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YouTube Business Channel in Content Marketing. April 29 th 2014


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YouTube Business Channel in Content Marketing

April 29




You tube creator playbook


YouTube Business Channel- why?

Online video trends- b2b and b2c

You Tube Content Creation

Creating great content – the process

Example channels

Optimisation and distribution


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You Tube creator playbook – what it covers

Video Content creation

content, playlists, scheduling, business channel

creation and management

Optimizing the content

metadata and keyword strategies, tagging, titling,

transcriptions, uploading and publishing

Audience Development & Measurement

Gaining subscribers, likes, fans, building channel followers

, cross promotion, social media integration


You tube creator playbook

YouTube Channelfication’ Strategy


The ‘Attention Economy’

Video and rich


- Increasingly

becoming the best

way to

communicate to

your target


Video is now the BEST way to influence

B2C decision makers

64% of users are more likely to buy

a product online after watching a video (ComScore).

Video ads increase purchase intent by 97% and brand association by 139% ( Unruly Media)

90% of users say that seeing a video about a product is helpful in the decision process (Nielson)

80% of users recall a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days (Online Publishers Association).

By 2016 online video ad spending will reach $5.4 Billion (Break Media).

By 2017 69% of all consumer internet traffic will be video based (Cisco)


Video is now the BEST way to influence

B2B decision makers

80% of executives watch more online video today than a year ago.

59% of Senior Executives prefer to watch video instead of reading text, if both are available on the same page.

75% of Senior Executives surveyed said they watch work-related online video on business-related

website at least weekly

65% of Senior Executives report visiting a vendor’s website after watching their online video.


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Direct to consumer video communications

Pre roll Video ads – tru view

Video news PR

Personalised video email

Video newsletters Video invitations Charity appeals Vines/instagrams How to videos



Lead generation and brand engagement:

Company Elevator pitches

Video case studies

Client testimonials

Product /data visualizations

Interactive Info graphics

Explainer videos

How- to videos

Thought leadership videos



Employee motivation and knowledge:

Internal communications

Induction videos

Training videos

Communications messages

Message to the troops

Intranet video ‘news channel

Product demonstrations

Live web presentations

Web casting/webinars




webvm web | video | marketing 12 • Information • Knowledge • Solutions • New ideas • Innovation








The role of video/rich media content in the customer journey

Pre-Sales (Acquisition) Sales (Conversion) Post-Sales (Retention)

Exploratory, Pilot, Research, Testing,

Enquiry, Trial

Seeking a quote, Ready to purchase, Active Buyer,

Budget to spend, POS

Training, Fulfilment, Support, How-To, Product Enhancements

• Video Ads

• Video Elevator Pitch • Video Case Studies • Product Videos • Video ‘White Papers’ • Knowledge Expert Videos • Webinars/

• Track Record • Reassurance • Capability

• Technical Expertise • Unique selling proposition

• Explainer Videos • Sales Videos • Product Videos • Video Testimonials • Technical Animations • Customer Service • Communications • Understanding • Consolidation

• Live ‘Chat’ / Virtual Person • ‘How-To’ Videos

• Video Help Desk • Training Videos • Explainer Videos


EXAMPLE: Demographics of UK YouTube Audience

Courtesy of YouTube’s Own Audience Insight Tool





















Age Groups





















Age Groups


UK YouTube Use by Gender




What mode are your audience in on You Tube?


Your video needs an instant

appeal to the target audience, more like

traditional adverts, relies on being placed and

positioned in the right places at the right time.

Good examples are pre-roll video ads, PPC

and the new and fast evolving ‘2



Searching for products :

They find you, have

a specific requirement, you need to make it

easy to be found by Google SEO and other

search engines.

Already an opted-in subscriber:

They are

your channel audience, they found and like

your content, you need to retain and grow

them with fresh exciting content.


Video content creation strategy- the right


 User generated vs professionally produced plus hybrid solutions

 What is the right balance between user generated and professionally produced - what do you need to be aware of to achieve this?

 Other resources and articles from YouTube – and learning from successful YouTubers content strategies.

 A good video content strategy can be multi-purposed Professional Videography Online software content creation tools On-location Interviews Events Vine/instagra ms UGC (Self produced) Videoscribe


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Social Video Production Hub at Media City UK

Based at the Interactive Video Labs Media City

Full value production hub for SMEs

Access to studio and editing suites

Lab staff help facilitate client video production

Professional edited video production and editing


Re purposing of existing video content


Creating Great Video Content


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Creating great content - The Process

Define your

Key Objectives

Identify your

Target Audiences

What are

our competitors


How do

our customers

currently buy from us -

Customer Journey

Define the core proposition

Content options -

Video v Animation ?

Concepts, Storyboards & Scripts

Envisioning the viewer experience -


Calls to Action –

Forms, Offers, Links & Annotations

Flexible Budgeting

Production & Distribution


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Creating great content –the video CREAM


ompelling – initial impact in first 10 seconds


elevant – ensure it resonates with your audience


ngaging – building and sustaining the momentum


ctionable - call to action at/before the end


How to create content that is Compelling, Relevant

Engaging , Actionable & Memorable


You Tube Content Tools


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Example Channels


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Expert Channel


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SME Local Membership channel

Wanted a cost effective

way to talk to members

Series of how to gym


Positive content for

social channels

Increase Retention

New member acquisition

Linked to


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Engagement: Case-study

1. Launch Competition

2. Engagement


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Knowledge channels




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Cross Promotions & Collaboration Channel

Marie TV Guest blog strategy



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How to create and add fresh content to a

relevant playlist on your channel.


Clear as to “why subscribe”

Serial programmes & channels that carry a theme

Collaborate with Guests



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Optimisation and distribution


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1. Metadata –how does it help marketeers?


Describes your offer Helps customers to retrieve information Disseminate Categorise to the right audience and advertising Manage media access &retention Assists Protection of ownership & rights


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1.Metadata for YouTube (and any video web landing page)



Use “Quotes’

for key


Mix common

& specific

and order by



Lead with SEO keywords in first two sentences

Embed links to your web and other URLs you want link by using http:/### Include subscriber link


Research best SEO title Compelling & relevant Keyword ‘first’ & brand ‘last’ Update regularly Use ‘Metadata’ defaults


A pre-requisite to create channel authorship for YouTube and optimised Google SEO presence.

All YouTube videos can be added to G+, then Metadata automatically adds to your brand presence.

New content auto flow to G+, Facebook, Twitter


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General Guidelines:

 Clear, in-focus, hi-resolution (640px x 360px min.,

 16:9 aspect ratio)

 Bright, high-contrast

 Close-ups with visually compelling imagery

 Well-framed, good composition

 Foreground stands out from background

 Looks great at both small and large sizes.

 Accurately represents the content.

Extra Tips:

• Create thumbnails within you video editing suite.

• Use snapshot tools

• Test on small mobile devices


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3. Annotations - Why annotate your video ?

Annotations increase

video views, grow

subscribers and

engagement, market

products and services,

and even drive traffic to

your website.

Furthermore, annotations

are important for SEO

and can help increase



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 Two primary ways of displaying a channel’s video content:

 through the Browse Videos Tab

 or through the Featured Tab.

 The Activity feed is an important promotional tool for your channel

 Broadcasts your activity on YouTube to your subscribers

 Can be accessed on the

homepage for your subscribers.

 Drive towards a programmatic approach integrated with all other marcomms


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(video email, web links, SEO,

social media, mobile)

Flimp - flexible interactive marketing platform

Video Landing Pages

Video Sales Collateral



Rich Media

Web Content Drag and Drop

WYSIWYG No Programming


Campaign Analytics Viewer Engagement Viewer Response Form Data Viral Email Activity Real Time Reporting Data is Exportable




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How to spot-check the live video and published metadata.

Title – SEO & Fit Thumbnail

Test links, annotation and associated responses Test Mobile use on small and large screens Test search results with SEO keywords


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How to measure ROI

How to use analytics, better

understand your audience &

improve response

What is the channel for is it lead

gen or brand engagement.

Analytics- its not just about

numbers of views- its also about

average length time- as this

shows how good the quality is.

Don’t forget about allying

Google Analytics code


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How to measure ROI

Choose and create the right benchmarks


Within YouTube


& On external distribution


Alternate subscription services where

YouTube can be plug-in

1.Watch Time




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Thank you

“YouTube presents an incredible opportunity to

reach very valuable audiences…

…..but you need to think in terms of an

integrated content marketing strategy

…..YouTube + + + + + “


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