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16 Capacity Engineering


Academic year: 2021

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LTE Capacity Engineering

LTE Capacity Engineering

14 Sep 2015


 Multiple Access Techniques – OFDMA an S! FDMAMultiple Access Techniques – OFDMA an S! FDMA

 "nter#erence management"nter#erence management

 Multiple Antenna TechniquesMultiple Antenna Techniques

 S$S Semi $ersistent Scheuling %#or &o"$ '( reucing control channelS$S Semi $ersistent Scheuling %#or &o"$ '( reucing control channel loa)


 Short Su' #rame Duration an *o+ ,A-. -oun Trip TimeShort Su' #rame Duration an *o+ ,A-. -oun Trip Time

 A/ance -ecei/ers – lie *MMSE %*inear Minimum Mean SquareA/ance -ecei/ers – lie *MMSE %*inear Minimum Mean Square

Error) +ith "-! % "nter#erence -eection !om'ining) Error) +ith "-! % "nter#erence -eection !om'ining)

 -eucing *a(er 1 an *a(er 2 O/erheas-eucing *a(er 1 an *a(er 2 O/erheas

Factors Impacting Capacity in LTE


Interference Management in LTE

Interference Management in LTE

*TE s(stem pro/ies orthogonal resources allocation in the #requenc( *TE s(stem pro/ies orthogonal resources allocation in the #requenc( omain +hich ena'les #requenc( omain multi user i/ersit(

omain +hich ena'les #requenc( omain multi user i/ersit( gaingain **TE supports /arious techniques TE supports /arious techniques to mitigate inter cell to mitigate inter cell inter#erence inter#erence 33

DOW LI!  DOW LI! 

 !-S – !ell Speci4c -e#erence Signals ha/e #requenc( shi#t applie as!-S – !ell Speci4c -e#erence Signals ha/e #requenc( shi#t applie as

per $!" per $!"

 Do+n *in !ontrol !hannels – Do+n *in !ontrol !hannels – a cell speci4c a cell speci4c #req#requenc( oset isuenc( oset is

applie to $!F"!, an $,"!, 6

applie to $!F"!, an $,"!, 6 #or $DS!, interlea/ing pro/ies#or $DS!, interlea/ing pro/ies #requenc( i/ersit(

#requenc( i/ersit(

 "!"! "nter !ell "nter#erence !o3orination Techniques '( utili7ing"!"! "nter !ell "nter#erence !o3orination Techniques '( utili7ing -8T$ -elati/e 8arro+ 'an Transmit $o+er messages o/er 92 -8T$ -elati/e 8arro+ 'an Transmit $o+er messages o/er 92 inter#ace


"#LI!  "#LI! 

 Fractional $o+er !ontrolFractional $o+er !ontrol

 -esources Allocation – higher -:s at !ell center an *o+er -:s-esources Allocation – higher -:s at !ell center an *o+er -:s

at !ell Ege at !ell Ege

 $;!, – cell speci4c s(m'ol le/el c(clic $;!, – cell speci4c s(m'ol le/el c(clic shi#t hopping is applie <shi#t hopping is applie <

Each $;!!, -: is mappe to 'oth

Each $;!!, -: is mappe to 'oth eges o# the s(stemeges o# the s(stem 'an+ith to a

'an+ith to achie/e #requechie/e #requenc( i/ersit(nc( i/ersit(

 "nepenent "nepenent inter#erence inter#erence management techniques management techniques lie lie po+erpo+er

control can 'e applie to control an ata channels control can 'e applie to control an ata channels


 An( part o# the time #requenc( transmission resources not irectl(

use #or ata transmission constitutes an o/erhea

 -equire to minimi7e these o/erheas +hile achie/ing high s(stem per#ormance an >e?i'ilit(

 O/erheas are @uar 'ans6 the OFDM !$6 -S an !ontrol !hannels   The percentage o/erhea increases +ith num'er o# transmit

antennas ue to higher -S o/erhea

  Thus the @ain #rom M"8O has to oset this increase o/erhea

e &c ng ayer an



 E?ample o# $ercentage O/erhea o# *TE FDD calculate o/er 10 ms

raio #rame #or 10 M,7 :an+ith

 -E in 10 ms raio #rame #or 10 M,7  B= C 2C10C50  B=000

 !-S per -:  = -E #or antenna 1 an 2 an 2 -E #or antenna  an





c e erence gna s or

one ntenna



TE #O$TS

• -S require #or channel estimation #or coherent etection

• $ort 0 an 1 ha/e

#our -S per -:

• $ort 2 an  ha/e

t+o -S per -: to reuce o/erheas

• E/er( si?

su'carriers ha/e one -:

• Ghen one antenna

raiate -S6 other eep quiet so that ;E can measure one -S at an( time

• !ell Speci4c

Frequenc( Shi#t is applie up to si? cells to reuce inter


 Each $D!!, carries a message no+n as D!" Do+n *in !ontrol

"n#ormation +hich contains resource assignments an other control in#ormation #or a ;E or a group o# ;Es

 Each $D!!, is transmitte using one o# more !!Es !ontrol !hannel

Elements +hich each !!E correspons to nine -E@s – Four .$SH s(m'ols are mappe to each -E@

 Four $D!!, Formats are supporte as uner

  The num'er o# !!Es are aggregate as per !hannel !onitions – one

!!E ma( 'e suIcient in goo -F conitions +hile eight !!Es ma( 'e require at !ell Ege


 Dierent D!" Formats are use as per s(stem eplo(ment to

transmit onl( rele/ant in#ormation – #or e?ample i# M"MO is not use6 there is no nee to signal parameters neee onl( #or M"MO




 ync ron 3a on



 E?ample o# $ercentage O/erhea #or *TE TDD uplin o/er a 10 ms

raio #rame #or a 10 M,7 s(stem 'an+ith


 De Moulation -S %DM -S) associate +ith $;S!, an J or $;!!, –

use #or channel estimation #or coherent etection

 Souning -S S-S – not associate +ith uplin ata or control an

primaril( use #or channel qualit( etermination to ena'le #requenc( selecti/e scheuling on the uplin

  The DM-S occup( the same -: as $;S!, J $;!!,

  The S-S are transmitte on the last S! FDMA s(m'ol in the

con4gure su' #rame

  The S-S an DM -S are locate in ierent S! FDMA s(m'ols

 $;S!, ata transmission is not permitte on the S! FDMA s(m'ol

esignate #or S-S

  The e8: ma( either request an ini/iual S-S transmission #rom a ;E or con4gure a ;E to transmit S-S perioicall(

 "# perioic S-S transmission are con4gure #or a ;E6 the perioicit(

ma( 'e 2656106206=06B0610 or 20 ms


  The DM-S are pro/ie #or channel estimation

  The DM-S occupies the #ourth S! FDMA s(m'ol #or normal !$

  The DM-S occupies the thir S! FDMA s(m'ol in case o# e?tene


emo & a on

$eference Signa*s


 E?ample to con/ert cell throughput /alues into ma?imum num'er o#

'roa'an su'scri'ers

  TraIc &olume :ase Approach 3 estimates the ma?imum traIc

/olume in @iga :(tes that can 'e carrie '( *TE 20 M,7 +ith gi/en spectral eIcienc( an 2?2 M"MO

 Data -ate :ase Approach – the :us( ,our *oaing is assume to

carr( 15K o# the ail( traIc an :us( ,our A/erage *oaing is 50K<

Capacity Dimensioning


S&.scri.ers #er Site

 BC102=

5 M'psC50K J %1J20)C



pec a & rame




Transport -*oc Si3e 6T-S8

M!S  2B %T:S 2) M!S  2 %T:S 25) M!S  2 %T:S 2=) !F" 1 2  1 2  1 2  -: num 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -E num per ms 1== 12 120 1== 12 120 1== 12 120 -E num per secon 1==00 1200 1200 0 1==0 0 120 0 1200 0 1==0 0 120 0 1200 0  T: Si7e in :its 5 5 5    1= 1= 1= $er ms  B= OFDM S(m'ols ? 2  1B S(m'ols !-S  = per -: per Antenna $ort +hich means B per Antenna $ort per Time Slot or 1 per ms !ontrol S(m'ols  12 containing #our -S positions Data OFDM S(m'ols  1B313%123=) !F"2 !ontrol OFDM S(m'ols  2= Data OFDM S(m'ols  1B313%2=3=)  12 !F" !ontrol OFDM S(m'ols   Data OFDM S(m'ols  1B313%3=)  120

!oe -ate % T: Si7e ) J %Total TT" :its)


 !oe -ate is e4ne as the num'er o# o+nlin in#ormation 'its

incluing !-! 'its i/ie '( the num'er o# $h(sical !hannel :its on the $DS!,


ro&g p& s  on g&ra on +


1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec

con4g2P normal

!$ su' Q0 su' Q1 su'Q2 su'Q su'Q= su'Q5 su'Q su'Q su'QB su'Q

DL specia* "L DL DL DL speci

a* "L DL DL

ata 'it per TT"

%=.AM) 5 5B2 ? 5 5 5 5B2 ? 5 5

10 msec

55B1 M!S2B6 MA9 Tput %TM2) 5<00 M 55B0B<

M!S2B6 MA9 Tput %TM) 112<00 M 1111

1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec 1msec

con4g2P normal

!$ su' Q0 su' Q1 su'Q2 su'Q su'Q= su'Q5 su'Q su'Q su'QB su'Q D* special ;* D* D* D* special ;* D* D* ata 'it per TT"

%=.AM)  =55 ?    =55 ?   10 msec =B0 M!S26 MA9 Tput %TM2) =<B M =B025< M!S26 MA9 Tput %TM) =< M =050< 5C2152J %2152R=B=R=B=) C2152J %2152R=B=R=B=)


o & a on r er an


-*oc Si3e



DL TP calculation

Calculation Procedure for downlink(PDSCH) is as follows : i) refer to TS36.213 Table .1..1!1

ii) "et #$T%S for usin" &CS 'alue (e #$T%S is 26 if &CS is 2*) iii) refer to TS36.213 Table.1..2.1

i') "o to colu+n ,eader indicatin" t,e nu+ber of -% ') "o to row ,eader 26  w,ic, is #$T%S

'i) ou would "et /36 (if t,e nu+ber of -% is 100 and #$T%S is 26)  t,us t,rou",ut in DD would be / &bs

'ii) (T,is is Transfer %lock Si4e er 1 +s(1 sub fra+e) for one 5ntenna) T,is w,en con'erted into TDD !2 confi"uration "i'es around /6 &bs

#f we use 2 antenna (T& +ode 3 or ) it is 176 8 1000 +s 9  17. &bs  t,is w,en con'erted into TDD !2 confi"uration "i'es us around 112 &bs

T,e t,rou",ut in DD would be around 1/0 &bs

MCS Index Modulatio n Order TBS Index 0 2 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 4 2 4 5 2 5 6 2 6 7 2 7 8 2 8 9 2 9 10 4 9 11 4 10 12 4 11 13 4 12 14 4 13 15 4 14 16 4 15 17 6 15 18 6 16 19 6 17 20 6 18 21 6 19 22 6 20 23 6 21 24 6 22 25 6 23 26 6 24 27 6 25 28 6 26 29 2 30 4 31 6


Don Lin T(ro&g(p&t for ;+2

MCS Index TBS Index One layerTransport block size @ RB100 Two layerTransport block size @ RB100 ownlink sub!ra"e #00TTI$S ownlink sub !ra"e %00TTI$S&0'() TM "ode * T+rou,+put-bit$s. TM "ode % T+rou,+put-bit$s. 0 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 21, 1, 2 0 2792 5544 600 150 4,158,000 2,094,000 1 1 3624 7224 600 150 5,418,000 2,718,000 2 2 4584 9144 600 150 6,858,000 3,438,000 3 3 5736 11448 600 150 8,586,000 4,302,000 4 4 7224 14688 600 150 11,016,000 5,418,000 5 5 8760 17568 600 150 13,176,000 6,570,000 6 6 10296 20616 600 150 15,462,000 7,722,000 7 7 12216 24496 600 150 18,372,000 9,162,000 8 8 14112 28336 600 150 21,252,000 10,584,000 9 9 15840 31704 600 150 23,778,000 11,880,000 10 9 15840 31704 600 150 23,778,000 11,880,000 11 10 17568 35160 600 150 26,370,000 13,176,000 12 11 19848 39232 600 150 29,424,000 14,886,000 13 12 22920 45352 600 150 34,014,000 17,190,000 14 13 25456 51024 600 150 38,268,000 19,092,000 15 14 28336 57336 600 150 43,002,000 21,252,000 16 15 30576 61664 600 150 46,248,000 22,932,000 17 15 30576 61664 600 150 46,248,000 22,932,000 18 16 32856 66592 600 150 49,944,000 24,642,000 19 17 36696 73712 600 150 55,284,000 27,522,000 20 18 39232 78704 600 150 59,028,000 29,424,000 21 19 43816 87936 600 150 65,952,000 32,862,000 22 20 46888 93800 600 150 70,350,000 35,166,000 23 21 51024 101840 600 150 76,380,000 38,268,000 24 22 55056 110136 600 150 82,602,000 41,292,000 25 23 57336 115040 600 150 86,280,000 43,002,000 26 24 61664 124464 600 150 93,348,000 46,248,000 27 25 63776 128496 600 150 96,372,000 47,832,000


ne ayer o o ayer



-ac(a&* Dimensioning

%andwidt, Peak D; Sector T,rou",ut 5TP11% Pass Criteria 5'era"e D; Sector T,rou",ut 20&H4 TDD 100 &bs /0 &bs 16./ &bs

/&H4 DD 30 &bs 20 &bs // &bs

C,annel Card <o. %andwidt, and Carrier %ack,aul Di+ensionin" 1 20&H4 = 2300&H4 TDD 200 &bs (one carrier) 2 /&H4>/&H4 = 1*00&H4 DD 120 &bs (two carriers) 3 /&H4>/&H4 = */0&H4 DD 120 &bs (two carriers)

Total ! 0 &bs

1< !ontention -atio taen as J2  1<5 #or three sectors i<e< 200 M'ps #or three sectors +ith 100 M'ps pea in each sector

2< The a'o/e is 'ase on -an "ne? as 2 an shoul hol aequate as -an "ne? = e/ices +ith higher contention ratio<

< For single carrier in :an  an :an 56 the 'achaul requirements +oul come as 20 M'ps


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