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On structure of certain periodic rings and near rings


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Vol. 24, No. 10 (2000) 667–672 S0161171200004853 ©Hindawi Publishing Corp.



(Received 22 November 1999 and in revised form 23 March 2000)

Abstract.The aim of this work is to study a decomposition theorem for rings satisfying either of the propertiesxy=xpf (xyx)xqorxy=xpf (yxy)xq, wherep=p(x,y), q=q(x,y)are nonnegative integers andf (t)∈tZ[t]vary with the pair of elementsx,y, and further investigate the commutativity of such rings. Other related results are obtained for near-rings.

Keywords and phrases. Distributively generated near-ring,J-ring, nil ring, periodic near-ring, zero-commutativity.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 16Y30, 16U80.

1. Introduction. Searcóid and MacHale [10] established the commutativity of rings in which all products of two elements are potent. Recently, using this result Ligh and Luh [9] proved that such rings are direct sum ofJ-rings (i.e., rings satisfying Jacobson’s

xn(x)=xproperty (see [8])) and zero rings. More recently, Bell and Ligh [5] studied the

direct sum decomposition of rings satisfying the propertyxy=(xy)2f (x,y), where

f (X,Y )∈ZX,Y, the ring of polynomials in two noncommuting indeterminates. Now, we consider the following ring properties.

(P) For eachx,yin a ringR,there exist integersp=p(x,y)≥0,q=q(x,y)≥0 and a polynomialf (t)∈tZ[t]such that

xy=xpf (xyx)xq. (1.1)

(P1) For eachx,yin a ringR,there exist integersp=p(x,y)≥0,q=q(x,y)≥0

and a polynomialf (t)∈tZ[t]such that

xy=xpf (yxy)xq. (1.2)

2. A decomposition theorem for rings. In this section, we establish a decompo-sition theorem which in turn allows us to study the commutativity of such rings. Throughout this section,Rrepresents an associative ring (may be without unity 1), andC=N(R),the set of nilpotent elements ofR.A ringRis called periodic if for each

x∈R,there exist distinct positive integersm=m(x), n=n(x)such thatxm=xn.

A ringRis called zero commutative ifxy=0 implies thatyx=0 for allx,y∈R. An elementxofRsatisfying the propertyxn(x)=xfor somen(x) >1 is called potent.


p=p(x) >1 and a polynomialf (t)∈Z[t]such thatxp=xp+1f (x)(see [6]). Also it

is shown in [2] that ifR is periodic, then every elementx∈Rcan be written in the formx=b+c,whereb∈B andc∈C. Further, Bell [4] remarked that if, in a peri-odic ringR,each element has a unique representation as above, then bothBandCare ideals andR=B⊕C. Motivated by these, we obtain a decomposition theorem for rings satisfying one of the properties (P) and (P1). In fact, we establish the following result. Theorem2.1. LetRbe a ring satisfying one of the properties (P) and (P1). ThenR

is a direct sum of aJ-ring and a nil ring.

Proof of Theorem2.1. We break the proof into the following parts called steps. Step1. LetRbe a ring satisfying (P). ThenRis periodic.

Proof. Takey=xin (P). This shows thatRsatisfies Chacron’s criterion for peri-odicity and hence the ring satisfying (P) is necessarily periodic.

Step2. LetRbe a ring satisfying (P). ThenRis zero-commutative.

Proof. Letxy=0.Then there exist integersp=p(y,x)0,q=q(y,x)0 and a polynomialh(t)∈tZ[t]such thatyx=yp


=0. This implies that

Ris a zero-commutative.

Step3. LetRbe a ring satisfying (P). ThenRC=CR= {0}.

Proof. Letr (x)=2.Replacingybyxin (P), we getx2=xrg(x),for someg(t)

tZ[t]and, by Step 1,Ris periodic; clearlyRis nil. Next we have

x2=xrg(x) forg(t)Z[t], r (x) >2. (2.1)

Letc∈C and x∈R. Then choose integersp1=p(c,x)≥0,q1=q(c,x)≥0 and a

polynomialf1(t)∈tZ[t]such that

cx=cp1f1(cxc)cq1. (2.2) From the equality (2.1), one can easily observe thatc2=0,and hence 0=xc2=(xc)c.

Step 2 gives thatc(xc)=0,which together with (2.2), yields thatcx=0; and again Step 2 gives thatxc=0 for allx∈R,c∈C. This gives the required result, that is,

RC=CR= {0}. (2.3)

By Step 1,Ris periodic so that each elementx∈Rcan be written in the formb+c,

whereb∈B,andc∈C. By a nice result of Bell [4], it is enough to show that this representation is unique. Ifa+c=b+dfor somea,b∈Bandc,d∈C,then

a−b=d−c. (2.4)

Leta,b∈B. Then there exist at least one odd of the positive integersr=r (a)and


Letk=(r−1)s−(r−2)=(s−1)r−(s−2)be an odd positive integer. Thus it is clear thatak=a andbk=b.Alsoe

1=ak−1,e2=bk−1 are idempotents inR with

e1a=aande2b=b.Multiplying (2.4) byaandbfrom both sides and using the result

of Step 3, we geta2=ab=baandb2=ab=ba. This gives thata2=b2and hence


Ifkis even andak=a,thena2(k1)+1=a, where 2(k1)+1 is odd, so this yields

the required result.

Left-multiplying (2.4) bye1now yieldsa=b,and this completes the proof.

Similar arguments can be used ifRsatisfies the property (P1).

Remark2.2. By a careful scrutiny of the result of Step 2, one concludes that the nilpotent elements ofR annihilateRon both sides and hence are central. However,

J-rings are commutative, so that Theorem 2.1 at once gives the following corollary which extends the main results of [10, 12].

Corollary2.3. LetR be a ring satisfying any one of the properties (P) and (P1). ThenRis commutative.

3. Decomposition theorems for near-rings. In this section, we investigate the struc-ture of near-rings satisfying properties (P) and (P1). Here,Rdenotes a left near-ring

andZ=Z(R)the multiplicative center ofR.An elementxofRis called distributive if(a+b)x=ax+bxfor alla,b∈R.If all the elements ofRare distributive, thenRis called a distributive near-ring. A near-ringRis called a periodic near-ring if for each

x∈R,there exist distinct positive integersm=m(x),n=n(x)such thatxm=xn.

A near-ringR is called a zero-symmetric if 0x=0 for allx∈R (left distributivity yieldsx0=0).

An ideal of a near-ringR is a normal subgroupI of(R,+)such that (i)RI⊆I and (ii)(x+α)y−xy∈Ifor allx,y∈Randα∈I(see [11] for details).

It is natural to ask the question: do the analogous hypotheses give the direct sum decomposition in the case of near-rings?

Example 29, number (2.5) due to Clay [7] guarantees that one cannot get the direct sum decomposition under the hypotheses of the above theorem, even in the case of distributive near-rings.

Following [5], we define a weaker notion of orthogonal sum: a near-ring R is an orthogonal sum of sub-near-ringsP andQ,denoted byR=P+˙Q,ifPQ=QP = {0} and each element ofRhas a unique representation of the formp+q,p∈P,q∈Q.

Now, our aim is to establish the decomposition theorems for near-rings satisfying any one of the following related properties:

(P2) For each pair of elementsx,y∈R,there exist integersp=p(x,y)≥0,q=

q(x,y)≥0, andr=r (x,y)≥1 such that

xy=xp(xyx)rxq. (3.1)

(P3) For each pair of elements x,y∈R,there exist integersp=p(x,y)≥0, q=

q(x,y)≥0, andr=r (x,y) >1 such that


Theorem3.1. LetRbe a near-ring satisfying the property (P2). If the idempotents ofRare multiplicatively central, thenBis a sub-near-ring with(B,+)abelian andCis a sub-near-ring with trivial multiplication andR=C+˙B.

Before proving our theorem, we state the following known results.

Lemma3.2(see [1]). LetRbe a zero-commutative near-ring. Then the setCof nilpo-tent elements is an ideal if and only ifCis a subgroup of the additive group(R,+).

Lemma3.3(see [3]). LetRbe a periodic near-ring with multiplicative identity. IfC⊆

Z,then(R,+)is abelian.

Lemma3.4(see [5]). LetRbe a near-ring in which the idempotents are multiplica-tively central. Ife1ande2are idempotents, then there exists an idempotente3such that


Now, we prove the following.

Lemma3.5. LetRbe a near-ring satisfying (P2). Then the setCof nilpotent elements ofRis an ideal.

Proof. Obviously, we see that a near-ring satisfying (P2) is necessarily

zero-symmet-ric as well as zero-commutative. Letc∈Candxan arbitrary element ofR. Then there exist integersp=p(x,c)≥0,q=q(x,c)≥0, andr=r (x,c) >1 such that

xc=xp(xcx)rxq. (3.3)

Next, choose integersp=p(x)0,q=q(x)0, andr=r (x) >1 such that


. (3.4)

Since (3.4) gives thatc2=0 for anycC,we obtain that c(cx)=c2x=0 and the

zero-commutativity inRyields that(cx)c=0.Thus, by using (3.3), we find thatxc=0 for allx∈R,and also zero-commutativity ofRimplies thatcx=0,that is,

RC=CR= {0}. (3.5)

Equation (3.5) shows that the nilpotent elements ofRannihilateRon both sides and hence, in particular,C2= {0}andCZ. Ifc,dC,then(cd)2=0. This gives that

c−d∈CandC is a sub-group of the additive group(R,+). Now the application of Lemma 3.2 yields the required result.

Lemma3.6. LetRbe a near-ring satisfying the property (P2). If the idempotents of

Rare multiplicatively central, thenBis a sub-near-ring with(B,+)abelian.

Proof. Leta,b∈B.Then there exist integersm=m(a) >1 andn=n(b) >1 such thatam

=aandbn =b.If

s=m1nm2=n1mn2>1, (3.6)

then it is clear that as =a and bs =b. Note also thate1=as−1and e2=bs−1 are

central idempotents inRwithe1a=aande2b=b. Also, in view of (P2), we find that


for some integersp=p(e1e2,ab)≥0,q=q(e1e2,ab)≥0, and r=r (e1e2,ab) >1.

This yields that

ab=e1e2(ab)re1e2, (3.8)

so,ab∈B. Moreover, sinceR/Chas thexn=x property, we have an integerk >1

such that

(a−b)k=ab+c, (3.9)

wherea,b∈Band c∈C.Nowe1and e2are central idempotents inR and, in view

of Lemma 3.4, there exists an idempotente∈Rsuch thatee1=e1andee2=e2. This

implies thatea=aandeb=b. Since (3.5) is still valid in the present situation, multiply (3.9) byeto get(a−b)k=ab, and henceabB. Also,eRis a periodic near-ring

with multiplicative identity element in which nilpotent elements are multiplicatively central. Thus by Lemma 3.3,(eR,+)is abelian. Therefore,ea+eb=eb+ea, that is,

a+b=b+a, and hence(B,+)is abelian.

Proof of Theorem3.1. Letx∈R. Then in view of (3.4), ifx2=xk,k=p+q+ 3r3, then clearly xj=xj+s(k−2) for all j2 and s1 it follows at once that

(xk−1)k−1=xk−1; soxk−1B; it also follows that(xxk−1)2=0 andxxk−1C.

Hence, we can writex =x−xk−1+xk−1 and see that R=C+B. Now, in view of

Lemmas 3.5 and 3.6, it remains only to show that each element ofR has the unique representation in the formc+b, wherec∈C,b∈B. Suppose thatc+a=d+b, where

c,d∈C anda,b∈B. Then−d+c=b−a∈C∩B= {0}. This gives thata=b and


Remark3.7. In view of Example E-14 [11, page 340], it is clear that the centrality of idempotents in the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1 is not superfluous.

Remark3.8. If a near-ringRsatisfies (P3), then it can be easily verified thatRneed

not be zero-commutative. However, a zero-symmetric near-ring satisfying (P3) is

nec-essarily zero-commutative. Hence, for a zero-symmetric near-ring satisfying (P3),

Lem-mas 3.5 and 3.6 may be proved easily in the same fashion. By using similar arguments used to prove Theorem 3.1, with necessary variations, we can prove the following result. We omit the details of the proof to avoid repetition.

Theorem3.9. LetRbe a zero-symmetric near-ring satisfying (P3). If the idempo-tent elements ofR are multiplicatively central, thenC is a sub-near-ring with trivial multiplication,Bis a sub-near-ring with(B,+)abelian andR=C+˙B.

Acknowledgement. The author is indebted to the learned referee for his gener-ous help and valuable suggestions.


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[5] H. E. Bell and S. Ligh,Some decomposition theorems for periodic rings and near-rings, Math. J. Okayama Univ.31(1989), 93–99. MR 91i:16053. Zbl 696.16029.

[6] M. Chacron,On a theorem of Herstein, Canad. J. Math.21(1969), 1348–1353. MR 41#6905. Zbl 213.04302.

[7] J. R. Clay, The near-rings on groups of low order, Math. Z. 104 (1968), 364–371. MR 37#258. Zbl 153.35704.

[8] N. Jacobson,Structure theory for algebraic algebras of bounded degree, Ann. of Math. (2)

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[9] S. Ligh and J. Luh,Direct sum ofJ-rings and zero rings, Amer. Math. Monthly96(1989), no. 1, 40–41. MR 90a:16021. Zbl 671.16015.

[10] M. Ó Searcóid and D. MacHale,Two elementary generalisations of Boolean rings, Amer. Math. Monthly93(1986), no. 2, 121–122. MR 87g:16055. Zbl 601.16025.

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Moharram A. Khan: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box30356, Jeddah-21477, Saudi Arabia


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