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Delivering a world-class monitoring service for you and your customers. OptiM2M application for remote monitoring of machines


Academic year: 2021

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Delivering a world-class

monitoring service for you

and your customers

OptiM2M application for remote monitoring

of machines


Unrivalled quality of machine service for your customers, with reduced reaction times and attractive maintenance plans. Your need: Easy

and secure remote visibility into the machine data of your customers in diverse locations.

Our solution: OptiM2M, our simple web-based application for remote monitoring of machines from anyplace in the world.

Finally, all your

machines are only

a touch away.


The new remote monitoring solution from

Schneider Electric has many benefits for

users managing pools of machines or

equipment. With fast and reliable access to

remote equipment and attractive features for

data analysis, it’s easier to handle functions

such as data reading, breakdown diagnosis

or alarm management.

With OptiM2M, a web-based Machine-to-Machine monitoring application, you can

remotely view and analyze incoming machine data. At anytime, from anywhere in the

world, using only your smart phone, laptop, or another web-connected device with a


OptiM2M users can harvest detailed,

real-time equipment use information, such as

energy consumption of an HVAC machine

or usage statistics. Data access can be

configured according to user type (equipment

manager/owner/user, etc).

Get constant visibility into

your machine data

Enjoy the benefits of

our innovative offer

A remote Machine-to-Machine monitoring solution has multiple

advantages if you are managing machines, equipment pools

in many locations.

Improved control of remote equipment

Enhanced reaction time and productivity

Detailed reports on equipment use

New services for your established customers

From everywhere in the world, you can manage your pool of machines via a web browser.

If required, you can also remotely modify the list of data and alarm properties of any machine you need monitored.

Simply connect the OptiM2M module to the controller or the I/Os and power supply.

Define machine monitoring properties, and it’s done - your machine data and alarms are automatically collected and can be readily viewed from your dedicated site.

When an alarm occurs, the maintenance personnel are immediately notified by email and/or SMS. The type of alarm and the latest machine data help you quickly identify the potential causes and the actions to be taken.

OptiM2M takes your customer relationships to a whole new level of cooperation and trust. Secure connectivity enables safe sharing of access and exchange of sensitive data, as well as faster and more accurate response to key operational issues. OptiM2M allows you also to offer new services to your customer, such as remote diagnosis and reporting.

OptiM2M helps you harvest detailed real-time equipment use information, e.g. usage statistics and, energy consumption of your machine. Data access can be controlled according to user type (equipment manager, equipment owner, equipment user, etc.).

OptiM2M allows real-time communication with equipment, ensuring optimization of resources, visible reduction of on-site interventions, and minimized installation downtime. Operations on machines and equipment can be highly optimized, boosting productivity levels.

OptiM2M gives you efficient control of remote equipment, making it easier to handle issues such as data reading, breakdown diagnosis, or alarm management. Fast and reliable remote access reduces intervention costs and enables data to be retrieved anytime, anywhere.


A complete cloud solution

in a single box

The OptiM2M solution comes in one package combining all the

components you need to build a successful tool for secure remote

data viewing.

Helping you grow your business and profits

• Develop sales with new customers and reach new markets

• Generate additional business with existing customers

• Develop your portfolio of smart services

Helping you build your service provider

image and customer satisfaction

• Maximize machine uptime and minimize after-sales on-site intervention costs

• Optimize MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) without redesign

• Add value to your product with quality machine lifecycle support

Professional support right from the start

Our experts will support you during the installation and configuration phase. Their knowledge of your specific application will help you define the right setup in order to make sure you get the right information at the right time.

SIM card Modem, antenna, field bus

cables for RS232 and RS 485 architectures

Worldwide* GSM/GPRS subscription *List of countries available on demand

Dedicated and private website for the fleet administration and monitoring

Easy and hassle-free remote

monitoring solution

Machine manufacturers like you

know that installing and deploying

a communication solution is often

easier on paper than in real life. That’s

why at Schneider Electric we are

committed to making our

Machine-to-Machine cloud solution as

easy to configure as it gets.

The OptiM2M system is an

install-and-go solution that delivers secured

end-to-end wireless connectivity for

Machine-to-Machine applications


Enter information of the new monitored machine, modify parameters of your monitoring application, and easily copy the configuration to all your machines of the same type.




To manage and monitor data, you will need a device with a browser and web access.

In case of machine alert, you will receive notifications with additional diagnosis information.




Just connect the modem to the power supply and to the controller of every machine in your pool.




Due to possible changes in standards and equipment, the features described in this document in the form of text and images are subject to confirmation by Schneider Electric.

Publication: Schneider Electric

©2012 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric and Make the most of your energy are trademarks owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Make the most of your energy


Schneider Electric Industries SAS Head Office

35, rue Joseph Monier - CS30323 F92505 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex FRANCE


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