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On Regular Elements in an Incline


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Volume 2010, Article ID 903063,12pages doi:10.1155/2010/903063

Research Article

On Regular Elements in an Incline

A. R. Meenakshi and S. Anbalagan

Department of Mathematics, Karpagam University, Coimbatore 641 021, India

Correspondence should be addressed to A. R. Meenakshi,arm meenakshi@yahoo.co.in

Received 17 August 2009; Revised 31 December 2009; Accepted 28 January 2010

Academic Editor: Aloys Krieg

Copyrightq2010 A. R. Meenakshi and S. Anbalagan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Inclines are additively idempotent semirings in which products are less thanorequal to either factor. Necessary and sufficient conditions for an element in an incline to be regular are obtained. It is proved that every regular incline is a distributive lattice. The existence of the Moore-Penrose inverse of an element in an incline with involution is discussed. Characterizations of the set of all generalized inverses are presented as a generalization and development of regular elements in a

-regular ring.

1. Introduction

The notion of inclines and their applications are described comprehensively in Cao et al.1.

Recently, Kim and Roush have surveyed and outlined algebraic properties of inclines and of matrices over inclines2. Multiplicative semigroups unlike matrices over a field are not

regular; that is, it is not always possible to solve the regularity equation axa a. If there existsx,xis called ag-inverse of a and the element a is said to be regular. This concept of regularity of elements in a ring goes back to Neumann3. If every element in a ring is regular,

then it is called a regular ring. Regular rings are important in many branches of mathematics, especially in matrix theory, since the regularity condition is a linear condition that solves linear equations and takes the place of canonical decomposition.

In 4, Hartwig has studied on existence and construction of various g-inverses associated with an element in a∗-regular ring, that is, regular ring with an anti-automorphism and developed a technique for computingg-inverses mainly by using star cancellation law. In semirings one of the most important aspects of structure is a collection of equivalence relations called Green’s relations and the corresponding equivalence classes. In2, it is stated


element in an incline that is, an element in an incline is regular if and only if it is idempotent and structure of set of allg-inverses of an element in an incline with involution. InSection 2, we present the basic definitions, notations, and required results on inclines. InSection 3, some characterization of regular elements in an incline are obtained as a generalization of regular elements in a∗-regular ring studied by Hartwig and as a development of results available in a Fuzzy algebra. The invariance of the product bac for elements a,b,c in a regular incline

and ag-inverse aof a is discussed. For elements in a regular incline it is proved that equality of right ideals coincides with equality of left ideals. InSection 4, equivalent conditions for the existence of the Moore-Penrose inverse of an element in an incline with involution-Tare determined.

Green’s equivalence relation reduces to equality of elements. We conclude that the proofs are purely based on incline property without using star cancellation law as in the work of Hartwig4.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we give some definitions and notations.

Definition 2.1. An incline is a nonempty set R with binary operations addition and multiplication denoted as,·defined onR · RR such that for allx,y,zR

xyyx, xyzxyz,

xyzxyxz, yzxyxzx,

xyzxyz, xxx, xxyx, yxyy.


Definition 2.2. An inclineRis said to be commutative ifxyyxfor allx, yR.

Definition 2.3. R,≤is an incline with order relation “≤” defined onRsuch that forx, yR,

xyif and only ifxyy. Ifxy, thenyis said to dominatex.

Property 2.4. Forx, yin an inclineR,xyxandxyy.

Forxy xx yx xy, andxyx yy xy y


Property 2.5. Forx,yin an inclineR,xyxandxyy.

Throughout letRdenote an incline with order relation≤. For an elementaR,aR {ax/xR}is the right ideal of a andRa{xa/xR}is the left ideal of a.

Definition 2.6Green’s relation5. For any two elementsa,bin a semigroupS. iaLbif there existx, ySsuch thatxabandyba.

iiaRbif there existx, ySsuch thataxbandbya. iiiaJbif there existw, x, y, zsuch thatwaxb,ybza. ivaHbifaRbandaLb.


3. Regular Elements in an Incline

In this section, equivalent conditions for regularity of an element in an incline are obtained and it is proved that a regular commutative incline is a distributive lattice. The equality of rightleftideals of a pair of elements in a regular incline reduces to the equality of elements. This leads to the invariance of the product bac for all choice aof a and a,b,c in a regular

incline. Characterization of the set of all g-inverses of an element in terms of a particular

g-inverse is determined.

Just for sake of completeness we will introduceg-inverses of an element in an incline.

Definition 3.1. aRis said to be regular if there exists an elementxRsuch that axa a. Thenxis called a generalized inverse, in shortg-inverse or 1-inverse of a and is denoted as

a.Leta{1}denotes the set of all 1-inverses of a.

Definition 3.2. An element aRis called antiregular, if there exists an elementxRsuch that xax x.Thenxis called the 2-inverse of a. a{2}denotes the set of all 2-inverses of a.

Definition 3.3. ForaRif there existsxRsuch that axaa, xaxx, and axxa, thenxis called the Group inverse of a. The Group inverse of a is a commuting 1-2 inverse of a.

An incline R is said to be regular if every element of R is regular.

Example 3.4. The Fuzzy algebraFwith support 0,1under the max. min. operation is an incline 2. Each element inF is regular as well as idempotent 6, page 212. Thus F is a regular incline.

Example 3.5. LetD {a, b, c}andR PD,,,wherePDthe power set ofDis an incline. Here for each elementx ∈ PD,x2 xx x. Hencexis idempotent andxis

regularreferProposition 3.7. ThusRis a regular incline.

Lemma 3.6. Let aRbe regular. Thenaaxxa for allxa{1}. Proof. If a is regular, then byProperty 2.5

aaxaaxa. 3.1


Similarly, from axaa, it follows that a xa. Thus, a xa ax for all


Proposition 3.7. ForaR, ais regular if and only if a is idempotent.

Proof. LetaR be regular. Then byLemma 3.6,a ax xafor allxa{1}.a axa

axaa·aa2. Thus a is idempotent.

Converse is trivial.

Example 3.8. Let us consider the example 72 0,1,supx, y, xyof an incline given in2.

Herexyis usual multiplication of real numbers. Hence for eachx ∈72,x2 ≤xandx,is not

idempotent. Therefore byProposition 3.7, 72is not a regular incline.


Proof. Let a be regular, then byProposition 3.7,aa{1}. ByLemma 3.6a ax for allxa{1}. Hence byProperty 2.5ax. Thus a is the smallestg-inverse of a.

It is well known that7every distributive lattice is an incline, but an incline need not be a distributive lattice. Now we shall show that regular commutative incline is a distributive lattice in the following.

Proposition 3.10see1. A commutative incline is a distributive lattice as (semiring) if and only

ifx2xfor allxX.

Lemma 3.11see7. DL is a distributive lattice. (DL is the set of all idempotent elements in an

incline L.)

Proposition 3.12. LetRbe a commutative incline,Ris regularRis a distributive lattice. Proof. LetRis commutative incline.

Ris regular:⇔every element inRis idempotentbyProposition 3.7,

DR R, whereDRis the set of all idempotent elements ofR, ⇒RDRis distributive latticeby7, Lemma 2.1.

Conversely, ifRis a distributive lattice then by Proposition 111 in1every element of

Ris idempotent, again byProposition 3.7Ris a regular incline.

Next we shall see some characterization of regular elements in an incline.

Theorem 3.13. For aR, the following are equivalent:

ia is regular,

iia is idempotent,


ivgroup inverse of a exists and coincides with a,

vava2for someva{1},

viaa2ufor someua{1}.

In either casev, u, vauare allg-inverses of a andvauis invariant for all choice ofu, va{1}.vau is the smallestg-inverse of a.

Proof. i⇔iiThis is preciselyProposition 3.7.

To prove the theorem it is enough to prove the following implications: ii⇒iii⇒iv⇒i;i⇒v⇒iiandi⇒vi⇒ii.

ii⇒iiiIf a is idempotent, thenaa{1}. For anyxa{1,2}we havex xaxand by

Lemma 3.6we getx xaxaxa. Thereforea{1,2}{a}.


iii⇒ivIfa{1,2}{a}then a is the only commuting 1-2 inverse of a. Therefore byDefinition 3.3the Group inverse of a exists and coincides with a. iv⇒iThis is trivial.

i⇒vLet a be regular, then byLemma 3.6, for someva{1},



v⇒iiLetava2for someva{1}. ByProperty 2.5,



ava2 vaaa2.


Therefore a is idempotent Thusiiholds.

i⇒vi⇒iican be proved along the same lines and hence omitted. Now ifava2holds then we can show thatva{1}

ava2≤vaa. 3.4


a2a·ava2a, 3.5



In a similar manner we can showua{1}.

Now consider,xvau, whereu, va{1}. It can be verified that

xvaua{1,2}{a}. 3.6

Hence,avaufor allv, ua{1}.

Thusvauis invariant for all choice ofg-inverse of a. ByProposition 3.9,avauis the smallestg-inverse of a.

Remark 3.14. If a is regular, theniaR a2R and iiRa Ra2 automatically holds. The

converse holds for an incline with unit.

Remark 3.15. Let us illustrate the relation between various inverses associated with an

element in an incline in the following.

Let R {0, a, b, c, d,1} be a lattice ordered by the following Hasse graph. Define·:

R×RRbyx·y dfor allx, y ∈ {1, b, c, d}and 0 otherwise. ThenR,∨,·is an incline which is not a distributive lattice.

In this incline R, the only two elements 0, d are regular which satisfies the

Theorem 3.13.

1d·x·ddfor eachx∈ {b, c, d,1}.

Henced{1}{b, c, d,1}and 0{1}R.


a b c




Figure 1

Hencedis antiregular

d{2}{0, d}. 3.7

3d{1}/d{2}andd{1,2}d{1} ∩d{2} d.

Theorem 3.16. LetRbe a regular incline. Fora, b, cRthe following hold:



cax⇐⇒cac⇐⇒cRaR. 3.8

iixis a 1-inverse of a

⇐⇒ax2ax, axRaR,

⇐⇒xa2xa, RxaRa. 3.9

iiixis a 2-inverse of a

⇐⇒xa2 xa, xaRxR,

⇐⇒ax2 ax, RaxRx. 3.10


vIfcaxandbyathenbacis invariant under all choice of 1-inverse of a.


pwqa− ⇐⇒ ⎧ ⎨ ⎩

qapwRqaRand w qap,


Proof. Whenever two symmetric results are involved we shall prove the first leaving the


iLetbya, since a is regular.

babaayaaayab. 3.12


Letbabthen forzRb

zxb for somexR

xbaRa. 3.13


Sincebis regular, byLemma 3.6, b xbRb,since RbRa,b xb ya.Thus



iiLetxa{1}then byLemma 3.6andProposition 3.7we have

ax2 ax xa a. 3.14


Conversely, letaxRaRandax2 ax.


xa{1}. 3.15

iiiInterchangexand a iniitheniiiholds. ivLetqaRqapRandRaRqa

qaRqapRqapqaqabyi 3.16

RaRqaaqaa,that is, a is regular withqa{1}.








vLetcaxandbyafor somex, yR

bacyaaaxyax. 3.18

Which is independent ofa−andbacis invariant for all choice ofaof a. viLetpwqa−⇒aapwqaByDefinition 3.1.

From the statementii, we have


RaRqa. 3.19

Thereforeqa{1}byii. Now,










Corollary 3.17. For a, b in a regular incline one has the following:

RaRb⇐⇒aRbR⇐⇒ab. 3.21

Proof. SinceRaRb, RaRb, and RbRa.

ByTheorem 3.16iwe have

RaRbaabab by Property 2.5

RbRabbaba by Property 2.5. 3.22

Thereforeab. In a similar manner we can showaRbRab.


Remark 3.18. We note thatCorollary 3.17fails for regular matrices over an incline. Let us considerB1 1

1 0

andA1 0 1 1

P B,whereP 0 1 1 0



2, P AB. HereAandBare regular.

By Proposition 2.4 in8, page 297,RARBandRBRA.

HenceRA RBbutA /B.

It is well known that9, page 26ifa−is a particularg-inverse of a in a ring with unit, then the general solution of the equationaxa ais given byahaahaa,wherehis arbitrary. Here we shall generalize this for incline.

Theorem 3.19. Let aR and abe any particular 1-inverse of a then ag−{1} {ah/his arbitrary element inR}is the set of allg-inverses of a dominatinga. Furthermore,a{1} ∪ag−{1}, union over allg-inverses of a.

Proof. LetAdenote the set{ah/his arbitrary element inR}. Suppose thatxis arbitrary element ofag−{1}thenxa−which impliesxkakforkRand byProperty 2.4we haveaka−.


Pre- and postmultiplication by a we get


aakaaakaa 3.23

ByDefinition 3.1.

ByProperty 2.5akaa, henceaakaa.


aakaa. 3.24


Thus for eachxag−{1}there exists an element inA. Henceag−{1} ⊆ A.

On the other hand for anyy∈ A, yaha−byProperty 2.4. FromDefinition 3.1andProperty 2.5, we get

ayaaahaaahaa. 3.25

Henceyag−{1},which impliesA ⊆ag−{1}. ThereforeA ag−{1}

a{1} set of all g-inverses of a

ag−{1},union over all g-inverses of a.


4. Projection on an Incline with Involution-


In this section, the existence of the Moore-Penrose inverse of an element in an incline with involution-T is discussed as a generalization of that for elements is a∗-regular ring and for elements in a Fuzzy algebra studied by Hartwig4, Kim and Roush8and Meenakshi6,

respectively. Characterization of the set of all{1,3},{1,4}inverses and a formula for Moore-Penrose are obtained analogous to those of the result established for fuzzy matrices in6,8.

An involution-T of an incline R is an involutary anti-automorphism, that is,aTT a,abTaTbT,abT bTaT, aT 0 if and only ifa0 for alla, bR.

Definition 4.1. An elementaRis said to be a projection ifaTaa2, that is a is symmetric

and idempotent.

Definition 4.2. Forain an incline R with involution-T, we say thatxRis a 3-inverse of a if axT ax,and we say thatyRis a 4-inverse of a ifyaTya.

Definition 4.3. An elementxRis said to be Moore-Penrose inverse of a, ifxsatisfies the following:iaxaa,iixaxx,iii axT ax,andiv xaT xa, denoted asa.

In2it is stated that for an element a in an incline with involution-T,a†exists if and only if aHaaTa. Here we derive equivalent condition for the existence ofain terms of the

weaker relation aLaaTa.

First we shall show that Green’s equivalence relation on an incline R reduces to equality of elements in R.

Lemma 4.4. Fora, bRthe following hold:


Converse holds for elements in a regular incline or incline with unit.

Proof. iIfaLbthen byDefinition 2.6there existx, yRsuch thatxa bandyb a. By

Property 2.5we havexabbaandybaab. Therefore,aLbab.

iiThis can be proved in a similar manner and hence omitted.

The converse holds foraregular incline. For, ifa, bare regular, then byLemma 3.6a bybbyandbaxaaxfor somex, ya{1}. HenceabaLbandaRb.aLband

aRbtrivially hold for incline with unit.

Theorem 4.5. Let R be an incline with involution-T. For aRthe following are equivalent:

ia is a projection,

iia has 1-3 inverse,

iiia has 1-4 inverse,

ivaexists and equals a,

vaTax= aThas a solution in R,

vixaaT = aThas a solution in R,

viia is regular and aTa{1},



Proof. i⇔iiLet a be a projection, byDefinition 4.1a is symmetric idempotent. a is regular

follows fromProposition 3.7. Thus a has 1-inversexsayand byLemma 3.6a axxa. Since a is symmetric,aaT. Thereforexis a 1-3 inverse of a.

Thus a has 1–3 inverses. Coverersly if a has 1–3 inverses, then again byLemma 3.6

there existsxR, such thataax xaandax axT. Hence a is symmetric idempotent. Thusiholds.

i⇔iiiThis can be proved along the same lines as that ofi⇔iii, hence omitted.

i⇔ivThis equivalence can be proved directly by verifying that a satisfy the four equations inDefinition 4.3.

ii⇔vLet a has 1–3 inverses,xsaythen

aTaxaTax aTaxT aTxTaT axaTaT,



byDefinition 4.2.

Conversely, ifaTaxaT, thenaT aTaaT aT aTaand thereforeaaTaand a

is symmetric. Hence the given conditionaTaxaTreduces to axaT

Now,axa axa aTa aandax aT a axTx a{1,3}. Thus a has 1–3


iii⇔viThis can be proved in the same manner and hence omitted. vii⇔ia is regular andaT a{1}

a is regular andaaaTa

a is idempotent andaaTaaaTbyProposition 3.7andLemma 3.6a is symmetric and idempotent

a is a projection.

vii⇔viii⇔ixfollow fromLemma 4.4.

Remark 4.6. It is well known that 4 for an element a in a ∗-regular ring if a† exists then

aa1,4a a1,3. We observe that for an elementain an incline with involution-T if ais regular, then byLemma 3.6it follows thata{1,3}a{1,4}. Ifa†exists it is unique and given byaa1,3a a1,3.

Remark 4.7. Let us consider the incline R inRemark 3.15under the identity involution-T on

R. Here each element in R is symmetric and the 3-inverse of the elementdis R and 4-inverse also the same.

Hence 0, dare the only projections inR

ddd{1,2}/d{1,3}d{1,4}d{1}{b, c, d,1},

b·d·cdd† ∀b, cd{1,4}.


Theorem 4.8. Let R be an incline with involution-T. For any element aR and xa{1,3}

given, then ag{1,3} {xh/his arbitrary element inR} is the set of all {1,3} inverses of a dominatingx.

Proof. This can be proved along the same lines as that ofTheorem 3.19and hence omitted.

5. Conclusion

The main results in the present paper are the generalization of the available results shown in the reference for elements in a∗-regular ring4and for elements in a Fuzzy algebra8. We

have proved the results by usingProperty 2.5without using star cancellation law.

In 2 it is stated that an element is regular if and only if D class contains an idempotent. ByLemma 4.4theDclass{b/bDa} {a} and by Proposition 3.1 a is regular if and only if a is idempotent.


1 Z.-Q. Cao, K. H. Kim, and F. W. Roush, Incline Algebra and Applications, Ellis Horwood Series: Mathematics and Its Applications, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, UK, 1984.

2 K. H. Kim and F. W. Roush, “Inclines and incline matrices: a survey,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications, vol. 379, pp. 457–473, 2004.

3 V. Neumann, “On regular rings,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesof the United States of America , vol. 22, pp. 707–713, 1936.

4 R. E. Hartwig, “Block generalized inverses,” Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 197–251, 1976.

5 A. Clifford and G. Preston, The Algebraic Theory of Semi Groups, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, USA, 1964.

6 A. R. Meenakshi, Fuzzy Matrix Theory and Applications, MJP Publishers, Chennai, India, 2008.

7 S. C. Han and H. X. Li, “Some conditions for matrices over an incline to be invertible and general linear group on an incline,” Acta Mathematica Sinica, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 1093–1098, 2005.

8 K. H. Kim and F. W. Roush, “Generalized fuzzy matrices,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 293–315, 1980.


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