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JARTEK news JARTEK. sivu 3 Jartek s investment in the Russian market is bearing fruit. sivu 8 Improving the log sorting with X-ray


Academic year: 2021

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sivu 3

Jartek’s investment in

the Russian market is

bearing fruit

sivu 8

Improving the log

sorting with X-ray

sivu 11

Joining the

Cooperation with new




Only Change is


Text: Heikki Sonninen




Jartek’s investment in the Russian market is bea-ring fruit


Differences between Finnish and Scandinavian Marketing


Working in Russia


X-ray improves the log sorting


The French Way of Doing Business


Joining Cooperation with new Partners


Having a passion for life and wood processing


Personnel news


Svinhufvudinkatu 19

P.O.Box 14 15101 Lahti, Finland Tel. +358 3 787 5400

Fax +358 3 787 5282 [email protected] www.jartek.fi EDITORIAL STAFF

Chief Editor: Heikki Sonninen Layout: Advertising Agency


“Every morning is the first of our remaining lives. We can

make new choices and decisions every day.”

ø Currently, Europe is collectively faced with enormous challenges. The working population is decreasing and the balance of resources is turning downward, while international competition becomes tougher at the same time. Further-more, developing countries will inevitably take their share of global wellbeing, which they are undoubtedly entitled to.

Although Finland ranks according to all barometers among the best count-ries, we still have a lot to do better – many would increase consumption, for example.

Fortunately, international economic activity is not a zero-sum game. Actual-ly, the growing prosperity in developing countries will open significant new op-portunities for us. The Finnish population accounts for one per cent of the EU population and makes up less than one millionth of the global population; there-fore, Finnish products will always find their place in the world market.

To thrive in the global market, we Europeans have to be extremely quick and flexible. Responsibility for high levels of education and competence belongs to both society and different enterprises. Our conditions of employment should be flexible enough to enable us to work hard during boom periods and then, cir-cumstances permitting, to shift down for a while.

Our product development and marketing must be directed towards new technology solutions. This is important because being competitive in mass mar-ket, e.g. with Chinese products, can be attained only in extremely rare cases.

Achieving adequate pricing for environmentally hazardous production world-wide would significantly improve the competitive edge of sustainable production and products. There will be growth in the utilisation of wood, e.g. in building, re-sulting in lucrative opportunities for everyone involved in the wood industry.

Finland enjoys a very long tradition of wood processing, with strong experti-se in technology, manufacturing of machinery and production. Once sustainable products have gained new demand, we have to react promptly and flexibly, con-sidering the changing values and needs among our customers.

Jartek has opted for focusing on supplying automatically operated and fast timber sorting and packaging plants and high-performance channel drying kilns. Within these fields, we want to be at the leading edge at least in Europe and maintain our position in times to come. In thermal modification of timber we have already gained the leading position in the world.

Contact us! Together we will find the solutions to help you grow and thrive in your area of expertise.


ø Kraslesinvest has placed an or-der with Jartek for complete sor-ting, packaging and drying equipment of sawn timber. The equipment will be used in sawmill that will be built in the region of Krasnoyarsk, in Siberia. The plant is to be situated near the small city of Boguchany, on the river An-gara, ca. 500 km northeast of Kras-noyarsk.

At the first stage, the annual pro-duction will amount to ca. 400,000 m3 of finished sawn timber. Accor-ding to plans by Kraslesinvest, a furt-her wood-processing corporation producing ca. 1 million tons of pulp, ca. 800,000 m3 of sawn timber and further processed products for the building industry will be built onto the same site with an area of 4 km2.

The value of Jartek’s deal amounts to over EUR 20 million. Deliveries will commence in the summer of 2011 and commissioning will take place in the spring of 2012.

Between the years 2007-2010, Jartek delivered sawmills to various areas in Russia stretching from close to the Finnish border to the Pacific Ocean coast, altogether with the value amounting to EUR 55 million.

The order is an obvious continuation of a number of earlier plants supplied by Jartek to Siberia and to the Russian Far East. The decision was significant-ly influenced by the client’s financers’

Jartek’s investments

in the Russian market

is bearing fruit - The

office in St. Petersburg

moved to new premises

Text: Jukka Nousjoki

positive experiences in dealing with Jartek.

The plant will be one of the most technically advanced in the world. Sorting and drying processes are based on Jartek’s experience accu-mulated over decades.

The successful breakthrough

of channel drying

The drying process is highly automa-ted. The loads with sticks are trans-ferred into 8 channels and 4 two-stage chambers by using automated traverse conveyors and the dried lo-ads are transferred further to dry sorting plant. One decisive matter in favour of Jartek was the expertise in the channel dryers with stainless steel structures.

Zao Jartek Rus moved to new

premises in this spring

The Jartek-owned subsidiary Zao Jartek Rus has moved to the new and highly modern premises located in Aquatoria Business Centre on the river Neva (see picture on page 16). The bigger and more representative premises form one part of Jartek’s increasing investments in the Russi-an market. Jartek Rus is also strengthening its organisation at the same time.

Jartek supplies significantly-sized sawmill to

Russian-owned Kraslesinvest

ø The project group meeting in Krasnoyarsk



ø The Swedish timber industry is ex-periencing a structural change, simi-lar to the one experienced in Finland years ago. The number of enterpri-ses of this industry is decreasing ra-pidly and the unit size is on increase. Many privately-owned sawmills have merged into one, plants are sold to big groups and, sad to say, also clo-sed down. The capacity of remaining plants is raised at a brisk pace.

For maintaining the versatility of the industry, it is of importance that after the structural change also Swe-den would see similar success stories of privately-owned sawmills as we here in Finland.

In Sweden, the average size of sawmills is still smaller than in Fin-land and ca. 50% of sawmills are privately-owned. The structural change will result in plants with an annual production amounting to over 300.000 m3. Södra Timber Värö with its annual production of 750.000 m3 will be the largest one. With regard to production volumes, the market is do-minated by the big groups, including SCA, SETRA, VIDA, Södra Timber and Stora Enso.

In Norway, the average plant size is even smaller than in Sweden and nearly 80% of sawmills are private-ly-owned. The groups Moelven and Bergene-Holm are the biggest timber producers.

In Sweden, also the suppliers of machinery and equipment have en-countered considerable changes. As a result of numerous acquisitions some established suppliers have exited the market.

For example, Valmet drying busi-ness and UTEC merged into Valutec. Then, Valutec acquired ABB- drying business and after that WSAB. For the customers, these arrangements resulted in an unwanted and unsound situation, where the remaining com-pany gained virtually the monopolistic position in the Swedish market of high quality drying plants and channel dry-ers in particular.

Jartek’s representative Mika-el “Micke” Edde tMika-ells: “During the

Differences between Finnish

and Scandinavian Marketing

For representing its machines, Jartek has concluded a cooperation agreement with

Swedish Edde Competence Provider AB.

Mikael Edde,

acting as a representative, has

years of experience in Swedish and Norwegian timber industry and in drying kilns in

particular. Having his office in Stockholm, he can serve equally all his Scandinavian

customers, most of them having cooperated with him for a long time now.


Text: Klaus Jansson


ø On the left: Mikael Edde has his office in Stockholm.

ø On the right: Klaus Jansson, Heikki Sonninen and Mikael Edde at Jartek’s office.


Different countries and


Although Finland and Sweden are both EU countries and thus the safety rules should be nearly equal, in prac-tice the occupational safety rules are significantly tighter in Sweden. The safety thinking has been brought to the practical level in an admirable way.

While driving around in Sweden, we Finns admire tidy environment and neat courtyards. There are seen no scrap yards being typical of Finnish courtyards. Similar eye-catching ti-diness can be seen also at sawmills. When walking on the site, for a Swe-dish sawmill director it is completely natural to pick up some rubbish; while his Finnish colleague might just kick

the rubbish away from the view. When purchasing machinery and equipment, the Swedish customers pay attention to details and also design and appearance play an important ro-le. In Finland, the proper function has been sufficient for deciding on the deal and the design of the equipment might not have been decisive for many deals. Now we are, however, going towards the Swedish attitude.

Using a slight exaggeration, we could say that for a familiar Finnish customer it would be sufficient to re-ceive a quotation including just the number, capacity and price of the drying kilns. Instead, the Swedish cus-tomers want to know every single de-tail of the plant and also the guarantee values are set much more accurately than in Finland. The Finnish customer is satisfied with the number and capa-city of the fans while the Swedish cus-tomer wants to know the material and number of the fan blades, air speeds and pressure differences in various situations.

In this aspect the Norwegian cus-tomers demand even more accuracy. The Norwegian customer can be highly interested in whether the air barrier screens are fixed with M6 or M8 bolts.

It is, however, irrelevant to ask, which of these three different ways to make the suppliers compete is the best one; the customer is always right.

Mikael Edde

mentioned acquisitions I acted as a private consultant of drying opera-tions. As soon as the acquisitions had been published, my customers came to literally shake me requesting me to take care of getting another qualified provider and consequentially a normal competitive situation to the field. After signing the representation agreement with Jartek in the spring, I was hap-py to tell the customers about having kept my promise. Basically, I act as Jartek’s representative in Sweden and Norway but, when ever needed, I will provide assistance in other mar-kets as well. Jartek’s capability to implement turnkey projects is unique in the field and this, together with the expertise in timber drying, is highly appreciated in Sweden.”


Russian language is learnt via

close teamwork

Many of the local installers employed by the projects have earlier experien-ce in working with people from Wes-tern countries and they are aware of expected practices. But some installers have not previously been exposed to Jartek’s machinery.

– Then it is very challenging to exp-lain the matters. Sometimes we can’t be sure whether the worker is capable of reading the drawings, and many of them are not. There are a lot of trained and

qualified installers but also such ones whose professional skills are not known, Hyystinmäki says.

Both men agree that each workday is different from the next and is thus high-ly interesting. The continuous changes in agreed plans, mainly resulting from the different working culture, are the cause of additional excitement someti-mes. Neither of the men speaks Russian fluently but this doesn’t worry them. Throughout the duration of their stay they have learnt some Russian phrases and nowadays they understand the lan-guage more than speak it. The site mee-tings are interpreted into Finnish.

Kurkela finds that the Russians are nice, pleasant and easy to get along with. All of the site supervisors come from elsewhere and therefore live in the local hotel, crea-ting a tight-knit team. There is no reason to complain about the circumstances as food is good and accommodation is suitable.

According to Hyystinmäki, while circums-tances in Russia differ somewhat from tho-se of the Western Countries, contrary to the commonly held opinion in Finland, life there is not burdened with hardship and sadness.

Commencing work in Russia brings with

it a variety of occurrences, but nothing

that cannot be coped with. In general, the

interesting and challenging days make the

work motivating and awarding.

ø Arto Kurkela was recently on a one-year secondment in Kazluk, in the Re-public of Komi, a village that contains ap-proximately 600 inhabitants, a shop and a hotel. Kurkela acted as supervisor of installations of log sorting, saw infeeding, combined plant for board sorting, drying kilns and boiler plant.

Raimo Hyystinmäki has been a su-pervisor in Vanino, close to the Pacific Ocean coast, since 2008. His task is to supervise the installation of green sor-ting, sticking, dry sorting and packaging lines to sawmill.

The work as such is quite similar both in Russia and Finland, and there are not many considerable differences even in working conditions. But adaptation to the working pace requires a certain degree of patience. In Finland, working schedu-les are met with punctuality, but in Rus-sia the agreed time is more flexible.

Therefore one must adapt to the fact that things will get fixed, one way or another. According to both Kurkela and Hyystinmäki, every effort to change the prevailing working culture has proved to be a mission impossible.





ø Top: Arto Kurkela on the work site in Kazluk. ø Beneath: On the Russian work sites, having communications with Finland via Internet.


Proper attitude is A and O

According to both of these men, their initial cultural shock was complete-ly different to how they had anticipated; nothing seemed to be as they had ima-gined but everything was actually much better. People work six days a week, thus avoiding the majority of problems caused by excessive leisure time. Sawmills are often set up into small villages lacking the distractions of entertainment and leisure activities.

- We watch TV or we go to movies. The nearest restaurant is in a distan-ce of 20 kilometres from Kazluk and the roads are in quite bad condition; there-fore we seldom head out for entertain-ment, states Kurkela.

Without complaining about problems of coping with the work, both men admit that working in Russia will not suit eve-rybody. Back home in Finland, the basics of life must be properly arranged and any problems with alcohol must be totally ruled out.

In most cases the family stays home because small villages have nothing to offer to the wife and children. Kurke-la visits FinKurke-land every one-and-a-half months. The trip from Kazluk back home takes only one day. Furthermore, thanks to phones and the Internet workers are not isolated in Russia. Business and pri-vate matters are attended to via Skype. – Going to work in Russia requires an open-minded attitude to the culture and system of this country. In Russia, nothing is working but everything is fixed sooner or later. This must just be ac-cepted. In Finland, we take many things for granted, but after working a couple of months in Russia, you can recognise that these same things are not so ob-vious there. Working in Russia makes us see things from a new point of view, the men say.

Arto Kurkela returned to Finland in December 2010. Raimo Hyystinmäki con-tinues with supervising the installation of the second green sorting and sticking plant in Vanino.


ø On the left: Raimo Hyystinmäki among the installation team in Arkaim.

ø On the right: Spring in Ust-Kut, Siberia.


X-ray improves

the log sorting

Text: Janne Kovanen, Inray Oy and Kari Puustinen

ø As its main products, Inray Oy of-fers devices using X-ray technology in examining bio materials.

Whether the material being log or bio fuel, the X-ray images combined with the image analysis provide the plant’s process control with valuable information. Janne Kovanen, the ma-naging director compares the image analysis with the X-ray photography made in hospitals. By utilising various image processing algorithms we are able to examine the wood for finding out the essential information to be used as a basis of further treatment.

“The diameter of heartwood, the number and places of knot clusters, the year ring average thickness, re-cognition of wood part; these are the most critical issues, totalling about twenty, describing the log quality. And, of course, the X-ray

technolo-gy performs automatic grading of the logs as well.” According to Kovanen, these are the most important issues to be examined with X-ray technology.

Its superior performance has enabled the X-ray measuring techno-logy to be launched at many sawmills in Sweden and Finland. For the time being, no other techniques are ca-pable of examining reliably the inner quality of the wood during moving in a production line. Examining the inner quality and the computerised auto-matic sorting provide a homogenous sorted log storage as a basis for sa-wing high quality products.

“Surprises are reduced. With the desired sawn timber batch produ-ced from a smaller amount of proper logs, the remaining logs are directed exactly to their appropriate utilisati-on. And, on the other hand, the

unne-cessary handling of unwanted sawn timber qualities at the outfeeding side is decreased. Sorting and picking up the most appropriate logs in advance facilitates the selection and producti-on of specifically customised pro-ducts.

Considering the total yield value, this method will not promise any inc-rease of many hundred per cents to the production, rather only some per cents; in most cases it will, howe-ver, bring sufficient savings to give reasons for investment in the X-ray technology. Additionally we shall be bear in mind the present raw material quality of logs, which hardly becomes better in Finland. The knotty raw ma-terial of inferior quality is often finger jointed and the X-ray is highly app-licable to examining the logs prior to selection”.

Jartek expanded its expertise in measuring and automation by acquiring some possession

from Heinola-based Pronor Control Oy and Mikkeli-based Inray Oy. Getting more and

more complicated, the system integrations and complexes require wide-ranging expertise

and this is in what Jartek wants to invest its energy. Networking with the experts of this

field provides Jartek’s service range with the comprehensiveness desired by its clients.



ø On the left: Janne Kovanen, Managing Director of Inray Oy ø Beneath: X-ray image of a pine log

The current X-ray measuring instru-ments use electricity in producing the radiation The X-ray scanner Opmes AX1 made by Inray uses one x-ray tube detector couple, which will bring savings in equipment and maintenan-ce costs. The equipment is assemb-led in its ventilated, vibration isola-ted and protecisola-ted against radiation housing to the measuring conveyor of the log sorting line. The necessary

power sources and high voltage ge-nerators are placed into warm rooms or container located in the vicinity of the scanner. In Finland, the opera-tion requires an approval by Radia-tion and Nuclear Safety Authority. Inray will assist in applying for this approval.

In future, the log grading using x-rays could constitute even the payment basis in the log trade. This would

be-nefit both the supplier of high quality logs and the sawmill using the timber. Because unique hardwood in particu-lar is sold even in single pieces, selling would be easily promoted by showing an X-ray image to the purchaser. Also in the countries using the whole trunk logging techniques, the cross-cutting stations could utilise X-ray in optimi-sing the cutting operations.

From the Finnish point of view, cutting to length big amounts of logs without aptering seems to be wasting of raw material. There are obvious opportunities to improve the cross cut-ting results, particularly, if the same cross-cutting station delivers timber to both plywood factories and sawmills.


ø In addition to the language, also the understanding of contents can cause problems. Sometimes the Latin tem-perament is too unfamiliar for Finnish tastes.

- French people try to speak with fo-reigners in a similar manner as they would with the French. We must now and then comment on this, suggests Lallia.

- If one says something unpleasant – whether it might be true or not – a Finn will remember it for a very long time. The French can forget such un-pleasant comments in half an hour, considering them merely as a negotia-ting strategy, and be ready to go for a beer together. Furthermore, acding to Lallia, a Finn must not be cor-nered because it might result in an ab-rupt end to discussions, and also that a German will be insulted even earlier than a Finn.

The companies to which Lallia sells Finnish wood processing are princi-pally family-owned. That’s why it is difficult to reach the leaders during regular working hours because they normally remain at the production plant.

- They come back to the office until 5 or 6 in the afternoon. They don’t answer phone calls or e-mails straight away; this doesn’t mean they are not intere-sted, however. Dealing with the French requires flexibility.

How to beat the competitors

Finland is not as well known as Germany and Italy, which are our competitors in the trade of wood processing equipment.

- On the other hand, the Germans are considered to be arrogant and in-flexible. The Italians promise a pie in the sky. Finns should be better listeners than the Germans and offer a better product than the Italians do, which should not be difficult…

The Italians are currently creating

The French Way of Doing Business

With the company Finnso Bois,

Christian Lallia

has acted as Jartek’s

representative in France for almost four

years. Unavoidable cultural differences

often arise in all dealings. Advantages of

dealing with Finns include more flexibility

than Germans and more reliability than


negative image advertising, repeated-ly stating that Finland, and thus also the spare parts, are located far away.

- With this in mind, I frequently ask customers how often it is necessary to repair Finnish-made equipment. Only seldom – and UPS is always availab-le, just in case something would occur. Finnish-made equipment rarely fails to work, and in the case of failure the Fin-nish service team do not provide prog-ress updates during repairing.

- The Italians make noise even if they have not made any progress with repai-ring work. Lallia will often, without the French customer asking him to do so, call the Finns to ask for information on the current situation.

- Finns work in silence and will report only once the solution has been detected.


Text: Susanna Bell

Joining Cooperation

with new Partners…

ø In 2010, Jartek and Canada-based Comact Equipment signed a cooperation agreement covering the exclusive selling rights of Comact’s products in Finland, Sweden and Russia. Comact is the mar-ket leader of its field in Canada. The products are mainly consisted of sawmill lines, measuring instruments as well as optimisation including both me-asuring and automation. Additionally Comact offers a wide range of products for handling logs and boards.

This agreement will intensify the cooperation with the provider of sawmill lines, as an essential part of Jartek’s turnkey projects. We at Jartek believe in increasing piece processing speeds in Scandinavia and Comact provides the ready-made solutions to meet this de-mand. The equipment by Comact, such as Rotary Lug Loader (dosing feeder), servo stop fence and high-speed trim-mer are included now in our selling range. The agreement will boost also Comact’s sales in the Nordic Count-ries and Russia. Comact had a selling agent in the Nordic Countries but this

Comact in a nutshell:

ø Over 80 years old company

ø 300 employees

ø 3 factories and 3 branch offices

ø The company is principally owned by 5 directors and 13 share holders, also working with Comact

ø Turnover ca. EUR 50 million

ø One of two big machinery manufacturers in the North America ø Their mission is to be a world-leading supplier of equipment for the

sawmill industry

agreement was terminated. At pre-sent, Comact’s saw feeding equipment of small-dimensioned wood and saw line are found at Kuhmo Oy. The most re-cent delivery to Keitele Timber was the first joint project between Comact and Jartek. Due to the agreement, the ope-rations are not based on the agency an-ymore but Jartek acts as a supplier of complete projects, thus being respon-sible for selling, installation and com-missioning of the plants.

ø Specialising in wood processing, engineer Christia Lallia came across Raute’s agent in Paris some twenty years ago, opening up a new world to the young man. When Lallia’s boss retired ten years ago, he continued on with the company.

In addition to France, the com-pany sells also to French-speaking Africa. At present, the companies represented by Finnso Bois include Valon Kone, Raute, Veisto, Jartek, Pinomatic, Iomus, Wiesloch, Dynalyse AB and Prologic.

Lallia has been Jartek’s repre-sentative for just under four years now.

Our men in France

Text: Kari Puustinen

ø Comact's log turner


Adding a personal touch

Establishing personal trust is of utmost importance for opening doors when dealing with the French. However, Finns are technically oriented and often want to start discussions straight away.

- But sometimes it would be better to chat about yesterday’s football or the holidays first. According to Lallia, it is of considerable benefit to invite French customers to Finland, to go skiing with them, or fishing, and after that to the Finnish sauna.

- My mission is to ensure a mutual-ly pleasant collaboration for everybody. It is not enough to have the best pro-duct and suitable price; in communica-tions with the French you must utilise psychological skills and create a


perso-Heikki Sonninen



director of Jartek

celebrated his

60th birthday

in spring 2010,

giving us a

good reason to

invite him to be

interviewed for

the magazine.

Having a passion for life

and wood processing

Text: Anna-Maija Ahokas

ø Heikki Sonninen says to be a country boy with the identity dating back to the Savonian region, backwoods of Fin-land. He tries to maintain at least so-me dialect in his speaking. According to him, the need for recognition being characteristic of Savonian people has decreased in the course of time. - During my student days I first spoke in the Savonian dialect. Because of se-rious problems in credibility, I learned to speak like the other people in the Helsinki region. While visiting my for-mer home town, Iisalmi, the dialect will not get stuck on me very much becau-se I have been living outside this dia-lect area for 40 years now.

Clearing brushwood in his own fo-rest now and then is one of his favou-rite leisure activities and Metsäleh-ti, the forestry magazine, is regularly dropped into his mailbox. Therefore he is able to observe the matters as a

forest owner and as a representative of the wood industry as well. This be-nefits him greatly in his current duties.

Russian language skill

contri-buted to the career


Sonninen’s Russian language skill origi-nates from former Leningrad. Once comp-leted his matriculation examination, Heikki Sonninen applied for Otaniemi Technical University. Then, spending an event with a friend, Sonninen’s eye was met by an advertisement informing of scholarship being granted by the state for studies at Technical University of Leningrad. Re-membering their agreement in the next morning, the boys, without any Russian language skills, sent their applications.

- My studies at Otaniemi were already commenced as we were noticed of scho-larships having granted to us. Maybe hit

ø Educating a new engineer generation


by some bourgeois idea, my fellow did not come along, and I had to leave without him, but together with five other students. In the preparatory faculty of the Techni-cal University of Leningrad I learned the basics of Russian language, together with the students representing 30 various na-tionalities. I wanted to improve further my knowledge in Russian language and studied nuclear physics at the University of Kharkov for ca. two semesters before returning back to Otaniemi for completing my studies. In Kharkov I was the only Finn significantly enhancing the language skill.

Sonninen says that in his fami-ly devoted to the Centre Party he was considered as a devotee of commu-nism, due to a strong leftism prevai-led in Finland at that time. Anyway, it was not the politics which determined the place of my studies. As my father, a veteran of the war, advised me to utilise the scholarship, the decision become quite easy for me.

Sonninen’s career started at the engineering office Sassicon Oy, being the only company where his work complied with his education in thermal engineering. The thesis required for a diploma was completed at a brewe-ry, Mallasjuoma in Heinola and then he continued to work as a maintenance manager with Mallasjuoma in Lahti. At

Lahti-based trading house, Starckjo-hann, Sonninen acted as a project ma-nager in the Soviet trade merely for good half a year, and quit the job once recognised that the clearing trade between the Soviet Union and Finland is ceasing in the short run. Sonninen has even got sack but only once; he worked with Kone Oy’s Breaker Divisi-on, Roxon for only one month and had to leave after Outokumpu had acqui-red Roxon.

- He was offered a work place at Outokumpu, Espoo office but he was not interested in moving to the capital region. After a short period of unemp-loyment he was invited to work with Kone Wood and this meant the start for project business lasting for 25 years to come. Working with Kone for eleven years was the rewarding high school of my life. My complete experti-se in business and project operations originates somehow from this compa-ny. With Jartek Sonninen has worked for 13 years now. In 2002, at that time small-sized Tekmawood Oy acqui-red the bigger company, Järme.

- Merging these two firms was my greatest thing ever in this company. This acquisition lent a great deal of credence to us and gave all potential to manage in the Russian market.

Coincidences and luck

Without exactly dividing his day into work and leisure time, he emphasises the importance of the activities outside the work. His hobbies include renovation and every kind of handwork. At his summer cottage he has at least 2 - 3 building projects going on all the time. For the time being, he is renovating his son’s home. Sonninen and his wife have three children, already living on their own, and two grandchildren, the granddaughters Inka and Reetta.

As his motto Sonninen mentions “My way” by Frank Sinatra. He says that if you leave free space for life, lucky things will happen to you.

- We should not establish too an exact image about what we want; the life does not even follow the plans. We will often set our targets beyond our capabilities and failing to reach our targets makes our whole world collapse. Also luck is al-ways needed.

Sonninen complains of doing too little exercise. Increasing the exercise is one of his future goals. Even having travelled on business 60 - 80 days a year for last 25 years, he intends to make the trip to Nepal to meet his friend from the studying time in Kharkov, who acts now as profes-sor at the University of Kathmandu.

ø Heikki Sonninen and his son being busy with building at the summer cottage


Personnel News

from Finland

ø Leo Raatikainen started working as project

manager in the sawmill department last August.

ø Kimmo Piispa started as R & D Manager in the

beginning of 2011.

ø Pertti Kähkönen retired in spring 2011.

Pertti worked with the sales of drying kilns for almost 40 years. Raimo Virtanen

repla-ced Pertti Kähkönen and joined Jartek’s sa-les team. Raimo acted earlier as automation expert of the drying and thermal modification plants.

Personnel News

from Sweden

ø Mikael Edde commenced working as Jartek’s

representative in Sweden and Norway in spring 2010. He has an office in Stockholm.

Personnel News

from Russia

ø Jukka Nousjoki commenced working as

di-rector of Jartek RUS office in St. Petersburg at the beginning of 2011. Jukka also continues his work as sales manager of Jartek. He works part-time in St. Petersburg.

ø Heikki Nurminen began working for Jartek

last autumn. Heikki acts as project coordinator in Russia. He works for about half of the week at Jartek’s office in St. Petersburg.

ø In St. Petersburg, we continue to expand our investment into the rapidly growing Rus-sian market by recruiting skilled professionals in this field.


Managing Director Mr. Heikki Sonninen Tel. +358 500 710 457 [email protected] Sales Director Mr. Jukka Nousjoki Tel. +358 50 330 7888 [email protected] Financial Director Ms.Tiina Kanerva Tel. +358 40 560 0025 [email protected] Director, Projects Mr. Risto Hänninen Tel. +358 50 570 0422 [email protected] Saw mills Mr. Kari Puustinen tel. +358 50 313 7370 [email protected]


Vice Sales Director

Mr. Klaus Jansson Tel. +358 40 500 2299 [email protected]


Further processing and aftersales Mr. Pekka Kuuslahti Tel. +358 50 340 2776 [email protected] Thermowood, Thermal modification of wood Mr. Timo Tetri Tel. +358 50 302 1803 [email protected] Drying kilns Mr. Raimo Virtanen Tel. +358 40 510 1430 [email protected] Sales, Russia Mr. Toivo Kukk Tel. +7 921 905 6649 Tel. +7 911 700 4848 [email protected]

Fairs and events:


30.5. – 3.6. Ligna Hannover, Germany 7. – 9.9. Wood and Bioenergy

exhibition Jyväskylä, Finland 13. – 16.9. Seminar Krasnoyarsk, Russia




P.O. Box 14, FI-15101 Lahti, Finland Visiting address: Svinhufvudinkatu 19, 15110 Lahti, Finland

Tel. +358 3 787 5400 Fax. +358 3 787 5282


JARTEK OY, Head office, Lahti

JARTEK OY, Production, Lahti

VISITING ADDRESS: Pajaniemenkatu 3, 15700 Lahti, Finland Tel. +358 3 787 5400 Fax. +358 3 734 5470



AQUATORIA Business Centre Vyborgskaya naberezhnaya, 61-203 Sankt-Petersburg, Russia Tel. +7 812 320 02 25 Fax. +7 812 320 02 28



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