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An experimental and modelling investigation into the solid-phase extraction of pollutants from water


Academic year: 2020

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An Experimental and Modelling Investigation into the Solid-Phase

Extraction o f Pollutants from Water

A Thesis Presented to the University o f London for the Degree o f Doctor o f Philosophy in the Faculty o f Science

By Ca ro lin e El iz a b e th Gr een

Sir Christopher Ingold Laboratories Chemistry Department


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The use of Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE) in the detection and monitoring of

pollutants in water is reviewed. The main emphasis of this work is on the

thermodynamic and kinetic processes involved in this extraction technique using

octadecyl (Cig) SPE disks.

The equilibrium constant K@q, and the uptake rate constant kup, have been

determined for the partitioning of twenty-one pollutants between water and a Cig SPE

disk in a ‘closed’ system utilising ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV) and gas

chromatography - mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). The offloading rate constant kofr, is

obtained indirectly from K@q and kup. The twenty-one pollutants were chosen to

represent a wide range o f solute physico-chemical properties such as dipolarity /

polarisability, hydrogen-bond acidity and basicity and size. The equilibrium and rate

constants were regressed against the corresponding solute descriptors to produce

Linear Free Energy Relationships (LFERs) for Keq, kup and koff taking on the general


log SP = c + r.Ri + s.Tti" + a.Za2^ + b.ZPi^ + v.Vx

where log SP is log K«q, log kup or log kos, R2 is a solute excess molar refraction, 712^ is

the solute dipolarity / polarisability, Ea2^ and ZP2" are the solute overall hydrogen-bond

acidity and basicity and Vx is the McGowan characteristic volume of the solute. These

LFERs provide a means for predicting log Keq, log kup and log kos for a given pollutant

provided the solute descriptors are known. They also allow for some interesting


It is shown how the work in this thesis is relevant to the partitioning of

pollutants between water and a novel Aquatic Passive Sampler (APS), highlighting

areas of applicability for the physical constants determined for the system in this work


Table o f Contents

Page No.

Abstract i

Table of Contents iii

List of Tables x

Acknowledgements xiii

Chapter 1 Review o f Previous Pollutant Detection Methods

1.0 Pollutants 1

1.1 Liquid-Liquid Extraction 5

1.2 Solid-Phase Extraction 6

1.3 Biomonitoring 8

1.4 Passive Sampling 9

1.5 References 11

Chapter 2 Review o f Solid-Phase Extraction

2.0 Solid-Phase Extraction 17

2.1 The Basic Principles 17

2.2 Solid-Phase Extraction Cartridges 21

2.2.1 Design 21

2.2.2 Applications and advantages of SPE cartridges 22

2.2.3 Disadvantages of SPE cartridges 23

2.3 Solid-Phase Extraction Disks 24


2.3.1 Design 24

2.3.2 Applications and advantages of SPE disks 25

2.3.3 Disadvantages of SPE disks 26

2.4 Solid-Phase Micro Extraction 27

2.4.1 Design 27

2.4.2 Applications and advantages of SPME 28

2.4.3 Disadvantages of SPME 29

2.5 References 31

Chapter 3 Introduction to the European Union Aquatic Passive Sampler

3.0 The Aquatic Passive Sampler 35

3.1 Design of the Aquatic Passive Sampler 36

3.1.1 Theoretical considerations of design 3 8

3.2 The Rate-Limiting Membrane 40

3.2.1 Polysulphone membrane 41

3.2.2 Low density polyethylene membrane 41

3.3 The Receiving Phase 41

3.4 The Body of the Aquatic Passive Sampler 42

3.5 References 43

Chapter 4 Introduction to the Abraham Solvation Equation

4.0 Linear Free Energy Relationships 46

4.1 The Abraham Solvation Equation 46


4.1.3 The solute dipolarity / polarisability scale, 712^ 52

4.1.4 The solute hydrogen-bond acid scale, Z ai" 54

4.1.5 The solute hydrogen-bond base scale, Zp2^ 56

4.2 Applications o f the Abraham Solvation Equation 58

4.3 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis 60

4.3.1 Limitations of multiple linear regression analysis 62

4.3.2 Multiple linear regression and the Abraham Solvation Equation 63

4.4 References 66

Chapter 5 Introduction to Reaction Equilibrium and Rates

5.0 Reaction Equihbrium and Rates 69

5.1 Enthalpy 69

5.2 Entropy 70

5.3 Gibbs Free Energy 71

5.4 The Equilibrium Constant 72

5.5 The Rate of Reaction 73

5.6 Temperature Effects on Reaction Equilibrium and Rate 79

5.6.1 The van’t Hoff equation 79

5.6.2 The Arrhenius equation 80

5.7 References 82

Chapter 6 Aims o f the Present Work


Chapter 7 The Determination o f Physical Constants

7.0 Introduction 86

7.1 The Set of Pollutants 88

7.2 Determination of Equilibrium and Rate Constants Utilising Ultra Violet

Spectroscopy 89

7.2.1 Calculating the volume of the disk 90

7.2.2 Calculating the equilibrium constant 91

7.2.3 Calculating the uptake rate constant 91

7.3 Determination of Equilibrium and Rate Constants Utilising Gas Chromatography-

Mass Spectroscopy 96

7.3.1 Calculating the uptake rate constant 97

7.4 Results and Discussion 99

7.4.1 Comparing the equilibrium and rate constants to existing data 113

7.5 Experimental for the UV Spectroscopy Procedure 131

7.5.1 Materials and solutions 131

7.5.2 Instrumentation 131

7.5.3 Collection of partition data - on-line 132

7.5.4 Collection of partition data - off-line 133

7.6 Experimental for the GC-MS Procedure 134

7.6.1 Materials and solutions 134

7.6.2 Instrumentation 135

7.6.3 Collection of partition data 136

7.6.4 Pollutant extraction from water 137


Chapter 8 Effects o f Temperature and Stirring Rate on Solid-Phase Extraction

8.0 Introduction 141

8.1 Results and Discussion 144

8.1.1 Temperature effects on Keq 144

8.1.2 Stirring rate effects on K@q 149

8.1.3 Temperature effects on kup 150

8.1.4 Stirring rate effects on kup 154

8.2 Conclusions 155

8.3 References 158

Chanter 9 Characterisation o f the Water-Ci« Solid-Phase Extraction Disk System

9.0 Introduction 159

9.1 The Equilibrium Constant 165

9.2 The Uptake and Offloading Rate Constants 173

9.3 References 178

Chapter 10 Determination o f ICq, k„p, and knfT for the European Union Aquatic Passive Sampler

10.0 Introduction 179

10.1 Calculating the Equilibrium Constant 181

10.2 Calculating the Uptake Rate Constant 182

10.3 Results 183


10.3.1 Data obtained by Kingston 183

10.3.2 Data obtained in the current work 183

10.4 Discussion 185

10.4.1 Comparing Keq for water-Cig disk and water-APS systems 185

10.4.2 Comparing k„p and koff for ‘closed’ water-Cig disk and water-APS

systems 188

10.4.3 Comparing k„p and koff for ‘closed’ and ‘open’ water-APS systems 190

10.5 Applying the Huckins Equation to the ‘Open’ Water-APS System 193

10.6 Conclusions 196

10.7 Experimental 197

10.8 References 198

Chapter 11 Determination o f Solute Descriptors for Pesticides

11.0 Introduction 199

11.1 Calculation o f Partition Coefficients 202

11.2 Determination of Descriptors 204

11.3 Results 208

11.3.1 Diuron 208

11.3.2 Dieldrin 215

11.3.3 Atrazine 220

11.3.4 Metaxon 223

11.4 Discussion 227

11.5 Conclusions 234


11.6.2 Solubility measurements 235

11.7 References 237

Chapter 12 Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Work

12.0 Conclusions 239

12.1 Suggestions for Future work 241


List o f Tables

Table 2.1

Table 4.1

Table 4.2 Table 7.1 Table 7.2 Table 7.3 Table 8.1 Table 8.2 Table 8.3 Table 8.4 Table 9.1 Page No.

Examples of sorbents, typical eluting solvents and characteristics 20

o f the analyte that can be extracted from the aqueous sample

Atom contributions for calculation o f Vx (in cm^ mol'^) 51

An example of the output for the MLR analysis of log Keq and the 65

Abraham solute descriptors

Imax in water, extinction coefficients and experimental log Keq, 121

log kup and log kofr values for the twenty-one pollutants studied in

this work

Some physical data for the twenty-one pollutants studied in this 127

work and the seventeen chlorinated compounds studied by


Selective ion monitoring conditions used for the identification of 136

the pollutants analysed by GC-MS

Water-Ci8 disk equilibrium and uptake rate constants, 144

corresponding standard deviations and some physical constants

for diuron

Some thermodynamic constants for the partitioning of pollutants 148

between water and the Cig disk

Log Keq for diuron at varying stirring rates 150

Log kup for diuron at varying stirring rates and temperatures 152


Table 9.2 The solute descriptors used in the development of the Abraham 164

solvation equations in the current work

Table 9.3 Output for the MLR analysis of log Keq and the Abraham solute 166


Table 9.5 The equation coefficients for some water-solvent systems of 169


Table 9.6 Output for the MLR analysis of log k„p and the Abraham solute 173


Table 9.7 Output for the MLR analysis o f log koff and the Abraham solute 175


Table 10.1 Log Keq, log kup and log koff for diuron partitioning in water-Cig 184

SPE disk and water-APS systems

Table 11.1 Coefficients in equation 4.3 and 11.1 for various processes 206

Table 11.2 Measured and calculated values of log Ss, and selected log VP 209

and log Sw values for diuron

Table 11.3 The observed and calculated values of log P and log Ls for the 211

diuron training set

Table 11.4 The predicted and observed values of log P and log Ls for the 212

diuron test set

Table 11.5 Initial and refined solute descriptors for diuron 213

Table 11.6 Measured and calculated values of log Ss, and selected log VP 216

and log Sw values for dieldrin

Table 11.7 Final solute descriptors for dieldrin 218

Table 11.8 The observed and calculated values of log P and log Ls for 219



Table 11.9 Literature values of log Ss, and selected log VP and log Sw values 220

for atrazine

Table 11.10 The observed and calculated values of log P and log Ls for 222


Table 11.11 Final solute descriptors for atrazine 223

Table 11.12 Measured and calculated values of log Ss, and selected log VP 224

and log Sw values for metaxon

Table 11.13 The observed and calculated values of log P and log Ls for 225


Table 11.14 Final solute descriptors for metaxon 226

Table 11.15 The derived Abraham solute descriptors for pesticides and known 227

descriptors for various other compounds



My sincerest thanks go to my Ph.D. supervisor. Dr Michael Abraham. His knowledge

and expertise in the area of physical chemistry coupled with his unfailing

encouragement, patience and guidance has helped me to accomplish my Ph.D.

I am very grateful to my research group past and present; Vikas Gupta and Julian

Dixon for their advice and support when I first started out; Dr Jamie Platts for his

great patience when explaining the ins and outs o f QSAR to me; and Joelle Gola,

Joelle Le and the rest of the team for all of their encouragement over the years.

I would like to offer a particularly big thank you to Jenny Kingston, for whom, as part

of the European Union collaboration, has provided me with a mass of data, technical

knowledge and a great friendship. I would also like to wish her and Lena Bjorklund-

Persson good luck in the completion of their own research.

I extend my gratitude to Dr Richard Greenwood, Dr Graham Mills and everyone else

involved in the European Union project for their advice on technical issues and for

making progress meetings so enjoyable. I have made some very good friends over the

past three and a half years and wish everyone well in the future.

Thank you to the European Union for the funding this project and giving me the

opportunity to study for this Ph.D.

Contract No.: SMT4-CT96-2114 (DG 12-RSMT)


Thank you to Dr William Acree Jnr. for providing me with the opportunity to visit

The University of North Texas to carry out some very interesting research and for

some of the solubility data included in this work.

Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for putting up with me during this

Ph.D. My parents, to whom this thesis is dedicated, have shown never-ending

encouragement, love and support and I would not have got this far without it. All of

my friends, particularly Rachel Jones, Jamie Kirk, Richard Boulton and Bethany

Blowers for their tireless understanding and for always being there when I needed


Chapter 1 Review o f Previous Pollutant Detection Methods

1.0 Pollutants

There are currently about 70000 organic compounds in commercial

production, with approximately 1000 being added every year. Roughly one third of all

organic compounds produced end up in the environment due to misuse, carelessness

and leaching, which in turn, can lead to contamination of surface and ground waters.*

The presence o f pollutants in water, a substance vital to human beings, animals and

plants, is causing a great deal of global concern. Pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls

(PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalates and phenols etc. are

among some o f the most hazardous and toxic of the organic pollutants to enter

environmental waters.^’^’"* Figure 1.1 shows the structures of some common pesticides,

PAHs and PCBs.

Pesticides are o f particular concern due to their common use, toxicity and

p ersistence in the environment. Pesticides are toxic by nature as they are specifically

designed fo r^ h ^ ^ e in agriculture, industry and households in the control of weeds

(herbicides), insects (insecticides), fungi (fungicides), rodents (rodenticides), molluscs

(moUuscicides), mites (acaricides), aphids (aphicides) and eggs (ovicides). They are

also used as fumigants and r e p e lle n ts .P C B s have been used in the past as

transformer coolants, dielectric fluids, solvents and flame-retardants. The

characteristic properties of PCBs and some pesticides are hydrophobicity or low

aqueous solubility, relatively low vapour pressure and resistance to chemical

reactions. These properties result in persistence in the environment and

accumulation in soils, sediments, plankton, marine animals and all the way through


Herbicide: Diuron Herbicide: Atrazine


C l



/ / \




C H j ^ ^ N H N N HCH( CHj)2

Insecticide: Dieldrin








Herbicide: Mecoprop




PAH: Naphthalene PAH : Phenanthrene


PCB 52 PCB 153

C l Cl

Cl Cl

C l Cl


combustion of wood, petrol, oil and coal/ Since these commodities are part of society

and will continue to be used in the near fiiture, it is not surprising that PAHs are found

in relatively high concentrations in the environment.

All o f these pollutants can enter the water system in a number o f ways. The

amount o f pesticides in water largely depends on the intensity o f food production in a

given area (which in turn determines the amount of pesticide applied), the season,

precipitation and flow rate of the water. The majority o f pesticides are directly applied

to crops by spraying or sowing in the soil and can then enter the water system by

leaching off the fields into rivers or underground supplies. Pesticides used to control

aquatic weeds and pests are directly introduced to the water system and effluent from

plants using pesticides also contribute to the contamination of water. ^ The synthesis

and use of PCBs and DDT was phased out in the 1970s due to the very hazardous

impact these pollutants have on the environment. Despite this, levels of both PCBs

and DDT and its metabolites have been identified in water, sediment, molluscs, eggs,

fish, mammals and humans. A number of papers have been published confirming

that PCBs have been found in remote reservoirs and polar regions due to

transportation by atmospheric precipitation from the initial region of contamination.^^

Consequently, monitoring for the presence of organic pollutants is a

requirement of both European and American legislation. The European Union

directive on the quaUty of water intended for human consumption allows a maximum

concentration for total pesticides in drinking water o f 0.5 pg.l'^ and a concentration of

0.1 pg.r^ for individual pesticides and related compounds. The monitoring for

pollutants must satisfy two criteria: 1) long term assessment of pollutant trends and 2)

short term, or episodic, assessment of increased pollutant concentration in


a programme of direct sampling. Possible pollutants are identified according to

regional usage patterns, representative samples are taken fi-om specific points at

specific time intervals and transported back to the laboratory for analysis. Since the

concentration of pollutants in the aquatic samples is low (ranging fi*om pg - pg.l'^)

isolation and pre-concentration of the specific pollutants is necessary prior to

analytical analysis. The favoured techniques are liquid-liquid extraction

sohd-phase extraction or more recently introduced, solid-phase micro

extraction (SPME)."^*"^^ Direct sampling provides an accurate determination of

pollutants in a particular place, and at a particular time. The results from these

sampling studies are combined and used for the assessment of historical trends in

pollutant levels. However, to accurately determine the true pollutant concentrations

over a period of time (or time-integrated sampling as it is more commonly named),

samples must be taken frequently enough so that fluctuations in pollutant

concentrations are not missed. This means direct sampling programmes can be time-

consuming, expensive and labour intensive and have down falls where spatial and

temporal variations in pollutant levels are observed.

Biomonitoring^^^^ and passive sampling devices^^'^^ are examples of time-

integrated, in-situ sampling methods that provide information on the continuously

varying concentrations of pollutants in a given water system over a given period of

time. These methods add another dimension to the procedure of determining

pollutants in water, by highlighting fluctuations in pollutant concentrations that may

have otherwise gone undetected and concentrating pollutants to detectable levels far

above those in the environment.


sampling are also reviewed, and the advantages and disadvantages for each method

are discussed.

1.1 Liquid-Liquid Extraction

Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) has been used extensively for the isolation of

semi-volatile and non-volatile organic pollutants from w a t e r . T h e determination

of a whole range of pesticides such as triazines and phenylureas in water using

dichloromethane, trichloromethane and mixtures of benzene and ethyl acetate has

been reported. Dichloromethane tends to be the most popular solvent used due to its

ability to extract compounds with a wide range of polarities and it is easy to

evaporate. Hexane has been used in the determination of halogenated pesticides and

PCBs. Other solvents used for extraction include acetonitrile, diethyl ether, pentane,

tetrachloromethane or a mixture of solvents. To achieve maximum extraction of

a compound, 2 or 3 separate aliquots of the solvent are used to wash the aqueous

phase and then are combined at the end to give a final solvent phase. This solvent

phase usually requires a further clean up to remove any residual water; sodium

sulphate is the common choice. The solvent phase is then evaporated off using a

rotary evaporator or a needle evaporator in a stream of inert gas. The solvent is

reduced down to 1 or 2 mis and is now ready for analysis using various

chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques. Some of the favoured techniques

include Gas Chromatography (GC) or Liquid Chromatography (LC) with Electron

Capture Detection (ECD), GC coupled with Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and High

Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection.*

The big advantage of using LLE is that it is simple to use and the technique


that can out weigh this. LLE requires the use of large volumes of expensive and

hazardous solvents and increasingly strict regulations on the use and disposal o f

chlorinated solvents makes it a rather unfavourable technique. The extraction process

is laborious and difficult to automate, some aqueous and organic phases form

emulsions and prolonged exposure to some solvents can be detrimental to the health

o f those using them. These frequently quoted disadvantages with LLE encouraged the

development of safer and more efficient extraction techniques.

1.2 Solid-Phase Extraction

A brief introduction to solid-phase extraction is given in this chapter but a

more in depth review is given in Chapter 2. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) was first

introduced in the 1950s in the form of charcoal beds that were used to isolate organic

compounds from water in order to assess their health effects.^®’^^’^* The next

development was the introduction of SPE cartridges in the 1970s, which typically

consist of a short column containing a solid sorbent packed between porous frits.^®’^^'

27,38 jjjg type of sorbent is usually graphitized carbon, alkyl bonded silicas, or

polystyrene-divinylbenzyl (PS-DVB) copolymers. The cartridge design has certain

disadvantages such as channelling o f the sorbent material, which reduces the capacity

of the cartridge to retain analytes, and slow sampling rates brought about by a small

surface area that can be blocked by solids in the sample.^^’^*

Solid-phase extraction disks, introduced in the 1990s, can eliminate some of

these problems.^®*^^’^^’^^’^* The disk design consists of some type o f sorbent embedded

in an inert material cut into disks with diameters from 4^96 mm and 0.5 mm


PTFE or glass fibre m a t r i x . T h e SPE disks can be used to isolate a whole

range of pollutants from water, are easy to handle, the homologous sorbent phase does

not suffer from the same amount of channelling as the cartridges and they boast many

advantages over LLE. Only a small volume of organic solvent is required to elute the

pollutants extracted onto the disk, making this a relatively inexpensive and efficient

m e t h o d . D u e to the widespread popularity and use of the SPE disks considerable

work has been carried out to explore their applications,^’*^’^®’^^’^® extraction

e f f i c i e n c i e s , ^ a n d various ways to utilise them in automated extraction

procedures.^'*'^ ^ ,3 5 ,3 7 ,3 9 ,41 ]^ynierous papers have been written on the predictive and

optimisation methods for SPE with disks and the physical and chemical properties

that affect this process.^ ' ,28,29.34,38,42,46,47 Chapter 2 for details.

Solid-phase micro extraction (SPME) was first introduced in 1989 by

Pawliszyn et al.^^ and has received a great deal of interest since then."*^"^^ SPME

provides a solvent-free approach to SPE based on equilibrium sampling. It has been

reported in the analysis of many organic compounds including chlorinated

X hydrocarbons (CHCs),^^ PBCs,^^'^'* PAHs^^ and pesticides.^*'^^ The technique of

SPME involves the use of a frised-silica fibre coated with a stationary phase and

contained in a micro-syringe. The stationary phase is usually 7-100 pm of

polydimethylsiloxane but other thicknesses and polymers have been used."^*’^^’^^ The

general procedure involves placing the fibre in the sample; the pollutants will partition

from the water onto the fibre until equilibrium is reached. After equilibrium, the fibre

with the concentrated pollutants is transferred to a gas chromatograph where the

pollutants are thermally desorbed and measured by GC or GC-MS.^^ Compared to

SPE disks and LLE, SPME is rapid, sensitive and can be automated very easily but



time it takes to reach equilibriiim/^'^^'^^ SPME has been shown to be dependent on a

whole range of physical and chemical parameters. The effects of salinity, humic acids,

turbulence,^^ temperature^^ and fibre characteristics such as thickness and type of

coating on SPME have all been reported.^^’^ ’^*

1.3 Biomonitoring

Biomonitoring is based on the ability o f aquatic organisms to accumulate

pollutants in their body tissue. Hydrophobic pollutants, in particular, can accumulate

to levels that far exceed those found in the surrounding water. This process is both

active (by ingesting contaminated food) and passive (by partitioning of pollutants

from water through membranes of the body and gills into the lipid tissues).^^"^^

Biomonitoring utilises this process to provide information on continuously varying

pollutant concentrations that the test organism encounters during their deployment

time. The favoured organisms are usually bivalve molluscs.^^’^* These are collected

from unpolluted waters, sorted into uniform sizes, divided into groups of equal

number, placed in nets and deployed at chosen exposure sites. After exposure the

molluscs are collected and stored at sub-rzero temperatures ready for sample

preparation. The general procedure involves separating the mussel tissue and liquor

from the shell, this is then homogenised and extracted with a non-aqueous organic

solvent ready for analysis. Typical analysis techniques are GC-MS and GC-ECD.^^^^

The use of living organisms for pollutant determination in water has proved to

be a very useful technique, providing time-averaged data on the bioavailability and

- toxicity o f PCBs, DDT, hexachlorinated benzenes (HCBs) and many other persistent


organisms bioaccumulate pollutants at varying rates due to different sex, size,

metabolism etc. as well as environmental effects such as temperature. The preparation

o f tissue samples is time-consuming and can be expensive. All these factors limit the

use and applications o f biomonitoring for the determination of pollutants in water.

1.4 Passive Sampling

Many o f the problems encountered with biomonitoring can be overcome by

the use of membrane-based passive samplers (MBPSs). These are basically semi-

permeable membrane bags filled with some type of lipid or organic solvent. The

general theory behind these MBPSs is based on the process of passive partitioning of

a compound between water and the organic solvent or lipid. MBPSs function as

physical models o f the bioconcentration process by which aquatic organisms

concentrate hydrophobic pollutants from water. But unlike aquatic organisms used in

biomonitoring, these passive samplers are non-living, and so can be applied to a much

wider range o f harsh environments. They also have an advantage over biomonitoring

since they are unaffected by biological and anatomical differences.

MBPS were first introduced by Sodergren in 1987 as dialysis membranes

filled with hexane.^® He showed how this design could concentrate lipophilic

pollutants via a passive process governed by partitioning mechanisms. He concluded

that this technique could be used to confirm bioconcentration mechanisms, to predict

environmental hazards of bioavailable pollutants, and to monitor pollutants, especially

in environments too severe for biological indicators to survive.^®’^^ Johnson and

Hassett along with many others have also shown the value of these MBPS and their

applications for time-averaged monitoring o f organic pollutants such as PCBs in


In 1990 Huckins et af^ introduced the semi-permeable membrane device

(SPMD). This consisted of low density “layflat” polyethylene tubing containing a

neutral lipid (usually triolein) to concentrate hydrophobic pollutants from water.

SPMDs in conjunction with a mathematical model, also developed by Huckins, have

been used extensively to determine the time-averaged concentrations of organic

f AH ^

^ ' pollutants such as PCBs,(PH^ and pesticides in water and compare favourably with


bio monitoring using molluscs. ’ ’ ’ The SPMD used with the mathematical model

is a useful and informative technique for determining time-averaged pollutant

concentrations and the bioavailability of various pollutants. However, the membrane-

based devices can be easily damaged, this results in organic solvents being released

into the environment. Not only is this highly hazardous, but it renders the sampling

for that site worthless. The MBPS and SPMDs are also highly susceptible to

bio fouling that can cause unpredictable changes in the diffusional properties of the


1.5 References

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Trends in Anal Chem., 1994, VoL 13,352.

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28. S. K. Poole and C. F. Vooh, Analyst, 1995, VoL 120,1733.

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34. M. Nakamura, M. Nakamura and S. Yamada, Analyst, 1996, VoL 121,469.

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36. A. Martin-Exteban, P. Fernandez and C. Camara, J. Chromatogr. A, 1996, Vol 752,


37. H. Lingeman, S. J. F. Hoekstra-Oussoren, J. Chromatogr. B, 1997, VoL 689,221.

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Vol. 689,245.

39. T. Renner, D. Baumgarten and K. K. Unger, Chromatographia, 1997, Vol. 45,199.

40. J. Dachs and J. M. Bayona, Chemosphere, 1997, Vol. 35,1669.

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42 M-C. Hennion, C. Cau-Dit-Coumes and V. Pichon, J. Chromatogr. A, 1998, Vol.


43. T. S. Thompson and B. D. Miller, Chemosphere, 1998, VoL 36,2867.

44. T. A Albanis, D. G. Hela, T. M. Sakellarides and I. K. Konstantinou, J.

Chromatogr. A, 1998, Vol. 823, 59.

45. R. Dommarco, A. Santilio, L. Fomarelh and M Rubbiani, J. Chromatogr. A, 1998,

VoL 825,200.

46. W. M. G. M. van Loon, F. G. Wijinker, M. E. Verwoerd and J. L. M. Hermens,

Anal. Chem., 1996, Vol. 68,2916.


47. H. J. M. Verhaar, F. J. M. Busser and J. L. M. Hermens, Environ, Sci. Technol.,

1995, VoL 29, 726.

48. R- G. Belardi and J. Pawliszyn, Water Pollut. Res. J. Can., 1989, Vol. 24,179.

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Sci. Technol., 1997, VoL 31,2960.


Chapter 2 Review o f Solid-Phase Extraction

2.0 Solid-Phase Extraction


The need to monitor environmental water for pollutants has been highlighted

in Chapter 1. Direct sampling requires pollutant isolation and concentration prior to

analytical analysis; methods such as liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and sohd-phase

extraction (SPE) have been the conventional choice. Out of the two methods, SPE has

emerged as the preferred technique.*’^ SPE overcomes many o f the pitfalls of LLE

which has encouraged a lot of work to be carried out to develop this into a rapid,

efficient, low cost and sensitive method for monitoring pollutants in water. The

initial introduction of solid-phase extraction came in the form of cartridges filled with

a solid sorbent. SPE disks were the next step, consisting of a sorbent embedded in

PTFE or glass fibres. The most recent development in SPE comes in the form of

polymer coated fibres contained in a micro syringe, hence the name sohd-phase micro

extraction (SPME).^’^’"^'^

Given in this chapter is a review of the types of SPE that have been introduced

and developed over the years. The design, apphcations, advantages and disadvantages

for each type o f SPE format are discussed.

2.1 The Basic Principles

The general principles behind sohd-phase extraction are essentially the same

for ah methods. SPE is a chromatographic process used to separate various types o f

analyte from a mobile phase utihsing interactions of the analyte with a stationary

phase. When applying SPE to the detection of pohutants from water, water is the


mobile phase when loading the pollutant onto the stationary phase and some organic

solvent when eluting them. The stationary phase is chosen from a wide range of

sorbents depending on the pollutant being isolated. When a water sample is passed

through the sorbent, analytes will be retained on it. The strength of the retention

depends on the specific physico-chemical interactions between the analyte and

sorbent. The concentrated analyte is then eluted from the sorbent using an organic

solvent. High concentration factors are obtained when analytes are strongly retained

by the sorbent in the presence of water and when there is low retention when eluting

with the organic solvent.

The most common sorbents used when isolating organic pollutants from water

can be separated into four groups; alkyl bonded silicas; polymers; graphitized carbon;

and chelated and ion exchange materials.

• Alkyl bonded silicas consist of carbon chains, typically octyl (Cg) and octadecyl

(Cig), chemically bonded to siloxane groups at one end. These are ideally used to

separate non-polar to weakly polar, neutral analytes from water. An example of Cg

chemically bonded to a siloxane group is given in Figure 2.1. Ri and R2 are alkyl


R i




The polymeric sorbents have a macroreticular structure that is used to extract non­

polar to moderately polar, neutral analytes from water. These have the advantage

that the polymeric phases are stable over the entire pH range 0 - 14. An example

of a polymeric structure is given in Figure 2.2.







Figure 2.2 The chemical structure of poly(styrenedivinylbenzene) sorbent phase

• Graphitized carbon sorbents come in two forms; graphitized carbon blacks (GCB)

and porous graphitic carbon (PGC). Both have large surface areas and are

particularly useful in the extraction of very water soluble analytes and those that

differ in geometric shape.

• Chelating and ion exchange sorbents are used for the selective extraction of

charged analytes such as metallics and acidic / basic compounds such as acid

herbicides and their metabolites. The sorbents have negatively or positively

charged functional groups on the surface that attract the charged analyte from the

water. By altering the pH of the eluting solvent, the concentrated analyte is

washed off in the neutral form.

Table 2.1 shows examples of sorbents, typical eluting solvents and characteristics of

the analyte that can be extracted from the aqueous sample.


Table 2.1 Examples of sorbents, typical eluting solvents and characteristics of the

analyte that can be extracted from the aqueous sample.

Sorbent Elution solvent Extractable analytes

Alkyl bonded silicas:

e.g. Octyl (Cg)

Octadecyl (Cig)

Ethyl (C2)



Non-polar - weakly

polar neutral Polymers: e.g. Poly(styrenedivinylbenzene) Carbowax-divinylbenzene Methanol Acetonitrile

Non-polar - moderately



Graphitized carbon:

e.g. Graphitized carbon blacks


Porous graphic carbon (PGC)




Non-polar - polar


Ion exchangers:

e.g. Carboxyl Acid

Quaternary Amine

Water - pH adjusted

to elute analyte in

neutral form



It is now possible to discuss how the sorbent is implemented into the three main

formats for SPE, the applications of these various forms and the limitations of their


2.2 Solid-Phase Extraction Cartridges

2.2.1 Design

A typical SPE cartridge consists of a short plastic or glass column (generally

an open syringe barrel) containing a sorbent, with an average particle size of 40-60

pm and pore size of 30 nm, packed between porous metal or plastic frits, see Figure

2.3. The quantity of sorbent in the column varies from 50 mg to 10 g depending on

the sample volume and the desired concentration of a n a l y t e . T h e cartridges are

favoured over LLE as they offer a rapid and efficient enrichment technique; they use

far less hazardous and expensive organic solvent and have been shown to compare

favourably with the traditional LLE technique employed in monitoring pollutants in


syringe barrel

sorbent packing

aqueous sample

porous frit

Figure 2.3 A typical solid-phase extraction cartridge


2.2.2 Applications and advantages o f SPE cartridges

Solid-phase extraction cartridges have a firm holding in the area of water

analysis. Pesticides, PCBs, DDT, PAHs, explosives, phenols and many other semi-

volatile analytes have all been extracted from environmental water samples using SPE

cartridges. ^ Once concentrated on the cartridge, the analyte must be eluted and the

eluant analysed to qualitatively and quantitatively identify the analytes o f interest. The

favoured analytical techniques for this include HPLC coupled with UV or diode array

detection (DAD),^’^ GC or LC with Flame Ionisation (FI), Electron Capture (EC), UV

or MS detection^'*® A large number of papers have been published on the automation

of pollutant determination using SPE cartridges coupled with HLPC, GC-MS, LC-

DAD and many other analytical instruments. This highlights another advantage of

cartridges over LLE as the automated procedures can provide greater reproducibility

at a much faster rate. A very recent development in solid-phase extraction has been to

apply the technology to the micro-column 96-well plate format commonly used in the

pharmaceutical industry. 96-well plates are used for high throughput screening and

the SPE cartridge variety of these plates are showing huge promise in this area.^"^

Vidal^ has shown that cartridges offer greater reproducibility than LLE in a

comparison between LLE and SPE cartridges in the determination o f pesticides in

water. But in the same con^arison, LLE was found to be more efficient than SPE

when detecting certain pesticides.^ Considerable work has been carried out to

investigate the various physical and experimental parameters that effect the efficiency

of SPE. Poole et al. have studied the effects of experimental procedural steps on the

recovery of analytes from SPE cartridges. They concluded that the recovery shows


provide 90 % or greater recovery. Poole has also investigated and characterised

kinetic and retention properties of disks and cartridges using a solvation model

approach^^ (details of this are given in Chapters 4 and 7). A method for the

determination o f cartridge capacity factors has been suggested using a set of phenolic

compounds. The values obtained can be used to predict recoveries when the sample

volume varies.** The more information available on the parameters that afifect SPE,

the greater the opportunity to choose the optimum experimental conditions which in

turn, leads to even more efficient, rapid, low cost and reliable water analysis.

2.2.3 Disadvantages o f SPE cartridges

The size o f the cartridges is deliberately small to minimise the quantity of

solvent used when eluting the analyte from the sorbent bed. This design feature

introduces certain disadvantages that can be summarised as follows:^’***’*^’*^

1. the small cross-sectional area of the cartridges results in slow sample

processing rates and a tendency to become blocked by particles and

absorbed components in the water.

2. channelling reduces the capacity o f the sorbent bed to retain analytes.

3. sorbent properties and packing can vary from batch to batch and between


4. incomplete reversibility of the sorption o f some analytes from the sorbent

can reduce the recovery o f analyte.

5. contamination of the extracted analytes is possible from impurities

introduced at the manufacture and packing stage.


2.3 Solid-Phase Extraction Disks

2.3.1 Design

Particle-loaded membranes (PLMs) and particle-embedded glass fibre disks

(PEGFD), referred to generically as disk technology, are examples of alternative

formats to the cartridge design for solid-phase e x t r a c t i o n . P L M s consist of a

web of PTFE microfibrils in which are suspended sorbent particles of approximately 8

pm in diameter, the pore size being approximately 6 nm.‘^’^^ PLMs are available in

diameters from 4 - 9 6 mm, are 0.5 mm think and contain approximately 90 % w/w of

s o r b e n t . T h e PLMs are flexible and require structural support, usually sintered

glass, in a standard filtration apparatus using suction to generate the desired flow

through the membrane. The PEGFDs contain sorbent embedded in a glass fibre

matrix. The small glass disks are rigid and self-supporting; the larger ones require

structural s u p p o r t . T h e SPE disks offer similar advantages to cartridges over LLE

for pollutant detection in water.^* Comparing the disk format to the cartridge format

shows an increased surface area, smaller particle size and more uniform packing. SPE

disks present an opportunity for faster sampling rates and enhanced advantages over

LLE compared to cartridges.*'*^’*^’’^’*^’^® SPE disks, like the cartridges, have been

adapted to the micro-column 96-well plate format and have contributed to an increase

in the rate of extraction and analysis of pharmaceutical compounds.

47 mm


2.3.2 Applications and advantages o f SPE disks

Since the introduction of solid-phase extraction disks in the 1990s, they have

widely been accepted as a more efficient, rapid and low cost alternative to LLE in the

analysis of pollutants in w a t e r . T h e y have also been shown to be an improvement

on SPE cartridges; the conventional solid-phase extraction format since the 1970s.^^

The improved performance from the disks is largely due to their increased surface

area and thin depth that reduces pressure drop and increases the rate of sampling. The

use of small 8 pm particles, uniformly supported in a mechanically stable mesh of

PTFE fibres, results in no bed channelling, increased sample capacity, greater

reproducibility in results and ease of handling.*'*®’^^’*^’*^’^®

SPE disks have mainly been applied to investigations into pollutant

determination in water. Pesticides,^^'^^ acidic and neutral herbicides,^**^^ fungicides,^®

PAHs^^ and many other organic pollutants have been isolated and identified using

SPE disks and a multitude of chromatographic and spectrometry techniques.^^'^"^ The

favoured eluant analysis techniques are the same as those used in conjunction with the

cartridges. Some examples are LC with UV or MS detection, LC-DAD and GC-

Ms 21-23.25,30,34 tcchniqucs have been used in automated procedures with the

SPE disks to further improve the efficiency, speed and reproducibility. The disks can

concentrate pollutants to such an extent that pollutant at levels as low as 0.01 pg.f’

can be detected, well within the levels set out by the EEC directive.^*’^^

Another area of interest regarding SPE disks is the characterisation and

optimisation of them^^’^®’^^’^^ Poole et al. have shown how various experimental

procedures can affect the recovery of pollutants from water. ^^*^® One obvious

conclusion made from this study is the need to condition the disks prior to sample

processing. By solvating the sorbent with an organic solvent (usually methanol) the


interactions between the analyte and sorbent are enhanced, any residual impurities are

removed and uniform flow through the membrane is achieved. Conditioning results in

higher recoveries of analyte. Solvation models to characterise the SPE process when

using disks have been developed along with tools for the prediction and optimisation

of SPE parameters; providing a means to select the best sorbent for a specific

extraction application.

An alternative use for SPE disks containing octadecyl (Cig) sorbent is to relate

the bioaccumulation of pollutants with the partition process of a pollutant between

water and the Cig disk. Bioaccumulation is the process of concentrating pollutants

from water into the lipid phase of aquatic organisms. Hermens et a l shows how the

water-Cig disk partition coefficient can be used to estimate bioaccumulation in aquatic

organisms^* and the baseline toxicity content of environmental waters.^^

2.3.3 Disadvantages o f SPE disks

Although the SPE disk format somewhat improves on the cartridge format

there are still pit falls with this technique that can be summarised as follows:

1) particles and components in the water can build up on the surface causing

blockages and reduced sampling rate.

2) sorbent properties can vary from batch to batch and between


3) contamination of the extracted analyte is possible from impurities


2.4 Solid-Phase Micro Extraction

2.4.1 Design

Solid-phase micro extraction (SPME) was first introduced in 1989 by

Pawliszyn et as a method for sampling liquid or gaseous samples. Rather than

being a massive improvement on SPE cartridges and disk, SPME is more of an

alternative method for pollutant detection.^ SPME devices generally consist of a

fused-silica fibre coated in a sorbent and contained in a micro-syringe, which makes

the fibre easy to handle and the device portable.^’"^^ Approximately 1cm length of the

fibre is coated with sorbent, typically polydimethylsiloxane but other sorbents such as

polyacrylate and Carbowax-divinylbenzene have been used, see Figure 2.5."*^ The

coating thickness ranges from 7 - 1 0 0 pm. The general extraction procedure for

pollutants from water involves placing the fibre in the sample, the pollutants then

partition into the coated fibre.

sorbent coating micro-syringe barrel



syringe needle

Figure 2.5 Atypical solid-phase micro extraction needle

After equilibrium has been reached, the fibre with the concentrated pollutants on is

transferred to the injector of a gas chromatograph and the pollutants are thermally


desorbed and analysed by various analytical techniques. As usual, calibration is

necessary to relate the detector response to sample concentration.

2.4.2 Applications and advantages o f SPME

Since the first introduction of SPME in 1989,"^° it has been shown to have great

potential for water analysis and has since received a lot of interest and development.'^^'

^ The main attractions to SPME are the rapid and efficient extraction of pollutants

fi-om water; the fact that this technique does not require the use of any hazardous and

expensive solvents; tiny sample volumes can be analysed at very low levels o f

pollutant concentration; and the coated fibres are highly r e u s a b l e . ^ Du r i n g the last

few years, the SPME devices have been applied to the determination of a variety of

compounds in several types of aqueous samples. These compounds include CHCs,^^

pesticides,'*^ '*^ PAHs,'^^ phenols and PCBs.'^^"'^^ SPME has been developed into a fully

automated technique with the pre-concentrated pollutants being thermally desorbed

inside a heated gas chromatographic injection port and directly analysed by GC.

Desorbed pollutants have also been detected by nitrogen-phosphorus detection

(NPD)'^^’'^^ GC-ECD'*^ ^^ and GC-MS,^®’^^ with limits of detection going down as low

as 5 ng.r^ and responses being linear over several orders of magnitude.

With the growing interest in SPME, numerous papers have been published

reporting on investigations into the dependence of SPME on various physical and

chemical parameters.^^ SPME is based on equilibrium sampling o f pollutants, hence,

the equilibrium constants for a whole range of pollutants partitioning between water

and the fibre coating, given as Kw f, have been determined. Nilsson and co-workers'^'^


5*^1 û



experimental temperature shorted the time to reach equilibrium but also to lower

Kwf values and consequently a lower sensitivity of the method. Urruty and Montury^‘

reported that the equilibrium constants for some pesticides were influenced by the

presence of ethanol in the sample solution. The extracted amount of pesticide was

shown to be dependent on the nature of the molecule and the ethanolic content of the

solution. In contrast, the time necessary to reach equilibrium was the same in the

presence and absence of ethanol.

Other studies carried out with SPME include kinetic and partitioning

behaviour of CHCs and monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons;"*^'^^ water analysis based

on the physical and chemical properties of the fibre coat i ngsol ubi l i t y and

partitioning of FAHs;"^^ determination of the binding state of pollutants in water rich

in humic organic matter;^'^ and the quantification of PCBs in various aqueous

samples.'*^'^^ One particularly interesting paper is that published by Vaes et al.^^ They

determined the kinetic rate constants and equilibrium partition constant for a set of

organic pollutants. These constants were used to develop mathematical models and

Quantitative-Structure Property Relationships (QSPRs) in order to predict the kinetics

and equilibrium times by computations alone. The models and QSPRs also provide

some insight into the significant processes involved in the partitioning process.

2.4.3 Disadvantages o f SPME

SPME is now considered to be a promising technique in the analysis of

pollutants in water and is continuously being developed and characterised since its

somewhat recent introduction. However, limitations do apply to SPME that can be

summarised as follows:^


1) the extraction of low concentration pollutants can suffer from

contamination from matrix components.

2) the technique relies on reaching equilibrium, which can sometimes be a

relatively long time which in turn reduces the speed of sampling.

3) the need to calibrate the method in order to relate the detector response to


2.5 References

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4. G. Font, J. Manes, J. C. Moko and Y. Pico, J. Chromatogr., 1993, VoL 642,135.

5. B. Tippins, Nature, 1988, VoL 334,273.

6. M. -C. Hennion and V. Pichon, Environ. Sci. Technol., 1994, Vol. 23, 576.

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VoL 825,200.

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9. J. Slobodnik, Ô. Ôztezkizan, H. Lingeman and U. A. Th. Brinkman, J. Chromatogr.

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11. T. Renner, D. Baumgarten and K. K. Unger, Chromatographia, 1997, VoL 45,199.

12. J. Slobodnik, A. J. H. Louter, J. J. Vreuls, I. Liska and U. A. Th. Brinkman, J.

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13. D. A. WeUs, LC-GC, 1999, Vol. 12, 704.

14. R. S. Plumb, R. D. M. Gray and C. M. Jones, J. Chromatogr. B, 1997, VoL 694,


15. M. L. Mayer and C. F. Poole, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1994, VoL 294,113.

16. C. F. Poole, S. K. Poole, D. S. Seibert and C. M Chapman, J. Chromatogr. B, 1997,

VoL 689,245.


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Chromatogr. 1995, Vol. 693,227.

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20. M. L. Mayer, C. F. Poole and M. P. Henry, J. Chromatogr. A,1995, Vol. 695, 267.

21. S. Chiron, A. F. Alba and D. Barcelo, Environ. Sci. Technol., 1993, Vol. 27,2352.

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23. S. Chiron and D. Barcelo, J. Chromatogr. 1993, Vol. 645,125.

24. D. Barcelo, S. Chiron, S. Lacorte, E. Martinez, J. S. Salau and M. -C. Hennion,

Trends in Anal. Chem.,1994, VoL 13,352.

25. A. Martin-Exteban, P. Femândez and C. Câmara, J. Chromatogr. A, 1996, VoL 752,


2 6 .1. J. Bamabas, J. R. Dean, S. M. Hitchen and S. P. Owen, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1994,

VoL 291,261.

27. T. A. Albanis, D. G. Hela, T. M. Sakellarides and I. K. Konstantinou, J.

Chromatogr. A,1998, Vol. 823,59.

28. T. S. Thompson and B. D. Miller, Chemosphere, 1998, VoL 36,2867.

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Figure 1.1 The structure of some pesticides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and
Figure 2.1 The chemical structure of a silica-Cg sorbent phase
Figure 2.2 The chemical structure of poly(styrenedivinylbenzene) sorbent phase
Table 2.1 Examples of sorbents, typical eluting solvents and characteristics of the


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