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Forcing Independent Domination Number of a Graph


Academic year: 2020

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Vol. 12, No. 4, 2019, 1371-1381 ISSN 1307-5543 – www.ejpam.com Published by New York Business Global

Forcing Independent Domination Number of a Graph

Cris L. Armada1, Sergio R. Canoy, Jr.2,3,∗

1 Mathematics Department, Cebu Normal University, 6000 Cebu City, Philippines

2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Sciences and Mathematics, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, 9200 Iligan City, Philippines

3 Center for Graph Theory, Algebra, and Analysis, Premier Research Institute in Science and Mathematics, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, 9200 Iligan City, Philippines

Abstract. In this paper, we obtain the forcing independent domination number of some special graphs. Further, we determine the forcing independent domination number of graphs under some binary operations such join, corona and lexicographic product of two graphs.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05C69

Key Words and Phrases: Forcing, independent, domination, join, corona, lexicographic product

1. Introduction

Let G = (V(G), E(G)) be a graph and vV(G). The open neighborhood of v in G is the set N(v) = {uV(G) : uvE(G)} and the closed neighborhood of v is the set N[v] = N(v) ∪ {v}. For XV(G), the open neighborhood of X is the set N(X) =∪vXNG(v) and its closed neighborhood is the set N[X] =N(X)∪X.

A set IV(G) is an independent set of G if IN(I) = . A set DV(G) is a dominating set ofG ifN[D] =V(G). A setTV(G) is an independent dominating set of GifT is both independent and dominating set. Theindependent domination number γi(G)

ofG is the minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set. IfS is an independent dominating set with|S|=γi(G), then we callS a γi-set ofG. A maximum independent

set (α-set) is an independent set of largest possible size for a given graph G. This size, denoted by α(G), is called the independence number of G.

Corresponding author.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29020/nybg.ejpam.v12i4.3484

Email addresses: cris.armada@g.msuiit.edu.ph,armadac@cnu.edu.ph(C. Armada),

serge_canoy@yahoo.com(S. Canoy)


Let I be aγi-set of a graphG. A subsetDofI is said to be aforcing subset forI ifI is

the unique γi-set containing D. Theforcing independent domination number of I is given

by f γi(I) = min{|D|:Dis a forcing subset for I}. The forcing independent domination

number of Gis given by

f γi(G) = min{f γi(I) :I is aγi-set of G}.

Let B be anα-set of a graphG. A subsetP ofB is said to be aforcing subset for B if B is the unique α-set containing P. The forcing independence number of B is given by f α(B) = min{|P|:P is a forcing subset forB}.Theforcing independence number of Gis given by

f α(G) = min{f α(B) :B is an α-set of G}.

Chartrand et. al [3] initiated the investigation on the relation between forcing and domination concepts in 1997 and used the term "forcing domination number". Independent domination under some binary operations such as corona and composition is studied by Canoy [2]. In 2013, Larson et. al [5] investigated the forcing independence number. In 2018, Canoy et. al [1] investigated the forcing domination number of graphs under some binary operations.

Let G and H be two graphs. The join of G and H, denoted by G + H is the graph with vertex set V(G + H) = V(G) ∪ V(H) and edge set E(G+H) =E(G)∪E(H)∪ {uv :uV(G), vV(H)}. The coronaGH ofGandH is the graph obtained by taking one copy of Gand|V(G)|copies of H, and then forming the join h{v}i+Hv =v+Hv, whereHv is a copy ofH, for each vV(G). Thelexicographic product (or composition) G[H] ofG andH is the graph withV(G[H]) =V(GV(H), and (u, u0)(v, v0)∈E(G[H]) if and only if eitheruvE(G) or u=v and u0v0 ∈E(H).

Note that for each 6= CV(GV(H), the G-projection and H-projection of C are, respectively, the sets CG = {xV(G) : (x, a) ∈ C for some aV(H)} and

CH ={aV(H) : (y, a)∈C for someyV(G)}.Observe that any non-empty subset C

ofV(GV(H) can be written asC=∪xS({x} ×Tx)⊆V(G[H]), whereS =CGV(G)

and Tx ={aCH : (x, a)∈C} for each xS.

2. Known Results

Theorem 2.1. [4] For any graphG, d1+∆n e ≤γi(G)≤n−∆.

Theorem 2.2. [4] The independent domination number of a cycle Cn withn≥3, a path

Pn withn≥1 and complete bipartite graph Kr,s are given by

i. γi(Pn) =γi(Cn) =dn3e,

ii. γi(Kr,s) = min{r, s}.

Theorem 2.3. [2] Let G be a connected graph and H be any graph. Then CV(GH) is an independent dominating set in GH if and only if CV(G) is an independent set in Gand CV(v+Hv) is an independent dominating set inv+Hv


Theorem 2.4. [2]LetGbe a connected graph of order nand H any graph withγi(H)6= 1.

If CV(GH) is a minimum independent dominating set in GH, then CV(G) is a maximum independent set in G.

Theorem 2.5. [2] Let G and H be nontrivial connected graphs. A subset C = ∪xS({x} × Tx) of V(G[H]), is an independent dominating set in G[H] if and

only if S is an independent dominating set inG and Tx is an independent dominating set

in H for everyxS.

Corollary 2.6. [2] Let G and H be nontrivial connected graphs. Then γi(G[H]) =γi(G)γi(H).

Corollary 2.7. [2] LetG be a connected graph and Kn the complete graph of order n≥1.

Then γi(G[Kn]) =γi(G).

3. Main Results

The next two results follow directly from the definition of forcing independent domination and Theorem 2.1.

Remark 3.1. Let Gbe a graph. Then

(i) f γi(G) = 0 if and only if G has a unique γi-set.

(ii) f γi(G) = 1 if and only if Ghas at least two γi-sets and there exists a vertex which is

contained in exactly oneγi-set ofG.

Remark 3.2. Let Gbe any graph of order n. Then 0≤f γi(G)≤n−∆.

Theorem 3.3. Let G be a connected graph. Thenf γi(G) =γi(G) if and only if for every

γi-set S of G and for eachxS, there existsyxV(G)\S such that[S\{x}]∪ {yx} is a

γi-set ofG.

Proof. Suppose that f γi(G) =γi(G). Let S be a γi-set of G. Then, by assumption,

γi(G) = |S|= f γi(G), that is, S is the only forcing subset for itself. Let xS. Since

S\{x}is not a forcing subset forS, there exists ayxV(G)\S such that [S\{x}]∪ {yx}

is a γi-set ofG. Conversely, suppose that every γi-setS0 ofG satisfies the given condition.

LetS be a aγi-set of Gsuch that f γi(G) =f γi(S). Suppose further that S has a forcing

subset P with |P|<|S|, that is, S = PK, where K ={xS :x /P}. Pick xK. By assumption, there existsyxV(G)\S such that [S\{x}]∪ {yx}=T is a γi-set ofG.

Hence,T =PR, whereR = [K\{x}]∪ {yx}, is aγi-set containing P, a contradiction.

Hence,S is the only forcing subset for S. Therefore,f γi(G) =|S|=γi(G).

Theorem 3.4. For any complete graph Kn with n≥1 vertices,

f γi(Kn) = (


Proof. Each vertex ofKnforms aγi-set ofKn, so by Remark 3.1, the result follows.

Theorem 3.5. For any path Pn with n≥1 vertices,

f γi(Pn) = (

0, if n= 1 or n≡0(mod 3), 1, otherwise.

Proof. Suppose thatPn= [u1, u2, . . . , un]. By Theorem 2.2(i),γi(Pn) =dn3e. Note that

P1∼=K1. Then f γi(P1) = 0 by Theorem 3.4. Next, let n≥2 and consider the following cases:

Case 1: n≡0(mod 3)

Let S = {u2, u5, u8, . . . , un−1} = {u3k−1 : k = 1,2, . . . ,n3}. Clearly, SN(S) = ∅ and


3e. SinceS is the onlyγi-set ofPn,f γi(Pn) = 0 by Remark 3.1(i). Case 2: n≡1(mod 3)

Let S1 = {u1} ∪ {u3k : k = 1,2, . . . ,n31}, S2 = {u1} ∪ {u3k+1 :k = 1,2, . . . ,n32} and Sk,p = {u1} ∪ {u3k+1 :k = 1,2, . . . ,n34} ∪ {u3p :k < pn31}. Then for all i∈ {1,2}

and for all k, pwithk∈ {1,2, . . . ,n34}and k < pn−1

3 ,SiN(Si) =∅and |Si|=d


3e, that is,Si andSk,p are γi-sets ofPn andu3∈S1\(S2∪Sk,p). Let S be aγi-set of Pn such

that u2 ∈S. Thenu3∈S1\S. SinceS1 is the only γi-set containingu3, by Remark 3.1(ii), f γi(S1) = 1 =f γi(Pn).

Case 3: n≡2(mod 3)

Then the setS1 ={u1, u4, u7, . . . , un−1}={u3k+1:k= 0,1, . . . ,n32} is the onlyγi-set of

Pnthat containsu1. SinceS2 ={u2, u4, u7, . . . , un−1} is also aγi-set ofPn, it follows from

Remark 3.1(ii) thatf γi(S1) = 1 =f γi(Pn).

Theorem 3.6. For any cycle Cn withn≥3 vertices,

f γi(Cn) = (

1, if n= 4 or n≡0(mod 3), 2, otherwise.

Proof. Suppose that Cn = [u1, u2, . . . , un, u1]. By Theorem 2.2(i), γi(Cn) = dn3e. If

n= 4, thenS1 ={u1, u3}and S2 ={u2, u4}are the only γi-sets of C4. SinceS1 contains an element which is not in S2,f γi(S1) =f γi(C4) = 1 by Remark 3.1(ii).

Next, let n≥3, where n6= 4, and consider the following cases:

Case 1: n≡0(mod 3)

Let I1 = {u3k : k = 1,2, . . . ,n3}, I2 = {u3k+1 : k = 0,1, . . . ,n33}, and I3 ={u3k+2 :k= 0,1, . . . ,n33}. Then for all j∈ {1,2,3},IjN(Ij) =∅and |Ij|=dn3e.


Case 2: n≡1(mod 3)

Then clearly,S={u1, u3}∪{u3k+2 :k= 1,2, . . . ,n34}is aγi-set ofCn. Clearly,Scontains

u1 andu5 where d(u1, u3) =d(u3, u5) = 2. Replacing any of the vertices u3k+2 (k6= 1) to form anotherγi-set is not possible since d(u5, u8) =d(u1, un−2) =d(u3k+2, u3k+5) = 3 for all k ∈ {2,3, . . . ,n37}. Since u1 is also contained in the γi-set

S0 = {u1, un−1} ∪ {u3k : k = 1,2, . . . ,n34}, no vertex of Cn is contained in a unique

γi-set. Thus, f γi(S) ≥ 2. Clearly, {u1, u5} is uniquely contained in S. Therefore, f γi(S) = 2 =f γi(Cn).

Case 3: n≡2(mod 3)

Suppose that n= 5. The γi-sets of C5 are S1 = {u1, u3}, S2 = {u1, u4}, S3 = {u2, u4}, S4 = {u2, u5} and S5 = {u3, u5}. Clearly, for each uiSj where i, j ∈ {1,2,3,4,5},

there exists ukV(C5)\Sj such that [Sj\{ui}]∪ {uk}is a γi-set ofG. By Theorem 3.3,

f γi(C5) = 2. Now, suppose that n >5. Then S ={u1} ∪ {u3k :k = 1,2, . . . ,n32} is a

γi-set ofCn. Clearly,S containsu1andu3whered(u1, u3) = 2. Sinceu1 is also contained in theγi-setS0 ={u1, u4} ∪ {u3k :k= 2,3, . . . ,n32}, no vertex ofCnis contained in a unique

γi-set. Thus,f γi(S)≥2. Since{u1, u3}is a forcing subset forS,f γi(S) = 2 =f γi(Cn).

Theorem 3.7. LetG and H be any graphs. Then S0⊆V(G+H) is a γi-set ofG+H if

and only if one of the following holds:

(i) S0 is a γi-set of G andγi(G)< γi(H)

(ii) S0 is a γi-set of H andγi(H)< γi(G)

(iii) S0 is either aγi-set ofG or H, and γi(H) =γi(G).

In particular, γi(G+H) = min{γi(G), γi(H)}.

Proof. Clearly,SV(G+H) is an independent dominating set ofG+H if and only if eitherS is an independent dominating set of GorS is an independent dominating set of H. In particular, γi(G+H) = min{γi(G), γi(H)}. Hence, S0 is a γi-set of G+H if and

only if one of (i), (ii), and (iii) holds.

Theorem 3.8. For any graphs G and H with γi(G) =γi(H),

f γi(G+H) = (

1, if either Gor H has a unique γi-set,

min{f γi(G), f γi(H)}, otherwise.

Proof. By Theorem 3.7,γi(G+H) =γi(G) =γi(H). Suppose that eitherGor H has a

uniqueγi-set. W.l.o.g., suppose thatGhas a uniqueγi-set, sayS. Then by Corollary 3.7,S

and theγi-sets ofH areγi-sets ofG+H. Clearly, for any xS,{x}is uniquely contained


Suppose that both G and H have no unique γi-sets. We may assume that

f γi(G) ≤ f γi(H). Since every γi-set of G and H is a γi-set of G + H,

f γi(G) ≥ f γi(G + H). Now, let S0 be a γi-set of G + H such that

f γi(G + H) = f γi(S0). If S0 ⊆ V(G), then S0 is a γi-set of G. Hence,

f γi(G+H) = f γi(S0) ≥ f γi(G). If S0 ⊆ V(H), then S0 is a γi-set of H. Hence,

f γi(G+H) =f γi(S0)≥f γi(H)≥f γi(G). Hence, in any case,f γi(G+H) =f γi(G).

Theorem 3.9. For any graphs G and H with γi(G)6=γi(H),

f γi(G+H) = 

     

     

0, if γi(G)< γi(H) and G has a unique γi-set or

if γi(H)< γi(G) and H has a unique γi-set,

f γi(G), if γi(G)< γi(H) and G has no uniqueγi-sets,

f γi(H), if γi(H)< γi(G) and H has no uniqueγi-sets.

Proof. Suppose that γi(G) < γi(H). By Theorem 3.7, γi(G+H) =γi(G). Suppose

thatGhas a unique γi-set, say S. Then by Corollary 3.7, S is the only γi-set ofG+H.

By Remark 3.1(i), f γi(G+H) = 0. Now, suppose that G has no unique γi-sets. By

Corollary 3.7, theγi-sets ofGare also theγi-sets ofG+H. Thus, f γi(G+H) =f γi(G).

Similarly, if γi(H) < γi(G), then f γi(G+H) = 0 whenever H has a unique γi-set, and

f γi(G+H) =f γi(H) whenever H has no uniqueγi-sets.

The next results are direct consequences of Theorem 3.8 and Theorem 3.9 Corollary 3.10. For any graphH,

f γ(K1+H) =


1, γi(H) = 1,

0, γi(H)>1.

Corollary 3.11. For the complete bipartite graph Kn,m such that n, m≥1,

f γi(Kn,m) = (

0, n6=m, 1, n=m.

Corollary 3.12. For the generalized fan Fn,m=Kn+Pm, where n≥1 and m≥2,

f γi(Fn,m) = (

0, if eithern <dm

3e or n >d


3e with m≡0(mod 3), 1, if eithern=dm3e or n >dm3e with m6≡0(mod 3). Corollary 3.13. For the fan Fn=K1+Pn, where n≥2,

f γi(Fn) = (


Corollary 3.14. For the generalized wheel Wn,m=Kn+Cm, where n≥1 andm≥3,

f γi(Wn,m) = 

  

  

0, if n <dm


1, if either n=dm3e or n >dm3e with m= 4 or m≡0(mod 3), 2, if n >dm3e withm6= 4 or m6≡0(mod 3).

Corollary 3.15. For the wheel Wn=K1+Cn, where n≥3,

f γi(Wn) = (

0, n >3, 1, n= 3.

The following results are restatements of Theorems 2.3 and 2.4.

Theorem 3.16. Let G be a connected graph of order n and let H be any graph. Then CV(GH)is an independent dominating set inGH if and only ifC =A∪( [



where A is an independent set (may be empty) ofG and Sv is an independent dominating

set of Hv for all vV(G)\A.

Theorem 3.17. Let G be a connected graph of order n and let H be any graph with γi(H) = 1. Then C is a γi-set of GH if and only if C = A∪(



Sv) where

A is an independent set of Gand Sv is a γi-set ofHv for each vV(G)\A. In particular,

γi(GH) =n.

Theorem 3.18. Let G be a connected graph of order n and let H be any graph with γi(H) ≥ 2. Then C is a γi-set of GH if and only if C = A∪(



Sv) where

A is a maximum independent set of G and Sv is a γi-set of Hv for each vV(G)\A. In


γi(GH) =α(G) + [nα(G)]γi(H).

Theorem 3.19. Let G be a connected graph of order n and let H be any graph with γi(H) = 1. Then

f γi(GH) = (

γi(G), if H has a unique γi-set,

n, otherwise.

Proof. Sinceγi(H) = 1, by Theorem 3.17,γi(GH) =n. Suppose thatH has a unique

γi-set, sayP ={x}. For each vV(G), letPv ={xv} ⊆V(Hv) be such that hPi ∼=hPvi,

where hPi is the subgraph induced by P. Let S =TU where T is a γi-set of G and

U = {xvV(Hv) : xvPvvV(G)\T}. Clearly, S is a γi-set of GH. Since H

has a unique γi-set and any vertex vV(G)\T is adjacent to a vertex inT, no element

in U can be replaced by any vertex in v+V(Hv) for all v V(G)\T to form another


Therefore, f γi(S)≤ |T|. Suppose that there existsB S such that f γi(S) = |B|<|T|.

Suppose that BU 6= , say wBU. Let vV(G)\T such thatw =xvV(Hv).

PickyTNG(v) and let T0=T\{y} andU0 =U ∪ {xy}. Then S0 =T0∪U0 is a γi-set

of GH with S0 6= S and BS0, a contradiction. Hence, B T. Let zT\B and letSz = (T\{z})∪(U∪ {xz}) where h{xz}i ∼=hxi and xzV(Hz). Then Sz is a γi-set

of GH, Sz 6=S andBSz. This is a contradiction sinceB is a forcing subset for S.

Therefore, f γi(S) =|B|=|T|=γi(G).

Now, suppose thatHdoes not have a uniqueγi-set. LetCbe aγi-set ofGHand letS

be a forcing subset forC. By Theorem 3.17,C=A∪( [


Sv) whereAis an independent

set ofGandSv is aγi-set of Hv for eachvV(G)\A. Suppose thatS6=C, saywC\S.

Let zV(G) such that wV(z+Hz). If w=z, thenwA. LetA0 =A\{w} and let Sw ={xw}be a γi-set ofHw. Then by Theorem 3.17,C0 =A0∪(



Sv) is a γi-set of

GH with C06=C andSC0. Ifw6=z, then Sz={w}is a γi-set of Hz. LetSz∗ ={w0}

be a γi-set of Hz with w=6 w0. Then C∗ =A∪( [


Sv)∪Sz∗ is aγi-set ofGH

with C∗ 6= C and SC∗. In either case, we get a contradiction. Thus, S = C and f γi(C) =|C|=n. Consequently, f γi(GH) =n.

Theorem 3.20. Let G be a connected graph of order n and let H be any graph with γi(H)6= 1. Then

f γi(GH) = (

f α(G), if H has a unique γi-set

[nα(G)][f γi(H)], if H has no uniqueγi-sets.

In particular, f γi(GH) = 0 if G has a unique α-set and H has a unique γi-set.

Proof. Sinceγi(H)≥2, by Theorem 3.18, γi(GH) =α(G) + [nα(G)]γi(H). Let

T be a maximum independent set of G. Then |T| = α(G) and |V(G)\T| = nα(G). Consider the following cases:

Case 1: Suppose that H has a uniqueγi-set, say R.

For eachvV(G), letRvV(Hv) such thathRvi ∼=hRi.

Suppose that G has a unique α-set, say D. Then by Theorem 3.18, C=D∪( [


Rv) is the uniqueγi-set ofGH. Thus, by Remark 3.1(i),f γi(GH) = 0.

Suppose that Gdoes not have a unique α-set. Let A be anα-set of Gand let DA be a

forcing subset forA such that f α(G) =f α(A) =|DA|. Let C=A∪( [


Rv). Then,

by Theorem 3.18,C is aγi-set of GH. Since eachHv has a uniqueγi-set Rv, it follows

thatDA is a forcing subset forC. Thus,


Next, let C0 be a γi-set of GH such that f γi(GH) = f γi(C0). Then C0 = A0 ∪(



Rv), where A0 is an α-set of G. Let S be a forcing subset for C0 such that f γi(C0) =|S|.Since eachHv has a unique γi-set Rv,SA0. Since S is a forcing subset forC0,S must be a forcing subset for theα-setA0. Thus,

f γi(GH) =f γi(C0) =|S| ≥f α(A0)≥f α(G). Therefore, f γi(GH) =f α(G).

Case 2: Suppose that H does not have a unique γi-set.

Let Q be a γi-set of H with f γi(H) = f γi(Q) and let PQ be a forcing subset for

Q with f γi(Q) = |PQ|. For each vV(G), let QvV(Hv) and PQvQv such that hQvi ∼= hQi and hPQvi ∼= hPQi. Let AQ be an α-set of G. Then by Theorem 3.18, CQ = AQ∪(



Qv) is a γi-set of GH. Let S = [


PQv. Then S is a

forcing subset forCQ. Thus,

f γi(GH)≤f γi(CQ)≤ |S|= [nα(G)]f γi(H).

Next, let C0 be a γi-set of GH such that f γi(GH) = f γi(C0). Then by Theorem

3.18, let C0 =A0∪( [


Rv), where A0 is anα-set ofG andRv is aγi-set ofHv for

each vV(G)\A0. LetS0 be a forcing subset for C0 such that f γi(C0) =|S0|. Suppose

that there exists wV(G)\A0 such that S0∩Rw = Sw is not a forcing subset for Rw.

Let R0w be a γi-set of Hw with R0w 6= Rw. Then C” = A0∪(



Rv)∪Rw0 is

a γi-set ofGH with C”6= C0 and S0 ⊆ C”, a contradiction. Thus, Sv =S0∩Rv is a

forcing subset forRv for each vV(G)\A0. Note that Sv6=∅for eachvV(G)\A0. Let

S0 =



Sv. Then

f γi(GH) =|S0| ≥ |S0|=



|Sv| ≥ X


f γi(H) = [nα(G)]f γi(H).

Therefore, f γi(GH) = [nα(G)]f γi(H).

Theorem 3.21. Let Gand H be connected graphs. Then

f γi(G[H]) = (

f γi(G), if H has a unique γi-set,

[γi(G)][f γi(H)], if H has no uniqueγi-sets.

In particular, f γi(G[H]) = 0 if G and H have unique γi-sets. Also,


Proof. By Corollary 2.6,γi(G[H]) =γi(G)γi(H). Consider the following cases:

Case 1: Suppose that H has a uniqueγi-set, say R.

LetS be a γi-set ofGand letU be a forcing subset forS such thatf γi(G) =f γi(S) =|U|.

By Theorem 2.5, C=S×R is a γi-set of G[H]. Now, since U is a forcing subset forS,

Uc=U × {c} is a forcing subset for C for each cR. Hence, for each cR,

f γi(G[H])≤f γi(C)≤ |Uc|=|U|=f γi(G).

Let C0 = S0 ×R be a γi-set of G[H] such that f γi(G[H]) = f γi(C0). By Theorem 2.5, S0 is a γi-set of G. Let Q0 be a forcing subset for C0 with f γi(C0) = |Q0|. Let Q0 = ∪xK[{x} ×Tx], where KS0 and TxR for all xK. Since Q0 is a forcing subset for C0, it follows thatK is a forcing subset forS0. Choose anyxK andaTx.

Then Qa=K× {a} ⊆Q0. Thus,

f γi(G[H]) =f γi(C0) =|Q0| ≥ |Qa|=|K| ≥f γi(S0)≥f γi(G).

Therefore,f γi(G[H]) =f γi(G).In particular, ifGhas a uniqueγi-set, thenf γi(G[H]) = 0.

Case 2: Suppose that H does not have a unique γi-set.

Let R0 be a γi-set of H and T0 be a forcing subset for R0 such that f γi(H) = f γi(R0) = |T0|. Let S0 be a γi-set of G. For each xS0, let Tx = T0 and Rx = R0. By Theorem 2.5, C = ∪xS0[{x} ×Rx] is a γi-set of G[H]. Then

C0=∪xS0[{x} ×Tx] =ST0 is a forcing subset for C. Hence,

f γi(G[H])≤f γi(C0)≤ |C0|=|ST0|=γi(G)f γi(H).

Next, let C=∪xS[{x} ×Tx] be aγi-set ofG[H] and letDbe a forcing subset forC such

that f γi(G[H]) = f γi(C) = |D|. Then by Theorem 2.5, S is a γi-set of G and Tx is a

γi-set ofH for eachxS. LetD=∪xK[{x} ×Ex] where KS andExTx for each

xS. Suppose thatK 6=S, sayvS\K. Let Tv0 be a γi-set of H with Tv0 6=Tv. Then

C0 =∪xS\{v}[{x} ×Tx]∪ {v} ×Tv0 is a aγi-set of G[H] andDC06=C, a contradiction.

Thus,K =S and sinceD be a forcing subset forC,Ex must be a forcing subset forTx for

each xS. Hence,

f γi(G[H]) =|D|= X


|Ex| ≥γi(G)f γi(H).

Therefore, f γi(G[H]) = γi(G)f γi(H). In particular, if f γi(H) = γi(H), then

f γi(G[H]) =γi(G)γi(H) =γi(G[H]).

Since the complete graphKn has no uniqueγi-sets andf γi(Kn) = 1 except whenn= 1,

the following result is immediate from Theorem 3.21.

Corollary 3.22. LetG be a connected graph and Kn the complete graph of ordern≥1.


f γi(G[Kn]) = (

f γi(G), n= 1



The authors would like to thank the referees for their invaluable suggestions and com-ments which greatly contributed in the improvement of the paper. The authors would like to thank also the following funding agencies: Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute-Accelerated Science and Technology Human Resource Development Pro-gram (DOST-SEI-ASTHRDP), Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology and Cebu Normal University.


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