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1091, Plaintiffs' Response to the Objections I DE


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Civil Action No. 9:16-cv-8006()-M AR R A BRAN D ON LEID EL, and

M IC HA EL W ILSON , individually, and on behalf of a1l others sim ilarly situated,


PRO JECT IN VESTO RS, IN C. d/b/a CRY P'I'SY . a Florida corporation,

PA U L VERN ON , an individual,

LORIE A N N N ETTLES, an individual, RID GEW O O D IN V ESTM EN TS, IN C., a N ew Jersey corporation, and

K A USHA L M A JM U DA R, individually'. D efendants.



TH IS CA U SE com es betbre the Court pursuant to the Plainti ffs' M otion for Approval of

Class Action Settlement gDE and M otion fol ' Attorney' s Fees, Expenses and Service

1091, Plaintiffs' Response to the Objections I DE

otherwise fully advised in the prem ises and enters the l'ollouving O rder.


This nationw ide class aetion is brought by làlaintiffs. individually and on behalf of a class

of similarly situated users (the w- class M el - nbers--l I 'rojee. t lnvestors, lnc. . d/b/a Cryptsy


Civil Action N o. 9: 16-cv-80060-M A RRA

(-' Cryptsy''). Plaintiffs alleged that the Defendant Crl' ptsy and Det- endant Paul Vernon (-' Vernon'') (Cryptsy and Vernon collectivelj, refkrred to herein as the û- cryptsy Defendants'' )

operated an online business for general consum ers and the ptlblic to exchange, invest, and trade in digital cryptocurrencies. Plaintiffs seek dam ages based upon the unlaw ful conduct of the Cryptsy Defendants in denying account holders the ability to obtain funds in their accounts and in m isappropriating funds held in the Cryptsy accotlnts.

The principal detkndant, V ernon - the m asterm ind of the fraud and theft of the Class' cryptocun-ency according to Plaintiffs- allegations - lèas fled the cotlntry, is presently believed to

U nited States.

On January 1 3, 20 1 6, Plaintiffs initiated this class action. LDL' 1 1 . On February 22, 20 1 6, Plaintiffs filed an Amended Connplaint. asserting elail us for conversion, negligence, unjust

enrichm ent, specific perform ance, violation of Florida-s Deceptive and U nfair Trade Practices

Act, preliminary and permanent injtlnction, fratr dulent conveyance and conspiracy. gDE 8j.

Ckfailure to appear, answ er, or otherw ise plead to the com plaint tiled herein w ithin the tim e

required by law.' ' gDE 251. On M ay 20, 20 1 6. a Clerk-s Defabllt was entered against Defendant

Vernon for his éèfailure to appear, answ er, 01' otherw ise plead to the com plaint filed herein w ithin

the tim e required by law' .'- LDLC . 5 l j .

April 4, 20 1 6. the C ourt grallted 1)lailptil-l-s - N1otion A ppoint Receiver and appointed Jam es D . Sallah, Esq. as the Receiqvel' Corporate M onitor over Defendant Cryptsy.

LDE 331.

On July 27, 20 l 6, Plaintiffs t 51ed an Unopposed M otion for Class Certification. gDE 591.


Civil Action N o. 9:16-cv-80060-M A RRA

On Au 25, 2016, the Court granted the M otion tbr C'la% Certiûcation, class:

certifying the follow ing

A ll CRYPTSY account ow ners w ho held Bitcoins. alternative cryptocurrencies, or any other form of m onies or currency at C RY PTSY as of N ovem ber 1 , 20l 5 to

the present. Excluded from the Class are: ( 1 ) em ploqv ees of CRYPTSY, including

its shareholders. officers and directors and m cm bers of their im m ediate fam ilies;

(2) any judge to whom this action is assigned and the judge-s immediate family;

and (3) persons who timely and N' alidl y opt to exclude themselves from the Class.

gDE 651. The Court also appointed Brandon Liedel and Micl nael W ilson as Class Representatives

and appointed M arc A . W ites and W ites & Kapetan- IA.A . and Scott L. Silver and D avid C. Silver of Silver Law G roup as Class Counsel. /J.

O n A ugust l 5, 20l 6, Class Representatives. the Receiver, and D efendant N ettles attended

mediation before Judge Howard r l' escher (ret.). at uv l licl n the), reached an agreem ent to resolve

Plaintit-fs' and Receiver's claim s against Defbndant N ettles. 'lahat agreem ent w as subsequently docum ented by the N ettles Settlem ent A greem ent.

O n October 27, 20 1 6, the Court entered an order granting prelim inary approval of the

1 ojji g4j N ettles Settlem ent Agreem ent. g .

O n N ovem ber l 7, 2016- Plaintit-fs and the Iteceiver attended a second m ediation before

Judge Howard Tescher (ret. ) with two parties that Plail atifl- s intended to add, but had not yet added, to the case, to u, ' //: Ridgewood Investments. lnc. (--l tidgewoodh-) and Kaushal (ttKen'' ) Majmudar (û tKM''). At the mediation- the parties reached : 4 settlel uent to resolve the claims of

Plaintiffs, the Class, and the Receiver. against Ridgew ood and KM. That agreem ent w as subsequently docum ented by the Ridgew ood Settlem ent A greem ent. w hich has now been fully

l O n N ovem ber 28. 20 1 6. the Court entered :414 order setting the date for the final approval

hearing as to the Nettles Settlement Agreement for April 2 l . 20 1 7 LD' E 851. This hearing date

w as continued at the reqtlest of Plaintiffk as a result o(- the subsequently entered Ridgew ood Settlem ent A greem ent, and ultim ately scheduled for. and held 014. June 2, 20 1 7.


Civil Action No. 9: 16-cv-80060-M ARRA

executed, w ith the last signatory siglling the docunAent on January 4. 20l 7.2

Pursuant to Section lll(B) ( )f the Ridgewooû l Settlel - nentAgreem ent, Plaintiffs sought

l eave to t51e a Second Amended Conlplaint. LDiI 891. ' I'l 1e Court grantcd the motion on January 9, gDE 941. The

Seeond A m ended Com plaint nam es Ridgew ood and K M as defendants, and adds one additional

count for unjust enrichment which is plead against 01 41 )' Ridgewood and KM .

O n January 23, 20 1 7. Plaintiffs tiled their lllotion fbr prelim inary approval of the

Ridgewood Settlem ent Agreement I 1)1 7, 981. which sought to com bine the class action settlem ent

approval process for both the Nettles Settlem ent A gl'eem ent and the Ridgew ood Settlem ent

O n January 3 1 , 20 1 7, the Court prelim inarily approved the R idgew ood Settlem ent

Agreement gDE 1 001 (k tpreliminary Approval Order' - ). 'l -he Court further ordered that the Nettles

and Ridgew ood Settlem ent A greem cnts be treated as olpe for the purposes of notice and claim s dnn 1n 1-stration .


The Ridgewood Agreement (as did the Nettles Settlem ent Agreement) provided that

7 d ts 3 supported the Settlem ent and that Class Class Representative and the Settling D elen an

Representatives and Class Counsel believe- in view ot' the costs, risks, and delays of continued litigation and appeals balanced against the benetsts 01- settlem ent to Class M em bers, that the Settlem ent is in the best interest of the C lass M elubers and is a fair, reasonable, and adequate resolution of the law suit.

The prelim inarily eertit-ied class was delsl4ed to be:

? ''

DI L ' 83 I Class Counsel and the Receiver At the November 22, 20 l 6 Status Conlelence l . .

advised the Coul't ofthe Ridgew ood Settlem ent A greeluelèt.

'? As used herein, the terl'n t-- l 4e Settling llet-elldants-- l'lleans D efendants Lorie A nn N ettles;

Ridgewood lnvestm ents, Inc., ' and Kaushal M qjl nudar


Civil Action N o. 9:16-cv-80060-M ARRA

A 1l Cryptsy account holders w ho held Bitcoins. alternative cryptocurrencies, or any other fonn of m onies or currency at Cryptsy at anl' point in tim e betw een N ovem ber 1, 2015

and the present date - Excluded from the Class are: ( 1 ) employees of Cryptsy, including

its shareholders, ofticers and directors and m cm bers of their im m ediate fam ilies',

(2) any judge to whom this action is assigned and the jtldge-s immediate family' , and (3) persons

who tim ely and validly opt to exelude them sel: es l-rom the Settlem ent Class.

(t-class M embers'').

The Settlem ent provides relief to all (7ryzptsl'' aeeount ow ners who held Bitcoins,

alternative cryptocurrencies, or any other form 01'm onies 01, ctlrrency at Cryptsy as of N ovem ber 1, 20 l 5, through June 2, 20 1 7, and who are tlnable to aceess their cryptocurrency. Excluded

from the Class are: (1 ) employees of Cryptsy- incltt ding its shareholders, officers, and directors and members of their immediate families- ' (2) any j bldge to u' hom this action is assigned and the judge's immediate family; and (3) persons u ho timely and validly opt to exclude themselves from the Class. @DE 651.

The Settlem ent Fund includes the follou ing asscts that have been liquidated, or are in the process of liquidation'.

A diam ond ring obtained from Ilel kndal lt Nettles. gDE 73- 1 (kk Nettles Settlem ent '' Sections l1(A)( 1 ) : 11 - 1 t. 1 I l I1. - f vl' 1 ' 1e estil - nated value of the ring is Agreem ent ) at


Real Property obtained from Defendant N'ettles. gl)F- 73- 1 at Sections 11(A)(2) and 1l1(B)-(I)j. As to the Property. the prinaarl' component of the Settlem ent Fund, it is

currently under contract to be sold 1-01. $ 1 - 1 50.000 in a sale adm inistered by the Receiver. The anticipated closing date is Junc 30- 20 1 7.

A l1 m onies received from the sale of the cryptocurrency m arshalled by the Receiver

and as initially described in Second Report of Receiver James D. Sallah (DE 60), which totals $394,500. Lfll ' c ' 73- 1 at Section I1(A )(3 )1.

4. A l1 m onies received from the sale of personal property m arshalled by the Receiver

and as initially described in Second Report o1 - Receiver Jam es D. Sallah (DE 60), which is expected to total $4.000. gl - ll - - t 73- 1 at Section l1(A)(4)1.

4 The N ettles Settlem ent A greem ent provides that the ring can bc sold tlpon final approval of the Settlem ent. See Settlem ent A greem ent at llIA .


C iv i l Act ion No. 9 : 1 6-cv-80060-M ARRA

All monies received frol ' n the sale ot- an lnl sniti QX60- as detailed in the Receiver's M otion for Authority to l-iquidate lnt sniti QX60 g. q ' oz t . , 1 ' )E 641, which totals $27,000.

gDE 73-1 at Section 11(A)(5)1.

Two Hundred and Twenty ' l- housand Dollars ($220.000) contributed by Defendant Ridgewood. gDE 96-1 ('tl kidgewood Settlement Agreement'') at Section 1111.

ln exchange for the relief provided by the Settlem ent. m em bers of the Settlem ent Class w ill release and discharge only the Settling llejkndants ti-om all claim s, defenses, obligations, or

dalnages that w ere or could have been sotlght in this litigation or that relate, concern, arise from

or pertain in any way to Settling concerning or

DE 96- l at Section Vll11. The Settlement specilicalll' excludes the Cryptsy Det- endants.

W ith regard to the class notice and claim form reqtlired by the Ridgew ood A greem ent, the Court is inform ed of the follow ing:

the Claim s Adlzzinistrator el-nailed and nlailed the notice on February l 6, 20 1 7,' tw o Class M em bers opted out o1'the Class:

tw o Class M em bers excluded them selx'kcs t-rom the case; and

two Class M embers tinAely objectcd to the proposed Settlement gDE 1 07 and 1 08j, but prior to the June 2- 20 1 7 l- airness hearing withdrew such objections, and one Class M em ber t' iled a late. untinnell' obj ection I DF- l 091.

ln com pliance w ith the Prelil-ninarj' Approval and Ridgewood and N ettles Settlem ent A greem ents, the Claim s A dm inistrator- on behalf of Plaintiffs, provided notice of the

proposed class action settlem ent pursuant to the Class Action Fairness Act, 28 U.S.C. j 1715 (i: CAFA''), to the appropriate state and federal ofl scials bl' letters dated January 20, 20 1 7. (DE 1 l 0-4 at T 41.

Given the foregoing, Plaintillk stipul ated and agrecd to the dismissal with prejudice of


Civil Action No, 9: l 6-cv-80060-M A RRA

their claims against the Settling Defendants- indi vidut tlll' and as class representatives, subject to

this Court's final approval of the proposed Class Actikln Settlelment.


Civil Action No. 9: l6-cv-80060-M ARRA


To approve a class aetion settlcln-lent- the trial court 1-141.1st eA'aluate w hether the settlem ent kûis fair, adequate and reasonable and is not tl4k) produet ot' ctllltlsioln betw een the parties.'' Bennett

v. Behring Corp. , 737 F. 2d 982- 986 ( l l th Cir. 1 984). In evaluating whether the settlem ent is fair and reasonable, the trial court applies the following factors: ( 1 ) the likelihood of suecess at trial' ,

(2) the range of possible recovery; (3 ) the point on 01 ' below' the range of possible recovery at which a settlement is fair, adeqtl ate and reasonable; (4) tl le eom plexity, expense and duration of litigation; (5) the substance and amount of opposition to the settlement; and (6) the stage of

proceedings at w hich the settlem ent was achieNred. .J.?c,7?F?c?//. 737 F . 2d at 986.

In conducting the analysis. the trial court ''ought not to try the ease during the settlem ent

hearing and should be hesitant to substitute his or her j udgl ment tbr that of eounsel.'' Allapattah Servs. Inc. v. Exxon Corp.. No. 9 1 -cv-0986, 2006 ' hVI- 1 1 323 7 1 . at * 1 9 (S .D. Fla. April 7, 2006) (citing In re Smith, 926 F .2d 1 027- 1 028-29 ( l 1 th Cir. 1 99 1 ) ): - V//- ?//?& v. Am. Equit y Inv. L i fe Ins.



The Court has J 'urisdiction over the subj ek lt matter of the lawsuit and over all settling

parties hereto. The Court tinds, to the extent not already addressed in the order granting class


65 1 5 that tl èis Class action satisfies the applicable certit ication entered on Augtlst 25, 20 1 6 I D1 ) :

prerequisites for class action treatl-nent for settlel-ncnt purpostls under Fed.

R. Civ. P. 23(a) and (b)(3), nam ely,

5 The Court s t n ' 'i dings ot' faet and conclusions 01- lau'' set forth in the August 25 20 , 16 Order Granting C lass Certifscation are incorporated herein as to the Ridgew ood Settlem ent agreem ent and the claim s against D efendant R idgew ood lnvestm ents.

Inc. and Ken M ajmudar.



Civil Action N o. 9:16-cv-80060-M ARRA

The Class members are so nul n- lel - ous tl pat joinder o1- all of them in the lawsuit is

im practicable.

There are questions of law and l-act com l-non to the Class M em bers.

Plaintit-fs' claim s arc typical of the Class M ennbcrs- clainqs.

Class treatm ent ol- these claim s u i1l be etxlscient and m anageable, thereby

achieving an appreeiable m easure 01- jtl dicial econom y. and a class action is superior to the other avai lable methods 1 - 01 * a fair and eft icient adjudication of this


The Court also tinds that the class notice t kt llq' satist ses the l ' equirem ents of Rule 23(c)

and due process.

Further, considering the Bennell faetors sct forth aboA'e, the Court t-inds the settlem ent is fair, adequate and reasonable and in the best interest of tlce C lass M em bers, especially in light of

the benef its to Class Members of, among other things. tht l vast majority of the settlement fund is

com prised of m onies and assets obtained from partics other than Cryptsy and V ernon; the col-nplexity, expense and probable dulution of further litigation', the risk and delay inherent in this Class A ction including possible appeals: and the rislk associated w ith trial, pa/icularly given that the m ain defendant Vernon. has tled the country: and the lim itcd am ount of any potential total recovery for the Class.

N O W , T H ER EFO R E, aftcr due deliberation, IT IS O R D ER ED , A D JUD G ED AN D DEC REE D that:

This judgment (the w-class Judgl - nent--) inct lrporates by reference the definitions in

the N ettles and R idgew ood Settlel-nent A greennents. al'ld :111 capitalized term s used in this Class Judgm ent that are not otherw ise detined herein shall have the sam e m eanings as set forth in the N ettles and Ridgew ood Settlem ent A greem ents.


Civil Action N o. 9: 1 6-cv-80060-M ARRA

This Couf' t has jtlrisdiction over the subi ect matter of this Class Action and over

notitscation provided and given to the Class com plied w ith the Prelim inary Approval Order, and said notitication constituted the best notice practicable under the cireum stanees and fully com plied w ith thkl notice requirem ents of Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and due process.

Excluded from the C lass are those proposed C lass m em bers who properly excluded them selves by subm itting a N'alid and tim ell' requcst for exclblsion in accordance w ith the requirem ents as set tbrth in the Notice.

The proposed Settlem ent o1' the Class A ction on the term s and conditions set forth in the N ettles and Ridgew ood Settlenaent A greeluents is in a1l respects fair, reasonable and adequate, in light of the benetits to the C lass, the com plexitl'. expense and possible duration of further litigation against the Settling Detkndants and the risks of establishing liability and dam ages and the costs of continued litigation. 'l-his Court further tinds the Settlem ent set forth in the N ettles and R idgew ood Settlem ellt Agreelnents is tlne result of arm 's-length negotiations between experienced counsel representing the interests 01- Class Reprcsentatives, the Class and the Settling D et-endants.

The Court tsnalll' approNres the Nettles and Ridgew ood Settlem ent A greem ents in respects and finds that the Class Settlem ent. the N ettles and Ridgew ood Settlem ent A greem ents, and the plan of allocation and distribtltion

respective A greem ents are, in all respects. fair- reastlnable and adeqtlate, and in the best interest of the Settlem ent Class.

set forth in Section V I of the


C'ivil Action N o. 9: 16-cv-80060-M ARRA

The Court l aas considered a1l of the factors enumerated in Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(g)

and finds that Class Counsel have fairly and adequatclq' represented the interests of the Settlem ent Class.

The N ettles and Ridgewood Settleluent A greem ents shall be consum m ated in accordance w ith the term s and provisions o1' those A grcem cnts.

Although the objectors vvho l ' iled timely objeetions to the Settlement withdrew such objections prior to the June 2. 20 1 7 fairness hearing, the Court nonetheless considered those

objeetions. For the

the Court overrules all of the tiled


Upon the E ffective Date (term det- ined at 73- 1 ( 1)(M ) and 96- 1(I)(L)), Class

Representatives, each and every other C lass Y' 'lem ber on behalf of them selves, and each of their respective heirs, executors, trustecs- adm inistrators- predecessors. successors and assigns, shall be deem ed to have fully and foresrer released. rcm ised. acqtlitted, and discharged each and every one of the Released Claim s against each and eN'ery one ol- the lteleased Parties and shall forever

be barred and enjoined from commencing, instittlting, prosecuting or maintaining any of the

Released Claim s against any of the Settling Defendants.

Upon the Defendants- on

adm inistrators, predecessors. successors and assigns b)' operation of the Class Judgm ent, shall be the Class A ction, the Settling respcctive heirs, executors, trustees,

deem ed to have fully, tsnally and foreNeer w aiq'ttd. relcased, discharged and dism issed each and every one of the Settling Defendants' Claim s. as against eacl: and every one of the Released

Plaintiff Parties and shall foreNr er be barred and enjoined l- rom commencing, instituting,


Cikil A ction N o. 92 1 6-cv-80060-M A RRA

prosecuting or m aintaining anl' ot- the Settling llefendants- Claim s against any of the Released Plaintiff Parties.

Class Proof of Claim , is bound b),' this Class Judgl-nent. including. w ithout lim itation, the release of claim s as set forth in the N ettles and Ridgew ood Scttlem ent Agreem ents.

14. N o C lass M em ber shall have against Class Counsel. C lass Representatives or the Receiver any claim based on the N ettles or Ridgewood Settlem ent Agreem ents, any action of the Receiver, or a distribution lmade substantially in accordancc w ith the N ettles or Ridgew ood

This Class Judgm ent. and an).' negotiatiolls. proceedings or agreem ents relating to the N ettles and Ridgew ood Settlem ent A greem ents. tlltl Settlem ent- and any m atters arising in connection with settlem ent negotiations- prklccedings. or agreem ents, shall not be offered or received against the Settling D elbndants. Class ltepl'eselltatiN'es or the Receiver for any purpose, and in particular'.

Defendants as evidence of, or constrtled as. or deelued to be evidence of any presum ption, concession or adm ission by the Settling D etkndants u'ith respect to the truth of any fact alleged by Class Representatives and the Class or the Receiver or the validity of any claim that has been

D etkndants;

(b) do not constittlte. and shall not bt ) ofl kred or received against the Settling

D et-endants as evidence presulnption- concession adm ission any fault,


L-ivil Action No. 9:l 6-cv-80060-M A RRA

m isrepresentation or om ission w ith respeet to any statcm ent or w ritten docum ent approved or m ade by the Settling Defendants- 01- against Class Representatives or any other m em bers of the

other m em bers of the Class or the Receiver-'

do not constitttte. and shall not bkl oflkred or received against the Settling Defendants or against Class Representatives or any other m elnbers of the C lass, or against the Receiver, as evidence of a presum ption, concession 01' adm ission w ith respect to any liability, dam ages, negligence,fault, infirl-nity or w rongdoing. ol- in any way referred to for any other reason against any of the Parties to this N ettles and Ridgew ood Settlem ent A greem ents, in any other civil, crim inal or adm inistrative aetion or proceeding. other than such proceedings as m ay be necessary to effectuate the provisions ot- the Nettles and R idgew ood Settlem ent A greem ents-,

(d) not eonstitute, shall construed against the Settling

D et-endants, C lass Representatives 01- any other l'nem bers of the Class. or against the Receiver as an adm ission or concession that the consideration to be giA'el: hereunder represents the am ount

do not constitute. and shall not bt? constrtled as or received in evidence as, an adm ission, concession or presum ption against Class Representatives 01* any other m em bers of the Class or against the Receiver that any o1- their claim s are w ithout m erit or infilnn or that dam ages recoverable under


Com plaint would not has'e exeeeded the Settlem ent Fund

The adm inistration 01- the SettlenRent- alld the decision o1- all disputed questions of law and fact with respect to the validitl' ol- an). claim 01- right of any Person to participate in the



Civil Action N o. 9: 1 6-cv-80060-M A RRA

and the Receiver are directed the liquidation of all assets that com prise the Settlelnent Fund is com plete as to the results 01- sklch efforts and the distribution of

In the event that the Scttlem cnt does not beeom e effective in accordance w ith the term s of the N ettles and Ridgew ood Settlem ent A greem ents- then this Class Judgm ent shall be rendered null and void to the extent provided by alld in accordance w ith the N ettles and Ridgew ood Settlem ent Agreem ents and shall be vaeatcd'. and in such event, all orders entered

l 8. W ithout further order of the Cotlrt, the làarties m ay agree to reasonable extensions of tim e to can-y out any ofthe provisions of the N ettles and Ridgew ood Settlem ent A greem ents.

l 9. Plaintiffs' request to accept and process late l5led Recognized Claim s is granted.

20. The Parties are hereby directed consum m ate the N ettles and Ridgewood Settlelzlent A greem ents and to perform its term s.

C lass Counsel have l'noNved

attorneys' fees and reimbursenlent of expenses. Pursuant to Rules 23(h)(3), this Court grants

Class Counsel's request and m akes the follou.ing tsndillgs of fact and conclusions of law :

(a) the Class Settlel - nent confers substantial benelsts on the Settlement Class

M em bers;

the value conferred on the Settlem ent C lass is im m ediate and readily quantifiable

upon this Class Judgm ent becom ing Final (as det sned in the Agreel - nentl;

Class Counsel vigorousll' and et-lbctisrell' pursued the Settlel-nent Class M em bers' claim s before this Court in this connplex case:


C ivil Action No. 9: 16-cv-80060-M A RRA

the Class Settleluent w as obtained as a direct result 01- Class Counsel's advocacy', the Class Settlem ent w as l'eached lbllouring extensiN'e negotiation betw een Class Counsel and Class Counsel for the Settling D efkndants. and u as negotiated in good faith and in the absence of collusion:

during the prosecution ol' the the lt-itigation, Class Counsel incurred

expenses at least in the anAount of $ l 5. 630.85. which incltlded costs for expert witnesses and

other expenses which the Court tinds to be reasonable and necessary to the l-epresentation of the Settlelzlent Class;

Settlem ent Class M em bers w ere adsrised in tlle Class N otice approved by the Court that Class Counsel intended to apply lbr an aual'd to be paid l-rom the Settlem ent Fund of attorneys' fees in the am ount of 33.330/: of the Settlem ent l7tlnd less the al-nount of attorney's fees aw arded to the Receiver. plus reim bursenaent of reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the prosecution of the Litigation;

counsel w ho recover a conal-non benefst 1-01- persons other than him self or his client is entitled to a reasonable attorneys' lk-e from tlle Settlem ent lfund as a w hole. See, e.g., Boeing

(i) the requested fee award is consistent ïï' ith otl ler tbe awards in this Circuit. See


. '


%$), . Ikl pken v, Brown, No. 90-69 1 -

CIV-M ARCU S, 1 992 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 1 l 744 ( S.l). l ' 'la. Yla1 ' . 1 3, 1 992) (331$)' ,

(j ) Class Counsel have redblced their attornel' - s l be application such that that the

am ount Co-lwead Counsel seeks in attorney-s fees- wlltlll eoupled urith the attorney's fees sought


(-. ivil Action No. 9: l 6-cv-80060-M A RRA

by the Receiver and Receiver's Counsel. w ill llot catlsc the total am ount of attorney's fees paid

A ccordingly, C lass Cotlnsel are llel-ebl' awarded as theil- lke award 33.33% of the

Settlem ent Fund less the am ount of attorney-s l-ees paid to the Receiver, w hich the Court finds to be fair and reasonable, and w hich am ount shall be paid to Class Counsel from the Settlem ent Fund in accordance w ith the term s of the Settlem ent A grcem ents. l''urther, Class Counsel are

hereby awarded $ 1 5, 630.85 for their expcnses wl lich thc Coul ' t finds to be fair and reasonable,

the term s of the A greel-nent. C lass Ctltlllsel shall be responsible tbr allocating and shall allocate this award of attorneys' lkes, costs. and expenses tlnat are aw arded am ongst and betw een Class Counsel.

23. The C lass Representatisres, as identilicd in the Prelim inary Approval O rder, are

regarding the am ount of Class Counsel's Settlem cnt Fund, after the Receiver and attorney's tkes, as well as the distribution of the N et

Class Counsel com plete the liquidation and sale of a1l assets that colnprise the Settlem ent Fund.

Such orders shall in no way disturb or at-fect tllis Class Jtldgl-nent and shall be considered separate from this Class Jtldglment.

hereby retains continuing jurisdiction ovcl -:

all owance, disallowance or adjustl - nent of anl' Class Nlennber-s clainn on eqtlitable grounds and any award or distribution of the Settlement l' - und: (iii ) dispositi on of the Settlement Fund; (iv) all


innplcnnentation of the Settlem ent- , (ii) the

Parties fbr the purpose of construing- enfbrcing alpd adluinistel'ing the Settlem ent and this Class


C'ivil Action No. 9: 1 6-cv-80060-M A RRA

Judgment; and (vi) other nnatters related or ancillary to the fbregoing.' l-here is no just reason for

delay in the entry of this C lass Judgm ent, and im m ediate entry by the Clerk of the Court is expressly directed.

DO N E AN D O R D ER ED in Chalubers in q/est I3alm Beach. Palm Beach County,


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UN l'l'ED S'I-A 'FES D ISTRICT CO U RT JUD G E Copies furnished to:

Counsel of record


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