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I. Introduction. A. Related Work


Academic year: 2021

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P.Saranya, Roever Engineering College; S.Vishnupriya, Roever Engineering College; E.Elangovan, PRIST University


- Cloud computing stores the application soft-ware and databases to the centralized large storage area, where data and services may not be with full security. This feature brings security challenges. In the proposed system, this problem has been overcome by ensuring the integrity of data storage in Cloud Computing. In particular, public veri-fiability is made to check the integrity of the cloud data. Da-ta dynamics through daDa-ta operation like block modification, insertion, and deletion, is also made to prove that cloud sto-rage is not a back up stosto-rage. Previous work lacks in provid-ing data dynamic along with integrity assurance, this paper provide both. To implement the efficient data dynamics, existing storage models are improved with the classic Mer-kle Hash Tree construction for block tag authentication. Ex-tensive security and performance analysis show that the pro-posed schemes are highly efficient and provably secure. Keywords—Data storage, public verifiability, data dynam-ics, cloud computing.

I. Introduction

Cloud computing with the “software as a service” (SaaS) computing architecture, are transforming data centers into pools of computing service. But this Cloud storage brings many challenging design issues which influence on the security and performance of the system. One of the im-portant issues with cloud data storage is that of data integrity verification at untrusted servers. Consider the large size of the outsourced electronic data and the client’s constrained resource capability, the core of the problem can be genera-lized as how can the client find an efficient way to perform periodical integrity verifications without the local copy of data files.

In order to solve the problem of data integrity checking, many schemes are proposed under different systems and security models [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]. Here it made an design solutions to meet various requirements that is not .For integrity checking, private auditability and public auditabili-ty are two schemes available.

Public auditability allows anyone, not just the client (da-ta owner), to challenge the cloud server for correctness of data storage while keeping no private information. But It loses the privacy of data, it leads to security issues. In the

cloud, to avoid the unauthorized access of the data, public verifiability is made without TPA.

In Cloud Computing, the remotely stored data might not only be accessed but also be modified; new data might be inserted and deleted. Unfortunately, the state of the art in the context of remote data storage mainly focus on static data files and the importance of this dynamic data updates has received limited attention so far [2], [3], [4], [5], [7]. Provable data possession (PDP) [2] or proof of retrieva-bility (PoR) [3], [4] schemes have some loopholes in the case of data dynamics. Dynamic data operations have vital importance in the storage services. Here is an efficient con-struction for the seamless integration of two components data dynamics and public verifiability in the protocol design. Our contribution can be summarized as follows:

1. The public verifiability system of data storage securi-ty in Cloud Computing is proposed for integrisecuri-ty checking, and proposes a protocol supporting for fully dynamic data operations, especially to support block insertion, which is missing in most existing schemes.

2. Here propose a protocol supporting for fully dynamic data operations like block insertion, deletion and modifica-tion which is not supported in most existing schemes. 3. Proved the security of our proposed construction and justify the performance of our scheme through concrete im-plementation and comparisons with the state of the art.

A. Related Work

First to consider public auditability in their defined “provable data possession” model for ensuring possession of files on untrusted storages. In this proposal, RSA-based ho-momorphic tags are used for auditing outsourced data, to acheive public auditability. But, there is no data dynamics. Dynamic version of the prior PDP scheme imposes a priori bound on the number of queries and does not support fully dynamic data operations, i.e., it only allows very basic block operations with limited functionality, and block insertions cannot be supported.

In “Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Compu-ting”, dynamic data storage is in a distributed scenario, and the proposed challenge-response protocol can both deter-mine the data correctness and locate possible errors. “Proof


ISSN No: 2250-3536 Volume 3, Issue 3, May 2013 79 of retrievability” model, has spot-checking and

error-correcting codes are used to ensure both “possession” and “retrievability” of data files on archive service systems. Spe-cifically, some special blocks called “sentinels” are random-ly embedded into the data file F for detection purpose, and F is further encrypted to protect the positions of these special blocks.

However, In” Scalable and Efficient Provable Data Pos-session “allows the number of queries a client can perform is also a fixed priori, and the introduction of precomputed “sentinels” prevents the development of realizing dynamic data updates. In addition, public auditability is not supported in their scheme.

In [4] design of an improved PoR scheme with full proofs of security in the security model is provided. They use publicly verifiable homomorphic authenticators built from BLS signatures [16], based on which the proofs can be aggregated into a small authenticator value, and public re-trievability is achieved. Still, the authors only consider static data files.

Erway et al. [14] were the first to explore constructions for dynamic provable data possession. They extend the PDP model in [2] to support provable updates to stored data files using rank-based authenticated skip lists. This scheme is essentially a fully dynamic version of the PDP solution. To support updates, especially for block insertion, they elimi-nate the index information in the “tag” computation in Ate-niese’s PDP model [2] and employ authenticated skip list data structure to authenticate the tag information of chal-lenged or updated blocks first before the verification proce-dure.

However, the efficiency of their scheme remains unclear. Although the existing schemes aim at providing integrity verification for different data storage systems, the problem of supporting both public auditability and data dynamics has not been fully addressed. How to achieve a secure and effi-cient design to seamlessly integrate these two important components for data storage service remains an open chal-lenging task in Cloud Computing.

Portions of the work presented in this paper have pre-viously appeared as an extended abstract [1]. We revise the paper a lot and add more technical details as compared to [1]. First, in Section 3.3, before the introduction of our pro-posed construction, we present two basic solutions (i.e., the MAC-based and signature-based schemes) for realizing data auditability and discuss their demerits in supporting public auditability and data dynamics. Second, we generalize the support of data dynamics to both PoR and PDP models and discuss the impact of dynamic data operations on the overall

system efficiency both. In particular, we emphasize that while dynamic data updates can be performed efficiently in PDP models more efficient protocols need to be designed for the update of the encoded files in PoR models.

In Enabling public auditability and data dynamics for storage security in cloud computing, public auditability is achieved by Third party auditor. Client send the request to the TPA for integrity checking, it retrieves the Meta data which its stores and compare it with the Meta data generated by the server corresponds to the request. Merkle hash tree structure is used to store the authenticator tags.

II. Problem Statements

A. System Model

The different network entities are follows:

Client: an entity, which has large data files to be stored in the cloud and relies on the cloud for data maintenance and computation, can be either individual consumers or organi-zations;

Cloud Storage Server (CSS): an entity, which is man-aged by Cloud Service Provider (CSP), has significant stor-age space and computation resource to maintain the clients’ data; along with this it do remote integrity checking.

B. Security Model

Following the security model defined in [4], here say that the checking scheme is secure if 1) there exists no poly-nomial time algorithm that can cheat the verifier with no negligible probability; and 2) there exists a polynomial time extractor that can recover the original data files by carrying out multiple challenges-responses. The client can periodical-ly challenge the storage server to ensure the correctness of the cloud data, and the original files can be recovered by interacting with the server.

The authors in [4] also define the correctness and soundness of their scheme: the scheme is correct if the veri-fication algorithm accepts when interacting with the valid and it is sound if any cheating server that convinces the client it is storing the data file is actually storing that file. Note that in the “game” between the adversary and the client, the adversary has full access to the information stored in the server i.e., the adversary can play the part of the prov-er (sprov-ervprov-er).


The goal of the adversary is to cheat the verifier suc-cessfully, i.e., trying to generate valid responses and pass the data verification without being detected. The security model has subtle but crucial difference from that of the existing PDP or PoR models in the verification process.

C. Design Goals

Our design goals can be summarized as the following: 1. Public verifiability for storage correctness assurance: to allow anyone, not just the clients who originally stored the file on cloud servers, to have the capability to verify the cor-rectness of the stored data on demand.

2. Dynamic data operation support: to allow the clients to perform block-level operations on the data files while maintaining the same level of data correctness assurance. The design should be as efficient as possible so as to ensure the seamless integration of public verifiability and dynamic data operation support.

3. Block less verification: no challenged file blocks should be retrieved by the verifier (server) during verification proc-ess for efficiency concern.

III. The Proposed Scheme

In this section, present the security protocols for cloud data storage service with the aforementioned research goals in mind.

A. Construction

To effectively support public verifiability without having to retrieve the data blocks themselves, it resort to the homo-morphic authenticator technique [2], [4]. Homohomo-morphic au-thenticators are unforgeable metadata generated from indi-vidual data blocks, which can be securely aggregated in such a way to assure a verifier that a linear combination of data blocks is correctly computed by verifying only the aggre-gated authenticator.

In the design, propose to use PKC-based homomorphic authenticator (e.g., BLS signature [4] or RSA signature-based authenticator [2]) to equip the verification protocol with public auditability. In the following description, present the BLS-based scheme to illustrate the design with data dy-namics support.

As will be shown, the schemes designed under BLS con-struction can also be implemented in RSA concon-struction. It

show that direct extensions of previous work [2], [4] have security problems, and believe that protocol design for sup-porting dynamic data operation is a major challenging task for cloud storage systems.

Figure- 1 Generation of data from client side transaction Form

B. Default Integrity Verification

The client can verify the integrity of the outsourced data by challenging the server. Before challenging, the client first uses spk to verify the signature on t. If the verification fails, reject by emitting FALSE; otherwise, recover u. To generate the message “chal,” the TPA (verifier) picks a random c-element subset I ={s1,s2,. . . sc} of set {1,n}, where assume s1 <…<sc.

For each i € I the client chooses a random element vi ←B є Zp. The message “chal” specifies the positions of the blocks to be checked in this challenge phase. The verifier sends the chal{(i,vi)}s1 <…<sc to the prover (server). Gen-Proof(F,φ,chal).Upon receiving the challenge chal={(i,vi)}s1 <…<sc, the server computes,

µ = ∑ vimi € Zp and σ = П σivi € G (1) where both the data blocks and the corresponding signature blocks are aggregated into a single block, respectively. In addition, the prover will also provide the verifier with a small amount of auxiliary information {Ωi} s1 <…<sc, which are the node siblings on the path from the leaves {h(H(mi))} s1 <…<sc to the root R of the MHT. The prover responds the verifier with proof,


ISSN No: 2250-3536 Volume 3, Issue 3, May 2013 81 VerifyProof(pk,chal,P). Upon receiving the responses

from the prover, the verifier generates root R using {H(mi),Ωi} s1 <…<sc and authenticates it by checking e(sigsk(H(R)),g) = e(H(R),g


). If the authentication fails, the verifier rejects by emitting FALSE. Otherwise, the verifier checks

e(σ,g) = e (П H(mi)vi.uµ,v) (3) If so, output TRUE; otherwise FALSE.

Figure-2 Key selection in MAC Generation

Fig .2 shows how to generate the MAC fro the set of secret keys listed. MAC generation is based on the key value that is selected.

C. Dynamic Data Operation with Integrity


Now it show how the scheme can explicitly and effi-ciently handle fully dynamic data operations including data modification (M), data insertion (I), and data deletion (D) for cloud data storage.

1. Data Modification: It starts from data modification, which is one of the most frequently used operations in cloud data storage.A basic data modification operation refers to the replacement of specified blocks with new ones. Suppose the client wants to modify the ith block mi to m0i. At start, based on the new block m0i, the client generates the corres-ponding signature σ’i=(H(m’i).µm’i)α Then, he constructsan update request message “update =(M,i,m’i,σ’i)” and sends to the server, where M denotes the modification operation. Upon receiving the request, the server runs ExecUp-date(F,φ,update).

Figure- 3 MAC is generated using the chosen key

Figure- 4 Metadata Generation in client

Specifically, the server

1) replaces the block mi with m’i and outputs F’; 2) replaces the σiwith σ’i and outputs φ’;

3) replaces H(mi) with H(m’i) in the Merkle hash tree construction and generates the new root R’.

Finally, the server responses the client with a proof for this operation, Pupdate (Ωi,H(mi),sigsk(H( R)),R’), where Ωi is the AAI for authentication of mi. After receiving the proof for modification operation from server, the client first gene-rates root R using {Ωi,H(mi)}and authenticates the AAI or R by checking if e(sigsk(H(R ),g)=e(H(R ),gα).

If it is not true, output FALSE, otherwise the client can now check whether the server has performed the modifica-tion as required or not, by further computing the new root value using {Ωi,H(mi),H(m’i)}} and comparing it with R’.


Otherwise output TRUE. Then, the client signs the new root metadata R’ by sigsk(H(R’)) and sends it to the server for update. Finally, the client executes the default integrity verification protocol. If the output is TRUE, delete (H(R’)), Pupdate and m’i from its local storage.

2.Data Insertion: Compared to data modification, which does not change the logic structure of client’s data file, another general form of data operation, data insertion, refers to inserting new blocks after some specified positions in the data file F. Suppose the client wants to insert block m* after the ith block mi. The protocol procedures are similar to the data modification case. At start, based on m* the client gene-rates the corresponding signature σ*=(H(m*).µm*)α

.Then, he constructs an update request message “update=(I,i,m*,σ*)” and sends to the server, where I denotes the insertion opera-tion. Upon receiving the request, the server runs ExecUp-date(F,φ,update).

Specifically, the server

1) stores m* and adds a leaf h(H(m*)) “after” leaf h(H(mi)) in the Merkle hash tree and outputs F’;

2) adds the σ* into the signature set and outputs φ’; 3) generates the new root R’ based on the updated Mer-kle hash tree.

Finally, the server responses the client with a proof for this operation, Pupdate =(Ωi,H(mi), sigsk(H(R ),R’), where Ωi is the AAI for authentication of mi in the old tree.

To insert h(H(m*)) after leaf node h(H(m2)) only node h(H(m*)) and an internal node C is added to the original tree, where hc=h(h(H(m2))||h(H(m*))).

After receiving the proof for insert operation from serv-er, the client first generates root R using {Ωi,H(mi)} and then authenticates the AAI or R by checking if e(sigsk(H(R )),g)=e(H(R ),gα). If it is not true, output FALSE, otherwise the client can now check whether the server has performed the insertion as required or not, by further computing the new root value using (Ωi,H(mi),H(m*)} and comparing it with R’.

Otherwise output TRUE. Then, the client signs the new root metadata R’ by sigsk(H(R’)) and sends it to the server for update. Finally, the client executes the default integrity verification protocol. If the output is TRUE, delete sigsk and update and m from its local storage.

3. Data Deletion: For single block deletion, it refers to deleting the specified block and moving all the latter blocks one block forward. Suppose the server receives the update request for deleting block mi, it will delete mi from its sto-rage space, delete the leaf node h(H(mi)) in the MHT and generate the new root metadata R’.

Figure -5 Data integrity verification

D. Batch Auditing for Multiclient Data

As cloud servers may concurrently handle multiple veri-fication sessions from different clients, given K signatures on K distinct data files from K clients, it is more advanta-geous to aggregate all these signatures into a single short one and verify it at one time.

The key idea is to use the bilinear aggregate signature scheme which has the following property: As in the BLS based construction, the aggregate signature scheme allows the creation of signatures on arbitrary distinct messages. Moreover, it supports the aggregation of multiple signatures by distinct signers on distinct messages into a single short signature, and thus greatly reduces the communication cost while providing efficient verification for the authenticity of all messages properties of the bilinear map is used.


ISSN No: 2250-3536 Volume 3, Issue 3, May 2013 83

IV. Performance Analysis

Here make a comparison of the scheme and the state of the art. The scheme in [14] extends the original PDP [2] to support data dynamics using authenticated skip list. Thus, call it DPDP scheme thereafter. For the sake of complete-ness, it also implemented the BLS and RSA-based instantia-tions as well as the state-of-the-art scheme [14] in Linux.

The experiment is conducted using C on a system with an Intel Core 2 processor running at 2.4 GHz, 768 MB RAM, and a 7200 RPM Western Digital 250 GB Serial ATA drive with an 8 MB buffer. Algorithms (pairing, SHA1 etc.) are implemented using the Pairing-Based Cryptography (PBC) library version 0.4.18 and the crypto library of Open SSL version 0.9.8h. To achieve 80-bit security parameter, the curve group work on has a 160-bit group order and the size of modulus N is 1,024 bits. All results are the averages of 10 trials. While maintaining high detection probability (99 percent) of file corruption.

Figure – 7 CPU performances in the implementation of multiple users.

V. Conclusion

To ensure cloud data storage security, it is critical to en-able a TPA to evaluate the service quality from an objective and independent perspective. Public verifiability also allows clients to delegate the integrity verification tasks to cloud server while they themselves can be unreliable or not be able to commit necessary computation resources performing con-tinuous verifications.

Another major concern is how to construct verification protocols that can accommodate dynamic data files. In this paper, it explored the problem of providing simultaneous public auditability and data dynamics for remote data integr-ity check in Cloud Computing. The construction is

delibe-rately designed to meet these two important goals while effi-ciency being kept closely in mind.

To achieve efficient data dynamics, to improve the ex-isting proof of storage models by manipulating the classic Merkle Hash Tree construction for block tag authentication. To support efficient handling of multiple auditing tasks, it further explores the technique of bilinear aggregate signature to extend the main result into a multiuser setting.


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P.SARANYA received the B.E. degree in Computer Science

and Engineering from the Anna Univesity, Chennai, Tamil-nadu , in 2009. Currently Working as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Roever Engineer-ing College. TeachEngineer-ing and research areas include Cloud Computing and Network Security.Saranya (Assistant Profes-sor ) may be reached at


S.VISHNUPRIYA received the B.E. degree in Computer

Science and Engineering from the Anna Univesi-ty,Chennai,Tamilnadu,in 2010.Currently Working as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Roever Engineering College. Teaching and research areas include Cloud Computing and Image Processing. Vishnu-priya (Assistant Professor ) may be reached at


E.ELANGOVAN received the B.E. degree in Computer

Science and Engineering from the Anna University, Chen-nai,Tamilnadu , in 2009.Currently Studying M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering at Prist University. Teaching and research areas include Cloud Computing and Wireless Networks.Elangovan may be reached at


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