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University of Salzburg A-5020 Salzburg, Austria


Academic year: 2021

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Johannes Brandl

University of Salzburg +43 662-8044-4060

Department of Philosophy johannes.brandl@sbg.ac.at

Franziskanergasse 1 http://www.johannesbrandl.com

A-5020 Salzburg, Austria http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3842-7814 Personal Information

Place of birth: Mürzzuschlag, Austria Date of birth: October 5, 1959 Citizenship: Austria

Married: with Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl (since 1994) Children: Flora Lina Brandl (born 1995)


1987: PhD with distinction (sub auspiciis) at the University of Graz Thesis: Die Notwendigkeit der Namen. Über das Benennen von

Einzelnen und seine historisch-kausalen Grundlagen. (The Necessity of Names. On Referring to Individuals and its historic-causal

foundations). Supervisor: Prof. Rudolf Haller

1978-1986: Diploma degree, University of Graz (Philosophy and German Literature) Academic Employment

Since 2001 Tenured Ass. Prof. at the University of Salzburg 1991-2001: Assistant Professor at the University of Salzburg 1989-1991: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Forschungszentrum und

Dokumentationszentrum für Österreichische Philosophie, Graz Visiting Appointments

2019 (spring) Visiting Professor at the University of California, Irvine 2010 (fall) Visiting Professor at the University of California, Irvine 2006/2007 Visiting Research Fellow at CSLI, Stanford University 1999 (winter, spring) Visiting Professor at the University of California, Irvine 1993 (spring) Visiting Scholar at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Research Areas

Areas of specialisation

Philosophy of Mind, Early Phenomenology (Franz Brentano) Areas of competence


Research Projects

Principal investigator

Franz Brentano’s Epistemology in the Vienna Period: Analysis and Text of his Last Lecture Course on Logic

Brandl, J. and Rollinger, R.

Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung: P 19157 € 220.432,- 1/08/06 → 31/07/09

Levels of Self-Awareness. From Conscious Experience to Human Self-Consciousness Brandl, J. and Cakmak, M.

Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung: I 94 € 167.212,- 1/10/06 → 30/09/09

Rule Understanding, Shared Intentionality, and the Evaluation by Others Brandl, J. and Esken, F.

Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung:I 638 € 202.135,- 1/10/11 → 1/10/14


Die Asymmetrie des Intentionalen bei Franz Brentano Tanasescu, I. and Brandl, J.

Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung: M 842 € 105.934,- 1/10/04 → 30/06/06

Phenomenal Intentionality in Austrian Philosophy Frechette, G. and Brandl, J.,

Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung: M 1403 € 133.360,- The World in Mind: Radical Ontology and Franz Brentano

Fiocco, M. and Brandl, J

Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung: M 1881 € 79.810,- 15/09/15 → 14/09/16

Academic Supervisor

Normalcy” to “Insanity”: The Key Role of Metacognition Petrolini, V.

Österreichischer Austauschdienst, ÖAD, Ernst Mach Scholarship € 4.700,- 01/02/16 → 30/06/16


Publications in English


1. ‘What is Wrong with the Building Block Theory of Language?’, in: The Mind of Donald Davidson, ed. by J. Brandl and W. L. Gombocz, Amsterdam: Rodopi 1989, 79-96.

2. ‘Wittgenstein’s Retreat from Verificationism’, in: Wittgenstein—Towards a Re-Evaluation, ed. by R. Haller and J. Brandl, Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky 1990, 187-198.

3. ‘Some Remarks on the Slingshot Argument’, in: Advances of Scientific Philosophy, ed. by G. Dorn and G. Schurz, Amsterdam: Rodopi 1991, 421-437.

4. ’How Relational are Davidson’s Beliefs?’, in: Reflecting Davidson. Donald Davidson Responding to an International Forum of Philosophers, ed. by R. Stoecker, Berlin: Walter De Gruyter 1993, 175-193.

5. ‘Dummett on Criteria of Identity’, in: Philosophie der Mathematik. Akten des 15. Internationalen Wittgenstein-Symposiums, ed. by J. Czermak, Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky 1993, 89-98.

6. ‘Semantic Holism is Here to Stay’, in: Holism. A Consumer Update, ed. by J. Fodor and E. Lepore, Rodopi: Amsterdam 1994, 1-16.

7. ‘Sharing Beliefs and the Myth of the Subjective’, in: Language, Mind, and Epistemology. On Donald Davidson’s Philosophy, ed. by G. Preyer et al., Dordrecht: Kluwer 1994, 353-366.

8. ‘Wittgenstein’s Alleged Metaphysics of Mind’, in: Wittgenstein: Mind and Language, ed. by R. Egidi, Dordrecht: Kluwer 1995, 47-56.

9. ‘Intentionality’, in: L. Albertazzi et. al. (eds.): The School of Franz Brentano, Dordrecht: Kluwer 1996, 261-284.

10. ‘Thinking and Talking about Oneself’, in: Austrian Philosophy Past and Present, ed. by K. Lehrer & J.C. Marek, Dordrecht: Kluwer 1997, 177-187.

11. ‘Recurrent Problems – On Chisholm’s Two Theories of Events’, in L. E. Hahn (ed.): The Philosophy of Roderick M. Chisholm. Chicago: Open Court 1997, 457-477.

12. ‘Twardowski’s Distinction Between Actions and Products’, in K. Kijania-Placek & J. Wolenski (ed.): The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy, Dordrecht: Kluwer 1998, 27-38.

13. ‘The Intentionality of Personal and Subpersonal States’, in: U. Meixner, P. Simons (eds.): Metaphysics ín the Post-Metaphysical Age, Beiträge der Österreichischen Ludwig

Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky 1999, 98-103.

1 peer reviewed articles are marked with bold numbers; articles included in the Habilitationsschrift are marked


14. ‘Do Events Recur?’, in: J. Higginbotham, F. Pianesi, A. Varzi (eds.): Speaking of Events, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2000, 95-104.

15. ‘Gilbert Ryle: A Mediator between Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology. Comment on Amie L. Thomasson’, in: The Southern Journal of Philosophy, XL Supplement 2002, 143-151.

16. ‘What Kind of Intentional Systems are Persons?’ in: Ch. Kanzian, J. Quitterer, E. Runggaldier (eds.): Persons. An Interdisciplinary Approach, Wien Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky 2003, 33-44.

17. (with Josef Perner and Alan Garnham) ‘What is a Perspective Problem? Developmental Issues in Belief Ascription and Dual Identity’, in: Facta Philosophica 5 (2003), 355-378.

*18. ‘Privileged Access to the Mind: What It Is and How it Can Fail’, in: R. Bluhm and Ch. Nimtz (eds.): Selected Papers Contributed to the Sections of GAP.5, 5th International Congress of the Society for Analytical Philosophy, Bielefeld, 22–26 September 2003, Paderborn: Mentis 2004 (electronic publication).

*19. ‘The Immanence Theory of Intentionality’, in: D. Woodruff Smith & A. L. Thomasson (eds.): Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2005, 167-182.

20. (with Josef Perner) ‘File change semantics for preschoolers: alternative naming and belief understanding’, in: Interaction Studies 6 (2005), 483-501.

*21. ‘The Unmysteriousness of Consciousness: A Case Study in Naturalistic Philosophy’, in: G. Gasser (ed.): How Successful is Naturalism?, Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag 2007, 243-266.

*22. ‘Intentionality, Information, and Experience’, in: A. Hieke & H. Leitgeb (eds.): Reduction. Between the Mind and the Brain, Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag 2009, 9-27. 23. (with Josef Perner) ‘Simulation á la Goldman: pretend and collapse’, in Philosophical

Studies 144 (2009), 35-446.

*24. ‘What is Pre-reflective Self-Awareness? Brentano’s Theory of Inner Consciousness Revisited’, in: Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, 55 (2011), 41-61.

25. ‘A Plea for a Naturalistic Ontology’, in: Ch. Kanzian, W. Löffler, J. Quitterer (eds.): The Ways Things Are. Studies in Ontology. Frankfurt. Ontos Verlag 2011, 73-91. *26. ‘Pretend Play in Early Childhood. The Road Between Mentalism and Behaviourism’,

in: M. Beran, J. L. Brandl, J. Perner, J. Proust (eds.): Foundations of Metacognition, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012, 146-166.

27. (with F. Esken, B. Priewasser, E. Rafetseder) ‘Young children’s protest: What it can (not) tell us about early normative understanding’, in: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14/4 (2015), 719-740.


*28. ‘The Puzzle of Mirror Self-recognition.’, in: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 17/2 (2018), 279-304.

29. ‘Brentano on Truth’, in U. Kriegel (ed.): Routledge Handbook of Brentano and the Brentano School, London: Routledge 2017, 163-168.

30. ‘Was Brentano an Early Deflationist About Truth?’, in: The Monist 100/1 (2017), 1-14. 31. (with F. Esken) ‘The problem of understanding social norms and what it would take for

a robot to solve it’, in: R. Hakli and J. Seibt (eds.): Sociality and Normativity for Robots. Cham: Springer International Publishing 2017, 201-215.

*32. ‘Brentano’s Renewal of Philosophy: A Double-Edged Sword’, in: Brentano Studien, xvi (2018), 25-52.

*33. ‘‘Disentangling Judgement from its Linguistic Clothing’: Brentano’s View of Judgement and Its Linguistic Guises’, in: Th. Binder and M. Antonelli (eds.): The Philosophy of Franz Brentano, Leiden: Brill, (forthcoming).

B. Entries in Lexica

L1. ‘Judgement’, in: Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology, ed. by H. Burkhardt and B. Smith, München: Philosophia Verlag 1991, 418-420.

L2 ‘Brentano’s Theory of Judgement’, in: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2014 Edition), E. N. Zalta (ed.),


L3 (with Mark Textor) ‘Brentano’s Theory of Judgement’,in: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2018 Edition), E. N. Zalta (ed.),


C. Reviews

R1 ‘Barry Smith: Austrian Philosophy: The Legacy of Franz Brentano’, in: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 57 (1997), 697-702.

R2 ‘David Woodruff Smith: Mind World: Essays in Phenomenology and Ontology’, in: Mind, 115 (2006), 169-173.

R3 ‘Mark Textor: The Austrian Contribution to Analytic Philosophy’, in: Mind, 119 (2010), 253-258.

R4 ‘Aaron Preston. Analytic Philosophy: An Interpretive History’, in: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (online publication, October 2017).


Edited Volumes

1. The Mind of Donald Davidson (with W. L. Gombocz), Amsterdam: Rodopi 1989. 2. Wittgenstein - Towards a Re-Evaluation, 3 vols., (with R. Haller), Vienna:

Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky 1990.

3. Metamind, Knowledge and Coherence. Essays on the Philosophy of Keith Lehrer (with W. L. Gombocz and C. J. Piller), Amsterdam: Rodopi 1991.

4. Metaphysik – Neue Zugänge zu alten Fragen (with A. Hieke und P. M. Simons), St. Augustin: Academia 1995.

5. New Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Dummett (with P. Sullivan), Amsterdam: Rodopi 1998.

6. Kazimierz Twardowski. On Actions, Products, and Other Topics in Philosophy (with J. Wolenski), Amsterdam: Rodopi 1999.

7. Essays on the Philosophy of Terence Horgan (with O. Markic), Amsterdam: Rodopi 2002.

9. The Foundations of Metacognition (with M. Beran, J. Perner, J. Proust), Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012.

10. The Philosophy of David Woodruff Smith, Special Issue of Grazer Philosophische Studien (with R. McIntyre), Leiden: Brill 2017.

Journal Editorship

since 2000 Co-editor of Grazer Philosophische Studien. International Journal for Analytic Philosophy.


Invited Talks (since 2006)

2006 Self-consciousness as cognitive concept. (Seminar on Subjectivity, Stanford, November 2006)

2006 The relation between consciousness and self-awareness. (CSLI, Stanford, December 2006)

2007 The Independence of Phenomenal Consciousness and Self-Consciousness. (University of Pennsylvania, March 2007)

2007 Phenomenal consciousness and self-awareness. A persisting confusion (University of California, Irvine, April 2007)


2008 Autobiographic Memory and Metacognition. (Institute Jean Nicod, Paris, March 2008) 2008 Cartesian and Anti-Cartesian Views of Mindreading. (Alghero, October 2008)

2009 Mindreading and empathy. What comes before the intentional stance? (University of California, Irvine, 2009)

2009 Empathy: The Royal Road to Other Minds. (CNCC Workshop, Salzburg, July 2009) 2009 Imagining being someone else: on the social origin of our self-concept. (Workshop

Intentionality, Gaz, November 2009)..

2011 How is Immediate Self-Knowledge Possible? (Workshop Self-Knowledge, University of Graz, December 2011)

2012 Brentano on the Empirical Nature of Psychology. A Critical Assessment. (Romanian Society for Phenomenology, Bucharest, October 2012)

2012 The Linguistic Nature of Immediate Self-Knowledge. (University of Bucharest, October 2012)

2013 Implicit Intentions and Teleological Reasoning. (Symposium on The Structure and Development of Means-Ends Reasoning, ESPP 2013, Granada, July 2013)

2013 Normen und Konventionen. (University Zürich, November 2013) 2013 The Social Roots of Normativity: Convention or Authority (ESF Project

EuroUnderstanding, London, December 2013)

2014 Franz Brentano: ein konservativer Reformer und seine Schule. (Universität Erlangen, May 2014)

2014 Normative Protest in Children. What it is and what it might be. (ESF Project EuroUnderstanding, Lissabon, May 2014)

2014 Brentano’s Psychologism. And its Revival? (Conference Brentano and Beyond, Salzburg, June 2014).

2014 The puzzle of mirror self-recognition. (Conference Investigating the Social Self, Parma, September 2014)

2015 Cooperation, teleology, and normative understanding (with Frank Esken). (ESF Project EuroUnderstanding, NormCon, Lund, June 2015).

2015 Norms in Action. Comments on Patrizio Presti. (ESF Project EuroUnderstanding, NormCon, Lund, June 2015)

2015 What’s up with interpersonal self-consciousness? (University of Graz, January 2015) 2015 How Realists can place epistemic constraints on truth: Brentano’s model. (10. ÖGP

congress, Innsbruck, June 2015)

2015 Brentano’s Conception of Truth. (Workshop at King’s College, London, and workshop Mind and Metaphysics, Salzburg, November 2015)

2015 Self-reference and first-person authority. (Conference Intentionality and the First Person, University of Fribourg, December 2015)

2016 Die sozialen Grundlagen des Selbstbewusstseins. Kritik eines phänomenologischen Ich-Begriffs. (University of Cologne, May 2016)

2016 Minimal Intentionality. (Conference on Intentionality and Consciousness. From Austrian to Contemporary Philosophy of Mind, Fribourg, November 2016) 2016 Rule Understanding, shared intentionality, and the understanding by others. (ESF

Project EuroUnderstanding, Salzburg, January 201)


2017 Brentano on Judgement and Truth. (Brentano Summer School 2017, Prague, May 2017) 2017 How to avoid intellectualism in the epistemology of perception: A neo-Brentanian

approach. (40th. International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg, August 2017)

2017 Why language matters to self-consciousness. (SOPHIA, Salzburg, September 2017) 2017 Three goals in Brentano’s project of renewing philosophy. (Brentano Conference, Graz,

October 2017)

2017 How we know the mind. The case of basic knowledge. (Colloquium Series, Salzburg, December 2017)

2018 Brentano’s Foundationalism: Phenomenological and Analytical Perspectives. (SSHAP, Hamilton, June 2018)

2018 Brentano on the Nature of Double Judgements. (Conference on Descriptive Psychology and Philosophy of Mind, Salzburg, October 2018)

2019 Descriptive Psychology in a New Key. (University of California, Irvine, April 2019) Refereed talks (since 2006)

2006 The Unmysteriousness of Consciousness. (29th International Wittgenstein Symposium,

Kirchberg, August 2006)

2007 What are the Hard Problems of Intentionality? (Fribourg, 2007)

2007 Symmetries in our Understanding of Ourselves and of Others (London, 2007)

2008 Self-Knowledge by Introspection: An Idle Wheel in Goldman’s Simulation Theory of Mindreading?” (Düsseldorf, May 2008)

2008 Two Kinds of Pre-reflective Self-Awareness. (4th International Symposium for

Cognition, Logic, and Communication, Riga, August 2008)

2009 Intentionality, Information, and Experience (32nd International Wittgenstein

Symposium, Kirchberg, August 2009)

2011 Empathy: The royal road to other minds. (9th congress of the ÖGP, Vienna, June 2011)

2014 Mirror self-recognition: its behavioral, affective, and communicative dimension. (ESPP, Noto, September 2014)

2015 How to Acquire a self-concept? In defense of the linguistic view. (GAP 9, September 2015)

2017 Minimally Reflective Minds. A Challenge to Radical Enactivism. (ECAP 9, Munich, August 2017)

Teaching experience at the University of Graz:

Introduction to Philosophy (1989) The philosopher Gottlob Frege (1990) Theories of Proper Names (1990) at the University of Innsbruck:

The Rise of Analytic Philosophy (1990)

Atomism and Holism in Epistemology and Theory of Science (1992) at the University of Salzburg:


Historical courses (on Brentano, Husserl, Locke, Hume Popper and Quine, Philosophy of the 20th century; regularly from 1991–2014)

Introductory course (on epistemology, memory, self-deception, introspection, holism, the concept of a person, the mind-body problem); (regularly from 1991-2014)

Philosophy of Language. Lecture Course (regularly 1992-2014) Epistemology. Lecture Course (regularly 1997–2015)

Early Modern Philosophy, Lecture Course (regularly 2004–2015) Contemporary Philosophy, Lecture Course (regularly 2006–2014) Philosophy of Mind, Lecture Course (2004–2008)

Ontology and Metaphysics, Lecture Course (2011–2013) Seminar: Edmund Husserl (with David Woodruff Smith, 2007)

Knowledge, Thought and Language. Introductory Lecture Course (regularly since 2016) Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind (regularly since 2016)

Anthropology (regularly since 2017)

Seminar: Context and Communication (with Christopher Gauker, 2018) Seminar: Self-consciousness (with Florian Wüstholz, 2018)

Interdisciplinary Seminar on topics in cognitive psychology (with Josef Perner, regularly since 2015)

at the University of Minnesota

Events and their Descriptions (summer 1993) at the University of California, Irvine

Theories of Intentionality (winter 1999) The Mind-Body Problem (spring 1999) Self-Awareness (fall 2010)

Theory of Action (spring 2019) Miscellaneous

How illusory is the idea of a free will?, Disputatio Philosophiae, Salzburg, April 2009. Training seminar on philosophy of mind for high school teachers, Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich, March 2013

Lecture on Austrian Philosophy as part of the lecture series “Politics, History, and Culture in Austria and Central Europe” (University of Salzburg, winter 2014)

Issues in Anthropology (Proseminar), as part of the program 55+, University of Salzburg (summer 2017)

Thesis supervision


Stefan Rinner, PhD thesis “Freges Puzzle oder warum Propositionen nicht die Objekte unserer mentalen Einstellungen sind“ (second advisor, May 2016)

Nina Werner, MA thesis „The Justification of Religious Beliefs based on Religious Experiences” (May 2017)


Stephen Müller, MA thesis “Mental Files for Psychologists” (July 2018)

Doris Wischenbart, MA thesis “Die Natur der Intuition im Lichte von Pascals ’Wissen mittels Herz und Vernunft’” (June 2019)


Michael Huemer, PhD thesis “Mental files theory of cognitive development: How children represent identity, belief and its intensionality” (University of Salzburg, Department of Psychology; second advisor, since 2018)

Valentina Petrolini, PhD thesis “From Normality to Pathology. In Defense of Continuity” (University of Cincinnati, second adviscor and committee member, September 2017) Florian Wüstholz, PhD thesis “Being Origins. The Way We Think About Ourselves”

(University of Fribourg, second advisor and committee member, October 2017) Patrizio Lo Presti, PhD thesis “Norms in Social Interaction: Semantic, Epistemic, and

Dynamic” (Lund University, external discussant; June 2015) Professional Services

Editorial Services

Co-editor of Grazer Philosophische Studien (since 2000)

Co-editor of the book series Philosophical Research (Ontos Verlag, from 2003-2013) Co-editor of the book series Mind, Meaning, Metaphysics (Bloomsbury, starting 2020) Member of the consulting board of Dialectica (since 2001)

Member of the consulting board of Facta Philosophica (from 1999-2008) Refereeing for journals

Mind Nous

Cognition and Consciousness

Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences British Journal for the History of Philosophy Philosophical Psychology

British Journal of Developmental Psychology Journal of the History of Analytic Philosophy

HOPOS. Journal of the International Society of Philosophy of Science New Ideas in Psychology

Glossa. A journal of general linguistics Meinong Studien

Perspektiven der Philosophie Erkenntnis

Refereeing for publishers Oxford University Press Palgrave


Refereeing for institutions

European Commission (Marie Curie Fellowship Program) Humboldt Foundation

Dahlem Research School Fellowships Czech Science Foundation

National Science Centre Poland Israel Science Foundation

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds für die wissenschaftliche Forschung Österreichischer Austauschdienst

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Jury services

Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie (GAP 10 jury) Stegmüller Preis Jury (2018)

Conference and workshop organization

14th International Wittgenstein Symposium (with Rudolf Haller), Kirchberg am Wechsel,

August 13-20, 1989.

3rd Congress of the Austrian Society of Philosophy (with Edgar Morscher and Peter

Simons), University of Salzburg, February 3-5, 1994.

9th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (with Josef

Perner), University of Salzburg, September 2-5, 2000.

Mindreading and Metacognition (with Mehmet Cakmak), workshop of the EUROCORES project Consciousness in a Natural and Cultural Context (CNCC), University Salzburg, July 9-11, 2009.

Opening Conference of the EUROCORES-Project Understanding the Normative

Dimensions of Human Conduct (NormCon), University of Salzburg April 19- 22. 2012. Implicit versus Explicit Processes of Understanding in Social Cognition (with Frank Esken). Symposium at the 20th meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and

Psychology, London, August 29, 2012.

Mindreading versus teleological reasoning. Two ways of understanding rational action (with Frank Esken), Colloquium at GAP 8, Konstanz, September 20, 2012.

The Structure and Development of Means-Ends Reasoning (with Frank Esken). A symposium at the 21st meeting of the European Society of Philosophy and Psychology

(ESPP), Granada, July 9-13, 2013.

Understanding Normativity (with Frank Esken). Workshop of the EUROCORES-project Understanding the Normative Dimensions of Human Conduct (NormCon), University of Osnabrück, April 8-10, 2014.


Mental Files and the Development of Reason Understanding (with Frank Esken), workshop of the EUROCORES-project Understanding the Normative Dimensions of Human Conduct (NormCon), Salzburg, February 23-26, 2016.

Conceptual Thinking and Linguistic Communication (with Chris Gauker), University of Salzburg, May 19-20, 2016.

Analytische Explikationen und Interventionen. Ein Symposium mit und für Georg Meggle (with Beatrice Kobow and Daniel Messelken), University of Salzburg, July 12-14, 2019.

Administrative services (since 2011)

2011-2014 Member of the faculty council of the Department of Philosophy (Fachbereichsrat) 2011-2014 Director of the colloquium series

2012-2013 Member of the appointment committee for Theoretical Philosophy (Berufungskommission),

since 2013 Chair of the curriculum committee for philosophy (Curricularkommission Philosophie),

since 2015 Substitute member of the ethics committee (Ethikkommission), University of Salzburg,

since 2018 Coordinator of the Erasmus exchange program between the University of Salzburg (Department of Philosophy) and the Hebrew University of Jersusalem (Department of Philosophy)


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