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Integer-antimagic spectra of disjoint unions of cycles


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July 2018

Integer-antimagic spectra of disjoint unions of


Wai Chee Shiu

Hong Kong Baptist University, wcshiu@hkbu.edu.hk

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Shiu, Wai Chee (2018) "Integer-antimagic spectra of disjoint unions of cycles,"Theory and Applications of Graphs: Vol. 5 : Iss. 2 , Article 3.

DOI: 10.20429/tag.2018.050203



Introduction and some useful lemmas

LetGbe a simple graph. For any nontrivial abelian groupA(written additively), letA∗ = A\{0}, where 0 is the additive identity ofA. Let a mappingf :E(G)→A∗ be an edge label-ing ofGandf+ :V(G)Abe its induced labeling, which is defined byf+(v) =

uv∈E(G) f(uv).

If there exists an edge labeling f whose induced labeling f+ on V(G) is injective, then we

say that f is an A-antimagic labeling and that G is an A-antimagic graph. The

integer-antimagic spectrum of a graph G is the set IAM(G) ={k | G is Zk-antimagic and k 2}.

Clearly IAM(G) ⊆ {k | k ≥ |V(G)|}. In this paper, we will use the term ‘labeling’ instead of edge labeling. Notation and concepts not defined here are referred to the book [1].

The concept of theA-antimagicness property for a graph G(introduced in [2]) naturally

arises as a variation of the A-magic labeling problem (where the induced vertex labeling

is a constant map) (for example, see [4–6, 8–10, 13]). The concept of ring-magic is another variation of group-magic (see [7]). It is also a variation of the anti-magic labeling problem (for example, see [16]) and edge-graceful labeling problem (for example, see [17]). The integer-antimagic spectra of some famous classes of graphs were determined [2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15].

The following result is obvious.

Lemma 1.1 ( [2]). Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph and A be any abelian group. Let

f :E →A∗ Then


f+(v) = ∑



f(vu) = 2∑


f(e). (1.1)

By using (1.1) and lettingA=Z4m+2 for some m≥0, we have

Lemma 1.2 ( [2, Lemma 1]). For m≥1, a graph of order 4m+ 2 is not Z4m+2-antimagic. For integersa≤b, let [a, b] denote the set of integers froma tob, inclusive. We shall still call it an interval.

Proposition 1.3. All elements in [a, b] are distinct after taking modulok for k≥b−a+ 1.

Let N be the set of all positive integers. Let f : E(G) N be a labeling of a graph G and f+ be its induced vertex labeling. Denote the range of f+ as

If(G) = {f+(v)|v ∈V(G)}.

SupposeM is the maximum value (edge label) off. Sometimes we will refer to the range

of f+ and the maximum edge label of f in the same concise notation by

If(G) = {f+(v)|v ∈V(G)}▹(M).

Lemma 1.4 ( [14, Corollary 2.6]). For n 1, there is a labeling f for each of the following cycles such that If(C4n−1) = [3,4n+ 1](2n+ 1), If(C4n) = [3,4n+ 2](2n+ 1), If(C4n+1) = [2,4n+ 2](2n+ 1) and If(C4n+2) = [3,4n+ 5]\ {4n+ 2}▹(2n+ 3).


Case 1. p= 4n, n≥1:

f(ei) =


i if 1≤i≤2n;

3 + 2(2n− ⌈2i⌉) if 2n+ 1≤i≤4n. Case 2. p= 4n+ 1, n 1:

f(ei) =


i if 1≤i≤2n;

3 + 2(2n− ⌈2i⌉) if 2n+ 1≤i≤4n+ 1. Case 3. p= 4n+ 2, n 1:

f(ei) =


i if 1≤i≤2n+ 3;

3 + 2(2n− ⌈i−22) if 2n+ 4≤i≤4n+ 2. Case 4. p= 4n−1, n≥2:

f(ei) =


i if 1≤i≤2n+ 1;

3 + 2(2n− ⌈i+12 ) if 2n+ 2≤i≤4n−1.

Case 5. p= 3: We label the edges of C3 by 1,2 and 3. HenceIf(C3) = [3,5].

By using each labeling defined above, we have the lemma.

ForS Z and a∈Z, we define the set a+S={a+s|s∈S}.

Lemma 1.5 ( [12, Lemma 3.1]). For n≥3, suppose g :E(Cn)Z is a labeling and c∈Z.

Let h =g+c. Then Ih(Cn) = 2c+Ig(Cn).

Corollary 1.6. LetG be a disjoint union of cycles. Supposeg :E(G)Zis a labeling and

c∈Z. Let h=g+c. Then Ih(G) = 2c+Ig(G).

Lemma 1.7. For n 1, there is a labeling h for C4n+2 such that Ih(C4n+2) = [2,4n+ 4]\ {4n+ 1}▹(2n+ 3).

Proof. Consider the labeling f for C4n+2 defined in Lemma 1.4. We reduce the label each edge e2j by 1. Let the resulting labeling be h. Then Ih(C4n+2) = [2,4n+ 4] \ {4n + 1}.

Clearly the maximum edge label is still 2n+ 3.


Disjoint unions of cycles of orders congruent to 0 modulo 4

LetG and H be two disjoint graphs. Let G+H be the disjoint union of G and H. The

disjoint union of n copies of a graph G is denoted bynG.

Suppose g and h are labelings of graphs G and H, respectively. The labeling g ∪h of

G+H is the labeling obtained by combining g and h. Applying Corollary 1.6 we have

Lemma 2.1. Let G be an even order disjoint union of cycles and let H be another disjoint union of cycles. Suppose there are labelings g and h of G andH such that Ig(G) = [3,|G|+

2](m) and Ih(H) = [3,|H|+ 2](M), where m ≤ |G|/2. Let f =g∪(h+|G|/2). Then

If(G+H) = [3,|G+H|+ 2](M+|G|/2).

Lemma 2.2. Let m1, . . . , mα be positive integers. There is a labeling f of G= α


C4mi such


Proof. There are labelingsfi ofC4mi such thatIfi(C4mi) = [3,4mi+2], 1≤i≤α. Applying

Lemma 2.1 repeatedly, we get the lemma.


Disjoint unions of cycles of orders congruent to 2 modulo 4

Let f be a labeling of a path P = x1x2· · ·xnxn+1, where n 1. For convenience, we let f(xixi+1) = ei (1 i n), and f+(xj) = aj (1 j n). Note that, in this case

f(x1x2) = a1 and f+(xn+1) = en. Suppose we know all the values of aj. Clearly, ei are

determined uniquely. Let us present this result precisely:

Since we have the relations aj = ej +ej−1, 2 j n,




j = a1 + (1)iei, where

2≤i≤n. Thus

ei = i


(1)j+iaj. (3.1)

Note that

e2k = k


(a2j −a2j−1)

e2k+1 =a1 2∑k+1


(1)jaj =a1+





Lemma 3.1. Suppose n m. There are labelings η2 and η3 of G = C4m+2+C4n+2 such

that 2(G) = [2,|G|+ 1] and 3(G) = [3,|G|+ 2] with maximum edge label |G|/2 + 1. Proof. Let C4m+2 = u1u2· · ·u4m+2u1 and C4n+2 = v1v2· · ·v4n+2v1. We shall label C4m+2 first.

We divide the cycle C4m+2 into two (edge-disjoint) paths P =u1u2· · ·u2m+1u2m+2 and P′ =u1u4m+2u4m+1· · ·u2m+3u2m+2 of length 2m+ 1.

Firstly, we want to find a labelingϕforP satisfying thatϕ+(u

1) = 1 andϕ+(ui) = 4(i−1)

for 2≤i 2m+ 1; and a labeling ψ for P′ satisfying that ψ+(u

1) = 1,ψ+(u4m+2) = 3 and ψ+(u

4m+4−i) = 4i−3 for 3 i≤ 2m+ 1. By the discussion above, we know that ϕ and ψ

exist. From (3.2) we have

ϕ(u2m+1u2m+2) = ϕ+(u1) +



4 = 1 + 4m,

ψ(u2m+3u2m+2) = ψ+(u1) + (ψ+(u4m+1)−ψ+(u4m+2)) +


j=2 4

= 1 + 6 + 4(m−1) = 3 + 4m.

Let f = ϕ∪ψ. Thus, f+(u


Now, we keep the labeling above forC4m+2 and try to label the cycleC4n+2.

Case 1: m=n. Similarly, we divide the cycleC4n+2 into two pathsQ=v1v2· · ·v2n+1v2n+2 and Q′ =v1v4n+2v4n+1· · ·v2n+3v2n+2 of length 2n+ 1. And then, we want to find a labeling ϕ for Q satisfying that ϕ+(v

1) = 2 and ϕ+(vi) = 4i−2 for 2≤i≤2n+ 1; and a labeling ψ

for Q′ satisfying that ψ+(v

1) = 3 and ψ+(u4n+4−i) = 4i−1 for 2 ≤i≤2n+ 1. Now

ϕ(v2n+1v2n+2) = ϕ+(v1) +



4 = 2 + 4n,

ψ(v2n+3v2n+2) = ψ+(v1) +



4 = 3 + 4n.

Letg =ϕ∪ψ. We have g+(v

1) = 5, g+(v2n+2) = 8n+ 5, all edge labels are positive and the maximum label is 4n+ 3 underg. Moreover,Ig(C4n+2) = {5} ∪(4[1,2n] + 2)(4[1,2n] + 3). Let η2 =f ∪g. Here 2(C4m+2+C4n+2) = [2,4m+ 4n+ 5](4m+ 3).

Case 2: m < n. Let n=m+k, where k 1. For convenience, we rewrite

C4n+2 =v1· · ·v2m+1y1· · ·y2kv2n+2z1· · ·z2kv4n−2m+3v4n−2m+4· · ·v4n+1v4n+2v1. Now we divide C4n+1 intoR =v1· · ·v2m+1y1· · ·y2kv2n+2 and R′ =v1v4n+2v4n+1· · ·v4n−2m+3z2k· · ·z1v2n+2.

We find a labelingϕ for R satisfying that ϕ+(v

1) = 2, ϕ+(vi) = 4i−2 for 2≤i≤2m+ 1

and ϕ+(y

i) = 8m+ 3 + 2ifor 1≤i≤2k; and a labelingψ forR′ satisfying thatψ+(v1) = 3, ψ+(u

4n+4−i) = 4i−1 for 2≤i≤2m+ 1 andψ+(z2k−i+1) = 8m+ 4 + 2ifor 1≤i≤2k. Now

ϕ(y2kv2n+2) =ϕ+(v1) +


j=1 4 +



2 = 2 + 4m+ 2k,

ψ(z1v2n+2) =ψ+(v1) +


j=1 4 +



2 = 3 + 4m+ 2k.

Letg =ϕ∪ψ. Since the required vertex label set for{vi |2≤i≤2m+ 1,4n−2m+ 3

i≤4n+ 2} is the same as Case 1 and g+(v1) = 5, [2,8m+ 4]⊂If∪g(C4m+2+C4n+2). From the requirement of vertices yj’s andzj’s, we get that [8m+ 5,4m+ 4n+ 4]⊂If∪g(C4m+2+ C4n+2). Finally we have g+(v2n+1) = 8m+ 4k+ 5 = 4m+ 4n+ 5. Let η2 = f ∪g. Here 2(C4m+2 +C4n+2) = [2,4m+ 4n+ 5]. Moreover, one may check that all edge labels are

positive and the maximum label is 4m+ 2k+ 3 = 2m+ 2n+ 3 under η2.

We define a new labeling η3 from η2 by increasing the label of each edge uiui+1 and vjvj+1 for odd i (1 i 4m+ 1) and odd j (1 j 4n + 1) by 1. Hence, 3(G) =

[3,|G|+ 2](2m+ 2n+ 3).

Example 3.1. Here is a labeling η2 forC10+C10= 2C10 such that 2(2C10) = [2,21].



u1 u6

12 16

8 4


17 13 9





3 5 7



2 7 6



v1 v6



19 15




4 6 8



10 14 18

7 4 11 7 8



v1 v10




y1 y2 y3 y4



z3 z4

v3 v4

v16 v17 6 5 19 15 2 3 4

10 14 18

7 11

21 23 25

10 6 8 13 11 11 8 7 4

11 12 13




22 24 26 28

29 27

Now, one can see that 2(C10+C18) = [2,29].

Example 3.2. Here is a labeling η3 forC10+C10= 2C10 such that 3(2C10) = [3,22].



u1 u6

13 17 9 3 18 14 2 1

3 6 7



3 10 7 7






v1 v6


20 22


4 7 8



11 15 19

8 5 7 9



12 16

For C10+C18, we keep the labeling for the first C10 in 2C10 and the labeling for C18 is:


v1 v10




y1 y2 y3 y4





v3 v4

v16 v17 7 6 20 16 3 3 4

11 15 19

8 12

22 24 26

11 7 8 14 12 11 9 7 5

11 13 13




23 25 27 29

30 28

Now, one can see that 3(C10+C18) = [3,30].


Disjoint unions of cycles of orders congruent to 1 modulo 4

Lemma 4.1. There is a labeling fm for C4m+1 such that If(C4m+1) = [3,4m+ 4]\ {4m+ 1}▹(2m+ 2).

Proof. LetC4m+1 =u1u2· · ·u4m+1u4m+2, where u4m+2 =u1. Define

fm(uiui+1) =     

1 + 22i⌋, if 1≤i≤2m;

2m+ 2, if i= 2m+ 1,2n+ 2; 4m+ 3−i, if 2m+ 3≤i≤4n+ 1.

We obtain that

fm+(ui) =

                  

3, i= 1;

2i, if 2≤i≤2m;

4m+ 3, if i= 2m+ 1;

4m+ 4, if i= 2m+ 2;

4m+ 2, i= 2n+ 3;

8m+ 72i, if 2m+ 4 ≤i≤4m+ 1.


Lemma 4.2. There is a labelingfn forC4n+1 such thatIfn(C4n+1) ={3}∪[7,4n+ 7]\{4n+ 4}▹(2n+ 5).

Proof. LetC4n+1 =w1w2· · ·w4n+1w4n+2, wherew4n+2 =w1. Define

fn(wiwi+1) =                   

i, if i is odd and 1≤i≤2n−1;

4 +i, if i is even and 2≤i≤2n;

2n+ 2, if i= 2n+ 1;

2n+ 5, if i= 2n+ 2;

4n+ 3−i, if i is odd and 2n+ 3≤i≤4n+ 1; 4n+ 6−i, if i is even and 2n+ 4≤i≤4n.

We obtain that

fn+(vi) =

                  

3, i= 1;

3 + 2i, if 2≤i≤2n;

4n+ 6, if i= 2n+ 1;

4n+ 7, if i= 2n+ 2;

4n+ 5, if i= 2n+ 3;

8n+ 102i, if 2n+ 4 ≤i≤4n+ 1.

Hence Ifn(C4n+1) ={3} ∪[7,4n+ 7]\ {4n+ 4}▹(2n+ 5).

Lemma 4.3. There is a labelingfsforC4s+1 such that Ifs(C4s+1) ={2}∪[6,4s+5](2s+4). Proof. LetC4s+1 =v1v2· · ·v4s+1v4s+2, wherev4s+2 =v1. Define

fs(vivi+1) =         

i, if i is odd and 1≤i≤2s+ 1;

3 +i, if i is even and 2≤i≤2s;

4s+ 2−i, if i is odd and 2s+ 3≤i≤4s+ 1; 4s+ 6−i, if i is even and 2s+ 2≤i≤4s.

We obtain that

fs+(vi) =

        

2, i= 1;

2 + 2i, if 2≤i≤2s+ 1;

4s+ 5, if i= 2s+ 2;

8s+ 92i, if 2s+ 3≤i≤4s+ 1.

Hence Ifs(C4s+1) ={2} ∪[6,4s+ 5](2s+ 4).

Lemma 4.4. Letm, n, s, t be positive integers. There is a labelingη of G=C4m+1+C4n+1+ C4s+1+C4t+1 such that (G) = [3,|G|+ 2](|G|/2 + 1).

Proof. From Lemmas 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 1.4, we have a labelings fm, fn, fs and ft such that

Ifm(C4m+1) = [3,4m+ 4]\ {4m+ 1}, Ifn(C4n+1) ={3} ∪[7,4n+ 7]\ {4n+ 4}, Ifs(C4s+1) = {2} ∪[6,4s+ 5] and Ift(C4t+1) = [2,4t+ 2].

Letgn=fn+ (2m−1), gs =fs+ (2m+ 2n) and gt =ft+ (2m+ 2n+ 2s+ 2). Combining

fm, gn, gs and gt as a labeling η for C4m+1 +C4n+1+C4s+1+C4t+1 we have the required



Disjoint unions of cycles of orders congruent to 3 modulo 4

It is known that C3 is not Z3-antimagic [2, Theorem 3]. Following we will define some labelings for disjoint union of cycles whose orders are congruence 3 modulo 4. In particular, there are some labelings of disjoint unions of 3-cycles that are useful, even though they are not antimagic labelings.

Lemma 5.1. There are labelings g and h of C4n−1 such that Ig(C4n−1) = {3} ∪[7,4n+ 4] (2n+ 4) and Ih(C4n−1) = [2,4n+ 1]\ {4n−2}▹(2n+ 1).

Proof. LetC4n−1 =u1u2· · ·u4n−1u4n, where u4n =u1. Define

g(uiui+1) =         

i if i is odd and 1≤i≤2n−1;

4 +i if i is even and 2≤i≤2n;

4n+ 1−i if i is odd and 2n+ 1≤i≤4n−1; 4n+ 4−i if i is even and 2n+ 2 ≤i≤4n−2.

We obtain that

g+(ui) =

        

3, i= 1;

3 + 2i, if 2≤i≤2n;

4n+ 4, if i= 2n+ 1;

8n+ 62i, if 2n+ 2≤i≤4n−1.

Hence Ig(C4n−1) ={3} ∪[7,4n+ 4].

When n≥2. Define

h(uiui+1) =         

i if i is odd and 1≤i≤2n−3;

1 +i if i is even and 2≤i≤2n−2; 1 +i if 2n−1≤i≤2n;

4n−i if 2n+ 1 ≤i≤4n−1.

We obtain that

h+(ui) =

                  

2, i= 1;

2i, if 2≤i≤2n−2;

4n−1, if i= 2n−1;

4n+ 1, if i= 2n;

4n, if i= 2n+ 1;

8n+ 12i, if 2n+ 2 ≤i≤4n−1.

Hence Ih(C4n−1) = [2,4n+ 1]\ {4n−2}. Note that, when n= 1, h=f, wheref is defined

in Lemma 1.4. Hence Ih(C3) = [3,5]. So it still holds.


Proof. Let f be the labeling defined in Lemma 1.4 and h be the labeling defined in Lemma 5.1. Let f3 = f∪(h+ 2m). Here If3(G) = [3,4m+ 4n+ 1]\ {4m+ 4n−2} with

maximum edge label 2m+ 2n+ 1.

Lemma 5.3. There is a labeling of C4n−1 such that Iℓ(C4n−1) = {2} ∪[6,4n+ 4]\ {4n+ 1}▹(2n+ 4).

Proof. Keeping the notation as Lemma 5.1, we define

(uiui+1) =               

i if i is odd and 1≤i≤2n−1;

3 +i if i is even and 2≤i≤2n−2;

2n if i= 2n+ 1;

4n−i if i is odd and 2n+ 3≤i≤4n−1;

4n+ 4−i if i is even and 2n≤i≤4n−2.

We obtain that

+(ui) =

                  

2 if i= 1;

2 + 2i, if 2≤i≤2n−1;

4n+ 3, if i= 2n;

4n+ 4, if i= 2n+ 1;

4n+ 2, if i= 2n+ 2;

8n+ 52i, if 2n+ 3≤i≤4n−1.

Hence Iℓ(C4n−1) = {2} ∪[6,4n+ 4]\ {4n+ 1}.

Corollary 5.4. Let G = C4m−1 +C4n−1, where m n and n 2. There is a labeling f6

such that If6(G) = {2} ∪[6,|G|+ 4](|G|/2 + 4).

Proof. Let g and be labelings defined in Lemmas 5.1 and 5.3, respectively. Hence Ig(C4m−1) = {3} ∪[7,4m + 4] and Iℓ(C4n−1) = {2} ∪[6,4n + 4]\ {4n + 1}. Let f6 =

ℓ∪(g+ (2n−1)). Here If6(G) = {2} ∪[6,4m+ 4n+ 2](2m+ 2n+ 3).

Lemma 5.5. There is a labeling f8 of 2C3 such that If8(2C3) ={4} ∪[8,12](8).

Proof. Let f8 be the labeling of 2C3 by labeling the edges of the first C3 by 1,3,8 and the

edges of the second C3 by 3,5,7. Then If8(2C3) ={4} ∪[8,12].

Note thatf8 is neither a Z7-antimagic labeling nor aZ8-antimagic labeling, since 0 would be an edge label in each.

Corollary 5.6. Let G =C4m−1 +C4n−1+C4s−1, where m n s. There is a labeling η1

such that 1(G) = [2,|G|+ 1] when s 2 and 1(3C3) = [4,12]. The maximum edge label

is (|G|+ 1)/2 + 2.

Proof. Let h be the labeling of C4m−1 defined in Lemma 5.1 and f6 be the labeling of C4n−1+C4s−1 defined in Lemma 5.5.

When s≥2. Letη1 =h∪(f6+ (2m−2)). Hence 1(G) = [2,4m+ 4n+ 4s−2](2m+


When s = 1. In this case G = 3C3. We label the edges of these three C3 by 1,4,3; 2,6,4; 4,7,5 accordingly. Denote this labeling byη1. Then1(3C3) = [4,12]. Note that the

maximum edge label is still 2m+ 2n+ 2s+ 1.

Lemma 5.7. Let G = C4m−1 +C4n−1 +C4s−1 +C4t−1, where m n s t. There

is a labeling ϕ such that (G) = [3,|G|+ 2] (|G|/2 + 3) when t 2 and (4C3) = [3,14](|4C3|/2 + 2).

Proof. Consider labelingsf forC4m−1 defined in Lemma 1.4 andη1forC4n−1+C4s−1+C4t−1 defined in Corollary 5.6.

When t≥2. Letϕ =f (η1+ 2m). Here (G) = [3,|G|+ 2](|G|/2 + 3). When t= 1.

Let ϕ=f∪(η1+ 1). Here(G) = [3,14](8).


Main result

Before considering the general case, we introduce another lemma first.

Lemma 6.1. There is a labeling σ3 for G=C4m+1+C4n−1 such that 3(G) = [3,|G|+ 2]

(|G|/2 + 1).

Proof. From Lemma 1.4 there are labelingsf andgsuch thatIf(C4m+1) = [2,4m+2](2m+ 1) andIg(C4n−1) = [3,4n+1](2n+1). Letσ3 =g∪(f+2n). Here3 = [3,|G|+2](|G|/2+1).

Now consider a disjoint union of cycles




C4mi + β





C4sk+2+ δ



whereα, β, γ, δ≥0 and mi, nj, sk, tl are positive. Note that, as usual, a summation is empty

if its upper limit is less than its lower limit. Since the integer-antimagic spectra of single cycle has been determined [2], we may assume that G contains at least two cycles.

Supposeβ = 4β′+β0,γ = 2γ′+γ0, andδ= 4δ′+δ0, where 0≤β0, δ0 3 and 0≤γ0 1.

When β0 δ0 1, let G0 =



(C4nl+1 +C4tl−1). Similarly, when δ0 β0 1, let

G0 =




LetG1 =






C4nj+1+ 2γ′


C4sk+2+ 4δ′


C4tl−1+G0. We may rewrite the remaining

part of G as G−G1 =






C4rk+2 +



C4ql−1, where 0 ≤γ0 1, 0≤β1, δ1 3

and at least one of β1 and δ1 is zero.

From Lemmas 2.2, 4.4, 3.1, 5.7 and 6.1 and applying Lemma 2.1 repeatedly, there are

labelings for


i=1 C4mi,



C4nj+1, 2γ′


C4sk+1, 4δ′


C4tl−1 and G0 such that the range of each


Suppose G1 exists. Applying Lemma 2.1 on G1 repeatedly, we have a labeling θ of G1 such that (G1) = [3,|G1|+ 2](|G1|/2 + 1).

Following we will deal with the remaining partG−G1 if any. So we assume that at least one of β1, γ0, δ1 is nonzero. Let

H1 =






C4ql−1, if γ0 = 0,

H2 =H1+C4r+2 for some r≥1, if γ0 = 1,

where 0 ≤β1, δ1 3 and at least one of β1 and δ1 is zero. Case 1: Consider the case whenγ0 = 0, that isG=G1+H1.

1-1: Suppose β1 = 0.

When δ1 = 1. By using the labeling f in Lemma 1.4 we have If(H1) = [3,|H1|+ 2]. Let σ=θ∪(f +|G1|/2). Here (G) = [3,|G|+ 2](|G|+ 1)/2 + 1).

When δ1 = 2. By using the labeling f3 in Corollary 5.2, we have If3(H1) = [3,|H1|+

3]\ {|H1|}▹(|H1|/2 + 2). Letσ =θ∪(f3+|G1|/2). Hence(G) = [3,|G|+ 3]\ {|G|+

2}▹(|G|/2 + 2).

When δ1 = 3. Choose the labeling η1 in Corollary 5.6. Let σ = η1 (θ+x), where x is (|H1| −1)/2 or (|H1|+ 1)/2 for H1 ̸= 3C3 or H1 = 3C3, respectively. Here (G) = [2,|G|+ 1] or [4,|G|+ 3] and the maximum label at most (|G|+ 1)/2 + 1.

1-2: Suppose δ1 = 0.

When β1 = 1. Let f be the labeling in Lemma 1.4. Let σ = f (θ+ (|H1| −1)/2). Hence, (G) = [2,|G|+ 1]((|G| −1)/2).

When β1 = 2. Combining the labeling in Lemma 4.1 with a translation of the labeling

in Lemma 4.2 we have a labeling f′ for H1 such that If′(H1) = [3,|H1|+ 3]\ {|H1|}▹ (|H1|/2 + 3). Let σ =θ∪(f′+|G1|/2). Hence, (G) = [3,|G|+ 3]\ {|G|}▹(|G|/2 + 3).

When β1 = 3. Using the labelings defined in Lemma 4.1, Lemma 4.2 and Lemma 4.3,

we have a labeling f′ for H1 such that If′(H1) = [3,|H1|+ 2]((|H1|+ 1)/2 + 1). Let σ =θ∪(f′ +|G1|/2). Hence, (G) = [3,|G|+ 2]((|G|+ 1)/2 + 1).

Case 2: Consider the case when γ0 = 1, that is G=G1 +H1+C4r+2. Here H1 may not exist.

2-1: When (β1, δ1) = (0,0). In this case, G = G1 +C4r+2. We have the labeling θ for G1 such that(G1) = [3,|G1|+ 2](|G1|/2 + 1). From Lemma 1.4 there is a labelingf for C4r+2 such that If(C4r+2) = [3,4r+ 5]\ {4r+ 2}▹(2r+ 3). Let ρ=θ∪(f+|G1|/2). Then (G) = [3,|G|+ 3]\ {|G|}▹(|G|/2 + 2).

2-2: When (β1, δ1) = (0,2). In this case, G = G1+C4r+2 +C4q11+C4q21. Let ρ be the

labeling in Case 2-1. Let L1 =C4q11 +C4q21.

Suppose L1 ̸= 2C3. From Corollary 5.4 we have a labeling f6 for L1 = such that If6(L1) ={2} ∪[6,|L1|+ 4](|L1|/2 + 4). Letρ1 =ρ∪(f6+|G1+C4r+2|/21). Here


Suppose L1 = 2C3. From Lemma 5.5 we have a labelingf8 for L1 such that If8(L1) = {4} ∪[8,12](8). Let ρ1 =ρ∪(f8+|G1+C4r+2|/22). Here1(G) = [3,|G|+ 2]

(|G|/2 + 3).

2-3: When (β1, δ1) = (2,0). In this case,G=G1+C4r+2+C4p1+1+C4p2+1. LetL2 =C4p1+1+

C4p2+1. Combining the labeling in Lemma 4.3 with a translation of the labeling in

Lemma 1.4, we have a labelingfforL2such thatIf(L2) = {2}∪[6,|L2|+4](|L2|/2+4). Similar to Case 2-2 we have a labelingρ2forGsuch that2(G) = [3,|G|+2](|G|/2+3).

2-4: When (β1, δ1) = (0,1) or (3,0). Let σ be the labeling of G1 +H1 in Case 1 and h be the labeling in Lemma 1.7. Let ρ3 =σ (h+ (|G1 +H1|+ 1)/2). Then 3(G) =

[3,|G|+ 3]\ {|G|}▹((|G|+ 1)/2 + 2).

2-5: When (β1, δ1) = (0,3) or (1,0). Let σ be the labeling of G1 +H1 in Case 1 and f be the labeling in Lemma 1.4.

Suppose H1 ̸= 3C3. Letρ4 =σ∪(f + (|G1+H1| −1)/2). Then (G) = [2,|G|+ 2]\

{|G| −1}▹((|G|+ 1)/2 + 1).

Suppose H1 = 3C3. Let ρ4 =σ∪(f+ (|G1+H1|+ 1)/2). Then(G) = [4,|G|+ 4]\

{|G|+ 1}▹((|G|+ 1)/2 + 2).

SupposeG1 does not exist. Then the proof is similar and simpler than the case whenG1 exists. So we omit here.

From the discussion in this paper, we can see that all the edge labels are positive and at most ⌊|G|/2+ 3, where G is the considered graph. If |G| ≥ 7, then ⌊|G|/2+ 3 < |G|. So, for these cases, all labelings are proper when we take modulo k, where k ≥ |G|. If 3 ≤ |G| ≤ 6 and G contains at least two cycles, then G must be 2C3. Corollary 5.2 shows that If3(2C3) = [3,9]\ {6}▹(5). Thus, the labeling is proper.

Applying Proposition 1.3 we get

Theorem 6.2. SupposeG is a disjoint union of cycles of order p. Then

IAM(G) =     

[4,∞) if p= 3,

[p,∞) if p̸≡2 (mod 4) and = 3,

[p+ 1,∞) if p≡2 (mod 4).


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