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Discuss/Take action on proposed 2011 Fairgrounds and building rentals


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Tuesday - January 11, 2011 - 8:00am Pierce County, County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items.

5. Approve minutes of the December 14, 2010 meeting Members 6. Update on Courthouse, Annex and PCOB window project S. Walker 7. Discuss/Take action on proposed 2011 Fairgrounds and

building rentals Members

8. Discuss/Take action on Sheriff’s remodeling project Members 9. Discuss/Take action on Maintenance Supervisor evaluation Members

10. Maintenance Supervisor report S. Walker

11. Grounds Keeper report K. Hines

12. Future agenda items Members

13. Next meeting date Members

14. Adjourn Members



Tuesday - February 8, 2011 - 4:00pm Pierce County, County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items.

5. Approve minutes of the January 11, 2011 meeting Members


Committee will convene into closed session pursuant to: Wis. Stat. § 19.85(1)(e), for the purposes of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session - For the purpose of consideration of bids receive for

A) Lawn Mower

B) Pierce County Courthouse/Annex and Pierce County Office Building window project


7. Committee will convene into open session and take action on closed

session item, if required. Members

8. Discuss and take action to award Pierce County Courthouse/Annex

and Pierce County Office Building window project bid Members 9. Discuss and take action on Courthouse HVAC Air Handling

Unit//Generator fencing diagram Members

10. Discuss and take action on recovery zone economic development

bond projects Members


Board will convene into closed session pursuant to 19.85(1) (c) Wis. Stats. For the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility: For the purpose of performance evaluation of Maintenance Supervisor.


12. Committee will return to open session and take action on closed

session item, if required Members

13. Maintenance Supervisor report S. Walker

14. Grounds Keeper report K. Hines

15. Future agenda items Members

16. Next meeting date Members

17. Adjourn Members



Tuesday - March 8, 2011 - 4:00 P.M., E.O.C. Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items.

5. Approve minutes of the February 08, 2011 meeting Members 6. Update on Courthouse, Annex, and Pierce County Office Building

Window Project S. Walker

7. Discuss and take action on 2011 panel quotes for livestock barn Members 8. Discuss and take action on Courthouse HVAC Air Handling

Unit/Generator fencing Members

9. Discuss and take action on wiring for new server in the radio room Members 10. Discuss and take action on recovery zone economic development

bond projects Members

11. Maintenance Supervisor report S. Walker

12. Grounds Keeper report K. Hines

13. Future agenda items Members

14. Next meeting date Members

15. Adjourn Members



Tuesday - April 12, 2011 - 4:00 P.M., County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items.

5. Approve minutes of the March 08, 2011 meeting Members 6. Discuss and take action on wiring for dispatch server room S. Walker 7. Discuss and take action on Courthouse HVAC Air Handling

Unit/Generator fencing S. Walker

8. Discuss and take action on tuck pointing and dome repairs S. Walker

9. Maintenance Supervisor report M S. Walker

10. Grounds Keeper report K. Hines

11. Future agenda items Members

12. Next meeting date Members

13. Adjourn D Members



Tuesday - April 19, 2011 - 8:15 A.M., County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Discuss and take action on consultant proposal for professional

services, re: Courthouse Dome Repair S. Walker

5. Adjourn D Members



Tuesday - May 10, 2011 - 4:00 P.M., County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items.

5. Approve minutes of the April 12, 2011 and April 19, 2011 meetings Members 6. Discuss and take action on quotes for USDA/FSA computer room

air conditioning unit S. Walker

7. Discuss and take action on quotes for USDA/FSA server room

installation of conductible flooring S. Walker

8. Discuss and take action on RFP for lawnmower S. Walker 9. Discuss and take action on sidewalk repair near Elevator entrance S. Walker

10. Discuss window project S. Walker

11. Discuss and take action on recovery zone economic development

bond projects S. Walker

12. Maintenance Supervisor report S. Walker

13. Grounds Keeper report K. Hines

14. Future agenda items Members

15. Next meeting date Members

16. Adjourn Members




Tuesday - June 14, 2011 - 4:00pm Pierce County, County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items.

5. Approve minutes of the May 10, 2011 meeting Members 6. Discuss and take action on Veterans Memorial plan Members &



Committee will convene into closed session pursuant to: Wis. Stat. § 19.85(1)(e), for the purposes of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session - For the purpose of consideration of bids receive for Lawn Mower


8. Committee will convene into open session and take action on closed

session item, if required. Members

9. Discuss and take action on Sidewalk repair near elevator Members 10. Discuss and take action on recovery zone economic development

bond projects Members

11. Discuss and take action on interior door of sheriff’s vestibule Members 12. Discuss and take action on preparation of burning of houses - 388

and 420 Grove Street Members

13. *Discuss and take action on Transformer at Fair Grounds Members 14. **Discuss and take action on Corporation Counsel service window. Members

15. Maintenance Supervisor report S. Walker

16. Grounds Keeper report K. Hines

17. Future agenda items Members

18. Next meeting date Members

19. Adjourn Members

A quorum of county board supervisors may be present. 06/09/11 *Revised 06/10/11 **Revised 06/13/11


MEETING AGENDA Tuesday - July 12, 2011 - 4:00pm Pierce County, County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items.

5. Approve minutes of the June 14, 2011 meeting Members 6. Discuss and take action on Courthouse HVAC Air Handling

Unit/Generator fencing Members

7. Discuss and take action on masonry/tuck pointing Members

8. Discuss and take action on dome repairs Members

9. Discuss and take action on sheriff’s vestibule Members 10. Discuss preparation of burning of houses - 388 and 420 Grove Street Members 11. Discuss and take action on recovery zone economic development

bond projects Members

12. Discuss Veterans Memorial plan Members &

VSO 13. Discuss and take action on air handling units Members

14. Maintenance Supervisor report S. Walker

15. Grounds Keeper report K. Hines

16. Future agenda items Members

17. Next meeting date Members

18. Adjourn Members



Wednesday - July 20, 2011 - 5:00pm Pierce County, County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items. 5. Discuss and take action on Courthouse HVAC Air Handling

Unit/Generator fencing Members

6. Discuss and take action on masonry/tuck pointing Members

7. Future agenda items Members

8. Next meeting date Members

9. Adjourn Members


Spec Bldg 8-1-11



Monday, August 1, 2011 – 4:00 p.m. Courthouse - County Board Room

414 W. Main St. – Ellsworth, WI

# Action Presenter

1 Call to order Chair

2 Establish quorum Chair

3 Establish and approve agenda Members

4 Committee will receive public comment not related to agenda items

5 Approve minutes of July 12, 2011 meetings Members 6 Discuss and take action to authorize funding for storm

damage on County property

Members 7 Committee will convene into closed session pursuant to: Wis.

Stats. §19.85(1)(e), for the purposes of deliberating or

negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session – For the purpose of consideration of bids received for Air Handling units


8 Committee will convene into open session and take action on closed session item, if required


9 Discuss and take action on Masonry/Tuck Pointing Members

10 Discuss new Conceal and Carry Law Members

11 Board will convene into closed session pursuant to §19.85(1)(c), Wis. Stats. for the purpose of considering employment,

promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has

jurisdiction or exercises responsibility: For the purpose of performance evaluation of Maintenance Supervisor


12 Committee will return to open session and take action on closed session item, if required


13 Maintenance Supervisor report S. Walker

14 Future agenda items Members

15 Next meeting date Members

16 Adjourn Members

Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Scott Walker at 715-273-3531.

Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851.




Tuesday - August 09, 2011 - 4:00pm Pierce County, County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1 Call to order. Chair

2 Establish quorum. Chair

3 Establish and approve agenda. Members

4 Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items.

5 Approve minutes of the August 01, 2011 meeting Members

6 Discuss and take action on Veterans Memorial plan Member & VSO 7 Discuss and take action on transferring of funds for purchase of lawn mower. Members

8 Discuss and take action on Courthouse/Annex restroom remodel Members

9 Discuss and take action on bollards Members

10 Discuss 2012 budget proposal Members

11 Grounds Keeper report K. Hines

12 Maintenance Supervisor report S. Walker

13 Future agenda items Members

14 Next meeting date Members

15 Adjourn Members

Revised 8/5/11



Wednesday, August 17, 2011 – 6:00 p.m. Pierce County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Approve minutes of the August 9, 2011 meeting. Members 5. Discuss/Take action regarding the replacement of an electrical

transformer located at the Pierce County fairgrounds, 364 N. Maple Street, Ellsworth, WI 54011.


6. Future Agenda Items. Members

7. Next Meeting Date. Members

8. Adjourn. Members




Tuesday - September 13, 2011 - 4:00pm Pierce County, County Board Room

Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1 Call to order. Chair

2 Establish quorum. Chair

3 Establish and approve agenda. Members

4 Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items.

5 Approve minutes of the August 17, 2011 meeting Members

6 Discuss and take action on Veterans Memorial plan Member & VSO

7 Discuss and take action on Ayres & Associates Project reports Members

9 Discuss and take action on bollards for Courthouse Members

10 Discuss RZED project update Members

11 Discuss Courthouse elevator roof Members

12 Discuss and take action on 2012 Maintenance and Fairgrounds budget Members 13 Discuss and take action on purchase of items from Grove Street Properties Members

11 Grounds Keeper report K. Hines

12 Maintenance Supervisor report S. Walker

13 Future agenda items Members

14 Next meeting date Members

15 Adjourn Members



Tuesday, September 27, 2011 – 5:30 p.m. Pierce County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Approve minutes of the September 13, 2011 meeting. Members 5. Discuss / Take action on report by programs committee Members 6. Discuss / Take action on debris from Grove Street properties Members 7. Discuss / Take action on 2012 Maintenance and Fairgrounds


Members 8. Discuss / Take action on brush pile at fairgrounds Members

9. Future Agenda Items. Members

10. Next Meeting Date. Members

11. Adjourn. Members



Tuesday, October 11, 2011 – 4:00 p.m. Pierce County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Approve minutes of the September 27, 2011 meeting. Members 5. Discuss / Take action on report by programs committee Members 6. Discuss / Take action on fair convention for Kenny Members

7. Future Agenda Items. Members

8. Next Meeting Date. Members

9. Adjourn. Members

A quorum of county board supervisors may be present. 10/06/11

Handouts will be distributed

at the meeting



Tuesday - October 18, 2011 - 4:00pm Pierce County Board Room Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1. Call to order. Chair

2. Establish quorum. Chair

3. Establish and approve agenda. Members

4. Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items.

5. Approve minutes of the October 11, 2011 meeting Members


Committee will convene into closed session pursuant to: Wis. Stat. § 19.85(1)(e), for the purposes of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session - For the purpose of consideration of bids received, and awarding of bids, for A) Courthouse and Annex Tuck Pointing

B) Courthouse Elevator Roof


7. Committee will convene into open session and take action on closed

session item, if required. Members

8. Discuss and take action on Courthouse HVAC Fencing Members

9. Future agenda items Members

10. Next meeting date Members

11. Adjourn D Members



Meeting Agenda

Tuesday - November 08, 2011 - 11:30 am Pierce County Board Room

Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1 Call to order. Chair

2 Establish quorum. Chair

3 Establish and approve agenda. Members

4 Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items. 5 Approve minutes of the October 18, 2011 meeting Members 6 Discuss / take action on 2012 Fairgrounds and building rental

project rates


7 Discuss / take action on proposal from Ayres Associates for consulting RZEDB Bond Restroom project rates


8 Discuss / take action on contracting out custodial services for the court house/ Annex


9 Future agenda items Members

10 Next meeting date Members

11 Adjourn Members


Meeting Agenda

Tuesday – December 13, 2011 - 4:00 pm Pierce County Board Room

Courthouse, 414 W. Main St., Ellsworth

# Action Presenter

1 Call to order. Chair

2 Establish quorum. Chair

3 Establish and approve agenda. Members

4 Committee will receive public comments not related to agenda items. 5 Approve minutes of the November 8, 2011 meeting Members 6 Discuss / take action on sale of excess equipment/material Members 7 Discuss / take action on consulting RZEDB Bond project Members 8 Discuss / take action on time study for maintenance



9 Grounds Keeper report K. Hines

10 Maintenance Supervisor report S. Walker

11 Future agenda items Members

12 Next meeting date Members

13 Adjourn Members


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