if he want s to weld using a react iv e gas mixt ure such as 90 % argon/10 % nitrogen, which is c ommonly

used in Europe. This requirement to requalify is not just ified in t hese cases because onc e a welder has prov ed he has

the sk ill to deposit sound weldmetal welding in t he presenc e of back ing gas pressure, the gas c omposit ionis no

longer important.

Rev isions t o F orms QF-484(a), QF-484(b), QW -484A, QW -484B, QW -485 and QB-484 t o Rec ord

WhenaQualification Coupon is Welded or F used and When the Qualific at ion Record is Cert ified

The dat e a proc edure qualificat ion or personnel qualificat ion c oupon is welded or fused is diferent than the dat e t he

PQR, WPQ, WOPQ, or FOPQ is c ertified (when all of the required tests hav e been c omplet ed). The current format of t he

nonmandatory forms ofer no way t o diferentiate betweent he t wo dat es. The revisions t o F orms QF-484(a), QF-484(b),

QW-484A, QW-484B, QW-485 and QB-484 will requires a Manufact urer to diferentiate between t hose two dates.

Rev ision t oQB-409Regarding the Post Brazing Heat Treatment (PBHT)

Qualification Requirement s

QB-409 w as revisedt o require a separat e proc edure qualificationwhen (1)a PBHT is eit her addedor delet edor (2) a



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S e ction X Major C hange s

Add a New Mandat or y Appendix Cov ering Laminat es with LoadSharing Metallic Shells for High

Pressure Ser v ic e

This new appendix was added for new requirements for laminates with load sharing metallic shells for high pressure

serv ic e. This A ppendix defines t he requirements for the materials, desig n, fabrication, qualification, ex amination and

t esting of laminates to be applied as part of t he fabricat ion of a Sect ion VIII, Division3 c omposite pressure v essel. The

c omplet ed v essels are definedas c omposit e reinforc edpressure v essels for storage of fluids at high pressure. This

appendix inc orporates many of the requirement s t hat were c ontained in Section VIII, Div ision 3 and shall only be used

per Sect ion VIII, Division 3. Additionally, t he lat est ASTM standard on ac oust ic emissions t est ing is inc orporat ed.

Add a New Nonmandat or y Appendix on Micromechanics

This appendix add micromechanics as an alternat iv e method t o testing, for det ermining elastic properties of a

lamina. This nonmandat ory appendix c ontains the equat ions that can be used t o predict elastic c onstant s for bot ha

unidirect ional lamina andfor a randomly dist ributed reinforc ed lamina. Determinat ion of the elastic c onstants using

micromechanics would be permissible as analternat iv e to determinat ion v ia t est ing per RT-7. This proposal also

includes the changes required t o various parag raphs t o permit the use of micromechanics t o determine the elastic

c onstant s as an alternate t ot esting per RT-7.

Rev ise R T-223 t o Clarify t he Requirements for C y clic Pressure and Hy drostat ic Pressure

Qualifications Tests

RT-223 w as revised t o clarify the t emperat ures required for t he cy clic pressure test and t he hy drostatic pressure t est.

This revisionallows a test fluid t emperat ure to be at least t he maximumdesign t emperat ure of the v essel for t he

hy drostat ic pressure qualificat ion tests. RT-223.1 andRT-223.5 were reformat t edfor clarity regarding t he requirements

for the cy clic t est and t he hy drostatic pressure qualification t est.

Add a new Nonmandat or y Appendix Prov iding Guidanc e on Fire and Excessiv e Heat Exposurefor

FRP Pressure Vessels

T his new nonmandatory appe ndix provide s guidance to owne rs or us e rs of Fibe r Reinforce d Plas tic ( FR P) pre s s ure ve s s e ls to

mitigate the efects of fire and e xpos ure to e xce s s ive heat on FRP ve s s e ls cove re d by this S e ction. FR P ve s s e ls gene rally cannot

be protected by an overpres s ure protection device if e xpos ed to fire s ince the laminate will los e it s tructural inte grity if e xpos e d

to fire s within a s hort amount of time be fore pre s s ure s in the ve s s e ls will increas e e nough to trip a re lief device . T his appe ndix

ofe rs s ome ge ne ral guidance on how to prote ct a S e ction X ve s s el be fore it fails or leaks if e xpos e d to fire .

Updating ASTM Standards in Section X

The A S TM Standard Specificat ions listedinSect ion X were revisedso the tit les reflect the present v ersions and t he y ears

from t he ASTM Standards were delet ednoting inst ead t hat t he most rec ent approv edv ersion of the standards apply.



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Rev ise Article R T-6 on Test Procedure for Class II Vessels by Adopt ing ASTM E1067

RT-6 w as rev ised and now references AS TM E1067 Standard Pract ice for Acoust ic Emission Examinat ion of Fiberg lass

Reinforced Plast ic Resin (FRP) Tank s/ Vessels. The AS TM standardis being adoptedto take advantage of t he most



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S e ction XI Major C hange s

Updat e the InspectionRequirement s for St eam Generat ors

IWB was rev ised t o remov e preservic e st eam generat or inspection requirement s. Paragraphs IWA -2312, IWA-2315, and

A rticle VII were revisedt o properly address t he eddy current training and qualificat ionrequirements. Andrev ise t he

st eamgenerat or requirement s to stat e st eam generat or inspect ions are c onductedinac c ordanc e with the program

t echnical specifications. The ac c eptanc e standards for st eam generator inspections were also remov ed.

Rev isions t o Reg ulat or y Requirements

The owner responsibilities inthe prefac e, as well as paragraphs IWA -1300, IWA-1400, IWA -2441 and IWA -6211 were

rev ised. These various rev isions c ontain a partial set of more broadly planned Sect ion X Ichanges t o paragraphs

c ontaining specific regulat ory requirement s. In rec og nition of the internat ional use of ASME Section XI, t he pot ential

difering regulat ory requirements in diferent c ountries, andneed t o address changes in regulat ory requirements in

the Unit ed Stat es and int ernationally, applicable regulat ory authorit ies shouldimpose t heir specific requirement s

in their reg ulat ions rather t han including t he specific requirement s in Sect ionX I. Howev er some general regulatory

requirements anda descript ionof t he int erfac e wit h the regulat ory authorit ies is expectedto be retained in Section XI.

Rev isions t o IWF-2420 andIWF-2430 t o Clarify Requirement s for Successiv e Inspections and

Additional Ex aminations for Supports.

Rev ise IWF-2420 to clarify repair/replac ement activit ies are t o be c onsist ent with IWF-3112.2 and IWF-3122.2.

IWF-2430(a)was also rev ised in indicat e that addit ional ex aminations are required when repair/replac ement act ivities are

required t o c orrect unac c eptable support c onditions.

Ax ial IDFlaw Equat ions for Implementat ion int oArt icleA-3000 of Sect ion X IAppendix A

New axial IDflaw equations and tables were addedto A rticle A-3000 of Section XI Appendix A. This addition provides

closed form relat ions and numerical tables for st ress int ensit y fact or influenc e c oeficients for axial ID surfac e flaws

in cy linders.

Streamline IWA, IWB, IW C and IWDfor It ems Inv olv ing Reg ulat or y Requirement Identific ation

T here were various revis ions to IWA, IWB, IWC and IWD re s ulting from a S e ction XI committe e review of all callouts of re gulatory

re quirements , e .g. review, s ubmit , etc. Re gulatory re quire me nts we re de le te d whe re they de e me d unne ces s ary.

Clarific at ion of IWA-4400 Defect Removal Rules

This clarification rev ises IWA -4421 “General Requirements” t o delet e parag raph (e) referencing IWA -4340, andt o modify

paragraph (c)by adding subparag raphs (1) addressing defect removal by remov ing all or a portion of t he defect iv e item

and (2)addressing rest oration of thinnedareas by welding .It also remov es the t erm‘mitigation’ from IWA -4421, to



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F +852 2368 5269 Useof t he Term “Evaluat ion” in Section X I

The Section XI c ommittee clarifiedsev eral definit ions conc erning “evaluat ion” (e.g ., engineering evaluation, analyt ical

evaluat ion) and addeda definit ion for “NDE Evaluation.” The use of the word “evaluation” was t hen assessed

throughout Section XI t o determine t o leav e as is, replac e or revise it basedon t he c ontext within a parag raph. These



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S e ction XII Major C hange s

Add a New Nonmandat or y Appendix Cov ering Preheat

A new nonmandat ory appendix was added t o Sect ion X II to provide rec ommended minimum preheat temperat ures for

various mat erials. The temperat ures are prov idedas a general guide for the mat erials list edby P-Numbers in Section IX .

The user is cautioned t hat the preheating temperat ures list eddo not nec essarily insure sat isfact ory c ompletion of the

weld joint and requirements for individual materials within t he P-Number listing may hav e preheat requirement s more

or less restrict iv e t han this nonmandat ory appendix.

TG-110.2 Rev ised t o Clarify t he Int ernal Pressure Range for Vessels Fabric at edin Accordance

wit hSection X II

T G-110.2 was rev ised t o show an int ernal pressure range from full vacuum t o 207 bar (3,000 psig) for v essels wit hin the


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