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Fuzzy Stability of Additive Functional Inequalities with the Fixed Point Alternative


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Volume 2009, Article ID 410576,17pages doi:10.1155/2009/410576

Research Article

Fuzzy Stability of Additive Functional Inequalities

with the Fixed Point Alternative

Choonkil Park

Department of Mathematics, Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, South Korea

Correspondence should be addressed to Choonkil Park,[email protected]

Received 12 October 2009; Revised 16 November 2009; Accepted 30 November 2009

Academic Editor: Nikolaos Papageorgiou

Copyrightq2009 Choonkil Park. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Using the fixed point method, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the Cauchy additive functional inequality and of the Cauchy-Jensen additive functional inequality in fuzzy Banach spaces.

1. Introduction and Preliminaries

Katsaras1defined a fuzzy norm on a vector space to construct a fuzzy vector topological structure on the space. Some mathematicians have defined fuzzy norms on a vector space from various points of view2–4. In particular, Bag and Samanta5, following Cheng and Mordeson6, gave an idea of fuzzy norm in such a manner that the corresponding fuzzy metric is of Kramosil and Mich´alek type7. They established a decomposition theorem of a fuzzy norm into a family of crisp norms and investigated some properties of fuzzy normed spaces8.

We use the definition of fuzzy normed spaces given in5,9,10to investigate a fuzzy version of the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability for the Cauchy additive functional inequality and for the Cauchy-Jensen additive functional inequality in the fuzzy normed vector space setting.

Definition 1.1see5,9–11. LetXbe a real vector space. A functionN :X×R → 0,1is called a fuzzy normonXif for allx, yXand alls, t∈R,

N1Nx, t 0 fort≤0;

N2x0 if and only ifNx, t 1 for allt >0;


N4Nxy, st≥min{Nx, s, Ny, t};

N5Nx,·is a nondecreasing function ofRand limt→ ∞Nx, t 1; N6forx /0,Nx,·is continuous onR.

The pairX, Nis called a fuzzy normed vector space.

The properties of fuzzy normed vector spaces and examples of fuzzy norms are given in10,11.

Definition 1.2see5,9–11. LetX, Nbe a fuzzy normed vector space. A sequence{xn}in

Xis said to be convergentor convergeif there exists anxXsuch that limn→ ∞Nxnx, t 1

for allt > 0. In this case,xis called thelimitof the sequence {xn}and we denote it byN

-limn→ ∞xnx.

Definition 1.3see5,9,10. LetX, Nbe a fuzzy normed vector space. A sequence{xn}in Xis calledCauchyif for eachε >0 and eacht >0 there exists ann0∈Nsuch that for allnn0

and allp >0, we haveNxnpxn, t>1−ε.

It is well known that every convergent sequence in a fuzzy normed vector space is Cauchy. If each Cauchy sequence is convergent, then the fuzzy norm is said to becomplete and the fuzzy normed vector space is called a fuzzy Banach space.

We say that a mappingf : XY between fuzzy normed vector spaces X and Y

is continuous at a pointx0 ∈ X if for each sequence{xn} converging tox0 inX, then the

sequence{fxn}converges tofx0. Iff:XY is continuous at eachxX, thenf:X

Y is said to be continuousonXsee8.

The stability problem of functional equations originated from a question of Ulam12

concerning the stability of group homomorphisms. Hyers13gave a first affirmative partial answer to the question of Ulam for Banach spaces. Hyers’ theorem was generalized by Aoki

14for additive mappings and by Th. M. Rassias15for linear mappings by considering an unbounded Cauchy difference. The paper of Th. M. Rassias 15 has provided a lot of influence in the development of what we call generalized Hyers-Ulam stabilityor as Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stabilityof functional equations. A generalization of the Th. M. Rassias theorem was obtained by G˘avrut¸a16by replacing the unbounded Cauchy difference by a general control function in the spirit of Th. M. Rassias’ approach.

The functional equation

fxyfxy2fx 2fy 1.1

is called a quadratic mapping equation. In particular, every solution of the quadratic functional equation is said to be a quadratic function. A generalized Hyers-Ulam stability problem for the quadratic functional equation was proved by Skof17for mappingsf :XY, where

Xis a normed space andY is a Banach space. Cholewa18noticed that the theorem of Skof is still true if the relevant domainX is replaced by an Abelian group. Czerwik19proved the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the quadratic functional equation.

In20, Jun and Kim considered the following cubic functional equation:


which is called a cubic functional equationand every solution of the cubic functional equation is said to be a cubic mapping. In21, Lee et al. considered the following quartic functional equation:

f2xyf2xy4fxy4fxy24fx−6fy, 1.3

which is called a quartic functional equation and every solution of the quartic functional equation is said to be a quartic mapping. Quartic functional equations have been investigated in22,23.

Surveys of expository results on related advances both in single variables and in multivariables have been given in 24, 25. The stability problems of several functional equations have been extensively investigated by a number of authors and there are many interesting results concerning this problemsee26–33.

Gil´anyi34showed that iffsatisfies the functional inequality

2fx 2f

yfxyfxy, 1.4

thenfsatisfies the Jordan-von Neumann functional equation

2fx 2fyfxyfxy. 1.5

See also35. Fechner36and Gil´anyi37proved the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the functional inequality1.4. Park et al.38investigated the Cauchy additive functional inequality

fx fyfzfxyz 1.6

and the Cauchy-Jensen additive functional inequality

fx fyf2z≤2f


2 z


and proved the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the functional inequalities1.6and1.7

in Banach spaces.

LetX be a set. A functiond:X×X → 0,∞is called a generalized metric onXifd


1dx, y 0 if and only ifxy;

2dx, y dy, xfor allx, yX;


Theorem 1.4see39,40. LetX, dbe a complete generalized metric space and letJ :XX

be a strictly contractive mapping with Lipschitz constantL <1. Then for each given elementxX, either

dJnx, Jn1x 1.8

for all nonnegative integersnor there exists a positive integern0such that

1dJnx, Jn1x<,nn 0;

2the sequence{Jnx}converges to a fixed pointyofJ;

3yis the unique fixed point ofJin the setY {yX|dJn0x, y<∞}; 4dy, y∗≤1/1−Ldy, Jyfor allyY.

In 1996, Isac and Th. M. Rassias41were the first to provide applications of stability theory of functional equations for the proof of new fixed point theorems with applications. By using fixed point methods, the stability problems of several functional equations have been extensively investigated by a number of authorssee42–47.

The generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of different functional equations in random normed spaces and in probabilistic normed spaces has been recently studied in48–52.

In 53, Park et al. proved the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the functional inequalities1.6and1.7in fuzzy Banach spaces in the spirit of Hyers, Ulam, and Th. M. Rassias.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, using the fixed point method, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the Cauchy additive functional inequality1.6

in fuzzy Banach spaces. In Section 3, using fixed point method, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the Cauchy-Jensen additive functional inequality 1.7 in fuzzy Banach spaces.

Throughout this paper, assume that X is a vector space and thatY, N is a fuzzy Banach space.

2. Fuzzy Stability of the Cauchy Additive Functional Inequality

In this section, using the fixed point method, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the Cauchy additive functional inequality1.6in fuzzy Banach spaces.

Theorem 2.1. Letϕ:X3 0,be a function such that there exists anL <1with

ϕx, y, zL


2x,2y,2z 2.1

for allx, y, zX. Letf :XY be an odd mapping satisfying

Nfx fyfz, t≥min N



, t tϕx, y, z


for allx, y, zX and allt > 0. ThenAx : N-limn→ ∞2nfx/2nexists for eachxX and

defines an additive mappingA:XYsuch that

NfxAx, t≥ 2−2Lt

2−2LtLϕx, x,−2x 2.3

for allxXand allt >0.

Proof. Sincefis odd,f0 0. SoNf0, t/2 1. Lettingyxand replacingzby−2xin

2.2, we get

Nf2x−2fx, tt

tϕx, x,−2x 2.4

for allxX.

Consider the set

S:g:X−→Y 2.5

and introduce the generalized metric onS:

dg, hinf

μ∈R :Ngx−hx, μtt

tϕx, x,−2x,xX,t >0

, 2.6

where, as usual, infφ ∞. It is easy to show thatS, dis complete.See the proof of Lemma 2.1 of49.

Now we consider the linear mappingJ:SSsuch that




for allxX.

Letg, hSbe given such thatdg, h ε. Then

Ngxhx, εtt


for allxXand allt >0. Hence

NJgxJhx, LεtN2gx




, Lεt









Lt/2ϕx/2, x/2,x


Lt/2 L/2ϕx, x,−2x


tϕx, x,−2x


for allxXand allt >0. Sodg, h εimplies thatdJg, Jh. This means that

dJg, JhLdg, h 2.10

for allg, hS.

It follows from2.4that







tϕx, x,−2x 2.11

for allxXand allt >0. Sodf, JfL/2.

ByTheorem 1.4, there exists a mappingA:XY satisfying the following.

1Ais a fixed point ofJ, that is,




2Ax 2.12

for allxX. Sincef :XY is odd,A :XY is an odd mapping. The mappingAis a unique fixed point ofJin the set

MgS:df, g<. 2.13

This implies thatAis a unique mapping satisfying2.12such that there exists aμ∈0,


Nfx−Ax, μtt

tϕx, x,−2x 2.14


2dJnf, A 0 asn → ∞. This implies the equality

N- lim

n→ ∞2 nfx


Ax 2.15

for allxX.

3df, A≤1/1−Ldf, Jf, which implies the inequality

df, AL

2−2L. 2.16

This implies that the inequality2.3holds. By2.2,








≥min N





, t

tϕx/2n, y/2n, z/2n


for allx, y, zX, allt >0 and alln∈N. So







, t

≥min N






, t/2 n

t/2n Ln/2nϕx, y, z


for allx, y, zX, allt >0 and alln∈N. Since limn→ ∞t/2n/t/2nLn/2nϕx, y, z 1

for allx, y, zXand allt >0,

NAx AyAz, tN




for allx, y, zX and allt > 0. By53, Lemma 2.1, the mappingA : XY is Cauchy additive, as desired.

Corollary 2.2. Letθ≥0and letpbe a real number withp >1. LetXbe a normed vector space with norm · . Letf :XYbe an odd mapping satisfying

Nfx fyfz, t≥min N

fxyz, t


, t

x pyp z p


for allx, y, zX and allt > 0. ThenAx : N-limn→ ∞2nfx/2nexists for eachxX and

defines an additive mappingA:XYsuch that

NfxAx, t≥ 2 p2t

2p2t 22pθ x p 2.21

for allxXand allt >0.

Proof. The proof follows fromTheorem 2.1by taking

ϕx, y:θ x pyp z p 2.22

for allx, y, zX. Then we can chooseL21−pand we get the desired result.

Theorem 2.3. Letϕ:X3 0,be a function such that there exists anL <1with

ϕx, y, z≤2Lϕx







for all x, y, zX. Let f : XY be an odd mapping satisfying 2.2. Then Ax : N -limn→ ∞1/2nf2nx exists for eachxX and defines an additive mappingA : XY such


NfxAx, t≥ 2−2Lt

2−2Ltϕx, x,−2x 2.24

for allxXand allt >0.

Proof. LetS, dbe the generalized metric space defined in the proof ofTheorem 2.1. Consider the linear mappingJ:SSsuch that

Jgx: 1

2g2x 2.25

for allxX.

Letg, hSbe given such thatdg, h ε. Then

Ngxhx, εtt


for allxXand allt >0. Hence

NJgxJhx, LεtN


2g2x− 1

2h2x, Lεt


≥ 2Lt



2Lt2Lϕx, x,−2x


tϕx, x,−2x


for allxXand allt >0. Sodg, h εimplies thatdJg, Jh. This means that

dJg, JhLdg, h 2.28

for allg, hS.

It follows from2.4that



2f2x, 1 2t


tϕx, x,−2x 2.29

for allxXand allt >0. Sodf, Jf≤1/2.

ByTheorem 1.4, there exists a mappingA:XY satisfying the following.

1Ais a fixed point ofJ, that is,

A2x 2Ax 2.30

for allxX. Sincef :XY is odd,A :XY is an odd mapping. The mappingAis a unique fixed point ofJin the set

MgS:df, g<. 2.31

This implies thatAis a unique mapping satisfying2.30such that there exists aμ∈0,


Nfx−Ax, μtt

tϕx, x,−2x 2.32

for allxX.

2dJnf, A 0 asn → ∞. This implies the equality

N- lim

n→ ∞

1 2nf2

nx Ax 2.33


3df, A≤1/1−Ldf, Jf, which implies the inequality

df, A≤ 1

2−2L. 2.34

This implies that the inequality2.24holds.

The rest of the proof is similar to the proof ofTheorem 2.1.

Corollary 2.4. Let θ ≥ 0 and letpbe a real number with 0 < p < 1. Let X be a normed vector space with norm · . Let f : XY be an odd mapping satisfying2.20. ThenAx : N -limn→ ∞1/2nf2nx exists for eachxX and defines an additive mappingA : XY such


NfxAx, t≥ 2−2 pt

2−2pt 22pθ x p 2.35

for allxXand allt >0.

Proof. The proof follows fromTheorem 2.3by taking

ϕx, y:θ x pyp z p 2.36

for allx, y, zX. Then we can chooseL2p−1and we get the desired result.

3. Fuzzy Stability of the Cauchy-Jensen Additive Functional Inequality

In this section, using the fixed point method, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the Cauchy-Jensen additive functional inequality1.7in fuzzy Banach spaces.

Theorem 3.1. Letϕ:X3 0,be a function such that there exists anL <1with

ϕx, y, zL


2x,2y,2z 3.1

for allx, y, zX. Letf :XY be an odd mapping satisfying

Nfx fyf2z, t≥min N



2 z



, t tϕx, y, z


for allx, y, zX and allt > 0. ThenAx : N-limn→ ∞2nfx/2nexists for eachxX and

defines an additive mappingA:XYsuch that

NfxAx, t≥ 2−2Lt

2−2LtLϕx, x,x 3.3


Proof. Lettingyxzin3.2, we get

Nf2x−2fx, t≥ t

tϕx, x,x 3.4

for allxX.

Consider the set

S:g:X−→Y 3.5

and introduce the generalized metric onS:

dg, hinf

μ∈R:Ngxhx, μtt

tϕx, x,x,xX,t >0

, 3.6

where, as usual, infφ ∞. It is easy to show thatS, dis complete.See the proof of Lemma 2.1 of49.

Now we consider the linear mappingJ:SSsuch that




for allxX.

Letg, hSbe given such thatdg, h ε. Then

Ngxhx, εtt

tϕx, x,x 3.8

for allxXand allt >0. Hence

NJgxJhx, LεtN2gx




, Lεt








Lt/ Lt/2

2 ϕx/2, x/2,x/2 ≥


Lt/2 L/2ϕx, x,−x


tϕx, x,x


for allxXand allt >0. Sodg, h εimplies thatdJg, Jh. This means that

dJg, JhLdg, h 3.10


It follows from3.4that







tϕx, x,x 3.11

for allxXand allt >0. Sodf, JfL/2.

ByTheorem 1.4, there exists a mappingA:XY satisfying the following.

1Ais a fixed point ofJ, that is,




2Ax 3.12

for allxX. Sincef :XY is odd,A :XY is an odd mapping. The mappingAis a unique fixed point ofJin the set

MgS:df, g<. 3.13

This implies thatAis a unique mapping satisfying3.12such that there exists aμ∈0,


NfxAx, μtt

tϕx, x,x 3.14

for allxX.

2dJnf, A 0 asn → ∞. This implies the equality

N- lim

n→ ∞2 nfx


Ax 3.15

for allxX.

3df, A≤1/1−Ldf, Jf, which implies the inequality

df, AL

2−2L. 3.16

This implies that the inequality3.3holds.

The rest of proof is similar to the proof ofTheorem 2.1.

Corollary 3.2. Letθ≥0and letpbe a real number withp >1. LetXbe a normed vector space with norm · . Letf :XYbe an odd mapping satisfying

Nfx fyf2z, t≥min N



2 z



, t

x pyp z p


for allx, y, zX and allt > 0. ThenAx : N-limn→ ∞2nfx/2nexists for eachxX and

defines an additive mappingA:XYsuch that

NfxAx, t≥ 2 p2t

2p2t3θ x p 3.18

for allxXand allt >0.

Proof. The proof follows fromTheorem 3.1by taking

ϕx, y:θ x pyp z p 3.19

for allx, y, zX. Then we can chooseL21−pand we get the desired result.

Theorem 3.3. Letϕ:X3 0,be a function such that there exists anL <1with

ϕx, y, z≤2Lϕx







for all x, y, zX. Let f : XY be an odd mapping satisfying 3.2. Then Ax : N -limn→ ∞1/2nf2nx exists for eachxX and defines an additive mappingA : XY such


NfxAx, t≥ 2−2Lt

2−2Ltϕx, x,x 3.21

for allxXand allt >0.

Proof. LetS, dbe the generalized metric space defined in the proof ofTheorem 3.1. Consider the linear mappingJ:SSsuch that

Jgx: 1

2g2x 3.22

for allxX.

Letg, hSbe given such thatdg, h ε. Then

Ngxhx, εtt


for allxXand allt >0. Hence

NJgxJhx, LεtN


2g2x− 1

2h2x, Lεt


≥ 2Lt



2Lt2Lϕx, x,x


tϕx, x,x


for allxXand allt >0. Sodg, h εimplies thatdJg, Jh. This means that

dJg, JhLdg, h 3.25

for allg, hS.

It follows from3.4that


fx−1 2f2x,

1 2t


tϕx, x,x 3.26

for allxXand allt >0. Sodf, Jf≤1/2.

ByTheorem 1.4, there exists a mappingA:XY satisfying the following.

1Ais a fixed point ofJ, that is,

A2x 2Ax 3.27

for allxX. Sincef :XY is odd,A :XY is an odd mapping. The mappingAis a unique fixed point ofJin the set

MgS:df, g<. 3.28

This implies thatAis a unique mapping satisfying3.27such that there exists aμ∈0,


NfxAx, μtt

tϕx, x,x 3.29

for allxX.

2dJnf, A 0 asn → ∞. This implies the equality

N- lim

n→ ∞

1 2nf2

nx Ax 3.30


3df, A≤1/1−Ldf, Jf, which implies the inequality

df, A≤ 1

2−2L. 3.31

This implies that the inequality3.21holds.

The rest of the proof is similar to the proof ofTheorem 2.1.

Corollary 3.4. Let θ ≥ 0 and letpbe a real number with 0 < p < 1. Let X be a normed vector space with norm · . Let f : XY be an odd mapping satisfying3.17. ThenAx : N -limn→ ∞1/2nf2nx exists for eachxX and defines an additive mappingA : XY such


NfxAx, t≥ 2−2 pt

2−2pt3θ x p 3.32

for allxXand allt >0.

Proof. The proof follows fromTheorem 3.3by taking

ϕx, y:θ x pyp z p 3.33

for allx, y, zX. Then we can chooseL2p−1and we get the desired result.


This work was supported by the Hanyang University in 2009.


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