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Shankar Adwal Know About Transit of Planets


Academic year: 2021

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Chp. l1tle Page

No. No.

i. Preface vii

ii. I nlroduction xi

l What are Transits?


2 Transiting Configurations and their Applications


3 lining Transits


4 Astrological Transit


5 A Psychological Approach to Transits and Progressions



The Astrological House. Planets & Aspect


7 Prediction Based on Transit (Go char)



Ashtakavarga Calculations


9 Planets In Various Houses and their Remedies



Understanding Your Transits & Transiting Planets



Planets Transiting Houses



Retrograde Planets


l3 Inner Planet Transits



Aspect Details



Transits and 111e Path of Transfonnatlon



The Astrology of Transformation and

an Astrological Perspective



Understanding & Evaluating Transits (Gochar)



A Life Pattern In the Ught of Major Planets TranSits



Chp. 11tle Page

No. No.

19 Research on Transits 576

:20 Role ol Planets and Dashas in Transit 587 :21 Marriage and Navamsa Go char (Transit) 599 :22 Tirring ol Events Through Dash a and Transit of Planets 603 :23 Must you be the Victim of Your Stars ? 614 :24 Astrological Remedies (Upaye) for Transiting Planets 620



A person's mind is always in a sense of dilemma to do, or not to do, Ill at is the question. He or she runs and consults the astrologer to learn the correct answer to the concerned question, the transitory behaviour of the planets on a personS fate. urges him or her to consult the astrologer


solution. Due


the mysterious string playing of the heavehly bodies, causes Imbalance to a person~ mind and fate. the fear psychosis of future adversity urges him or her to consult or study astrology. In tills regard, 1 have confidently shown the correct path and warns people of lllelr adverse periods of life tlvough astrologically defining the behaviour of planets.

The interpretation of a natal horoscope is an art, that requires considerable skill. To interpret that horoscope, as it moves and unfolds lllrough time, calls for even more skill. This is why a good book that rakes up the subject of astrological timing Is so valuable to all of us.

The main problem In mode<n astrology, however. Is not the quantitative but qualitative. Astrology


highly popular. and an enonmous amount of material Is surfacing In books, magazines, classes and lectures. Unfortunately, much of this material Is Inferior, for the<e Is still only a small number of experienced. top-lllght astrologers.

Broadly speaking, there are four methods of astrological timing: progressions and directions, postnatal epochs, solar and lunar returns, and transits. Progressions and directions are SJXIradic but discontinuous. They do not occur at regular intervals, and there are times when the bodies are not In orb of aspect. The postnatal epochs that I have discovered Is also sponui'IC because they are timed by progressions or directions, but their effects continue until deatll. Continuity of effect is also apparent In solar and lunar ll!turns, whether In tile tropical or slde<eal 2odlac. They occur pe<iodlcally, however. not sporadically as pMtnatal epochs do. Each solar rewrn Is effective for a year. The fourth and mMt basic form ol timing is Transits, which are periodic and discontinuous in nature.

The ability to interpret a planetary combination, whether statically in a radical chart or dynamically by transit or progresslol\ depends on


two things. 1 t depends first on knowledge of the contribution made by llle best of one~ predecessors and colleagues and second on extensive personal empirical observation ol the many combinations. If a author relies solely on other people's experience, his book will be derivatilll!. as are the majority of books now being published. The experienced astrologer will recognize that this book is based on personal obse<Vation and that it is also in consonant with the main findings of the majority of astrologers concerning transits. One very good reason for tlis is that 1 llalll! been doing astrology since many years and so far written a series of Astrological books on different subjects. This book contains valuable material for both the astrological beginner and the professional astrologer The contents have grown out of many years of study. research and experience on the part of the author. All the materials presented here are based on the fundamental principles and sign~icance of the planets. signs. aspetts and houses.

Pethaps the main challenge in the art of interpretation is integrating a number ol factors. Olll!r emphasis on any


factor gives a lopsided picture. as is the case w~h simultaneous or nearly simultaneous transits. It is noteworthy that this book deals w~h this problem very thoroughly and dearly. 1 ndeed. it is suggested that the reader shoukl study this book very carefully, for It deals with may essential matter that are skipped in most books on transits.

The following example shows a basic phase of transits that is seldom COlli! red. Let us say that you were born wah Saturn square your Sun and Ill at transiting Saturn comes to the trine of that Sun. How do we Interpret lllls 7 Does that natal square affect the meaning of the transitl It does. of course. although too many astrologers seem not to realize tlis. In lllis book notes that a natal or radical aspect is of primary importance and can seriously modify any aspect by transit or progression.

Planets In Transit teaches you not to fear some oncoming transa, llut rather to think of It as an opportunity for more growth and seasoning. During the transiting planets. it does not >uffice to apprehend, what kind of adversity one Is going to face In life. An experienced astrologer can advise suitable measures for sp~lc problem. The Astrological Remedies and Preventing Measures have been exhaustively discussed In the book. which are largely divided Into many parts.

Last but not the least. this book does not pretend to be complete In any sense of the term. 1 tIs none but an attempt to serve the Interest of llle common man. We are more than anybody else conscious of many defects and blemishes • which would halll! Inadvertently crept In this


Preface lx

book. For this, 1 shall be extremely grateful to accept any suggestion from the valued readers.

The Book is a collection ol material composed by various authors who have worked in this field and I have tried to built ~ up gradually,


lllat the


can be 1.11derstood


a complexed subject hke

Transits. Any errors and omissions are my own despite the barrage or corrections carried out and Ed~ing done by Col. Dee Baswani (Retd.).

Thanlcs to other Reviewers who contributed the volumes orreedback It! at made my writing and examples more readable and correct

I wish to express my thanks to my friends Pinku and Tinku lor being a source of motivation as well as Shri Narender Sagar who stimulates me for writing.

My special thanks to my mother Or. Krishna, as without her blessings it would have not possible to write on this topic.

My gratitude to my wile Renu and daughter Gudiya Vrlnda lor providing me with the aim and purpose.

I would also like to thank Mr. Bhupender Singh Negi lor typing, ed~ing and r..Jmerous other activiUes associated with the publicaUon or lllls Book.

This eighth Book, like the previous



Is dedicated to my lather Late Shri Kallash Chander who taught me this Science as a cl>ld and was himself a great devotee or this subject in the days when there were no computers.

1 would like to end this with the thought or Vrindavan and Banke Blharl whose blessings have been with me and 1 always look upon him In all my endeavours.



A transit occurs whe<>ever a plane~ moving in its orb~ during your lifetime, forms an aspect to a plane~ the Sun, Moon or any of the house cusps in your natal horoscope. Also, whenever a planet passes through llle part of the zodiac occupied by a house in your natal chart. we say Ill at the planet is transiting the house.

The study of transits is one of the most fundamental techniques In astrology. That transits indicate important tre<>ds and issues in your life is one of tile few points upon which all astrologers agree. Along with directions and progressions. they are bask to tile astrologer's predictive methodology. Yet there is not a single, detailed one-volume text that gives you an idea of what to expect from each transit Nor is there must literature on how to integrate transits into a larger view of the development Clf your life as a whole. nos text is designed to fill that gap.

While these descriptions are not totally complete - that would be an impossible goal to realize - they do provide an In-depth account of the significance of each transit. You will learn what you are most likely lo experience, emotionally, psychologically and drcumstantially, under each transit. The dellneaUons differ from those In eartler texts because IIley are writte<> primarily in psychological terms ratller than In terms of events. In the pas~ most texts have been oriented primarily to predict llle events that will happen to you. This te<>ds to support the older view of astrology as a fortune-telling system. which almost everyone now agrees is at best a debased form of the art.

The purpose of astrology really should be to give you an understanding ol your place In the universe and the kinds ol energies !hat are flowing through you and through the physical universe. Astrology should not try to make up your mind but Instead provide lnformDtlon upon which you can make an Intelligent decision. Obviously, transits indicate times that are appropriate for certain kinds of actions and inappropriate for otllers, as certain kinds of events often do occur with particular transits. But transits should never be viewed as signifying events that will Inevitably come to pass. with you as a helpless observer.


~II lnl/Oductlon

A vl!f)l corrtnon theory about the ciflerentroles ortransits, directions and progressions is that transits indicate circumstances that you must face in the outer wor1d. while directions and progressions indicate your inner psychological evolution. 1 n this tlleory, transits tell what you must face and directions and progressions tell what I Me< resources you have


race it with. However. I do not support this idea lor several reasons.

First of all, this system does not accord with my experience as an astrologer. I have found both transits and directions indicating both events and psychologkal changes, and 1 cannot find any clear set or (riteria to distinguish between the roles of these two major predictive systems. The only real distinction is that by their very nature progressions indicate longer-term elfects than transits.

It has been my elq)efience that the<e are two distinct types of people. One type experiences ~ansits and dirl!ctions primarily as major emotional and psychological changes, which may or may not be accompanied by


<:lear pattern of events. At best, it is very unclear whether events cause psychological change, 0< vke versa. The other type of person elq)efiences both transits and progressions as events that seem to come out or the blue and happen


him. It Is my opinion that this type of person Is simply less aware of the dynamics of his IWe than the first type.

Transits as Symbols of

I ntentlons

I believe that the conventional view Is based upon a false distinction shared by many astrologers as well as many scientists. In thelrvlew the universe consists of Individual subJects, who are clearly distinct and separate from the outer. physkal universe. The lndlllldual endS at the periphery, and the physical universe begins there. This view also holds Ill at events in the physical universe are absolutely real and independent


any observer. whereas events or changes that take place w~hin oneseW exist on a lesser order of reality, because only the individual can experience Ill em.

But what really happens! Let us suppose that an event occ..-s In the physical universe that many people can perceive or experience. We know very well lhat each person who pen:elves that event will have a somewhat different experience


it. If


get together


discuss our experiences, we may


to elitrinate those elements that not everyone experienced, in order to arrive at a compromise that we can all agrees upon witllout violating our Integrity. usually alter going through this process, we quite effectively censor our memory to eliminate the purely


personal elemerls of our experience. or we relegate tnem to the status <>f subjective or imaginary. Now if another observer of the event comes along, and his experience isn't too differert from oi.I'S, we accept his experience. again subject to certain compromises, and modify our view slighUy. If his experience is too different. we reject it entirely, classifying it as totally subjective or imaginary. 1 n extreme cases we declare him mad.

The point is that what we call an objective description is nothing

more tnan a collective subjective experience. There may be an absolute

reality outside ol anyone's experience, but It is quite Irrelevant to our daily life. We act upon our universe. and we receive reactions from it in a contiruous f.eld of consciouSlless. There is no clear booodary line between ourselves and the wOtld, and the observe< always play a creative role in the observation. We do not live in the physical universe so much as in a universe of agreements. conventions and concepts that we create with others. And because of the limitations of language, each of us lives

in a much more private universe than we realize. Most events have no

signnicance beyond what we have agreed upon or been trained to give

to them. Very litUe really happens to you, with yourself as only a passive <lbserver.


What are TrMsitsl I




are f!'ransitsi'

Transits are the real-time physical asb'ologicallnfluences arising from llle connections made between the present placements by zodiacal sign and degree of the planets, luminaries and nodes at the time under ~onsideration, and the placements of all the planets, luminaries, nodes, angles and houses In the birth chart for the Individual or entity being studied.

At any one period of time, transits from each of the luminaries and planets, to at least one or another of the houses (ideally. two, since both ascendant and solar houses should be separately traded) in the bhth (hart will be active: and from time to time each luminary and planet will form different transits by aspect to planets. luminaries and other individual points in the birth chart.

Since the planets. luminaries and nodes each move through the entire zodiac In a fairly regular period of time speclfk


the planet, luminary or node concerned. all transits are cyclical In nat\Jre: and the (ydes of the luminaries, ~loon~ Nodes and planets from Me<cury


Satum are repeated in their entirety on multiple occasions in the average lifetime of a human being. The period


Uranus is about 84 years, so orly those who live


this age or greater willelCJletience its complete cycle of transits 10 the factors in their birth charts. The periods of Neptune and Pluto extend to approximately twice and three times (respectively) the average life span of a fortunate human being: and therefore each of us will only ever experience a certain portion or the full cycle of Neptune and Pluto llanslts to our birth charts.

The mean geocentric periods


the different luminaries and planets are approximately: Moon· 29.6 days: Sun. Mercury and Venus· 365.24 days (since Mercury and Venus are within the Earth~ orbit they always appear to circuit the zodiac at the same average rate as the Sun): Mars • 686.98 days; J upite< • 11.68 years; Sat\Jrn • 29.46 years; Uranus • 84.01 years: Neprune • 164.8 years: Pluto· 247.7 years. These periods



divided by twelve give lhe average amount of time lhat each lurrinary or planet takes to transit each sign, and therefore on average (allowing for different house sizes} each natal house. However. because of eccentricities


lheir ol'bits and factors connected with the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun, the planets do not all move through each sign in the

same amount of time. The apparent speed of motion of

the Moon changes considerably; it takes sometimes as litUe as just over 48 hours to transit a sign; other times well over 60 ho...s. Pluto takes over twice as many years to transit some signs as it takes to transit ones on the opposite side of the zodiac. and has been in the fastest·moving part of its cycle in our lifetimes.

Transits to the planets, luminaries, nodes and angles operate by means of aspects, in exactly the same manner as aspects in the birth chart, except that they are transient (temporary) rather than radical (lifelong) influences.

However. whereas in natal astrology quite large allowances are made for the orbs of influence of the different types of aspects, where a.spects by transit are under consideration the orbs allowed are very much smalle<. Opinions vary as to the size of allowable orbs for transiting aspects, but llleir effects will be felt most strongly when they are exact to within just one degree, and are very unlikely to be felt at all outside a distance of lllree degrees. This applies right ocross lhe board for alllhe major aspect types. It is perhaps advisable to allow three degrees for conjunctions and oppositions; two degrees for squares and trines, and no more than one degree for sextiles, semlsquares, sesqulquadrates, quincunxes, semisextiles. qulntiles and blquintiles. All olher type of aspects are best disregarded as immaterial.

While a luminary or planet is aspecting by transit a celestial body, angle or node in the birth char~ lhe transit will be experienced as lhe transiting body exerts a temporary Influence, corresponding to Its general nature and lhe type of aspect formed, upon lhe features of the personality, body and psychology governed by the aspected point in lhe birth chart. Whatever the nature of the lntluence, It will adjust lhe condition of the aspected point In the birth chart while It lasts. and may variously offset, clash with, harmonise with or occentuate the effects of lhe natal aspects and sign and house position ol tl"ls point.

Transits by the planets lrom Mercury to Pluto are more complex events lhan the straight direct passes through lhe zodiac evidenced by 1M Sun and Moon, Involving repeated periods of slower retrograde motion in the reverse direction through the signs and degrees of the zodiac, interspersed wllh the more rapid direct motion In the normal direction


What are TtMsitsl 3

lllrough the zodiac. Whenever one of these planets ceases


move in direct motion and turns retrograde, it appears




a halt, and is said to station retrograde. Wilen rt: ceases to move in retrograde motion, it comes to a halt again, and is said to station direct When a planet is dose to one of Its stations, it moves very slowly, and any aspect it forms by transit to a point in the birth chart will last much Ionge< than it does on average. When a planet stations within aspeding orb (especially within one degree} of a point in the birth chart, the effect of the aspect by transit will be not only much longe<-lasting but also more strongly and keenly lett than a regular passing-by transiting aspect of the same type between the same bodies.

When transiting planets turn retrograde. they very commonty form in retrograde motion the same transiting aspect they rece<1Uy made in direct motion


a particular point In the birth chart. At this point. the same issues highlighted in the life of the individual affected during the first direct motion pass will be brought into focus again, but usually with a sense that there Is more still to be done to resolve them. Then when llle transiUng planet Involved turns direct once more and forms the same aspect in direct motion for a second and final time. the issues concerned will meet with their final outcome as affected by the transit that has been ongoing. Occasionally the oute< planets such as Neptune and Pluto Ill en turn retrograde again and move far enough back through the degrees of the zodiac to form the same aspect by transit In retrograde motion for a second ume. When this happens. It will be experiE!<lced as a 1\Jrther recurrence of the Issues highlighted by the particular transit concerned being brought Into focus In a manner suggestive of slight backtracking or a lack of complete resoluUon. And then on the third direct pass of the transit the Issues or activities will finally be deflnldvely resolved as far as


are going to be by the transit that has been In progress.

Transits to the houses exactly resemble natal chart placements of planets and luminaries In the houses. WhE!<l a real-time planet or luminary <>Ccupies a zodiacal sign and degree placement that falls within the area of the zodiac spanned by a particular house In the birth chart, then the transit of that planet or luminary to that house Is effective. Within three degrees of the cusp of the next house, the planet or luminary concerned will exhibit some influence in the next house.

While a luminary or planet is transiting a particular house, the transit will be experienced as pe< the principles governed by the particular transiting luminary or planet exerting a temporary influence upon the area of lffe corresponding to the transited house. Whatever the nature of lhe influence, it will adjust the condition of the transited house in the


/Cft(}w about Tra~~st of Planets birth chart while


lasts; and its impact should be considered In the context of how the principles governed by the ttansiting body as expressed Ill rough the transited house sit w~h those gov ... ned by any natal planets in the house, as well as in the context of conjunctions it forms to thl!(n and aspects it forms to planets in othl!( natal houses during ~ passage lllrough the house.

What is a transit? Transit means the passage of a heavenly body a planet tlv-ough the zodiac. We prepare the birth chart on the basis of lime, that is, the date and year of birth. To judge the transits, we need an Ephemeris for !he year for which !he good or bad effects by transits are to be judged.

The transit system consists of appraising

the positions of the nine

planets at a particular time for whid1 the good or bad effects are


be ascertained together wilh the planetary position and the rising sign in llle birth chart.

One of the basic theories of Hindu astrology is !hat all influences of planets fructify lhrough the Moon, i.e., the Moon being the heavenly llody nearest the earth, the influences rille< lhrough the ~loon. Besides, all happiness and unhappiness Is experienced by the mind or the heart. In Western astrology transits of planets are judged vls·a-vls the radical longitudes of !he planets and the ascending degree; but In Hindu astrology the poplAar and the most widely ptacticed method is to judge llle transiiS from the natal Moon. The sign in which the Moon is at birth is popularty called the Rashl of the naUve. Rash! literally means a cluster or a heap. But since the signs in Hindu aslrology are identified with constellations (which contain a heaporclustl!( of stars. forrring a particular geometric pattern); the work Rashl has, by extended meaning, come to mean a sign and when only !he Rashl ol a particular native Is referred to.

it means the Moon·Sign.

for purposes of judging !he transil influences so much importance is given to the J anma-Rashi, that if the date

or time

of birth of the native Is not known and his birth chart caooot be erected and the position of llle Moon cannot be ascenalned, itls fixed according to lhe Initial syllable of !he name of !he Individual. It Is an accepted principle of Hindu astrology Ill at the first syllable of a person's name vibrales wllh certain Influences and lhese correspond to certain positions of the Moon In particular signs. We give below a table showing the correspondence between the initial syllable of me name and the particular Moon sign.


What are TtMsitsl 5

Aries Chu, (choo), che (


as in they) cho (as in chosen) Ia, a (as in woman or rather) li, I


lu, loo. Ia (a as in late) lo. Taurus I,

e. u

(as in put}, a (as in aid}, va, wa, vi, wi, ve, we (as in we). wu (u as in put) woo.


or we as in (weight), w or wo (as in woe).

Gemini Ka, ki, ke ku, koo. ka (a as in kate) ko - also all syllables beginning with c having the sound of k as in catherine, carol,


chha. ha (a as in harm).

Cancer Hi, he (as in he) hu, hoo, he (e as in henry) ho, da, di de, du doo. de (e as In devil) do (o as in so). (The sound or d in this para is as in deed, door etc.)

leo Ma. ni, me (as in me), ll'IJ, moo. me (e as in menlllol) ma (as in Mary), mo (o as in so), ta, ti, te, ru, too, ta (as In tail). (The sound ol tIn this para Is asln tea or total).

VIrgo To (to as in token) pa, pi, pe (as in peter) pu, poo, tha (hard sound as in Thomas) pa (a as in rain), po ( o as in so)

Ubra Ra. rl. re, ru roo. ra (a as In rain). ro (o as In rover) ta. tl. tee, tu, too, te 1 as In Telangana). (the sound or "t "Is sort as In F rene h).

Scorpio To (t sort as In French, o


In so), na nl, nee, nu, noo. va, vi, ve. vu, voo

Sagittarius ve (as In yes) ya (as In yale) yo, bha, bhl. bhe bhu, bhoo. dha (dh sort as In French) dhe (e as In they), pha orr. phe or re, phe or ri, any word beginning with ph or r, bhe.

capricorn Bho, ja, jl, je, kha, kti, khe, khu, khoo, khe (


as In they), kho (o as In so), ga (sound orgas In gun) gl, ge.

Aquarius Gu. goo (as in goose), ge (as in get). ga, go (as in go) sa, sl, see se (as in sentry), sa (as in said). so, da (sound or d sort as In French).

Pisces 01, dee, due, doo, de (sound or de as Is they or that), do (o as in so), (sound old in this para is sofi as in French), cha (as in chunk orchart), chi, chee.



Transit of Sl.W'I:

The effea ol the Sun's transit through each of the houses as counted from the Moon-sign at birth is as follows:

1. Loss of house or position, travelling; 2. Loss, fear;

3. Gain of money, happiness;

4. Fear of ailments, loss of respect

5. Humility, poverty, loss of money. expenditure: 6. Happiness, annihilation of enen>es;

7. Travelling, loss of money; 8. Sickness, fear;

9. Loss of lustre, ioclination to indulge in evil acts; 10. Success in undertaking happiness:

11. Gain of money, happiness:

12. Loss of money, apprehension of siCkness or trouble.

Sun transit in


6~. IO"' and II"' sign w.r.t. (i.e. with respect to) Moon is auspkious but its Transit in s"' from Moon is very bad.

Transit of Moon:

The Moon completes one cycle of the zodiac in about 27 days. He is in one slgl\ for about two days and a QUalter. Suppose the Moon at birth is In Scorpio; then the ~loon by transit in Scorpio will be In the first house; ttle Moon by transit in Sagittarius in the second house. and so on. The effects of the transiting Moon as counted from the )anma·Rashi (sign occupied by Moon at birth) will be as follows:

1. Good health, increase, gain:

2. Ordinary gain of money:

3. Good Income. happiness:

4. Sickness, loss of money, loss of respect: 5. Happiness but lack of success:

6. Gain of money:

7. Happiness, good Income:


What are TrMsitsl 7

9. Respect, lear from the government; 10. Auspicious time, happiness;

11. Gain from various sources;

12. Sickness, loss of money. heavy expendib.Jre.

Thus it will be observed that the transiting Moon is auspidous in the firs~ third, sixth. seventh. tenth and eleventll houses as counted from ll>e radical Moon. But Moon transit in B"' house gives very bad results

and its transit in 9~ and 12~ House


also not good. Transit of Mars:

Mars bestows good effects when he transits tile third, sixth or the eleventll house as courled from the J anma-Rashi. The ellects or Mars.

by transit through various houses as counted from the radical Moon are as lollows

:-1. Fear. trouble-physical or mental; 2. Eye troubles; loss of money; 3. Happiness. gain of wealth; 4. Trouble, fear from enemies;

5. Apprehension of sld<ness. loss of money; 6. Happiness, gain of wealth;

7. Poor health, heavy expenditure or loss of money; 8. Fear. Inclination to Indulge In sinful acts;

9. Apprehension of ill· health; 10. Happiness, also distress; 11. Gain of money and happiness; 12. Sickness. distress.

Mars gives maximum bad results only In 7"' place



natal Moon. Transit of Mercury:

The effects of Mercury during transit. as counted from the radical Moon are as follows:

1. Fear of being confined; 2. Gain of money;


4. Gain of money and happiness; 5. Sickness, distress;

6. No gain. status quo;

7. Apprehension of trouble, quarrels;

8. Gain of money and commodities;

9. Apprehension or ill·health. loss of money; 10. Happiness. good enjoyment;

11. Good time. gain of money;

12. Sorrow, loss ol money. heavy expenditure.

Merrory gives auspicious result in its transit on 2. 4, 6. 8, 10.


place w.r.t natal Moon and very bad result is experienced in 2"' house w.r.t. Moon.

Transit of



J uplter stays In


sign for about a year. Jupiter Is a heavy planet and while tile transits of Mercury. Venus or the Sun. being about a month in each sign. are flecting. Jupiter's stays for a long period in each sign and tills entitled him to greater Importance and weightage. When J uplter during his transit aspects any planet he excites the good Influences of lllat planet which he aspects from his transldng position. For example suppose the natives ascendant Is Scorpio and the Sun Is the lord of the tenth house In



Then when Jupiter transits cancer or Scorpio. he will be fully aspectlng the radical Sun; or when J uplter attually transits Pisces he will pass over tile radical Sun and excite the solar Influences and the native wo<Ad benefit In respect ol all matters governed by the sun .. I.e .. the tenth heuse affairs. bocause the sun In our example Is the

lord of the tenth house and all matters for which the Sun Is a Karaka. So judge Jupiter's transit in relation to other planets atso.

The effetts of Jupiter'S transltthrough the various houses as counted from the J anma·Rashi will be as follows:

1. Fear of unfavourable circumstances. In Western astrology J uplter by transit


the radical Moon isconsidered good. Not so in Hindu astrology;

2. Gain of money and commodities; 3. Fear. sickness;


What are TrMsitsl 9

5. Gain, happiness;

ti. Sickness, distress

7. Respect. happiness;

8. Adversity, troubles, both physical and mental;

9. Happiness. enhanced prestige. respect from others; 10. Humility, i.e. loss of respect;

11. Happiness. gain of money; 12. Sickness, fear.

Jupiter gives auspicious res<Jit in 2, s. 7, 9, 11~ f laces w.r.t. to natal Moon and maximum bad res<Jit is experienced In 3' w.r.t. Moon.





When Venus by transit occupies various houses as counted from 111e ~loon· Sign ol birth. the effects are as follows:

1. Happiness. annihilation of enemes; 2. Gain of money;

3. Happiness. gain of wealth; 4. Gain of money and con"lorts;

5. Gain, happiness in respect of child or children:

6. Trouble, Increase In the number of enell'les or adverse effects caused by opponents;

7. Distress. great apprehension, adversity, loss ol money;

6. Gain of money:

9. Happiness, gain

10. Loss of religious merit·the native may indulge in irreligious acts, want of happiness;

11. ~lental distress but gain of money: 12. lncrea~ In wealth.

Venus olves auspicious results In 1, 2, 3, 4, S. 8. 9, 11. 12" hou~

w.r.t. natal Moon and very bad result Is experienced In 6" Hou~ w.r.t.







The transit of Saturn is ge<Je<ally unfavourable in respect of the

house (from the radical asce<Jdanl) he transits unless he be transiting his Clwn house or unless he be the lo<d ofllle ascendant. (i.e .. unless capricorn

or AQuarius Is the rising sign). then


does not damage the affairs of

the house he transits. For example, if Scorpio is the ascendant and Saturn by transit is in the first house, he will be inclined to cause ill·health.

When he transits. Sagittarius he will have a tendency


adlle<sely affect

finances. In capricorn, he will not during his transit, damage the third house because capricorn is his own sign. Similarly when he transits the

fourth house Aquarius is his own sign. When he transits Pisces, the fifth

house, he will spoil the fifth house affairs of the native. The native may have stomach troubles due to sluggish digestion or formation of gases (traits of Saturnine diseases). or llle native's children may suffer in health Clr career. and so on.

Sai.IJrn also has a depressing influence on the radical planet whom during the course of his transit he aspects. For example, suppose Scorpio

is llle ascendant and the Sun. the lo<d of llle tenlll, is in Pisces. Now whe<1 Saturn during his transit, stays In Gemini, he will be fully aspecting the radical Sun (the Sun occupying Pisces in the birth chart), with the result that affairs portainlng to the Sun may suffer or have a setback.

The Sun Is the lo<d of the tenth house. so the native~ career may have a setback or advancement may be thwarted. Saturn is the planet of death and delay and so he spoils matters by prolonging Issues or keeping the<n pending and by procrastination. He also causes harm from low people, aged persons, labour, servants, enemies and opponents. 1 n the above example, the Sun Is the lord ol the te<1th and we have explained how his lransit would adversely etfect the native's career. But the Sun Is also

Karaka for health, vigour. personal push, respect, father, government, persons in authority and so, Saturn during !"is transit through Gemini will also spoil or damage one or more affairs over which the Sun presides. In

this way Saturn by transit spoils the affairs pertaining


the planet he aspects. But If he be the lord of the asce<ldant, he will nO! do so, or If he does any harm it will not be in such great measure.

Now we shall revert


our original line of delineating the effects of

planets: The elfects, ol Saturn in the twelve houses as counted from the Moon-sign are:

1. Great distress and destruction;

2. Sorrow, loss ol wealth;


What are TrMsitsl 11

4. Apprehension of trouble, physical and mental ailments. fear; 5. loss of wealth, distress to sons or children;

6. Happiness. gain of money;

7. Infirmities, physical sickness Of mental ailments;

8. Increase ol enelries or added onslaught by enemies. illness or distress:

9. Indulgence in sinful actions. loss of wealth. ret~rded income: 10. Increase or enmity;

11. Gain of money. happiness

12. Trouble all round, upsetting ol status quo • a very unfavourable time.

Saturn gives auspicious results in 3, 6,



House w. r.t. Natal Moon and very bad resutt in 151 house w.r.t Moon.

Saturn stays for two and a half years in one sign; so his transits are very important. When Saturn transits the twelfth, the first and the second !louse as counted from the radical Moon the period comes to seven and a half years (two and a half years In each of the three signs) and the (Ombined period of seven and half years is generally referred to In 1 ndia as the Sade Saati (the phrase literally means seven and a half years). This is generally considered a period during which the native does not

!lave peace of mind. one thing after another crops up to keep the native

worried. Few indeed are ludcy who do not have a death in the family during these seven and a ha~ years.

Here again persons in whose nativity the Moon is in Taurus (because

Saturn would be the lord of the ninth and the tenth, both good houses from the Moon sign) or Libra (because Saturn would be the lord of the fourth and the fifth. both good houses as CO Lilted from the radical Moon) or capricorn or Aquarius (because Saturn wotAd be the lord of the Moon Sign radically) do not fare so bodly as natives In whose nativities Saturn is the lord of an evil house as counted from the natal ~loon.

Transit of Rahu:

The effect ol Rahu's transit through the twelve house as counted from the janma·Rashlls as follows:

1. Loss. trouble both physical or mental: 2. Loss of wealth. heavy expenditure; 3. Good health. gain of money;


4. Enmity, sorrow; 5. loss, sorrow;

6. Happiness. gain of wealth; 7. loss quarrels;

8. Illness. rear;

9. Inclination to indulge in sinful acts; 10. Enmity, happiness;

11. Happiness. gain of money; 12. Loss. illness.

Rahu gives auspicious results in 3. 6, 1111\ place w.r.t. Natal Moon and very bad result is experienced in gm House w.r.t. Moon.




The effect of l<elu~ transit through the twelve houses as counted from the radical Moon are as follows:

1. Loss. ill· health or disease; 2. Loss of money;

3. Happiness, gain, increase,

4. Fear. trouble both physical or mental: 5. Sorrow,loss



6. Happiness. gain of money:



Evil state or affairs, Illness: 8. Loss. tl1reatened trouble: 9. Sinful actions. hillllllty: 10. Fear. sorrow:

11. Good name and fame. gain of money; 12. Physicalill·health or mental distress. enmity.

Same as Rahu·effects.







Transits are determined by comparing the positions of the planets in the heavens on a given dale to those


the natal horoscope.


What are TtMsitsl l l

The transits til at have tile most dramatic and marked influences are ll10se which reinforce natal aspects and in1101ve the same planets. For example, a natal square between Mars and Mercury indicates a tendency toward irritability and mental vehemence; thus, wheneve< transiting Mars or Mercul'f makes a square, conjunction, or opposition to natal Mars or Mercury. the indNidual expefiences unusual irritation and mental annoyance. This is because transiting Mercl.V'y


Mars is reinforcing a natal stress aspect involving these two planets.

The meaning of a transit depends upon the positioo of the transiting planet In relation to the natal horoscope, the aspects it makes to the natal planets, and rts posrtion in the natal houses.

To interpret a transit, first look to the sign and house position the planetis transiting. These indicate the practkal affairs ollife to be directly activated by the transiting planet. The natal houses ruled by the transiting planet shoold also be considered, as well as the hoose or houses of which the planet is the exaned ruler.

Next, consider the aspects made by the transiting planet to any natal planet during its transit through a house. The affairs ruled by the natal planet receiving the transit will influence the affairs of that house. The type of aspect being made, the sign and houses ruled by the uansitlng planet. and the natal planet that Is being aspected, along with the signs and hooses the natal planet rules, must be considered In determining the effects of a transit.

The exalted rulershlps of the transiting and natal planets and the !louses holding the signs of these exalted rutershlps must also be considered. Exaned rulcrshlps Indicate where the power behind an event or acdon signified by the transit originates or is generated. For example, it Venus is transiting the natal Fifth House, the indiviOOal will experience pleasurable soda!, romantic, and esthedc activities. To determine the source of these romantic or social stimulations, look to tile houses whe<e Taurus, Libra and Pisces are found In the natal horoscope. (Venus rules Taurus and Ubra and is exalted in Pisces).

Furthermore. if Venus is making a trine aspect to natal Mars while ltansiting the natal Fifth House, consider the sign and house position of natal Mars and tile houses where Aries, Scorpio, and capricorn are placed, for Mars rules Aries and Scorpio and is exalted in Capricorn.

Thus, the following factors all reqlire consideration in this single example of transiting Venus in the natal Fifth House, trine natal ~iars.


1. v~us- the transiting planet

2. The house being transited and the sign on the Fifth House cusp. 3. The Seventh House. natural house ruled by Venus.

4. The second House, natural house ruled



5. The Twelfth House. the natural house of Venus's exaltation. fi. Libra, sign rtAed by Venus.

7. Pisces. llle sign where V~us is exalted. 8. The house where Taurus is placed.

9. The house where Libra is placed. 10. The house where Pisces Is placed.

11. The Sun, natural ruler ol the Fifth House. 12. Leo, sign ruled by the Sun.

13. The house where leo is placed.

14. Mars- llle natal planet being aspected by transiting Venus. 15. Mars's house position.

16. Mars's sign position.


Aries, sign ruled by Mars.

18. Scorpio. sign nAed by Mars.

19. Capricorn, the sign where Mares Is exalted. 20. The First House. natural house ruled by Mars. 21. The Eighth House. natural house ruled by Mars.

22. The nature of the trine aspect- FWIJ1 and Ninth House connotatiofl. 23. Natal aspects of Venus.

24. Natal aspects of Mars.

25. Planets natally dlsposlted by Venus. 26. Planets natally dlsposlted by Mars.


The sign positions of these dlsposlted planets.

28. The house positions of these dlsposlted planets.

29. The decanate and dual placements of transiting Venus and natal Mars.


What are TtMsitsl 15

The synthesis of this information compromise tile skill and art of Astrology: These factors could be overwhelmingly contusing unless their relative importance is considered.

The most important consideration is that Venus is transiting the





is making






Next in importance is the nature ol the trine aspect which has a harmonious, creative, expansive quality derived from Leo and the Sun and from Sagittarius,


up~er and Neptune in the natural ZOdiac. The trine is based on the signs and houses that correspood to the trine aspect in the natural Zodiac. beginning with Aries.

The next consideration is the sign that Venus ls in. while transiting 111e natal Fifth House and trlnlng natal Mars. This may or may not be the same sign as that on the cusp of the natal Fifth House.

Next, consider the natal sign and house position ol Mars, the planet receiving the trine aspect from transiting Venus.

Then. determine



there is a natal aspect between Mars and Venus Ill at would indicate a similar potential for actualization by this transit.

These are the primary factors to be coosidered, the factors that will have the most obvious Impact on the lndlvl<lual.

The olller polniS listed provide background data for unde<standlng 111e relationships of this lnftuence as It Is Integrated Into the overall life of 111e Individual. This background Information provl<les an unde<standlng of the psychology of llle Individual with respect to romantic, social and pleasurable activities, as represented by the planet making the tranSit. This background Information also provides an understanding ol the fundamental nature of Venus, Mars and llle Fifth House as it functions on a universal scale, as well as how it is integrated into the psychology of 111e Individual~ character.

Now, let us analyze these data.

First, Venus represents the principle of attraction, beaU(y, harmony and grace. Through Venus's rulershlp of Libra and the Seventh House In the natural Zodiac, she is also concerned with relationships and harmonious cooperation. In addidoo, through Venus~ rulershlp of Taurus and the Second House In the nat~al Zodiac, the lndlv'odual attracts possessions and people who can be instrumental in providing material security. beauty. and comfort. venus's exaltation in Pisces. the position of Pisces in the natal chart, and the Twelfth House all show the



und~tanding that may be gained through the experiences that make such refinements and cooperation possible.

The houses where Libra, Taurus and Pisces are placed in the natal horoscope and the activities assigned to these houses show the specific areas where the individual's ease


cooperation, refinl!lllent and ability


attract the things represented by Venus are expressed. These houses provide both the content and the means of contacting the romantic, social, and pleasurable activities indicated byVenus's lransit of the natal Fifth House.

Secondly, the Fifth House is the nai.\Jral house of Leo and the Sun and has a harmonic relationship with Leo and the house where Leo Is placed, as well as with arry planets placed in Leo. It is well to remember when considering this relationship that the Fifth House and the house ~arrying the sign Leo are places of power and creative self-expression. The trine aspect itself is related to Leo and the Fifth House in the nai.\Jral Zodiac. and, thus, there would be a reinforcement of the Fifth House c:haracteristics in this transiting trine situation.

Third. in this particular situation, another factor is added .. Mars, as ruler ol Aries, and the First House's natural trine-aspect affinity for Leo and the Fifth House.

Since Mars Is the planet receiving the transiting trine aspect from Venus on the natal FWth House, the nature of the Fifth House and the !tine aspect is amplified. This is because the transiting planet is the activating prlndple; the natal planet receiving the transit experiences, llle effects of this action.

In the case of transiting Venus through the natal Fifth House and lrine natal Mars, Venus, as the activating planet instigates sodal overtures


the individual through the signs ruled by Mars in the horoscope. Because Mars Is basically an actlon·orlented planet the individUal responds instinctively to these overtures.

Let us examine the background Information on ~tars. Mars rules the principle of energy expanded In action and motivated by desire. Mars, as ruler of Aries and the First House in the natural Zodiac, deals with ~ompctitlve, self·lnltlated action and seU·expression based on the need


sutvive as an Individual.

The house where Aries Is found In the natal horoscope shows the affairs that are of Immediate concern to personal survival. These are the affairs In which the Individual must personally Initiate action and creadve self·expresslon without waiting for encouragement from others.


What are TrMsitsl 17

Mars. as ruler of Scorpio and the natural Eigl'ih House. is concerned w~h the use of collective resources. represented by the Eighth House.

and the destruction and ~imination of that which no longer serves a

useful purpose. all in preparation for new creative efforts. Mars has much


do with the sex drive through~ rulership of Scorpio. This is of particular interest in the case of this transiting aspect because. Venus is also related to sex. Venus corresponds to the receptive, feminine sex principle. This ~ombination. when related to the Fifth House


romance. strongly suggests sexual attraction. The invitation on the part of transiting Venus to start a relationship will meet with a quick, aggressive response on the

part of Mars. Transits involving these partirular planets are usually objectively realized as romantic attractions.

Because Mars is exalted in Capricorl\ such a relationship could be sought as a means of achieving status. professional opportun~ies, or security. This is also indicated by Mars's accidental exa~ation in the Tenth House of the natural ZOdiac.

Fourth. planets disposited by Mars and venus, and the houses and signs in which they fall, will show the affairs of life that are related to the activities associated with this transit of Venus.

further insights will be pmvided thmugh study of the decanate and dual positions of both transiting Venus and natal Mars.

All of this information is pertinent to an accurate description of the significance and probable result of this trans~. Similar methods should be used In studying all transits, as well as In the Interpretation of the natal horoscope.

The delineation of this sample transit, points out why a

~omprehens.ive understanding of the basks of Astrology is necessary to

achieve accurate and worthwhile results. The use of these bask techniques should become so thoroughly Ingrained In the practitioner as to become almost instinctive.


e are Transits

The Moon does not orbit the Earth. The Earth and the Moon share a

common point


orbit called the barycenter that Is close to, but Is not

exactly, the center of the Earth. Thus. the so·called satellite, the Moon, has Its pull on the larger body, the Earth. The point being even smaller




Powerless Center

In astrology we have a strangely schizophrenic view of our relationstip with the Sun, Moon and planets. In one sense we rightly mal<l! ourselves the center of the universe.


place ourselves in the fenter of the birth chart, defying


laws of physks. to renect our person-centered view of reality. We then interpret the chart and the ensuing transits. progressions, etc. in relationship to our own lives. This is all {O~Ietely fair and completely human. But, unlike tile Sun, we occupy llle center without having influence on the planets. It is


that modern humanistic astrology has giwn us with the power of choice so that we are no longer conde~med to suffer under tile ·rays· of Saturn. But the {hoices are about our responses. In no way are we consi<fered to be {apable of affecting tile planets themselves.

The logic ol astrology Is that the cosmos Is the grand source of energy and we are the beings who receive ttis energy here on Earth. Inherent in this is tile essentially passive nature of humanity in relationship


the cosmos. How Is it possible for tiny humans to Influence the massive planets, the Sun. the Moon and the starsl But in a post-Newtonian universe all is relative. and there are no forces that do not act upon the other forces of the universe. Just as the uncertainty principle has shown that llle observer affects the observed, It Is Ume, we recognize that the observer (the person) aflects the planets.

When one talks of the transit of Saturn to hiS/her Sun, there Is no reciprocity. The personal Sun receives or Is synchronized with tile current forces of Saturn. The Individual experiences the contraction. Clarity and heaviness of Saturn. Nowhere Is there the notion that the natal Sun of the person I.VIuences Saturn. In fact. we are saying that there Is a connection between the pr~nt position of Saturn and the birth position of the natal Sun. The vibratory rate is such that the two are linked by some kind of aspea. The aspect describes the nature of tile link, but It Is viewed as a one-way transmission. If the observer affects the object In a physics lab, why can't the person affect the transiting planet in the laboratory of reallifel

At the heart of the Issue Is tile natt~e of human existence. We perceive ourselves as smaff In relationship to the cosmos.


are temporal beings here for our average three score and ten, while even the puniest planet endures for billions of years. We perceive size (mass) and time as factors that tell us who is going to influence whom (or what). But this is exactly the kind of Capricorn ian logic that we are now on the verge of leaving behind. (Editor's note: Uranus and Neptune were conjunct in


What are TrMsitsl 19

capricorn when this article was written in 1993.) In a relativistic universe all are connected all the time.

How do we measure influence? We have the sheer mass of the

planets weighed against an individual person. If mass Of size implies

power. can we say that the Roclcy ~1ountair.s are more Si!1lificalt than ll>e thoughts of Einstein or the love we feel in our hearts? Can we relate ll>e experience of being human to cosmic forces? Well, if the planets inlluence us. we must influence them. Energy flows both ways. The deeper message is that human experience has meaning beyond the personal. life is cosmk. we are cosmk. And we are at a time In our human history

when we are preparing to rediscover this. All


the current UFO stories

are reminders that we are not really islanders separate from the rest of

ltle unive




Planets Have Changed

In fact. we have already changed the planets in our changing

consciousness of them. We have brought Uranus, Neptune and Pluto irto ll>e light of our awareness and made them active players in the field of human hlsto~ What were before only shadows. now play consciously in <>ur world. We have changed the face of Saturn. He. the devil himself. has been partially tamed as we have reassigned his most infernal qualities to newly discovered Pluto. we have also changed the characteristks of Mars and


uplter by replacing them as rulers of Scorpio and Pisces with

Pluto and Neptune. Mars as the ruler of a water sign was still partially

feminine. Pluto~ displacement of Mars has left us with a less balanced

warrior. J upiter·s exile from Pisces leaves him all judgment without compassion. These changes. brought about by astrologers. change the

way we see the universe and the way we experience it.

Dane Rudhyar. who was the first to make us conscious of so much II> at is new in astrology, understood the outer planets Uranus. Neptune and Pluto to be transformational. It Is only logical that their positions beyond the pale of Saturn connect us to the galaxy and pull us away from the solar system. Symbolically, tl'ls means bringing the Individual

beyond the ego and Into connection with collective. universal forces. With Uranus and Nepwne mating In capricorn. we can expect the birth of a new aspect of humanity. one In whkh Individual Influence on the collective Is more clearly recognized. As astrologers we can then begin to look at our transits as two-way events. Returning to our earlier example, we can ponder how the natal Sun of someone can lnlluence Sot urn. how ll>e will. creativity and life-force of an lndMci\Jal can affect the collective limits that Salllrn represents. Every lransit can be looked at In this way.



Each of us is



Ea<:h of us is a transit. The birth chart is a set of transits that resonates within us. We aspect the planets and have our impact oo the universe.


can examine our relationship with the cosmos in a less egocentric

way when we recognize that we all! not separate


not dlsconneW!d from

the big picture, not passive recipients of cosmic forces. We can now look at each transit in a way that enlarges our view of ourselves and reintegrates humanity into the greater whole in which we live.

If Pluto is making a conjunction


your Moon, it is likely that you will experience considerable emotional change. Yet at the same time. you will also have the chance to nurture Pluto,


provide food for collective

purificatjon and transformation. You can bring caring to the death process so it may evolve just as you evolve as an lndlvkklal. Is the transit of Neptune bringing confusion to your Mercury? Perhaps It also your chance 10 bring clarity to collective dreams. to help Nepwne articulate ideals. to communicate its compassion. Does the transit of uranus to your Venus brings chaos to your relationships? Perhaps Uranus needs your love, your approval and your artistic touch so that revolutions occur in more harmonious fashion.

We can ree)(3mine every transit as two-way conversation allowin9 us to have real communication with the planets. In this way astrology prepares us for the 21st century and leaves behind the stigma of fatalism til at has kept it from fully contributing to the modern world. Each of us can leave behind the limited lliew of being a mere speck In a vast universe and remember that we are a fully connected node of Information. energy and power. In this way we


use astrology and our lives


Influence tile fuwre rather than to merely report It


What are TrMsitsl



rr'ransitino Confinurations arul

tlieir .ft.pptications


Transits both to single points in the birth chart and to houses in ~

should be considered not only In Isolation, but In the context or aspects between the transiting body and other real-time bodies. For example, a lransit made by Saturn to a particular house will take on an altered, more awkward and conflicijng reel while real-time Mars rorms a square


real-time (transiting) Saturn, although real-time Mars Is not transiting the same house or necessarity aspecting any planet within it. Transits

operate both in isolation (where 111e transiting planets are not in aspect


any other real-time planets) and as configurations.

A particular case or transiting confJgurations that is very well known

is that or transiting New and Full ~loons. When a New Moon rorms a lransit to any point or house in the birth chart. the real-lime SUn is in (Onjunction will1 it and rorming exactly the same type or transit The lransit will be experienced as the combined effects ol the solar and lunar

principles synergically activating whichever house they are transiting or

point in the natal chart


are aspecting. An extreme case or 111is is a lransiting solar eclipse, whereby the Moon partially or completely obscures the Sun, blocking the path ol its radiation to palt or all or the Earth. This will be relt as a diminution or 111e energy orthe solar principle in application


whichever house and


or single points In the bllth ch011 are being

1ransited by the edipse.

When a Full Moon forms a transit


any point or house In the bllth (hart, the real-time Sun Is In opposition to It and slmuttaneously forming the Oj)posite aspect rrom any aspect made to a point In the birth chalt by

the real-time Moon (trine Instead or sextlle and vice versa, conjunction Instead or opposition and vice versa, waxing square Instead or waning



111~ Moon and Sun to points in th~ birth chart, th~y will~ condition~ by ll>e clashing energy of the Sun's real-time opposition to the Moon. Full Moons which tie in by aspect (especially conjunction. opposition and square) to th~ luminari~s and p~rsonal plan~ts in th~ birth chart ar~ f~tt particularly acutely by those subjea~ to them. An extrem~ case of a Full Moon is a lunar eclipse, whereby the Earth partially or completely <>bsc..-es the Moon, blocking the path of the Sun~ radiation to all or part <>f the Moon. This will~ f~lt as a lessening of the lunar pull and of the application or the lunar principle to whichever pair of opposite houses are being transited by the lunar eclipse and to whichever bodies and single points in the birth chart are ~ing aspected by the real-time Sun and Moon.

One famous AStrologer states that eclipses trans~ing I <min aries and personal planets by conjunction or opposition store up a powerful energy which is released the next time that the natal luminary or planet affected is in rec~ipt of a major aspea ovrtr the coming months, usually from the Sun or Mars · and orly at this time Is the energy of the eclipse felt.

Prtrhaps the best known application of tran~lng configurations Is Sun Sign Forecasting, as used by media astrologers all ovrtr the western world.

Arm~ only with the zodiac sign occupied by the Sun, as far as birth (hart information is concern~. Sun Sign Forecasters hav~


draw as many pr~ktlve Inferences as possible with very litUe knowl~ge of the specific conditions of the birth chart to aid Ill em. Their foremost tool is the consideration of transits to the whole·sign solar houses. Strictly speaking, th~ true solar houses ~gin with the degree of ~ach sign occupi~ by the Sun In Its sign. sine~ the solar houses are calculat~ on an equal300 house dMsion basis, with the first commencing at the degree and sign occupi~ by the Sun at birth, and so on around the zodiac in the usual direction. However, Sun sign forecastrtrS do not have this degree-specific Information related to the birth charts for which they are forecasting, and they therefore have to recourse to considering transits


any degree ol the sign In which the true cusp or a particular solar !louse Is round as falling within the solar house concerned. Of course. ~ en Individual's Sun Is at 27• of Aries for example, this will result In transits made by a planet through the first 26 degrees of each sign being interpreted by the forecaster as falling within the solar house alter the true solar house for the Individual atfea~. On average, the solar house placements presumed by the forecaster w1ll ~accurate for only 5()% of the population of each sign. This technical Inaccuracy In relation to true solar houses notwithstanding, the method or whole-sign solar houses Is


Transiting C,onrlgUratlons Inti their Applkatlolls 23

in itself the most andent of all the methods for house division with the possible exception of houses based on parts or lots, so ~can reasonably

be presumed to have some meaningfully applicable merit in itself. Since the transits of the Sun, Moon and Planets through each whole·

sign solar house






only a linited amount



information for Sun Sign Forecasters to use when composing their forecasts for the different Sun signs, it is essential for them


also take into account the collaborations introduced to each of these house transits by the configurations of transiting planets. In other words, they should look at the aspects formed between the different real-time planets, and in~rpret them as modifying influences upon the impact of each planet transiting each whoJe..sign solar house.

Transient I nftuences

Relationships, like individuals, are not constant, but subject to the ever-changing Influences of passing astrological trends Impacting upon them and upon each individual involved. Difficult transits (connections made by the planets in their current real-time positions in the todiac) to the bllth chalt of either Individual will often alter this Individual's perceptions and outward pmjectlons. the transiting planets linking In to his or her bllth chalt and altering both how he or she comes across to <>lher people and how he or she perceives any emotional situation and life In general. Conjunctions or hard aspects by transit of Satum or Uranus


lor fmm) the Sun, ~loon. Venus or Moon's Nodes, or


the 1st, 5th or 7th houses, can cause for example, depending on the malefic planet implicated, slumps In self-confidence, vitality and personal effectiveness (Saturn-Sun), dampenlngs of emotional connections (Saturn·Moon, Sai.\Jrn-Venus or Satum transiting the 5th house), and separations (Sa tum <>r Uranus in aspect to the Moon or Venus; or Uranus transiting the 5th or 7th house). Hard transits to or from Mars may cause arguments. Neptune~

involvement may cause undear communication, false assurances and promises, and distorted perception leading

to regrettable decisions to

be made in connection with any relationship sitllation, including its seeking, entry, developmen~ or even abandonment. Ordinary transits made by llle Moon to the birth <halt In everyday life have a very significant passing inftuence on people~ moods and outward projections, which affect all their interactions at that time. Conversely, other transits can bring joy and harmony and greater confidence and effectiveness when it comes to (Ommunication and approaches made in relationships. Sometimes ~ is said that the transits

to one's bilth chart under which

a relationship began will affect the entire course of the relationship.


In addition




the individuals' natal planets and houses. consider the temporary influences of aspects within their progressed charts, aspects between their progressed and natal planets, and transits


their progressed planets. using the day-for-a-year substitution technique known as secondary progression. Cak\Jiate the progressed positions of

llle planets in each person~ chart by moving them fonvard from their positions at birth to their positions one day later for every completed

year of life (using the ephemeris).

Beyond the effects of transient planetary innuences to the birth

chart of each Individual, when the Individuals become closer and their energies merge more, their composite field takes stronger fDml, and is

more clearly subject to the influences of transits to it. In accordance with llleir particular nature. such transits can variously signify positive and happy times. and more awkward patches in the relationship. They may

also coincide variously with times when the relationship forms Of takes a step forward in its development with agreements and binding decisions

are made; and during times of temporary separations and even the final dissolution of the association· again. according to the partkular transits

ongoing process.

Consider also progressed synastry. W<>rk out the aspects and house

overlays between the progressed planets in one chart and the radical

(natal) placements In the other, and vke versa, and take all these

influences into account as an additional set of factors affecting the relationstvp at the current stage of these individuals' lives. Changes in


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While it is good to see possible altered chord extensions as a simple substitution, as shown in previous chapters, there is a very easy way to add tension and color to your

Applications of Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) and orbitrap based high resolution mass spectrometry in metabolomics and lipidomics. LC–MS-based holistic metabolic

In Baker v. 1984) the plaintiff suffered serious post-surgery infections after breast reduction. The ineffectual post-operative treatment required extensive corrective

To create an identity provider, a security domain is created (e.g. idp-domain) in an JBoss Enterprise Application Platform instance with an authentication and authorization