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d s l s t r a t e g i e s


Academic year: 2021

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d s l

s t r a t e g i e s

DSL te ch n o l o gy.

Total Access Systems




In t e g rated DLC

Truck Roll


Existing DLC


To t a l

Access Systems




Integrated DLC

Truck Roll



Expand Your DSL

O p p o rt u n i t i e s .

DSL is key to business success,

from sustaining and growing

market share to additional

revenue opportunities such as

video. Choosing the right

solution for your network

can be overwhelming. ADTRAN

has the expertise and the

solutions you need to grow your

DSL opportunities.

A n s we rs for Difficult Network Questions.

Integrated DLC or DSLAM? Pre-provisioned or truck roll per subscriber

addition? ADSL2, ADSL2+, VDSL, or VDSL2? Can video be deployed from

the existing network? What about HDTV? How much bandwidth is

enough? ADTRAN can help. With our years of experience in loop plant,

combined with our expertise in leading edge technologies, we can assist

you in making decisions that are right for your network.

d s l s t r a t e g i e s

Integrated DLC or DSLAM –

Which is more cost-effective?

DSL equipment costs have continued to fall, creating wider opport u n i t i e s for DSL service offeri n g s. The cost to p rovision the DSL serv i c e, including the truck dispatch to connect the s e rv i c e, has become a more signifi-cant cost factor in ove rall serv i c e d e l i ve ry. ADTRANT Mhas examined

DSL implementation altern a t i ves that consider both hard w a re and prov i-sioning costs with the goal of d e veloping effective network stra t e-gies with our customers.

In existing networks, consider an adjunct DSLAM.In networks where POTS service already exists, DSL can be added with the placement of an adjunct DSLAM. The adjunct

DSLAM is an attractive alternative in existing applications since the DLC has a l ready been purchased and paid for. In greenfield applications where both P OTS and DSL must be purchased, the costs of an integrated or pre - p rov i s i o n e d solution may be more compelling and is worth consideration.

If POTS already exists, use a DSLA M and roll the tru c k .An integrated DLC can be significantly more costly than a D S LAM, even with a truck dispatch to a c t i vate DSL subscri b e r s. DSL take ra t e s must exceed 40% to 50% before any cost advantage is gained with an i n t e g rated DLC approach. An adjunct D S LAM provisioned for eve ry POTS p o rt will eliminate the dispatch and still may offer cost advantages over an i n t e g rated DLC solution.


Total Access®1100 Series OSP DSLAMs

Self-contained, pole, wall, or pedestal mountedEnvironmentally hardened

Line or locally powered

24 ports ADSL with expandable architecture24/48 ports ADSL2+ with gigabit expansion

up to 192 ports

In new developments or rehab, use the DLC or DSLAM. For facility rehab or new construction that requires new POTS services anyway, the cost advantages of the truck roll approach diminish. A pre-provisioned DLC or DSLAM gains cost advantages at DSL take rates of 20% to 30%. ADTRAN’s new packet voice capabilities provide carriers the unique advantages of BDLCs from the existing Total Access 3000 DSLAM platform.

For Internet and video services, the

adjunct DSLAM is the most

cost-effective DSL solution for existing

networks, whether you roll a truck

or pre-provision DSL.

Overall Cost Analysis for DSL in Existing Network

In c remental DSLAM lines re p resent adjunct DSLAM and truck dispatch. Pre - p rov i s i o n e d c u rves re p resent DSL on eve ry POTS port with no truck dispatch. Graph results based on c o n s e rva t i ve industry estimates. To calculate the cost points for your network , visit our website at w w w. a d t ra n . c o m / d s l c a l c u l a t o r Total Access®3 0 0 0 D S L A M224 DSL ports, expands to 1344CO and RT applicationsADSL2+, VDSL, ADSL, SHDSL, IMA Aggregation10/100/1000 Base-T/Ethernet, DS3, OC-3c network interfacesIntegrated Voice and DataP O T S

Total Access®1 2 0 0 Series Mini-DSLAMs

24 ports ADSL, expands to 962 4 / 4 8 ports ADSL2+, expands to 192T1/E1 10/100Base-T

Integrated splitters


A D S L 2 + .A sustainable video offeri n g re q u i res DSL bandwidths appro a c h i n g 20 Mbps. ADSL2+, combined with 2-pair subscriber loop bonding and a d vanced video compression, can d e l i ver three channel HDTV- b a s e d p ro g ramming across most of a n e t w o rk designed within CSA guide-l i n e s. Whiguide-le VDSL offers singguide-le pair access at video bandwidths, it is c o n s t rained to short loops, re q u i ri n g re - e n g i n e e ring to place loop electro n-ics within 4 kft of the subscri b e r. ADSL2+ extends the dow n s t re a m f requency spectrum used in ADSL f rom 1.1 to 2.2 MHz and has become an ITU standard, with commerc i a l l y a vailable products in the near term.

2 - Pair Su b s c riber Loop Bo n d i n g .

With the introduction of DSL and cellular phones, access line growth has been negative, freeing copper pairs. The addition of a pair to the house-hold from the DSLAM can reduce the need to re-engineer the network for video applications by extending the e f f e c t i ve range of a competitive video s e rv i c e. While 2-pair bonding can be accomplished using pro p ri e t a ry t e c h n i q u e s, it limits the serv i c e p rovider to a single vendor and elimi-nates the "best of breed" attri b u t e s that standards afford through compe-tition. St a n d a rds efforts are underw a y and will be applicable to existing and f u t u re DSL technologies.

Video is key to driving higher

DSL take rates, and HDTV

must be offered to be

competitive in today’s market.

ADTRAN develops solutions that

meet your needs for network

services today and tomorrow.

d s l o

Video Over DSL

Can you cost-effectively meet the rising demand for Internet access while

building an infrastructure that supports video? Up to now it has been

difficult and expensive, but three enabling standards may significantly

reduce the costs associated with the "triple play." By implementing these

standards in their broadband networks, service providers will have a

significant advantage over current solutions that do not offer the cost and

competitive benefits of industry standards.



G.992.1 standard June 1999

Frequency range: 138 kHz to 1.1 MHz downstream 25 kHz to 138 kHz upstreamOperates over POTS

A D S L 2

G.992.3 standard June 2002Incremental improvement over ADSLDouble-ended test supportExtended reach mode (READSL)

- Objective of 192/128 kbps on 1500 ohm loopsOptional higher upstream mode

-Frequency range up to 276 kHz


Latest ADSL standard G.992.5 May 2003Higher downstream mode

- Extended downstream frequency range to 2.2 MHz - Operates over POTS

Optional higher upstream mode -frequency range up to 276 kHz upstream


DMT VDSL adopted by T1E1.4 for North AmericaFrequency Plan 998: 22/3 Mbps @ 4 kft

10/10 Mbps @ 3.5 kft

V D S L 2

Standard under considerationBridges ADSL2+ and VDSL technologies

d s l o p p o r t u n i t i e s

Co m p ression Algori t h m s . A l t h o u g h s m a l l - s c a l e, standard definition video s e rvice can be deployed using MPE G 2 c o m p ression, the advent of MPE G 4 AVC/H.264 and other adva n c e d c o m p ression techniques provides the i n c reased quality and the reduced data rates that dramatically change the economics of providing a competitive video serv i c e. In d u s t ry experts expect

c o m m e rcially available implementa-tion of these coding techniques by the end of 2004. The introduction of n e wer compression algorithms will impact equipment decisions such as the set top box, for example, in whether to offer a current solution that cannot be upgraded or to delive r video service with the latest compre s-sion technology.

To d a y’s DSL technologies offer similar performance at CSA limits, b u t

techniques such as 2-pair bonding can dramatically increase the effective ra n g e of a video serv i c e . A D T RAN is committed to establishing industry standards that i m p rove ove rall system cost and perf o r m a n c e . Total Access systems are designed with the flexibility to offer the benefits of emerging technologies while re m a i n-ing the industry’s most cost-effective solutions for DSL access.


Graph does not reflect implementation loss. Pe rformance can va ry as a function of noise and PSD assumptions.


ADTRAN Total Access

DSLAM Systems

The Total Ac c e s s®3000 has become the

D S LAM standard for large and small LECs throughout the industry. Co s t -e f f -e c t i v-e and compact, th-e high-density Total Access 3000 has cre a t e d DSL expansion opportunities in are a s that we re previously considere d uneconomical. With the realization of its power and flexibility, the To t a l Access 3000 is increasingly becoming the standard for high-density applica-tions as well, providing the low initial d e p l oyment costs and growth poten-tial lacking in traditional DSLA M p l a t f o rm s. The Total Access 1200 Se ri e s of Mi n i - D S LAMs expands DSL cove r-age effectively as the ideal solution for D LCs constrained by space and lowe r line counts. The Total Access 1100 s e ries offers span and local-powe re d remote access even beyond the remote term i n a l .

Central Offices and Re m o t e Te rm i n a l s . Line counts, cost, ava i l-able space, and DSL take ra t e s

influence the proper choice of DSLA M s o l u t i o n s. ADTRAN offers the ri g h t DSL solution for any combination of

factors with the Total Access 3000, 1200, and 1100 series of DSLA M s. T h e Total Access 3000 provides up to 224 DSL interfaces and is available in i n t e g rated and external splitter shelf c o n f i g u rations using the Total Ac c e s s 3050. For lower density are a s, the Total Access 1200 series offers 24 or 48 DSL ports in a single rack unit of s p a c e, with expansion capabilities f rom 96 to 192 port s. Likewise, the Total Access 1100 series offers 24 or 48 p o rts in an environmentally hard e n e d package for outdoor deploy m e n t s. The modularity of both systems offers n u m e rous altern a t i ves for network , s u b s c ri b e r, and switching interf a c e s.

I M A / ATM Aggre g a t i o n . Ma n y D S LAMs u t i l i ze multiple DS1s to t ra n s p o rt user data tow a rd the centra l-i zed swl-itch or router to l-interface the In t e rnet. Multiple DS1 interfaces can exhaust the port capacity of the ro u t e r long b e f o re any router pro c e s s i n g l i m i t a t i o n s a re reached, causing e x p e n s i ve, inefficient usage of network re s o u rc e s. The Total Access 3000 is commonly used throughout the i n d u s t ry to aggregate up to 112 DS1s into a single DS3 or OC-3c

Outside Plant Solutions Total Access 1100 Series

Entire coverage of networkDSLAM coverage beyond CO and RTFit-anywhere functionality

d s l e x p a n s i o n

A D T R A N ’s cost-engineered

products and standards-based

technology deliver reliable,

flexible, and scalable equipment

solutions for network access.


i n t e rf a c e, minimizing router port re q u i rements and increasing system e f f i c i e n c y. The Total Access 3000 can p rovide subscriber access thro u g h ADSL, SHDSL, and DSX-1 interf a c e s while simultaneously providing IMA a g g regation serv i c e s.

I P / Et h e rn e t. Et h e rnet has migra t e d f rom a local extension technology to a Wide Area Ne t w o rk component. All ADTRAN Total Access DSL platform s offer Gigabit Et h e rnet network inter-faces with ATM intern e t w o rking with existing, industry- s t a n d a rd DSL, s u p p o rting network migration using existing network re s o u rc e s.

Packet Vo i c e . The Total Access 3000, k n own for its strengths as a DSL and IMA Aggregation platform, prov i d e s D LC functionality with packet-based

t ra n s p o rt. Both POTS and

A D S L 2 + / P OTS line modules prov i d e G R-57 compliant POTS using standard packet backhaul techniques such as BLES, MGCP, and H.248.

Outside Pl a n t.To ensure entire n e t w o rk cove ra g e, ADTRAN cre a t e d DSL solutions that extend DSLA M functionality beyond the CO and RT. The Total Access 1100 Se ries of OSP D S LAMs are self-contained, enviro n-mentally hardened DSLAMs that can be mounted on a pedestal or pole. Ex p re s s, span, or locally powe red, these D S LA M s a re also a low-cost enclosure solution for cro s s - b ox and DLC re t ro f i t s.

POTS and DSL Delivery from Total Access 3000

ATM or GigE backhaulP O T S only or ADSL2+/POTS

S/W upgradable for multi-protocol support

Small Office and RT Solutions Total Access 1200 Series

Low start-up costs with future application scalability1U size for space constrained locations

Modular expansion with a single network connection

D S L Solutions For Your Netwo r k

From low line count, existing network applications to high density

Central Office and greenfield opportunities, ADTRAN has a Total Access

DSLAM solution that is right for your network.


A D T R A N , I n c . 9 0 1 E x p l o r e r B o u l e v a r d H u n t s v i l l e , A l a b a m a 3 5 8 0 6 8 0 0 . 9 A D T R A N i n f o @ a d t r a n . c o m w w w. a d t r a n . c o m V i s i t w w w. a d t r a n . c o m / d s l a m s f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n A D T R A N ' s D S L d e l i v e r y s o l u t i o n s t h a t a r e r i g h t f o r y o u r n e t w o r k a n d m a x i m i z e y o u r c u r r e n t i n f r a s t r u c t u r e . AD TR AN p r od u ct s a re RUS a c c e p t e d .

© 20 04 AD TRA N, In c . All rig h ts re se r ve d. A DT RA N a nd To ta l A c ce ss a re re g iste r ed t ra d em ar ks o f A DT RA N, In c. A ll o th e r tra d em ar k s a n d re g iste r ed tra d e ma rk s a r e th e pr o pe r ty o f th eir r e sp ec tiv e ow n e rs. P rin te d in th e U SA.


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