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Dr. Siju E. N.*, Deepika K. T., Rahul K., Dr. Hariraj N. and Minil M.

College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Govt. Medical College, Pariyaram, Kannur, Kerala,



The Desmodium triquetrum (L.), (Tadehagi triquetrum), is a species of

flowering plant in the family Fabaceae. It belongs to the sub family

Faboideae. The antioxidant properties elicited by the extract may be

attributed to the presence of flavonoids. Flavonoids have been found to

possess antimutagenic and antimalignant effects. Moreover it has

protective effect against cancer by their effect on signal transduction in

cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Therefore the anticancer property

of D. triquetrum may be due to the presence of flavonoids. In vitro

antioxidant activity was evaluated by methods like reducing power

assay and DPPH assay. The extract showed good antioxidant activity

comparable to that of ascorbic acid. In vitro anticancer study of the methanolic extract of D.

triquetrum was evaluated by brine shrimp lethality assay, MTT assay, Alamar blue assay, and

Trypan blue assay in HeLa cells. The results indicated that the methanolic extract of D.

triquetrum possessed good anticancer property when compared to the standard drug 5-


KEYWORDS: Desmodium Triquetrum, Antioxidant and Antimalignant Effects.


Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are over 100

different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected.

Cancer treatment depends on the type of cancer, the stage of the cancer (how much it has

spread), age, health status, and additional personal characteristics. Medicinal plants have long

played vital roles in the treatment of diseases all over the world. Recently, due to beneficial

effects of antioxidants, particularly natural antioxidants, in the treatment and prevention of

Volume 8, Issue 9, 1260-1283. Research Article ISSN 2277– 7105

Article Received on 14 June 2019,

Revised on 05 July 2019, Accepted on 26 July 2019,

DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20199-15524

*Corresponding Author Prof. Dr. Siju E. N.

College of Pharmaceutical

Sciences, Govt. Medical

College, Pariyaram, Kannur,


diseases, there has been a considerable interest in finding natural antioxidants from plant

sources. The studies on medicinal plants show that most of them possess significant

antioxidant activity.

Antioxidants are chemicals that interact with and neutralize free radicals, thus preventing

them from causing damage. Antioxidants are also known as “free radical scavengers.” Free

radicals are highly reactive chemicals that have the potential to harm cells. They are created

when an atom or a molecule (a chemical that has two or more atoms) either gains or losses an

electron (a small negatively charged particle found in atoms). Free radicals are formed

naturally in the body and play an important role in many normal cellular processes. At high

concentrations, however, free radicals can be hazardous to the body and damage all major

components of cells, including DNA, proteins, and cell membranes. The damage to cells

caused by free radicals, especially the damage to DNA, may play a role in the development of

cancer and other health conditions. The aim of this study is to establish the scientific

authenticity of antiproliferative and antioxidant activities of methanolic leaf extract of

Desmodium triquetrum (L.).


Collection of plant material: The leaves of Desmodium triquetrum were obtained from

Pariyaram, Kannur Kerala (India) in the month of October 2016 and authenticated by Dr.

Ratheesh Narayanan M.K, Department of Botany, Payyanur College, Kannur, Kerala. A

voucher specimen (APSC/COL/10/2016) was deposited in the Department of Pharmacology,

Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pariyaram Medical College, Kannur, Kerala. After

authentication the plants were collected, cleaned and dried in shade at room temperature. The

dried leaves were pulverized in a mechanical grinder to obtain coarse powder.[1]

Preparation of extracts

Hydroalcoholic extract: The powdered plant (500g) was sieved through sieve No.10 and the

powder was subjected to defatting with petroleum ether for 6 hours. The filtered powder was

then subjected to cold maceration with methanol for 7 continuous days. The methanolic

extract was prepared by mixing with the help of a sonicator. It was then filtered through a

muslin cloth and marc was discarded. The filtrate was concentrated using a rotary vacuum


Pharmacognostic studies

Physicochemical parameters

1. Ash content

A. Total ash: About 2.0 g of powder of dried leaves of D. triquetrum was accurately weighed

and transferred to pre weighed silica crucible and was ignited with a flame of Bunsen burner,

for about 1 hour. The charred material was heated in muffle furnace for four hours at a

temperature not exceeding 4500C. The ash formed was white and free from carbon. It was

cooled and weighed on ash less filter paper.

% Total ash value = Weight of total ash/ Weight of crude drug taken X 100

B. Acid insoluble ash: The total ash obtained for powder of dried leaves D. triquetrum of

was boiled with 25 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid (2N HCl) for 5 mins. The contents of the

beaker were filtered and collected the insoluble matter on an ashless filter paper, washed with

hot water and ignited in a tared crucible at a temperature not exceeding 4500C for 4 h until a

constant weight was obtained. Cooled in a desiccator and weighed. Subtracted the weight of

the insoluble matters from the total weight of ash. The percentage of acid insoluble ash with

reference to the air-dried drug was calculated.

% Acid insoluble ash value = (Weight of total ash- Weight of acid insoluble ash)/Weight of

crude drug taken X 100

C. Water soluble ash: The ash obtained as described for the determination of total ash was

boiled for 5 min with 25 mL of water. The insoluble matter was collected on ash less filter

paper and washed with hot water. The insoluble ash was then transferred into silica crucible,

ignited for 15 min, and weighed. The procedure was repeated to get a constant weight. The

weight of insoluble matter was subtracted from the weight of the total ash. The difference of

weight was considered as water-soluble ash. The percentage of water soluble ash was

calculated with reference to the air dried sample.

% Water soluble ash = (Weight of total ash- weight of water soluble ash)/Weight of crude

drug taken X 100

2. Loss on drying: About 2.0 g powder of D. triquetrum dried leaves of was accurately

weighed and transferred to pre-weighed glass petridish. The powder was distributed evenly.

The petridish was kept in the hot air oven, for about 2 hours, at 100 to 105°C. It was then

cooled in a desiccator and weighed. It was heated until a constant weight was obtained. The


% Loss on drying = Loss of weight of sample/Weight of sample X 100

3. Extractive values

A. Alcohol soluble extractive: About 1.0 g powder of dried leaves of D. triquetrum was

accurately weighed in stopper conical flask. To the flask, 10.0 ml of ethanol was added and

was allowed to stand for 18 hours with occasional shaking. The contents of the flask were

then filtered through Whatman No.1 filter paper in separate pre-weighed dry beakers and

filtrate was evaporated to dryness on a water bath. The dried residue was then weighed and

the percentage extractive value was calculated.

B. Water soluble extractive: About 1.0 g powder of the dried leaves of D. triquetrum was

accurately weighed in a stopper conical flask. To the flask, 10.0 ml of water was added and

was allowed to stand for 18 hours with occasional shaking. The contents of the flask was then

filtered through Whattman No.1 filter paper in pre-weighed dry beaker and the filtrate was

evaporated to dryness on a water bath. The dried residue was then weighed and the

percentage extractive value was calculated.

Phytochemical screening[3][4][5]

A) Test for Alkaloids: Dragendroff’s Test: Extract was treated with Dragendroff’s reagent

(potassium bismuth iodide solution). Formation of orange brown precipitate indicates the

presence of alkaloids.

• Hager’s Test: Extract was treated with Hager’s reagent (saturated picric acid solution).

Formation of a yellow colored precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloids.

• Mayer’s Test: Extracts was treated with Mayer’s reagent (potassium mercuric iodide

solution). Formation of a cream coloured precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloids.

•Wagner’s Test: Extract was treated with Wagner’s reagent (iodine potassium solution).

Formation of reddish brown precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloid.

B). Test for Carbohydrates

• Molisch Test: Extract was treated with Molisch’s reagent (α- naphthol in 95% ethanol) and

few drops of concentrated H2SO4 were added through the sides of the test tube. Appearance


Fehling’s Test: A small portion of the extract was treated with Fehling’s reagent (copper sulphate in water) and Fehling’s reagent B (sodium potassium tartarate) and heated in a water

bath. Formation of red colour precipitate indicated the presence of reducing sugars.

Barfoed’s Test: Extract was treated with Barfoed’s reagent (copper acetate in water and

glacial acetic acid), and heated in a water bath. Red coloured precipitate indicates the

presence of monosaccharides.

Benedict’s Test: Extract was treated with Benedict’s reagent (copper sulphate + sodium

citrate + sodium carbonate in water) and heated for 10 minutes. Red coloured precipitate

indicates the presence of reducing sugars.

C) Tests for proteins and amino acids

• Biuret test: Extract was treated with 10% NaOH and a few drops of 1% CuSO4 solution.

Mix well. Pink to violet colour indicates the presence of proteins.

Millon’s test: Extract was treated with 5 ml Millon’s reagent. White precipitate obtained

when warmed turns brick red or precipitate dissolves giving red colour indicates presence of


Xanthoprotein test (for protein containing tyrosine or tryptophan): Extract was treated

with 1 ml concentrated HNO3. White precipitate indicates presence of protein with a benzene


• Ninhydrin test: Extract was treated with 3 drops of 0.1% ninhydrin solution and heated in

boiling water bath for 10 min. Purple or deep blue color indicates presence of amino acids.

D) Test for Flavonoids

Ferric Chloride Test: Extract was treated with few drops of ferric chloride solution.

Formation of blackish blue colour indicates the presence of flavonoids.

Lead acetate Test: Extract was treated with lead acetate solution; yellow precipitate

indicates the presence of flavonoids.

• Alkaline reagent Test: Extract was treated with few drops of NaOH. Formation of intense

yellow colour which becomes colourless on addition of dilute acid indicates the presence of


• Ammonia Test: Expose a filter paper dipped in an alcoholic solution of the extract to the

vapours of ammonia. Appearance of a yellow colour shows presence of flavonoids.

• Extract was treated with 10 ml ethyl acetate in boiling water for 3 mins. This mixture was

filtered and filtrate is shaken with 1ml of 1% AlCl3. Light yellow colour indicates the

presence of flavonoids. The yellow solution turns colourless on adding dil. NaOH and HCl

which confirmed the presence of flavonoids.

E) Test for Saponins

• Froth Test: Diluted 1ml of extract with distilled water to 20ml and shaken in a graduated

cylinder for 15mins. Formation of 1 cm layer of foam indicates the presence of saponins.

• Foam Test: Extract (0.5g) was shaken with 2ml of water vigorously. If the foam produced

persists for 10 mins it indicates the presence of saponins.

• Haemolysis Test: Added solution of the extract to one drop of blood placed on glass slide

and observed for appearance of haemolytic zone.

F) Test for Triterpenoid

Hirchorn Test: 1ml of extract was warmed with trichloroacetic acid. A yellow colour,

which changed to red was formed indicates the presence of triterpenoid.

G) Test for steroids

• Salkowski reaction: To 2 ml of extract, 2 ml chloroform and 2 ml concentrated H2SO4 were

added. Shook well, appearance of deep red-purple colour in chloroform layer and deep green

flouresence in acidic layer indicates the presence of steroids.

H) Tests for tannins and phenolic compounds To 2-3ml test solution, added few drops of

following solutions and was looked for respective coloration or precipitate: 5% ferric chloride

solution: Deep blue black colour. Lead acetate solution: White precipitate. Gelatin solution:

White precipitate. Bromine water: Discoloration of bromine water. Acetic acid solution: Red

color solution. Potassium dichromate: Red precipitate. Dilute iodine solution: Transient red


I) Tests for glycosides[4]

General test for glycoside: Part A: To 2-3 ml of extracts dil. H2SO4 was added and heated

on a water bath for 1- 2 min. Neutralize with 10% NaOH, check with litmus paper and to

resulting solution add Fehling’s solution A & B. Intense red precipitate indicates presence of


Part B: To 2-3 ml of extract, water was added and heated. According to need, NaOH was

added for neutralization and also added equal quantity of water. To the resulting solution

added Fehling’s solution A & B. Increased red precipitate indicates absence of glycosides.

Compare A and B.

I. Test for cardiac glycosides

•Legal’s test: To aqueous or alcoholic test solution, added 1 ml pyridine and 1 ml sodium

nitroprusside. Pink to red colour indicates presence of cardenolides.

•Test for deoxysugars (Kellar Killani test): To 2 ml extract added glacial acetic acid, one

drop of 5% FeCl3 and concentrated H2SO4. Reddish brown colour at junction of the two

liquids and bluish green colour in the upper layer indicates presence of deoxysugars.

II. Test for anthraquinone glycosides

Borntrager’s Test: Extract the sample with ether or any water immiscible organic solvent by

heating and filter. Add NaOH or NH3 and make it alkaline. Pink, red or violet colour in

aqueous layer indicates presence of anthraquinone glycosides.

Elemental analysis

The macro elements such as Sodium (Na), Potassium (K) and Calcium (Ca) were determined

using a flame photometer (Systronics), where as the elements such as Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu),

Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni) and Cadmium (Cd) were determined

using flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS model-400 Perkin Elmer). The

toxic heavy metals such as Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb) and Mercury (Hg) were determined using

a hydride generator attached to AAS.

Digestion and preparation of sample

The raw drugs were washed with distilled water and dried at 120 º C in an electric oven till a

constant weight was obtained. The dried material was then ground to powder. The powdered


and 5ml of HNO3 was also added into an empty flask, which served as blank. The flasks

were covered with watch glasses and heated to reflux on an electric hot plate at 80ºC to

100ºC. After heating for one hour the contents of flask were treated with additional 5ml of

HNO3 followed by 2 ml of 30% H2O2 and gently swirled till the clear solution was obtained.

Diluted with deionized water and filtered (Whatman no. 42) into volumetric flasks marked as

sample solution.

Elemental analysis using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS)

The elemental analysis of digested samples was done by AAS. The elements like Fe, Cu, Mn,

Ni, Zn, Co and Cd were analyzed. In this method, the sample in the form of a homogeneous

liquid was introduced into flame, where thermal and chemical reactions create “free” atoms

capable of absorbing, emitting or fluorescing at characteristic wavelength. Flame

spectroscopy can be subdivided into the different processes, to give us flame emission,

atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic fluorescence spectroscopy. In AAS the majority

of free atoms in the commonly used flames were in the ground state, but the flame did not

have enough energy to excite these atoms. A light source emitting a narrow spectral line of

the characteristic energy is used to excite the free atoms formed in the flame. The decrease in

energy (absorption) is then measured. The absorption is proportional to the concentration of

free atoms in the flame, given by the Lambert-Beer law. 28

Absorbance = log10 10 /It = K x C x L


I0 = Intensity of incident radiation.

It = Intensity of transmitted radiation.

C = Concentration of sample (free atoms).

K = Constant (can be determined experimentally). L = Path length.

Working standard solutions of Fe, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn, Co and Cd were prepared from stock

standard solution of 1000ppm. The standards are then analyzed and their absorbance

recorded. The calibration can be performed in the concentration mode in which case the

concentration of the sample is read off directly. Calibration of the instrument was repeated

periodically during operation. A blank was also taken and necessary correction was made


In vitro determination of antioxidant activity

a) Reducing power assay[6]

Reducing power activity is often used to evaluate the ability of natural antioxidants to donate

electron. Many reports have revealed that there is a direct correlation between antioxidant

activities and reducing power of certain plant extracts.


Extracts were prepared in different concentrations (10-100) and 1 ml of each in distilled

water were mixed with phosphate buffer (2.5 ml, 2 M, pH 6.6) and potassium ferricyanide

(2.5 ml, 1%). The mixture was incubated at 50 0C for 20 min. A portion (2.5 ml) of

trichloroacetic acid (TCA, 10%) was added to the mixture which was then centrifuged at

1500 rpm for 10 min. The upper layer of solution (2.5 ml) was mixed with distilled water (2.5

ml) and FeCl3 (0.5 ml, 0.1%), and the absorbance was measured at 700 nm. Increased

absorbance of the reaction mixture indicated increased reducing power. Ascorbic acid was

used as standard.

Reducing power (%) =[(Ac-At)/Ac] ×100 Ac: Absorbance of the control

At: Absorbance of the extracts/standard.

b) Estimation of radical scavenging activity (RSA) using DPPH assay[7]

The antioxidant potential of the extracts were determined via scavenging activity of stable 2,

2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical. DPPH, a stable free radical at room

temperature, produces a violet colour in methanol. When the free radical reacts with an

antioxidant, its free radical property is lost due to chain breakage and its colour changes to

light yellow.


Different concentrations of 25-200 mg/ml of extracts were added, in equal volume, to 0.1

mM ethanolic DPPH solution. The mixture was shaken vigorously and allowed to stand for

20 min in the dark at room temperature. Absorbance was monitored at 517 nm. DPPH

solution without extract served as the control. α- tocopherol was used as the standard for the

concentration range as considered for the sample. DPPH radical scavenging activity % was

calculated for the sample and the standard using the following formula,

% scavenging activity= (Absorbance of control – Absorbance of sample)/Absorbance control


Cytotoxicity assay[8]

a) Preliminary screening by brine shrimp lethality assay: Brine shrimp lethality assay is a

convenient method for general screening for toxicity of the extracts or compounds towards

brine shrimp (Artemia salina) and it can give an indication regarding possible cytotoxicity of

the test samples.

Procedure: Artificial sea water was prepared by dissolving 38g of NaCl (3.8%) in 1000 ml

of distilled water and was filtered off to obtain a clear solution. The dried cysts of the brine

shrimps were hatched in artificial sea water with constant aeration and light for 48 hours. The

extract was dissolved in sea water and transferred to test tubes to obtain concentrations of

1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg/ ml in 5 ml artificial sea water with 20 nauplii in each test tube.

Standard drug vincristine sulphate was used as positive control at concentrations of 0.312,

0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10 mg/ml. Experiments were conducted in triplicate and the average

value was noted. Artificial seawater was used as the control. After 24 h incubation at

25-30°C, the number of viable nauplii was counted using a magnifying glass. The percent (%)

mortality was calculated using the following formula

% Mortality = Nt/No x 100

Where, Nt = Number of dead nauplii after 24 hrs of incubation, N0 = Number of total nauplii

transferred (n = 20).

The percentage of mortality was plotted against concentration. Using the linear regression

equation of the graph, the concentration that would kill 50% of the larvae i.e median lethal

concentration (LC50) was determined using GraphPad Prism software.

b) Cytotoxicity evaluation in HeLa cells by MTT assay[9]

Cell line: The human cervical cancer cell lines (HeLa) was obtained from National Centre for

Cell Science (NCCS), Pune and grown in Eagles Minimum Essential Medium containing

10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). The cells were maintained at 370C, 5% CO2, 95% air and

100% relative humidity. Maintenance cultures were passaged weekly, and the culture

medium was changed twice a week.

Cell treatment procedure

The monolayer cells were detached with Trypsin-Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) to

make single cell suspensions. Viable cells were counted using a hemocytometer and diluted


microlitres per well of cell suspension were seeded into 96-well plates at plating density of

10,000 cells/well and incubated to allow for cell attachment at 370C, 5% CO2, 95% air and

100% relative humidity. After 24 hours the cells were treated with serial concentrations of the

test samples. They were initially dissolved in neat dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and an

aliquot of the sample solution was diluted to twice the desired final maximum test

concentration with serum free medium. Additional four serial dilutions were made to provide

a total of five sample concentrations. Aliquots of 100 μl of these different sample dilutions

were added to the appropriate wells already containing 100 μl of medium, resulting in the

required final sample concentrations. Following sample addition, the plates were incubated

for an additional 48 h at 370C, 5% CO2, 95% air and 100% relative humidity. The medium

containing without samples were served as control and triplicate was maintained for all


MTT assay

3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) is a yellow water

soluble tetrazolium salt. A mitochondrial enzyme in living cells, succinate-dehydrogenase,

cleaves the tetrazolium ring, converting the MTT to an insoluble purple formazan. Therefore,

the amount of formazan produced is directly proportional to the number of viable cells. After

48 h of incubation, 15μl of MTT (5mg/ml) in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was added to

each well and incubated at 370C for 4h. The medium with MTT was then flicked off and the

formed formazan crystals were solubilized in 100μl of DMSO. Measured the absorbance at

570 nm using micro plate reader. The % cell inhibition was determined using the following


% Cell Inhibition = 100- Abs (sample)/Abs (control) x 100.

% Viability= Abs (sample)/ Abs (control) x 100

Using the linear regression graph plotted between % cytotoxicity and concentration, IC50

was determined using GraphPad Prism software.[10]

c) Assay Chemistry and Redox Principle[11]

Alamar Blue monitors the reducing environment of the living cell. It is a blue non-fluorescent

dye that is reduced to the pink-colored, highly fluorescent resorufin by mitochondrial

reductases. Resazurin solution is highly dichromatic based on Kreft's dichromaticity index

(DI). The dye acts as an intermediate electron acceptor in the electron transport chain without


Blue is +380 mV at pH 7.0, 25 °C. Alamar Blue, therefore, can be reduced by NADPH (Eo =

320 mV), FADH (Eo = 220 mV), FMNH (Eo = 210 mV), NADH (Eo = 320mV), as well as

the cytochromes (Eo = 290 mV to +80 mV). As the indicator dye accepts electrons, it

changes from the oxidized, non-fluorescent, blue state to the reduced, fluorescent, pink state.

In addition to mitochondrial reductases, other enzymes (such as the diaphorases (EC,

dihydrolipoamine dehydrogenase, NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (EC and

flavin reductase located in the cytoplasm and the mitochondria may be able to reduce Alamar

Blue. The increase in dead cells reduces the ability of cells to convert resazurin to resorufin

which is correlated from the decrease in fluorescent intensity. Fluorescence signals are

measured at an excitation wavelength at 530– 560 nm and an emission wavelength at 590 nm

and correlated with untreated control cells.[12]

d) Cytotoxicity evaluation in HeLa cells by Trypan blue assay[13][14][15]

Trypan blue is a vital stain used to selectively color dead tissues or cells blue. Trypan blue is

recommended in dye exclusion procedures for viable cell counting based on the principle that

live (viable) cells actively pump out the dye by efflux mechanism whereas dead (non-viable)

cells do not. Hence in this assay, white transparent cells are viable cells and blue cells taking

up the dye are dead cells.[16]


700 μl of a cell suspension was transferred to 24 well plates and incubated for 24 hrs in 5%

CO2. After incubation, 300 μl of varying concentrations of extract and standard (25-100

μg/ml) was added and incubated for 24 hrs. 100 μl of cell suspension was taken in an Eppendorf tube and to that 100 μl of 0.4% trypan blue solution was added and mixed

thoroughly. It was allowed to stand for 5-15 minutes. A small amount of trypan blue-cell

suspension mixture was transferred to both chambers of a hemocytometer using a Pasteur

pipette. All the chambers were filled by capillary action and not overfilled. From chamber 1

of the hemocytometer, the cells in the 1 mm center square and four 1 mm corner squares were

counted. Non-viable cells stained with blue color. Viable and non-viable cells were counted


% Cytotoxicity = number of non-viable cells (stained)


Using the linear regression graph plotted between % cytotoxicity and concentration, IC50

was determined using GraphPad Prism software.


Pharmacognostic studies

Percentage yield

The percentage yield of the methanolic extract was found to be 7.93% w/w.

Physicochemical parameters

Table. 1: Physicochemical parameters of Desmodium triquetrum (L.) Preliminary

phytochemical screening.

Sl No. Physicochemical parameter Value (%)

1 Total ash 4.9

2 Acid insoluble ash 3.5

3 Water soluble ash 3.2

4 Loss on drying 7.1


5 Water soluble extractive 11.9 6 Alcohol soluble extractive 15.01

Table. 2: Phytochemical constituents of Desmodium triquetrum (L.).

Sl No. Constituents Hydroalcoholic extract

1 Alkaloids -

2 Carbohydrates +

3 Proteins and Amino acids -

4 Flavonoids +

5 Saponins +

6 Triterpenoids -

7 Steroids -

8 Tannins and Phenolic compounds +

9 Glycosides -

(+): Present (-): Absent

Elemental analysis: The macronutrients like Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca) and

the micronutrient like Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn) and Cobalt (Co) in

extracts were well within normal ranges. These elements act as antioxidants and help in tissue

regeneration and cellular repair. Also the toxic elements like Nickel (Ni), Cadmium (Cd),

Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg) and Arsenic (As) were estimated and results are tabulated in Table


Table. 3: Elements present in methanolic extract of Desmodium triquetrum (L.).

Sl. No. Elements Methanolic extract (ppm)

1 Sodium (Na) 124

2 Pottassium (K) 213

3 Calcium (Ca) 80

4 Iron (Fe) 0.0821

5 Copper (Cu) 0.1567

6 Manganese (Mn) 0.0417

7 Zinc (Zn) 0.2984

8 Cobalt (Co) 0.0491

9 Nickel (Ni) 0.1862

10 Cadmium (Cd) 0.2461

11 Arsenic (As) 0.0184

12 Lead (Pb) 0.1451

13 Mercury (Hg) 0.0002

In Vitro Determination of Antioxidant Activity

Reducing power assay: The methanolic extract showed concentration dependent activity

with an IC50 value of 16.91 μg/ml. Ascorbic acid was found to have an IC50 value of 40.93


μg/ml. The findings are tabulated in Table 4 and depicted in Figure 1.

Table. 4: In vitro determination of antioxidant activity by Reducing power assay.

Groups Concentration


Absorbance at 700 nm


power (%) IC50 (μg/ml)

Control - 1.3684±0.002

40.93 Ascorbic


12.5 0.8022±0.002 41.37

25 0.5483±0.001 59.93

50 0.3257±0.004 76.19

100 0.2240±0.002 83.63 200 0.1357±0.003 90.08

Methanolic extract

12.5 0.8901±0.002 34096


25 0.6612±0.001 51.76

50 0.5801±0.002 57.61


Figure. 1: In vitro antioxidant activity of D. triquetrum (L.) by Reducing power assay.

Standard : Ascorbic acid, MEDT : Methanolic extract of Desmodium triquetrum.

Estimation of radical scavenging activity (RSA) using DPPH assay

The methanolic extract showed concentration dependent activity with an IC50 value of 82.66

μg/ml. Ascorbic extract was found to have an IC50 value of 26.13 μg/ml. The findings are

tabulated in Table 5 and depicted in Figure 2.

Table. 5: In vitro determination of antioxidant activity by DPPH assay.

Groups Concentration


Absorbance at

700 nm % Scavenging

IC50 (μg/ml)

Control - 0.1364±0.001

26.13 Ascorbic acid

12.5 0.0724±0.002 46.92

25 0.0549±0.001 59.75

50 0.0356±0.004 73.9

100 0.0260±0.002 80.94 200 0.0149±0.003 89.08

Methanolic extract

12.5 0.9991±0.002 27.41


25 0.9536±0.001 30.13

50 0.7193±0.002 47.28


Figure. 2: In vitro antioxidant activity of D. triquetrum (L.) by DPPH assay. Standard :

Ascorbic acid, MEDT : Methanolic extract of Desmodium triquetrum.

Cytotoxicity Assay

Preliminary screening by brine shrimp lethality assay

The metanolic extract showed concentration dependent mortality with an LC50 value of 12.21

μg/ml. 5- Fluorouracil was found to have an LC50 value of 3.25 μg/ml. The findings are

tabulated in Table 6 and depicted in Figure 3.

Table. 6: In vitro cytotoxic activity of Desmodium triquetrum (L.) by brine shrimp

lethality assay.

Groups Concentration

(μg/ml) % Mortality LC50 (μg/ml)

Control - 0

Methanolic extract

1.25 17.25±0.047


2.5 29.30±0.073

5 36.86±0.443

10 60.29±0.040

20 78.17±0.333

40 87.58±0.997

5- Fluorouracil

0.312 9.67±0.471

3.25 0.625 18.70±0.359

1.25 36.03±0.177

2.5 59.08±0.376

5 78.24±0.217

10 100


Figure. 3: In vitro cytotoxic activity of Desmodium triquetrum (L.) by brine shrimp

lethality assay. Test: Methanolic extract of Desmodium triquetrum. Std : 5- Fluorouracil.

Cytotoxicity evaluation in HeLa cells by MTT assay: The methanolic extract showed

concentration dependent cytotoxicity on HeLa cells with an IC50 value of 68.51 μg/ml. 5-


Fluorouracil was found to have an IC50 value of 175 μg/ml. The findings are tabulated in

Table 7 and depicted in Figure 4.

Table. 7: In vitro cytotoxic activity of Desmodium triquetrum (L.) by MTT assay.

Groups Concentration

(μg/ml) % Viability

IC50 (μg/ml)

Control - 0

Methanolic Extract

6.25 83.05±0.002

68.51 12.5 79.57±0.002

25 66.60±0.003

50 45.64±0.001

100 41.98±0.001

5- Fluorouracil

6.25 51.23±0.003

175 12.5 41.20±0.002

25 34.20±0.002

50 25.50±0.004

[image:17.595.82.508.425.619.2] [image:17.595.78.508.426.618.2]

Figure. 4: In vitro cytotoxic activity of Desmodium triquetrum (L.) by MTT assay.

Test: Methanolic extract of Desmodium triquetrum, Std: 5- Fluorouracil.

Control 6.25 μg/ml 12.5 μg/ml

25 μg/ml 50 μg/ml 100 μg/ml

Figure. 5: Cell death in MEDT by MTT at various concentrations

Cytotoxicity evaluation in HeLa cells by Alamar Blue assay

The methanolic extract showed concentration dependent cytotoxicity on HeLa cells with an

IC50 value of 68.60 μg/ml. 5- Fluorouracil was found to have an IC50 value of 15.51 μg/ml.


Table. 8: In vitro cytotoxic activity of Desmodium triquetrum (L.) by Alamar blue assay.

Groups Concentration (μg/ml) % Viability IC50 (μg/ml)

Control - 0

Methanolic Extract

6.25 83.58455± 0.001

68.60 12.5 71.41229± 0.003

25 60.83597± 0.002 50 48.99303± 0.002 100 42.82457± 0.004

5- Fluorouracil

6.25 57.26409± 0.002

15.51 12.5 38.17606± 0.002

25 27.35909± 0.001 50 23.59721± 0.003 100 18.89804± 0.002 Values are in Mean ± SEM, n=3

Figure. 6: In vitro cytotoxic activity of Desmodium triquetrum (L.) by Alamar blue assay.

Test: Methanolic extract of Desmodium triquetrum, Std: 5- Fluorouracil.

Cytotoxicity evaluation in HeLa cells by Trypan blue assay

The methanolic extract showed concentration dependent cytotoxicity on HeLa cells with an

IC50 value of 49.91μg/ml. 5- Fluorouracil was found to have an IC50 value of 4.7 μg/ml. The


Table. 9: In vitro cytotoxic activity of Desmodium triquetrum (L.)by trypan blue assay.

Groups Concentration (μg/ml) % Viability IC50 (μg/ml)

Control - 0

Methanolic Extract

6.25 79.36±0.004


12.5 63.51±0.003

25 57.45±0.004

50 39.80±0.003

100 33.84±0.005

5- Fluorouracil

6.25 58.67±0.003


12.5 41.65±0.003

25 32.26±0.002

50 21.67±0.001

100 18.49±0.001


Values are in Mean ± SEM, n=3

Figure. 7: In vitro cytotoxic activity of Desmodium triquetrum (L.) by trypan blue assay.

Test: Methanolic extract of Desmodium triquetrum. Std: 5- Fluorouracil.


The leaves of D. triquetrum were collected and methanolic extract was prepared. The

percentage yield was found to be 7.93%. The physicochemical parameters like total ash, acid

insoluble ash, water soluble ash, loss on drying, water and alcohol soluble extractives were

studied. The methanolic extract showed positive results for the phytochemicals like

carbohydrates, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and phenolic compounds.

Lately the presence of heavy metals in medicines has been a cause of concern in the the

global scenario. Especially after the recent episodes where few Indian Ayurvedic

formulations have been shown to contain heavy metals in doses more than that of the

permissible limits as advised by W.H.O. and F.A.O. of U.S.A. In this study, percentage of


limits. Macronutrients like Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn) and Cobalt

(Co) are also well within the limit. These elements act as an antioxidants and help in tissue

regeneration and cellular replay, which was an additional advantage for the proposed study.

Toxic elements like Nickel (Ni), Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg) and Arsenic (As)

are well within the limit and this ensures the safety of the study.

The antioxidant activity of methanolic leaf extract of D. triquetrum were studied using

methods like reducing power assay and DPPH assay. The extract exhibited a concentration

dependent antioxidant activity with an IC50 value of 16.91 μg/ml. Ascorbic acid which was used as the standard gave an IC50 value of 40.93 μg/ml by the reducing power assay. D.

triquetrum showed concentration dependent radical scavenging activity in DPPH assay with

IC50 value of 82.66 μg/ml. Ascorbic acid had an IC50 value of 26.13 μg/ml.

The present study clearly indicated that methanolic extract of D. triquetrum have appreciable

in vitro cytotoxic potential against HeLa (cervical cancer) cells in MTT assay and Almar blue

assay. The presence of flavonoids, polyphenols, and saponins (in isolation or in combination)

in the extract might be responsible for exhibiting anticancer effect. There are reports

indicating biological interactions of flavonoids, polyphenols, or phenolic compounds with

proteins, enzymes, and other biological processes in the cells that make them toxic to the cell

or serve as growth inhibitors. Flavonoids have been extensively studied because of their

numerous biological activities and have shown to have a chemopreventive role in cancer

through their effects on signal transduction in cell proliferation and angiogenesis.

Preliminary phytochemical screening revealed the presence of flavonoids, saponins and

phenols which, may be attributed as the cause of exhibiting antiproliferative property by D.

triquetrum. In the present study the methanolic extract of D. triquetrum was compared to that

of 5- Fluorouracil as standard in all the four methods adopted.

Brine shrimp lethality assay is a convenient method for general screening for toxicity of the

extracts or compounds towards brine shrimp (Artemia salina) and it can give an indication

regarding possible cytotoxicity of the test samples. The LC50 of methanolic extract by brine

shrimp lethality assay was found to be 25.23 μg/ml against the LC50 value of 10.11 μg/ml by


The colorimetric assay of MTT measures the reduction of

3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) by mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase. The MTT

that enters the cells and passes into mitochondria gets reduced to an insoluble, coloured

(purple) formazan product. Since redcution of MTT can only occur in metabolically active

cells, the level of activity is a measure of the viability of the cells.

The MTT assay showed a concentration dependent decrease in the % viability of HeLa cells

by the methanolic extract of D. triquetrum which is evident in the photographs provided. The

viability of cells decreased with increasing concentration. 5- Fluorouracil had an IC50 value

of 175 μg/ml, whereas methanolic extract of D. triquetrum possessed an IC50 value of 68.5111 μg/ml.

The alamar blue assay is used to assess the cell viability. It is based on the ability of the

membrane of viable cells to exclude the dye, while nonviable cells are stained blue. Almar

blue as a dye cannot enter cells through an intact membrane and therefore stains only cells,

which have punctured membranes.

In almar blue assay, a concentration dependent decrease in % viability was observed with the

methanolic extract of D. triquetrum showing IC50 value of 68.6046 μg/ml and 5- Fluorouracil showing an IC50 value of 15.5128 μg/ml.

The trypan blue assay is used to assess the cell viability. It is based on the ability of the

membrane of viable cells to exclude the dye, while nonviable cells are stained blue. Trypan

blue as a dye cannot enter cells through an intact membrane and therefore stains only cells,

which have punctured membranes. Since trypan blue has a macromolecular nature, the holes

in the membrane must be pretty big to let the stain molecules pass inside the cell – in other

words cell death, which is shown by membrane disintegration, must be fairly far progressed

to be detectable by the trypan blue method.60,61 In trypan blue assay, a concentration

dependent decrease in % viability was observed with the methanolic extract of D. triquetrum

showing IC50 value of 49.91 μg/ml and 5- Fluorouacil showing an IC50 value of 4.4 μg/ml.


The antioxidant properties elicited by the extract may be attributed to the presence of

flavonoids. Flavonoids have been found to possess antimutagenic and antimalignant effects.


proliferation and angiogenesis. Therefore the anticancer property of D. triquetrum may be

due to the presence of flavonoids. It is further suggested that in vivo studies and

characterization of fractionated extracts may be conducted in this extract, to establish its

effect. So it can be concluded that this species should be conserved and explored further.


The authors Dr. Siju E N*, Mr. Rahul K, Dr.Hariraj N, Mr.Minil M are thankful to all

respected teaching and non teaching staff of the Academy of Pharmaceutical sciences,

Pariyaram who helped in various aspects. We are also thankful to Dr. Ratheesh Narayanan

MK, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Payyannur College for his help in the

authentification of plant for performing our work. We extend our thanks to Biogenics &

Molecular Research Center, for their help in various invitro studies.


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Table. 2: Phytochemical constituents of Desmodium triquetrum (L.).
Table. 4: In vitro determination of antioxidant activity by Reducing power assay.
Figure. 1: In vitro antioxidant activity of D. triquetrum (L.) by Reducing power assay
Figure. 2: In vitro antioxidant activity of D. triquetrum (L.) by DPPH assay. Standard :


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