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Richard J. Allen, M.D., James J. McCusker, M.D., and

Wallace W. Tourtellotte, M.D., Ph.D.

Departments of Pediatrics, Pathology, and Neurology, University of Michigan Medical School,

Ann Arbor, Michigan

This work was supported in part by a training grant from the Childrens Bureau to the Department of Pediatrics, a United States Public Health Service training grant (#CRT-5083), and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Presented in part before the American Pediatric Society, May 2-3, 1961, Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Dr. McCusker is a National Cancer Institute Trainee.

ADDRESS: (R.J.A.) University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


PEDIATRICS, October 1962



publica-tion is to report some unique findings in a patient \Vitil metachromatic

leukodys-trophy. Late in tile course of the disease a

typical cilerry red spot” with a surrounding white halo became apparent on

ophthal-nloscopic examination. Also, an analysis for

cerebrospinal fluid and serum lipids was

ac-comphshed prior to death. Postmortem

ex-amination with histocilemical techniques

permitted proper classification; the

correla-tion of these findings with the chemical

allalVsiS of the cerebrospinal fluid will be


Up to 1960 only 10 pathologically verified cases of infantile metachromatic

leukodys-tropiw ha(1 been reported.1 However, as

\Vitil most uncommon diseases, increased

awareness may lead to more frequent

clini-cal diagnosis. Also, tile place of this disease among the inborn errors of metabolism is

Ilot fully appreciated; our findings may sup-port this concept.


A great number of publications have been written on this disease. Only a brief

review of the literature will be presented here. Tilis disorder was originally de-scribed by Greenfield2 in 1933, and then in

1950 additional cases were reported by

Brain and Greenfield, after the application

of newer histocilemical tecilniques.

In this second report, Brain and Green-field identified metachromatic material not

only in tile central nervous system, hut in

the liver and kidneys, and considered this disease to be a “developmental disorder of the lipid metabolism of the central nervous


Metachromatic diffuse cerebral sclerosis (leukodystrophy) has been reported to occur

in various age groups,4’ although the in-fantile type (Greenfield’s disease) is best known because there are a larger number

of pathologically verified cases. It is also

one of a group of central nervous system disorders characterized by a widespread loss of myelin and often known as diffuse

cerebral sclerosis. Although occasionally

tile eponym “Schilder’s disease” is used,

there is little justification for this.

Some authors divide diffuse cerebral

seTh-rosis into three groups by employing special

histochemical staining techniques. One of these subgroups includes infantile meta-cilrOmatic leukodystrophy which is charac-terized by tile accumulation of

metachro-matically staining material in the areas of

demyelination.7 While metachromatic ma-terial may be found in other demyelinating diseases, in metachromatic leukodystrophy

the usual sudanophilic lipids are absent from the lesions, except in the Virchow-Robin spaces.6 The characteristic cases are distinguished by an “extraordinary accumu-lation of metachromatic material.”l Also,

no obvious abnormality may be apparent


meta-chromasia may be clearly evident in frozen

38 This metachromatic staining is presumed to be due, in part, to an abnormal

accumulation of cerebroside sulfuric acid

esters (sulfatides), which are ordinarily

found in normal myelin but to a lesser


Austin is credited with the first

identifica-tion of this disease in a living patient by

examination of the urine sediment for meta-chromatic granules.h1 A renal biopsy was

also done and demonstrated metachromatic material in the renal tubules. On the other hand, Jatzkewitz was the first to

demon-strate that cerebral tissues and kidneys con-tamed increased amounts of sulfatides, and

these observations have since been

con-firmed by several investigators.9’12’7 The metachromatically staining granules in the urine have also been shown to be a

sulfa-tide.172O Austin has suggested that this

accumulation may be indicative of a

“sulfa-tide lipidosis.” Subsequent reports’ “‘

sup-port the concept that metachromatic

leuco-encephalopathy is indeed closely related to tile other cerebral sphingolipidoses which are thought to be due to an inborn error of metabolism.

In addition to the metachromatic urine

granules, there are other manifestations in this disorder that are important to the

clinician. The protein in cerebrospinal fluid is characteristically elevated’ while

electro-phoresis of the protein is normal.20 The

early onset of ataxia and hyporeflexia and, in some instances, areflexia has led some to

suspect many disorders characterized by

IlypOtonia, including lower motor neuron disease. Cranial nerve pareses often occur. Fundoscopic examination generally reveals optic atrophy, and to date no other signifi-cant retinal changes have been reported.

Microscopic examination of the eye in older patients \Vitil tilis disease has demonstrated

the deposition of metachromatic substances in ganglion cells, which compares to the abnormal lipid deposits seen in the retina of patients with Tay-Sach’s disease.2’

Neuropathological studies have

demon-strated extensive deposition of

metachro-matic lipid in nerve cells of the brain

stem,’4 while Diezel22 reported a deposition

of metachromatic material in the peripheral nerves similar to that found in the central nervous system. This may account for the clinical evidence of lower motor neuron

disease, for Austin’5 has stated that periph-eral nerves degenerate and

electrornyo-graphic fibrillations are evident.


D. C. was 22 months of age when lie was

first admitted to the hospital with a history of a fall in which he had struck his head

2 months before. Tilere were no immediate

abnormalities, but one month later a

stra-bismus developed. It was also noted that he had difficulty with his balance. The past medical history and early birth and

devel-opmental history were entirely normal. The family history revealed a normal

6-month-old brother. There was no history of cen-tral nervous system disorders in any mem-ber of tile family. The general physical

find-ings were normal. On neurological

examina-tion the mental function seemed normal for his chronological age. On motor examina-tion he walked unsteadily. His co-ordination was othervise difficult to assess, bilt he

used all extremities equally well. There were no pareses. Sensory examination was limited to normal pinprick perception. Deep

tendon reflexes were equal, but

question-ably positive Babinski responses were noted. Cranial nerve examination revealed

only a right abducens nerve paresis. The fundi, including the maculae and periphery, were normal. The first lumbar puncture was done during this admission (Table I). Skull x-rays revealed a linear fracture in the left

posterior parietal area paralleling the lamb-doidal suture. An electroencephalogram

showed some mild background abnormality

but was not diagnostic. Tile infant was

dis-charged witilout any specific diagnosis.

At 26 months of age tile infant was re-admitted to the hospital because the mother

said that his walking ilad become worse.

He demonstrated a wide based gait and



N 0

N 7 IioIl’s

90 001 1000000





(el/v Protein (per ,,,,,,3) (,iig/l(W) ml)

2 erythroeytes

(‘olloidal Serology (a1)bl,li,L 601(1

9() 001llI000()

mastic 011ll()


0 +2

160 001 122100()

IIlaStiC 0(8)000


34 (‘SF frorei l)rleuIIo- 180 00122’100() 0 +2

ercepiealograen iiiastic 01 ‘2 10

46 N 0.9 l4.7 0(8123100(8) 0 +2

S Ste Tables I I ated I I I for cerehrospituel fluid 1111(1 seruili hpi(l values.

The only difference now in the neurological

examination was a complete absence of all deep tendon reflexes. The plantar responses were primarily that of withdrawal but did

suggest Babinski responses. The abducens

nerve paresis was no longer evident.

Corn-plete ophthalmological examination failed to

reveal any abnormality.

A pneumoencephalogram was done, and

the impression was that of cerebral atrophy on the left with localized dilation of the occipital horn. A rnyelogram ruled out a cervical cord lesion. An electromyogram was done because of marked hypotonia and

weakness but was normal. A biopsy of the

left gastrocnemius muscle proved to be

nor-mal. A second electroencephalogram mdi-cated deterioration since the last one, and suggested the presence of a severe diffuse disturbance of cerebral function.

At 32 months of age the boy was unable

to walk by himself. The gait was flatfooted, with marked genu recurvatum bilaterally.

An interesting change had taken place in the child’s lower extremities in that there

appeared to be a loss of muscle volume,

es-pecially below the knees. In the lower ex-tremities there was definite scissoring and heel cord shortening. Passive movements

re-vealed increased spastic tone throughout.

He now demonstrated a terminal tremor on

reaching for objects. Sensory examination

was limited to the normal perception of pin. All deep tendon and superficial reflexes were

absent. Typical bilateral Babinski’s were present. Nystagmus was present on lateral gaze bilaterally. The fundi, including the maculae, were perfectly normal at this time.

At 34 months of age the patient was ad-mitted to the hospital because of lethargy and vomiting. His neurological status had

continued to show a progressive downhill

course. He still appeared to be well

nour-ished and well developed, but he had now

lost bladder control and was also losing the ability to speak. There was a change in his personality, for he was less interested

in his surroundings and was having many “staring episodes.” He showed a decreased response to any stimulation, but would get

irritable at times and resist examination.

He lay in a rigid position with his legs ad-ducted and feet plantar flexed. Nuchal

rigidity was present. Any voluntary effort to move the upper extremities resulted in marked tremor; this was thought to be the

result of severe ataxia. The deep tendon reflexes were absent throughout and the toes were in the constant extensor position. There was a question of decreased visual acuity. The pupils were dilated but reacted

sluggishly to light direefly and consensually.

The disks and maculae were normal. The




. .

Determination Normal Values




Total phospholipids

(m M/100 mI)* Cephahins Lecithins Sphingomyehins

Recovery of lipid

phosphorus (%)

521 (840-702) 142 ( 63-221)

228 (118-338)

119 ( 60-178)

93 ( 73-113)

1198 (I)t

621 (I)


511 (I)

79 (N)

Nonphosphorus sphin-go lipids (m M/I00

ml) 94 ( 0-206) 129 (N)

Total cholesterol

(IL gm/100 ml)

Free (%)

395 (218-572) 33 ( 15- 51)

1192 (I)

28 (N)

Total lipids

(jzgm/lOOml) 1252(766-1738) 6148(I)

“Neutral fats”

(pg/100 ml) 417 ( 0-902) 3958 (I)

* mM indicates micromoles times 1,000.

t (N), (I), and (D) indicate, respectiVely, no

signifi-cant difference, significant increase, and significant decrease.

% recovery of lipid phosphorus equals summation of cephalins+Iecithins+spingomyelins times 100

di-vided by total.

in the midline. It was impossible to evaluate the extraocular movements or nystagmus.




approxi-mately 14 months after the onset of his

illness indicated further diffuse

deteriora-tion. An examination in the Department of Ophthalmology failed to reveal any ab-normality of the disks or maculae. A second pneumoencephalogram indicated

general-ized mild dilation of the lateral ventricles

with a slight predominance of left ventricu-lax enlargement. The cerebrospinal fluid

was also analyzed (Table I).

At 46 months of age the head measured 53.7 cm, which is between 2 and 3

stand-aid deviations above normal for a boy of

this age. He constantly whined and cried

but no longer spoke. He had generalized

increased muscle tone throughout, and it

was virtually impossible to straighten his

flexed right arm or to bend his left. He

assumed a position of opisthotonos at all times. His legs were generally extended and internally rotated. Surprisingly the re-flexes could be obtained in moments of

re-laxation, but were markedly increased, and

there was bilateral heel cord shortening and bilateral Babinski’s. He appeared to be

blind. The pupils were widely dilated and responded poorly, if at all, to light.

On funduscopic examination he had a

definite “cherry red spot” with a macular

halo of greyish-white coloring. He was seen

by an ophthalmologist who confirmed these

retinal changes, and a cerebral lipoid stor-age disorder was considered, such as Tay-Sach’s disease. A bone marrow aspiration

was done and found to be normal. The

cerebrospinal fluid examination was

re-peated (Tables I & II) to obtain a lipid profile.


Routine blood and urine examinations were normal throughout the various hospi-tal admissions. Results of five cerebrospinal

fluid studies done from 22 to 46 months of

age are shown in Table I. Cerebrospinal fluid and serum lipid profiles2s were done

under fasting conditions 3 months prior to death. In general, the cerebrospinal fluid

was marked by an increased protein

con-tent and a “rnidzone” colloidal gold curve; these abnormalities tended to increase dur-ing the period of observation.

The lipid fractions (Table II) indicated approximately a twofold increase of total phospholipids with cephalins, and

sphingo-myelin about equally elevated. The

non-phosphorus sphingolipid compartment was

normal; the cerebroside sulfuric acid esters

are contained in this fraction. Lipid sulfur analysis has not yet been carried out on this fraction. Furthermore, a threefold

in-crease in total cholesterol, a fivefold






in “neutral fats” was noted. All these have been compared to young normal adult

cere-brospinal fluid fractions.23 The serum lipid data are shown in Table III. The values were

within normal limits except for an increase

in tile flonpilosphoruS sphingolipids (nine-fold above the average).


On gross examination the body was that

of a physically retarded and cachectic white

boy, with moderate enlargement of the head and marked atrophy of the muscles of the

extremities. The brain revealed a moderate

internal hydrocephalus involving the whole

ventricular system, an area of recent soften-ing with central hemorrhage involving the tip of tile left temporal lobe, and a marked

diffuse increase in firmness of the central

white matter of the cerebrum. A lumbar

spina bifida occulta was present. The spinal cord appeared to be normal. A bilateral

confluent lobular pneumonia was present in

the lungs. The rest of the viscera were

grossly normal.

Materials and Methods

The brain and spinal cord were fixed in

Cajal’s bromformalin, the other organs in

neutral 10% formalin. The histochemical

tests (begun within one month after death) were carried out on frozen sections of cilromated, gelatin-embedded tissue. In

order to demonstrate that the abnormal de-posits were, at least in part, lipid, corn-panion blocks of tissue from winch the lipid had been extracted with pyridine

after formalin-fixation served as controls and were stained simultaneously with the sections of non-extracted tissue. Tile main

tissues used for the histochernical study in-eluded cerebral cortex and white matter, pons, cerebellar folia, spinal cord with

nerve roots, kidney, and liver. Certain

im-portant histocilemical stains (periodic-acid-Schiff, tohuidine blue, and Sudan black B) were also performed on paraffin sections of nonchromated blocks of the above tissues

and frozen sections of other tissues. For

. .

Determination Normal Values

Avg (±S.D.)



Total phosphohipids (mj.uM/100 ml)

Cephahins Lecithins Sphingomyehins Recovery of Lipid

Phosphorus (%)

250 (180-820)

26 ( 13- 39)

182(131-233) 53 ( 35- 71)

105 ( 72-128)

211 (N) 61 (1)

159(N) 94 (1)

149 (1)

Nonphosphorus sphin-gohipids (mM/100

ml) 26 ( 0- 63) 226 (1)

Total cholesterol

(ig/100 ml)

Free (%)

180 (1 14-244) 30 ( 19- 41)

199 (N)

28 (N)

Total lipids (g/100 ml) 875 (483-1267) 763 (N)

“Neutral fats”

(g/100 ml) 299 ( 57-531) 225 (N)

Total proteins (gm/100

ml) 7.43(623-8.73) 8.62(N)

the most part, standard histochemical

stain-ing methods were ti221


Microscopic examination of the histo-chemical tests and stains revealed the typi-cal findings of the metachromatic type of diffuse cerebral sclerosis (leukodystrophy);

i.e., severe and diffuse demyelinization of the brain, with numerous granular to foamy metachromatic, periodic-acid-Schiff (PAS)

positive, weakly “sudanophilic” glia through-out the white matter, metachromatic, PAS

positive but strongly “sudanophilic” smaller but more foamy glia in the perivascular Virchow-Robin spaces and rnetachromatic PAS positive, deposits in the liver and kid-neys. A more detailed summary of the histochernical stains is given in Table IV.

The lack of rnyelmn appeared to be


FIG. 1. Cerebral white matter; oil red 0 stain. Fic. 3. Pons. (PAS-hematoxylin stain; paraffin

sec-Note the strongly “sudanophilic” perivascular glia, tion; x 185)

weakly “sudanophilic” nonperivascular glia and the lack of myehin. (Frozen section, X 90)

FIG. 2. Cerebral white matter; toluidine blue stain. The material in the ganghion cells was

inter-stain. Many strongly metachromatic (magenta; preted as an abnormal metachromatic deposit and

black in photograph) glia but no myelin present. not Nissi substance or lipochrome pigment. (Frozen

(Frozen section, X 180) section, X 175)

moderate but patchy in tile pons (Fig. 3) and spinal cord (Fig. 4). A fibrous gliosis was prominent in the cerebral white matter.

In the spinal cord the demyelmnization was

most marked in the dorsolateral funiculus

and the lateral fasciculus cuneatus at the

upper thoracic level but more generalized

at the sacral level. A moderate number of metachromatic, PAS positive cells were found within both the anterior and posterior

nerve roots of tile spinal cord. The myelmn

in these roots, although light-staining,

ap-peared to be intact. A few cells containing metacilrornatic material were identified in

myelinated nerves in skin and small

in-testine. Tile ganglion cells of the spinal

cord and pons were laden with a meta-chromatic, PAS positive, moderately sudan-ophilic material which did not appear to be lipochrorne pigment. The Purkinje cells of

tile cerebellum contained traces of similar

material but the ganglion cells of the cere-bral cortex contained none. Abundant

meta-cilromatic, PAS positive material was also

found deposited within periportal granular macrophages and bile (luctS afl(I to a lesser

degree periportal hepatic cord cells in the liver (Fig. 5) and in the straight tui)ules



.\onj)eri- Pen- (ha in Ganglion Periportal

,. .. vascular

‘l(J,1I/l(afl(e ,.

. Cilia of


, .

(ilia of 1yridine


Cells of


iSpi nal Phago-cytes of

CNS CNS l’issue Cord Liver

I nroi red



Schultz cholesterol For cholesterol and its I to + 3 to 4+ esters


. . .. 1+




$udan IV in ace- Oil soluble fat (J%( tOIle-etlIIIIIOl

1to2+ 4+ .. 3- . No selective


Oil red 0 in isopro- Oil sOlUl)l(.’ fat (lVC

)tI0l IIl(l propyl-cue glycol

1to + 4+ 0 to 1+ 2 to 3+ + No selective


Sudan l)lack B in Oil soluble fat (lye ethanol an(l

l)roPy’l-ene glycol

lto3+ 4+ Otol+ 3+ 2 to 4+ No selective


Ilydrolyzed Nile blue A

Neutral fat red, other Bluish- Red

lipids blue” purple

0to light I)ark

blue l)lue

l)ark 1)ark blue (red

blue tinge in

collect-ing tubules)

Baker’s aci(l hema- For phospholipid 1+ ± 0 0 to 1+ 0 No selective


Basic netachro-i,atic dyest

Sulfated carbohydrates 0 to 4+

etc; Illetacholllatic”

4+ 0 4+ 4+ 4+

I)irect Scuff For free aldehydes; con-trol for other Schiffs

Otol+ Otol+

Peracetic acid For ethylene groups in

Scliiff unsaturate(l fatty acids,


Otol+ Otol+ 2 to 3+ 1+ No selective staining5

Periodic acid Schiff Detects sugars, amino-sugars, unsaturated

fatty acids”

lto4+ lto4+ lto4+ 4+ 3+ 4+ in collecting tubules, 2+ iii cortical tubules

S Light, diffuse staining of cortical tubules and, to a lesser extent, medulla. t Toluidine blue, cresyl violet, thionin, and Unna’s methylene blue.

practically all of the collecting tubules in

tile kidney (Fig. 6). Except as mentioned above, no metachromatic material was found within skin, small intestine, spleen, adrenal gland, or lung.

Paraffin sections yielded almost complete lack of metachrornasia with toluidine blue,

moderate reduction in the intensity of

staining with Sudan black B, but practically the same degree of staining with PAS as on frozen sections. There was no reduction

in the PAS stain after saliva digestion. Oligodendroglia could not be identified in

tile affected areas.


The clinical course of this child was not unlike that originally described by

Green-field’ and more recently summarized by


unde-FIC. 5. Periportal area of liver; toluidine blue stain.

Numerous phagocytes laden with metachromatic

matcrial. ( lrozcn section, approximately



scribed. This further suggests a similarity

to tile neurolipidoses. Thus, tile “cherry red spot” may occur not only in Tay-Sach’s

dis-ease and Niernann-Pick’s disease, but also

111 metachromatic leukodystrophy. It has

also been seen in some atypical

degenera-tive central nervous system 27

\Vhule tile central nervous system rnyelin

breaks down ill this disorder or is not

prop-erly laid down, great amounts of metachro-matic lipid can be found in the liver (Fig. 5), kidney (Fig. 6), retinal ganglion cells,

and some have even found tilis material

ill tue gallbladder, adrenal medulla,’ and

tile leukocytes of tile peripileral blood and

hone marrow.’5 Furthermore, a few cells containing metachromatic material in the

myelinated nerves in the skin and small

intestine were found in this patient. Some

authors ilave even suggested that a biopsy

of peripheral nerves may assist in the

diag-20 28 The deposition is obviously very

widespread, but none can be found in

cere-bral ganglion cells. Within the central

nerv-oils system sudanophilic lipids (neutral lip-ids and cholesterol) were largely perivascu-lar in location (Figs. 1 & 2) while the

meta-chromatic lipid, in part at least, a cere-broside sulfatide, was away from the blood vessels in the areas of demyelmnation.

To our knowledge the cerebrospinal fluid lipids have not previously been studied in

this disorder. Compared to normal adults,

there is an increase in all compartluents of

the cerebrospinal fluid lipi(Is j)cr 100 ml of

cerebrospinal fluid, except for the

non-phosphorus sphingolipicls, which ‘cre

nor-mal. The cerebrospinal fluid SCCI11S to reflect

in particular tile peri\tscular neutral 1ipd and cholesterol deposition.

The normal nonphospiiorus spi ii ugolipids, the fraction which contains ic sulfatides,

may be the result of a flumi)er of factors. Since this fraction aba) contains other sphingolipids it is possible that the

sul-fatides are increased and the others are decreased with a normal net result. Fur-tilermore, it is possible that the sulfatides are deposited in tile brain or metabolized

to other lipids with tile result that the

cerebrospmnal fluid value is not increased.

The perivascular sudanophilia suggests that

the sulfatides may reach tile blood vessels in a different form. Almost in every instance

where direct tissue analysis has been eni-ployed, the white matter sulfatide content has been considerably increased.’

Cere-brospinal fluid sulfatides have as yet to

be quantitatecl or related to the clinical


We have compared these cerebrospinal fluid findings to those foulld in

pathologi-cally verified Tay-Sach’s disease and Nie-mann-Pick’s disease. In the forliler there

is a specific increase in tile nollpilosphorus

sphingolipids, and in the latter tile

sphingo-FIG. 6. Cortex of kidney; toliiidine blue stain. Note




myelins are increased. The changes in the

cerebrospinal fluid lipid profile in

metachro-nlatic leukodystrophy appear to he more

generalized. Tile high total protein in

meta-chromatic leukodystrophy, in contrast to

Tay-Sach’s disease and Niemann-Pick’s

dis-ease, may suggest that the blood brain bar-ncr is defective. This has been silown to

result in an increase of all cerebrospinal

fluid lipids.

The mecilanism for the generalized

de-position of lipid material not only in the central nervous system but also in visceral organs and peripheral nerves in unclear.

Also the origin of the rnetachromasia is not entirely understood. However, because of widespread rnyelin destruction or lack of proper formation this disorder is known as

a leukodystrophy, and most authors favor

this 230 The nosologic position

of the leukodystrophies is not entirely clear,

but it has been suggested that they

repre-sent disorders characterized by a disturb-ance of rnyelin anabolism.31 Diezel2 sug-gested that in the sphingolipidoses, as well

as in leukodystrophy, there is a genetic

en-zyme defect which leads to the accumula-tion of certain lipids within the myelin sheaths as well as ganglion cells. An ac-cumulation of gangliosides, which is char-acteristic of tile infantile form of amaurotic

idiocy (Tay-Sach’s disease) has also been demonstrated in familial leukodystrophy’

and subsequently confirmed by Edgar,34 who suggests that leukodystrophy is a

dis-turbance of sphingolipid metabolism that

chiefly involves the myelmn sheath.


A cilild has been reported with ilistO-chemically proven rnetachromatic

leuko-dystrophy. Central nervous system

degen-eration began at the age of 20 months and continued to the time of death at tile age of 49 months. Prior to death a “cherry red

spot” became evident in the retina and is the only known instance of this finding. This

adds to the evidence that metachromatic

leukodystrophy is one of the neurolipidoses,

but the metabolic defect apparently affects

primarily the cerebroside sulfuric acid

esters. Repeated analyses of cerebrospinal fluid demonstrated an elevated total pro-tein and a “midzone” gold curve. Lipid

analysis of serum and cerebrospinal fluid

demonstrated findings which are discussed

in detail and correlated to tile

histocilemi-cal changes. In addition, comparisons are

made with the cerebrospinal fluids in Tay-Sach’s and Niemann-Pick’s disease. This too revealed important differences between

the various netirolipidoses.


1. Jervis, C. A. : Infantile metachromatic leuko-dystrophy (Greenfield’s disease). J. Neuro-path. Exp. Neurol., 19:323, 1960.

2. Creenfield, J. C. : A form of progressive

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6. Greenfield, J. C., et al.: Neuropathology.

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10. Wislocki, C. B., and Singer, M. : The baso-philic and metachromatic staining of myelin sheaths and its possible asociation with a sulfatide. J. Comp. Neurol., 92:71, 1950. 1 1. Austin, J. H. : Metachromatic form of diffuse

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12. Jatzkewitz, H. : Zwei Typen von

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13. Austin, J. H. : Metachromatic sulfatides in

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14. Norman, R. M., Urich, H., and Tingey, A. H.: Metachromatic leuco-encephalopathy: a form of lipidosis. Brain, 83:369, 1960.

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We wish to gratefully acknowledge the kindness

of Dr. Richard Schneider, of the Department of Neurosurgery, for bringing this patient to our




Richard J. Allen, James J. McCusker and Wallace W. Tourtellotte




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Richard J. Allen, James J. McCusker and Wallace W. Tourtellotte




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