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Common fixed point theorems for a weak distance in complete metric spaces


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Received 17 October 2001

Using the concept of aw-distance, we obtain common fixed point theorems on complete metric spaces. Our results generalize the corresponding theorems of Jungck, Fisher, Dien, and Liu.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10.

1. Introduction. In 1976, Caristi [1] proved a fixed point theorem in a complete metric space which generalizes the Banach contraction principle. This theorem is very useful and has many applications. Later, Dien [3] showed that a pair of mappings satisfying both the Banach contraction principle and Caristi’s condition in a complete metric space has a common fixed point. That is to say, let(X, d)be a complete metric space and letSandT be two orbitally continuous mappings ofXinto itself. Suppose that there exists a finite number of functions{ϕi}1≤i≤N0ofXintoR+such that

d(Sx, T y)≤q·d(x, y)+ N0


ϕi(x)−ϕi(Sx)+ϕi(y)−ϕi(T y) (1.1)

for allx, y∈Xand someq∈[0,1). ThenSandT have a unique common fixed point zinX. Further, ifx∈XthenSnxzandTnxzasn→ ∞. In particular, ifSis an identity mapping,q=0, andN0=1, then this means a Caristi’s fixed point theorem.

Recently, Liu [7] obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of fixed point of continuous self-mapping by using the ideas of Jungck [5] and Dien [3]: letf be a continuous self-mapping of a metric space(X, d), thenfhas a fixed point inXif and only if there existz∈X, a mappingg:X→X, and a functionΦfromX into[0,∞)such thatf andgare compatible,g(X)⊂f (X),gis continuous, and

d(gx, z)≤r d(f x, z)+Φ(f x)−Φ(gx) (1.2)

for allx∈Xand somer∈[0,1).

In 1996, Kada et al. [6] introduced the concept ofw-distance on a metric space as follows: letX be a metric space with metricd, then a functionp:X×X→[0,∞)is called aw-distance onXif the following are satisfied:

(1) p(x, z)≤p(x, y)+p(y, z)for anyx, y, z∈X;


(3) for any >0, there existsδ >0 such that p(z, x)≤δand p(z, y)≤δimply d(x, y)≤.

In this paper, using the concept of aw-distance, we obtain common fixed point the-orems on complete metric spaces. Our results generalize the corresponding thethe-orems of Jungck [5], Fisher [4], Dien [3], and Liu [7].

2. Definitions and preliminaries. Throughout, we denote byNthe set of positive integers and byR+the set of nonnegative real numbers, that is,R+:=[0,∞).

Definition2.1(see [3]). A mappingT of a spaceX into itself is said to be or-bitally continuous ifx0∈Xsuch thatx0=limi→∞Tnixfor somexX, thenT x0= limi→∞T (Tnix).

Definition2.2(see [2]). LetT be a mapping of a metric spaceX into itself. For eachx∈X, let

O(T , x, n)=x, T x, . . . , Tnx, n=1,2, . . . ,

O(T , x,∞)= {x, T x, . . .}. (2.1)

A spaceX is said to be T-orbitally complete if and only if every Cauchy sequence, which is contained inO(T , x,∞)for somex∈X, converges inX.

Definition2.3(see [6]). LetX be a metric space with metricd. Then a function

p:X×X→R+is called aw-distance onXif the following properties are satisfied:

(1) p(x, z)≤p(x, y)+p(y, z)for anyx, y, z∈X;

(2) for anyx∈X,p(x,·):X→R+is lower semicontinuous;

(3) for any >0, there existsδ >0 such that p(z, x)≤δand p(z, y)≤δimply d(x, y)≤.

The metricdis aw-distance onX. Other examples ofw-distance are stated in [6].

Definition2.4(see [5]). Let(X, d)be a metric space andf , g:X→X. The map-pingsf andgare called compatible if and only if for every sequence{xn}n∈N such that limn→∞f xn=limn→∞gxn=tfor somet∈X, it implies

lim n→∞d

f gxn, gf xn=0. (2.2)

Lemma2.5(see [6]). LetXbe a metric space with metricd, andpaw-distance onX.

Let{xn}and{yn}be sequences inX, let{αn}and{βn}be sequences inR+converging to0, and letx, y, z∈X. Then the following properties hold:

(i) ifp(xn, y)≤αnandp(xn, z)≤βnfor anyn∈N, theny=z. In particular, if p(x, y)=0andp(x, z)=0, theny=z;


3. Main results

Theorem3.1. Let(X, d)be a complete metric space with aw-distancep. Suppose that two mappingsf , g:X→X and a functionϕ fromX intoR+ are satisfying the following conditions:

(i) g(X)⊆f (X),

(ii) there existst∈X such thatp(t, gx)≤r·p(t, f x)+[ϕ(f x)−ϕ(gx)]for all x∈Xand somer∈[0,1),

(iii) for every sequence{xn}n∈N inXsatisfying

lim n→∞p

t, f xn=lim n→∞p

t, gxn=0, (3.1)

it implies that

lim n→∞max

pt, f xn, pt, gxn, pf gxn, gf xn=0, (3.2)

(iv) for eachu∈Xwithuf uorugu,

infp(u, f x)+p(u, gx)+p(f gx, gf x):x∈X>0. (3.3)

Thenf andghave a unique common fixed point inX.

Proof. Letx0be a given point ofX. By (i), there existsxnXsuch thatgxn1= f xnforn≥1. FromTheorem 3.1(ii), we have

pt, f xj+1

=pt, gxj≤r·pt, f xj+ϕf xj−ϕgxj, (3.4)

which implies that



pt, f xj+1≤r· n1


pt, f xj+ n1


ϕf xj−ϕgxj, (3.5)

that is,



pt, f xj≤1rrpt, f x0+11rϕf x0−ϕf xn,



t, f x0+ 1


f x0,


which means that the series∞n=1p(t, f xn)is convergent, so

lim n→∞p

t, f xn=lim n→∞p


Suppose thattf tortgt. Then, fromTheorem 3.1(iii) and (iv) we obtain that

0<infp(t, f x)+p(t, gx)+p(f gx, gf x):x∈X

infpt, f xn+pt, gxn+pf gxn, gf xn:n∈N



This is a contradiction. Hencetis a common fixed point off andg.

We prove thattis a unique common fixed point off andg. Letube a common fixed point offandg. Then, byTheorem 3.1(ii),

p(t, t)=p(t, gt)≤r·p(t, f t)+ϕ(f t)−ϕ(gt)=r·p(t, t),

p(t, u)=p(t, gu)≤r·p(t, f u)+ϕ(f u)−ϕ(gu)=r·p(t, u). (3.9)

Thusp(t, t)=p(t, u)=0. FromLemma 2.5, we obtaint=u. Thereforetis a unique common fixed point off andg.

Remark3.2. Theorem 3.1generalizes and improves Dien [3, Theorem 2.2] and Liu

[7, Theorem 3.2].

Theorem3.3. Letf be a continuous self-mapping of metric space(X, d). Assume thatf has a fixed point in X. Then there exists aw-distancep, t∈X, a continuous mappingg:X→X, and a functionϕfromXintoR+satisfyingTheorem 3.1(i), (ii), (iii), and (iv).

Proof. Letzbe a fixed point off,r=1/2,gx=t=z, andϕ(x)=1 for allx∈X.


p(x, y)=maxd(f x, x), d(f x, y), d(f x, f y) ∀x, y∈X. (3.10)

Suppose that

lim n→∞p

t, f xn=lim n→∞p

t, gxn=0. (3.11)

Then it is easy to verify that the results ofTheorem 3.3follow.

Theorem3.4. Letf andgbe a continuous compatible self-mappings of the metric space(X, d). There existst∈Xsatisfying

d(t, gx)≤r·d(t, f x)+ϕ(f x)−ϕ(gx) (3.12)

for allx∈Xand somer∈[0,1). Then

(i) for every sequence{xn}n∈N inXsuch that

lim n→∞d

t, f xn=lim n→∞d

t, gxn=0 (3.13)

for somet∈X, it implies that

lim n→∞max


(ii) for eachu∈Xwithuf uorugu,

infd(u, f x)+d(u, gx)+d(f gx, gf x):x∈X>0. (3.15)

Proof. The results follow by elementary calculation.

Remark3.5. Since the metricdisw-distance, from Theorems3.1,3.3, and3.4, we obtain Liu [7, Theorem 3.1].

Theorem3.6. Let(X, d)be a complete metric space with aw-distancep, two map-pingsf , g:X→X, and two functionsϕ,ψfromXintoR+such thatTheorem 3.1(i), (iv) are satisfied,

(i) for every sequence{xn}n∈N inXsuch that


n→∞f xn=nlim→∞gxn=t (3.16)

for somet∈X, it implies that

lim n→∞max

pt, f xn, pt, gxn, pf gxn, gf xn=0, (3.17)


p(gx, gy)≤a1p(f x, f y)+a2p(f x, gx)+a3p(f y, gy)

+a4p(f x, gy)+a5p(gx, f y)d(f y, gx)1/2

+ϕ(f x)−ϕ(gx)+ψ(f y)−ψ(gy)


for allx, y∈X, wherea1,a2,a3,a4, anda5are in[0,1)witha1+a4+a5<1 anda1+a2+a3+2a4<1.

Thenf andghave a unique common fixed point inX.

Proof. Letx0be an arbitrary point ofX. ByTheorem 3.1(i), we obtain a sequence

{xn}inX such that gxn−1=f xn forn≥1. Letγn=p(f xn, f xn+1) forn≥0. It

follows fromTheorem 3.6(ii) that


gxj, gxj+1

≤a1pf xj, f xj+1

+a2pf xj, gxj+a3pf xj+1, gxj+1

+a4pf xj, gxj+1

+a5pgxj, f xj+1

df xj+1, gxj1/2 +ϕf xj−ϕgxj+ψf xj+1



+ϕf xj−ϕf xj+1

+ψf xj+1

−ψf xj+2



which implies that


ϕf xj−ϕf xj+1

+ψf xj+1

−ψf xj+2

, (3.20)



1−a3−a4 , L2= 1





γj≤1L1L1γ0+1L2L1ϕf x0+ψf x1 (3.22)

for alln≥1. Hence, the series∞n=1γnis convergent. For anyn, r≥1, we have

pf xn, f xn+r≤ n+r−1


γi. (3.23)

By Lemma 2.5, this implies that {f xn}∞

n=1 is a Cauchy sequence in X. Since X is a complete metric space, there exists t X such that f xn →t as n→ ∞. From

Theorem 3.6(i), we have

lim n→∞max

pt, f xn, pt, gxn, pf gxn, gf xn=0. (3.24)

Suppose thattf tortgt, then fromTheorem 3.1(iv) we obtain that

0<infp(t, f x)+p(t, gx)+p(f gx, gf x):x∈X

infpt, f xn+pt, gxn+pf gxn, gf xn:n∈N



which is a contradiction. Thereforetis a common fixed point off andg. It follows fromLemma 2.5andTheorem 3.6(ii) thattis a unique common fixed point offandg.

Theorem3.7. Letfbe a continuous self-mapping of a metric space(X, d). Assume that f has a fixed point inX. Then there exist aw-distancep, t∈X, a continuous mappingg:X→X, and functionsϕ,ψfromXintoR+satisfyingTheorem 3.1(i), (iv) andTheorem 3.6(i), (ii).

Proof. By a method similar to that in the proof ofTheorem 3.3, the results follow.

Remark3.8. Since the metricdisw-distance, from Theorems3.4,3.6, and3.7, we obtain Jungck [5, Theorem], Fisher [4, Theorem 2], and Liu [7, Theorem 3.3].

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by Korea Research Foundation

Grant (KRF-2001-015-DP0025).


[1] J. Caristi,Fixed point theorems for mappings satisfying inwardness conditions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.215(1976), 241–251.

[2] L. B. ´Ciri´c,A generalization of Banach’s contraction principle, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.45

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[3] N. H. Dien,Some remarks on common fixed point theorems, J. Math. Anal. Appl.187(1994), no. 1, 76–90.


[5] G. Jungck,Commuting mappings and fixed points, Amer. Math. Monthly83(1976), no. 4, 261–263.

[6] O. Kada, T. Suzuki, and W. Takahashi,Nonconvex minimization theorems and fixed point theorems in complete metric spaces, Math. Japon.44(1996), no. 2, 381–391. [7] Z. Liu, Y. Xu, and Y. J. Cho,On characterizations of fixed and common fixed points, J. Math.

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Jeong Sheok Ume: Department of Applied Mathematics, Changwon National

Univer-sity, Changwon641-773, Korea

E-mail address:jsume@sarim.changwon.ac.kr

Sucheol Yi: Department of Applied Mathematics, Changwon National University,

Changwon641-773, Korea


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