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Thomas A. Langan, … , E. L. Durrum, William P. Jencks

J Clin Invest. 1955;34(9):1427-1436. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI103192.

Research Article

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(From the Department of Pharmacology, Army Medical Service Graduate School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C.)

(Submitted for publication March 21, 1955; accepted May 11, 1955)

The development of methods for the separation and measurement of serum lipoproteins by ultra-centrifugal flotation, fractional precipitation and

zone electrophoresis has made possible studies of the metabolism and pathological significance of several lipoprotein fractions. Except for early studies by Lindgren, Elliott, Gofman, Jones, Lyon, and Strisower on the relationship of beta lipopro-teinsubfractions of certain flotation rates to athero-sclerosis (1, 2) most of these studies have been concerned with alpha and beta lipoproteins, as de-fined by density in the ultracentrifugal techniques

(3-5), by solubility in the chemical fractionation

techniques (6) and by mobility in electrophoretic separation. Using a protein fractionation proce-duredeveloped by Cohn and his group (7), Barr, Russ, and Eder (8, 9) found that in 33 athero-sclerotic individuals an average of only 13.6 per

cent of the total serum cholesterol was associated withthe alpha lipoprotein fraction as compared to 27.8 per cent in 85 normals.

In an attempt to avoid the complex equipment and technique and the large amount of serum re-quired for the ultracentrifugal and chemical tech-niques, several workers have taken advantage of the ease of separation of alpha and beta lipopro-teins by electrophoresis in anti-convection media such as starch and filter paper. The separated lipoproteins were then measured either by stain-ing techniques, which are dependent on the

solu-bility of lipid dyes in certain serum lipids (10-14

and others), or by the more specific method of elution and chemical determination of the choles-terol in the alpha and beta lipoprotein fractions

(15-21). Thus Nikkila (15), using 0.24 ml. of

1Present address: Department of Pharmacology,

Stan-ford University Medical School, Clay & Webster Sts.,

San Francisco 15, California.

2Present address: Biochemical Research Laboratory,

Massachusetts General Hospital, Fruit St., Boston, Mass.

serum separated on three sheets of 11 x 30 -cm. paper has shown a decrease in alpha lipoprotein cholesterol in atherosclerotic patients, and Kunkel and Slater (22) have made use of starch blocks

assupporting media in order toavoid the "tailing" oflipoproteins encountered with filter paper. The techniques of cholesterol measurement used in these studies have thedisadvantages ofbeing

time-consuming and of requiring larger amounts of serum than can be adequately separated on a

single paper strip of reasonable size.

Zlatkis, Zak, and Boyle have recently described

a method for the determination of the total cho-lesterol of whole serum without extraction,

pre-cipitation or hydrolysis, which is several times more sensitive than the Schoenheimer-Sperry

technique and which gives equal color with cho-lesterol and cholesterol esters (23). Use of this method on whole serum has been criticized by Best, Van Loon, Wathem, and Seger (24) who found that it gave high values compared to the

Schoenheimer-Sperry method, and by Fiirst and Lange (25) who found variations in color with changes intemperature or amounts of reagent.

A method is described here for the

determina-tion of alpha and beta lipoprotein cholesterol on

eluates from 0.02 ml. of electrophoretically sepa-rated serum. Cholesterol is determined by a

modification of the Zlatkis, Zak, and Boyle pro-cedure which gives satisfactory agreement with the Schoenheimer-Sperry technique. The small amount of serumrequired allows a clearcut

sepa-ration of the alpha and beta fractions in a short

migration distance without overloading of the

paper and without measurable error due to "tail-ing." The method is suited for large scale

clini-cal studies with regard to time, technique and ap-paratus involved and meets clinical standards of reproducibility and quantitative recovery.




1. Barbital buffer, pH 8.6, 0.05,. 1.84 g. of

diethyl-barbituric acid and 10.3 g. of sodium barbital were

dis-solved inone liter of distilled water.

2. Sudan black staining solutiont was prepared

ac-cording to Swahn (10). One liter of 60per cent ethanol was saturated with 1 g. of Sudan black B (National

Aniline Division, Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation) by bringing to the boiling point. The solution was

cooled to room temperature, filtered, and stored in a

closed container.

3. Chloroformt-methanol solvent: Two volumes of

re-distilled chloroform were mixed with one volume of re-distilled methanol just prior touse. These solvents were

freshly distilled no more than two weeks before use.

4. Standard cholesterol soluitiont: One hundred mg. of

recrystallized cholesterol was dissolved in glacial acetic

acid and made up to 100 ml. at 250 C. This solution was stored frozen in the refrigerator and warmed to 240 to 260 C. before samples were withdrawn. Under these conditions no measurable deterioration of the standard

solution was found over a period of four months.

5. Glacial acetic acid: Except as otherwise specified,

reagent grade glacial acetic acid (Fisher Chemical Co.)

was used. Acetic acid was tested for the presence of

glyoxylic acid which would give color with tryptophane by a modification of the method of Brice (26). Five

hundredths ml. of 100 mg. per cent aqueous tryptophane was added to 0.95 ml. of the acetic acid to be tested. A volume of 0.65 ml. of sulfuric acid was then added, and

the mixture was heated for 20 minutes at 560 C. A pink color inidicates the presence of glyoxylic acid.

Acetic acid which was used for cholesterol

determina-tions gave a faint or negative reaction with this test. 6. Ferric chloride-sulfuric acid cholesterol reagent

(23): One g. of reagent grade FeCl3 6H2O (Coleman & Bell Co.) was dissolved in glacial acetic acid and

made up to 10.0 ml. in a volumetric flask. Five ml. of

this solution was diluted to 500 ml. with concentrated

suliuric acid (Baker and Adamson C.P. reagent). The resulting pale yellow solution was stored in a

separa-tory funnel plugged with a drying tube containing

an-hydrous calcium sulfate (Drierite) to prevent absorption of moisture from the air. Reagent kept in this way over

one month gave the same results as fresh reagent.


1. Elcctrophoresis: Electrophoretic separation was

car-ried out on eight 2.9X30.0 cm. Whatman 3 MM filter

paper strips in a cell of the hanging strip type (27). To minimize variations in the final color caused by

ma-terial in the paper, all strips used in each determination were cut from the same sheet of filter paper and care

was taken to keep the strips clean and free from

per-spiration. After the strips had been wet with buffer and allowed to drain for 151 minutes, 0.02 ml. of serum was

applied in a streak at the apex of each strip with a

mi-cropipette (Microchemical Specialties Co., Berkeley, California), and a potential of 220 volts (14-17 m.a.)

was applied for two hours. The strips wsere then spread flat to avoid shifts in the bands during drying, and dried with a current of air at room temperature. Each serum was run in duplicate along with an additional sample for


2. Staiitintg: Those strips which were to be used to

locate the lipoprotein bands were dried horizontally for 10 minutes in an oven at 1100 C., stained for one hour

in Sudan black staining solution, rinsed for a few

min-utes in tap water, blotted, and again dried. One strip could be used for the location ofthe lipoprotein bands of

two different sera by applying two 0.01 ml. samples to a

strip witha 2X 120mm. slit cutdown its ceniter (Figure


3. Elution: The apparatus used for eluting cholesterol from the strips is shown in Figure 2. Athermostatically controlled heating block maintains the solvent in the tubes at a steady boil with the vapors condensing on air cooled stainless steel condensers or "cold finger" con-densers constructed from conical centrifuge tubes.

Pa-per segments attached to the condensers are exposed to

.: .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. of



The lines represent the point for division of the bands on corresponding unstained strips.

The carets show the point of serum application.




00 0 0 00







DIA. |

25mm 35mm




9mm 45mm



FENWAL No.17000



a constant flow of fresh solvent, thus accomplishing an elution similar in principle to a Soxhlet extraction. The thermostat on the block is adjusted so as to maintain 4 ml. of water in an elution tube at 72 to 730 C. This provides for rapid boiling without excessive loss of

sol-vent during the elution. The tops of the elution tubes

are ground at a bevel to provide a close fit to the metal condensers.

The lipid patterns on the stained strips were marked off into two 3 cm. segments which best separated the alpha and beta fractions and which together included the entire lipid pattern (Figure 1). Identical segments were thenmarkedoff onthe unstained strips by aligning them with the corresponding stained pattern at the point of

serum application. These unstained segments were cut

out, folded with tweezersin one directionto four or five

thicknesses and forced into the wire loops on the

con-densers. A 3 cm. segment cut from the cathode side of

a strip was used as a blank. Four ml. of

chloroform-methanol solvent was added to each elution tube along with an alumina boiling chip, and the tubes were placed

inthe heating blockand allowed to come to aboil.. The

condensers were thenplaced inthe tubes and adjusted so

that the shafts did not touch the walls of the elution tubes, thus preventing the refluxing solvent from being

drained off the condensers onto the walls of the tubes without passing through the paper segments. The

seg-ments were eluted for two hours and the tubes were al-lowed to stand overnight.

4. Determination of cholesterol: The cholesterol in the eluate was determined by a modification of the

method of Zlatkis, Zak, and Boyle (23). After the con-densers were removed from the tubes and a fresh

boil-ing stone added, the solventwas again brought toa boil on the block. A cardboard cover with holes for the

openings of the tubes was placed over the apparatus to

help the evaporation by warming the tubes and prevent-ing condensation of vapor on their walls. The cover

was constructed so as to enclose the entire space above the heating block up to the top of the tubes. After the solvent had been allowed to evaporate for one hour the cover was removed, 1.00 ml. of glacial acetic acid

was added to the dry residue in each tube, and the tubes were replaced in the heated block for 15 minutes to in-sure solution of the residue. At this point two stand-ards were prepared by pipetting 0.02 ml. of the standard cholesterol solution into each of two elution tubes and adding 0.98 ml. of glacial acetic acid. A volume of 1.00 ml. of acetic acid was added to an elution tube for use as a reagent blank. After the tubes had cooled, 0.65 ml. STAINLESS STEEL




of ferric chloride-sulfuric acid cholesterol reagent was added to each tube from a 10 ml. burette, allowing it to run slowly down the wall of the tube from a pointabout 3 cm. above the level of the acetic acid so as to form a layer under the acetic acid. Immediately after adding the reagent each tube was struck sharply with the fingers

to mix the reagents and placed in a 56° ± 10 C. water bath for 20 (17 to 23) minutes. Samples containing

cholesterol developeda brownish purplecolor, while elu-tion blanks were pale yellow. The solutions were allowed to cool toroom temperature, transferred tomatched 10X

75 mm.roundcuvettes, centrifugedbriefly to remove

bub-bles, and readwithinone hour ina Coleman Junior

Spec-trophotometer at 560 nm.. In transferring the viscous samples to the cuvettes, the elution tubeswereallowed to drain while supported in an inverted position by 1 x110 mm. glass rods placed in the cuvettes. The optical den-sity developed in the standard tubes showed a range of variation of 10 per cent over several months.

For the determination of eluted cholesterol by the

Sperry and Webb modification of the

Schoenheimer-Sperry procedure (28) it was necessary to combine

elu-ates from two strips. The evaporation was carried out until about 1 ml. of solvent remained in each tube, and

duplicate eluates were then combined, rinsing three times

with 1 ml., 0.5 ml., and 0.5 ml. of chloroform-methanol. The combined eluates were evaporated to dryness, and the residue extracted three times with 1 ml., 0.75 ml., and 0.75 ml. ofethanol-ether (3:1), transferring the ex-tracts to a 15 ml. conical centrifuge tube. Hydrolysis,

digitonin precipitation and color development were then

carriedout in the usual manner.


Color development and elution

Determination of the total cholesterol of whole

serum with the ferric chloride-sulfuric acid rea-gent without extraction, hydrolysis or precipita-tion (23) has in ourhands given resultswhich do

not consistently agree with those obtained with the Schoenheimer-Sperry method, in confirmation of the report by Best, Van Loon, Wathem, and

Seger (24). Use of acetic acid which had been refluxed over chromic acid and redistilled twice

(29) did not improve the results.

However, when the reaction was carried out on

chloroform-methanol extracts of serum which had

been electrophoretically separated on paper strips,

andthe temperature duringcolordevelopment was controlled byuse of a 560 water bath, satisfactory results were obtained.3

3After this work was completed, Zak, and his

co-workers published a method for the determination of total serum cholesterol with the ferric chloride-sulfuric


Colordevelopment with wholeserumand eluted serum using aceticacidof varying degrees of purity *


Acetic acid

Puri-fied Reagent U.S. P.

H2SO4-FeCl3 Wholeserum .379 .407 .433 Reagent Eluted serum .366 .375 .360

H2SO4 only Whole serum .097 .126 .144 Eluted serum .068 .055 .062

Glyoxylic acid reaction 0 + + + +

*Purified acetic acid was refluxed over chromic acid and

redistilled. Eluted samples are from serum streaked and driedonfilter paper. Colordevelopment was carried out asdescribed in the text.

Table I shows the influence of impurities in the acetic acid on the amount of color developed

in the determination of cholesterol on whole se-rum and on chloroform-methanol extracts of se-rum streaks dried on paper. It may be seen that with lots of acetic acid giving increasingly strong

glyoxylic acid reactions there is an increase in the

amount of color developed with whole serum, but



.400-0. 0


20 40 60 80


FIG. 3. STANDARD CURVE FOR PURE CHOLESTEROL acid reagent on alcohol-acetone extracts of sera which shows satisfactory agreement with the

Kingsley-Schaf-fert procedure (30).



Recovery ofaddedcholesterol


after Recovery

Serum addition ofadded Re-cholesterol of 20pg. cholesterol covery

Serum Fraction pg. cholesterol pg. %

Pool I* Alpha 8.9 29.6 20.7 104

Beta 31.5 50.2 18.7 94

1149 Alpha 7.1 27.6 20.5 103

Beta 36.2 57.0 20.8 104

1221 Alpha 10.2 31.2 21.0 105

Beta 23.0 43.5 20.5 103

1579 Alpha 8.5 29.3 20.8 104

Beta 41.4 62.0 20.6 103

* Pooled serum from 10blood donors.




that no such increase occurs with eluates of the same serum. If ferric chloride is omitted so that

the reaction is carried out under the conditions of the glyoxylic acid-tryptophane reaction, the same

results are obtained. The small amount of color

developed in all samples without ferric chloride is probably due to the reaction of small amounts

of oxidizing substances present in the reaction

mixture with cholesterol.

Figure 3 shows thatthecolor developed with

in-creasing amounts of pure cholesterol increases

linearly up to an optical density of at least 0.700

when measured in the Coleman Junior Spectro-photometer after 20 minutes color development

in the 560 bath. After this incubation the color

is stable foratleast onehour at room temperature

orfor 20 minutes at560.

Figure 4 shows that a linear response is also

obtained with increasing amounts of serum

car-ried through the complete process of

electropho-retic separation, elution, and color development.

The total cholesterol of this serum as determined

by the Schoenheimer-Sperry technique was 212 mg. percent,as comparedto 216 mg.percent ob-tained by addingthealpha and betavalues shown.

Thus the efficiency of separation and elution of

theserum is not dependenton the quantity of

ma-terial involved over a range of one-half to two

times theamountordinarily used.

Table II shows the recovery of added choles-terol, which was streaked over alpha and beta fractions of sera which had been previously

sepa-rated and dried. The quantitative recovery ob-tained is evidence against the presence in the se-rum ofinhibitors or other impurities affecting the color development dueto cholesterol.

A comparison of the results obtained with the complete separation, elution and color development procedure on six different normal and abnormal

sera with the results of Schoenheimer-Sperry de-terminations of total serum cholesterol on the

same serais shown in Table III. The sum of the values obtained for alpha and beta lipoprotein cholesterol agrees with the results of the Schoen-heimer-Sperry method within the sum of the


Recovery of elutedcholesterol determined by theferricchloride andSchoenheimer-Sperry methods


1589 1590 1592 1593 1595 PoolII*

Schoen- heimer-Sperry




202 331 238 332 328 288

Ferric chloride

eluted cholesterol

(sum of alpha andbeta)

mg. %

192 326 258 337 330 261



99 110 102 101 91



eluted cholesterol


213 322 247 309 306 264


106 97 103 96 93 92 Average

recovery 100 98

*Pool of 5sera. 0


v> tA


;&g. Cholesterolrecovered Alpha Beta

10.3 34.4

-0.1* -0.4*

-0.2* 0.4

-0.2* 0.3

Serum: Pool I from 10 blood donors.

Cholesterol applied (Schoenheimer-Sperry method): 42.4 ,ug.

Cholesterol recovered (Ferric chloride method,sum

of 1i hr. alpha and beta values): 44.7,g.

*Negativefiguresrepresentvalues lower thanthe blanks.

These differences are no greater than the error of the


rors of the two methods. To insure that the

ap-parently complete recovery was not an artifact

duetoacombination ofincomplete elution and

er-roneously highvalues with the ferric chloride

pro-cedure, the same sera were electrophoretically

separated, the entire lipid containing area was

eluted, and the combined eluates from two strips

were analyzed for cholesterol by the

Schoen-heimer-Sperry procedure. The last two columns of Table III show that these values agree

satis-factorily with those obtained with the ferric

chloride method.

Asafurthertestofthecompleteness ofthe

two-hour elution procedure, the alpha and beta

seg-ments oftwo stripswereeluted foratotal of

nine-teenhours, transferring thesegments tofresh

elu-tion tubes at intervals and determining the

cho-lesterol extracted during each period. As shown

in Table IV, no additional cholesterol was

re-covered after one and one-half hours of elution.

The recovery (sum of one and one-half hours

alpha and beta values vs. Schoenheimer-Sperry

total) was 105 per cent.

The blank values obtainedby elution of anarea

of the paper strip containing no protein could be

lowered somewhat by extraction of the strip with

fat solvents before use. However, since the net

values for eluted serum cholesterol were not

changed by suchaprocedure, itwasnotordinarily

carried out. The buffer salts in the dried paper,

which are elutedalong with the lipid material, do

notgivecolor oraffect the colorreaction.

Electrophoretic separation

Separation of the alpha and beta lipoprotein

fractions of serum was carried out simultaneously

on eight filter paper strips moistened with pH 8.6 barbital buffer in the cell previously described (27). Using 0.02 ml. of serum, a clear cut sepa-ration of alpha and beta lipoproteins as revealed by Sudan black staining was invariably obtained. Figure 1 shows a typical "marker" strip which

was used to locate the lipoprotein bands for each of the sera run in the same cell.

The point used for dividing the alpha and beta fractions was about 2 mm. ahead of the sharply de-fined front of the beta lipoprotein band; no evi-dence was obtained by staining for the presence of other lipoprotein fractions in practicably measur-able amounts. However, in certain pathological sera, the "beta lipoprotein" band moved ahead of the beta globulins as revealed by protein staining. Since all gradations of mobility between


and beta globulin were observed for this

lipopro-teinfraction inaseries ofsuch sera, while the mo-bility of alpha lipoproteins was remarkably con-stant, it seemed most reasonable to consider these

to be abnormal forms of beta lipoprotein rather than anotherfraction of alpha lipoprotein. No at-tempt was made to distinguish between

chylomi-crons and beta lipoprotein


at the appli-cationpoint; such a differentiation would

presum-ablybe of little importance in any case because of

the low cholesterol content of chylomicrons (1).

Under these conditions of electrophoretic

sepa-ration, the leading edge of the alpha lipoprotein band migrated 3 to 4 cm. from the origin. This relatively short migration distance was selected in order to minimize the possibility of error due to

"tailing" of alpha lipoprotein and the high blank values obtained if large amounts of paper are

eluted. As mentioned above, "tailing" of beta lipoproteins is of no consequence, since any beta "tail" is eluted with the band itself. The linear recovery of cholesterol obtained with electrophore-sis and elution of increasing amounts, of serum

(Figure 4) rules out the possibility of significant

adsorption of the alpha lipoprotein of the kind ordinarily observed, in which a fairly constant

amount ofmaterial is adsorbed on agiven area of paper regardless of the amount applied. The oc-currence of an appreciable amount of this type of

"tailing" would result in a displacement of the

alpha and beta lipoprotein lines so that the latter would intersect the ordinate above zero, and the former below zero, as found with albumin

"tail-TABLE IV

Elutionofcholesterolfromalphaand betalipoproteins


0 tolI hrs.

ljhrs. to 2 hrs. 2hrs.to 4 hrs.







z> 2 ~~3 4





ing" (31, 32). It is likely that albumin, passing

over the paper surface in front of the alpha

lipo-protein, covers up the available adsorptive sites on thepaper, thus "laying down a carpet" for the

globulin fractions.

Decomposition of cholesterol

The recovery of cholesterol from a series of

identical strips eluted at varying periods of time after electrophoretic separation is shown in

Fig-ure 5. It may be seen that after the strips had

stood in air at room temperature for four days there was a 55 per cent loss of cholesterol as

de-termined by theferric chloride procedure. Strips

which had been kept under nitrogen for the same

periodof time showedonly a 16percent loss,

sug-gesting that oxidation was responsible for the

de-composition. Inasimilarexperiment strips which

had been allowed to stand for seven days in air

showed a 42 per cent loss by the ferric chloride

method, and a 27 per cent loss by the

Schoen-heimer-Sperry procedure. In order to avoid this

typeofdecomposition, the dried strips wereeluted

within a few hours of the electrophoretic

separa-tion. No losses were observed on allowing the

eluted cholesterol to stand in solution overnight.

Oxidation of cholesterol under these conditions

is not unexpected in view of the results of

Berg-str6m and Wintersteiner (33) who observed a

rapid oxidation ofcolloidal cholesterol inwaterby

astream of airatelevatedtemperatures anda

sig-nificantrate of decompositionat37°.

Inview of theseobservations, it appeared neces-sary toexamine the possibility of losses of

choles-terol during the electrophoretic procedure itself.

Experiments in which pure cholesterol was

ap-pliedtostrips froma solution of acetic acid, dried,

the strips moistened with buffer, and the complete electrophoretic and elution procedure carried out,

did show recoveries which were 12 to 15 per cent

low. However, numerous experiments on serum,

including those reported in Table III, failed to

show any evidence of decomposition and no

dif-ference in cholesterol recovery was observed if

the electrophoretic procedure was carried out at

0to 10 C. inanattempt to decreaseany oxidation

that might be taking place by lowering the tem-perature. Table II, already referred to, shows

that pure cholesterol added to the area of the

alpha and beta bands is recovered completely. It appears that decomposition of cholesterol

does not readily take place in solution, but is

ap-preciable when exposed to air in the solid or

col-loidal state. It is possible that serum exerts a

specific protective effect because of the presence

of antioxidants in serum. It is generally known

that while lipoproteins are stable in serum for

several weeks at 50, theyundergo rapid oxidation

in the absence of serum as shown by increases in

electrophoretic mobility and decreases in

ultra-centrifugal flotation rates (34, 35).

As a further check onthe method, the ratios of

the alpha and beta lipoproteins of three pooled

sera were determined by both the


Comparison ofthe Schoenheimer-Sperry andferric chloride methods in thedeterminationof lipoprotein


%of total cholesterol in alpha lipoprotein fraction Schoenheimer- Ferric

Sperry chloride Serum method method

Pool III* 23.4 22.9

21.4 21.9

Pool IV* 20.5 19.7

19.4 19.4


V* 20.4 19.9

18.3 18.5




Reproducibility of lipoprotein cholesterol distribution and total cholesterolinfiveseparatedeterminations

onsixnormaland abnormalsera

Serum 1149 1209 1221 1493 1579 Pool I* Experiment No. 1 2 3 4 5 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Average *Pooled

serumfrom 10 blooc

%O Alpha lipoprotein cholesterol 19.0 18.6 17.8 17.3 19.6 18.5 16.0 15.7 16.8 16.6 16.7 16.4 30.4 30.7 31.6 32.5 31.8 31.4 14.1 13.8 13.6 14.3 15.4 14.2 17.5 16.9 18.6 16.2 17.9 17.4 24.7 22.0 24.4 25.0 26.9 24.6 Total cholesterol (sumofalpha

andbeta) mng.% 240 218 224 230 235 229 315 303 307 327 322 315 191 170 175 191 197 185 336 312 318 334 333 327 280 252 269 274 283 272 228 211 218 222 230 222 d donors.

Sperryand ferric chloride methods. Because of the

comparativelylowsensitivity ofthe

Schoenheimer-Sperry method,it was necessary toelute segments

from strips on which 0.04 ml. of serum had been run, and to combine the eluates from four alpha

segments and from two beta segments for the determination of cholesterol inthe respective frac-tions. The results of such an experiment, shown

in Table V, indicate that closely comparable

val-ues for the distribution of cholesterol between the

alpha and beta lipoproteins are obtained by both

methods and that no combination of errors in

the ferric chloride method is giving rise to in-correct values for alpha and beta lipoprotein cho-lesterol while giving satisfactory agreement be-tween the two methods for total cholesterol (Table III).


The results of a study of the reproducibility of the method under conditions of routine use are

shown in Table VI. The complete separation,

elution and color development procedure was car-ried out in duplicate on each of six sera in five separate experiments over a period of nine days. The widest range of variation observed was from 22.0to 26.9 per cent for the fraction of total cho-lesterol found in alpha lipoprotein (24.4 to 26.9 per cent if one low value obtained for this serum

is omitted), and from 252 to 283 mg. per cent for the total cholesterol (sum of alpha and beta



The available methods for determination of lipoprotein concentration are dependent on

re-fractive index increment, dye binding capacity,

or the content of some chemically defined

ma-terial such as phospholipid or cholesterol in the lipoprotein molecule. Of these methods, the de-termination of cholesterol has the advantage of

being based on a specific chemical reaction of a

substance of known importance in atherosclerosis, while the refractive index increment is dependent

on the concentration of both protein and lipids. The measurement of uptake of lipid dyes by lipo-protein fractions, which is dependent on solubility interrelationships between dye, solvent and lipid,

does not appear to have as firm a basis as either

ofthese methods (36). It should be keptinmind that lipoprotein concentrations expressed in these various units are not directly comparable because of the different composition of different normal and abnormal lipoproteins.

The wide application of some of the methods

of serum lipoprotein separation and estimation

has been restrictedby thetime, technique, amount



eluates from electrophoretically separated serum

has the advantages of being relatively simple and of requiring a minimum of serum and

equip-ment. The time required and the number of sera

which can be conveniently analyzed together are

approximately the same as for the

Schoenheimer-Sperry determination of total cholesterol, while both total cholesterol and its lipoprotein distribu-tion are determined with the electrophoretic procedure.


1. A method is described for the determination of the alpha and beta lipoprotein cholesterol of 0.02 ml. of serum separated by electrophoresis on filter paper.

2. Under the conditions described, the following criteria are satisfied:

a. A linear increase in color for increasing amounts of pure cholesterol and eluted alpha and beta lipoprotein cholesterol.

b. Agreement, within the errors of the two methods, of total cholesterol and of per cent alpha lipoprotein cholesterol as determined by the method described and by the Sperry and Webb modification of the Schoenheimer-Sperry pro-cedure.

c. Complete recovery of eluted lipoprotein cho-lesterol.

d. Clear cut separation of alpha and beta lipo-proteins.

e. Satisfactory reproducibility of the results in repeated determinations on the same sera.

3. Dry cholesterol on filter paper strips

ex-posed to air at room temperature undergoes


4. The method is comparable, in terms of time andnumber ofseraanalyzed,tothe Schoenheimer-Sperry technique.


The authors are greatly indebted to Miss Marion Hyatt for help with the Schoenheimer-Sperry choles-terol determinations, and to the Department of

Bio-physical Instrumentation for construction of the elution



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