Customer training services ... 1
Training policies and department contact information ... 2
How to order a training program ... 3
Professional development for managers and supervisors ... 4
Management development ... 5
Building a safe place to work . . . 5
Building successful teams for managers . . . 5
Building trust in the workplace . . . 5
Chronic conditions in the workplace . . . 6
Dealing with conflict for managers . . . 6
Drug-free workplace for managers. . . 7
Improving communication skills . . . 7
Keeping employees engaged during a harsh economy . . . 8
Managing change for managers . . . 8
Managing trauma . . . 9
Meeting facilitation . . . 9
Preventing sexual harassment for managers . . . 10
Preventing sexual harassment, California . . . 10
Renewing your human resources* . . . 11
Science of goal setting* . . . 11
Substance abuse in the workplace for managers . . . 11
Using your management consultation services . . . 12
Workplace engagement . . . 12
Performance management ... 13
Addressing performance concerns . . . 13
Behavioral interviewing . . . 13
Building motivation and morale in the workplace . . . 14
Coaching techniques . . . 14
Effective performance appraisals . . . 15
A manager’s first-aid guide . . . 15
Managing people effectively . . . 15
Managing the pregnant employee* . . . 16
Managing strong emotions for managers*. . . 16
Managing teleworkers for managers* . . . 16
Corporate consultation/special circumstances ... 17
Leadership Certificate Program . . . 17
Corporate reorganization . . . 17
External resources . . . 17
Management consultation . . . 18
Grief and loss . . . 18
Critical Incident Response Services (CIRS) . . . 18
Human resources/workplace concerns and work skills ... 19
Change ... 21
Career transitions*. . . 21
Managing change for employees . . . 21
Surviving mergers and acquisitions* . . . 21
Survivors guide to downsizing* . . . 22
Communication ... 23
Building successful teams for employees . . . 23
Effective one-on-one conversations* . . . 23
Effective presentations and public speaking skills* . . . 23
* Designates a new program
How to take the edge off giving feedback* . . . 24
Improving communication skills for employees . . . 24
Nonverbal communication . . . 24
Respect and positive interaction in the workplace . . . 25
The art of negotiation* . . . 25
Conflict ... 26
Dealing with conflict for employees . . . 26
Dealing with difficult behaviors . . . 26
Dealing with the elephant in the room* . . . 27
Dealing with negativity in the workplace . . . 27
Customer service . . . 28
Building customer satisfaction . . . 28
Business etiquette* . . . 28
Ethics and values in the workplace* . . . 28
Managing customer expectations . . . 29
Meeting the challenge of the difficult customer . . . 29
Diversity ... 30
Fostering inclusion in the workplace* . . . 30
Unconscious bias* . . . 30
Valuing differences . . . 31
Workplace issues — Sexual identity* . . . 31
Healthy workplace ... 32
Bullying and violence in the workplace* . . . 32
Creating a healthy workplace. . . 32
Crossroads and intersections — Boundaries in the workplace* . . . 33
Find what works; build from there . . . 33
Generations @ work . . . 33
Health and well-being in the workplace* . . . 34
Interacting with ill co-workers* . . . 34
Interacting with ill employees* . . . 34
Polite practices in the workplace . . . 35
Preventing sexual harassment for employees . . . 35
Safety ... 36
Benefitting from ergonomics* . . . 36
Building a safe place to work . . . 36
Drug-free workplace for employees . . . 37
Substance abuse in the workplace for employees . . . 37
Workplace stress ... 38
Avoiding burnout . . . 38
Building resiliency . . . 38
Managing career success . . . 38
Managing multiple priorities at work* . . . 39
Managing stress for success . . . 39
Managing strong emotions for employees* . . . 39
Navigating the rapids of upheaval and crisis . . . 40
Workplace uncertainty . . . 40
Etc ... 41
Critical thinking . . . 41
Depression in the workplace . . . 41
Handling a death in the workplace* . . . 41
How financial stress affects the workplace* . . . 42
Improving processes . . . 42
Managing social connections* . . . 42
Managing your boss* . . . 43
Peer mentoring* . . . 43
Professional writing and email etiquette* . . . 43
Shifting priorities: Being your best on a shift schedule* . . . 44
So, you want to be a leader? . . . 44
Stick with it* . . . 44
Successful teleworking for employees* . . . 45
Suicide prevention* . . . 45
The new resume* . . . 46
Wellness and work/life seminars ... 47
Parenting/family ... 50
Aging ... 50
Advance directives* . . . 50
Coping for caregivers . . . 50
Managing eldercare issues . . . 51
Navigating eldercare resources . . . 51
The sandwich generation* . . . 51
Understanding Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias . . . 52
* Designates a new program
Parenting ... 53
Adolescence 101: The preteen/early teen years . . . 53
Bullying* . . . 53
Children and divorce* . . . 53
Children and stress* . . . 54
Developing capable kids . . . 54
Dual-career relationships* . . . 54
Growing healthy families . . . 55
Handling a family crisis* . . . 55
Internet information for parents* . . . 55
Parenting your teen: At-risk behavior* . . . 56
Parenting your teen: Career and life goals* . . . 56
Parenting your teen: Communicating* . . . 56
Parenting your teen: Finances* . . . 56
Parenting your teen: Friends and family* . . . 57
Parenting your teen: Giving back* . . . 57
Parenting your teen: Managing conflict & problem solving* . . . 57
Parenting your teen: Relationships* . . . 58
Parenting your teen: Sibling rivalry* . . . 58
Parenting your teen: Social issues* . . . 58
Parenting your teen: Success in school* . . . 58
Parenting your teen: Teens and sports* . . . 59
Parenting your teen: Test anxiety* . . . 59
Parenting your teen: Tips for parents of teenage drivers* . . . 59
Parenting your teen: Understanding important health issues* . . . 60
Planning for college . . . 60
Planning a patchwork summer . . . 60
Raising responsible children . . . 61
Successful single parenting . . . 61
Survival skills for new parents. . . 61
Violence in schools: Parental awareness and tips for prevention . . . 61
Etc ... 62
Healthy relationships . . . 62
The art of feng shui* . . . 62
Healthy lifestyle ... 63
Making healthy choices ... 63
Cafeteria shopping* . . . 63
Fitting fitness into your busy day . . . 64
Food in the fast lane . . . 64
Getting started . . . 64
Healthy food on a budget . . . 64
Healthy holiday eating . . . 65
Natural energy boosters . . . 65
Raising healthy kids in a junk food world . . . 65
Why diets don’t work . . . 66
Stress . . . 67
Stress and life balance . . . 67
Stress management 101 . . . 67
Stress management: Additional techniques . . . 67
Five Buckets Principle* . . . 68
Wellness . . . 69
Alternative medicine: Fact or fiction* . . . 69
Breast cancer awareness* . . . 69
Conquering fear and anxiety* . . . 69
Coping with a chronic condition . . . 70
Forgiveness* . . . 70
Healthy aging . . . 70
How to speak with your physician* . . . 71
Learning about headaches* . . . 71
Men’s health 101* . . . 71
Smoking cessation . . . 72
Taking charge of your health care . . . 72
Wellness and you . . . 72
Women’s health 101* . . . 73
Understanding your immune system* . . . 73
Your healthy heart* . . . 73
Life skills . . . 74
. . . 74
401(k) savings fundamentals* . . . 74
Adjustable rate mortgages* . . . 74
Charge it right . . . 75
College tuition: Understanding financial aid* . . . 75
* Designates a new program
Estate planning* . . . 75
Holiday budgeting* . . . 76
Home buying: The best investment* . . . 76
HSAs: Three ways to win* . . . 76
Identity theft . . . 77
Importance of having a will* . . . 77
Living off your paycheck . . . 77
Managing your finances . . . 78
Managing your money in tough times* . . . 78
Mind over money* . . . 78
Money basics* . . . 78
Pay yourself first . . . 79
Personal finance boot camp* . . . 79
Tax tips* . . . 79
Personal growth/challenges . . . 80
Creating passion . . . 80
Creative thinking . . . 80
Dealing with grief and loss . . . 80
From negative being to positive you!* . . . 81
Lightening your life with laughter* . . . 81
Living in an unpredictable world . . . 81
Maximizing your brain’s potential* . . . 82
Power of positive thinking* . . . 82
Strengthening your resources* . . . 82
Successful retirement . . . 83
Temperature’s rising: Lessons in anger management . . . 83
What’s your emotional IQ? . . . 83
Time . . . 84
Managing priorities to maximize your day* . . . 84
Simplify your life . . . 84
Slowing down in a sped-up world . . . 84
Etc . . . 85
Green tips for the home*. . . 85
New Year’s resolutions* . . . 85
Power of volunteering* . . . 85
Putting the “happy” back in the holidays . . . 86
Women and depression* . . . 86
Sampler programs ... 87
Communicating without words: Actions speak! . . . 87
The communication model: Building bridges . . . 87
Difficult behaviors: Taking the thorn out of my side . . . 87
Getting what you need: Asserting your rights without damaging others’ . . . 88
Healthy living: A primer . . . 88
Life balance: Too many balls, not enough bounce . . . 88
Stress: Dialing it down . . . 88
Self-paced training programs ... 89
Information fairs** ... 90
Eldercare ... 92
All about eldercare . . . 92
Eldercare: Difficult conversations . . . 92
Eldercare: Living arrangements and housing options . . . 92
Eldercare: Long-distance caregiving . . . 93
Eldercare: Taking care of the caregiver . . . 93
Helping an elderly family member maintain independence . . . 93
Helping the person with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia . . . 94
Life skills ... 95
Dealing with winter . . . 95
Everyday ways to make the most of your money . . . 95
Financial planning during uncertain times . . . 95
Grandparenting tips for the holidays . . . 96
Grandparenting today . . . 96
Green living . . . 97
Identity theft: Reducing your risk . . . 97
Making happiness a habit . . . 97
Making life simple again . . . 97
Moving on: Successful retirement . . . 98
Pets: Paws for thought . . . 98
Planning for the holidays . . . 98
Preparing for a disaster . . . 98
Strengthening the couple relationship . . . 99
Time management for busy families . . . 99
* Designates a new program
Parenting ... 100
Back-to-school . . . 100
Back in the nest: Adult children returning home to live . . . 100
Children and the Internet . . . 100
College planning for parents of high schoolers. . . 100
For expecting and new parents . . . 101
Helping the child with special needs . . . 101
Helping kids deal with bullies . . . 101
Helping kids and teens build resilience . . . 101
Parenting: Ages and stages . . . 102
Parenting the younger child . . . 102
Parenting your grade-schooler . . . 102
Planning summer activities for your child . . . 102
Single parenting/stepparenting . . . 103
Understanding teen behavior . . . 103
Wellness ... 104
Bursting the stress bubble . . . 104
Busy life, healthy life . . . 104
Developing a healthy lifestyle . . . 104
Fitting in fitness . . . 104
Kids’ nutrition and fitness . . . 105
Sleep: 1/3 of your life . . . 105
Smoking cessation basics . . . 105
Tips for healthy eating . . . 105
Wellness at your desk . . . 106
You can do it! Achieving your goals . . . 106
Workplace issues ... 107
Communication skills tune-up . . . 107
Coping with stress during times of change. . . 107
Managing between jobs: Coping with a job layoff . . . 107
Solutions for shift workers . . . 107
Workplace etiquette: More than please and thank you . . . 108
Workplace health and safety . . . 108
Workplace survival guide . . . 108
OptumTM offers a wide range of programs and services designed to help organizations address workplace challenges by:
• Providing employees with current information and
educational materials about work/life issues
• Heightening the awareness and visibility of
organizational effectiveness programs
• Helping employees develop their work/life management skills
• Providing management with the opportunity to
enhance employee relations by honing supervisory skills
• Conveying a supportive corporate culture to
employees and their families
Training programs
We offer training programs on a variety of topics related to workplace and work/life issues. They’re an integral component of an organizational health program. These interactive, practical and informative programs are conducted by members of the Optum network of experienced training professionals. Workshops and seminars utilize a variety of adult learning strategies. They may involve individual and group exercises, case studies or facilitated discussions.*
Our Management Development programs help managers polish communication skills and understand organizational
dynamics. Participants learn how to enhance employee relationships and knowledge, and improve morale and motivation in the workplace. Our Employee Development and Wellness and Work/Life programs are meant to be introductory in nature, with the goals of increasing understanding and introducing effective behaviors. Each program is listed in this catalog with a brief synopsis of its content and important information relevant to the presentation. The topics have been organized to help you meet the needs of your employees and your organization:
• Professional development for managers and supervisors — Designed for managerial and supervisory personnel.
• Human resources/workplace concerns and work skills —
Appropriate for all levels of professionals.
• Wellness and work/life seminars — Appropriate for most
• Sampler programs — 30-minute presentations designed
to offer a brief “taste” of our training programs.
• Web-based programs — Web-based versions of a select number of our in-person/onsite trainings have been modified for a web-based training format. Training times may vary from the in-person training. The web-based training platform is to be provided by the client.
• Information fairs — Resource fairs that showcase articles
• Scheduling: Thirty days prior notification is required when scheduling training. Department staff members arrange all scheduling.
• Contracted hours: Contracted training/consulting hours
are deducted in one-hour increments for all actual on-site time. This doesn’t include travel or set-up time.
• Fee for service: If approved, organizations that want
additional training hours — beyond those provided in their contracts — will be charged an additional fee.
• Travel time and expenses: No contracted hours are
deducted for travel time. Travel expenses, if any, are billed additionally when preauthorized by the customer.
• Canceled training: When canceling scheduled training,
five full business days’ notification is required. Shorter notice will result in a deduction of contracted training hours or an applied fee.
• Canceled travel: Any non-refundable travel expenses
incurred as a result of cancelation will be billed to the customer, regardless of when the customer cancels. When the training is being scheduled, the customer will be offered the option of refundable or lower-cost, non-refundable reservations.
• Critical Incident Response Services (CIRS): By special arrangement, contracted training hours also may be used
• Language availability: Currently we provide our training programs in English, but for a small fee they can be translated into Spanish.
• For each 30-minute program, one training hour will be
deducted from your contracted hours or one training hour will be billed to your organization, if training is fee-for-service.
• Information Fairs can be one or more hours in length, depending upon customer needs. For every hour, one hour will be deducted from your bank of training hours or, if fee-for-service, the hourly rate will apply.
Training policies and department
contact information
Quality assurance
Optum is committed to offering training programs that are relevant to your organization and
uncompromising in quality. Individual participants will evaluate all programs. This data will be collected, summarized and analyzed for internal modifications and enhancements. Please consult your account manager regarding particular concerns.
NOTE: Please allow a minimum of 30 days for your request to be processed.
1. Select programs that are appropriate for your
organizational and employee needs and interests. If you need assistance or more information than is provided in this catalog, call your account manager.
2. Choose several dates and times that meet your
scheduling requirements. Please have a room reserved for requested dates. The standard parameters for scheduling training programs are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
3. Please consider the following in planning for your
training session(s):
• Number of attendees expected in each session —
between 10 and 50 is recommended
• Number of sessions requested
• Participants (managers, employees, other) • Location of the training
• Contact person’s name, address, phone number
and email address
• Description of the room to be used (size, tables, etc.)
4. Be prepared to share any relevant workplace history,
incidents or information — such as new policies or workplace changes — that will be helpful to the trainer.
You may submit your request by calling your Optum account management team.
A cooperative effort
In order to maximize the training benefit, in addition to the 30-day advance request, we ask you to:
• Have a training space available to accommodate the
expected number of participants.
• Agree to print the participant booklets, evaluation
form, and with some topics there may be an additional document for printing.
• Have a flip chart or white board available and an
overhead projector or LCD projector and laptop computer.
• If scheduling back-to-back sessions, build in a 10- to 15-minute break between sessions to allow time for the trainer to address any changes that may be needed.
Professional development for
managers and supervisors
Professional development for managers and supervisors
Management development
• Building a safe place to work
• Building successful teams for managers • Building trust in the workplace
• Chronic conditions in the workplace • Dealing with conflict for managers
• Drug-free workplace for managers
• Improving communication skills for managers
• Keeping employees engaged during a harsh economy • Managing change for managers
• Managing stress for managers • Managing trauma
• Meeting facilitation
• Preventing sexual harassment for managers
• Preventing sexual harassment, California • Renewing your human resources • Science of goal setting
• Substance abuse in the workplace for managers
• Using your management consultation services • Workplace engagement
Performance management
• Addressing performance concerns
• Behavioral interviewing
• Building motivation and morale in the workplace • Coaching and development techniques
• Effective performance appraisals
• A manager’s first-aid guide • Managing people effectively • Managing the pregnant employee
• Managing strong emotions for managers
• Managing teleworkers for managers
Corporate consultation/special
• Leadership certificate program
• Corporate reorganization • External resources:
– Behavioral disaster preparedness for businesses – Take your child to work
– Transgender issues in the workplace • Management consultation
Management development
Building a safe place to work
3 hours
Laid-off employees, disgruntled customers and others seeking revenge may resort to violence — threatening, injuring or killing co-workers, supervisors and bystanders. Any business in any industry is vulnerable. In this program, participants are given the actual tools needed to put together an action plan for workplace violence prevention. The roles of workplace assessment and response teams, as well as specific techniques for preventing the escalation of violence, are examined.
Program highlights:
• Understand the specific role of management and supervisory personnel in maintaining workplace safety
• Identify action steps relating to a report of actual or potential violence
• Recognize the resources that are available following an incident of workplace violence • Understand the impact of violence on employees and the workplace
Client information and recommendations: This program is most effective when a representative from the human resources (HR) department attends and participates in the discussion. HR can address questions about your organization’s specific policies and procedures.
Building successful teams for managers
3 hours
Managers will learn to identify the characteristics of effective teamwork, influence the work group function and recognize the signs of a team in trouble. This program will help participants form and maintain effective teams, and improve productivity and morale.
Program highlights: • Define teamwork
• Identify the qualities and characteristics of an effective team
• Determine your individual work style
• Learn how to modify your work style for team effectiveness
Building trust in the workplace
3 hours
Also available in a web-based format 1 hour
Participants in this session take a look at company and employee behaviors that undermine workplace trust. By exploring the characteristics of the healthy workplace, participants receive a clear picture of what changes may improve their work environment.
Program highlights:
• Identify the characteristics of a healthy workplace
• Examine organizational behaviors that undermine trust
• Determine strategies for building trust
Client information and recommendations: This program should be presented with the full support of senior
management and as part of a larger workplace trust-building effort. An HR representative should be present during the training to address questions and concerns from the participants.
Chronic conditions in the workplace
1 hour
Also available in a web-based format
As a manager, are you comfortable facing an employee who is dealing with a chronic condition — or who is the caregiver for someone with a chronic condition? It can be challenging to balance the needs of the department with the needs of the individual employee. But that’s precisely what you must do. This program will help you understand chronic conditions, explore your role and legal obligations, and offer suggestions for providing support.
Program highlights:
• Learn about chronic conditions and the impact on the workplace
• Understand your role when managing or supervising an employee with a chronic condition or an employee
who serves as a caregiver
• Determine your legal obligation
• Become comfortable with available resources and the referral process
• Have an opportunity to apply the new learning
Dealing with conflict for managers
3 hours
Also available in a web-based format 2 hours
In addition to the general information contained in the employee conflict presentation, this program focuses on sources of initial and ongoing conflict, negotiations, conflict analysis, the benefits of conflict, case studies and the anatomy of an argument. It also covers setting the stage, ground rules and procedures for conflict resolution.
Program highlights: • Define conflict
• Understand how one’s philosophy of conflict influences how it’s approached • Determine your conflict resolution style and examine the optimum style • Understand sources of conflict
• Learn how to analyze conflict
• Review the steps in addressing conflict
• Apply and practice conflict resolution strategies
Client information and recommendations: This program is most effective when management and HR are familiar with conflict resolution procedures and agree to implementation of the process. It’s helpful to train designated managers and HR representatives to act as neutral third-party facilitators in the conflict-resolution process.
Drug-free workplace for managers
2 hours
It can be overwhelming to keep workplaces safe, meet government or other contractual obligations, and establish, maintain and support employee accountability. This training program, taken from the U.S. Department of Labor’s suggested training format and information, addresses these issues.*
Program highlights:
• Understand the different components of the drug-free workplace policy • Understand management’s role in implementing the drug-free workplace policy
• Know how to identify and investigate crisis situations
• Recognize workplace problems that may be related to employee use of alcohol and other drugs • Intervene in problem situations
• Refer employees who have problems with alcohol and other drugs • Protect employee confidentiality
• Continue to supervise employees who have been referred for assistance related to problems with alcohol and other drugs
• Avoid enabling and common supervisor traps
*While this program is designed to meet government contractual obligations, it’s the responsibility of the customer company to determine if this session will meet regulatory needs.
Due to legal constraints, our trainers cannot answer specific questions related to state or federal law, or interpret internal organizational policy.
Improving communication skills for managers
2 hours
Also available in a web-based format
Managers are in the unique position of being able to exercise a wide swath of influence. The level of influence is primarily dependent upon the manager’s communication skills. This program will address the communication concerns managers face and explore the skills required to be effective.
Program highlights:
• Identify methods of communication
• Learn the difference between passive, aggressive and assertive communication • Practice active listening
• Use positive communication for problem-solving • Understand the impact of written communication
Keeping employees engaged during a harsh economy
2 hours
Also available in a web-based format
Even the best, hardest-working employees can lose their focus during harsh economic times. At a time when businesses need to be on top of their game, employees may find themselves distracted by their own personal upheaval, questions about the future of the business and uncertainty about their own jobs. This training will help supervisors and managers determine what to expect and what to look for, and lay out a plan for creating employee engagement.
Program highlights:
• Explore the emotional and behavioral impact of a harsh economy
• Examine the challenges for supervisors and managers in a changing workplace • Define types of employees vis-à-vis workplace engagement
• Determine ways to get and keep employees engaged • Identify active listening skills
• Outline the role of the management consultant
Managing change for managers
2 hours
Also available in a web-based format 1.5 hours
Supervisors face a double challenge during workplace transition. As employees they’re affected by the changes, and as supervisors they must lead their personnel through the transition. This seminar is designed to support supervisors in the midst of a changing work environment. It also will introduce the skills needed to assist employees in managing the process.
Program highlights:
• Examine the critical mix that contributes to positive morale and how that mix is affected during transitions
• Identify managerial transition strategies appropriate for specific situations
• Develop strategies to ease transitions for their employees and for themselves
Client information and recommendations: this program is most effective when a representative from the HR department attends. HR can address any questions about the resources that are available to employees, goals of the change and how the change is being implemented. This program is particularly helpful to employees prior to impending workplace change.
Managing stress for managers
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
This seminar will equip managers with tools to identify stressors, both good and bad; work expectations, relationships, nutrition, exercise, sleep, finance, and time management. Managers will learn how to create a healthy lifestyle, which ultimately benefits work and home.
Program highlights: • Identifying triggers
• How do you know you are stressed?
• Good stress — bad stress • Best practices
Managing trauma
2 hours
Industries that are vulnerable to critical incidents such as robberies, injuries or other potential disasters need to prepare key staff to take the lead in helping traumatized employees until professional help arrives. This program equips supervisors and managers with an introduction to the issues they may face and the skills they’ll need if a critical incident strikes.
Program highlights:
• Increase understanding and anticipation of the wide range of normal human responses when a critical incident occurs • Identify the decisions that need to be made and the actions that need to be taken in the immediate aftermath
• Learn appropriate communication skills that enhance one’s ability to assist employees in the defusing process
Client information and recommendations: This program is most effective when a representative from the HR department attends and participates in the discussion. HR can address questions about your organization’s specific policies and procedures.
Meeting facilitation
3 hours
Meetings! Are they viewed with disdain and seen as a waste of time, or are they anticipated and viewed as an opportunity to work as a team and make an impact? This training program will give you the tools necessary to have employees eager to join — and fully participate in — your meetings.
Program highlights:
• Identify the characteristics of a successful meeting
• Define meeting roles and responsibilities and how to implement their use in meetings • Demonstrate how to plan a meeting, including developing a good agenda
• Select facilitation tools and techniques that will enhance group creativity and facilitate reaching consensus • Describe how to balance participation within the group
• Discuss how to keep a meeting focused and on track
Preventing sexual harassment for managers
2 hours
Leaders within your organization must be prepared to take action if allegations of sexual (and other forms of) harassment are brought forward. Just as important, they must clearly understand how to address and prevent workplace conditions that may be conducive to sexual harassment.
Program highlights:
• Increase sensitivity and understanding of sexual harassment
• Learn to respond appropriately and effectively to prevent allegations of sexual harassment • Become proactive in preventing sexual harassment
Client information and recommendations: This program is most effective when a representative from the HR department attends and participates in the discussion. HR can address questions about your organization’s specific policies and reporting procedures regarding sexual harassment. HR also might provide information regarding the prevalence of workplace sexual harassment complaints.
Due to legal constraints, our trainers cannot answer specific questions related to state or federal law, or interpret internal organizational policy.
Because this training program deals with laws, policies and specific behaviors — and is designed to keep the customer compliant — we’re not willing to compromise the information contained within the program by offering it in an abbreviated time frame.
Preventing sexual harassment, California
2 hours
Leaders within your organization must be prepared to take action if allegations of sexual (and other forms of) harassment are brought forward. Just as important, they must clearly understand how to address and prevent workplace conditions that may be conducive to sexual harassment. This program has been geared to address the California state requirements. However, it’s the responsibility of the customer company to determine if this session meets California state regulations.
Program highlights:
• Define sexual harassment
• Describe what supervisors and managers should do in response to a complaint
• Discuss how supervisors and managers can be proactive in preventing sexual harassment • Recognize how sexual harassment negatively affects work relationships
• Review the financial and legal consequences sexual harassment can have on an organization
• Describe ways to help prevent sexual harassment
• Discuss gray areas of sexual harassment
Client information and recommendations: this program is most effective when a representative from the HR department attends and participates in the discussion. HR can address questions about your organization’s specific policies and reporting procedures regarding sexual harassment. HR might also provide information regarding the prevalence of workplace sexual harassment complaints.
Due to legal constraints, our trainers cannot answer specific questions related to state or federal law, or interpret internal organizational policy.
Because this training program deals with laws, policies and specific behaviors — and is designed to keep the customer compliant — we’re not willing to compromise the information contained within the program by offering it in an abbreviated time frame.
Renewing your human resources
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
This class is meant to cover work burnout, depression and the blues. It’s a real motivational pep talk; it teaches self-care and the importance of self-motivation on a daily basis.
Program highlights:
• Definition of burnout
• Recognize how burned out you are • How to recognize burnout in others • Consequences of burnout
• Basic self-care — including good sleep habits • Strategies to overcome burnout
• Strategies to help others overcome burnout
Science of goal setting
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
This class examines goal setting as a brain function. We’ll look at how the brain works, creating an awareness of the mental process, thus making it easier for us to create new habits in relation to goal setting.
Program highlights:
• Goals and your brain • Key components • Setting goals
• Are you Alice in Wonderland?
• Your road map for goal setting • Get busy!
• Useful tools
Substance abuse in the workplace for managers
2 hours
(If DOT is included, add 15 to 30 minutes)
Managers will learn important information about substance abuse and drug testing. Topics include identifying substance abuse problems in the workplace and addressing those problems in accordance with company policy. Attendees learn how to confront an employee and document observations.
Program highlights:
• Be aware of the extent of substance abuse in the workplace • Understand the drugs of abuse, including alcohol
• Recognize signs and symptoms — physical and behavioral — that may impact a safe and productive work
• Reinforce skills relating to effectively dealing with problematic workplace performance or behavioral issues • Understand what actions and circumstances constitute “basis to believe” and impairment
• Be aware of resources for assistance and how to use them
the discussion. While numerous organizations use this program to meet Department of Transportation, Department of Defense and Department of Energy employee education requirements, it’s the responsibility of the customer company to determine if this session will meet regulatory needs.
Due to legal constraints, our trainers cannot answer specific questions related to state or federal law, or interpret internal organizational policy.
Using your management consultation services
1.5 hours
Also available in a web-based format 1 hour
Managers face many challenges in running their departments or businesses, and some of the most difficult may be those that require addressing employee behavior problems. This program will educate you about management consultation services and offer tools for dealing with employee issues. This training is for managers only.
Program highlights:
• Understand management consultation services • Learn how to make a referral
• Identify troubled employees
• Be able to intervene with troubled employees and reintegrate them into the workplace
• Practice applying the theories presented
Workplace engagement
2 hours
In a time of tight budgets and fierce competition, organizations need to work efficiently and find ways to make themselves stand out in the marketplace. Employees who are willing to “go the extra mile” and are committed to their jobs, their customers and the organization can make the necessary difference. This seminar will help you develop, implement and maintain an employee engagement program at your workplace.
Program highlights:
• Understand what employee engagement is
• Appreciate why employee engagement is important to the entire organization • Identify the factors that make up employee engagement
• Gain tools for getting employees engaged
• Identify resources for assisting in implementing and maintaining an employee engagement program
• Develop an action plan for establishing, implementing and maintaining an employee engagement program
Performance management
Addressing performance concerns
2 hours
Also available in a web-based format
Ideally, your department runs like a well-oiled machine. Often, however, that is not the case. Do you know what to do when there’s a performance issue that needs to be addressed? This program is designed as a hands-on tool to help managers each step of the way. Through group interaction and the use of case studies, participants are provided with steps to help them talk with employees about difficult topics. The program also offers pointers on avoiding common pitfalls associated with performance-related encounters.
Program highlights:
• Identify performance concerns • Learn appropriate documentation • Confront performance issues • Maintain effective work relationships
• Improve trust, morale and productivity
Client information and recommendations: This program is most effective when a representative from the HR department attends. HR can address any questions about specific application and interpretation of organizational policies and procedures regarding the topic.
Behavioral interviewing
2 hours
Job applicants are most anxious to create the best impression possible during a job interview. This may translate to giving responses that the applicant thinks you want to hear rather than responses that reflect the applicant’s authentic experiences. This program will help managers and supervisors identify important behavioral aspects of the interview process. Attention is given to delicate issues as well as what is and is not appropriate to ask. Participants will learn how to identify the best candidate, make the right hiring decisions, reduce “poor fits” and turnover, and ensure successful new employee integration into the workplace culture.
Program highlights:
• Understand interview techniques and guidelines • Apply the behavioral components of interviewing
• Learn how to ask the best questions to obtain the most helpful information • Identify the best candidate
Client information and recommendations: Before presenting this training, be prepared to make available job descriptions and requirements of one or two open positions. These will be used as practical examples for the session. A representative from HR is requested to attend this program to answer specific questions relating to policies and procedures.
Building motivation and morale in the workplace
2 hours
Also available in a web-based format 1.5 hours
“Motivation and morale” offers participants practical, timely tips that can contribute to employee motivation and increased productivity. Managers and supervisors will learn how communication and personal management styles can contribute to or detract from employee motivation and morale.
Program highlights:
• Learn ways to minimize workplace negativity
• Understand what motivates people
• Discover how management style can make a difference • Practice problem-solving skills
Coaching techniques
3 hours
Also available in a web-based format 2 hours
Learning about coaching and development helps managers and supervisors acknowledge and apply appropriate techniques in their communications with employees. Participants will be able to successfully identify and address coaching situations, maintain workplace relationships with subordinate staff, develop employees, and improve productivity and trust.
Program highlights:
• Identify the value of coaching and development • Apply basic coaching competencies
• Recognize when to coach
Client information and recommendations: This program is most effective when a representative from the HR department attends and participates in the discussion. HR can address any questions about specific application and interpretation of organizational policies and procedures regarding the topic.
Effective performance appraisals
2 hours
This program makes use of discussion, assessments and case studies to provide practical pointers on the employee review process. Participants will learn techniques that promote improved communication between appraisers and subordinates in a process that helps build trust, morale and motivation.
Program highlights:
• Identify the importance of performance appraisals • Conduct effective performance appraisals
• Help employees find meaning in their work
• Develop employee relationships based on improved trust, motivation and morale
Client information and recommendations: Using your organization’s performance appraisal form for this session helps participants understand and more effectively use this tool. A representative from HR is requested to attend the session to answer specific questions relating to organizational policy and procedure.
A manager’s first-aid guide
2 hours
Also available in a web-based format 1.5 - 2 hours
Managers observe sometimes confusing and/or troublesome employee behaviors on a daily basis. This program offers workplace support and solid suggestions for dealing with employees exhibiting symptoms of depression, anxiety, techno-stress, addiction and potentially violent behavior. Dealing with potential problems early on contributes to their successful resolution.
Program highlights:
• Define your role as manager
• Identify potential problems and accompanying symptoms
• Learn how to recognize and deal with potentially problematic workplace behaviors • Become familiar with how and where to get help for employees
Managing people effectively
3 hours
Also available in a web-based format 2 hours
Being a manager is no easy task, but this program can help managers and supervisors take the guesswork out of managing employees effectively. By applying the information presented, participants will inspire better working relationships, improved morale and motivation, and increased trust and productivity.
Program highlights:
• Learn the pros and cons of being a manager
• Discuss the effects of assumptions on management style • Identify common management pitfalls
• Determine appropriate use of the disciplinary process
• Participate in a management style inventory
Client information and recommendations: This program is most effective when a representative from the HR
department attends and participates in the discussion. HR can address questions about specific disciplinary policy and procedure as well as help to define a management style that fits your organization’s corporate culture.
In addition to the professional development programs, we also offer a variety of presentations, services and resources addressing specific needs.
Professional Development for Managers and Supervisors
Managing the pregnant employee
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
Managing a pregnant employee means balancing concerns of the pregnant employee, pregnancy and ADA laws, and reasonable accommodations. Discussion will include supporting your entire team through the employee’s transitions during maternity leave and her return.
Program highlights:
• Concerns of the pregnant employee
• Pregnancy and ADA laws • Reasonable accommodation • Supporting your entire team • Transitions
Managing strong emotions for managers
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
Preventing outbursts has become one of our most important tasks. Learn how to read your employees to keep strong emotions under control. Additionally, learning how to teach appropriate strategies will be outlined in this class.
Program highlights:
• Define strong emotions
• Identify strong emotion in ourselves and in employees
• Look at triggers of strong emotions • Be a role model
• Distractions/soothing techniques • When to use caution
• Learn why managing our emotions is one of the most important skills used
Managing teleworkers for managers
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
This class addresses the unique challenges that managers of teleworkers face. We’ll discuss reservations of allowing work from home; realities of today’s workplace; the characteristics of good tele-managers and good candidates; potential benefits to managers and challenges.
Program highlights: • Define teleworkers
• Realities of today’s workplace
• Characteristics of good tele-managers and candidates • Potential benefits to managers
• Identify manager challenges • Helping the teleworker succeed
Leadership Certificate Program
The Leadership Certificate Program helps managers develop the necessary skills to meet the challenges of today’s workplace. In acquiring these skills, managers can create a healthy, productive environment while meeting business demands and employee needs. To earn the Leadership Certificate, managers must successfully complete six courses, two of which are electives that can be selected from the list of professional development programs (see table of contents). The following four core courses are required:
• Improving communication skills for managers • Managing people effectively
• Coaching techniques
• Addressing performance concerns
Corporate reorganization
Our training programs help organizations effectively address a wide variety of challenging workplace issues. We are available to consult with you regarding which training programs will work for your company’s needs. An issue of particular concern might be corporate reorganization, a very stressful experience for everyone. We have a selection of training programs that deal with downsizing, surviving layoffs and other work changes.
External resources
Disaster preparedness
Federal Emergency Management Agency’s website offers information to businesses and families about preparing for disasters. To access this information, go to If you’re interested in an in-person presentation on disaster preparedness, please contact your local Red Cross.
Take your child to work
If you’re interested in obtaining information about planning for “Take Your Child to Work” Day, please refer to This site offers materials that can be downloaded. And it has information that can be used for planning and organizing an event. Contact your account manager for more information. We recommend that you begin planning in January for this April event.
Transgender issues in the workplace
The Human Rights Campaign Foundation offers tools and resources at www.Hrc.Org/resources/entry/resources-for-transgender-employees and www.Hrc.Org/resources/entry/workplace-discrimination-policies-laws-and-legislation.
Corporate consultation/
Special circumstances
Management consultation
Serious illness and allegations of sexual harassment or discrimination are some of the difficult situations that can create a stressful atmosphere in the workplace and affect the productivity and morale of co-workers. The management consultation services offered through your employee assistance program are designed to address these issues. We can offer training programs that complement those services.
Grief and loss
Any loss can create an intense emotional reaction that may affect people both personally and professionally. We have training programs to help organizations and their employees understand the normal emotional reactions and patterns of behavior involved in the grieving process. We also present coping strategies for dealing with the issues related to grief.
Critical Incident Response Services (CIRS)
Optum provides a wide range of related proactive and post-incident services that can help an organization address a number of issues. These services include:
• Organizational needs analysis to proactively identify areas of the company in which stress or change is likely
to occur, assessment of work challenges that have already taken place, and exploration of the potential for organizational change that may prevent or create workplace challenges
• Management training on trauma and critical incident service management, including how to recognize and
respond to a critical incident, identify stress reactions, and make appropriate referrals for help To arrange for on-site CIRS, please call Optum using your EAP phone number and listen for the prompt.
• Career transitions
• Managing change for employees • Surviving mergers and acquisitions • Survivors guide to downsizing
• Building successful teams for employees
• Effective one-on-one conversations
• Effective presentation & public speaking skills
• How to take the edge off giving feedback • Improving communication skills for employees
• Nonverbal communication
• Respect and positive interaction in the workplace
• The art of negotiation
• Dealing with conflict for employees • Dealing with difficult behaviors • Dealing with the elephant in the room • Dealing with negativity in the workplace
Customer service
• Building customer satisfaction
• Business etiquette
• Ethics & values in the workplace
• Managing customer expectations
• Meeting the challenge of the difficult customer
Human Resources/Workplace
concerns and work skills
• Fostering inclusion in the workplace
• Unconscious bias • Valuing differences
• Workplace issues — Sexual identity
Healthy workplace
• Bullying in the workplace • Creating a healthy workplace
• Crossroads & intersections (dealing with boundaries) • Find what works; Build from there
• Generations @ work
• Health & well-being in the workplace • Interacting with ill co-workers • Interacting with ill employees • Polite practices in the workplace • Preventing sexual harassment
• Benefitting from ergonomics • Building a safe place to work • Domestic abuse visits the workplace • Drug-free workplace for employees
• Substance abuse in the workplace for employees
Workplace stress
• Avoiding burnout
• Building resiliency • Managing career success
• Managing multiple priorities at work • Managing stress for success
• Managing strong emotions for employees • Navigating the rapids of upheaval and crisis
• Workplace uncertainty
• Critical thinking
• Depression in the workplace • Handling death in the workplace
• How financial stress affects the workplace • Improving processes
• Managing social connections • Managing your boss
• Peer mentoring
• Professional writing & email etiquette
• Shifting priorities: being your best on a shift schedule • So, you want to be a leader?
• Stick with it
• Successful telecommuting • Suicide prevention • The new resume
Career transitions
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
Career transitions are inevitable. Facing them because of downsizing, mergers and relocations takes courage and planning. Regardless of the reason for job change, moving forward can be a satisfying personal journey. This seminar looks at all the aspects of job changing — emotional, self-evaluation, networking and resourcing opportunities. Participants will gain the tools and attitude to build a bright, satisfying future.
Program highlights:
• Discuss reactions to downsizing in organizations and give constructive ways for dealing with your current
• What’s next for me? Career planning • Job search strategies
• Successful interviewing
Managing change for employees
1 hour
Also available in a web-based format
Downsizing, acquisition, reorganization, mergers, layoffs — these transitions can be unsettling to any worker. Change, especially rapid, stressful change, can be challenging and difficult for the most resilient employee. But, change can bring opportunities for growth and positive transformation. This program introduces a healthy process for navigating workplace change.
Program highlights:
• Help participants understand and respond constructively to change in the workplace
• Understand the emotional phases that accompany the process of change • Develop strategies to make change more rewarding
Client information and recommendations: This program is most effective when a representative from the HR department attends. HR can address any questions about the resources available to employees, goals of the change and how the change is being implemented. This program is particularly helpful to employees prior to impending workplace change.
Surviving mergers and acquisitions
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
In this seminar participants will learn what to expect in the midst of organizational change, learn ways to navigate through the process, review the five phases of dealing with change as well as the opportunities. It will also examine the importance of self-care, and making a commitment to the new business structure and culture.
Program highlights:
• Learn what to expect in the midst of organizational change • Learn ways to navigate through the process
• 5 phases of dealing with change
• Opportunities • Self-care
Survivors guide to downsizing
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
Companies are under economic pressure to remain competitive and survive. Downsizing or “rightsizing” is happening rapidly everywhere — from one day to another, from one minute to another. The major purpose of this workshop is to help move you to action.
Program highlights:
• Discuss normal reactions to downsizing in organizations
• Give you some constructive ways for dealing with the current situation
Building successful teams for employees
2 hours
This program gives participants an opportunity to discover their own work style and learn how that style interacts with the team. A series of lively paper-and-pencil exercises prompt employees to maintain effective teams and work together to reduce tension and stress, and improve morale and productivity.
Program highlights:
• Explore the benefits of teamwork
• Learn the characteristics of an effective team
• Understand the qualities of an effective team member • Discover your work style and its practical application • Learn strategies for interaction
• Understand the signs of trouble
Effective one-on-one conversations 30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
It’s our goal to be understood when conversing with another person. We’ll examine why the conversation is happening, what needs to happen and how to achieve your goals effectively.
Program highlights:
• Goal of the conversation • During the conversation
• After the conversation • Social media
• Barriers • Best practices
Effective presentations and public speaking skills 30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
Having excellent presentation skills is essential for success. In this seminar participants will learn how to plan for successful presentations, build confidence, practice verbal and body language elements, and learn how to build rapport with an audience to keep them engaged. We’ll also discuss how to use humor in presentations and manage adversity. Program highlights: • Simple truths • Purpose • Be confident • Know yourself • Know your audience
• Communication techniques
How to take the edge off giving feedback 30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
The objective of this course is to teach participants how to give constructive feedback. It sounds easier than it is. Some techniques to be reviewed include the reasons to give someone feedback and why we avoid it. Additionally, participants will learn an effective feedback model and how to avoid value judgments.
Program highlights: • Introductions
• Why give someone feedback? • Why do we avoid giving feedback? • An effective feedback model
• Group practice of the feedback model • Reframing value judgments
• Takeaways and wrapup
Improving communication skills for employees
1 hour
Also available as a sampler program and in a web-based format
Communication is a given. It’s also the heart and soul of our professional and personal interactions. Depending upon our skill level, the way we communicate can open doors to productive relationships, a good working climate and opportunities — or it can slam those same doors shut. This training program will give participants a chance to apply skills that are critical to good communication. And, they will learn about factors that positively influence communication — as well as those that may create barriers.
Program highlights:
• Identify factors that influence communication • Determine communication barriers
• Learn the value of assertive communication • Practice active listening skills
• Discuss the role of nonverbal communication • Use positive communication for problem-solving
Nonverbal communication
1 hour
Also available as a sampler program
“Not to communicate is to communicate!” The power of nonverbal communication is contained in that brief statement. We use facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, posture, proximity, paralanguage, and touch to interpret the messages we receive from others — whether we use words or not. This training program will explore nonverbal communication, examine the congruency factor, offer opportunities to make interpretations and discuss caveats when making interpretations.
Program highlights:
• Identify the components of nonverbal communication
• Explore the power of nonverbal behavior
• Understand the difficulties inherent in interpreting nonverbal messages
Respect and positive interaction in the workplace
2 hours
Also available in a web-based format
Co-workers who demonstrate integrity and respect in their interactions help cultivate a positive and successful working environment that enhances the bottom line. So, why isn’t every workplace a model of human harmony? It’s for the same reasons our personal lives don’t reflect continuous harmony. This program will introduce communication skills and other behaviors that promote respectful, open ways of relating, settling differences and working effectively as a team.
Program highlights:
• Identify the advantages of respectful, positive workplace interaction • Identify inappropriate and/or abusive communication styles and behaviors
• Learn and practice respectful communication techniques and nonverbal behaviors
• Receive an introduction to conflict negotiation strategies
The art of negotiation
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
There is no job that doesn’t use negotiation; it’s the key to our career success since we all know that no one gives us anything for free. It’s all about give and take. This is a motivating class where individuals learn to strengthen their own personal negotiation techniques.
Program highlights: • Why we negotiate
• The characteristic of a successful negotiator • The rules of negotiation
• Communication techniques • Best practices
Dealing with conflict for employees
1 hour
Conflict has the ability to make even the most confident and competent among us quake in our boots. What is it about conflict that is so formidable? This program has been combined with our former program, getting to yes, and it will address how conflict affects the workplace and offer opportunities to practice positive conflict resolution techniques. It will also present suggestions for maintaining successful relationships, improving trust, heightening morale and increasing productivity.
Program highlights: • Define conflict
• Understand how one’s philosophy about conflict influences how it’s approached • Assess conflict resolution styles
• Apply and practice conflict resolution strategies
Client information and recommendations: This program is most effective when management and HR are familiar with conflict-resolution procedures and agree to implementation of the process. It’s helpful to train designated managers and HR representatives to act as neutral, third-party facilitators in the conflict-resolution process.
Dealing with difficult behaviors
1 hour
Also available in a sampler program and web-based format
All of us encounter difficult behaviors. This program identifies the difficult behaviors we have to deal with in both our personal and work lives. Participants will receive specific guidelines about interacting and coping with these behaviors in everyday life.
Program highlights:
• Identify difficult behavior types
• Understand the impact of difficult behavior • Explore techniques to address difficult behavior
• Learn strategies for coping
Client information and recommendations: This program is especially useful for personnel who work in the area of customer service.
Dealing with the elephant in the room
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
Dealing with the elephant in the room is a communications development seminar in which participants learn the skills to talk to anyone about anything. Participants begin by identifying the uncomfortable issues and realities they face at work and at home. Then they learn how to confront such issues with tact, empathy and clarity. Dealing with the elephant in the room increases productivity and improves relationships by addressing problems, conflicts or misunderstandings proactively.
Program highlights:
• Learn what “dealing with the elephant in the room” means • The origination of the phrase
• How to deal with your elephant in the room • Tact and empathy
• What is off-limits
• How to address the elephant in the room • Help others overcome negativity
Dealing with negativity in the workplace
1 hour
This program is a must for all employees. Participants will learn how to identify the ways negativity surfaces in the workplace and recognize the relationship of workplace change to negative behavior and interaction. Time will be spent helping participants identify ways to stay focused, productive and positive.
Program highlights:
• Examine the roots of workplace negativity
• Understand the impact of change on attitude, motivation and morale • Learn how to overcome your own negativity
Customer service
Building customer satisfaction
1 hour
Also available in a web-based format
“Building customer satisfaction” can assist personnel who work with customers in any business format in dealing with the daily challenges and stresses they encounter on the job. Participants know how they like to be treated as customers. This session will support staff in meeting customer needs and providing the excellent service they expect when they’re in the customer role.
Program highlights:
• Define customer needs
• Understand what customer service means
• Learn techniques to deal with difficult behavior • Practice good listening skills
• Improve customer communications
Business etiquette
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
Good manners and business etiquette have always been based on common sense and thoughtfulness. Social skills can help us build more productive relationships and project a positive image. This class will include an interactive discussion on the do’s and don’ts of business etiquette, including email etiquette.
Program highlights:
• Basic business etiquette tips • Making introductions • Networking
• Corporate image
• Conversation starters • Key words to remember • Email etiquette
Ethics and values in the workplace
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
What a changing world we live in. What are the core values and ethics of our business world? How do we live by them and why are they important? This workshop addresses the philosophical aspects of ethics and values, as well as hands-on, practical approaches to apply them to personal and professional life. We’ll also address how to show your manager/ partner/child that you are a person of ethics and values.
Program highlights: • Ethics definition
• Knowing what is right • Doing what is right
• Skills of the ethical vs. unethical employee
Managing customer expectations
2 hours
This program is a useful tool designed to help employees in decision-making positions deal with one of their greatest challenges. Excellent customer service frequently becomes the differentiating factor in maintaining or losing valued clients. This program offers participants useful suggestions on how to enhance customer service practices above and beyond expectations — while maintaining positive relationships and appropriate boundaries.
Program highlights:
• Gain an understanding of customer expectations
• Review communication skills that can enhance interactions with customers
• Learn how to develop service standards
• Learn how and why to avoid self-defeating behaviors
Meeting the challenge of the difficult customer
1 hour
Also available in a web-based format
In today’s service-oriented economy, providing excellent customer service is of paramount importance. While many good customer service training programs abound, this program focuses on how an employee should respond when a customer is unduly demanding, rude, abusive or potentially violent. This program provides tips on the communication skills
employees need to defuse these tense situations.
Program highlights:
• Develop and practice skills and techniques needed to deal effectively with difficult,
angry customers
• Learn how to address customer feelings
Fostering inclusion in the workplace
30, 60 or 90 minutes
Also available in a web-based format
Inclusive work environments are producti