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An Intelligent Neighbour Node Cooperative Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks Srinivasa H P


Academic year: 2022

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An Intelligent Neighbour Node Cooperative Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks

Srinivasa H P1, Dr. Kamalesh V N2,

12Dept. of CSE & Research, T. John Institute of Technology, Affiliated to VTU, Bengaluru, India


The mobile ad hoc network plays a prominent role in modern communication industry because of its low cost implementation. The nodes will operate without fixed infrastructure for communicating among them. Energy efficient communication is a fundamental problem in wireless networks. We need to design a new routing protocols for MANET’s for its new challenges like node mobility, quality of service (QoS), minimal bandwidth and less power supply. These difficulties set new research area on cooperative routing protocols for efficient path selection, low cost overhead and energy efficient routing. In this paper, we try to devise an Intelligent Neighbour Node Cooperative Routing Algorithm that avoids loops in routing, the problem of count-to-infinity and also has optimal number of message exchanges. The proposed Intelligent Neighbour Node Cooperative Routing protocol has two important characteristics such as intelligence and trust. The node is considered as intelligent Neighbour it should have the property of consistency preserve about its information. The node is considered trust, if it does not deceive the information that will misunderstood by the neighbours about their routing tables which are created already.

Keywords: Cooperative Routing, MANET, Neighbour Node, QoS


In recent communication world the mobile ad hoc network plays an important role because of its low cost implementation. The nodes will operate without fixed infrastructure for communicating among them. The data transmission among various active nodes in the wireless network which are not in the direct range requires other nodes as intermediate nodes for forwarding data. The cooperative communication is emerged as cost effective solution to deploy and to accomplish spatial diversity within the network. The main idea behind cooperative communication is to make use of single antennas to share their antennas for other nodes to forward packets cooperatively. This will help to increase the communication among the nodes in the network based on reliability, network capacity and energy efficiency. In addition to the advantages of Cooperative communication, the cross layer design among different layers will increase the overall performance of the communication network.

In MANETs, the important criteria to design and develop an efficient dynamic routing protocols to find the routes between nodes in a high mobility network. The topology may change frequently and maintaining the quality of link during mobility for transmission is also a big challenge. While designing the cooperative communication, we need to understand the advantages, dependency on network


and its limitations. It is very important to study performance gain in terms of different layers for the overall improvement in the performance of an application.

In wireless networks, Energy efficient communication is a major problem. This leads the researchers to investigate energy efficient communication in MANET’s.

The important areas of research focus on the following. Firstly, the network throughput is decreased by increased interference in wireless network. Secondly, the Energy of the nodes may drain due to inefficient use of energy which leads to network disconnection. Finally, the excessive heat may be produced in the communication circuit due to energy consumption.


Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is an autonomous network organized by themselves by a set of nodes which are decentralized. The communication among the nodes in a network takes place on a wireless channel. These nodes interact with each other using shared communication medium [1-3]. MANETs are found its usage very much in military applications as well as in disaster recovery [4]. Cheng and Heinzelman et.al have [5] (2008) proposed two schemes for Long Lifetime Routes (LLR) for optimal selection of routes by the network. Using the local information available, in the global scheme g-LLR the routes are selected in a centralized manner, and routes are selected in a distributed manner in distributed scheme d- LLR. Mohammed Tarique and Kemal E. Tepe et.al (2009) [6] have proposed two routing algorithms such as Minimum Energy Dynamic Source Routing (MEDSR) and Hierarchical MEDSR (HMEDSR) for reducing the energy consumption during network connectivity establishment. ZhihaoGuo et.al [7] (2011) have suggested proactive routing protocol called energy-efficient preserving algorithm for MANETS. To reduce the beacon power usage while reconstructing the network the authors Rong-Hong Jan and Andy An-Kai Jeng et.al [8] (2011) have recommended an energy-efficient maintenance protocol with minimum intervals.

In [9], the authors have considered the position of mobile node and energy of the nodes while designing routing protocol. The authors F Richard Yu et.al [10] in 2013 have introduced cooperative communications for MANETs. The authors have considered the security and QoS among nodes while designing cooperative communication. Vinay P.Viradia et al. (Jan 2014) [11] have proposed a modified AODV protocol called Enhanced AODV (E-AODV) for dealing more packets with minimum delay. Ashutosh Lanjewar et al. (April 2015) [12] have used Euclidean distance between nodes and they have proposed Improved Cost Efficient AODV Routing Protocol. The experimental results are compared with the conventional AODV. Siddharth Samal et al. (August 2016) [13] have proposed a EPRAODV routing protocol by altering existing AODV protocol for power efficient routing and to increase lifetime of network in the MANETs. VN Kamalesh, SK Srivatsa (2009) have proposed the topological design of for communication network for survivable and fault tolerant network [14-16].

In this paper, we have considered energy efficient cooperative routing as a main objective to ensure QoS requirements. Further, to be more precise, (1) to identify and getting information of neighboring nodes for cooperatively routing packets in dynamic shared environment is essential and (2) how to allocate network resources dynamically through routing for better performance in a given


transmission (optimized cooperating nodes allocation) versus different parameters related to network cost.


The proposed Intelligent Neighbour Node Cooperative Routing protocol has two important characteristics such as intelligence and trust. The proposed protocol is constructed based on the widely used Bellman-Ford algorithm. The node is considered as intelligent Neighbour it should have the property of consistency preserve about its information. It should not lose any information while constructing routing table with the distances. The node is considered trust, if it does not deceive the information that will misunderstood by the neighbours about their routing tables which are created already.

Our protocol gets the information of link weight and events related to mobility using Reachability protocol. The weight of the link is obtained by sending echo request message and extract the information from echo reply message at each node. The round trip time of echo request and reply is obtained to record the weight of the link. The link weight is set to infinity if there is no reply within the stipulated time of sending request. In case if a reply received from unknown node which is not a neighbour or unknown neighbour then that link is considered as new link. The new link weight will get updated.

The echo request will be sent to the neighbour nodes within the network either a new node has joined the network first time or the old disconnected node joins back to the network. This process helps to update the routing table of all neighbour nodes within the network. For example consider a network as shown in Fig 1a, the distance between A and B is not known. The node A receives echo request message from Node B which is unknown to A, the node A will not add its distance directly because the distance to node B is not yet measured. The Node A will now sends an echo request to node B for its distance. The echo reply from node B will have the distance and gets updated. This method will enforce the node B to add distance in distance vector table to node A while it sends echo request.

The problem of triangle inequality may arise among the links, it need not to be satisfied to all the links. The node may have different weights of the link because a neighbouring node may have a next hop node other than itself or nil. Due to this the node may have different link weight and distance.

3.1 Intelligence:

The proposed protocol defines the following two properties. Firstly, all the nodes should preserve the uniformity of their states (distance vector) even after the routing table is updated. It means that, if the distance to its neighbour is updated, it should also update the distances of its neighbour descendants. Secondly, all the nodes in the network should keep the information which might be required to for creating routing table. It means that if there is an indirect route exists and its distance changes, it is necessary to check the link weight before updating the table.

In Fig 1a assume that link between B and C broken. The node B sets its distance to Node B as infinity i.e. Dist (C) = ∞. Node B should also update Dist (D) =∞

because Node D is reached via node C.


Fig 1a. Coopearive Model Scenario 1

b. Coopearive Model Scenario 2

3.2 Trust:

The proposed protocol has two requirements for the trust worthiness. Firstly, the Nodes in the network should not widespread the information which misleads the network update. Because it may lead to count to infinity problem. For example in Fig 1b, the link between A and B is broken then the node C will send an update to node B with D (A) =3. Since node B will not know that node C reaches though node A via itself, and it will apply the update. Due to this event the message overhead and convergence time will increase. In order to overcome these issues, whenever a node wants to update the distances to neighbor nodes it should check that the distance are not reached via itself to the destination node. This will help to overcome the count to infinity.

Secondly, the nodes need to exchange the information with its neighbours only when there is an update in their routing table. The nodes will inform to all its neighbours that the routing table is suboptimal. It will help to prove our objective of reducing the number of message exchanges and the nodes will send to all other nodes only if there is a change in distance. However, if there is a broadcast from the originator it will skip the update because it cannot receive a new updated information from itself. This will lead to suboptimal state or a wrong state. The update on nodes state will only happen if it detects the improvement of distance vector value when compared to existing value. For Example, let node S is sender, R is receiver and X is a neighbour node. If U(R)+D(X) < U(X) and P(x) ≠ S, that means that node S can reach node X via node R, which is shorter than the path it currently uses.

The following operations are defined on sets.

x += y ≡ x = x U S(y) where S(x) = x if x is a set x -= y ≡ x = x \ S(y) {x} otherwise 3.3 Proposed Protocol:

The proposed Intelligent Neighbour Node Cooperative Routing Protocol is as follows:

Assume the following K: Known nodes

N: Responsive neighbors M: Myself

Algorithm for ECHO ( ) Time (Request) = Present time

Send echo request to each x  List of Neighbours L Wait for echo request timeout



For every node x  List of Neighbours L

Calculate Link weight LW(x) =Time(x)>Time (Req)? Time(x)-Time (Request):  If x  K then

If LW(x) ≠  then K=K+x

Predecessor = Empty set Distance D(x) = LW(x) Modified=TRUE else

If Predecessor (x) !=empty and LW(x) <=Dist(x) then Predecessor = empty set

Distance(x) = LW(x) Modified=TRUE

else if Predecessor (x) !=empty and LW(x) ≠ Dist(x) then Dist(x)  LW(x)


if LW(x) =  and Time(Req) − Time(x) >= link life then Neighbours L −= x

if Modified then

send { (k, Dist (k)) | k  K, Predecessor (k) ≠ n } for each n  N K −= {k  K |Dist (k) =  }

Algorithm for RECEIVE (DVR) Modified = false

inform = false

if Source  Neighbor or LW(S) =  then Neighbor += Source

LW(S) = DVR (M) if S  K then

K += Source

Predecessor (Source) = Empty Dist (Source)=DVR(M) Modified=TRUE DVR’={}

For each x  X do

Dist’ = Dist (Source) +DVR(x) If x  K then

If Dist’ ≠ ∞ then K+=x

Predecessor (x) = Source Dist(x) = Dist’

Modified=TRUE Else

If Dist’ < Dist(x) then

Predecessor (x) = Source Dist(x)  Dist’

DVR’ += {k  K | Predecessor (k) = x}



Else if Dist (x) ≠ Dist’ and Predecessor (x)=Source and x DVR’


Dist (x)  Dist’

if DVR(M) + Dist (x) < DVR (x) and Predecessor(x) ≠ Source then inform = true

if modified or inform then destination = {}

if modified then

destination += Neighbor \ {Source}

if inform then

destination += Source

send { (k, Dist (k)) | k  K, Predecessor (k) ≠ d } for each d  destination K −= {k  K |Dist (k) =  }

Algorithm Receive (Echo Request) if Source  List of Neighbors then

List of Neighbors += Source LW (Source) = 1

Time (Source) = now send echo request to Source Algorithm Receive (Echo Reply) if Source  List of Neighbors then List of Neighbors += Source LW (Source) = 1

Time (Source) = now


The proposed protocol is simulated either by randomly selecting a set of nodes and their link cost among the nodes or manually entering the graph containing a set of nodes and the distance between the nodes as link cost.

Table 1: Initial Network for 5 nodes with weights

Node A B C D E

A 0 1 - 2 -

B 1 0 4 - 9

C - 4 0 3 2

D 2 - 3 0 -

E - 9 2 - 0

Table 1 shows the graph containing five nodes and their link weight. The nodes does not have point to point link are represented as infinity. The links and its cost may change dynamically under various topologies and mobility.



The proposed protocol is more efficient and better routing of data transfer under various scenarios and topological changes in the network. The protocol has been tested for various conditions such as changes in the distances between the nodes, when the congestion occurs in the network, if the link gets broken as well as restores link after some time and a new node enters the network. The protocol dynamically updates the routing table for these changes in the network. The results are tabulated in the along with information needed for updating the sender and receiver.

The information flows always from sender which is in right hand side to receiver which is on the left hand side.

Table 2: The cost and path between nodes for the given network Node

s A B C D E Update

d nodes

Nodes to be Informed


A 0 1


5 A->B-


2 A->D

7 A->E

D > E (7)

The receiver is updated

B 1

B->A 0 4


3 B->A-


6 B->C-


C > E (6)

The receiver is updated


5 C->B-



C->B 0 3


2 C->E

B > A (5)

A > D (3)

E (9)

E (12) A (10) B (9)

The receiver is updated and sender needs to be informed.

The sender needs to be informed

D 2


3 D->A-



D->C 0

5 D->C-


C > E (5)

The receiver is updated


7 E->C-


6 E->C-


2 E->C

5 E->C-



C > A (7) C > B (6) C >

D (5)

The receiver is updated

Table 2 shows the output of the proposed protocol for the given cost matrix.

During each iteration process the nodes being updated are shown in the column and also, the nodes to be informed with cost during update are also shown.

Table 3: The cost and path between nodes for the Distance Changed between B and C to 6 for the given network

Nodes A B C D E Updated


Nodes to be Informed


A 0 1


5 A->D-


2 A->D

7 A->D-


B > C (7) D > C

The receiver is updated



B 1

B->A 0 6


3 B->A-


8 B->C-


C (6) C > E


The receiver is updated


5 C->D-



C->B 0 3


2 C->E

B > A (7) B (6) D > A


The receiver is updated

D 2


3 D->A-



D->C 0

5 D->C-


C (7) A (7)

The sender needs to be informed


7 E->C-


8 E->C-


2 E->C

5 E->C-



C > A (9) C > B

(8) C > A


The receiver is updated

Table 3 shows the output when there is a change in the distance between nodes.

For Illustration, the distance between node B and C is changed from 4 to 6. The sender and receiver values are also updated and routing path also gets updated for the network.

Table 4: The cost and path between nodes for the Link Congested between C and D for the given network

Nodes A B C D E Updated


Nodes to be Informed


A 0 1


7 A->B-


2 A->B-


9 A->B-


D (∞) B > C (7) B > E (9)

The receiver is updated

B 1

B->A 0 6


3 B->A-


8 B->C-


A (∞) D (∞) C (∞) E (∞)

The sender needs to be informed


7 C->B-



C->B 0 No Path 2


B > A (7) B > D (9)

The receiver is updated

D 2


3 D->A-


No Path 0

11 D->A-


C (∞) C > E (∞) A > C (9)

A > E (11)

The receiver is updated


9 E->C-


8 E->C-


2 E->C

11 E->C-



C > A (9) C > D


The receiver is updated


Table 4 shows the output of proposed protocol when there is a link congestion in the network occurs. For example, if there is a congestion occurs between node C and D and the link cost for the nodes using this link are updated to infinity and the same is informed to sender.


In this research paper, we have proposed an energy efficient distance-vector routing protocol for cooperative wireless network structures. The main strength of the proposed protocol it that it avoids looping in routing. which is one of the prevalent challenge for the network designers. Further the proposed protocol also overcomes the count-to-infinity problem. In addition, it also uses the optimal number of message exchanges. The proposed protocol is experimented and simulated in real communication networks. The results obtained from our proposed protocol, certainly indicates the benefits of cooperative routing over traditional routing wireless communication. The resource allocation graph generated in the simulation process demonstrates the performance improvement in utilization of bandwidth as well as data rate.


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Srinivasa H P currently working as Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at T. John Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. He has BE and M. Tech Degrees in Computer Science & Engineering. He has 17 years of experience in Teaching and Administration. His area of Research includes Computer Networks, Wireless Networks and Cloud Computing. He has published more than 10 papers both National and International Journals. He is a member of many professional bodies like ISTE, IACSIT, IAENG, IFERP. He has designed, developed and maintained the State of art Gigabit LAN and also the CCI Technology of HP Pvt Ltd in the college. Currently working on Automation of Examination and Digital Valuation System.


Dr. Kamalesh V N has M. Tech and Ph D in the field of Computer Science &

Engineering. Presently working as Professor and Dean in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, T. JOHN Institute of Technology, Bangalore, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Karnataka, India. He has published more than 45 research publications in reputed journals. He has rendered services as Consultant in IT & e-Learning, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Govt. of Karnataka, Bengaluru. He also worked as Professor and Special Officer, E-Learning Centre, VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Regional Office, Mysuru and as Director IT, Computer Science and School of Science & Technology, Karnataka State Open University, Mysore.

He has received 24 MRC & IBN 7 Television Broadcast has confirmed 2015 leader award for achieving e – Learning consultant of the year and Indo-US National Award for Teaching Excellence by Indo-US Foundation. Recipient of Young Mathematician Best Research Paper Award of the year 1995-96 from Ramanujam Mathematical Society. Asian Education Leadership Award - Best Director, awarded by Asian Confederation of Business with CMO Asia as its strategic partner and Stars of the Industry Group as a research partner, Dubai.


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