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The edge chromatic number of \(\Gamma_{I}(R)\)


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Algebra and Discrete Mathematics RESEARCH ARTICLE Volume24(2017). Number 2, pp. 250–261

© Journal “Algebra and Discrete Mathematics”

The edge chromatic number of Γ





R. Kala, A. Mallika and K. Selvakumar

Communicated by V. V. Kirichenko

A b s t r ac t . For a commutative ringRand an idealI ofR, the ideal-based zero-divisor graph is the undirected graph ΓI(R)

with vertices{xRI:xyIfor someyRI}, where distinct verticesxandy are adjacent if and only ifxyI. In this paper, we discuss the nature of the edges of ΓI(R). We also find the edge

chromatic number for the graph ΓI(R).


Algebraic combinatorics is an area of mathematics that employs meth-ods of abstract algebra in various combinatorial contexts and vice versa. Associating a graph with an algebraic structure is a research study that has attracted considerable attention. In fact, the study aims at exposing the relationship between algebra and graph theory and advancing appli-cations of one with the other. LetR be a commutative ring with identity andI be a proper ideal ofR. Let Z(R) be the set of zero-divisors of R. The zero-divisor graph of R, denoted by Γ(R), is an undirected graph whose vertices are the nonzero zero-divisors ofRwith two distinct vertices

x and y joined by an edge if and only ifxy= 0. Beck [7] introduced the concept of a zero-divisor graph of a commutative ring, but this work was

The work reported here was supported by the INSPIRE programme (IF 110684)

awarded to the second author by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

2010 MSC:05C99, 13A15, 13F10.


mostly concerned with colorings of rings. The zero-divisor graph helps us to study the algebraic properties of rings using graph-theoretical tools. We can translate some algebraic properties of a ring to graph theory language and then the geometric properties of graphs help us to explore some interesting results in the algebraic structures of rings. The above definition first appeared in Anderson and Livingston [4], which contains several fundamental results concerning Γ(R). This definition, unlike the earlier work of Anderson and Naseer [5] and Beck [7], does not take zero to be a vertex of Γ(R). The zero-divisor graph has been extended to other algebraic structures in DeMeyer et al.[8] and Redmond [13].

Let R be a commutative ring and let I be an ideal of R. The ideal-based zero-divisor graph is an undirected graph ΓI(R) with vertices

{xRI :xyI for some yRI}, where distinct vertices x and

y are adjacent if and only ifxyI. It was introduced by S. P. Redmond [14]. In [14], he found the values of parameters such as connectivity, clique, diameter, girth, etc. in relation with the zero-divisor graph. In this paper, we find the values of parameters such as vertex chromatic number, minimum and maximum degree of ΓI(R). In section 2, we give the definitions and theorems from [14] which are needed for subsequent sections. In section 3, we discusses the number and the nature of the edges of ΓI(R). In section 4, we determine the edge chromatic number of the graph ΓI(R).

A ringR is said to be decomposable ifR can be written as RR2, where R1 and R2 are rings; otherwise,R is said to be indecomposable. If X is either an element or a subset of R, then Ann(X) denotes the annihilator ofX inR. For any subsetX ofR, we defineX∗ =X− {0}, and|X|denotes the number of elements in X.

For a graphG, the degree of a vertexv inG is the number of edges incident withv. Denote the degree of the vertexv in ΓI(R) by deg(v) and in Γ(R/I) by degΓ(v). We denote the minimum and maximum degree of vertices of Gbyδ(G) and ∆(G), respectively. A graph Gis regular if the degrees of all vertices ofGare the same. We denote the complete graph with nvertices and complete bipartite graph with two parts of sizes m

andnbyKn andKm,n, respectively. The number of vertices in the set

X is denoted by|X|.

A proper k-edge coloring of a graphG is an assignment ofk colors

{1, . . . , k}to the edges ofGsuch that no two adjacent edges have the same color. The edge chromatic numberχ′(G) of a graphG is the minimumk


critical ifG is connected,χ′(G) = ∆(G) + 1, and for any edgeeof G, we have χ′(G− {e})< χ′(G).

1. Preliminaries

Definition 1 ([14]). LetR be a commutative ring and let I be an ideal of R. The ideal based zero-divisor graph is the undirected graph ΓI(R) with vertices {xRI :xyI for someyRI}, where distinct verticesx andy are adjacent if and only ifxyI.

Example 1. For R ∼= Z16×Z2 and I = 0×Z2, ΓI(R) is shown in Figure 1.


(4,0) (6,0)


(10,0) (12,0)



(4,1) (6,1)


(8,1) (14,1)



b b b











F i g u r e 1 .

Remark 1 ([14]). LetI be an ideal of a ring R. Then ΓI(R) is a graph on a finite number of vertices if and only if either R is finite or I is a prime ideal. Moreover, if Γ(R/I) is a graph onN vertices, then ΓI(R) is a graph on N|I|vertices.

Theorem 1 ([14]). Let I be an ideal of a ring R, and let x, yRI. Then

(a) if x+I is adjacent to y+I in Γ(R/I), thenx is adjacent to y in


(b) if x is adjacent to y in ΓI(R) and x+I 6= y+I, then x+I is

adjacent toy+I in Γ(R/I).

(c) if x is adjacent to y in ΓI(R) and x+I =y+I, then x2, y2 ∈I.

Corollary 1 ([14]). If x and y are (distinct) adjacent vertices in ΓI(R),

then all (distinct) elements ofx+I and y+I are adjacent inΓI(R). If

x2 I, then all the distinct elements ofx+I are adjacent in Γ


Remark 2 ([14]). Clearly there is a strong relationship between Γ(R/I) and ΓI(R). LetI be an ideal of a ringR. One can verify that the following method can be used to construct a graph ΓI(R). Let{}λ∈Λ ⊆R be a set of coset representatives of the vertices of Γ(R/I). For each iI, define a graphGi with vertices{+i:λ∈Λ}, where edges are defined by the relationship+iis adjacent to+iinGi if and only if+I is adjacent to+I in Γ(R/I) (i.e.,aλaβI).

Define the graph G to have as its vertex setV = S


Gi. We define the edge set ofGto be:

(1) all edges contained in Gi for each iI

(2) for distinctλ, β∈Λ and for anyi, jI, aλ+iis adjacent to+j if and only if +I is adjacent to +I in Γ(R/I) (i.e.,aλaβI) (3) for λ∈Λ and distinct i, jI, aλ+iis adjacent to +j if and

only if a2λI.

Definition 2 ([14]). Using the notation as in the above construction, we call the subset+I a column of ΓI(R). Ifa2λI, then we call+I a connected column of ΓI(R).

Remark 3. Denote the vertices of Γ(R/I) by V(Γ(R/I)) = {ai+I :

i ∈ Λ}. From Remark 2, we can denote the vertex set of ΓI(R) as

VI(R)) ={ai+h:i∈Λ, hI}.

Theorem 2 (Vizing’s Theorem [16, p.16]). If G is a simple graph, then

either χ′(G) = ∆(G) or χ′(G) = ∆(G) + 1.

Theorem 3 (Vizing’s Adjacency Lemma [16, p.24]). IfG is a critical

graph, then G has at least ∆(G)−δ(G) + 2 vertices of maximum degree.

Theorem 4 ([9]). The sum of the degrees of the points of a graph G is twice the number of lines.

Theorem 5 (Konig’s Theorem [16, p. 11]). For any bipartite graphG,

we have χ′(G) = ∆(G).

Theorem 6 ([14, Theorem 5.7]). Let I be a nonzero ideal of a ring R.

Then ΓI(R) is bipartite if and only if either (a) gr(ΓI(R)) = ∞ or (b)

gr(ΓI(R)) = 4and Γ(R/I)) is bipartite.

Theorem 7([4, Theorem 2.8]). LetR be a commutative ring. ThenΓ(R)

is a complete graph if and only if either R∼=Z2×Z2 orxy = 0 for every

x, yZ(R). In particular, if R is a reduced commutative ring and not a


Remark 4. We note that ifG is a graph and χ′(G) = ∆(G) + 1, then there exist a subgraph of G say G1,such that χ′(G1) = ∆(G) + 1 and for any edge e of G1 we have χ′(G− {e}) = ∆(G). Clearly G1 has a connected subgraph, say H, such thatχ′(H) = ∆(G) + 1. The graph H

is a critical graph with maximum degree ∆(G). If x is a vertex of H

with degree ∆(G), then by Vizing’s Adjacency Lemma, H has at least ∆(G)−degH(v) + 2 vertices of degree ∆(G), for any vertexv which is adjacent to x. Therefore if Gis a graph such that for every vertexu of maximum degree there exist an edge uv such that ∆(G)−deg(v) + 2 is more than the number of vertices with maximum degree in G, then by the above argument and Vizing’s Theorem, we have χ′(G) = ∆(G). Remark 5 ([2]). Assume that R = R1 ×R2 × · · · × Rn is a finite decomposable ring. We note that ifx= (x1, x2, . . . , xn) has a maximum degree in Γ(R),thenx has exactly one non-zero component, say x1. Now suppose thatR1 is a local ring. We consider two cases: If R1 is a field, then ∆(Γ(R)) = deg(x) =|R2| · · · |Rn| −1. IfR1 is not field, then we have

x1 ∈Ann(Z(R1))∗ and ∆(Γ(R)) = deg(x) =|Z(R1)||R2| · · · |Rn| −2. Theorem 8 ([10, Lemma 4.1]). LetI be an ideal of a ring R. Then in


deg(a) =


|I|degΓ(a+I) if a2∈/ I. |I|degΓ(a+I) +|I| −1 if a2∈I.

Theorem 9 ([10, Lemma 4.3]). LetI 6= (0)be an ideal of a ringR which is not prime. Then

∆(ΓI(R)) =

       

       

|I| −1 if Γ(R/I) has a single vertex,

|I|∆(Γ(R/I)) +|I| −1 if ΓI(R) has a connected

column a+I with

degΓ(a+I) = ∆(Γ(R/I)),

|I|∆(Γ(R/I)) otherwise.

2. Edge property of ΓI(R)

In this section, we discuss the number and nature of the edges of ΓI(R).

Theorem 10. Let I be an ideal of a ring R and suppose ΓI(R) has k


Proof. Let a+I be a vertex of Γ(R/I). Then by Theorem 8, in ΓI(R), deg(a+i) = deg(a+j), for alli, jI. Now



deg(a+i) = X a2∈I, i∈I/

deg(a+i) + X a2∈I, i∈I

deg(a+i) =|I|[X


deg(a+i) + X a2∈I

deg(a+i)] =|I|[X


|I|degΓ(a+I) + X a2∈I

(|I|degΓ(a+I) +|I| −1)] =|I|2 X


degΓ(a+I) +|I|2 X


degΓ(a+I) +|I|X


(|I| −1) =|I|2 X


degΓ(a+I) +k|I|(|I| −1)

By Theorem 4,





2 =



deg(a+i) 2 =

|I|2 P


degΓ(a+I) +k|I|(|I| −1)

2 .

Thus|EI(R))|=|I|2|E(Γ(R/I))|+k |I|2.

Theorem 11. LetI be an ideal of a ringR such thatR/I is a finite ring

which is not a field. Suppose ΓI(R) has kconnected columns. Then ΓI(R)

has an even number of edges if and only if one of the following holds:

(i) |I| ∈4Z.

(ii) |I|= 4m+ 1, mZ and Γ(R/I) has even number of edges.

(iii) |I| ∈2Z−4Z and k is even.

(iv) |I|= 2m+ 1 (m∈Z and m is odd), Γ(R/I) has even number of

edges and kis even.

(v) |I| = 2m+ 1 (m ∈ Z and m is odd), Γ(R/I) has odd number of

edges and kis odd.

Proof. Assume that ΓI(R) is a graph with even number of edges. Then

|EI(R))|is even. By Theorem 10,|I|2|E(Γ(R/I))|+k |I|2is even. Case 1: k |I|


is even. In this case |I|2|E(Γ(R/I))| is even. If k is odd, then |I| = 4m or 4m+ 1. Suppose|I| = 4m. Then (i) holds. Suppose not. Then|I|= 4m+ 1. Since |I|2|E(Γ(R/I))|is also even,|E(Γ(R/I))|


Ifkis even and |I|2

is odd, then|I|= 2mor 2m+1. Suppose|I|= 2m. Then (iii) holds. Suppose not. Then |I|= 2m+ 1. Since |I|2|E(Γ(R/I))|

is also even,|E(Γ(R/I))|is even and so (iv) holds. If k is even and |I|2

is even, then |I|= 4m or 4m+ 1. If |I|= 4m, then (i) holds. If not, then|E(Γ(R/I))|is even, since|I|2|E(Γ(R/I))|is also even. So (ii) holds.

Case 2: k |I|


is odd. In this case, |I|2|E(Γ(R/I))|is odd. Nowkand |I|2

are odd. Since |I|2|E(Γ(R/I))|is odd,|I|= 2m+ 1 and |E(Γ(R/I))|is odd. Thus (vii) is true.

Converse is obvious.

3. Edge chromatic number

In this section, we determine the edge chromatic number of ΓI(R) when R/I is a finite local ring orR/I is a finite decomposable ring. Theorem 12. Let I be an ideal of a ring R. If ΓI(R) is a graph with

V(Γ(R/I)) = Ann(Z(R/I)∗), then

χ′(ΓI(R)) =


∆(ΓI(R)) + 1 if |V(Γ(R/I))|is odd and |I|is odd,

∆(ΓI(R)) otherwise.

Proof. Since V(Γ(R/I)) = Ann(Z(R/I)∗), Γ(R/I) is a complete graph

and a2 I for all a+I V

I(R)). Also, |VI(R))| = |I||Γ(R/I)|. Hence the result follows.

IfR/I is an Artinian local ring which is not a field, then the Jacobson radical ofR/I equalsZ(R/I). ThusZ(R/I) is a nilpotent ideal and this implies that ifR/I is not a field, then Ann(Z(R/I))6={0}. Also, every element of Ann(Z(R/I))∗ is adjacent to every other vertex of Γ(R/I). Theorem 13. LetI be an ideal of a ringR such thatR/I is a finite local

ring which is not a field and Γ(R/I) is a graph on at least two vertices.

Then χ′(ΓI(R)) = ∆(ΓI(R)), unless Γ(R/I) is a complete graph.

Proof. Let kbe the number of vertices of degree ∆(ΓI(R)). Then Γ(R/I)

has |I|k vertices of maximum degree ∆(Γ(R/I)).


This implies that ∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(v+I) + 2< |I|k. SinceR/I is a finite local ring, Ann(Z(R/I))6= (0). Clearly ∆(Γ(R/I)) =|Z(R/I)∗| −1 and

|Ann(Z(R/I))| −1 is the number of vertices of degree ∆(Γ(R/I)). Hence

|Z(R/I)∗| −1−degΓ(v+I) + 26|Ann(Z(R/I))| −1

and so degΓ(v+I)>|Z(R/I)∗|−|Ann(Z(R/I))|,which is a contradiction. Hence by Vizing’s Theorem,χ′(ΓI(R)) = ∆(ΓI(R)).

Theorem 14. Let I be an ideal of a ring R. If Γ(R/I) is a complete

graph and ΓI(R) is a non-complete graph having no connected columns,

then χ′(ΓI(R)) = ∆(ΓI(R)).

Proof. Since Γ(R/I) is complete graph, by Theorem 7, R/I ∼=Z2×Z2

or (x+I)(y+I) = 0 +I, for all x+IZ(R/I). Since ΓI(R) has no connected column, Γ(R/I)∼=Z2×Z2andR/I is complete bipartite graph. Also gr(ΓI(R)) = 4. By Theorem 6, ΓI(R) is complete bipartite graph and by Theorem 5,χ′(ΓI(R)) = ∆(ΓI(R)).

Note that if R is a finite commutative ring with identity, then R=

R1 × · · · ×Rn, where n > 2 and each (Ri, mi) is a local ring, where 16i6n.

Theorem 15. Let I be an ideal of a ring R such that R/I is a finite

decomposable ring. Then χ′(ΓI(R)) = ∆(ΓI(R)).

Proof. Since R/I is finite R/I = R1× · · · ×Rn, where n>2 and each

Ri is a local ring. By Remark 5, without loss of generality suppose that the non-zero components of the vertices with maximum degree in Γ(R/I) occur inR1, . . . , Rk.

Claim. EitherR1, . . . , Rk are fields or none of them are fields.

Suppose that R1 is a field and R2 is not a field. Now a vertex with maximum degree inR1× {0} × · · · × {0}has degree (|R2| · · · |Rn|)−1 and each vertex with maximum degree in{0} ×R2× {0} × · · · × {0}has degree (|R1||Z(R2)||R3| · · · |Rn|)−2. Thus we have |Z(R2)||R3| · · · |Rn|(|R1| −

|R2/Z(R2)|) = 1, a contradiction.

By Remark 5, for anyi, 16i6k, ∆(Γ(R/I)) = (|R1| · · · |Ri−1||Z(Ri)|

|Ri+1| · · · |Rn)−ǫ, whereǫ= 1 or 2. Hence|R1/Z(R1)|=· · ·=|Rk/Z(Rk)|. Since for each j, k+ 1 6 j 6 n, the degree of any vertex in

{0} × · · · × {0} ×Rj× {0} × · · · × {0}is less than ∆(Γ(R/I)). So we have


For any t, 1 6 t 6 n, suppose that et+I is the element whose tth component is one and other components are zero.

Case 1: R1, . . . , Rk are not fields. Now Γ(R/I) has Pk


|Ann(Z(Rt))∗| vertices of maximum degree. Every vertexa+I of maximum degree in Γ(R/I) is adjacent to at least one of the et+I’s. Since ΓI(R) has a connected column, ΓI(R) has|I|




|Ann(Z(Rt))∗|vertices of maximum degree and every vertex aof maximum degree is adjacent to at least one

et. Now for anyi,16i6n, we have

∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(ei+I) + 2>(|R1|· · ·|Ri−1||Z(Ri)||Ri+1|· · ·|Rn| −2)

−(|R1| · · · |Ri−1||Ri+1| · · · ||Rn| −1) + 2 =|R1| · · · |Ri−1|(|Z(Ri)| −1)|Ri+1| · · · |Rn|+ 1 =|R1| · · · |Ri−1||Z(Ri)∗||Ri+1| · · · |Rn|+ 1

>|R1|+· · ·+|Ri−1|+|Z(Ri)∗|+|Ri+1|+· · ·+|Rn|+ 1

>|Ann(Z(R1))|+· · ·+|Ann(Z(Ri−1))|+· · ·+|Ann(Z(Rn))|+ 1





|Ann(Z(Ri)∗)|+k+ 1> k



|Ann(Z(Ri)∗)|+ 2.

Letm= Pk


|Ann(Z(Ri)∗)|. Then ∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(ei+I) + 2>m+ 2. Now

∆(ΓI(R))−deg(ei) + 2 =|I|∆(Γ(R/I)) +|I| −1− |I|degΓ(ei+I) + 2 =|I|(∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(ei+I) + 2)−2|I|+|I|+ 1

>(m+ 2)|I| − |I|+ 1> m|I|>|I|





Hence by Remark 4, we conclude thatχ′(ΓI(R)) = ∆(ΓI(R)). Case 2:R1, . . . , Rk are fields. Then Γ(R/I) has Pk


|Rt|vertices of maxi-mum degree.


sincean−1−a+ 2> n(a−1), for any i,16i6k, we have ∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(1−ei+I) + 2

= (|R1| · · · |Ri−1||Ri+1| · · · |Rn| −1)−(|Ri| −1) + 2

>an−1−a+ 2>




|Rt|. (2)

In this case, ΓI(R) has no connected columns. Also,|I| k


t=1 |R

t|vertices have maximum degree in ΓI(R) and every vertex a of maximum degree is adjacent to 1−ei, for some i, 16i6k. Note that

∆(ΓI(R))−deg(1−ei) + 2 =|I|∆(Γ(R/I))− |I|degΓ(ei+I) + 2. Takem =|I|Pk


|Rt|. Suppose ∆(ΓI(R))−deg(1−ei) + 26m, where 16i6n. Then |I|(∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(1−ei+I) + 2)−2|I|+ 2 6m and so ∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(1−ei+I) + 26 |I|m + 1. Hence

∆(Γ(R/I)−degΓ(1−ei+I) + 26 k



|Rt|+ 1. (3) From (2),

∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(1−ei+I) + 2 = k



|Rt|+ 1.

This implies that

degΓ(1−ei+I) = ∆(Γ(R/I))− k



|Rt|+ 1

=|R1| · · · |Ri−1||Ri+1| · · · |Rn| −1− k



|Rt|+ 1

=|R1| · · · |Ri−1||Ri+1| · · · |Rn| − k




>|R1|+· · ·+|Ri−1|+|Ri+1|+· · ·+|Rn| − k









which contradicts that degΓ(1−et+I) =|Ri| −1 =a−1. Therefore,

∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(1−ei+I) + 2> m=|I| k


t=1 |Rt|.

By Remark 4, we conclude thatχ′(ΓI(R)) = ∆(ΓI(R)).

Subcase 2: n = 2. If k = 1 and R2 is not a field, then by (1) we have |R2| > 2|R1|. Also ΓI(R) has a connected column. Since in this case any vertex of maximum degree in Γ(R/I) is adjacent to e2 +I, ∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(e2+I) + 2 = (|R2| −1)−(|R1| −1) + 2>|R∗1|. Thus

∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(e2+I) + 2>|R1∗|+ 1.

If ∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(e2+I)+2 =|R∗1|+1, then degΓ(e2+I) = ∆(Γ(R/I))− |R1|+ 1>|R1|+ 1, which contradicts that degΓ(e2+I) =|R1| −1. Thus

∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(e2+I) + 2>|R1∗|+ 1.

∆(ΓI(R))−deg(e2) + 2 =|I|(∆(Γ(R/I))−degΓ(e2+I) + 2)− |I|+ 1

>|I|(|R1|+ 2)− |I|+ 1>|I||R1|.

By Remark 4, χ′(ΓI(R)) = ∆(ΓI(R)). If eitherk= 1 and R2 is a field or

k= 2, then Γ(R/I) is a complete bipartite graph and gr(ΓI(R)) = 4. By Theorem 6, ΓI(R) is a complete bipartite graph. Hence, by Theorem 5, we have χ′(ΓI(R)) = ∆(ΓI(R)) and the proof is complete.


The authors are deeply grateful to the referee for careful reading of the paper and helpful comments and many valuable suggestions that has improved the paper a lot.


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C o n tac t i n f o r m at i o n

R. Kala, A. Mallika, K. Selvakumar

Department of Mathematics,

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli 627 012, Tamil Nadu, India.


mallikamsu2010@yahoo.in, selva_158@yahoo.co.in


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