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Attachment B. Faculty CV s for MS in Network Technology


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Faculty Information Sheet MS in Network Technology (MSNT)

Name: Philip J Lunsford II

1. Rank: Associate Professor

2. Degrees:

• PhD Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University 1993 • MS Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology 1984 • BS Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology 1983

3. Teaching Experience related to proposed degree (with emphasis on last five years)

Courses Taught

ICTN 6870 Advanced Network Security ICTN 6865 Fundamental Network Security ICTN 6820 Networking Technology for Industry ICTN 6823 Information Security Management ICTN 4040 Communication Security

ICTN 2000 Intro to Telecommunications ICTN 2730 Control Design

ICTN 2154 Digital Communication Systems ICTN 2158 Computer Networking Technology

Graduate Student Supervision (masters and doctoral) Master’s work:

Steve Walton: The Development and Implementation of a Remote Logging and Database Application to Supplant an Existing Television Transmitter Remote Control System, 2004.

Charles Keith Fleeman: Implementing and Designing Wi-Fi Functionality Using Handheld Wi-Fi Devices, 2003 Rodney Garner: An Evaluation of the Handheld Computing Devices to Replace Laptops for American Trucking

Association Travelers, 2003

4. Scholarly and Professional Activities

Publications and Scholarly work related to the proposed degree

Chou, T., Li, C., Lunsford, P. “Design and Implement of Network Management Labs in Virtual Computing Environment”, 2011, Accepted: Journal on Education, Informatics and Cybernetics

Lewis, J. & Lunsford, P. TLS Man-In-The-Middle Laboratory Exercise for Network Security Education. 2010 ACM SIGITE Conference.

Chou, T., Li, C., & Lunsford, P. J. Design of a Network Management Course Using Virtual Machine Technology. 2010 International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics (ICETI 2010).

Li, P., Toderick, L. W. , & Lunsford, P. J. (2009). Experiencing Virtual Computing Lab in Information Technology Education. 2009 SIGITE Conference.

Lunsford, P., Pickard, J., Popoviciu, C. “Teaching a Laboratory-Based IPV6 Course in a Distance Education Environment”, 2007 ASEE Conference Proceedings.

Pickard, J., Lunsford, P., Popoviciu, C. “IPV6: A Course Development and Delivery Cast Study”, 2007 ASEE Conference Proceedings

Toderick, L., Deng, J., Lunsford, P., “An Isolated Distance Education Lab Environment for the Study of Wireless Devices”, 2007 ASEE Conference Proceedings


Li, P., Lunsford, P., Mohammed, T., Toderick, L., Li, C. “Using Virtual Machine Technology in an Undergraduate Intrusion Detection Lab”, 2007 ASEE Conference Proceedings

Lunsford, P., Ozan, E., Mohammed, T. “Development of an Educational Data Acquisition System to Profile Cyber Attacks”, Proceedings of the 2006 IJME-Intertech International Conference. Session ENT 103-056.

Lunsford, P., Toderick, L., Brooker, D. “A Remotely Controlled and Isolated Computer Network Test Bed for Attack Understanding Based Information Assurance Distance Education Courses”, 2006 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings

Yao, J., Lunsford. P “Laboratory from the First Day: an Efficient Method to Convey Electrical Concepts to Engineering Students”, 2006 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings

Lunsford, P., Wright, E. “Closed Port Authentication with Port Knocking”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2005, p 1747-1754, 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: “The Changing Landscape of Engineering and Technology Education in a Global World”, Jun 12-15 2005, Portland, OR.

Kauffmann, P., Rogers, R., Lunsford, P., “Baccalaureate Engineering Management: A Tool for Regional Economic Development”, 25th American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) National Conference Proceedings, October 2004, Alexandria Virginia.

Kauffmann, P., Rogers, R., Lunsford, P., “A Case Study: Development of a Practice Oriented Engineering Program with Implications for Regional Economic Development”, 2004 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. ASEE 2004 Annual Conference and Exposition, "Engineering Education Researches New Heights", 2004, p 1645-1652 ASEE 2004 Annual Conference and Exposition, Jun 20-23 2004, Salt Lake City, UT.

Lunsford, P. J. “Implementing an Open Source Conferencing System for Distance Education,” Distance Learning, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp 20-27, 2007.

Lunsford, P., Monroe, R., Pagliari, L. “A Method for Defining a Relative Measure of Strategic Importance and Operational Effectiveness for Distribution Branch Operations”, Review of the Electronic and Industrial Distribution Industries published by the National Electronic Distributors Association, Volume 5, No. 1, pp 32-45. 2006.

Kauffmann, P., Dean A., Lunsford P., “A Statistical Examination of Sea Valve Failure Rates”, invited submission to the Naval Engineers Journal. Vol. 117, No. 2, pp 29-34. Spring 2005.

O’Shields, M.E., Lunsford, P.J., “WebDAV: A Web-Writing Protocol and More”, Journal of Industrial Technology, Vol. 20, No. 2, Feb 2004 – April 2004.

P.J. Lunsford and M.B. Steer, "The relationship between Bivariate Volterra Analysis and Power Series Analysis with Application to the Behavioral Modeling of Microwave Circuits," Int. J. on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Computer Aided Engineering, vol. 1, no. 3 July 1991, pp 253-262.

P.J. Lunsford, G.W. Rhyne, and M.B. Steer, "Frequency domain bivariate generalized power series analysis of nonlinear analog circuits," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-38, June 1990, pp. 815-818.

Grants and contracts related to proposed degree

$150,000 (2010) Li, P., Toderick, L., Li, C., Lunsford, P., Mohammed T., Sweatte, J., “Hands-on information technology virtual laboratory powered by cloud computing for global collaboration”, Hewlett Packard.

$199,986 (2009-2010) Li, C., Agyepong, K., Lee, L., Lunsford II, P. J. , & Tabrizi, M.H. N. , A Centralized Resource Management Model for Computer Networking Laboratory Equipment Sharing among Collaborating Institutes, GOV-National Science Foundation (NSF).

$125,512 (1.5 months): E-Learning Course Development for the 2+2 BS in Information and Computer Technology at East Carolina University. Submitted 3/19/04 to the UNC Office of the President.


Invited research or presentations related to degree

Invited Presentation: North Carolina Computer Instructors Association, March 12, 2004, “WebDAV a Web-Writing Protocol and More”, by Mary Ellen O’Shields and Phil Lunsford

Information Systems Audit & Control Association (RTC) Research Triangle Chapter Meeting :Presentation “ Current Threats to your Data Network” October 13,2004

Participation in scholarly collaborations with other universities, laboratories and centers

Service on boards, etc. related to degree

FE Exam Committee member for the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (March 2006 – Present)

5. Other

a. Reviewer for John Wiley & Sons

b. Registered Professional Engineer since June 1989, State of NC, No. 15836 c. ATMAE member

d. IEEE Regular Member e. ASEE Member f. ACM Member


Faculty Information Sheet MS in Network Technology (MSNT)

Name: Erol Ozan

1. Rank: Associate Professor

2. Degrees

Ph.D., Engineering Management, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA.

Dissertation topic: Development of a decision support system for a new aircraft-based meteorological data collection system, a project funded by NASA Langley Research Center. Designed a GIS-based optimization tool, which reduces the operational costs of data acquisition.

Master of Science, Applied Physics, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey

MS Thesis Topic: Development of an algorithm for spectral data compression. It was designed to be used in future-generation washing machines including state-of-the-art optical sensors.

Bachelor of Science, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University , Ankara, Turkey BS Thesis Topic: Survey of digital image compression techniques.

3. Teaching Experience related to proposed degree (with emphasis on last five years)

Courses Taught Graduate level courses:

ICTN 6800 Internet Research Methods: Collaboration methods that emphasize problem-solving in industry and other technical environments.

ICTN 6815 Network Media Services: Development, optimization and use of multimedia elements in a web page. Audio-video editing. Interactive animations. Digital image editing. New multimedia technologies.

ICTN 6825 Dynamic Web Services: Creating dynamic web pages. Uploading web pages to a web server. Web site maintenance. Developing architecture for dynamic web sites.

ICTN 6835 Enterprise Web Services: E-commerce applications. Optimization and use of database elements in a web page. Creating web sites with dynamic content.

ICTN 6845 Web Site Design: A capstone course. Development of a first class web site. Integration of the dynamic elements such as media files, data base functionality and interactive elements.

ICTN 6855 Networked Commerce Systems. Design and implementation of network-based commerce systems. Considers infrastructure support issues.

ICTN 6853 Cryptography Algorithms and Applications: Key cryptographic terms, concepts, principles, and applications in networked environment.

ICTN 6883. System Integrity for Information Technology: Capstone to provide systematic approaches to design and deployment of comprehensive information integrity measures for data network systems.

ITEC 6200 Technology Project Management: Project management concepts in for technological enterprises. Gantt diagrams, Network Scheduling Techniques, Earned Value calculations, technology management, Microsoft Project Tool.

Undergraduate courses:

ELEC 3300 Information Technology Project Management: Project management concepts in IT sector. Gantt diagrams, Network Scheduling Techniques, Earned Value calculations, technology management, Microsoft Project Tool.


ELEC 3000 Introduction to Telecommunications: Fundamentals of telecommunication systems, data networks, public telephone services, LAN, WAN, Internet, basic principles of digital and analogue communication.

• Graduate Student Supervision (masters and doctoral)

4. Scholarly and Professional Activities

Publications and Scholarly work related to the proposed degree

Journal Articles:

Wuensch, K., Aziz, S., Ozan, E., Kishore, M., & Tabrizi, N. (2009). Technology and Pedagogy: The Association between Students' Perceptions of the Quality of Online Courses and the Technologies Employed. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 5 (2), 253-262.

Kishore, M., Tabrizi, N., Ozan, E., Aziz, S., & Wuensch, K. (2009). Correlates of Student Preference for Online Instruction over Face-to-Face Instruction. E-Learning, 6 (4), 400-415.

Wuensch, K., Aziz, S., Ozan, E. , Kishore, M., & Tabrizi, N. (2008). Pedagogical Characteristics of Online and Face-to-Face Classes. International Journal on E-Learning, 7 (3), 523-532.

Sireli, Y., Kauffmann, P., & Ozan, E. (2007). Integration of Kano s Model into QFD for Multiple Product Design. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 54 (2), 380 - 390 .

Ozan, E., Sireli, Y., & Kauffmann, P. (2007). A New Market Adoption Model for the Information Systems Industry. Engineering Management Journal, 19 (1), 13-21.

Ozan, E. (2006). Developing Value Metrics for Weather Data: the Case of Meteorological Data Collection and Recording System (MDCRS). IABE Review of Business Research.

Ozan, E.. (2005). Kano's Model for Multiple Product Development. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 5, 30-40.

Ozan, E. (2005). Behavioral assessment of online education. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 84, 1395-1400.

Ozan, E. (2004). Feasibility of TAMDAR: an Aircraft-based Weather Data Collection System. Journal of Air Transport Management, 10, 207-215.

Conference Proceedings:

Ozan, G. E. (2008). Enterprise Defense System Architecture for RFID Applications. 2008 International Academy of Business and Economics Conference.

Ozan, G. E., Tabrizi, M., Wuensch, K., Aziz, S., & Kishore, M. (2007). Learning Effectiveness as a Function of the Technologies Employed in Online Learning Settings. 2007 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference.

Mohammed, T., Toderick, L., Ozan, G. E. , & Lunsford, P. (2007). A Case Study on the SSH Brute Force Dictionary Attack on Information Technology Labs. The 5th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications.

Wuensch, K., Aziz, S., Ozan, E., Kishore, M., & Tabrizi, N. (2006). Pedagogical Characteristics of Online and Face-to-Face Classes. E-Learn 2006--World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education .

Lunsford, P., Ozan, E., Toderick, L., & Mohammed, T. (2006). Development of an Educational Data Acquisition System to Profile Cyber Attacks. 2006 IJME - INTERTECH Conference.

Ozan, G. (2005). A Quality Deployment-based Decision Model for the Avionics Industry in the U.S. 35th Intl Conf on Comp. and Industrial Engineering, 2, 1771-1776.

Ozan, G. (2005). A Framework Architecture for a 5 Dimensional Weather System. 26th ASEM National Conference, 26, 243-248.


Sireli, Y., Kauffmann, P., & Ozan, E. (2004). A new Product Planning and Forecasting Model for the Avionics Market in the United States. 10th International Conference on Industry, Engineering, & Management Systems, 501-508.

Tabrizi, N., Collins, C., & Ozan, E. (2004). Implementation of Object-Orientation using UML in Entry-Level Software Development Courses. ACM Special Interest Group in Information Technology Education (SIGITE).

Sireli, Y., Rosul, C., Ozan, E., & Kauffmann, P. (2004). A Review of Market Adoption Models for the Information Systems Industry. 25th American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) National Conference.

Ozan, G. (2004). A Diffusion Model for a New Product Group in the Avionics Industry. 25th ASEM Conference, -, 210-216.

Ozan, G. (2004). The TAMDAR Decision Support System. International Conference on Industry, Engineering, -, 141-146.

Ozan, G. (2003). Market Segmentation for General Aviation Cockpit Weather Information Systems. ASEM, 278 - 283.

Ozan, G. (2003). Kano's Customer Satisfaction Model for Product Differentiation: An Application to Cockpit Weather Information Systems. ASEM, 270 - 277.

Ozan, G. (2003). Developing a Metaphor for Autonomous Software Agents Used in E-Commerce . ASEM National Conference, 56-59.

Ozan, G. (2003). How to Design Multicriteria Spatial Decision Support Systems. ASEM National Conference, 90-94.

Yesim Sireli, Paul Kauffmann & Erol Ozan, 2002, “A Product Development Decision Model for Cockpit Weather Information Systems", Proceedings of 2002 National Conference, American Society for Engineering Management, October 11-13, 2002, Tampa, Florida .

Yesim Sireli, Paul Kauffmann & Erol Ozan, 2002, “A Quality Function Deployment Decision Model for the Information Systems Market", Proceedings of 2002 National Conference, American Society for Engineering Management, October 11-13, 2002, Tampa, Florida .

Yesim Sireli, Surabhi Gupta, Paul Kauffmann, Pushkin Kachroo & Erol Ozan, 2002, “A QFD-Based Decision Model for Application of ITS Technologies to Cockpit Weather Information Systems for General Aviation", Proceedings of 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, October 14-17, Chicago.

Erol Ozan, Paul Kauffmann, 2002, " A Simulation-based Spatial Decision Support System for a New Airborne Weather Data Acquisition System", 2002 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May 19-22, 2002, Orlando, Florida .

Erol Ozan, Paul Kauffmann, Yesim Sireli, 2002, "Optimization of Aircraft-based Meteorological Data Collection with a GIS-based Simulation Model ", 2002 Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference, April 14-18, 2002, San Diego, California .

Erol Ozan, Paul Kauffmann & Yesim Sireli, 2001, “A Technological Policy Analysis Framework for a New Airborne Weather Data Collection System", 2001 National Conference, American Society for Engineering Management, October 11-13, 2001, Marriott Hotel, Huntsville, Alabama .

Yesim Sireli & Erol Ozan, 2001, "A Market Research Study for Future Weather Information Systems in General Aviation", National Conference, 2001 American Society for Engineering Management, October 11-13, 2001, Marriott Hotel, Huntsville, Alabama.

Grants and contracts related to proposed degree

Partnership in Information Assurance Scholarship and Capacity Building Program 2010-2011. Amount: $52,616. Sponsoring Agency: Department of Defense. PI: Erol Ozan. Status: Accepted. This grant supports both teaching and research. Start Date: August, 2010. End date: July, 2011.


Partnership in Information Assurance Scholarship and Capacity Building Program 2009-2010. Amount: $52,616. Sponsoring Agency: Department of Defense. PI: Erol Ozan. Status: Accepted. This grant supports both teaching and research. Start Date: September, 2009. End date: September, 2010.

Partnership in Information Assurance Scholarship and Capacity Building Program. Amount: $58,714. Sponsoring Agency: Department of Defense. PI: Erol Ozan. Status: Accepted. This grant supports both teaching and research. Start Date: September, 2008. End date: September, 2009.

Mid-Currituck Bridge Project. A Simulation, Modeling, and Analysis. Amount: $223,270. Sponsoring Agency: North Carolina Department of Transportation. PI: P. Kauffmann, Co-PIs: Erol Ozan, BJ Kim. This grant supports research. Status : Accepted. Start Date: March, 2008. End date: December 2008.

Partnership in Information Assurance Scholarship and Capacity Building Program. Amount: $36,800. Sponsoring Agency: Department of Defense. PI: Erol Ozan. Status: Accepted. This grant supports both teaching and research. Start Date: August 29, 2007. End date: August 28, 2008.

Mid-Currituck Bridge Project. Amount: $255,978.00. Sponsoring Agency: State of North Carolina, Turnpike Authority. PIs: Kauffmann, Kleckle, Blizzard. Researchers: Erol Ozan, Richard Monroe, BJ Kim. Status: Awarded ($255,978.00). This grant supports research. Start Date: February 15, 2007. End date: June 30, 2007

Development of an Information Assurance Scholarship Program at East Carolina University. Award Amount: $85,275 (Proposed Amount: $282, 494.15). Sponsoring Agency: Department of Defense. PI: Erol Ozan. Status: Awarded. This grant supports both teaching and research. Start Date: August 29, 2006. End date: August 28, 2007.

National Science Foundation (NSF). Proposal # 0443047. Award Amount: $125,000. “Behavioral AOC Comprehensive Assessment of Online Course Delivery Systems”, PI: Mohammad Tabrizi, co-PIs: Erol Ozan, Shahnaz Aziz, Linda Allred, Masao Kishore. In Support of research and teaching. Submitted on 02/09/2005. Proposal Status: Awarded ($125,000.00). Start Date: September 1, 2005. End date: August 31, 2006

“Longitudinal Study of the Market Penetration of Cockpit Weather Information Systems” (A research grant by NASA Langley Research Center). Award Amount: $83,404. PI: P. Kauffmann, co-PIs: Erol Ozan, Yesim Sireli. This study focuses on modeling market adoption of new products and optimizing the product

development decisions in avionics sector by tracking and analyzing the market dynamics of cockpit weather information systems over a three year period. Proposal Status: Awarded. Project Period. 9/01/2005


Worked as a key team member in the following research projects:

“The TAMDAR Decision Support System” at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia (A research grant by NASA Langley Research Center).

• Designed a spatial decision support system for TAMDAR, a new meteorological data collection system, which is currently being developed by NASA. Specified, designed and tested software and accompanying graphical user interface.

• Worked on a variety of projects as a part of NASA's Aviation Weather Information and Communications Research Team. Published a number of reports and papers and presented these studies to different audiences.

• Member of the Aviation Weather Information and Communications Research Team, which is the large group of researchers who work on weather information systems at NASA. In April 2002, this team was selected by the NASA Office of Aerospace Technology for an Aviation Safety Award, the highest award from the Aeronautics division of NASA.

“The Feasibility Study of TAMDAR”

(A research grant by NASA Langley Research Center). • Conducted economic analysis of TAMDAR system.

• Prepared web-based expert surveys and conducted statistical analysis. • Presented the findings of the research in a number of meetings.


“Development of a Computer-based Visualization for City of Suffolk”, Virginia Modeling Analysis and Simulation Center, Suffolk, Virginia.

(A project contract for City of Suffolk)

• Designed 3-dimensional computer visualizations for the architectural projects of City of Suffolk. Developed virtual reality environments and computer animation that were used in a number of project presentations, marketing videos, and professional exhibitions.

Invited research or presentations related to degree

Erol Ozan, "RFID Security", Presentation at the University of Paris 12, Val De Marne, Laboratory of Algorithmic, Complexity, and Logic, July 7, 2008, Paris, France.

Erol Ozan, Paul Kauffmann, 2002, "TAMDAR Decision Support System", Presentation in MDCRS Meeting, National Weather Service Headquarters, June 12, 2002, Silver Spring, Maryland.

Kauffmann, Paul; Erol Ozan; Overview: Business Feasibility of the TAMDAR System; Proceedings of the Second NASA Aviation Safety Program Weather Accident Prevention Review; January 2003, pp. 379-412; Also announced as 20030020303; Avail: CASI; A03, Hardcopy; A10, Microfiche

Paul Kauffmann and Erol Ozan, 2001, "Overview: Business Feasibility of the TAMDAR System", Presentation in 2nd Annual NASA Aviation Safety Program Weather Accident Prevention Review, June 5-7, 2001, Cleveland, Ohio.

Participation in scholarly collaborations with other universities, laboratories and centers

Currently collaborating with Professor Hainz from Paris University’s Algorithm, Complexity, and Logic Laboratory, France on RFID Defense Systems.

Currently collaborating with Dr. Eslami from Elizabeth City State University in building partnership in the area of cyber security education within the DOD’s Information Assurance Scholarship Program framework.

Currently collaborating with Dr. Yesim Sireli from the Department of Mechanical Engineering in University of North Carolina at Charlotte in the following project: “Longitudinal Study of the Market Penetration of Cockpit Weather Information Systems”

• Service on boards, etc. related to degree

5. Other

Other Professional Service Activities :

2008-2009: 2008 Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education Principals Meeting, The purpose of the gathering is to provide a forum for open discussion among the eighty-six National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education; update the Centers on IA efforts and

opportunities at the national level; discuss the role of higher education in securing America's Critical Information Infrastructure; and promote collaboration among the Centers to maximize expertise and resources. In this program, I made a presentation and provided information about out programs, ongoing research projects, and our activities in the area of information security., Mesa, Arizona (National).


2007-2008: Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education Principals Meeting, The purpose of the gathering is to provide a forum for open discussion among the eighty-six National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education; update the Centers on IA efforts and

opportunities at the national level; discuss the role of higher education in securing America's Critical Information Infrastructure; and promote collaboration among the Centers to maximize expertise and resources. In this program, I made a presentation and provided information about out programs, ongoing research projects, and our activities in the area of information security., Albuquerque, New Mexico (National).


2007-2008: 12th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education in 2008., Served on the Program Committee for The 12th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education in 2008 as a reviewer. , Dallas, Texas (International).

2007-2008: Journal of Computers & Industrial Engineering, Review of the manuscript "Event-Driven Service Coordination for Business Process Integration in Ubiquitous Enterprises Computers & Industrial

Engineering (Ref. No.: CAIE-07-398 )" for Computers & Industrial Engineering. (International). 2007-2008: Journal of Computers & Industrial Engineering , Review of the manuscript "A Methodology for

Realizing Product Service Systems for Consumer Products (Ref no. CAIE-07-325)" for Computers & Industrial Engineering. (International).

2006-2007: 11th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (International). 2005-2006: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2005 (International).

Reviewer: Conference Paper:

2008-2009: 2008 International Academy of Business and Economics Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada (International).

2008-2009: 13th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education, I have served on the program committee and reviewed the following two papers: 'Undergraduate Research in Wireless Sensor Security Course' and 'The Design and Lessons of the ASCENT Security Teaching Lab ', Seattle, Washington (National).

2007-2008: 2008 The Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (CISSE), I have served on the program committee and reviewed the following two papers: 'Designing Portable Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Network Testbed' and 'Teaching IP Encryption and Decryption Using the OPNET Modeling and

Simulation Tool', Dallas, Texas (International). 2007-2008: ASEE Conference, 2007 (National).


Faculty Information Sheet MS in Network Technology (MSNT)

Name: Tijjani Mohammed

1. Rank: Associate Professor

2. Degrees

Ph.D., Industrial Education, Texas A & M University

M.S., Electronics & Computer Technology, Indiana State University B.S., Technical Education (Electronics), Central Missouri State University

3. Teaching Experience related to proposed degree (with emphasis on last five years)

• Courses Taught

ICTN 6810 Communication Technology ICTN 6820 Networking Technology for Industry ICTN 6830 Advanced Networking Technology ICTN 6840 Communication Strategies for Industry ICTN 6850 Managing Technological Change ICTN 6875 Emerging Technology

ICTN 3900 Web Services Management

Graduate Student Supervision (masters and doctoral)

PhD Student Committees

o Program Committee Chair: 10 Students

o Dissertation Committee Member: 4 students o Program Committee Member: 4 students

o Administration and evaluation of preliminary exams: 4 candidates

Masters Student Committees:

o Chair: 8 committees

o Member: 13 committees

4. Scholarly and Professional Activities

Publications and Scholarly work related to the proposed degree


Mohammed, T. & Tocci, R. J. (2001). Test item file to accompany Digital systems: principles and applications, 8th edition. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0130856363; OCLC: 46788020

Refereed Publications:

Li, P., Li, C., and Mohammed, T. 2009. Building a repository of network traffic captures for

information assurance education, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. 24, 3 (Jan. 2009), 99-105.

Li, P. and Mohammed, T. (2008). Integration of Virtualization Technology into Network Security Laboratory. Proceedings of the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Session S2A, Saratoga Springs, NY.

Li, C., Li, P., Mohammed, T., Toderick, L., Lunsford, P. (2008). Networking Lab Simulation Using Virtual Technologies. Proceedings of the 2008 annual Convention of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), Pittsburgh, PA.


Li, C., Li, P., Mohammed, T., Yang, B., & Pickard, J. (2008). A Practical Study on Networking Equipment Emulation. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 24 (2), 137-143.

Li, P., Mohammed, T., Toderick, L., Li, C., Lunsford, P. (2008). A Portable Virtual Networking Lab for IT Security Instruction. Proceedings of the 2008 annual Convention of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), Pittsburgh, PA.

Mohammed, T., Ozan, G., Toderick. L., and Lunsford, P. (2007). Assessing the impacts of Secure Shell Brute Force Dictionary Attacks on Information Technology Labs. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA), Orlando, FL.

Li, P., Lunsford, P., Mohammed, T., Toderick, L., and Li, C. (2007). Using virtual machine technology in an undergraduate intrusion detection lab. Proceedings of the 2007 annual Convention of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), Honolulu, HI.

Li, P., Mohammed, T., Toderick, L., Lunsford, P., and Li, C. (2007). Preparation of Trace Files for Student Use in Network Security Labs. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA), Orlando, FL. Li, C., Li, P., and Mohammed, T. (2007). An Optimal MPLS-TE Solution to Route Selection and

Redistribution on Congested Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage In co-operation with IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing, July 29-31, 2007, Guilin, China

Lunsford, P., Ozan, G., Toderick. L, Mohammed, T. (2006, October). Development of an Educational Data Acquisition System to Profile Cyber Attacks. Proceedings of the 9th Annual IJME /

INTERTECH Joint International Conference on Engineering Technology.

Mohammed, T. (2006). Global Access Labs: Hands-on Online IT Education. Proceedings Abstract of the National Association of industrial Technology (NAIT) 2006 Annual Convention, Cleveland, OH.

Mohammed, T., and Yang, B. (2005, June). Issues in hands-on online graduate programs in

information technology. Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Convention of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), Portland, Oregon.

Toderick, L., Mohammed, T., and Tabrizi, M. (2005, October). A Consortium of secure Remote Access Labs for Information Technology Education. Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education (SIGITE) conference, Newark, New Jersey. Toderick, L., Mohammed, T., and Tabrizi, M. (2005, October). A Reservation and Equipment

Management System for Secure Hands-on Remote Labs for Information Technology Students. Proceedings of the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Mohammed, T. (2004, October). Reliable, Server-based, hands-on online training through virtual private networks. Proceedings Abstract of the National Association of industrial Technology (NAIT) 2004 Annual Convention.

Mohammed, T. (December, 2000). Professional Certification Exam in Computer Hardware, Operating Systems, and Basic Networking (Exam # 1183). Developed for the International Society for Certified Electronics Technicians (ISCET).

Mohammed, T. (Spring, 1998). Professional Certification Exam in Computer Networking: International Society of Certified Electronics Technicians (ISCET).

Spurlin, J., and Mohammed, T. (November, 2000). A Survey to Determine the Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Curriculum for Electronics Technologists/Technical Managers. Proceedings Abstract of the 33rd annual convention of the National Association of Industrial Technology. Mohammed, T. (October, 1996). The Internet: An economical tool for the acquisition of remote

process data. Proceedings Abstract of the 29th annual convention of the National Association of Industrial Technology.

Mohammed, T. and Reaves, R. (October, 1994). Trends in instructional technology: The case for compressed video networks in distant delivery of instruction. Proceedings Abstract of the 27th annual convention of the National Association of Industrial Technology.


Baker, G. E., Mohammed, T., and Boyle, M. (1994). A three-axis model for conceptualizing the relevant elements involved in cross-cultural training. Performance & Improvement Quarterly, 7(2), pp 27-37.

Mohammed, T. (1993). Identifying the professional competencies needed by electronics teachers at the secondary and post-secondary levels to participate in Tech-Prep programs. Doctoral Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station. OCLC: 34328723

Conference Presentations and Workshops: 33

Grants and contracts related to proposed degree

A. Funded

Li, P. (PI), Toderick, L., Li, C., Lunsford, P., Mohammed T., Sweatte, J., (2010). Hands-on information technology virtual laboratory powered by cloud computing for global collaboration. Hewlett Packard. Amount Requested: $161,539.00. Status: Funded.

Li, C. (PI), Lunsford, P., Mohammed, T., Agyepong, K., & Tabrizi, N., (2009-2011). Equipment Sharing Model for Cisco Networking Academies and General Computer Networking Classes. National Science Foundation (NSF). Amount Requested: $200,000.00, Status: Funded.

Yang, B. (PI), Mohammed, T. (Co-PI), & Li, C. (Co-PI), E-Portfolios for DE Students. ECU Internal Grant. Amount Requested: $25,000.00, Funded: $20,000.00.

Senior Investigator on NSF proposal #0624582, Biomechanics and Robotics Exploration for IT Literacy and Skills in Rural Schools, Keith Williamson, PI; Co-PI’s: Kauffmann, P., Espinosa, D., Hall, C., and Ratcliff, G. Status: Funded at $1,354,847.00 (2006 – 2008). Award #0624582

Lunsford, P. (PI);, Toderick, L. (Co-PI), Mohammed, T. (Co-PI), Li, K. (Co-PI), Tang, X, (Co-PI). (2004, March). Proposal for on-line course development in response to the UNC Office of the President’s e-Learning Initiative. Amount requested: $125,512.00 Status: Funded.

B. Pending

C. Declined

Invited research or presentations related to degree

Mohammed, T. (2005, August). Professional Development Workshop on Advanced Microprocessor Technology. Conducted at the Naval Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, NC.

Mohammed, T. (2005, October) Professional development workshop on Remote Access Networking Laboratories. Developed and delivered at the North Carolina Community College System conference, Greensboro, NC.

Mohammed, T. (2005, March). A Sustainable, National Cyber Security Infrastructure Through Small Business Outreach. Invited presentation for the Crime, Security, and Information Technology Conference (CSI) to be held at Central Carolina Community College, Sanford, NC.

Participation in scholarly collaborations with other universities, laboratories and centers

o Graduate Faculty, Indiana State University PhD Consortium

Service on boards, etc. related to degree

o Reviewer, National Science Foundation o Reviewer, Journal of Engineering Technology o Reviewer, Journal of Industrial Technology


o Reviewer and Session Co-Chair, 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Information Systems Division, Pittsburg, PA.

o Reviewer and Session Co-Chair, 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Engineering

Technology Division, Pittsburg, PA

o Session Co-Chair, 2007 International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL

o Reviewer, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2007 Annual Conference and

Exposition, Honolulu, HI

o Reviewer and Session Moderator. ASEE 2006 Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL

o Reviewer and Session Moderator. ASEE 2005 Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR o Reviewer, ASEE 2004 Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT

o Reviewer, IEEE/ASEE, Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) conference for 2004 convention,

Savannah, GA

o Reviewer, ASEE for 2002 Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada

o Reviewer, ASEE for 2001 Annual Conference and Exposition, Albuquerque, New Mexico

5. Other

o Examiner, International Society for Certified Electronics Technicians, ISCET, 1998 – Present.

Current Professional Memberships

o International Institute for Cybernetics and Informatics 07/2007-Present

o North Carolina Computer Instructors Association (NC-CIA) 2006-Present

o ACM Special Interest Group for IT Education (ACM-SIGITE) 2005-Present

o North Carolina Community College Faculty Association (NCCFA) 2005-Present

o American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 1996-Present

o Epsilon Pi Tau (EPT) 1993-Present

o National Association of Industrial Technology (NAIT) 1992-Present Past Professional Memberships

o Instrument Society of America (ISA) 1988-2002


Faculty Information Sheet MS in Network Technology (MSNT)

Name: ChengCheng Li

1. Rank: Assistant Professor

2. Degrees: Ph.D. in Computer Science, Texas Tech University, TX, USA MS in Computer Science, Texas Tech University, TX, USA MBA, University of Southern Europe, Monte Carlo, Monaco BS, Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing, China

3. Teaching Experience related to proposed degree (with emphasis on the past five years) a. Overall nature of workload assignments

50% teaching 40% research 10% service

b. Courses

ICTN 6885 Network Management Technology

ICTN 6880 Advanced Topics in Information Architecture Design ICTN 6873 Intrusion Detection and Incidence Response

ICTN 6855 Networked Commerce System ICTN 6835 Enterprise Web Services ICTN 6825 Dynamic Web Services

ICTN 2732 Scripting for Information Technology ICTN 2900 Information Security

ICTN 1500 Computer Hardware

c. Graduate student supervisory experience

4. Scholarly & Professional Activities related to proposed degree (with emphasis on the past five years)

a. Publications/Scholarly Activity related to proposed degree

i. Refereed Articles (5 total, 4 first-author)

Li, C. (2009-2010). A Web Service Model for Conducting Research In Image Processing. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. Scheduled to be published in June, 2010.

Li, P., Li, C., & Mohammed, T. (2008-2009). Building a Repository of Network Traffic Captures for Information Assurance Education. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 24 (3), 99-105. Li, C. (2008-2009). Blur the Boundary between the Virtual and the Real. Journal of Computing Sciences

in Colleges, 24 (3), 39-45.

Li, C., Li, P., Mohammed, T., Yang, B., & Pickard, J. (2007-2008). A Practical Study on Networking Equipment Emulation. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 24 (2), 137-143.

Li, C. & Oldham, W. (2003-2004). Adaptive image restoration and segmentation method using different neighborhood sizes. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, II.

ii. Refereed Proceedings (16 total, 11 first-author)

Li, C. (2010-2011). Work in Process: An Innovative Centralized Lab Reservation and Management System. IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington D.C., October 2010. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and American Society for Engineering Education


Li, C. (2009-2010). A Unique Postgraduate IT Career Training Model for Chinese Higher

Education. 116th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky, June, 2010. American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) (Abstract Accepted)

Chou, T. & Li, C. (2009-2010). Design of a Network Management Course Using Virtual Machine Technology. International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics (ICETI 2010). Orlando, Florida, USA, April, 2010. International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS). Li, C. (2009-2010). Developing an Innovative Online Teaching System. International Conference on

Education, Training and Informatics (ICETI2010), Orlando, Florida, USA, April, 2010. International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS).

Li, C., Zheng, Y., & Kwabena, A. (2009-2010). Predication of IMF Percentage of Live Cattle by Using Ultrasound Technologies with High Accuracies. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Information Engineering (ICIE09), 2 (10-11), 474-478, Taiyuan, China, July, 2009. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and World Association of Science Engineering (IEEE/WASE) Li, P., Toderick, L., Li, C., Lunsford, P., & Mohammed, T. (2008-2009). Building a Portable Virtual

Network Security Lab. 115th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, June, 2008. (ASEE).

Li, C., Li, P., Toderick, L., & Mohammed, T. (2008-2009). Networking Lab Simulation using Virtual Technologies. 115th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, June, 2008. (ASEE).

Li, C., Li, P., & Mohammed, T. (2007-2008). An Optimal MPLS-TE Solution to Route Selection and Redistribution on Congested Networks. IEEE International Conference on Network, Architecture, and Storage, 69-76, Guilin, China. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/NAS2007.14. IEEE Computer Society (IEEE).

Li, P., Li, C., Lunsford, P., Toderick, L., & Mohammed, T. (2007-2008). Preparation of Trace Files for Student Use in Network Security Labs. EISTA International Conference.

Li, P., Li, C., Toderick, L., Lunsford, P., & Mohammed, T. (2007-2008). Using Virtual Machine Technology in an Undergraduate Intrusion Detection Lab. the 114th ASEE Annual Conference. Li, C. & Pyeatt, L. (2004-2005). U.S. vehicle license plate localization. International Conference on

Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, VII (314-319),, Austin, Texas, August 2004. The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS).

Li, C. & Pyeatt, L. (2004-2005). Automatic U.S. vehicle license plate extraction and license number splitting under various illumination conditions. International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, II, 143-148, Austin, Texas, August 2004. The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS).

Li, C. & Pyeatt, L. (2004-2005). Preprocesses of U.S. vehicle license plate recognition. the 6th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, 89-94, Honolulu, Hawaii, August, 2004. International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED).

Li, C. & Pyeatt, L. (2004-2005). A tutorial on reinforcement learning: review and

applications. International Conference on Intelligent Information Process (IFIP), Beijing, China, October 2004. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).

Li, C. & Oldham, W. (2003-2004). Adaptive image restoration and segmentation method based on regional correlation coefficient. The 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, IV, 148-153, Orlando, Florida, July 2003. International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS). Li, C. & Oldham, W. (2001-2002). Image restoration and segmentation by using competitive learning in a

neighborhood system. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, II, 212-217. Washington, July, 2001, Neural Network Society (IEEE).


Li, C. (2008-2009, July). Career-Technical Education Summer Conference 2008, Greensboro, North Carolina.

Li, C. (2008-2009, March). ECU Cisco Workshop, “Cisco Academy Program and Networking Simulation”.

b. Status of Grants & Contracts submitted related to proposed degree ( including agency names, years of funding, collaborative partners)

Grants ( 9 funded projects, 7 as PI, 2 as Co-PI)

2011-2012 - Li, C. (PI), “Developing Web-based Interactive Tools to Assist Teaching of Core Computer Networking Courses”, ($12,076), ECU Teaching Grant

2010-2011 - Li, C. (PI), “Strategic Planning of a Regional Cyberinfrastructure for Supporting

Teaching and Vocational Training in Community Colleges”, ($11,000), Engagement and Outreach Scholar Academy Grant, East Carolina University

2010-2011 - Li, C. (co-PI), with Peng Li, Tijjani Mohammed, Lee Toderick, ($161,539), HP Catalyst Initiative

2008-2010 - Li, C. (PI), ECU Cisco Regional Academy ( $28,000), Cisco Networking Academy Program. 2008-2009 - Li, C. (PI), 3D Imaging System for Balance Ability Assessment ( $8,958), ECU DRGS Grant. 2008-2009 - Li, C. (PI), Lunsford, P., Mohammed, T., Agyepong, K., & Tabrizi, N., Equipment Sharing

Model for Cisco Networking Academies and General Computer Networking Classes ( $200,000), National Science Foundation (NSF).

2008-2009 - Li, C. (PI), Meat Quality Assessment Through Ultrasound Image Analysis: A Web Service Model ( $12,000), College of Technology and Computer Science, ECU.

2007-2008 – Yang, B., Li, C. (Co-PI), Mohammed, T., E-portfolio for DE Students ( $25,000), ECU Academic Outreach.

2007-2008 - Li, C. (PI), An Online Application and Image Acquisition System for Beef Quality ( $10,000), Department of Labor.

c. Invited research presentations outside ECU

“Cisco Simulators in Academy Teaching”, July, 2008, NC Technical Education Summer Conference and State board meeting, Greensboro, NC.

d. Patents /disclosures/ copyrights N/A

e. Participation in scholarly collaborations with other universities, laboratories, & centers

o Partnered with Alcorn State University and Corpus Christi Community College with a project on virtual laboratory for Cisco equipment sharing project. A grant proposal based on this project was submitted to the NSF and funded by the CCLI program in 2009.

f. Service on related state /national /international boards or committees

• Cisco Regional Networking Academy Coordinator, since 2007

• International Program Committee Member, International Conference on Communication, Network and Information Security (CNIS), since 2007

• International Program Committee Member, Seventh International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC2005)

• Reviewer, International Conference on Computing Communications and Control Technologies (CCCT), since 2004

• Reviewer, International Conference on Machine Learning (CML2004)


Faculty Information Sheet MS in Network Technology (MSNT)

Name: Peng Li

1. Rank Assistant Professor

2. Degrees Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Connecticut, 2005

3. Teaching Experience related to proposed degree (with emphasis on the past five years) a. Overall nature of workload assignments

o 50% teaching

o 40% research o 10% service

b. Courses

o ICTN 2730 Control Design

o ICTN 2732 Scripting for Information Technology o ICTN 2530/2531 Network Environment II

o ICTN 3900/3901 Web Services Management

o ICTN 4200/4201 Intrusion Detection Technologies

c. Graduate student supervisory experience

o Supervised graduate assistants Tian Fu, Jordan Taylor and Bill Sparks

4. Scholarly & Professional Activities related to proposed degree (with emphasis on the past five years) a. Publications/Scholarly Activity related to proposed degree

• P. Li, & L. Toderick, “Cloud in cloud: approaches and implementations”, Proceedings of 2010 ACM SIGITE Conference, Midland, MI, 2010.

• P. Li, “Centralized and decentralized lab approaches based on different virtualization models”, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 26 (2), 263-269, 2010

• P. Li, L. Toderick, L., & J. Noles, “Provisioning virtualized datacenters through Virtual Computing Lab”, 2010 ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Arlington, VA, 2010.

• P. Li, “Selecting and using virtualization solutions: our experiences with VMware and VirtualBox”, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 25 (3), 11-17, 2010.

• P. Li, L. Toderick, & P. Lunsford, “Experiencing Virtual Computing Lab in Information Technology Education”. Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGITE Conference, 55-59, Fairfax, VA, 2009. • P. Li, “Integrating Virtualization Technology into Remote Lab: A Three-Year Experience”,

Proceedings of 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, TX, 2009.

• P. Li,, C. Li,, and T. Mohammed, “Building a repository of network traffic captures for information assurance education”, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. 24, 3 (Jan. 2009), 99-105. • P. Li, and T. Mohammed, “Integration of Virtualization Technology into Network Security

Laboratory”, Proceedings of the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Session S2A, Saratoga Springs, NY, 2008.

• C. Li, P. Li, T. Mohammed, L. Toderick, and P. Lunsford, “Networking Lab Simulation Using Virtual Technologies”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.

• P. Li, T. Mohammed, L. Toderick, C. Li, and P. Lunsford, “A Portable Virtual Networking Lab for IT Security Instruction”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.

• P. Li, T. Mohammed, L. Toderick, P. Lunsford and C. Li, "Preparation of Trace Files for Student Use in Network Security Labs", Proceedings of EISTA International Conference, Orlando, FL, July, 2007 • C. Li, P. Li, T. Mohammed, “An Optimal MPLS-TE Solution to Route Selection and Redistribution on

Congested Networks”, Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage, pp. 69-76, Guilin, China, July, 2007

• P. Li, P. Lunsford, T. Mohammed, L. Toderick, C. Li, "Using Virtual Machine Technology in an Undergraduate Intrusion Detection Lab", Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, June, 2007


• B. Yarlagadda, A. Rodriguez, P. Li, B. I. Miller, F. C. Jain and J. E. Ayers, Elastic Strains in Heteroepitaxial ZnSe1-XTeX on InGaAs/InP (001), Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 35, pp. 1327-32, 2006

• P. Li, A. Rodriguez, B. Yarlagadda, R. Velampati, J. E. Ayers, and F. C. Jain, "Electrical Properties of Oxidized Polycrystalline Silicon as a Gate Insulator for n-type 4H-SiC MOS Devices," Solid State Electronics, vol.49, pp.2002-5, 2005.

• P. Li, A. Rodriguez, Y.V. Prakash, R. Shankar, J. E. Ayers, and F. C. Jain, "Improved Interface Properties of Polyoxide on n-type 4H-SiC by Wet Oxidation and Ar Annealing," in 2005 MRS Fall Meeting. Boston, MA: Materials Research Society, 2005.

b. Status of Grants & Contracts submitted related to proposed degree ( including agency names, years of funding, collaborative partners)

• 2010, HP Catalyst Initiative Grant, awarded ($161,539). • 2010, ECU Faculty Senate Teaching Grant, awarded ($7,500). • 2008, ECU Faculty Senate Teaching Grant, awarded ($11,676). • 2008, NAE/CASEE Faculty Fellow Grant, awarded ($1,000). • 2007, Kingston RAM Grant, awarded (market value: $6,000).

• 2006, AMD University Parts Grant, awarded (market value: $ 6,207.92).

c. Invited research presentations outside ECU

d. Patents /disclosures/ copyrights

e. Participation in scholarly collaborations with other universities, laboratories, & centers

f. Service on related state /national /international boards or committees

• Reviewer, National Science Foundation ATE Review Panel, 2010 • Reviewer, International Journal of Engineering Education, 2009 • Reviewer, ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 2009 • Treasurer, Information Systems Division, ASEE, 2009 • Associate Editor, ACM SIGITE Research in IT, 2008 • Reviewer, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2008 • Reviewer, Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, 2008 • Reviewer, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2007 • Reviewer, Sun Content Review, 2007

5. Other

Industry Certifications:

• VMware Certified Professional (VCP) 2009

• Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) 2008

• Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) 2005 • Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPIC) 2005 • Sun Certified Security Administrator (SCSECA) 2003


Faculty Information Sheet MS in Network Technology (MSNT)

Name: Charles J. Lesko, Jr.

6. Rank: Assistant Professor

7. Degrees

Ph.D. Walden University, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Applied Management & Decision Science, 1999 M.S. Boston University, Boston, MA, USA, Computer Information Systems, 1994

M.S. National University, San Diego, CA, USA, Forensic Science, 1989 B.S. United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, USA, Engineering, 1981

8. Teaching Experience related to proposed degree (with emphasis on last five years)

Assistant Professor, East Carolina University (December, 2007 - Present). Faculty in Department of Technology Systems, College of Technology & Computer Science. Research area focus is on application of virtual technologies and incorporation of web 3-D technologies into virtual collaborative environments.

Courses Taught:

ICTN6883: System Integrity for Information Technology ICTN6200: Information Technology Project Management

ITEC6050: Strategic Technology Management and Communications ICTN4505: Digital Forensics

ICTN4020/4022: Senior Capstone Design Project I & II ICTN4000: Network Internship

ITEC3300: Technology Project Management ICTN2900: Fundamentals of Network Security

9. Scholarly and Professional Activities

Publications and Scholarly work related to the proposed degree Recent Refereed Publications

Lesko, C. J. and Pickard, J. L. (2010). Data in Depth: Web 3-D Technologies Provide New Approaches to the Presentation of Course Content. Journal of Online Engineering Education. (Article Approved - Awaiting Publication).

Lesko, C. J. and Hollingsworth, Y. A. (2010). Integration of 3-D Web and Semantic Web Technologies: A New Structure for Communications Plans. Proceedings of the PMI 2010 Research Conference, Project Management Institute.

Batts, D. and Lesko, C. J. (2010). JETS TEAMS Competitions Builds Future Leaders in STEM Fields. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research (JSTEM). (Submitted Awaiting Approval). Lesko, C. J. and Hollingsworth, Y. A. (2010). Compounding the Results: The Integration of Virtual Worlds with the Semantic Web. Journal of Virtual World Research (JVWR), Volume 2, Number 5, pp. 1-20.

Lesko, C. J. (2009). Building a Framework for the Senior Capstone Experience in an Information Computer Technology Program. Proceedings of the ACM SIGITE 2009 Conference on Information Technology Education.

Lesko, C. J. and Pickard, J. L. (2009). Design Considerations for Virtual Classroom and Laboratory Environments. Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE National Conference, American Society for Engineering Education.

Lesko, C. J. and Hollingsworth, Y. A. (2009). Developing a Second Life Academy: Bridging the Implementers’ Learning Gap. In C. Maddux (Ed.) Research Highlights in Information Technology and Teacher Education 2009. Chesapeake, VA: Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE).


Lesko, C. J. and Pickard, J. L. (2009). Enhancing the Distance Learning Experience: Designing Virtual Classroom and Laboratory Environments. Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE - Southeastern, American Society for Engineering Education.

Invited research or presentations related to degree

Lesko, C.J. and Russell, C (2010). Data-In-Depth: A New View into Cloud Computing. ARMA International Conference 2010. San Francisco, CA.

Lesko, C. J. (2010). Integration of 3-D Web and Semantic Web Technologies: A New Structure for Communications Plans. PMI 2010 Research Conference, Project Management Institute. Washington, DC.

Lesko, C. J. (2010). Data in Depth: Web 3-D Technologies Provide New Approaches to the Presentation of Course Content. American Society for Engineering Education 2010 National Conference. Louisville, TN.

Lesko, C. J. and Pickard, J. L. (2009). Answering the Challenge of Increasing Content: Integrating Virtual Worlds a Semantic Web. Think-In 2009: A Teaching with Technology Showcase. Greenville, NC.

Lesko, C. J. (2009). Virtual Environment Design Considerations for Classroom and Laboratory Spaces. American Society for Engineering Education 2009 National Conference. San Antonio, TX.

Lesko, C. J. and Pickard, J. L. (2009). Enhancing the Distance Learning Experience: Designing Virtual Classroom and Laboratory Environments. 2009 ASEE Southeastern Conference, American Society for Engineering Education. Marietta, GA.

Lesko, C. J. and Hollingsworth, Y. A. (2009). Developing a Second Life Academy: Bridging the Implementers’ Learning Gap. 2009 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Conference. Charleston, SC.

Lesko, C.J. (2008). Project Team Collaboration Using Virtual Reality Technologies. PMI Item Workshop: PMI North American Congress. Denver, CO.

Lesko, C. J., Collins, S. and Hollingsworth, Y. A. (2008). Second Life Academy. Second Life Education Community Conference (SLED). Tampa, FL.

Lesko, C. J. and Pickard, J. L. (2008). Design Considerations for Virtual Classroom and Laboratory Spaces. Think-In 2008: A Teaching with Technology Showcase. Greenville, NC.

Participation in scholarly collaborations with other universities, laboratories and centers Graduate Faculty, Indiana State University PhD Consortium

Service on boards, etc. related to degree

Team Lead, Project Management Institute (August, 2010 – Present). Currently leading a global team of project management professional working on the fifth edition of the ANSI/PMI standard 99-001-2008 (commonly referred to as: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). Over the course of a two year period, position involves leading an international team of project management experts through the evaluation, editing and revision of the ANSI standard.

10. Other

Current Professional Memberships

o Project Management Institute (PMI)

o Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) o Project Management Institute (PMI)

o Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) o American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

o Association of Information Technology Professionals (AIPT)



o Project Management Professional (PMP) o Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) o Cisco Certified Academic Instructor (CCAI) o Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)


Faculty Information Sheet MS in Network Technology (MSNT)

Name: Te-Shun Chou

6. Rank: Assistant Professor

7. Degrees:

• PhD Electrical Engineering from Florida International University 2007 • MS Electrical Engineering from Florida International University 1984 • BS Electronic Engineering from Feng Chia University 1989

8. Teaching Experience related to proposed degree (with emphasis on last five years)

Courses Teaching

• ICTN 4010 User Application Management and Emerging Technologies

Graduate Student Supervision (masters and doctoral)

9. Scholarly and Professional Activities

Publications and Scholarly work related to the proposed degree


• Te-Shun Chou, “Development of an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System Project Using Virtualization Technology,” Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE), 2011. (in preparation)

• Te-Shun Chou, ChengCheng Li, and Philip J. Lunsford, “Design and Implement of Network Management Labs in Virtual Computing Environment,” Journal on Education, Informatics and Cybernetics (JEIC), 2011. (Invited)

• Te-Shun Chou, “Cyber Security Threats Detection Using Ensemble Architecture,” International Journal of Security and Its Applications (IJSIA), 2011. (Accepted)

• Jun Luo, Te-Shun Chou, and Jean H. Andrian, “Semi-Blind Channel Estimation and Multi-User Data Detection for Downlink MC-CDMA,” International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), Volume 2, Number 3, pp. 193-201, December 2010.

• Te-Shun Chou, Kang K. Yen, and Jun Luo, “Network Intrusion Detection Design Using Feature Selection of Soft Computing Paradigms,” International Journal of Computational Intelligence (IJCI), Volume 4, Number 3, pp. 205-217, 2007.

• Edward T. Lee and Te-Shun Chou, “Fuzzy Threshold Functions and Applications,” Kybernetes, Volume 24, Number 7, pp. 99-122, 1995.

• Edward T. Lee and Te-Shun Chou, “Fuzzy Monotone Functions and Applications,” Kybernetes, Volume 30, Number 1&2, pp. 84-97, 2001.

Conference Proceedings:

• Te-Shun Chou and J. Barry Duvall, “Pilot Testing Mobile Solutions for Transmitting Digital Data to Online Learners”, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Southeastern Section Annual Conference, Charleston, SC, April, 2011. (Accepted)

• Te-Shun Chou, ChengCheng Li, and Philip J. Lunsford, “Design of a Network Management Course Using Virtual Machine Technology,” International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics (ICETI), Orlando, FL, April, 2010.

• Te-Shun Chou, Jeffrey Fan, Sharon Fan, and Kia Makki, “Ensemble of Machine Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), San Antonio, Texas, October, 2009.

• Te-Shun Chou and Tsung-Nan Chou, “Hybrid Classifier Systems for Intrusion Detection,” Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR), pp. 286-291, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, May 2009.


Secured IP Based Surveillance Networks,” IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC), pp. 117-122, Jiaosi, Yilan, Taiwan, December 2008.

• Te-Shun Chou, Sharon Fan, Wei Zhao, Jeffrey Fan, and Asad Davari, “Intrusion Aware System-on-a-Chip Design with Uncertainty Classification,” IEEE International Conference of Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), pp. 527-531, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, July 2008.

• Jun Luo, Jean H. Andrian, Chi Zhou, and Te-Shun Chou, “Soft Parallel Interference Cancellation for a Turbo Coded Uplink MC-CDMA System,” IEEE Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), pp. 145-150, Pomona, CA, April 2008.

• Te-Shun Chou, Kang K. Yen, Niki Pissinou, and Kia Makki, “Fuzzy Belief Reasoning for Intrusion Detection Design,” IEEE The third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP), pp. 621-624, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 2007.

• Te-Shun Chou, Kang K. Yen, Jun Luo, Niki Pissinou, and Kia Makki, “Correlation-Based Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection Design,” IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), pp. 1-7, Orlando, FL, October 2007.

• Te-Shun Chou, Kang K. Yen, Liwei An, Niki Pissinou, and Kia Makki, “Fuzzy Belief Pattern Classification of Incomplete Data,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), pp. 535-540, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 2007.

• Te-Shun Chou and Kang K. Yen, “Fuzzy Belief k-Nearest Neighbors Anomaly Detection of User to Root and Remote to Local Attacks,” 8th Annual IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop, pp. 207-213, West Point, NY, June 2007.

• Te-Shun Chou, Kang K. Yen, and Jun Luo, “Feature Reduction and Fuzzy Belief Intrusion Detection Design,” The 11th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics jointly with The 13th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (WMSCI-ISAS), pp. 262-267, Orlando, FL, July 2007.

• Te-Shun Chou and Sidney S. Fels, “Hand Modeling for Adaptive Interfaces, Techniques for Geometry and Prediction of Hand Models,” BC Advanced Systems Institute Exchange, Poster, Vancouver, BC, Canada, March 2001.

• Te-Shun Chou, Ashley Gadd, and Dave Knott, “Hand-eye: A Vision Based Approach to Data Glove Calibration,” Proceedings of Human Interface Technologies, pp. 47-54, University of British Columbia, BC, Canada, 2000.

• Te-Shun Chou and Edward T. Lee, “Fuzzy Monotone Functions and Applications,” IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pp. 829-834, Anchorage, AK, May 1998.

• Te-Shun Chou, Jyn-Guo Hwang, and Rong-Da Chung, “Two New Strategies of Membership Function Circuit and Defuzzifier for a Fuzzy Logic Controller,” 2nd National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Applications, pp. 172-175, Taipei, Taiwan, September 1994.

• Te-Shun Chou and Jyn-Guo Hwang, “An architecture of a Cascadable Digital Fuzzy Processor by Using Rule Break Up Method,” 2nd National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Applications, pp. 176-180, Taipei, Taiwan, September 1994.

• Te-Shun Chou, Jyn-Guo Hwang, and Lih-Chiou Lin, “Design of a Fuzzy Logic Processor With Active Rules Methods,” 4th VLSI Design/CAD Workshop, pp. 156-160, Taipei, Taiwan, August 1993.

Status of Grants & Contracts submitted related to proposed degree ( including agency names, years of funding, collaborative partners)

• “HP Cyber Resource Central for K-16 STEM Education and Beyond”, Co-PI, invited to join the HP Catalyst “Multi-Versity” consortium as an Associate Member, 2010.

• “Development of an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System Project,” Teaching Grant, ECU, 2010-2011. (Funded)

Invited talks or presentations related to degree

“Design of a Network Management Course Using Virtual Machine Technology,” International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics (ICETI), Orlando, FL, April 2010.

“Hybrid Classifier Systems for Intrusion Detection,” Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR), Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, May 2009.

“Network Intrusion Detection Design,” Invited Talk on Network Security Class, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, FL, February 2008.

“Correlation-Based Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection Design,” IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Orlando, FL, October 2007.


“Ensemble Fuzzy Belief Network Intrusion Detection Design,” Invited Talk on Defense R&D Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 2007.

“Fuzzy Belief Pattern Classification of Incomplete Data,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 2007.

“Feature Reduction and Fuzzy Belief Intrusion Detection Design,” The 11th World Multi- Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics jointly with The 13th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (WMSCI-ISAS), Orlando, FL, July 2007.

“Fuzzy Belief k-Nearest Neighbors Anomaly Detection of User to Root and Remote to Local Attacks,” 8th Annual IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop, West Point, NY, June 2007.

Service on boards, etc. related to degree

• Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) • Reviewer, Computers and Security, Elsevier Advanced Technology

• Session chair, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 2007.

• Session co-chair, The 11th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics jointly with The 13th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, Orlando, FL, July 2007.

Invited research presentations outside ECU

Patents /disclosures/ copyrights

Participation in scholarly collaborations with other universities, laboratories, & centers

Service on related state /national /international boards or committees

5. Other


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