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Figure 3.0-2

Chapter 3: Big Ideas

Introduction to Organic


3.1 Life’s molecular diversity is based on the

properties of carbon

• Almost all the molecules a cell makes are

composed of carbon bonded to

• other carbons and

atoms of other elements.

Carbon-based molecules are called organic


3.1 Life’s molecular diversity is based on the

properties of carbon

• By sharing electrons, carbon can

• bond to four other atoms and

• branch in up to four directions.

• Methane (CH4) is one of the simplest organic


• Four covalent bonds link four hydrogen atoms to the carbon atom.


Figure 3.1a

The four single bonds of carbon point to the corners of a tetrahedron.





3.1 Life’s molecular diversity is based on the

properties of carbon

• Methane and other compounds composed of only

carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons.

• Carbon, with attached hydrogens, can form chains


3.1 Life’s molecular diversity is based on the

properties of carbon

• A carbon skeleton is a chain of carbon atoms that

can differ in length and be

• straight,

branched, or


3.1 Life’s molecular diversity is based on the

properties of carbon

• Compounds with the same formula but different


Figure 3.1b-0


Length: Carbon skeletons vary in length.

Propane 1-Butene 2-Butene

Double bonds: Carbon skeletons may have double bonds, which can vary in location.

Double bond

Isobutane Cyclohexane Benzene


Figure 3.1b-1

Length: Carbon skeletons vary in length.


Figure 3.1b-2

Butane Isobutane


Figure 3.1b-3

1-Butene 2-Butene

Double bonds: Carbon skeletons may have double bonds, which can vary in location.


Figure 3.1b-4

Cyclohexane Benzene


3.2 A few chemical groups are key to the

functioning of biological molecules

• The unique properties of an organic compound

depend on

• the size and shape of its carbon skeleton and

the groups of atoms that are attached to that


• The sex hormones testosterone and estradiol (a


Figure 3.2-0


3.2 A few chemical groups are key to the

functioning of biological molecules

• Table 3.2 illustrates six chemical groups important

in the chemistry of life.

• The first five groups are called functional groups;

they affect a molecule’s function in a characteristic way.

• These five groups are polar, so compounds

containing them are typically hydrophilic


3.2 A few chemical groups are key to the

functioning of biological molecules

• A sixth group, a methyl group,

• consists of a carbon bonded to three hydrogen atoms,

• is nonpolar and not reactive, but


3.2 A few chemical groups are key to the

functioning of biological molecules

• The functional groups are

hydroxyl group—a hydrogen bonded to an oxygen,

carbonyl group—a carbon linked by a double bond to an oxygen atom,

carboxyl group—a carbon double-bonded to both an oxygen and a hydroxyl group,


3.3 Cells make large molecules from a limited

set of small molecules

• There are four classes of molecules important to


1. carbohydrates,

2. lipids,

3. proteins, and


3.3 Cells make large molecules from a limited

set of small molecules

• The four classes of biological molecules contain

very large molecules.

• They are often called macromolecules because of their large size.

• They are also called polymers because they are

made from identical or similar building blocks strung together.


3.3 Cells make large molecules from a limited

set of small molecules

• Monomers are linked together to form polymers

through dehydration reactions, which remove


Polymers are broken apart by hydrolysis, the

addition of water.

• These reactions are mediated by enzymes,


3.3 Cells make large molecules from a limited

set of small molecules

• A cell makes a large number of polymers from a

small group of monomers. For example,

• proteins are made from only 20 different amino acids and

• DNA is built from just four kinds of monomers called nucleotides.

• The monomers used to make polymers are


Figure 3.3-0

Short polymer Unlinked monomer

Dehydration reaction forms a new bond


Longer polymer

Hydrolysis breaks a bond


Figure 3.3-1-1

Short polymer Unlinked


Figure 3.3-1-2

Short polymer Unlinked


Dehydration reaction forms a new bond


Figure 3.3-2-2


breaks a bond


3.4 Monosaccharides are the simplest


Carbohydrates range from small sugar molecules

(monomers) to large polysaccharides.

• Sugar monomers are monosaccharides, such as

those found in

• fructose,

• glucose, and


3.4 Monosaccharides are the simplest


• Monosaccharides can be hooked together by

dehydration reactions to form

• more complex sugars and


3.4 Monosaccharides are the simplest


• The carbon skeletons of monosaccharides vary in


• Glucose and fructose are six carbons long.

Others have three to seven carbon atoms.

Monosaccharides are

• the main fuels for cellular work and

used as raw materials to manufacture other organic


Figure 3.4b


3.4 Monosaccharides are the simplest


• Many monosaccharides form rings.

The ring diagram may be

• abbreviated by not showing the carbon atoms at the corners of the ring and


Figure 3.4c

Structural formula

Abbreviated structure


3.5 Two monosaccharides are linked to form

a disaccharide

• Two monosaccharides (monomers) can bond to

form a disaccharide in a dehydration reaction.

• The disaccharide sucrose is formed by combining

• a glucose monomer and

• a fructose monomer.

• The disaccharide maltose is formed from two


Figure 3.5-1


Figure 3.5-2

Glucose Glucose


3.6 CONNECTION: What is high-fructose corn

syrup, and is it to blame for obesity?

• Most sodas and fruit drinks contain high-fructose

corn syrup (HFCS).

• Fructose is sweeter than glucose.

To make HFCS, glucose atoms are rearranged to


3.6 CONNECTION: What is high-fructose corn

syrup, and is it to blame for obesity?

• High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

• is used to sweeten many beverages,

• consists of about 55% fructose and 45% glucose, and

• is a mixture with about the same proportions as in sucrose.

• Most scientific studies have not shown health


3.6 CONNECTION: What is high-fructose corn

syrup, and is it to blame for obesity?

• Although HFCS consumption has declined

somewhat in recent years, obesity rates continue to rise, with almost 36% of U.S. adults now

considered obese.

• Good health is promoted by

• a diverse diet of proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, and


3.7 Polysaccharides are long chains of sugar


Polysaccharides are macromolecules, polymers

composed of thousands of monosaccharides.

• Polysaccharides may function as

• storage molecules or


3.7 Polysaccharides are long chains of sugar


Starch is

• a polysaccharide,

• composed of glucose monomers, and

• used by plants for energy storage.

Glycogen is

• a polysaccharide,

• composed of glucose monomers, and


3.7 Polysaccharides are long chains of sugar



• is a polymer of glucose and

• forms plant cell walls.

Chitin is

• a polysaccharide,

• used by insects and crustaceans to build an exoskeleton, and


Figure 3.7-0

Starch granules in

a potato tuber cell Starch

Glycogen granules in muscle


Cellulose microfibrils in a plant cell wall


molecules Hydrogen bonds

Cellulose Glycogen


Figure 3.7-1

Starch granules in

a potato tuber cell Starch


Figure 3.7-2

Glycogen granules in muscle



Figure 3.7-3

Cellulose microfibrils in a plant cell wall


molecules Hydrogen bonds


3.7 Polysaccharides are long chains of

sugar units

• Polysaccharides are usually hydrophilic


• Bath towels, for example, are often made of


3.8 Fats are lipids that are mostly

energy-storage molecules


• are water insoluble (hydrophobic, or water-fearing) compounds,

• are important in long-term energy storage,

• contain twice as much energy as a polysaccharide, and


3.8 Fats are lipids that are mostly

energy-storage molecules

• Lipids differ from carbohydrates, proteins, and

nucleic acids in that they are

• not huge molecules and

not built from monomers.


3.8 Fats are lipids that are mostly

energy-storage molecules

• We will consider three types of lipids:

1. fats,

2. phospholipids, and

3. steroids.

A fat is a large lipid made from two kinds of

smaller molecules:


3.8 Fats are lipids that are mostly

energy-storage molecules

• A fatty acid can link to glycerol by a dehydration


• A fat contains one glycerol linked to three fatty


• Fats are often called triglycerides because of their


Figure 3.8a


Fatty acid


3.8 Fats are lipids that are mostly

energy-storage molecules

• Some fatty acids contain one or more double

bonds, forming unsaturated fatty acids.

• These have one fewer hydrogen atom on each carbon of the double bond.

• These double bonds cause kinks or bends in the carbon chain, preventing them from packing

together tightly and solidifying at room temperature.

• Fats with the maximum number of hydrogens are


3.8 Fats are lipids that are mostly

energy-storage molecules

• Unsaturated fats are referred to as oils.

Most animal fats are saturated fats.

• Hydrogenated vegetable oils are unsaturated fats

that have been converted to saturated fats by adding hydrogen.

• This hydrogenation creates trans fats, which are


3.9 SCIENTIFIC THINKING: Scientific studies

document the health risks of trans fats

• In the 1890s, the process of adding hydrogen

atoms to unsaturated oils was developed to

• reduce spoilage of oils,

help oils withstand repeated heating for frying, and • reduce consumption of animal fats, thought to be

less healthy than partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

By the 1990s, partially hydrogenated oils were


3.9 SCIENTIFIC THINKING: Scientific studies

document the health risks of trans fats

• Recent research has shown that trans fats pose an even greater health risk than saturated fats.

• One study estimated that eliminating trans fats from the

food supply could prevent up to one in five heart attacks!

• In 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

required the listing of trans fat on food labels.

• Many cities and states have passed laws to eliminate


3.9 SCIENTIFIC THINKING: Scientific studies

document the health risks of trans fats

• Experimental studies have tested the health risks

of consuming trans fats.

• In experimental controlled feeding trials, the diets of participants contained different proportions of

saturated, unsaturated, and partially hydrogenated fats.

• For ethical and practical reasons, controlled feeding trials are usually fairly short in duration, involve only limited dietary changes, generally use healthy


3.9 SCIENTIFIC THINKING: Scientific studies

document the health risks of trans fats

• Observational scientific studies on dietary health

effects can

• extend over a longer time period,


3.9 SCIENTIFIC THINKING: Scientific studies

document the health risks of trans fats

• The Nurses’ Health Study

• began in 1976 with more than 120,000 female nurses and


3.9 SCIENTIFIC THINKING: Scientific studies

document the health risks of trans fats

• The results indicate that

• for each 5% increase in saturated fat, there was a 17% increase in the risk of heart disease and

• for each 2% increase in trans fat, there is a 93% increase in risk.

Trans fats are indeed a greater health risk than


3.10 Phospholipids and steroids are

important lipids with a variety of functions

Phospholipids are the major component of all cell


• Phospholipids are structurally similar to fats.

• Fats contain three fatty acids attached to glycerol.


Figure 3.10

Phosphate group


Hydrophilic heads

Hydrophobic tails

Symbol for phospholipid



Figure 3.10a

Phosphate group


Hydrophilic heads


3.10 Phospholipids and steroids are

important lipids with a variety of functions

• Phospholipids cluster into a bilayer of


• The hydrophilic heads are in contact with

• the water of the environment and

• the internal part of the cell.

• The hydrophobic tails cluster together in the center


Figure 3.10b

Hydrophilic heads

Hydrophobic tails

Symbol for phospholipid



3.10 Phospholipids and steroids are

important lipids with a variety of functions

Steroids are lipids in which the carbon skeleton

contains four fused rings.

Cholesterol is

• a common component in animal cell membranes and


3.11 CONNECTION: Anabolic steroids pose

health risks

Anabolic steroids are synthetic variants of the

male hormone testosterone that are abused by some athletes with serious consequences,


• violent mood swings,

• depression,

• liver damage,


3.12 Proteins have a wide range of functions

and structures

Proteins are

• involved in nearly every dynamic function in your body and

• very diverse, with tens of thousands of different

proteins, each with a specific structure and function, in the human body.

Proteins are composed of differing arrangements


3.12 Proteins have a wide range of functions

and structures

• Probably the most important role for proteins is as

enzymes, proteins that

• serve as catalysts and


3.12 Proteins have a wide range of functions

and structures

• Other types of proteins include

• transport proteins embedded in cell membranes, which move sugar molecules and other nutrients into your cells,

• defensive proteins, such as antibodies of the immune system,


3.12 Proteins have a wide range of functions

and structures

• Other types of proteins include (continued)

• receptor proteins, built into cell membranes, which receive and transmit signals into your cells,

• contractile proteins found within muscle cells,

• structural proteins such as collagen, which form the long, strong fibers of connective tissues, and


3.12 Proteins have a wide range of functions

and structures

• The functions of different types of proteins depend

on their individual shapes.

• A polypeptide chain contains hundreds or

thousands of amino acids linked by peptide bonds.

• The amino acid sequence causes the polypeptide


Figure 3.12a


Figure 3.12b


3.12 Proteins have a wide range of functions

and structures

• If a protein’s shape is altered, it can no longer


• In the process of denaturation, a protein

• unravels,

• loses its specific shape, and

• loses its function.

• Proteins can be denatured by changes in salt


3.13 Proteins are made from amino acids

linked by peptide bonds

Amino acids all have

• an amino group and

• a carboxyl group (which makes it an acid).

• Also bonded to the central carbon is

• a hydrogen atom and

• a chemical group symbolized by R, which


Figure 3.13a

Amino group


3.13 Proteins are made from amino acids

linked by peptide bonds

• Amino acids are classified as either

• hydrophobic or


Figure 3.13b

Hydrophobic Hydrophilic


3.13 Proteins are made from amino acids

linked by peptide bonds

• Amino acid monomers are linked together in a

dehydration reaction,

• joining the carboxyl group of one amino acid to the amino group of the next amino acid, and

• creating a peptide bond.

• Additional amino acids can be added by the same

process to create a chain of amino acids called a


Figure 3.13c-1

Carboxyl group

Amino group


Figure 3.13c-2 Carboxyl group Amino group Amino acid Dehydration reaction Peptide bond Dipeptide H2O



protein’s functional shape results from four

levels of structure

• A protein can have four levels of structure:

1. primary structure,

2. secondary structure,

3. tertiary structure, and


Figure 3.14-0-1

Amino acids


3N Amino end Peptide bonds

connect amino acids.


Figure 3.14-0-2 Amino acids +H 3N Amino end Peptide bonds connect amino acids. Alpha helix Secondary structures are maintained by

hydrogen bonds between atoms

of the backbone.

Beta pleated sheet


Two types of


Figure 3.14-0-3 Amino acids +H 3N Amino end Peptide bonds connect amino acids. Alpha helix Secondary structures are maintained by

hydrogen bonds between atoms

of the backbone.

Beta pleated sheet

Tertiary structure is stabilized by interactions between R groups.


Two types of


Figure 3.14-0-4 Amino acids +H 3N Amino end Peptide bonds connect amino acids. Alpha helix Secondary structures are maintained by

hydrogen bonds between atoms

of the backbone.

Beta pleated sheet

Tertiary structure is stabilized by interactions between R groups.



Two types of


Figure 3.14-0 Amino acids +H 3N Amino end Peptide bonds connect amino acids. Alpha helix Secondary structures are maintained by

hydrogen bonds between atoms

of the backbone.

Beta pleated sheet

Tertiary structure is stabilized by interactions between R groups.


Two types of



Figure 3.14-2

Alpha helix

Secondary structures are maintained by

hydrogen bonds between atoms

of the backbone.

Beta pleated sheet


Figure 3.14-3

Tertiary structure is stabilized by interactions

between R groups.


Figure 3.14-4

Polypeptides are associated into a functional protein.


3.15 DNA and RNA are the two types of

nucleic acids

• The amino acid sequence of a polypeptide is

programmed by a discrete unit of inheritance known as a gene.

Genes consist of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), a

type of nucleic acid.

• DNA is inherited from an organism’s parents.

DNA provides directions for its own replication.

• DNA programs a cell’s activities by directing the


3.15 DNA and RNA are the two types of

nucleic acids

• DNA does not build proteins directly.

DNA works through an intermediary, RNA

(ribonucleic acid).

• DNA is transcribed into RNA in a cell’s nucleus.


Figure 3.15-1



Figure 3.15-2






Figure 3.15-3




Amino acid





3.16 Nucleic acids are polymers of


• DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic

acid) are composed of monomers called


Nucleotides have three parts:

1. a five-carbon sugar called ribose in RNA and deoxyribose in DNA,

2. a phosphate group, and


Figure 3.16a

Sugar Phosphate


Nitrogenous base


3.16 Nucleic acids are polymers of


• DNA nitrogenous bases are

• adenine (A),

• thymine (T),

• cytosine (C), and

• guanine (G).

RNA also has A, C, and G, but instead of T, it has


3.16 Nucleic acids are polymers of


• A nucleic acid polymer, a polynucleotide, forms

from the nucleotide monomers when the

phosphate of one nucleotide bonds to the sugar of the next nucleotide by dehydration reactions.

• This produces a repeating sugar-phosphate


Figure 3.16b

Nucleotide A





3.16 Nucleic acids are polymers of


• RNA is usually a single polynucleotide strand.

DNA is a double helix, in which two

polynucleotide strands wrap around each other.

• The two strands are associated because particular bases always hydrogen-bond to one another.



tolerance is a recent event in human evolution

• The majority of people

• stop producing the enzyme lactase in early childhood and

• do not easily digest the milk sugar lactose after childhood.

Lactose tolerance represents

• a relatively recent mutation in the human genome and



tolerance is a recent event in human evolution

• Researchers identified three new mutations in 43

ethnic groups in East Africa that keep the lactase gene permanently turned on.

The mutations

• are all different from each other and from the European mutation,



Figure 3.4c Structural formula Abbreviatedstructure Simplifiedstructure
Figure 3.10 Phosphate group Glycerol Hydrophilic heads Hydrophobic tails
Figure 3.10a Phosphate group Glycerol Hydrophilic heads Hydrophobic tails
Figure 3.13c-2 Carboxyl group Aminogroup Amino acid Dehydrationreaction Peptide bondDipeptideH2OAmino acid


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