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Academic year: 2021



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July - Aug

七 ,八月





OCCSC News OCCSC 新 聞 2

Settlement Services 安 頓 服 務 4

Language Program 語 言 培 訓 12

In - TAC Workshops 就 業 服 務 15

OCCSC Sponsors & ads OCCSC 贊 助 商 & 廣 告 17

渥 太 華 華 人 社 區 服 務 中 心

OCCSC is a non-profit, non-partisan, charitable organization committed to advancing the full social and economic integration and participation of newcomers, immigrants, refugees, and people of Chinese descent in the City of Ottawa. This is the 45th Anniversary of OCCSC serving the immigrant and newcomer community.

Suite 2000-400 Cooper Street Ottawa, ON K2P 2H8 (613)235-4875 (613)235-5466 www.occsc.org 渥 太 華 華 人 社 區 服 務 中 心 ( 原 加 京 華 僑 服 務 處 ) 是 非 牟 利 、 無 宗 教 和 政 治 黨 派 的 社 會 服 務 機 構 。 我 們 致 力 於 協 助 新 移 民 和 難 民 在 經 濟 和 整 體 生 活 上 融 入 加 拿 大 社 會 , 在 渥 太 華 卡 爾 頓 地 區 安 居 樂 業 。 服 務 社 區 4 5 年 !



渥 太 华 华 人 社 区 服 务 中 心 微 信 公 众 号 欢 迎 您 ! 扫 码 识 别 左 面 的 二 维 码 关 注 ! 您 也 可 以 搜 索 公 众 号 的 名 称 找 到 我 们 或 加 入 我 们 中 文 名 称 : 渥 太 华 华 人 服 务 英 文 名 称 : O C C S C - O T T A W A

2020 7月份月刊

We are glad to come back from the Covid-19 lockdown on March 17th. Since closing down, we have made changes to continue all our programs on-line with great success.

I am glad that all LINC classes are open and almost all full with a wait-ing list in some classes.

By the end of June, we had orga-nized 15 workshops on-line attended by a total of 691 clients, 302 of them were newcomers.

Our employment program, In-TAC, is well equipped with their on-going system to continue all training work-shops including Bridge to employ-ment for ICT, and ELT workshops for accounting professionals, with em-ployer sessions and career coaching. Since April In-TAC has started two new projects, Go4IT for employer led technical training and Women IT. Both in progressing considering the Pandemic taking place during the last few months.

We are well aware of how the Pandemic can affect the vulnerable isolated seniors. We have recruited

and trained 26 volunteers to work with the Ottawa Chinese Music As-sociation (OCMA) to visit isolated seniors to give groceries and medical supplies. In appreciation of the health care workers, OCCSC staff made a do-nation to the Hospital Foundation to support their valuable contribution to communities.

Our phone system remains open and connected to all staff while they work from home but continue to give service on-line. Other support system such as our WeChat Public account and CHIN Radio have helped to pro-mote and answer questions from our clients regarding programs available and changes that impact our workers and their families.

It has also been unfortunate, as reported in the news and from the communities, the incidences of rac-ism taking place in different cities. OCCSC’s mission is of inclusiveness for diversity and equality in Canada. We support the CCNC and Ottawa Police in working with us to educate and promote anti-racism in Canada through survey, dialogue and public education. I am glad that CHIN Radio

and our social media have provided a forum to raise public awareness.

I am very grateful for the under-standing and support of our staff, clients, volunteers and our board members. I am happy that while we adapt to the changes, we learn a lot how to improve after all the changes and challenges.

We understand how our services are needed, so, we are happy that we can re-open in phases as of 29 June. All guidelines are set to keep safety and health measures in accordance to OPH guidelines. All clients will come by appointment and staff will rotate to keep a safe distance. All in-formation for re-opening is available on our web-site www.occsc.org

Finally, I am glad to state that we are open on time to celebrate July 1st, Canada Day. I am sure with every-one’s support and care we can over-come these challenges.

Sharon Kan ED/OCCSC 我們很高興能夠從三月十 七日開始的防疫封城中回歸。 自封城開始,為了使我們所有 的 線 上 服 務 項 目 能 夠 繼 續 運 作,我們做了各種變動並獲得 了巨大的成功。 我 很 高 興 我 們 所 有 新 移 民 語 言 培 訓 課 程 ( L I N C ) 都 已 開放,並且所有課程幾乎都額 滿,有些課程甚至還有候補名 單。我們的安頓服務在每個星 期都舉辦兩次以上的講座。到6 月底为止,我們组织了15次線 上講座,共有691位客户参与, 其 中 3 0 2 位 是 新 移 民 。 四 到 五 月間我們也為我們的中東客戶/ 難民舉辦了31次講座,並服務 高 達 4 95 位客 戶。 我們 現行 的 就業支持服務(In-TAC)擁有完 善的系統,能夠繼續舉辦所有 培訓研討會,包括ICT(信息通 訊技術專業)的就業媒合和會計 專業人士的ELT財會專業就業 研討會,以及雇主服務及職場 訓 練 。 自 四 月 開 始 , I n - T A C 推出了兩個新計畫:Go4IT由業 者引領的技術訓練, 及 Women IT 女性科技人培訓。即使仍在 疫情之中,這兩個計劃仍取得進 展。 我們非常了解這次疫情對 弱勢獨居老人們的影響, 招募並 培訓了26名志願者,與渥太華 華人音樂協會 (OCMA) 聯手合 作, 為獨居老人提供食物和醫療 用品等遞送服務。為了感謝醫 護人員,OCCSC的工作人員 和董事會成員向醫院基金會捐 款,以支持他們對社區的寶貴 貢獻。 我們的電話服務仍然開放, 可以和所有在家工作並持續提 供線上服務的員工們聯繫。其 他支援系統,例如我們的微信 公眾號和CHIN RADIO 廣播, 幫助宣傳以及回答客戶各種問 題,例如我們現有的服務項目 以及各種變化對我們的工作人 員及其家庭產生的影響。 正如新聞所報導, 在不同城 市中發生的種族歧視事件是很 不幸的。OCCSC以在加拿大 實現多元和平等為己任。我們 支援CCNC和渥太華警察局通 過問卷調查,對話和公共教育 來教育並鼓勵反種族歧視。我 很高興 CHIN RADIO 電台和我 們的社交媒體平台提供了一個 能夠提高公眾意識的論壇。 對於我們的員工, 客戶, 義 工 們 , 和 董 事 會 成 員 所 給 予 的 理解和支持,我深表感謝。我 很高興在我們適應各種變化之 際,在變化和挑戰之下學習到如 何提升進步。 我們了解我們所提供的服 務是如何被需要,因此,我們 很 高 興 能 夠 從 6 月 2 9 日 開 始 分 階段重新開放。所有相關措施 都會按照OPH準則擬定,以維護 安全和健康。所有客戶來訪前 都需要預約,工作人員會輪班 以保持安全距離。所有有關重 新開放的信息都在我們的網站 www.occsc.org 最後,我很高興宣布我們 將準時開放慶祝7月1日加拿大 國慶日。我相信在所有人的支 持和關心下,我們一定可以克 服所有挑戰。 Sharon Kan ED/OCCSC


親愛的客戶, 由 於 新 冠 狀 病 毒 在 加 拿 大 擴 散,安省政府在三月宣佈安省進入 緊急狀態,稍後,我們中心決定在 3月17日起把中心關閉,停止客戶 與我們的工作人員直接接觸。 但這 並不表示我們停止提供服務。 客 戶 服 務 部 也 不 例 外 ,我 們 所有的工作人員從3月18日開始在 家工作,中心提供給他們手機和筆 記 電 腦 ,讓 他 們 能 在 家 繼 續 接 聽 客戶的電話咨詢,回應他們的電子 郵件,以及通過微信與客戶保持交 流。 除 此 之 外 , 我 們 決 定 把 一 貫 的講座和小組活動,完全改爲在綫 舉行,所有讲座信息通过OCCSC 的微信公众和不同的社交媒体上推 广,以便客户了解我们的动态。我 們线上讲座使用的平臺是ZOOM, 我們有幾個ZOOM執照,可以讓超 過一個以上的講座或討論會同時進 行。我們第一個在綫講座是在4月 22日舉行,當天的題目是【疫情大 流行期間相關法律問題】。 在5月,我們舉辦了九個在綫 講 座 , 大 部 分 課 題 都 是 與 疫 情 有 關,包括怎樣保持健康, 求助,怎 樣教導孩子,以及移民局的服務受 到怎樣的影響等。6月份,我們舉 辦了5個在綫講座,有3個是與健康 有關的。 客 戶 參 與 我 們 在 綫 講 座 非 常 熱烈,從最少的25人到最多的142 人,在過去三個月,參加講座的縂 人數達691人其中有302人是新移 民﹐250人已經入籍,其他的人包 括國際留學生,工作和旅游簽證的 持有人等,也有139人。 除了ZOOM在綫講座之外,我 們安頓服務人員也運用微信和zoom 的平臺,在十名義工老師愛心的支 持下, 服務Barrhaven地區百餘名 老年客戶。自3月30日正式啟動疫期 在線“開心分享時光活動”,於4月至 5月每週4次,6月以來每週2次,共 組織了50餘場線上活動,包括文藝娛 樂,科技,美食等各樣主題。此外, 每週二固定的日常英文課依舊在線上 學習。在疫情下,長者客戶們仍然擁 有充實又多采多姿的生活。 為保護長者的健康,四月底開 始,本中心聯手渥太华华人音乐协 会(OCMA) ,為华裔长者提供電話 訂菜﹑買菜及送菜的服務,共有三 十多名義工加入,有數十位老人接 受過我們的服務。 雖然我們中心已經在6月29日 重新開放,而且也讓客戶直接和我 們的工作人員接觸,但爲了保障工 作人員和客戶的健康和安全,我們 規定客戶必須有預約,而且一定要 帶上口罩才可以進入我們中心。最 後,我們各項目的講座和小組活動 會依然在綫上舉行,希望各位踴躍 參加。 Rupert Yeung Program Manager Client Services Department

Dear clients,

Our agency responded to the Ontario government’s declaration of emergency as a result of the spread of Covid-19 in Ontario by locking down our office on March 17, 2020. However, we did not stop providing our services which included settlement services for newcomers with the majority of them originating from China and Syria. Then we had two services specifically target-ing Chinese Canadians, namely, generic counselling service, and mental health support service.

Between Mar. 17, 2020 and June 26, 2020, all our workers, workers from all programs were working from home. The continued to serve clients individually by answering their telephone calls on their cell phones. These calls were routed to individual worker’s cell phones through our agency’s main number.

In addition, our workers have also been using emails and the WeChat plat-form to communicate with our clients. After our agency has created a public account on WeChat, our workers have been able to distribute a lot of important messages and information to a much wider audience, including those who live in other cities or provinces.

Locking down our office does not mean we have stopped delivering our group sessions that include information and community connections sessions. Instead, we have moved all these group sessions onto the Zoom platform. It took little time to set everything up and our first online workshop on Zoom was de-livered on April 22, 2020. This first work-shop addressed the legal aspects of the government’s emergency supports for


We have continued to offer online sessions ever since, delivering 9 ses-sions in May and 5 more in June. Our workshop topics selected were very op-portune for the time we live in i.e. during a pandemic. They ranged from the CERB program, parenting tips, how to stay healthy, getting help to how to use the Zoom platform for communication pur-poses.

Between April and June, a total of 691 Chinese Canadians participated in our online workshops on Zoom. 302 were newcomers, 250 were Canadian citizens and 139 belonged to other categories. This includes international students, visitors or even refugee claim-ants. More online sessions are being organized and scheduled for July. Work-ers from all programs offered the work-shops individually or in collaboration with other workers.

In addition to information sessions on ZOOM, our settlement workers have also used the WeChat platform to con-duct English learning and settlement related discussion with the support of ten volunteer teachers, to serve more than 100 elderly customers in Barrhaven. Since the official launch of the online "Happy Time Sharing Event" during the epidemic period on March 30, 4 times per week from April to May and twice per week since June, a total of more than 50 online events have been or-ganized, including arts and entertain-ment, technologies, food and other topics. In addition, the regular daily English classes are still available online on Tuesdays. Our elderly clients still have a colorful life during the pandemic.

To protect the health of elders,

since the end of April, the Center has teamed up with the Ottawa Chinese Music Association (OCMA) to provide services for ordering, buying, and delivering food to Chinese elders. More than 30 volunteers have joined, with dozens of seniors has received our ser-vices.

Although the Ontario government has announced that many municipali-ties can go to stage 3 of the Re-opening of Ontario’s economy on July 17, 2020, our agency will keep its current mea-sures in place meaning that only half of our team will come to work in the office and the other half work from home. We will continue to require our clients to wear a face mask when they visit our agency and that they must have an appointment with one of our workers. This is to say our workers will not serve any drop-in clients. Last of all, our group sessions will remain to be delivered on-line until further notice.

Please stay tuned for our online workshops. You are welcomed to access our workers in the office but remember to make an appointment with them first. Last of all, don’t forget to wear a face mask when you come to our agency.

Rupert Yeung Program Manager Client Services Department



JULY 15, 2020

渥 太 华 华 人 社 区 服 务 中 心 微 信 公 众 号 欢 迎 您 ! 扫 码 识 别 左 面 的 二 维 码 关 注 !

您 也 可 以 搜 索 公 众 号 的 名 称 找 到 我 们 或 加 入 我 们 中 文 名 称 : 渥 太 华 华 人 服 务



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In 2020, the Ottawa Chinese Communi-ty Service Center (OCCSC) will celebrate its 45th anniversary. During this journey, OC-CSC has committed to helping newcomers with full social and economic integration into Canadian society.

With the evolution of time, OCCSC has added many services and programs. OCCSC started by only helping Chinese immigrants, but now serves newcomers from more than 100 different nationalities. 2020 is also a very special year, during the COVID-19 pan-demic; OCCSC continues to provide ser-vices to newcomers in need through email, telephone, ZOOM and WeChat for on-line trainings, workshops and virtual group ac-tivities. To help isolated seniors, OCCSC also works with our community partner (OCMA), to deliver groceries and medical supplies through volunteers.

To celebrate OCCSC’s 45th anniversary, we sincerely invite you to search the memo-ry banks, look back at your past experiences, recall the moment you were first introduced to OCCSC, or recall the help you received this year during the epidemic, and share your OCCSC story by words, pictures or videos.

Time: from August 15 to September 15, 2020 Topic: (Please select one)

• OCCSC and Me

• OCCSC’s help under the Covid-19 pandemic

You can be a client, volunteer, event participant, or long-term partner. For ex-ample, how has the services provided by OCCSC changed your life and work? How has OCCSC solved your problems, how has OCCSC helped you better integrate into Ca-nadian life? It can also be your experience in cooperation with OCCSC, etc.

Submissions and requirements:

1. Short essays or poems: (Word file within 300 words)

2. Short text and photo: (Word file should be within 300 words, photo size should not exceed 5MB)

3. Short video: (no more than 60 seconds, movie size no more than 9MB)


• Electronic Participation certificate will be provided

Selected Testimonial Participants:

• Will receive an award certificate

• The testimonial will be published on OCCSC social media platforms (including the

monthly newsletter, our WeChat public ac-counts, and CHIN Radio Mandarin program.) • The testimonial may be published in the

OCCSC 45th Anniversary Booklet • Will receive an OCCSC 45th Anniversary


Participation rules:

• All testimonials: must be original work of the participants themselves and do not infringe any intellectual property rights.

• The copyright of all testimonial belongs to OCCSC.

• OCCSC reserves the right to publish selected testimonials in media

• With a submission you give OCCSC consent to publish without payment or copyright fees.

Submission Method:

Please send us your testimonial with your name in English and Chinese (if applicable)


your name +email+cell number+address

*Send to: mystory@occsc.org

Inquiries: ( 613-235-4875 ext. 144 *mystory@occsc.org OCCSC与我”感言征集 渥 太 华 华 人 社 区 服 务 中 心 (OCCSC)迈入第45周年。自成立至 今,OCCSC一直致力于服务新移民、 难民以及社区,帮助众多“新居民”在 经济和生活上融入加拿大社会,在渥太 华及周边城市安居乐业。 45年间,OCCSC的服务项目也 在递增,由刚开始只服务华人,到目 前每年服务8,000多位;来自一百多 个国家的客户。2020年是特殊的一 年,在新冠疫情的蔓延下,OCCSC 仍然透过电子邮件、电话、微信和 ZOOM等社交媒体,持续为有需要 的客户提供服务,并将实体活动改为 线上培训课程,讲座及小组活动。为 保护长者健康,OCCSC与社区伙伴 (OCMA)合作,由义工们递送食物和 医疗用品等服务给弱势老人。 为庆祝OCCSC的45周年庆,我 们真诚地邀请您翻开相册,或回读日 记,回顾这些年的历程,用文字、图片 或影像分享与OCCSC相遇的那一刻。 讲述您和OCCSC的故事,将感 动与我们分享。 活动时间: 2020年8月15日到9月15日 题目:(二 选 一 ) · OCCSC与我 · 新冠疫情下的OCCSC温情 讲述您与OCCSC的共同回忆, 您可以是客户,义工,活动参与者, 或是长久以来的合作伙伴。例如, OCCSC提供的服务对您的生活、工作 方面发生了哪些变化?您对此有何感 受?OCCSC如何解决您的困境,如何 帮助您更好地融入加拿大生活,也可以 是您与OCCSC的合作经验等。 类型及要求以下形式均可: 题材不限 1. 短文或詩歌: (word 文件档300字 以内) 2. 短文加照片: (word 文件档300字 以内, 照片大小不超过5MB ) 3. 短片: (不超过60秒, 影片大小不 超过9MB) 参与者: · 将获得电子档的参加证书 入选作品: · 将获得奖状一张 · 作品将发表于OCCSC社交媒体 平台、(包括月刊、微信公众号、 CHIN Radio中文电台等) · 作品有机会发表于OCCSC45周年 庆特刊 · 将获得OCCSC45周年庆纪念品 一份 参加细则: · 所有作品须为参与者本人原创作 品,并没有侵犯任何知识产权。 · 所有作品之版权归OCCSC所有。 · OCCSC保留将入选作品发表于任 何媒体之权利,毋须取得参与者的 同意或支付其版权费。 投稿方式: 请将(中英文姓名+电子邮件+手机 号码+地址)发送至电子邮件 *mystory@occsc.org 详细信息请询问 ( 613-235-4875 ext. 144 *mystory@occsc.org

Established in 1975, The Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC) is a non-profit, non-partisan, charitable organization com-mitted to advancing the full social and economic integration and participation of newcomers, immigrants, and people of Chinese descent in the City of Ottawa. Our one-stop service centre provides settlement services, settlement services for Middle-Eastern newcomers, language training, In-TAC employment support, pre-arrival services, volunteer and childcare services.

於1975年創立,渥太华华人社区服务中心(OCCSC)是一个非牟利、无宗教和无政治党派的社会服务机构。我们致力于 协助新移民在经济上和整体生活上融入加拿大社会,在渥太华安居乐业。我们一站式的服务包括移民安顿和社区融入服 务、中东移民安顿服务、语言培训、In-TAC就业服务、登陆前服务、义工及托儿等服务。


GU and my peers at OCCSC, I got the ball rolling and took the correc-tional officer tests of the Ministry of Correctional Services (Ontario). The results were not satisfactory but couldn’t prevent me from reaching my ultimate goal to become a Chi-nese law enforcement officer. The advice from Officer GU and the ex-perience in the Ontario tests allowed me to figure out a suitable approach to taking tests. After half a year of preparation, I went on to write simi-lar ones in Manitoba and British Co-lumbia. My hard work paid off and I passed both of them. Each of the provinces offered me the position of correctional officer almost at the same time. I’ve achieved my goal

and worked for B.C. Correction since. In the end, I’d like to sincerely thank OCCSC for its services that ex-panded the sources of information on my career planning. Also, I’d like to thank my family and friends who have cheered me up and helped me out. Having achieved my career goal makes me believe that no goal is far from reaching as long as it is set. Looking ahead, I’ll continue to promote OCCSC’s mission and make more contribution to our community. Translated by Yang Liu, on June 10, 2020 in Ottawa. After I graduated from high

school in 2012, I left Tianjin for an undergraduate program in Ottawa. A friend of mine was volunteering with the Ottawa Chinese Community Services Centre (OCCSC). She gave me a detailed account of some of OCCSC’s services, which I referred to my parents when they landed. Those services were of great help to their new life in Canada.

In February 2019, I attended a career planning workshop orga-nized by OCCSC on Canadian law enforcement agencies. Officer GU, a then OCCSC volunteer and Chinese correctional officer with the Ottawa Carlton Detention Centre, shared his experience at the workshop. He offered some tips on applying for law enforcement jobs, and, together with several of OCCSC’s staff mem-bers, took the time to answer ques-tions from the audience.

Later, I joined OCCSC as an Outreach volunteer, hoping to help advertise its services so that more people who were in need could ben-efit. Every time I went for training, I found it heartwarming to spend time with new immigrants of different ethnic backgrounds. We got along well with each other, which defines the inclusiveness of Canada’s multi-culturalism.

In April, encouraged by Officer

Volunteer Story by Shang Ce


Settlement Services

Volunteer Story - SHANG CE

我是2012年高中毕业之后从天 津来到了渥太华,开始了我的大学 求学之路。当时是我的一位朋友曾 经也在中心做志愿者,她和我详细 的 介 绍 渥 太 华 华 人 社 區 服 务 中 心 (OCCSC)的一些项目。随后, 我 的 父 母 登 录 加 拿 大 之 后 , 我 把 OCCSC的一些服务项目介绍给了 他们,他们获得了很多的帮助。 在2019年的2月份, 我参加了 O C C S C 举 办 了 一 场 关 于 加 拿 大 执 法 机 构 的 職 業 規 劃 講 座 , 是 由 OCCSC一名的義工, 當時任職於 渥太华监狱的华人惩教警察 - 顾警 官 来 到 了 现 场 做 分 享 。 顾 警 官 和 OCCSC的几位工作人员非常耐心 的 解 答 大 家 的 问 题 , 也 传 授 一 些 对于执法部门申请的建议。之后, 我加入OCCSC成了一名外展志愿 者,因为我希望帮助中心去宣传他 們優質及多元化的服務, 以便去帮 助更多需要帮助的人。每次去中心 参加培訓会议的时候,我都有一种 非 常 温 馨 的 感 觉 。 虽 然 是 华 人 服 务中心,我发现课堂里也有一些其 他族裔的新移民,大家融入的非常 好,充分的展现了加拿大包容的多 元文化。 2019年的4月份,在顾警官和 OCCSC同仁的鼓励下,我终于迈 出了第一步,参加了安省狱警的招 募考试。虽然结果并不理想,但是 我立志成为一名华人警员。又经过 了半年的准备,辗转了曼尼托巴省, B.C.省参加了不同的警务考试,在 OCCSC的義工顧警官的指導及自 我經驗的累積下, 我逐渐的总结了 一套适合自己的考试方式。老天不 负有心人,两省的惩教警察的录取 通知几乎在同一时间下达,最终我 如愿以偿成为了B.C.Correction的 一名惩教警察。 我真心地感谢渥太华华人社區 服务中心和每一位鼓励我,帮助我 的亲人朋友。正是因为OCCSC的 服务项目的多元化,让我有机会接 触到更多专业的信息。最终,曾经的 梦想已经实现,我坚信有了目标就 不怕路远!在我今后的工作当中, 我会把OCCSC的精神继续发扬, 为我们的社区做出更多的贡献。 義工故事-商策


安 頓 服 務


OCCSC Newcomer Services Directory (June 2020- June 2021 ) is available now. If

you are a new client of OCCSC, you can pick up the print copy from our reception.

The e-copy is available for download from www.occsc.org, or scan the QR code.

OCCSC 移民安居服務手冊(June 2020-June 2021) 已經出版了, 凡 是來訪OCCSC的新客戶, 都可以向前台接待索取精美印刷本. 如欲獲取 電子檔, 可至本中心官網www.occsc.org下載文件或掃二維碼


Launched in 2016 to provide different settlement services to Syrian refugees. For 3 years this program has provided needs assessment, employment support for men and wom-en, language instruction, information, orientation and com-munity connections. Currently SSMN offers its services to a wider range of Arabic speaking Middle Eastern newcomers and refugees in Ottawa. On average OCCSC provides services to 1000 Arabic speaking clients each year.


• Needs assessments & referrals • Information and orientation

(one- on- one, and groups) • Community connections

• Labour market orientation for women, men and youth

• Online learning training sessions and webinars • Citizenship test preparation courses and simulations

(online & in class)

• Digital literacy and practical training in using smart phone Apps & technology in daily life


自2016年起開展的敘利亞難民安頓服務,於 三年當中,提供需求評估及推薦服務,為男性和女 性提供各種就業輔導幫,語言培訓,信息講座,一對 一諮詢及社區聯繫的服務,本項目現在已改名為難 民安頓服務,服務對象擴展至所有母語為阿拉伯語 的新移民及難民。此項目每年平均服務1000位 客戶。 主要服務: •需求評估和推介服務 •LINC 新移民英語課程與托兒服務 •講座及一對一諮詢 •社區聯繫活動 (與加拿大義工進行家庭和社交活動的匹配) •就業輔導評估和推介服務 •為兒童和婦女提供藝術和手工藝、音樂和烹飪培訓 •提供生活化科技產品操作教學以協助融入本地生活 •翻譯和口譯 •求職輔導–女性創業 •社區聯繫–青少年的科學, 科技, 工程, 藝術及數學 項目





400 Cooper St, Suite 2000 Ottawa,

ON K2P 2H8


1547 Merivale Rd, Unit 240 Emerald Plaza

Nepean, ON, K2G 4V3


613-235-4875 or 613-218-3847


613-596-5626 or 613-404-2400










While we continuously provide free LINC classes for the new immigrants and convention refugees at OCCSC, we’ve also opened different fee-for-service (cost-recovery) English and French courses to meet the learning needs of the newcomers to Cana-da. There are Beginner, Low Intermediate, High Intermediate (both daytime and evening), Advanced English Courses, French Beginner Course, etc. The English courses are tailored for all those who want to learn or improve their English in all language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing; but the High Immediate and Advanced courses additionally focus on the effective communication, both oral and written) while the French Beginner course will introduce you to the basics of one of Canada’s official languages!

For all these fee-for-service courses, there are no restrictions in terms of the clients’ immigration status (all are accepted) or their residence (Quebec is included), etc.

渥 太 華 華 人 社 區 服 務 中 心 新 移 民 語 言 培 訓 部 在 為 來 加 新 移 民 / 難 民 提 供 免 費 新 移 民 語 言 培 訓 課 程 的 同 時 , 也 為 非 移 民 的 來 加 人 士 量 身 打 造 了 各 類 ( 成 本 收 回 ) 英 語 班 - 初 級 、 低 中 級 、 高 中 級 (白天及晚間均有)、高級班以及法語口語初級班, 以 滿 足 大 家 的 學 習 需 求 。這 些 英 語 課 程 為 欲 全 方 位 提 高 自 己 的 聽 、 說 、 讀 、 寫 能 力 的 人 士 而 開 設 (高中級班以及高級班則額外著重培養學員口頭及書 面的交際能力),而法語初級班將帶領您進入加拿大另 一個官方語言基礎的大門。 這些課程對學員沒有身份限制(所有來加人士均能 參加)也沒有居住地的限制(包括魁省居民)等。

We have rich experience in education management and served the community for 38 years.

We run small classes to create more interactive opportunities between the teacher and students.

We are proud of our teachers who are TESL certified and very experienced in teaching.

We have spacious and well multi-media equipped classrooms.

我 部 擁 有 極 豐 富 的 教 學 管 理 經 驗 , 已 服 務 社 區 近 35年。 我們以保證教學品質、讓學員正真提高英語水準為 理念,採用小班授課的方式,使您有充分的機會與 老師交流。 教師均為持安省英語教師資格證書、擁有豐富教學 經驗的加拿大本地人。 教室寬敞、明亮,配有多媒體的教學設施。

The training fee is $210 while the assessment fee is $25 for new student.

学费 $210 新学生语言测试 $25

Beginner / 初级英语培训 - 8 Weeks

July 14 - September 3; Tue. & Thu. 9:00 – 12:00

Low Intermediate / 低中级英语培训 - 8 Weeks

July 14 - September 3; Tue. & Thu. 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Advanced / 高级英语培训 - 8 Weeks

July 13 - September 9; Mon. & Wed. 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

For more details please call / 欲知詳情,请致电

613-235-4875, ext 128 amy.yi@occsc.org linda.simmonds@occsc.org




OCCSC LINC is now offered on-line, via Zoom – please contact us for more information (amy.yi@occsc.org, 4875, ext. 128, linda.simmonds@occsc.org, 613-235-4875, ext. 126) and we will gladly take care of you! We want you to either start or continue with your English classes and we are proud to offer you a very flexible schedule, for all LINC levels (1-5+), with our highly skilled teachers. You will enjoy your Zoom LINC and won’t miss anything on your way to mastering English in your new country! We can’t wait to meet you (virtually at this time)! WELCOME! 渥太华华人社区服务中心新移民语言培训部正在 使用Zoom提供网上英语课程。若您欲知情,请联系我 们(amy.yi@occsc.org, 613-235- 4875, ext.128), 我们将竭诚为您服务!欢迎新生加入这些课程、老生 继续学习这些课程。我们非常自豪地为您提供1至5+ 级以上所有不同等级的英语班,且授课时间灵活、师 资超优。您一定会喜欢这些网上课程,使得您在这个 新的国家、在精通英语的道路上不会错过任何良机! 我们期待、欢迎您的加入!





Level / 级别 DAY / 星期 TIME / 时间

CLB Level 2/3 Mon, Wed, Fri 一,三,五 9:30 – 12:30

CLB Level 1/2 Mon, Wed, Fri 一,三,五 9:00 – 12:00 CLB Level 1/2 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 一,二,三,四 12:45 – 12:45

CLB Level 2/3 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 一,二,三,四 9:30 – 12:30 CLB Level 1/2 Tue, Wed, Thu 二,三,四 13:00 – 16:00

CLB Level 2/3 Tue, Thu 二,四 10:00 - 13:00 CLB Level 3/4 Tue, Thu 二,四 9:30 – 12:30

CLB Level 3/4 Tue, Thu 二,四 16:30 – 19:30 CLB Level 5+ Tue, Thu 二,四 10:00 – 13:00

CLB Level 3/4 Mon, Wed 一,三 13:30 – 16:30 CLB Level 1 Thu 四 13:00 – 16:00

CLB Level 1/2 Sat 六 10:00 – 13:00 CLB Level 3/4 Sat 六 9:30 – 12:30

CLB Level 4/5 Mon, Wed 一,三 9:00 – 12:00 CLB Level 4/5 Fri 五 13:00 – 16:00

CLB Level 2/3 Thu 四 13:00 – 16:00


语 言 培 训 六 月 线 上 授 课 安 排

For more details please call / 欲知詳情,请致电

613-235-4875, ext 128 amy.yi@occsc.org


当前COVID-19病毒的侵袭 老年人为高危感染风险群 为保护社区长者们的健康 渥太华华人音乐协会(OCMA)与 渥太华华人社区服务中心(OCCSC) 强强联手 组织志愿者 为华裔长者提供电话订菜 买菜及送菜的服务


电 话 服 务 上 线

1. 下午四点前致电订菜留言专线, 留下姓名和电话号码 2. 志愿者打电话给长者下订单 3. 华人超市买菜及送菜给长者(志愿 者都配戴口罩, 手套及酒精消毒) 4. 八公里内里程费加币3元,超过 每增加一公里加币0.5元,最高 加币10元 5. 如能提供5%-15%的小费,是对 送菜志愿者的爱心鼓励,深表感激 服 务 步 骤 普通话:613-235-4875 分机 181 广东话:613-235-4875 分机 182 当前COVID-19病毒的侵袭 老年人为高危感染风险群 为保护社区长者们的健康 渥太华华人音乐协会(OCMA)与 渥太华华人社区服务中心(OCCSC) 强强联手 组织志愿者 为华裔长者提供电话订菜 买菜及送菜的服务


电 话 服 务 上 线

1. 下午四点前致电订菜留言专线, 留下姓名和电话号码 2. 志愿者打电话给长者下订单 3. 华人超市买菜及送菜给长者(志愿 者都配戴口罩, 手套及酒精消毒) 4. 八公里内里程费加币3元,超过 每增加一公里加币0.5元,最高 加币10元 5. 如能提供5%-15%的小费,是对 送菜志愿者的爱心鼓励,深表感激 服 务 步 骤 普通话:613-235-4875 分机 181 广东话:613-235-4875 分机 182


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Lifetime Members

Many thanks to our lifetime members for their support. OCCSC hopes to get more support for the important work of the agency.

Current Lifetime Members: Hazel Wong Connie Tang Bill Joe Shek-ho Ching Friend of OCCSC Wu King Wan Xian Chun Liang Andy Yuan

Benefits of being our Life Member:

üFull Tax deductible receipt

üOCCSC Lifetime Membership Crystal

üPlaque recognizing Life Membership

displayed in Board Room or reception

üInterview story in OCCSC Newsletter

üAcknowledgement in OCCSC Annual


üAcknowledgement on OCCSC Website

üAcknowledgement in OCCSC


üVote at the OCCSC AGM

üReceive OCCSC monthly newsletter

üDiscount card at 40+ local businesses

Benefits of being an OCCSC member: Vote at our Annual General Meeting

Have an opportunity to become a member of the Board of Directors Receive our e-newsletter monthly

Get discounts from our membership sponsors To become a member, please apply In person at

Suite 2000-400 Cooper Street. The membership fee is $10 ($5 for seniors) More information on Life-time Membership and Annual Membership,

please check our website at www.occsc.org or contact Doreen Ju at doreen.ju@occsc.org

2019-2020 MEMBER DISCOUNT BUSINESS Restaurants Brother Wu Restaurant Dumpling Bowl Jadeland Restaurant Longlong Noodles Magic Molecule

Mandarin Ogilvie Restaurant Merivale Noodle House Ng's Cuisine

Oriental Chu Shing Restaurant Palais Emperial

Shanghai ONE Fine Dining So Good


Wang’s Noodle House Yakiniku One Flower/ Gift Shop

Bayshore Flowers Oriental Charm

Ottawa Kennedy Flower Shop Supermarket

Green Fresh Supermarket Kow Loon Market

Optical/ Pharmacy Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy Somerset Drugs

Tri Optical

Chinese Traditional/ Medicine/ Esthetics/ Naturopath

Chinada Traditional Medical Centre Sunny Esthetics

Woodroffe Health and Beauty Spa Ying Lu Acupuncture

Travel Agencies Go Trip Holidays Inc Midearth Travel Inc Sunnyview Holidays Inc Training

Daido School

Little Star Learning Centre Zichan International Arts school Funeral and Cemetery

Capital Memorial Gardens Plan ahead! 613-276-3289 Gable Fung 10% Other


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