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: Visiting student at the University of Chicago, Department of Art History


Academic year: 2021

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Christine Hansen

Address: 204 East 83rd street # 3, New York, NY 10028, USA

Tel: 001 6464691776 E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected] Webside: www.christinehansen.no


2012: PhD in art history, Department of Linguistic, Literary, and Aesthetic studies at the University of Bergen. Dissertation, A Trip through the Ordinary Norwegian Landscape: Perspectives on Photography’s Role in Contemporary Art. 2007–2008: Visiting student at the University of Chicago, Department of Art History

2005: M.A. in art history, University of Bergen, Department of Art History and Culture Studies (IKK) Thesis: Fotografiets dagligtale. Studier av familiefotografiets

funksjoner og erkjennelsespotensial. [The Ordinary Language of Photography: Ways of Family Photography]

2000: M.A. in photography, Department of Photography, National Academy in the Arts, Bergen, Norway

1996 & 1998: Exchange (Erasmus) student at the Department of Photography at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig, Germany

1994–1997: Undergraduate student in the Department of Photography, National Academy in the Arts, Bergen, Norway

1992–1994: Undergraduate studies in comparative literature, visual communication, and art history, University of Bergen, Norway

Exhibitions (Solo shows):

2006: Akershus Kunstnersenter, Oslo Sogn og Fjordane Kystmuseum, Florø Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum, Førde 2005: Harstad Kunstforening, Harstad

2004: Tromsø Kunstforening, Tromsø 2000: GUN, Oslo Open, Oslo


Internet Exhibition:

2004–2006: Together with seven other Norwegian artists, my work was presented on the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs international websites. Preus Museum (The National Museum of Photography in Norway), initiated the project.

Group shows (selected):

2013: “Inngang 13: Åpen dør” [Entrance 13: Open Door], Rogaland Kunstnersenter, Stavanger 2012: “Lab 1”, Rom 8, Kunst og designhøgskolen i Bergen

2012: “Inngang 2012: Sted” [Entrance 2012: Place], Rogaland Kunstersenter, Stavanger 2011: R-Open, Stavanger

2010: “Kunst i Vest- Sommerutstillingen [Art from the West – Summer Show],” Haugesund Billedgalleri, Haugesund

2007: “Norsk fotohistorie” [Norwegian History of Photography], Preus Museum [National Museum of Photography], Horten

2005: “Samlingen i perspektiv #1: Avsløringer” [The Collection in Perspective # 1: Revelations], Haugesund Billedgalleri, Haugesund

2004: B-Open. Bergen

2001: “Kunstcruise” [Art Cruise], Fjordline, Bergen-Newcastle-Bergen

“Junge Norwegische Fotografi [Young Norwegian Photography],” 6 internationale Fototage Herten, Germany. Curator: Doris Frohnapfel


2005: Represented in the collection of The National Museum of Art, Architecture, and Design in Oslo (Robert Meyer’s Collection)

Represented in the collection of The Haugesund Billedgalleri, Haugesund

2004/2000: My work Norske Galehus [Norwegian Madhouses] and Himmerike [Heavenly Kingdom] was purchased by The Norwegian Art Council

Art Grants:

2013: “Prosjektstøtte Norsk, Fotografisk Fond”

2007-1998 “Vederlagstipendet” (2007), “Hordaland County Municipality Art Grant” (2005), “Government Work Grant” (2004, 2000), “Publication grant” from The National Academy of the Arts, Bergen (2002), “Prosjektstøtte” and “Debutantstøtte” from The Norwegian Art Council (2005, 2004, 2000)



2001: Vestlandsutstillingens pris [The Art Price of “The Vestlandexhibition”] Bibliography on my artistic work (selected):

2012: Jan Zahl, “Når det vanlege blir spesielt” [When the Ordinary becomes Special], in Stavanger Aftenblad

2009: Sigrid Lien: “Stories about Invisibility and Stardom: Accounting for the Position of Female Photographers in the Norwegian History of Photography” in Gothenburg Studies in Art and Architecture, i Acta Universitatis Gothenburgensis

Gunnar Danbolt, Norsk Kunsthistorie. Bilde og skulptur fra vikingtida til i dag. [Norwegian Art History: Image and Sculpture from the Viking Time Period to the Present] Det norske Samlaget, 2009, p. 502

2007: Nina Skjønsby, “En norsk fotohistorie er skrevet [A Norwegian History of Photography has been Written],” Billedkunst, January 2007

Peter Larsen/Sigrid Lien, Norsk Fotohistorie, fra Daguerreotypi til digitalt bilde,

[Norwegian History of Photography: From Daguerreotype to Digital Image], Det Norske Samlaget, 2007, pp. 309–310

2006: Kathrine Sæle, “Familiefoto som kunst,” [Family Photography as Art] Firda 9 June 2006 (Newpaper Article)

Morten Johan Svendsen, Forord [Preface], Familiegrafier, p. 2. 2006

Christine Hansen, “Familietopografier”[Family Topograpies], Familiegrafier, pp. 7–9, 2006

2003: Finn Bjørn Tønder, “Hektet på flyplasser,” [Hooked on Airports] Bergens Tidende, 4 October 2003 (Newspaper Article)

Per Kvist, Forord, Himmelrike [Heavenly Kingdom], 2003, p. 2

Cato Wittusen, “Nær Himmelen” [Close to Heaven], Himmelrike, 2003, pp. 3–6 2002: Hege Tapio, Review, Billedkunst, February 2002

Academic experience:

2012-2013 (a year): Fulbright scholar at Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at the New York University in New York

2010-present: Associate Professor II (20 %) in photography, Bergen National College of the Arts 2007-2012: Associate Professor in visual culture (temporary), University of Stavanger


Research Publications:

2012: ”Norsk Landskap 1987. En rundtur i det alminnelige norske landskapet”, (katalogtekst) Preus Museum, Horten

“Hardangersaken og visualiseringen av et nasjonalt landskap”, Nytt Norsk Tidskrift, 3/2012, Oslo

“Det dobbelte fotografi” [The Double Photograph] in Objektiv. Tidskrift for kamerabasert kunst #5, Oslo

2011: “Photographing the Bartens Region” (review) in Third Text: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art & Culture, 109, Vol. 25, Issue 2, London: Routledge

2010: “På veien. Refleksjoner omkring reiseaspektet i Norsk Landskap 1987” [On the Road: Reflections on the Travel Aspect in ‘Norwegian Landscape 1987’] in Kunst og Kultur, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

“Rent mekanisk uten kontroll. Fotografiet og dets vanskelige forhold til åndelighet” [Mere Mechanics without Agency: Photography and the Difficult Relationship to the Inventive Artist] in Talende Bilder, Oslo: Spartacus

2006: “Kan fotografiet bekrefte vårt forhold til virkeligheten?” [Can Family Photography Confirm our Relation to the World?] in Valör, (journal for PhD students at the University of Uppsala) Uppsala: University of Uppsala

Invited Talks:

2012: ”Fotografiet og ideen om det nasjonale landslapet” [Photography and the Idea of a National Landscape], Paper at the National Conference for Preservation of Photography, Arendal, Norway

2011: “Det dobbelte fotografi” [The Double Photograph], Lecture at the University of Bergen 2010: “Hva vil det si å arbeide fotografisk?” [What does it Mean to Work Photographically?],

Symposium on Contemporary Photography at Rogaland Art-Museum, Stavanger, and at Bergen Art Museum in connection with the Mette Tronvoll exhibition

2006: “Fiona Tan: Mellom fiksjon og dokumentar” [Fiona Tan: Between Fiction and Documentary], Lecture at Bergen Museum of Art, Bergen

2006: “Fotografiets dagligtale.” [The Ordinary Language of Photography],Paper at the National Conference for Preservation of Photography, Arendal, Norway

Grants/Fellowship (academic):

2012/13: Fulbright award (60 000 NOK)

2010: Project stipend for doctoral research from the Meltzer University Fund 2009: Project stipend for doctoral research from the Meltzer University Fund


2007: Travel grant for doctoral research abroad (University of Chicago) from faculty of Humanities University of Bergen

2006-2011: Doctoral Fellowship, University of Bergen, the Faculty of Humanities

2004: Stipend from the Norwegian Board of Research to support research project, “Photography in Culture”


2002-2005: Examiner for both BA and MA, Department of Photography, National Academy in the Arts, Bergen

2002: Photographer and picture editor at the research publication Kulturstudier, University of Bergen

1992–1994: Picture editor and photographer for Studvest, the University newspaper at the University of Bergen


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