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The Nunology of the Pineal Gland By DR.NEB HERU


Academic year: 2021

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The Master of the Ascension

He rose up out of the Black Waters of NUN appearing as RE SUPREME. KHAF-RE the Black Scarab Beetle. KHAF-RE: to Transform the MIND is to transform it ALL!

“As African People our Minds are linked to ALL Eternal and Almighty Nature, what we can conceive

in our Minds will be, see it and so shall it be seen”. –


Published By Those Who Truly Care

Ghana, West Africa 2011 Here After

Dedicated to: “The Pure Ones” Living In Spirit and Truth

“Guided By the Living Forces of Almighty Eternal Nature”



The Three triads

1. The Mental, the Emotional, the Vital Principle. 2. The Intelligence, the intuition, the will

3. The Creator, the Preserver, the Transformer

“All aspects reflected in us Deity, coming

from RE the Supreme”

The Symbol of Solar Cycle of RE (RA)



Question: What is Nunology?

Answer: Nunology is our Ancient Mental & Spiritual Science that teaches you how to tap into, work with and “Apply” the “Positive” Unseen Forces in Nature known to our Ancient African Egyptian Ancestors as “Nupu”. Nupu is the “Hidden Dark Energy” in Nature that represents the Original “Creative Forces”.

Nunology which is known as “NUN” Pronouced “Noon” is the Science of Sciences and is the Way we Children of the SUN (PAA RE) and Nature as Ancient Africans also known today as “Melaninites” learn to tap into, bring forth and work with the Positive Life Forces in Nature. In Ancient Africa (Egypt) and Ancient (NAPATA/NUPU-TA) Nubia or Cush we called this Science of Black Mental Magic (Al-Khemy) “NUN”. To the onlookers who did not know or was uninitiated our Science appeared to be “MAGIC” and spookism, but to the Initiated and students of the High Mysteries at the time we always knew about the Laws of Nature (Nazduru) and the Science in working with the Laws of Nature to bring about a Positive result to raise the Vibrations of not only ourselves but all others around us and who come in


The People who practice and “apply” this way of Life in this day and time as in Ancient times are known as “NUNOLOGIST”. Nupu-Nun = Electromagnetic Energy known today by the Scientific World.

As African People Worldwide “YOU” are an incarnated Whole Light Being (SOUL),that has risen from the Dark Waters of ANUN-RE. ANUN-RE is the Unseen Darkness or Ether of Original Creation still and always will be “CREATING” which is Growth for creation truly means “GROWTH”. Realize now that your Melanin or what the Science World is calling “MELANIN” is a condensed form of Light, and responds to and interacts to Light Waves, Vibrations, Tones and Frequencies in its immediate environment.

We as Nunologist always knew that we could have an effect on distant places, persons, and things on this side of h1 (Hydrogen) via “MIND POWER”. Nunology is Pure “Mental Energy” that is in contact with the Pure Mental Creative thought of the infinite and boundless Universes (Multiverse) and Beyond the Beyond. Your Mind Power has been a symbol of your “GOD POWER” and “Birth Right” which is “Greatly Lacking” in this day and time as African People World Wide.


We are now Living in the Day and Time where “MIND POWER” must overcome Physical Matter and gain back control which is Order over the Chaos! As a Nunologist you are the MIND of GOD, learn to utilize it! And when we say GOD, we mean “any Person, Place or Thing in control at any given Moment!” Your Mind Power as Nunologist is the Governor over Space, Matter and Time thus making you a “Quantum Being”, and in time all this will become clear to you, as your Awareness grows in remembrance of all these Ancient Facts! Always remember “Oh Children of ALL” that MIND POWER is GOD POWER and you always receive this confirmation through facts, “Which is SOUND RIGHT REASONING!” You now have the Master Keys (Ankh) to your ultimate freedom as a Nunologist to “shape”, “mold” , “control” and “MASTER” your Destiny!



” –The Real Student of Life!

“With the Ankh “Master Key” in Her or His possession, the Initiate may unlock the many doors of the Mental and Psychic Temple of ALL, thus gaining The Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom and The Right Overstanding, and enter the same freely, using the GOD Mind you have (As the Children of Nature and the Initiates of Life) or the Mind of Mental, which is GOD. This explains the true Nature of Energy, Power, Matter, Existence, and why and how all these are subordinate to the Mastery of Mind, and that each Mind is a slave to the Mental, the Force of Ether, which controls the Action of Matter.”

One of the old Tehuti Masters wrote, long ages ago: “He or She realizes that “ALL” is, and these words are as true for all time. Without this Ankh “Master Key”, mastery is impossible, and the Initiate knocks in vain at the many doors of the Temple, and is met by false Teachers of Ghost, Illusions, Spooks, Fictions, Beliefs, and Myths, given false hopes. No Facts, No Confirmations, No Truth, just lie after lie. The Light is devil’s (Six Ether Death Forces in Nature) tool. Darkness is the home (Abode) of GOD (Deity, Neteru) Peace (Hotep, Hetep), Tranquility, and Bliss.


In this day and time the Students (Initiates) of Life (Nine Ether) must find your way back home to Blackness (NUN) the State of Supreme Mind.


Question: What is the Master Key?

Answer: The Master Key is based on absolute Scientific Laws of Nature (NUN), Facts, and will unfold the possibilities that lie dormant in each individual, and teach how they may be brought into powerful action, to increase the person’s effective capacity, bringing added energy, “Conscience” the ability to discern from what is right from that which is ultimately wrong in one’s life. The Person possessing the Master Key will find vigor, a renewed excitement for life and mental elasticity. The Person who gains an overstanding of these Natural Mental Laws of Nature which are unfolding will come into the possession of an ability to secure results undreamed of, and which has rewards hardly expressed in words. You as Ancient Egyptians have finally arrived where you can take your place as


Divine Rulers, of PTAH-NUN (Earth), PAA RE (THE SUN) and PAA PAUT (THE ALL).

With the use of the Master Key you will learn the use of “Mind Power”, which is true God Power, Ruler Ship, which is Deity Ship. Re-learning how to use the hidden (AMUN) powers of your Mind has nothing to do with Magic or Hypnotism, even though to the unlearnt these concepts where birth. When we are back in our right state of Mind Power, what seems like Magic and Miracles to the unlearned and unknowing on looker, will be simple Fundamental Laws of Nature.

Possessing the Master Key allows the Person to cultivate and develop the overstanding which will enable the Person to control the body and thereby the Health. Having the Master Key in your possession improves and strengthens the Mind and Memory. It develops insight and foresight, the type of insight and foresight that is so rare, the kind which is the distinguishing characteristics of every successful, and “Powerful and Great Ancestor” of the past.

The Master Key develops Mind Power which means that others instinctively recognize that you are a person of force, of character – that they want to do


that you “attract” people and things to you; that you are what some people call “lucky”, that “things” come your way with easy, that you have come into the an overstanding of the Fundamental Laws of Nature, and have put yourself in harmony with them; that you are intune with Infinite Nature; that you Overstand the Law of Attraction, the Natural laws of Growth and Change, and the Inner Laws of Nature on which all advantages in health, Social and Business World rest.

Mental Power (The Master Key) is creative power which is GOD Power, gives you the ability to create for yourself; it does not mean to take something away from someone else. Nature never does things that way. Nature the Ultimate provider makes two blades of grass grow where one grew before, and Mind Power enables people to do the same thing. With the Master Key in your possession you will see that it helps you to develop insight, increased independence, and the ability to be helpful. It destroys, fear, distrust, depression, melancholia, and every lack, limitation and weakness, including pain and disease. It awakens buried talents, supplies initiative force, energy, and vitality. The Master Key awakens an appreciation of the beautiful in your own race, self pride and a sense of inner greatness.


You will learn to rise, not fall back in love with self and kind again, and have a greater appreciation for your great Ancient Culture and the great minds of your Ancestors.

The Master Key has changed the lives of all the Great Men and Women of today and of our Great Ancient Past, the True Egyptian know today as Nuwaupian. This is truly our day and time! Once you learn to substitute definite Principles of Nature which is the Laws in Nature, the facts, for beliefs, hazy methods, and principles for the foundation and Fundamental Laws of Nature, a great inner strength will arise. You will have facts beyond a shadow of a doubt that your Ancient Ancestral Forces of Nature are with you, in you, and working for you in your everyday life.

Having the Master Key you will learn Sound Right Reasoning, in ancient TaMa-Re (Egypt) called Nun. The Master Key teaches Right Principles, and suggests methods for making “Practical Application” of the Principles. With the Master Key in your possession you the true student of Ancient Egypt, you will learn the value of “Application”, you will now sit amongst the Doers, the Knower’s, and those who Reason. With the Master Key, the true Student


the Eternal and Almighty Laws of Nature, with this you see True Facts manifest not spooky beliefs. In this new Millennium, Science has taken on new leaps, and bounds. They have tapped into more facts about the vast universe and its infinite possibilities. In this new Millennium called the Solar Cycle of RE (RA) People are learning the value of the Mind, and the Mental Universe, we are all learning Mind over Matter. Grab your Master Key and come up here and join us true Mental Giants. The Whole World is on an Eve (Neith – Biaps the Mother of Energy, Mitochondria DNA) of a new (NU or NUN) Consciousness.



If yes


The Black Light the Ontology of ALL.

“God was in Darkness before he Created the Light” Question: I was wondering what is Black Light? Answer: Great question, when you begin to study light or what is being called Light, you will learn that the Visible Light that you see everyday has been discovered by modern day Scientist to contain small minute particles that are called Photons, and these Photons are moving at a very rapid rate of motion, which is called Vibration. They are moving so fast that they begin to create what is called Friction, and friction produces Heat, Fire, a burning. This burning gives off what you have been trained and taught in the English Language as “LIGHT”. So the White Light or visible light that you see is not Whole Light or Pure light but a result or manifestation from Black Light or Darkness. “The Black Light is the True Light, that Ligheth the Whole World.”

Question: So where does White Light come from? Answer: White Light or what is now being called “Visible” Light, is a portion of Electromagnetic Energy that is manifesting in what is called The Whole Light Spectrum known as the Electromagnetic Spectrum.


Question: What is The Electromagnetic Spectrum? Answer: Well before we go into what the Electromagnetic Spectrum is, it is important to first define what Light according to the English Language is.

Question: Ok so what is Light?

Answer: Light according to the Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary means:

Main Entry: 1light Pronunciation: \ˈlīt\ Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lēoht; akin to Old High German lioht light, Latin luc-, lux light, lucēre to shine, Greek leukos white

Date: before 12th century 1 a : something that makes vision possible b : the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual receptors c :

electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength that travels in a vacuum with a speed of about 186,281 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second; specifically :


2 a : daylight b : dawn

3 : a source of light: as a : a celestial body b : candle c : an electric light

4 archaic : sight 4a

5 a : spiritual illumination b : inner light c : enlightenment d : truth

8 : something that enlightens or informs <shed some light on the problem>

The Sun (PAA RE) and other forms of Light give off vibrating Energy that our Eyes can see called Light. Light is defined by Wavelengths, which is measured by the distance from one peak, or top of a wave of Light of Energy, to another. We see different speeds of Vibration as different Colors. When the Energy Vibrates really slow or fast we can’t see it at all. Very slow Vibration makes Radio Waves. Microwaves and X-Rays are very fast Vibration. You have Radio, Red, Violet and X-Ray, which range from 4 to 380 Nanometers. Microwaves, a very High Frequency Range 750 Nanometers. A Nanometer is a modern term used, which is preferred over Angstrom used in Measuring Visible Light. When all different Colors of Light called “Prisms” from the Latin word “Prisma” are mixed together our Eyes see this as “White Light”. When you see Full (Whole) Spectrum Light in its Physical State, it manifests as Blackness. That is,


all Light (Whole Light) and Color combined are Blackness, and the manifestation of the Solid form of Light again is “Melanin”. When While Light hits any Colored thing, some of the Light is absorbed and some of the Light is bounced off or “reflected” toward our Eyes, and those reflected Colors are what you see as different Colors. So you see it’s all an “Illusion”. Light is not Light but Energy moving in Darkness as Vibrating Waves at different speeds. Thus the decision to decide what is ugly, is a Personal choice; to see Colors and to mistakenly prefer one over the other, or this Person over that Person, Like and Dislike, caring and Uncaring, Concerned and Non Concerned, Lover and Hate, War and Peace, all become manifest through the Light of Knowing, Knowledge. When People see they want to see more. Such as, in Inner Sight (Spiritual, Inner Awareness) one gets the assurance whether their Eyes are opened or closed of existence through feeling. Thus, the True Principle of Neter (Nature, Deity) is not Seen, but “Felt”.

Once one opens their Eyes, they get the illusion of Reality, thus they need imagery to send messages of things they know or know of, to determine Neter (Deity-Nature). So the “concept” that Light is good


deceptions”. The different Monotheistic Schools of Thought mainly Judaism, Chirstism, and Muhammadism teach you to stay in the Light. They tell you that Darkness is ignorance. Yet the GOD that created the Light was in Darkness before he created the Light. Now think, what is more Omnipresent sphere or the Darkness that is “Infinite” in the Boundless Universe? The Darkness in the Universe of course! You can see Light in Darkness but you cannot see Darkness in Light, thus Light is an “Illusion”.

Question: Is there a connection between the State Blackness and PAUT (The ALL)?

Answer: Ok you are speaking about the State of Blackness and PAUT (ALL), right? Ok what all Esoteric Schools of Thought are calling PAUT (ALL) precedes Light, because Light is a “thing”, and let me explain what we mean by this. There is no such thing as what we have been taught is “Light” or “the Light”. When we were taught about “Light” what they are teaching us is different Moods of Vibrational Energies, that means minute particles that are coming at you from the Sun (PAA RE) at different speeds, and you call these minute particles Light.


There is no such thing as the Light, when you start to view this concept of light from a Higher Mind (Awareness), Scientific Mind and Quantum Mind (Nine Mind).Then you will begin to realize there is Energy coming from the Sun (PAA RE) and we are picking it up and have been taught to call it “LIGHT” for lack of a better word. It’s not a Beam of Solid Mass but Particles of Energy, so therefore what we are calling Light is not a Mass, a Whole. Light within itself breaks down into particles, so The ALL (PAA PAUT) cannot “be” PARTICLES, because it cannot be part, and Particles are portions. The ALL (PAA PAUT) is, now darkness is, and darkness can’t be Particles, because Light’s Particles manifest in darkness’s existence as the ALL (PAA PAUT).


So to answer your question, yes PAA PAUT (THE ALL) and Darkness is ALL, your GOD is Light, and your GOD or ALLAH, or Jehovah (YAHWEH) is a “Particle” in the Darkness. Because GOD, ALLAH, YAHWEH, is talking from the Darkness about what he is going to do in the Light. SO you’re GOD, ALLAH, and YAHWEH is at a specific point in Space and Time having an effect on Matter, when he says “let there be light” or “let Light exist” and your GOD makes reference in the Bible about the light as the “SUN” in ancient Egipt we say PAA RE (The Sun) or RE or Amun-Ra.

So now the Sun (PAA RE) is 93,000,000.00 miles from Earth (PTAH –NUN) varying and the Sun (PAA RE) is “there” and it’s sending these rays of Particles toward us, the Light that GOD, ALLAH, YAHWEH, said let exist He or She let exist at a specific point in Space and Time, and on the 3rd planet from the Sun (PAA RE) we are 93,000,000.00 miles away from that Light that He or She said let exist. So your GOD, ALLAH, or YAHWEH designated a place for Light. So Light just doesn’t exist it’s there, when you begin to start to view persons, place and things, on a Quantum level as a Qatum Being (Melaninite) and our connection with ALL (PAUT), then you being to step pass the blinding light of Religion and Religious concepts that


has enslaved and trapped the minds of Qatum Beings (Melaninites) for too long.

You have to reactivate Brain Melanin, Supreme Melanin called Neuromelanin so you will be able to receive whole light particles of energy coming from the Sun (PAA RE). Whole Light Particles of Energy packets traveling towards our planet on a constant basis have within them what we term as “Light Messages”. These Particles which we have been taught to call “Light” carry messages, which is why the word “Angles” and “ANGELS” look and sound phonetically similar. The Angels, religion was speaking of was really different vibratory rates of the Whole Light Spectrum, different frequencies.

In most Esoteric schools of thought Melchizedek also known as the Angel Michael sacred colors are known as Violet (Ultra Violet – UV Ray = Black Light) which is said to manifest on this side of the Visible Light Spectrum as Green Light, seen in plant life symbolizing “HEALING”. Malachi CH 4, and the Hebrew word Malachi means “MY ANGEL” and in Malachi chapter 4:2 “But unto you that fear my

name shall the Sun (PAA RE) of righteousness (MA’AT) shall arise with Healing (Green Light


Question: What Light Frequency is the Soul (BAA)? Answer: The “Light of the Soul” goes back to what the Ancient Tama-Rean (Egyptian) called Nu or NUN that Primeval (First) Energy known today as Black Light (UV-Ray or Ultra Violet Light). Your Soul’s Light Frequency is from the Original Creative Forces called NuPu – NUN (Nine Ether) that birthed all other Energies and Gases throughout the boundless Universes. Remember YOU are on a journey to that “Source of Energy” in you, that Black Light or Black Dot.

Dark Light (Black Light) travels faster than the Visible Light Spectrum, faster than the Speed of Light. The Speed of Light differs in each solar system which is determined by that Solar Systems “Solar Body” (Sun) but “Thought travels faster than Visible Light,” and Emotions or Energy in Motion or Amber Light travels faster than Green Light (Dark) Intellectual Light. Intellectual light is Healing Light. It travels slower because you have to sit back and think before you act on anything which slows down the flow of Energy, but we tend to flare up quicker. Learn to channel your Amber Light (Negative, Lower Desires) to the Positive Frequency then you are GOD (Deity) in control of yourselves. (Refer to Master Key #4 “The Black Light Ontology of All)


The Vibrational Power of Thought

We must come to realize with our true inner eyes (Spiritual – 3rd Eye) that thought is a Force a manifestation of Cosmic Energy having Magnetic like power of Attraction. When we think we send out vibrations of a fine ethereal substance, which are as real as the Vibrations manifesting heat, light, electricity, and magnetism. These Mental Vibrations are not evident to our five senses are no proof that they do not exist. Just look at it this way, a powerful magnet will send out vibrations and exert a force sufficient to attract to itself a piece of steel weighing a hundred pounds, but we can neither see, taste, smell, hear nor feel the mighty force.

These Thought Vibrations, likewise, cannot be seen, tasted, smelled, heard nor felt in ordinary way; although it is true there are recorded cases where People peculiarly sensitive to Psychic impressions who have received powerful Thought Waves, and many of us can testify that we have felt the Thought Vibrations of others, both while in the presence of certain people and at a distance. People are becoming more and more sensitive to Thought Vibrations. In this day and time our thoughts and visions must be crystal clear, Positive and aligned


according to Nature. We are now living in a great era of time called the “Solar Cycle of RE” (refer to Solar

Cycle of RE, Master Key vol.2) where the veil of Isis

(ASET) is being lifted off the world, the Cosmic Veil of the Illusionary world of substance and the real world of ethereal matter. We have passed through the age of Physical, to the age of Air, 9Ether, Positive Thoughts etc…We will soon really learn the Power of Thought Vibrations and the Power of the Law of Attraction as Qatum (Melaninite) Beings. Thought is the fastest moving force in the Universe, and thought waves travel faster than the speed of light. (Refer to Master Key #19 What is Qatum “Melanin” Physics?)


Question: What is the Endocrine System?

Answer: The Endocrine System is a collection of Glands that secrete chemical messages we call Hormones. These Glands regulate Hormonal production throughout the whole body system, or throughout your Body. Your Endocrine System plays a major role in this day and time because these Glands are your Energy transformers knows as the “Seats of Light” also known to our Ancient African Egyptian Ancestors as “Arushaat” and well known today as Chakras. These Glands or Chakras known as “Energy Seats” or “Wheels of Life”, is one of the major ways this “BLACK LIGHT ENERGY” enters your Body and then transduces this Light frequency and vibration throughout your Whole Body System. The Black Light Energy (UV-Rays or Light) manifest on this side of Visible Matter as the Green Healing Light directed to you by way of your Subconscious Mind, come from the Plane of Force (Forces). Through your Endocrine Glands also known as the “Seats of Light and Darkness” you are always receiving messages in the form of Light messages, coming from People, Places and Things surrounding you. As one begins to learn “fuel” there Endocrine System or Glandular System with the Proper fuels such as “Green Foods, Pure and Positive Thoughts (9ether), Deep Rhythmic Breathing, Meditation, and Prayers in the form of


Positive “Affirmations”, you will begin to become more “Psychic Sensitive” and “aware of impressions”, energy and messages coming to you outside of your Time Zone, known in Nunology as “Outellect”. In other words you will begin to access the more Subtle and Hidden Dimensions of Reality, that have always been here, but many have not been able to fully access them. The Plane of Force or Forces is a real existence, and is the plane that governs all your involuntary functions throughout your Body. The Plane of Force is the World of the Subconscious Mind and is a Plane most needed to be learned about and gained access to in this day and time.

Question: What are Glands? Answer: A gland is a group of cells that produces and secretes, or gives off, chemicals known as “Hormones” (Haru, Har). Your “Endocrine System” has “Seven major Glands” most focused on in this day and time.


Question: What are the “Seven Major Glands” of the Endocrine System?

Answer: The “Seven Major Glands” most Focused on today within the Body are the:

(Here is a List and a Brief Description of Each, in this Nun Tablet we will focus on the Major Role of the Pineal Gland. For Information on the each glands

Major function, as it relates to the Mind (KHU), Body (KHAT), Spirit (KAA), and Soul (BAA) refer to Master

Key #4 “The Black Light Ontology of ALL”) 1. Pineal Gland

2. Pituitary Gland - controls many of the other glands through secretion. Known as the "Master Gland," the Pituitary makes some hormones, but also acts as an intermediary between the Brain and other Endocrine Glands.

3. Thyroid Gland - The Thyroid Gland is a large gland situated in the front part of the neck, just below the Adam’s apple. It is butterfly-shaped, with the "wings" being the left and right “Thyroid Lobes” that wrap around the


trachea. Its function is to produce Thyroid Hormone which is responsible for regulating metabolism and organ function.

4. Thymus - The Thymus Gland is positioned in the upper part of the chest cavity, directly behind the sternum. It is pinkish-gray in color and blends in with the surrounding tissue as you age. Two irregularly shaped parts make up the Thymus, and though it continues to grow throughout puberty, the gland then begins to diminish in size.

5. Adrenal Gland - As members of the Endocrine System, Adrenal Glands excrete chemicals, called Hormones, to regulate important functions by sending messages through the bloodstream. These various Hormones control metabolism, physical development, and stress management. The two Adrenal Glands are three-pointed and flat, each one located above a kidney near the lower back.

6. Pancreas Gland - The Pancreas produces chemicals that are crucial to proper digestion and blood sugar regulation. It is an Abdominal


Cavity, behind the stomach, close to the duodenum with its head pointed toward the small intestine.

7. Ovary/Testes - The Gonads form a part of the Endocrine System and are the primary reproductive organs of both sexes. Ovaries are the Female gonads. Testes are the Male gonads.


The Pineal Gland – The word “Pineal” refers to “Pine Cone” because this Gland has a Pine Cone Shape and is the size of a Pea. The Pineal Gland’s principle Hormonal production is a hormone known as “Melatonin”, which is a derivative of an amino acid known as “Tryptophan”. The Amino Acid known as Tryptophan produces and neurotransmitter known as “Serotonin” which in turn is Converted into “Melatonin” for proper Pineal Gland Production. As stated earlier, Serotonin is a Neuro Chemical which is dominant during the day and helps keep us active and awake, while Melatonin encourages rest and is Dominant at Night. Together they regulate the Body’s “Circadian Rhythm”, which is Biological Cycles responsible for maintaining balance in relation to “Light and Darkness”, between the Black Light (Darkness) and those Frequencies within the Visible light Spectrum we now know is called “Light.” When we stay in Darkness for several days, Serotonin and Melatonin Levels continue to alternate. When we are exposed to constant Light or we stay awake for several days, the Rhythm is disrupted. Melatonin is associated with the release of “Innate (Natural-Coming from within) Hallucinogens”, and research shows that High levels of “Melatonin” are present during altered “States of Consciousness” and “Psychic visions.”


The Esoteric (Cosmic) functions of the Pineal Gland When the “Pineal Gland” is functioning properly or as being termed in this day and time “Awakened” you will experience:

1. An Increased sense of Awareness

2. Psychic Visions and a Heightened Perception. 3. Visual Images become more Vivid, Colorful

and Whole.

4. Your Ability to process and hear Sounds from a distance becomes heightened called “Clairaudience”

5. An Increased ability to Channel new ideas (Very Creative) and thoughts of inspiration. 6. A heightened sense of Positive Outlook


The Quantum Physics of the Pineal Gland The Pineal Gland which is the Physical aspect of what is termed the third (3rd) Eye processes Light, from the Full Light Spectrum known as the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum from the SUN (PAA RE). This small Neuro-Endocrine Gland, the size of a Pea and the Shape of a Pine-Cone, has baffled modern science for decades. The Pineal Glands creative functions have led Ancients to refer to it as the creative “Gene of Isis or Aset” (Genesis meaning Gene-ISIS).


The Pineal Gland’s partly “crystallized” Nature and ability to absorb, store and transmit Light store Energy and transmit Light Energy suggests it is the body’s inner crystal. Science has recently discovered back in the year 2002 that the Pineal Gland is covered with crystalline structures called “Calcite Micro-Crystals” that runs of the science of “Piezoelectricity”. The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure. It is derived from the Greek piezo or piezein (πιέζειν), which means to squeeze or press, and electric or electron (ήλεκτρον), which stands for amber – an ancient source of electric charge.

*Note: notice the Light what part of the Light spectrum they Europeans definition acknowledges, the “amber light”. Europeans, pull Pineal Gland pulls from a lesser Light Spectrum and Vibration, then you “QATUM (MELANINITE) Beings, But the fact still remains your Pineal Gland is a Crystal the ‘BLACK CRYSTAL” which now you know why you have Telepathic Powers etc…

Now the Pineal Gland works closely with the Pituitary Gland. That’s because these two Energy Seats (Chakras, Arushaat) are linked. The Pituitary is known as the “MASTER GLAND” because it has a


Magnification of Calcite Crystals on Pineal Gland


Pineal Gland we could usefully call the “Mother Gland” because it appears to calm the Body’s Systems. The Pineal Gland releases two Neuro-Hormones, “Serotonin” and “Melatonin”. Serotonin is a Neuro Chemical which is dominant during the day and helps keep us active and awake, while Melatonin encourages rest and is Dominant at Night (Amun). Together they regulate the Body’s circadian Rhythm, which is Biological Cycles responsible for maintaining balance in relation to Light (Atum-RE) and Darkness (Amun-RE).

When we stay in Darkness (Amun to Anun) for several days, Serotonin and Melatonin Levels continue to alternate. If however we are exposed to constant Light or we stay awake for several days, the Rhythm is disrupted. Melatonin is associated with the release of Innate Hallucinogens, and research shows that High levels of Melatonin are present during altered “States of Consciousness” and Psychic visions.

Neuro Transmitters and “BRAIN CHECMICALS: for Heighten Spiritual Awareness:



*Note: Melatonin is also active in the production of Melanin.


Another interesting fact about the Pineal Gland is it converts neuronal signal into an Endocrine Output! Question: What is a Neuronal Signal?

Answer: Well, unbeknown to most the purpose of our Nervous System is to transfer information from the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) to the Central Nervous System (CNS), process the information in the Central Nervous System (CNS), and send back information to the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). This transfer of information from the external (Outer) Environment, through Neurons, and back again to the External (Outer) Environment is known as Neuronal Signaling.

Here is the Nunology of the Process of how Neuronal Signaling works:

Before a Neuron receives a signal, it is in a resting state.

Neurons receive signals in two forms: o Chemical changes:

This is done via Neurotransmitters (Synaptic Transmission) or Chemical Elements in the


o Physical Changes. Examples include touch receptors in the Skin or Photoreceptors in the Retina (IN THE EYE)

These Signals causes your Ions to fluctuate in your neuron’s plasma membrane which creates an “electrical current to flow in your Brain Neurons”

This “Electrical Current” flow travels down the axon (perhaps long-distance through action potential)

When the current reaches the terminal boutons, Neurotransmitters are released to other Neurons or the environment.

KEY WORDS: Receive: Signal

Question: What does the word Receive mean?

Answer: According to the Merriam’s Webster Online Dictionary the word Receive means:

: to come into possession of : to act as a receptacle or container for : : to assimilate through the mind or senses <receive new ideas>


Question: What does the word Signal mean?

Answer: According to the Merriam’s Webster Online Dictionary the word Signal means:

An object used to transmit or convey information beyond the range of Human Voice: the Sound or image conveyed in telegraphy, telephony, radio, radar, or television.


Question: What is a “Neurotransmitter”?

Answer: Great question! Well Neurotransmitters are naturally occurring chemicals in the Brain that either encourages flow or discourages flow of “Electrical Messages” between Neurons.

Question: What is a Neuron?

Answer: The Nerves in your Brain are called Neurons. A Neuron has a body, a long tail, and many branches. Each Nerve Cell is connected with thousands of other Nerve Cells by these branches, which almost touch each other, called “Dendrites”. From the end of each branch of Dendrites, chemicals are sent out and picked up by the nearest branch of another Neuron. When a “Chemical Message” is received by a “Neuron”, it is carried through its branches by “Electricity”. This is the fundamentals of how your Brain Work through Electrical Messages and Impulses. Million up millions of messages are being sent through your brain at each second. This is how the Brain does it work, to communicate to the rest of the body, through Chemicals Light Messages (Electricity). Besides Neurons there are other cells in your Brain called “Glial Cells.” These Cells act like Cement, and hold Neurons in place. They also help to feed the “Neurons.”


*Notice the word “Astro-cyte” which is known as the (Glial Cell). Which is A large, star-shaped cell found in certain tissues of the nervous system. Astro = Light!


Question: You mentioned earlier about the Neurotransmitters Tryptophan, Serotonin, and Melatonin can you give me more information on them?

Answer: Sure! Tryptophan is an amino acid (L-Tryptophan), one of the building blocks of Protein, but unlike some Amino Acids, Tryptophan is considered essential because your Body (KHAT) cannot manufacture its own. Tryptophan plays many roles in Animals and Humans alike, but perhaps most importantly, it is an essential precursor to a number of Neurotransmitters (Serotonin being one of the most important) in the Brain. As such, Tryptophan is the only substance that can be converted into Serotonin. Since Serotonin, in turn is converted into Melatonin, which has been shown in several good studies to assist in sleep, Tryptophan clearly plays an instrumental role in balancing mood and sleep patterns. Tryptophan may also be of some benefit in the treatment of some “Psychiatric Disorders”. What is now a Scientific Fact that Serotonin Levels can be elevated by the Foods we eat! Tryptophan occurs naturally in foods, so increasing the Tryptophan - Serotonin - Melatonin Levels through proper eating habits is a far Superior Method of


important because as we Nunologist teach, your Moods (Emotional Energy) affects what you are attracting into your life “by way of the LAW OF ATTRACTION”, Negative Moods are coming from depressive thoughts and lower vibrations which are attracting negative into your life, which is anti the cycle and time we are in, the LIFE CYCLE, SUN CYCLE (Solar Cycle of RE) where everything comes back to Life and is renewed or RE-NU!

Let’s finish speaking about Tryptophan shall we? The conversion of Tryptophan to Serotonin is a two-step process. First, Tryptophan is converted into 5-hydroxy L-Tryptophan, or 5-HTP, and then 5-HTP is, in turn, converted into Serotonin. This is the process by which Serotonin is produced from food. Foods highest in Tryptophan Studies have shown sleep deprivation, poor eating habits appear to have a direct effect on not only the duration, but the timing of sleeping patterns. Getting enough rest is very important in this day and time, with all the changes occurring on the PLANET EARTH (PTAH-NUN).


A List of Foods High in Tryptophan: 1. Black-eyed Peas

2. Black and English 3. Walnuts,

4. Almonds 5. Sesame Seeds

6. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds 7. Black Rice

8. Seaweed

9. Super Blue-Green Algae (AFA)

Melatonin - Melatonin is a Neurotransmitter that is produced in the Body (KHAT) to regulate sleep habits. The amount of Melatonin is dependent on the person’s surroundings at the time of sleep. The benefits of Melatonin consist of determining metabolism rates and regulating “Circadian Rhythm” and sleep patterns so the Body (KHAT) receives adequate rest. As mentioned earlier Melatonin is associated with the release of “Innate (Natural-Coming from within) Hallucinogens”, and research shows that High levels of “Melatonin” are present during altered “States of Consciousness” and “Psychic visions.”


Serotonin, Tryptophan, and Melatonin convert eventually into Higher Neurotransmitters for Higher Brain Activity, and Spiritual, Mental Awareness. As enough of these Brain Chemicals are stimulated within the Brain, these Neurotransmitters begin to convert into the Higher Brain Chemicals or Neurotransmitters, needed to access higher planes of Existence. As Above So Below, what takes places within the Body (KHAT) also happens in the Universe (Multiverse). In order to communicate with Energies and Forces outside of this Time Zone and So-Called Physical Reality, you must supply your Brain with the proper fuels in order to “JACK INTO” these Higher Creative Frequencies, which are aligned with the “LIFE FORCES – NUN FORCES” within Nature we Nunologist call “NUPU-NUN” 9 Ether!

Question: Can you tell me what happens after Tryptophan, Serotonin, and Melatonin is converted into Higher Brain Chemicals?

Answer: Well the process goes like this: As you take in foods “HIGH” in Tryptophan during the day, Serotonin levels build up, along with High exposure to SUN LIGHT (Vitamin D), then this Serotonin is converted to Melatonin in the evening time or during sleep hours, which is then converted into a Brain Chemical known as Pinoline, then Pinoline is


converted to 5-MeO-DMT which is then converted to DMT now known as the “Spirit Molecule.”

Question: Wow ok, interesting well what is 5-MeO-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT?

Answer: 5-MeO-DMT stands for 5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine and DMT stands for dimethyltryptamine which your Body (KHAT) will Natural produce when enough Brain Fuel from the other Brain Chemicals are supplied! These High Brain Chemicals are Present during Higher States of Consciousness, also at the time of Transition or what many call “DEATH” DMT is released from the Brain and the SOUL passes through the Crown Chakra, (Pineal Gland).

*Note: Again do not be afraid we NUNOLOGIST take the “ORGANIC – NATRUAL” Approach, meaning when you “EAT or INTAKE” Natural RAW Living Organic GREEN FOODS etc.., you’re Body (KHAT) “NATRUALLY” produces these High Brain Chemicals. Many rush the process, and do not allow Nature to take its course. There is no fast Track way to “HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS”, be Patient with yourself and the PROCCESS, it all comes in its “OWN” DUE TIME!


The Pineal Gland the 12 Occult Cranial Nerves – The Lamb around the THRONE

We Nunologist know that the Hidden (Occult) Esoteric Mystery about the Lamb sitting around his Throne with his 12 disciples as an Enlightened Being, can be explained in a Practical Scientific way. When your 12 Occult or Cranial Nerves are functioning properly, they will give your Brain (KHAT) and Whole Being a Heightened Sense of Awareness!


Here is a List of the 12 Occult (Cranial) Nerves: 1. The Olfactory Nerves (sensory) - The Olfactory

Nerves are the nerves of the Sense of Smell. Their Sensory Nerve endings and fibers arise in the upper part of the Mucous Membrane of the Nose and pass upwards through the Cribriform Plate of the Ethmoid Bone. These nerves pass to the Olfactory Bulb, a group of nerve cells where synapses occur and the impulse is passed to a second neuron. The


nerves then proceed backwards to the area for the perception of smell in the temporal lobe of the cerebrum.

2. The Optic Nerves (sensory) - The Optic Nerves are the Nerves of the Sense of Sight. The fiber originates in the retinas of the eyes and they combine to form the optic nerves which are about 4 cm in length. They are directed backwards and medially through the posterior part of the orbital cavity. They then pass through the optic foramina of the sphenoid bone into the cranial cavity and join at the optic chiasma just above the pituitary gland. The nerves proceed backwards as the optic tracts to the lateral geniculate body. Impulses pass from these to the centre for sight in the occipital lobe of the cerebrum and to the cerebellum. In the occipital lobe sight is perceived, and in the cerebellum the impulses from the eyes contribute to the maintenance of balance.


3. The Oculomotor Nerves (motor) The oculomotor nerves arise from nerve cells near the aqueduct of the midbrain. They supply four of the muscles which move the eyes, namely the superior, inferior and medial recti and the inferior oblique muscles. They also supply the ciliary muscles which control the focusing power of the eyes by altering the shape of the lens, the circular muscles of the


the muscles which control the movements of the upper eyelids.

4. The Trochlear Nerves (motor) The trochlear nerves arise from a nucleus just behind the oculomotor nucleus. These nerves supply the superior oblique muscles of the eyes.


5. The Trigeminal Nerves (mixed) - The trigeminal nerves contain motor and sensory fibers and are among the largest of the cranial nerves. They are the chief sensory nerves for the face and head, receiving impulses of pain, temperature and pressure. The motor fibers stimulate the muscles of mastication. The motor fibers arise from nerve cells which are situated just above the pons varolii and pass to the muscles of mastication.


There are three main branches of the trigeminal nerves each of which has motor and sensory fibers they are:

1. The Ophthalmic Nerves. These supply the lacrimal glands, the conjunctiva of the eyes, the forehead, eyelids, anterior aspect of the scalp and mucous membrane of the nose. 2. The Maxillary Nerves. These supply the

cheeks, the upper gums, upper teeth and the lower eyelids.


3. The Mandibular Nerves. These are the largest of the three divisions of the trigeminal nerves. They supply the teeth and gums of the lower jaw, the pinna of the ears and the lower lip. Motor nerves from these branches supply the muscles of mastication.

6. The Abducent Nerves (motor) - The abducent nerves arise from a group of nerve cells lying beneath the floor of the fourth ventricle. They supply the lateral rectus muscles of the eyeballs.


7. The Facial Nerves (mixed) - The facial nerves are composed of both motor and sensory nerve fibers. The fibers arise from nerve cells in the lower part of the pons varolii. The motor fibers supply the muscles of facial expression. The Sensory fibers convey impulses from the taste buds of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue to the taste perception area in the Cerebral Cortex.


8. The auditory nerves (sensory) - The auditory nerves are composed of two distinct sets of fibers:

The cochlear fibers originate in the cochlea or inner ear and convey impulses to the hearing area in the cerebral cortex in both hemispheres where they are perceived as sound.

The vestibular fibers arise from the semi-circular canals of the inner ear and convey impulses to the cerebellum which are associated with the maintenance of equilibrium and balance.

9. The Glossopharyngeal Nerves (mixed) - The glossopharyngeal nerves are composed of motor and sensory fibers. The fibers arise from nuclei in the medulla oblongata. The motor fibers stimulate the muscles of the pharynx and the secretory cells of the parotid glands. The sensory fibers convey impulses from the posterior third of the tongue and from the tonsils and pharynx to the cerebral cortex.


10. The Vagus Nerves (mixed) - The vagus nerves are composed of both motor and sensory fibers. They have a more extensive distribution than any of the other cranial nerves. They arise from nerve cells in the medulla oblongata and other nuclei, and pass through a foramen in the base of the skull downwards through the neck between the internal jugular vein and the internal carotid artery into the thorax and abdomen. The motor fibers supply the muscles and secretory glands of the


pharynx, larynx, trachea, heart, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, gall bladder, bile ducts, spleen, colon, kidneys and blood vessels in the thoracic and abdominal cavities. The sensory fibers convey impulses from the mucous membranes of the larynx, trachea, lungs, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and gall bladder to the brain.


11. The Accessory Nerves (motor) - The accessory nerves arise from nerve cells in the medulla oblongata and in the spinal cord. The fibers supply the sternomastoid and trapezius muscles. Branches join the vagus nerves and proceed to the pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles.


12. The hypoglossal nerves (motor) - The hypoglossal nerves arise from nerve cells in the medulla oblongata. They supply the muscles of the tongue and muscles surrounding the hyoid bone.


The Pineal Gland, Law of Vibration and Your Brain Question: What is Vibration?

Answer: According to the Merriam Webster’s Colligate Dictionary Vibration means: The Action of Vibrating; the State of being Vibrated or in Vibratory Motion: as (1): OSCILLATION. A characteristic Emanation, Aura, or Spirit that infuses or vitalizes someone or something and that can be instinctively sensed or experienced. A distinctive Emotional Atmosphere capable of being sensed.

All things are created in Tones of Octaves of Energy, and Vibration, just as there are Octaves of Musical notes; there are also Octaves of Tones. Between the 4th and The 15th Octaves, the normal Ear can hear Sound. The Human ear is the most acoustic receiver in Humans environment, the average ear can detect sounds intensities as low as 10-16 watt per centimeter and can stand intensities up to about 10-4 watt per-centimeter before pain ensures this our Ear Drums are called the Tympanic Membranes.


Now the 49th octave produces Light! Cosmic Rays manifest when energy increases between 72nd and 84th octaves levels. After we pass Cosmic Rays, Octaves Levels produce an “Emotional Mental Wave” to the sounds of “HU” which is “Pure Green Light Etheric Energy” (Healing Energy, Life Forces, NUN).

This is the reason why when you chant the word “HU” with the right amount of input (i.e.“1000” times daily) it will open up Centers in your Brain (The 12 Occult Nerves – Pineal Gland) which causes all your Glands within your Endocrine System (Chakras, Arushaat – Seats of Energy) and Bio Organs to vibrate on the Earth’s (PTAH-NUN) frequency known as the PTAH TONE or PTAH VIBRATION, which is the “HU” Station in order to pick up the Broadcast of Outformation telling Qatum (Melaninite) Beings where to go, what to do, when the time is right, and how to prepare for “The Shift.”

The tone “HU” also known as HU-HI or HUHI will open your Mind (KHU), your Heart (AB), and give you a way to Paradise, which only means your Etheric Body (AKH) will be “vibrating” on the Cosmic Tones which will raise your Vibration. So it is the Tongue (T)


Paradise, causing your Heart (H) and Mind (M) to open. Now you see the Sacred Esoteric meaning of H.T.M or Heliopolis, Thebes, and Memphis (The HEART-The TONGUE- The MIND).

The Sacred Meaning of HU or HUHI (HuHi) HU or HuHi = The Force of Creative Will POWER or NUN POWER.



HU-HI (Masculine – Feminine Energy combined) NUN POWER or Creative “WILL POWER”

It is your Creative WILL POWER (NUN-POWER) that will give you access to your freedom over “Persons, Places, and things” as Nunologist (Masters of Self).


The Nunology of the Pineal Gland and the Sacred Power of Water

Question: What is the Power of Water?

Answer: Water has a Chemical property of two hydrogen and one oxygen atom bonded together to form what is known as H2O. What is interesting about Water is that Water is “Emotional”, it feels, it thinks, and it is the Foundation of Life. Water is Electromagnetic and creates an Electromagnetic Current. Water has always been used to create and generate Electricity. Just ponder on this fact… “Water is always searching for its source.”

Water is a Symbol of Manifestation and Manifests from an unseen place known as the “Plane of Force”, via the Weather in the form of rain clouds. Water will rain down or gush forth from the clouds, then manifest all over the Earth, on the ground on the streets, create small puddles, lakes, streams etc… Then eventually Water will begin to move! Notice how Water is always moving, always in constant motion, thus “Emotion” or “Energy in Motion”. Then Water will find a way to Work with other Elements in Nature like Heat or Friction and begin to vibrate and speed up its Molecular Structure where it (water)


State, an unseen State to Visible Sight. So Water is a true Symbol of Manifestation in Nature, a Miracle from the Unseen to the Seen back to the Unseen again.

So here is what we term a “Miracle Magical Magnetic Nunological Formula” for Success to Think about Reason and Meditate on.


Realize now that our bodies are made up of 70% Water, so thus we need a constant flow of Water in our Bodies! Water creates an Electro-Magnetic current in our Bodies and opens the Psychic channels of reception to receive impressions taking place within the Psychic Mental realms of Existence that exist all around us, in us, and through us!

Realize now that when we drink or take in Water, the Water Electrifies the Nervous System, and Fires up or Lights up the Brain for Psychic or Mental Inner Reception. In other words you become more “Sensitive” to vibrations that are “Energy in Motion” or Emotions of People, Places and Things, and also more sensitive to what is taking place in the Cosmic Realms as well.


Water is a great tool to use in strengthening your connection to the Mental Psychic Temple within! Water should also be used when working with your Pendulum to strengthen your connection to subtle energies and your Intuition. (Refer to Nun Tablet #32 the Power of Intuition)

Remember to “DRINK WATER, WATER ELECTRIFIES!” Question: What is the importance of Alkaline


Answer: While in School in your Chemistry class you might have heard of the term “pH”, well pH means “Potential Hydrogen” and is a Scale that is used to determine whether a liquid is more Acidic or Alkaline. In Chemistry Class many may remember that when we were calculating the pH of a liquid we were measuring the number of Hydroxyl (OH-) ions which are negative and therefore alkaline-forming, verse the amount of Hydrogen (H+) ions that are Positive and therefore Acid-forming. So why is this important? Well… how many times have you seen “ACID” form on a car battery or any hard substance, what does the Acid begin to do? Right “EAT WAY THE HARD SUBSTANCE” or begin to “corrode.”


Liquids and most importantly Acidic Water! We are destroying our Psychic receptors within our Nervous System.


Alkaline Water restores your body back to its natural Electro-Magnetic State! Healing and restoration of the Body begins at a pH level of 7.0 and higher. So in this day and time with all the adverse foods, and environments we live in, it is of the up most importance to take in as much Alkaline (Healing) Water as possible. Most Alkaline Water and Alkaline Water Machines can be purchased at your local Health Food Stores in your local areas. (For more

information about Alkaline Water contact “The


Sekhemic Energy (Fresh Air) and the Pineal Gland Question: What is Oxygen?

Answer: According to Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia “Oxygen” is defined as: element with atomic number 8 and represented by the Symbol O. Its name derives from the Greek roots ὀξύς (oxys) (acid, literally "sharp", referring to the sour taste of acids) and -γενής (-genēs) (producer, literally begetter), because at the time of naming, it was mistakenly thought that all acids required oxygen in their composition.


Question: What is fresh air and why is it important? Answer: Fresh Air is important because of the hidden power in the Air known in Ancient Tama-Re (Egypt) as “Sekhem” or known in Asia as “Chi” and “Prana” in India. Today the Science World calls this Hidden Energy “Negative Ions” and these Negative Ions, have a “Renewing Power” to your Life! When you practice the Art of Deep Breathing, in the right environment you can literally renew your life!

Question: Wow, so are you saying I can renew my Life by Deep Breathing?

Answer: Yes this is exactly what I am saying, look at the English word “RENEW” you hear it, RE-NEW or RE-NU, which are to Ancient African, Ancient Tama-Rean (Egyptian) Tones and Principles in Nature, “RE” and “NU” both representing Hidden Potential Energy, Unseen Energy.

RE= Infinite Potential and Nu or (NUN) = Dark Waters, Unseen hidden Potential, waiting to be shaped and Molded into form!

To go further let’s look at what the English Renewal Means. According to the Merriam Webster’s Online


Dictionary the word Renewal means: Main Entry: re•new•al

Pronunciation: \ri-ˈnü-əl, -ˈnyü-\ Function: noun

Date: circa 1686

1 : the act or process of renewing : repetition The word “RENEW” means: to make like new : restore to freshness, vigor, or perfection <as we renew our strength in sleep> 2 : to make new spiritually : regenerate


So according to the above meanings of the words Renewal or to Renew or (RE, NU coming from the Ancient Tama-Reans Egyptian Words) the process of renewing yourself thus your life is to create “new repetition patterns” in your Mind. How? By creating a new way of Thinking, learning to see the bright side of the coin, learn to notice the little PRAYERS being answered in your life and also the Manifestations of “MIRACLES”, and “COINCIDENCES”, thus producing a REGENERATED SPIRIT AND SOUL!

Everything in Nature goes through a renewal, the Seasons Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall, are examples of Climatic Changes and Renewal, Our


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