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Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education Curriculum Management and elearning Department


Academic year: 2021

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Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education Curriculum Management and eLearning Department


ITA 9.2 Di dove sei? – Where are you from? ITA 9.3 Una vita a colori – A colourful life ITA 9.4 La mia famiglia – My family ITA 9.5 A scuola – At school

ITA 9.6 La mia casa – My home

ITA 9.7 Pizza e spaghetti – Pizza and spaghetti ITA 9.8 Il mondo degli animali – The animal kingdom ITA 9.9 Arrivederci – Goodbye


2 The Core Curriculum Programme (CCP) in Italian will be carried out in 3 years – from Form 3 to Form 5. At the end of the 3 years, students would have achieved the following knowledge, skills and competence in Italian as a foreign language.

Level 1 Communicating in Italian as a Foreign Language

Knowledge Skills Competences

The student has knowledge of very basic vocabulary and phrases related to everyday life and representative of the home, work, social and public settings.

The student can:

- take part in a simple conversation

- can relate to different social situations using basic language

- understand basic words, structures, simple instructions spoken slowly

- manage very short, isolated, mainly pre-packaged utterances

- provide and fill in basic personal information

The student’s language ability is very basic but permeates in different social settings.

The student can:

- briefly express feelings as regards to a particular situation, such as at a shop, at a clinic, at a restaurant

- use communicatin for basic commercial transactions such as buying, making a request.

- follow short, simple directions.

The student’s competence is very basic and can demonstrate its use, in daily situations.

The student can:

- use language and knowledge learnt in a familiar context

- interpret visual cues

- be aware of communication strategies and use them accordingly in a


3 Assessment for Form 3 CCP

The general aspect of the Italian Core Curriculum Programme (please refer to the objectives and points to note in the pages which follow) will be made up of two main aspects and two secondary aspects:

Main aspects

1. an oral component which includes listening and speaking 2. hands on component where students learn by doing Secondary aspects

3. basic reading skills where students recognize single words or short phrases

4. basic writing skills where students copy single words, short phrases or write simple short sentences

Project file – Continuous assessment (70%) End of year exam – Final assessment (30%) Assessment of the four language skills throughout the

scholastic year is to be carried out, according to the aspects explained above.

Students are encouraged to create a project file in which they will include their work which are representative of the topics covered. Where hands on activities are carried out, photos of work done can be included in the project file. If they wish so, students can also fill in a simple self

evaluation sheet to monitor their progress. Filling in of the sheet can be done with the help of the teacher or by themselves (see sample evaluation sheet)

A centre based examination will include the following components Listening – 10 marks Speaking – 10 marks Reading – 5 marks Writing – 5 marks Total (100%)


Valuto le mie competenze

Che cosa ho imparato finora?

= molto bene

= abbastanza bene

= poco

Se devo parlare, sono capace di:

salutare e chiedere a qualcuno come sta

salutare quando devo andare via

dire come mi chiamo

chiedere a qualcuno come si chiama

dire una parola lettera per lettera

dire le lettere dell’alfabeto

Quando qualcuno parla, riesco a capire:

la presentazione di qualcuno

se si tratta di un oggetto

un numero di telefono

una parola detta lettera per lettera

Sono in grado di leggere e di capire:

un dialogo in cui i personaggi si salutano e si presentano

Sono capace di scrivere:

la mia presentazione

Della civiltà italiana conosco:

la forma dell’Italia

Ho compilato questa valutazione

da solo/a

con l’aiuto dell’insegnante


• Continuous assessment is a method in which a student's progress is gauged over a period of time in various language learning contexts. Evidence of specific skills and other items at one particular time and language performance and progress over time is collected in all four abilities (listening, speaking, reading and writing,) or in all three communication modes (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational). Using a combination of testing instruments lends validity and reliability to the assessment process.

• Continuous assessment requires the embedding of assessment for learning strategies in teaching. Assessment for learning is closely linked to instruction, which has two educational benefits. First, linking assessment to instruction means that evidence of what has been learnt needs to be collected or observed. Second, assessment for learning is linked to making progress in all four language skills including works related to oral communication.

• Assessment is incorporated fully into instruction: there is no time lost on assessment since every learning experience, activity, student’s action is considered as evidence and therefore gives the opportunity to both teacher and learner to act upon it. This is assessment for learning. Amendments to both teaching and learning need to be done according to the gaps in learning the student demonstrates to have. Assessment is a true learning experience, and not external to the learning process.

• Assessment for learning promotes positive student involvement. Students are actively involved in and reflecting on their own learning. The student’s self-confidence increases as well as the student's ability to assess and revise work. Student motivation to continue studying and succeeding in language learning tends to grow in such an environment.

• Assessment for learning offers the teacher and student an in-depth knowledge of the student as a learner. This means that the teacher can individualize instruction for the student. Weak areas can be strengthened and areas of mastery built upon. Learners are involved in this process of tracking their learning and can take control of their learning.


6 The following “can do” statements are linked to the learning outcomes over three years in all the 4 language skills:

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

The student can

follow speech which is very slow and carefully articulated with long pauses for him/her to assimilate meaning.

understand instructions addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and follow short, simple directions. ask and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. ask and answer questions about themselves and other people, where they live, people they know, things they have.

The student can

produce simple mainly isolated phrases about people and places. ask and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. manage very short, isolated, mainly pre-packaged utterances, with much pausing to search for expressions, to say less familiar words and to repair


The student can

understand very short, simple texts a single phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words and basic phrases and re-reading as required. get an idea of the content of

simpler informational material and short simple descriptions,

especially if there is visual support.

The student can

write simple isolated phrases and sentences.

copy out single words and short texts presented in standard printed format.

write numbers and dates, own name, nationality, address, age, date of birth, such as on a hotel registration form.

ask for or pass on personal details in written form.


7 The following is an extract for level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages as prepared by the Council of Europe1:

A1 – Griglia per l’autovalutazione – Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue


Ascolto Lettura Interazione Produzione orale Produzione scritta

Riesco a riconoscere parole che mi sono familiari ed espressioni molto semplici riferite a me stesso, alla mia famiglia e al mio ambiente, purché le persone parlino lentamente e chiaramente.

Riesco a capire i nomi e le persone che mi sono familiari e frasi molto semplici, per esempio quelle di annunci, cartelloni, cataloghi.

Riesco a interagire in modo semplice se l’interlocutore è disposto a ripetere o a riformulare più lentamente certe cose e mi aiuta a formulare ciò che cerco di dire. Riesco a porre e a rispondere a domande semplici su argomenti molto familiari o che riguardano bisogni immediati.

Riesco a usare espressioni e frasi semplici per descrivere il luogo dove abito e la gente che conosco.

Riesco a scrivere una breve e semplice cartolina , ad esempio per mandare i saluti delle vacanze. Riesco a compilare moduli con dati personali scrivendo per esempio il mio nome, la nazionalità e l’indirizzo sulla scheda di registrazione di un albergo.

© Consiglio d'Europa: Quadro europeo comune di riferimento per le lingue



8 Subject: ITALIAN Form 3 CCP

Code and title: ITA 9.01 – Buongiorno - Goodmorning

Strand: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Duration: 9 sessions of 40 minutes (6 hours) Objectives

The teacher will teach the students:

1. to express basic greetings (according to the time of day) 2. to ask and say the name in Italian

3. the days of the week

4. to understand some basic classroom instructions

5. briefly about Italy’s geographical position and proximity to Malta

Key Words Points to Note Suggested resources

Buongiorno, buon pomeriggio, buona sera, buona notte, arrivederci, ciao I giorni della settimana lunedì, martedì, mercoledì, giovedì, venerdì, sabato, domenica

Come ti chiami? Io mi chiamo... Tu ti chiami

Chiudi/Apri la finestra/porta Posso bere, per favore? Posso andare al bagno, per favore?

Students’ prior knowledge of Italian provides a background and stimulus for the lessons in a friendly atmosphere. The use of ICT resources, realia, charts, pictures, posters, etc. motivates students to learn as much vocabulary as possible. The use of the mother language is inevitable at this initial phase. Resources on the IWB should consist of simple picture matching or letter reordering at first.

Hands on activities are a crucial part of this course. Students are encouraged to create charts, small visual projectbooks, powerpoint presentations, models, drawings etc Students’ work should be given its due importance and valued accordingly, especially for assessment purposes.

All four skills should be integrated, with an emphasis on listening and speaking. Oral production is an important component when learning a language. Basic literacy skills like reading (letter and word recognition) and writing should be associated with visuals to facilitate student learning.


http://www.capitello.it/ilgiocoelereg ole/megazine/data/italianofacile.pdf


9 Subject: ITALIAN Form 3 CCP

Code and title: ITA 9.02 – Di dove sei? – Where are you from?

Strand: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Duration: 9 sessions of 40 minutes (6 hours) Objectives

The teacher will teach the students:

1. to ask and answer questions on where they live 2. numbers from 1-20

3. to ask and answer questions about one’s age 4. the months of the year

5. to present oneself briefly

Key Words Points to Note Suggested resources

Dove abiti?/Di dove sei? Abito a ...

Sono di... I mesi dell’anno

gennaio, febbraio, marzo, aprile, maggio, giugno, luglio, agosto, settembre, ottobre, novembre, dicembre I numeri 1-20

It is important that students listen to Italian. The chosen extracts/songs should contain basic familiar language and can be repeated very often for students to grasp intonation. Whenever possible, words similar to Maltese and English are to be used. This not only helps the intercultural aspects, but also allows better understanding for students.

Interdisciplinary approaches should be promoted. Students learn more by doing and a language can be acquired by using different media. Art, music, drama, cooking, IT etc can be incorporated with language teaching and learning. With the help of visual aids or videos, students can produce simple activities such as a menu, a recipe, a creative calendar for the classroom, a slideshow.

Students’ work can be then displayed in the class or in a special designated area in the hall/school reception/Italian room.

http://www.digitaldialects.com/Italian .htm http://parliamoitaliano.altervista.org/ http://www.languagesonline.org.uk/ http://www.ddrivoli1.it/portolingua/g iochi_di_lingua.htm


10 Subject: ITALIAN Form 3 CCP

Code and title: ITA 9.03 – Una vita a colori – A colourful life

Strand: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Duration: 9 sessions of 40 minutes (6 hours) Objectives

The teacher will teach the students:

1. to ask and answer questions about date of birth (day, number, month) 2. to fill in personal information (name, age, DOB )

3. vocabulary related to the colours 4. to ask and say the favourite colour

5. about Italy’s national flag (comparison to Malta’s) 6. about nationalities

Key Words Points to Note Suggested resources


Rosso, giallo, verde, viola, bianco, blu, nero, arancione, rosso, ecc


maltese, inglese, italiano, francese, brasiliano, americano ecc

Pair work and group work generate a sense of collaboration. For this reason cooperative learning is also a key feature to promote a sense of belonging among the students.

Vocabulary can be learnt through the use of pictures, songs, videos, games, where simple matching, letter reordering; filling of blank spaces can be one of the tasks. A copybook or project book where students create a visual dictionary can be a good way of building vocabulary.

Teachersare a most important part of the environment for language learning/acquisition. They present role-models which students may follow in their future use of the language. The activities proposed should be varied in nature and allow motivation. Students should have direct exposure to specially selected (e.g. graded) spoken utterances such as dialogues

http://www.education.vic.gov.au/lang uagesonline/italian/italian.htm http://www.stranita.it/materiali/abilit a-lingua http://www.pirandello-moncalieri.it/file_interc_media/MOD ULO%20A.pdf


11 Subject: ITALIAN Form 3 CCP

Code and title: ITA 9.04 – La mia famiglia – My family

Strand: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Duration: 9 sessions of 40 minutes (6 hours) Objectives

The teacher will teach the students:

1. vocabulary related to family members

2. to participate in conversations to describe the relation between different members of the family 3. to use the possessives with members of the family

4. about Christmas in Italy

5. basic reading skills (especially vocabulary)

Key Words Points to Note Suggested resources

Mio padre (papà), mia madre (mamma), mio fratello, mia sorella, mio zio, mia zia, mio nonno, mia nonna, mio cugino, mia cugina

Learning new words is a continuous process. Repetition is a key factor because the students need to meet the word often in order for learning to take place. Thus vocabulary should not be isolated but linked to other activities.

Various media can be used to learn new words: real life objects, pictures, mimimg or gestures which perform an action or describe an object, drawings. Students will match the image to the word and try to repeat the word orally. Words are then learnt when there is a connection between all those factors. The new words will be part of the students’ short term memory but work should be done for long term memory. For this reason words should be repeated at regular intervals so vocabulary stays active and ready to be used.

Rai Junior http://www.junior.rai.it/dl/junior/juni or.htm Muzzy in Gondoland http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w tTYnGdpmbc http://www.socrates-me-too.org/LINGUE.htm


12 Subject: ITALIAN Form 3 CCP

Code and title: ITA 9.05 – A scuola – At school

Strand: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Duration: 9 sessions of 40 minutes (6 hours) Objectives

The teacher will teach the students:

1. vocabulary related to the classroom/school environment 2. to revise and develop on classroom instructions

3. to ask and answer questions containing questo/questa 4. about Carnival in Italy

Key Words Points to Note Suggested resources


banco, sedia, lavagna, zaino, matita, libro, quaderno, ecc Persone

insegnante, preside, studente ecc


classe, giardino, sala ecc Che cos’è questo/a? Questo/a è un/a ...

Literacy across the curriculum is envisaged and students should also improve on writing and reading skills. Teachers are encouraged to help students grow in confidence and trying to reduce the barriers a new language may create. Though varies activities, students should slowly take responsibility of their learning and embrace the knowledge of a new culture and another language.

Learning Italian can improve literacy skills in other areas. Students can copy single familiar words or phrases which can be similar to Maltese or/and English after listening to them various times. Spoken and written Italian should be very basic, but teachers can build on student’s previous knowledge.

The teacher can also tap on students’ likes to present motivating content which helps in learning of new vocabulary. Crosswords with images, wordsearches and other similar word games should help students with their literacy skills.

http://italian.skola.edu.mt Abcmenu – La scuola Art attack videos Viky tv crafts


13 Subject: ITALIAN Form 3 CCP

Code and title: ITA 9.06 – La mia casa – My home

Strand: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Duration: 9 sessions of 40 minutes (6 hours) Objectives

The teacher will teach the students:

1. vocabulary related to the house rooms 2. vocabulary related to the house furniture

3. to identify specific vocabulary related to a room/house 4. about adjectives and opposites

Key Words Points to Note Suggested resources

La Casa (House/Home) camera da letto, camera da bagno, cucina, soggiorno ecc Mobili (Furniture)

tavolo, sedia, divano, poltrona, letto, comodino, armadio ecc

Opposti (Opposites) pulito – sporco, grande – piccolo, bello – brutto, buono – cattivo, alto – basso, nuovo – vecchio, grasso – magro, vuoto – pieno, aperto – chiuso, sotto – sopra, su – giù, lontano – vicino, dentro – fuori, largo – stretto.

Learning a new language contributes to a sense of global citizenship. Students should learn about a different culture, a different approach to life and obtain knowledge on people. They should also be encouraged to make comparisons between their culture and another one because it gives better insight on one’s own culture. Cultural awareness can be enhanced by highlighting differences and similarities. Videos, pictures and real life situation comparisons increase knowledge and awareness.

Students need to share as much as possible their ideas with others. Students can share their travel experiences (if any) and this can help their peers since students learn by sharing and knowing about personal experiences. The use of collaborative learning in this programme will help students both in the social and academic skills.

Abcmenu – La casa http://www.languageguide.org/italian /vocabulary/ http://www.loecsen.com/travel/0-en-67-2-8-free-lessons-italian.html http://www.comune.jesi.an.it/jesicent ro/ARCHIVIO/PERCORSI/PDF/116/3.p df


14 Code and title: ITA 9.07 – Pizza e spaghetti – Pizza and spaghetti

Strand: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Duration: 9 sessions of 40 minutes (6 hours) Objectives

The teacher will teach the students:

1. vocabulary related to food and drink

2. to talk and answer questions about favourite food 3. to use short phrases to express likes and dislikes 4. about food and drink in Italy

Key Words Points to Note Suggested resources

Cibo (Food)

primo, secondo, dolce, carne, pesce, pollo, pasta ecc Mi piace/ Non mi piace Ti piace/ Non ti piace

Al Ristorante (At the restaurant) ristorante, tavolo, cameriere, cuoco, menu, ricetta, cucinare, forno, forchetta, cucchiaio, coltello, tovagliolo, tovaglia ecc

It is suggested that the school collaborates with local entities such as NGO’s, supermarkets, restaurants, sport centres, art and drama centres, youth centres in order to present real life situations and more emaningful experiences.

This collaboration will help students to be empowered and ready for the working environment. It also takes teaching in the constructivist apporach where students learn more by doing. Such experiences are at the base of everyday situations. Students can then demonstrate their ability to use the communication skills and strategies learnt in different environments.

http://www.curriculumsupport.educa tion.nsw.gov.au/secondary/languages /resources/curriculum/index.htm (Click on Italian) http://www.baby-flash.com/italiano.html


15 Code and title: ITA 9.08 – Il mondo degli animali – The animal kingdom

Strand: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Duration: 9 sessions of 40 minutes (6 hours) Objectives

The teacher will teach the students:

1. vocabulary related to the animal kingdom

2. to recognize cardinal numbers in multiples of ten from 20 to 100, and associate them to words or pictures. 3. about Easter in Italy

Key Words Points to Note Suggested resources

Animali della fattoria – cavallo, mucca, asino, capra, pecora, gallina/gallo, maiale, topo

Animali domestici – cane, gatto, pesce, uccellino tartaruga, coniglio

Animali selvatici – elefante, zebra, rinoceronte, volpe, lupo, serpente, orso,

coccodrillo, scimmia, giraffa, ippopotamo, tigre, leone Insetti – formica, ragno, farfalla

20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.

Frequent repetition helps to refreshen their memory. Lessons must be connected – gradually moving from the known concepts to the unknown, keeping in mind the students’ learning styles. Aural, visual and kinesthetic abilities should be enhanced with matching activities. Reading is used for basic recognition, especially in relation to vocabulary and writing is at a minimum – basic copying and filling in of personal information.

Early identification of the students’ interests and aptitudes can gear the teaching and learning process and promote motivation which is a fundamental factor. Once the students can relate to their everyday needs and interests, the language acquisition process is facilitated.

http://maestramary.altervista.org/itali ano.htm http://www.circolodidatticofiglinevald arno.it/Intercultura/PDF/Laboratori- linguistici/2005-Progetto-Alisei-Faccio-bau-Valentino.pdf


16 Code and title: ITA 9.09 – Arrivederci – Goodbye

Strand: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Duration: 9 sessions of 40 minutes (6 hours) Objectives

The teacher will teach the students:

1. to consolidate the use of listening and speaking skills already learnt 2. to understand more new words given a context and visual cues 3. to practise simple fill in the blanks exercises

4. to match pictures to images

Key Words Points to Note Suggested resources

Continuous review of

previous vocabulary covered – to enhance the skills learnt in the topics covered.

Students and teacher should go through their portfolios/files/project book regularly. It is useful to give continuous feedback and to discuss progress, difficulties and abilities. Students should be able to say what they have learnt and what they need to improve.

It is highly suggested, to promote well being in the classroom, that good practice is celebrated. Positive reinfrocement is part and parcel of the teaching and learning process and it gives the students more self confidence.

The clear evidence of the progress achieved can be done by dis/agreeing with “can do” statements.


http://web.uvic.ca/hispanital/italian/i talian100/vocab/index.htm


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