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The physical and chemical evolution of star forming regions


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T he P hysical and C hem ical

E volution o f

Star Form ing R egions

A Thesis su b m itted for th e Degree


D octor of Philosophy of the U niversity of London


D eborah P atricia Ruffle


D epartm ent of Physics & A stronom y

U niversity College London

U niversity of London


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A b str a c t

A wide variety of molecular species are observed in regions of star form ation. The

chem istry is m easured to change between different sources; analysis of these observed

chem ical changes provides a probe of th e physical and chemical m echanism s occur­

ring w ithin different regions. Of p articular im portance is th e gas-d u st interaction,

which affects th e physical and chemical properties of interstellar gas.

In this thesis, theoretical models of th e physics and chem istry in star forming

regions are applied to existing observational data, in a tte m p ts to deduce th e evolu­

tionary history and physical conditions of such regions. In some cases, th e models

are used to suggest other species th a t could be observed to fu rth er explore the

dom inant mechanisms occurring in different regions.

An investigation into the initial support and collapse of diffuse clumps to form

dense cores suggests th a t a clump may require a m inim um column density for star

form ation to occur. For the first tim e the chemical evolution of a cloud th a t is

initially m agnetically supported against collapse perpendicular to th e field lines,

b u t is collapsing along the field lines, up to an unknown bu t critical density is

explored. It is shown th a t observations may reveal the value of th e critical density.

Study is m ade of the gas-dust interaction. Some m olecular species which have

been used as signposts of cloud evolution are dem onstrated to be indicative of both

early and late tim es; implications of this are discussed. The sulphur depletion

problem is explored; a simple model is suggested where S'*” is accreted rapidly onto

dust grains. In addition, th e elem ental depletions in star-form ing cores are exam ined

w ith reference to th e use of species to search for signatures of infall.

Finally, it is established th a t low tem p eratu re hom onuclear diatom ic molecules,

which are thought to be unobservable, should be detectable in cold interstellar


C on ten ts

1 In tr o d u c tio n 10

1 . 1 O verview ... 11

1 . 2 Clumpy Giant M olecular Cloud c o m p le x e s ... 18

1.3 Low-mass star form ation in a cluster of dense c o r e s ... 21

1.4 TM C- 1 ... 23

1.5 Collapse of dense cores in regions of low-mass star f o r m a ti o n ...25

1.6 Theoretical studies of the chem istry of dense core collapse in regions of low-mass star f o r m a tio n ... 31

1.7 S u m m a r y ... 33

2 C h e m is tr y and p h y sics o f c o lla p sin g in te r ste lla r clo u d s 35 2 . 1 Chem ical r e a c t i o n s ...35

2.1 . 1 Gas phase c h e m i s t r y ...36

2.1 . 2 Grain surface p ro d u c tio n ... 37

2.2 E lem ental a b u n d a n c e s ... 38

2.3 Ghemical n e t w o r k s ...40

2.3.1 Hydrogen and deuterium c h e m i s tr y ... 40

2.3.2 Garb on c h e m is try ... 41

2.3.3 Oxygen c h e m istry ... 42

2.3.4 Nitrogen c h e m i s tr y ... 43

2.3.5 Sulphur c h e m istry ... 44

2.4 The ionization s t r u c t u r e ... 44

2.5 Physics of collapsing clouds ... 46


2.5.2 C o lla p s e ...48

2.6 T he m o d e l... 48

3 I o n iz a tio n str u c tu r e and a critica l v isu a l e x tin c tio n for tu r b u le n t s u p p o r te d c lu m p s 52 3.1 In tr o d u c tio n ... 52

3.2 Fractional ionization as a function of A y , uh , ^ s , ^s\ and ...57

3.3 Collapse from A y = 3 ... 63

3.4 C o n c lu s io n s ... 69

4 C y a n o p o ly y n e s as in d ica to rs o f la te -t im e c h e m is tr y and d e p le tio n in sta r fo rm in g reg io n s 70 4.1 In tr o d u c tio n ... 70

4.2 Model a s s u m p tio n s ...75

4.3 R e s u lts ... 76

4.4 D is c u s s io n ... 80

4.5 New observations of TM C- 1 ... 84

4.6 New m easurem ent of the rate coefficient for th e reaction of N w ith Hs"*" 8 6 5 O n th e d e te c tio n o f in te r ste lla r h o m o n u clea r d ia to m ic m o le c u le s 88 5.1 I n tr o d u c tio n ... 89

5.2 V ibrational emission from N2 ...92

5.2.1 Calculating Einstein T - v a l u e s ... 95

5.2.2 C a s c a d e ...97

5.3 An estim ate of the detectability of the e m i s s i o n ... 102

5.4 C o n c lu s io n s ... 103

6 T h e su lp h u r d e p le tio n p ro b lem 105 6.1 In tr o d u c tio n ... 105

6.2 The m odel of sulphur c h e m is tr y ...108

6.3 R e s u lts ... 109

6.4 D is c u s s io n ... 113


7 S e le c tiv e d e p le tio n s and th e a b u n d a n ces o f m o le c u le s u se d to s tu d y

sta r fo r m a tio n 118

7.1 In tr o d u c tio n ... 118

7.2 The model and the r e s u l t s ... 120

7.3 D is c u s s io n ... 121

7.4 C o n c lu s io n s ... 126

8 C o n c lu sio n s and fu tu r e w ork 129

A F u rth er ta b le s o f resu lts for C h a p ter 7 133

A c k n o w le d g m e n ts 139


List o f Tables

1 . 1 Observed interstellar molecules ... 1 2

1 . 2 Observed interstellar i c e s ... 13

1.3 Im p o rtan t tim e s c a le s ... 17

1.4 Table of infall c a n d id a te s ... 28

2.1 Solar elem ental a b u n d a n c e s ... 39

2.2 Some model param eters ... 50

3.1 Examples of gas grain r e a c t i o n s ... 57

3.2 Fractional elem ental abundances used in th e ionization stru ctu re models 58 3.3 Fractional abundances as functions of ny for two collapse models . . . 67

4.1 Param eters for late-tim e chemistry m o d e l s ...79

4.2 Tim es of and fractional abundances at HC3N m a x im a ... 80

4.3 Observed fractional abundances in TMC-1 core D ... 84

5.1 Fractional abundance of O2 and N2 in interstellar c l o u d s ...89

5.2 V ibrational excitation cross-sections for N2 ... 93

5.3 V ibrational m atrix elements for N2 ...94

5.4 Spectroscopic d a ta for N2 ... 96

5.5 Transition wavelengths, A-value and num ber photons em itted in each tran sitio n of N2 ... 98

6.1 Elem ental abundances used in sulphur m o d e l s ...108


7.1 Standard elem ental abundances used in depletion m o d e l s ...120

7.2 D epletion model comparisons ...122

7.3 R otational constants for species used to detect in f a ll...127


List o f Figures

1.1 Map of the R osette Molecular C l o u d ... 18

1.2 Map of the Taurus-A uriga c o m p le x ... 20

1.3 m ap of B arnard 5 ...21

1.4 The evolution of uy for a cyclic model ...22

1.5 C ontour map of the CCS emission from TM C- 1 ... 23

1.6 C ontour map of the NHg emission from TMC-1 ... 24

1.7 C ontour map of the HC3N emission from TMC-1 ...25

1 . 8 Collapse s ig n a t u r e s ... 26

1.9 The NH3 line profile of L1498 ... 30

2 . 1 Carbon chem istry n e tw o r k ...41

2.2 Oxygen chem istry n e tw o r k ...43

2.3 C hem istry controlling the ionization stru ctu re in a dark cloud . . . . 44

2.4 D iagram of HD f o r m a t i o n ...46

2.5 D iagram of DCO'*’ and HCO^ c h e m i s tr y ...46

3.1 R elation of peak ^^CO column density to clum p mass, for clumps in the RMC ... 53

3.2 Fractional ionization as a function of A y , Tg, Tg; and ...56

3.3 Fractional abundances of species as functions o f A y for t7h =1 0^ cm “ ^ 59 3.4 Fractional abundances of species as functions o f A y for nH=5xlO^ cm “ ^ ... 60

3.5 Fractional abundances during collapse from rzHc=2xlO'^ cm“ ^ ...65


4.2 Fractional abundances in model 1 ... 77

4.3 Fractional abundances in model 5 ... 78

4.4 Fractional abundances for potential observational pointers ... 83

6.1 M etallic depletion indices as a function of condensation te m p e ratu re . 106

6 . 2 Fractional abundances for D*=0.1 and D { S ' ^ ) = l... 110


C hapter 1

In trod u ction

Over th e last quarter of a century observations of interstellar m olecular emissions

have p erm itted the determ ination of the physical and chemical properties of star

form ing regions w ithin the Galaxy, and a basic picture of how stars form has been

developed. G iant M olecular Clouds, containing up to about 10® M© are sites of

stellar b irth and contain translucent clumps w ith masses ranging from of the order

of 1 0 M@ to 10® M© (W illiams, Blitz & Stark 1995). The translucent clumps possess

supertherm al turbulence th a t probably consists of a superposition of Alfvén waves

(Arons & Max 1975). The clumps are supported against gravitationally driven

collapse by the turbulence and by the large-scale m agnetic field. As described in

section 2.4, the decay rate of the turbulence due to ion-neutral friction and th e

evolution of th e large-scale m agnetic field depend on th e ionization stru ctu re, which

is governed by th e chemistry. The eventual collapse of a translucent clum p leads to

th e form ation of dense objects called dense cores. The therm al stru ctu re of m aterial

in translucent clumps and in th e dense cores is determ ined by m olecular processes.

Thus, the evolution of translucent clumps and dense cores leading to star form ation

'is controlled by, as well as traced through, chemical processes.

In this thesis we describe original work aim ed at th e exploitation of m olecular

diagnostics of star forming regions, to elucidate th e roles of chem istry in controlling

star form ation. P articular emphasis is placed on th e role of th e gas-d u st interaction

in affecting the chemical and physical properties of interstellar gas. We begin below


chemical mechanisms of im portance in it.


O v erv iew

Gas and dust are th e m ain constituents of interstellar clouds. (D ust contains roughly

1% of the mass.) In Table 1 . 1 we provide a list of all th e interstellar m olecular species

detected in th e gas phase (van Dishoeck 1998; NRAO list 1998). These species

have been observed in absorption lines against background stars and through their

emission lines at m illim etre wavelengths (van Dishoeck & Blake 1998; van Dishoeck

1998). The presence of interstellar dust grains is inferred from several observational

results, including the reddening of starlight (see the review by W illiam s & Taylor

1996). From th e observations of dust we can gain inform ation on its properties, such

as grain size and composition, which we discuss further in section 2.5.1.

T he gas is greatly modified through interactions w ith the dust grains. T he grain

surfaces provide sites for the formation of molecules. Indeed, m olecular hydrogen

m ust be produced on grain surfaces in order for its observed high abundance to

o b tain (W illiams & Taylor 1996). Gas phase species can accrete onto grain surfaces;

these molecules are adsorbed to th e surface, which leads to th eir depletion from th e

gas phase as they are now frozen-out onto the grain. We can m easure th e ex ten t to

which species are depleted from the gas phase, as described in section 2.2.

Species th a t have frozen-out onto a dust grain form an icy m antle around th e

grain core. We can observe molecules th a t are trap ped in icy m antles and in Table

1.2 we give a list of these species (van Dishoeck & Blake 1998; Tielens & W h itte t

1997). The molecules in ices are observed through th e absorption of radiation from

background stars. Once a species is frozen-out onto a g rain ’s surface it can be

ejected back into th e gas phase via desorption processes. Several possible desorption

m echanism s exist and these include chemical, radiative and high energy cosmic ray

processes (W illiams & Taylor 1996; see section 2.5.1).

A m easure of th e quantity of dust along a line of sight or in a cloud is th e visual

extinction. A y , m easured in m agnitudes. The visual extinction equals 1.086 tim es


Table 1.1: Table of observed interstellar and circum stellar molecules. We also de­ note th e wavelength ranges of the detections if they are not m ade at m illim etre wavelengths. From van Dishoeck (1998), NRAO list (1998).

Molecules with Two Atoms




GRt PN SQt S0+ SiN* SiO


Molecules with Three Atoms

d (IR ,U V ) C2H C2O C2S CH2 HCNt

HCO HCO+t HCS+ HOC+ H2 0t H2St


NaCN o c s^ s o | c-SiCz c o | NH|


Molecules with Four Atoms

C-C3H I-C3H C3N C3O C3S C2H|(IR)


H2CO H2CN H jC St H30+t NRt

Molecules with Five Atoms

Q (IR ) C4H C4Si I-C3H2 C-C3H2 CH2CN



Molecules with Six Atoms



Molecules with Seven Atoms



Molecules with Eight Atoms


Molecules with Nine Atoms


Molecules with Ten Atoms

CH3C5N? (CH3)2C0 NH2CH2COOH? Molecules with Eleven Atoms


Molecules with Thirteen Atoms HCiiN

* represents species observed only in circum stellar environm ents. ^ represents species also observed in comet Hale-Bopp.

? indicates th a t th e identification is unconfirmed.


dust. The value of Ay of a cloud is im portant in determ ining th e physical conditions

w ithin th e cloud, as we describe below.

The m ajor classes of interstellar clouds th a t this work deals w ith are ‘translucent

clum ps’ and ‘dense cores’. We can measure how dense th e different types of clouds

are, and define their num ber densities of H nuclei, uh, as

hh = n(H) + 2n(H2) (1.1)

where n(H ) and n (H2) are the num ber densities of hydrogen atom s and molecules

respectively. Diffuse clouds have the lowest num ber densities, typically of th e order

of n (H2 ) > 1 0 cm~^, and low visual extinctions ( T y ~ l m ag). Translucent clumps

have num ber densities of the order of n (H2) ~1 0^ -1 0^ cm “ ^ and visual extinctions

in th e range of 2 to 5 mag. Dense cores have num ber densities of n (H2) ~1 0^ -1 0®

cm “ ^ and much higher visual extinctions of i4 y > 5 mag.

R adiation from stars passes through the interstellar m edium and can interact

w ith th e gas and dust. A mean interstellar radiation field intensity was determ ined

by Draine (1978). Interstellar radiation can easily p en etrate the diffuse clouds and

translucent clumps, as these have low visual extinctions. However, dense cores have

m uch greater visual extinctions, and due to th e increased scattering and absorp­

tion by grains their interiors are shielded from th e radiation. W hen radiation can

p e n etrate a cloud it can ionize atom s and molecules, in addition to dissociating

molecules. It is for this reason th a t only a lim ited set of molecules are observed in

diffuse clouds and translucent clumps (such as CO, CN, CH, CH+, H2 and OH),

as th e presence of the radiation inhibits th e form ation of complex species. On the

Table 1.2: Table of observed species in interstellar ices. Those in the second row only have upper limits on their abundances. From van Dishoeck & Blake (1998) and Tielens & W hittet (1997).

H2 0 CO CO2 o c s CH4 CH3OH XCN*



other hand, in dense cores we observe m any different complex species. In addition

to th e interstellar radiation field, cosmic rays (energetic protons) are another source

of ionization which contribute to the ionization in diffuse clouds and are th e m ajor

source in dense cores. In dense cores th e cosmic rays can directly in teract w ith

species to ionize and dissociate, in addition to inducing photons which can then

destroy species. The cosmic ray ionization of H2 results in an energetic electron

which then collides w ith and excites H2. W hen th e excited hydrogen molecule re­

laxes it produces ultraviolet photons (Prasad & Tarafdar 1983; Gredel et al. 1989).

The direct cosmic ray ionization rate is lower th a n th a t of th e interstellar radiation

field, although its exact value is not clear as we discuss in section 2.4. The exact

ionization level or ‘stru c tu re ’ in a cloud is determ ined by th e chemistry, as we also

describe in section 2.4.

T he tem peratures of diffuse clouds, translucent clumps and dense cores also

differ. Typically, the tem p eratu re in a diffuse cloud is approxim ately 100 K and in

a translucent clum p or a dense core it is around 10-30 K. The tem p eratu re th a t

obtains is th e result of a balance between the heating and cooling m echanism s th a t

operate in a cloud. UV radiation and cosmic rays can heat a cloud by th e ionization

of species. The ionizing source im parts energy to the gas as the ejected electron

carries away excess energy. Photons, including those produced as a consequence of

cosmic-ray induced ionization, provide an additional heating source.

T he gas is cooled when radiation is em itted by the atom s and molecules th a t

comprise th e gas. Recom bination of an atom ic or m olecular ion w ith an electron

results in th e emission of a photon, which can then escape from th e gas; energy is

lost from th e system and the gas is cooled. The collisional excitem ent of an atom

or a molecule also results in the emission of a photon, as th e excited species decays

back to the ground state. B oth of these cooling mechanism s depend on th e num ber

density to th e power of two, which results in dense regions tending to be cooler th an

more diffuse environm ents. An additional loss m echanism is provided by th e grains,

which are heated when they absorb radiation. T he grains then radiate this energy in

th e infrared, which can then escape from the cloud. The dom inant coolant in both


only a few Kelvins. However, its effectiveness is reduced as its abundance rises in

denser clouds since the radiation em itted by one CO molecule can be absorbed by

another. This is a process called radiation trapping.

An im p o rtan t point to note is th a t in dense cores th e cosmic rays cannot m ain tain

th e tem p eratu res th a t are measured, when the cooling mechanisms are accounted

for. A nother heating process is needed. A potential source is some form of dynam ical

heating where movements w ithin the gas produce frictional heating.

Once we have determ ined the tem perature and num ber density of a cloud we

can consider its therm al pressure. Diffuse clouds and translucent clum ps have low

therm al pressures unlike dense cores which have therm al pressures around a hun­

dred tim es greater. The m aterial between clumps and dense cores is referred to as

the interclum p m edium . The properties of th e interclum p m edium are poorly un­

derstood but its to tal pressure m ust be com parable to th a t of a translucent clump.

(C ontributions to the to tal pressure include the therm al, tu rb u len t and m agnetic

pressures.) Pressure equilibrium between a translucent clum p and the interclum p

m edium should be established on roughly the tim escale for a fast-m ode m agnetic

wave to cross the clump; for an assumed fast-m ode speed of 3 km s " \ this is 10®

years for a clum p th a t is 3 pc across.

We now discuss how the gas is supported against collapse. We regard tran slu ­

cent clumps and dense cores as representing two different stages of star form ation:

th e translucent clumps collapse to form dense cores. Dense cores are identified as

th e direct progenitors of stars. Investigation into the star form ation process is con­

ventionally divided into considerations of low-mass and high-mass star form ation

separately. Stars of low-mass (w ith masses less th an 4 M©) are thought to form as a

result of a gradual weakening of the m agnetic fields. However, higher mass stars are

believed to form because the ratio of the m agnetic flux to th e clumps mass is too

sm all for th e m agnetic field to prevent collapse when the pressure external to th e

clum p is increased above a critical value (e.g. Mouschovias 1987). High-mass star

form ation can therefore be triggered by increases in th e pressure of th e interclum p

m edium . Potential catalysts include winds and th e supernovae of other high-m ass


cerned w ith th e form ation of low-mass stars. Hence, all fu rth er descriptions, unless

stated otherwise, refer to low-mass star form ation only.

The gas in translucent clumps is confined by th e pressure exerted by th e warm,

tenuous interclum p m edium as these objects are not gravitationally bound. They

are believed to be supported against collapse by m agnetic fields and m agnetohydro-

dynam ic (M ED ) waves which comprise th e turbulence (e.g. Mouschovias 1987; Shu,

A dam s & Lizano 1987). We describe the evidence for turbulence in section 1.2. The

M ED waves can be dissipated, and the dam ping ra te depends inversely on th e ion

num ber density. The ionization structure of a cloud is determ ined by th e chem istry

(see section 2.4). Eence, as the fractional ionization drops, th e ra te of wave dam ping

increases and th e clump will begin to collapse along th e m agnetic field lines. (In

C h ap ter 3 we investigate the nature of decreases in th e fractional ionization.) The

collapse of a translucent clump by this process leads to th e form ation of a dense


By contrast, dense cores are supported by therm al pressure and m agnetic pres­

sure. Waves are not im portant for their support (see C hapter 3). T heir fu rth er

collapse is governed by am bipolar diffusion, the drift of th e n eu tral com ponent of

th e gas relative to the charged component. The charged com ponent of the gas con­

sists of ions and electrons, and th e grains which carry one negative charge (D raine

& Sutin 1987). The m agnetic field acts on the charged com ponents and tends to

push particles out of th e cloud. The m agnetic force does not act directly on th e

n eu tral com ponent. G ravity acts to pull the neutral com ponent inward. T he rela­

tive m otions produce friction between the neutral and charged com ponents which

acts to reduce th eir relative velocities. The friction therefore leads to th e ‘m agnetic

re ta rd a tio n ’ of collapse (and may provide the additional heating source th a t is re­

quired in order for dense cores to have their observed tem p eratu res, as m entioned

above, and as described by Scalo 1987). The tim e for which th e collapse of a cloud

rem ains m agnetically retarded is the tim e required for th e neutrals to drift through

th e charged particles due to gravity. This is the am bipolar diffusion tim escale. In

Table 1.3 we give approxim ate expressions for this and some of th e other im p o rtan t


Table 1.3: Some important timescales. From Hartquist


Williams 1998.

Timescale Process Years

Collapse Gravity

Cooling Radiation 3x10^ (for 10 K)

Freeze-out Gas grain collisions 3xlO^/MH^

Ion-molecule chemistry Cosmic Ray ionization 3x10^

Ambipolar Diffusion Ion-neutral drift 4xl0^æ(z)/10-^

Desorption Chemically driven* 3xlO^[a:(CO)/10“ '^][lcm~^/n(H)]

nH =n(H )+2n(H2); a:(CO)=n(CO)/nH; x(i)=n(ions)/ nu * by H2 formation; S is the sticking probability.

The collapse of clumps probably occurs via free fall, and we can com pare the

free fall collapse tim escale to some of the other timescales given in Table 1.3. W ith

hh of 1 0^ cm~^ we obtain a free fall timescale of ~ 1 0® yrs. Com pare this to the

ion-molecule chem istry timescale, which is the tim escale on which th e n atu re of the

chem istry can be entirely changed (the tim e to ionize an am ount of H2 th a t equals

th e C and 0 gas phase abundance). This is about 3x10^ yrs and is independent of

hh. Consequently, it is possible th a t dynam ical changes can occur rapidly enough

so th a t some signatures of th e past physical conditions rem ains in the observable

chemistry. The freeze-out timescale (cf. section 2.5.1) for lO'^ cm “ ^ is 3x10^ yrs for

stan d ard assum ptions, but may be larger, and this is less th an th e free fall tim escale.

So molecules m ay be lost from the gas quickly com pared to the collapse tim escale,

unless desorption is also occuring.

T he rem ainder of the chapter provides a more detailed introduction to th e prob­

lems th a t are th e concern of the following work. In section 1.2 we provide a more

com plete introduction to the structures of Giant M olecular Cloud complexes, which

contain m any of the G alaxy’s star forming regions. Each giant m olecular cloud is

gravitationally self-bound and is likely to have been formed from th e collision and

subsequent merging of clouds th a t were initially diffuse. Each contains structures on

several scales. Most of the mass is contained in translucent clumps. We will consider

th e initial support and collapse of one of these clumps leading to th e form ation of

dense cores, which can be identified as th e progenitors of stars. These dense cores


collection of several cores, which are close enough to one another th a t the birth of

even a low-mass star in one of the cores may then regulate the further evolution of

tlie other cores within the cluster. In section 1.3 we discuss the possible scenarios

for the development of core clusters, in which low-mass stars form. Another core

cluster, TM C -1, which is one of the closest and most thoroughly observed, is the

topic of section 1.4. TMC-1 consists of several dense cores which lie in a ridge in

the vicinity of a recently formed low-mass star. A chemical gradient is observed

along the ridge and is used to infer information on the dynamical properties of the

source. In section 1.5 we examine the observational studies of dense core collapse

which leads to the formation of stars. Finally in section 1.6 we treat the theoretical

studies of the collapse of dense cores. Section 1.7 is a summary, and also sets out

the content of the thesis.


C lum py G iant M olecu lar C loud co m p lex es

^ - 1.5

- 2

- 2.5

208.5 208 2 0 7 .5 2 0 7 2 0 6 .5 2 0 6 2 0 5 .5

G a la c t ic L o n g i tu d e ( ° )

Figure 1.1: Map of the Rosette Molecular Cloud in ^^CO(J=1-0) emission. 1° % 28 pc.

lAom Williams, Blitz & Stark (1995).

In tlie Milky Way the m ajority of the molecular m atter exists in Giant Molecular

('loud (CM C) complexes. These liave masses which are typically in the range of 1 0"^

to 1(F Mq and have linear extents of a loon t 30 to 1 0 0 pc. One such GMC is the


th e integrated ( J = l - 0 ) emission line m ap of the RMC. The ^^0 0 ( J = l - 0 ) and

^ ^ 0 0 ( J = l - 0 ) emission m aps of th e RMC have been analyzed in detail by W illiam s,

B litz & Stark (1995). Their work has provided inform ation on th e stru ctu re of this

p articular GMC complex. The projected cross section of th e RMC is about 2200

pc^, it has a mass of about 1-2x10^ M©, a m ean H2 column density of 4x10^^ cm “ ^

and a m ean H2 num ber density of 30 cm “ ^. Much of the m olecular m aterial in th e

RMC exists in approxim ately 70 clumps which have masses between about 30 and

2500 M©; th e num ber of clumps w ith masses between M a n d M + d M scales as

dM. Less massive clumps may also exist w ithin the complex, b u t only a few were

detected at the lim it of the sensitivity of th e observations.

The clumps which have been identified occupy only approxim ately eight percent

of th e volume of th e RMC. In m ost clumps n (H2 ) ~ 2 0 0 cm “ ^; a variation of about

a factor of 4 in this value is found, b u t the m easured variation m ay be m ore lim ited

th a n th e real variation in density because CO is a poor tracer of denser gas. This is

due to the small dipole m om ent of CO resulting in th e CO rotational level population

distrib utio n becoming therm alized at values of n (H2) of several hundred cm “ ^. The

peak ^^CO column density through a clump scales roughly as and is about

10^® cm “ ^ for M =10^ M©; th e H2 column density is assum ed to be a factor of 5x10^

larger. T here are seven em bedded stars which exist in th e three m ost massive and

th e fifth, seventh, eleventh, and eighteenth most massive clumps. T he clumps th a t

contain stars are all amongst the 16 clumps having th e highest ^^CO colum n densities

of about 1 0^® cm “ ^ and more.

For a feature formed in an individual clump the line of sight full w idth at half

m axim um lies in th e range of about 0.9 to 3.3 km s“ L For com parison, the value

for ^^CO th a t is therm ally broadened only and is at 30 K (which is roughly th e

m axim um tem p eratu re obtaining in th e clumps) is only 0.22 km s~^. It has been

inferred th a t about half of the clumps are not bound by th eir own gravitational fields,

from the comparison of the velocity dispersion w ith th e escape velocity estim ated

from th e mass and radius of each clump. This is a result th a t appears to also apply

to clumps in other GMCs (Bertoldi & McKee 1992). A clump th a t is not bound


m ay consist prim arily of gas at about 10^ K.

The clumps have m agnetic fields which are im p o rtant for their support (e.g.

Mouschovias 1987). Turbulent pressure, which is associated w ith th e broad lines

th a t are observed, is im portant for clump support and acts along th e m agnetic field

lines. The form of th e turbulence is a superposition of Alfvén waves (Arons & Max

1975; Mouschovias & Psaltis 1995).

In C hapter 3 we examine th e collapse of a clum p to form a dense core. We argue

th a t collapse m ay begin if a critical column density is exceeded, and th a t this is

directly related to the extent of turbulent support in a clump.

30*1- LI5I7






• T TAURI S T A R /^

L I5 3 6

2 0*,


16' _ _

4*’5 5 ' 4 5 35"' 25"' 4 " 0 5

RIGHT A SC E N SIO N ( 1 9 5 0 )

Figure 1.2: The distribution of dark cores and low-mass stars in the Taurus — Auriga



L ow -m ass star fo rm a tio n in a c lu ste r o f d en se




I R S 4




IR S 2



0 . 2 5

- 2 0

- 3 0

30 2 0 10 0 - 1 0 -20 - 3 0

RA OFFSET ( o r e min )

Figure 1.3: contour map of B5. The positions of four infrared sources (IRSl-4)

associated with young stars are shown. From Goldsmith, Langer & Wilson (1986).

W hen a clump like one of those observed in th e RMC collapses, it fragm ents and

objects known as dense cores form (e.g. Myers 1990). A m m onia emission has been

used to m ap m any of th e dense cores (e.g. Benson & Myers 1989). Dense cores

typically have masses of one to several tens of solar masses each, num ber densities

n (H2) ~1 0^ —10^ cm~^ and tem peratures of ~ 1 0 —30 K. However, some dense cores

are observed to have num ber densities of up to roughly 1 0^ cm “ ^ and masses of

more th an one hundred solar masses, particularly in regions where massive stars

form. In Fig. 1.2 th e dense core distribution in th e Taurus — A uriga complex is

shown. A pproxim ately half of all dense cores are associated w ith young low-mass

stars. Dense cores are considered to be the direct progenitors of protostars.

Figure 1.2 shows th a t m any (but not all) of the dense cores are near other dense





Figure 1.4: The evolution of nu for a parcel of gas in a cyclic model. At point A collapse of the interclump medium begins; the collapse continues until a more slowly evolving core is formed. At point B the parcel is ablated from the dense core by a stellar wind. H'*' and He"*" are assumed to mix from the wind into the ablated gas as it is accelerated. At point C the ablated gas is fully incorporated into the wind. The ablated gas-stellar wind mixture expands freely until at point D it passes through a termination shock inside the interface of the mixture and the ambient intercore medium. The density of the decelerated mixture increases as it cools; after cooling is complete the mixture becomes part of the cool phase of the ambient intercore medium. The parcel of gas may then pass through a qualitatively similar cycle again. Adapted from Charnley et al. (1988). Note the time axis is not to scale.

mass stars. Figure 1.3 shows a emission line m ap of B5. The gravitationally

induced collapse of a core is an im portant step in the form ation of a star, bu t

once young stars have formed in a region their winds m ay affect th e collapse of the

neighbouring cores. In Fig. 1.4 we present an illustration of a m odel of cyclic clump

evolution, which is a modified version of one developed by N orm an & Silk (1980). In

this scenario, a core is ablated by the supersonic wind of a nearby young low-mass

star, to create a stellar w ind-ablated m aterial m ixture. This m ixture then moves

supersonically u ntil it collides with the sim ilarly m ass-loaded winds of th e other

nearby stars, where it is decelerated and passes through a shock. T he shocked gas

is then radiatively cooled leading to the form ation of irregular shells separating th e

winds of different stars. As a result, an intercore m edium of regions of supersonic

w ind-ablated m aterial m ixtures and shells of decelerated m ixtures is produced. The

form ation of subsequent generations of cores could occur if th e shells fragm ent.


to form stars, before they can be significantly eroded. The m aterial th a t was in a

core l)iit does not go into a star may then be blown to a large enough distance from

the cluster of cores, by the stellar winds, such th at it cannot be considered to be

associated with the cluster.


T M C -1

.y*)CCS {t>)CCS J{^=2i -1Q

Beam Slz#


5 0 - 5


B eam S ite


-1 0 5 0 - 5


higure 1.5: Contour map of the CCS emission from TMC-1. The filled triangle and

circle represent the positions of the ammonia and cyanopolyyne peaks respectively. From

I lirahara et al. (1992).

TM C- 1 (Taurus Molecular Cloud-1) is one of the most thoroughly observed dense

core sources. It is located within the Taurus - Auriga complex (see Fig. 1.2), at

a distance of 140 pc. Figure 1.5, a map of CCS emission, shows th a t TAlC- 1 is a

ridge which contains 5 dense cores th at are aligned on the plane of the sky, which

are labelled A to E (H irahara et ah 1992). There is a sixth core th a t lies to the side

of the Northern most core, core X which contains a star (its position is given in

f ig. 1.6). TMC-1 has an estim ated mass of approxim ately 1 0 M@ and an average

tem perature of about 1 0 K, in addition to being the site where some of the largest

detected molecules (lICgN, IIC uN ) have been found.

Figures 1.6 and 1.7 show maps of the NII3 (.7, A') = ( l , l ) inversion emission and


. NH3 (J,KH1,1)


5 8 1+2 5 4 0)



B e a m S iz e (HPBW)



5 5 -10


I'^igure 1.6: Contour map of the NII3 emission from TM C-1. The location of a star is

indicated. From Hirahara et al. (1992).

IIC3N .7=5-4 emission (H irahara et al. 1992). One can see th a t core B is the site of

t he peak in the NII3 emission, whilst the cyanopolyyne emission peaks at core D.

H irahara et al. (1992) have estim ated the densities of the various cores from single­

dish observations of C^'^S (.7=1-0 and 2-1) and C2S (.7^ =4 3 - 8 2 and 2i -1q) emissions

and found ?7.(H2) ~4x 1 0'* cm"^, 2.4x10^ cm “^, and 4x10^ cm “^ in cores D, C and

B respectively. From interferornetric studies of core D using C2S emission, Langer

et al. (1995) found core D to be fragmented, with 77(H2) ranging from roughly 3 to

8 x1 0'* cm “ ^ in the largest fragments, to 1 0*^ cm~^ in the smallest.

An understanding of the chemical variations along TM C- 1 would lead to insight

into how TMC-1 has reached its present physical state and, more generally, into

dense core formation and evolution during the process of stellar birth. There are

several different ways in which the variations of the HC3N fractional abundance along

FMC-1 might have arisen. In Chapter 4 we examine in detail the many different

explanations for the observed chemical gradient along TM C- 1 and the assum ption


HC3 N J=5-4

( g

B e a m S i z e T J


5 0


-5 -10

I’ igurc 1.7: C'oiitour map of IK^gN emission from TMCl-l. From llirahara et al. (1992).

'riien in (llia])tcr 5 we explore wliether it may be possible to observe molecular

nitrogen and oxygen in such regions, and thereby provide a direct measure of the

nitrogen and oxygen budgets in star forming regions and a limit on the theoretical

chemical models.


C ollap se o f d en se cores in region s o f low -m ass

star form ation

As described previously, dense cores are thought to be the im m ediate progenitors

of protostars, which has fueled efforts to detect signatures in molecular emission

line profiles of the collapse of such cores. In the search for evidence of collapse,

comparisons are normally made between line ])rohles from both optically thick and

1 hin lines. The o])tically thin lines probe higher density and tem perature regions and

as a residt are broadened (transitions between higher rotational levels are needed).

The o]M ically thin lines are symmetric and have a single peak. Therefore, such lines


Static E nvelope

Infall Region


O b served Spectrum


A ntenna

Figure 1.8: Collapse signatures: the formation of asymmetric, double-peaked, self­

absorption line profiles in optically thick lines. From Rawlings (1996).

used to search for the infall signatures. The signatures th a t observers search for

are asym m etric, narrow and double-peaked line profiles. Figure 1.8 depicts how th e

characteristic infall signature is produced (Rawlings 1996). As the line is optically

thick we preferentially ’see’ emission from the parts of th e blue-shifted and red-

shifted hemispheres th a t are closest to us. In the red-shifted case, this emission

will be from th e outer p art of the infall region, which is cooler and has a low infall

velocity. However, the blue-shifted part of the emission comes from a m ore central

region of the infall, which will be moving faster th an th e outer regions, and will also

be denser and hotter; consequently this emission is brighter th a n th a t produced in

th e red-shifted hemisphere. The surrounding envelope of m aterial, which is static,

absorbs some of th e emission and hence a self-absorption dip at th e center of the

profile is produced.

The requirem ents to produce such asym m etric line profiles are th a t i) th e line

is optically thick in both hemispheres of emission; ii) a velocity gradient is present


th e core centre); iii) the observed species is also present in th e static outer envelope;

and iv) a positive tem p eratu re gradient towards the cloud centre exists.

O bservational detections of this sort of blue-red asym m etric self-absorption were

m ade for a num ber of clouds in CO emission line profiles by Snell & Loren (1976), b u t

these results were challenged by Leung & Brown (1977) who argued th a t th e infall

explanation for the origin of the asym m etric features was not unique. (Turbulence,

ro tatio n and outflows also produce double-peaked profiles. However, as described

by Zhou (1997), these motions should produce equal am ounts of blue-shifted and

red-shifted emission.) Walker et al. (1986) reported th e detection of infall in IRAS

16293-2422 using a CS emission line study. However, M enten et al. (1987) showed

th a t th e observed line profiles could be explained using a model in which the emission

from a rapidly rotating core undergoes foreground absorption.

In an a tte m p t to establish more thoroughly w hat th e characteristics of spectral

line profiles formed in collapse models are, Zhou (1992) perform ed radiative transfer

calculations based on simplifying approxim ations. One particu lar collapse model

th a t Zhou (1992) used is one studied analytically by Shu (1977). Shu (1977) showed

th a t an initially static, singular isotherm al sphere (w ith n ~ r “ ^) will undergo self­

sim ilar collapse w ith the collapse wave propagating out from the centre where the

collapse velocity and the density are infinite. Collapse in which th e infall speed

decreases w ith radius and th e outer radius of the collapsing region, Tout, increases

w ith tim e has come to be known as “inside-out” collapse. C om putations like those

of Zhou (1992) and the more accurate M onte-Carlo calculations of Choi et al. (1995)

give results th a t imply th a t for cores undergoing inside-out collapse and in which

th e te m p eratu re decreases w ith radius:

1. optically thick lines show the blue-red self-absorption asym m etry,

2. for fixed angular resolution and equal optical depths th e w idth of a line of a

tran sitio n for which the critical density is large is greater th a n th e w idth of a

line of a transition for which the critical density is small,

3. th e self-absorption and linew idth of a line appear to increase w ith increasing


Table 1.4: Table of infall candidates.

Collapse Candidates Authors

B335 Zhou et al. (1993); Choi et al. (1995) CB3, CB54, CB244 Wang et al. (1995)

HR 25MMS, IRAS 20050 Gregersen et al. (1997)

IRAS 16293-2422 Walker et al. (1986); Zhou (1995); Mardones et al. (1997)

IRAS 03256+3055 Mardones et al. (1997)

IRAS 13036-7644 Lehtinen (1997); Mardones et al. (1997)

L483 Myers et al. (1995)

L1157 Gueth et al. (1997); Mardones et al. (1997) L1251 Myers et al. (1996); Mardones et al. (1997) L1527 Myers et al. (1995); Zhou et al. (1996)

L1544 Myers et al. (1996)

NGC 1333 IRAS 2 Ward-Thompson et al. (1996)

NGC 1333 IRAS 4A/4B Gregersen et al. (1997); Mardones et al. (1997) S6 8N Hurt et al. (1996); Mardones et al. (1997) Serpens SMM4 Hurt et al. (1996); Gregersen et al. (1997);

Mardones et al. (1997) Serpens SMM5 Mardones et al. (1997)

VLA 1623 Mardones et al. (1997)

WL22 Mardones et al. (1997)

W ith these three points in m ind, Zhou et al. (1993) dem onstrated th a t H2CO and

CS emission profiles (both are optically thick) originating in B335 show th e charac­

teristic shapes associated w ith infall. B335 is a low-mass star forming core w ith an

em bedded 3 L@ infrared source and a collimated outflow. High resolution (3" to 5")

ap erture synthesis maps of and emissions also support th e hypothesis

th a t B335 is still undergoing collapse (Chandler & Sargent 1993).

In order to confirm these initial encouraging results th ere is a need to:

a) observe more molecules and transitions

b) consider the effects of the outflow on the profiles

c) detect outflows in more sources.


et al. (1994), Mardones et al. (1994), Myers et al. (1995), Velusamy et al. (1995),

Wang et al. (1995), Zhou et al. (1996), Myers et al. (1996), Gregersen et al. (1997)

and M ardones et al. (1997). Many new infall candidates have been discovered and

are listed in Table 1.4. The characteristic infall signatures have been observed in a

variety of m olecular lines: (2-1), C3H2 (2i,2-lo ,i), C2S (2 i-lo ), HCO+, ^^0 0

and HCN, besides H2CO and CS. However, point (b) is a difficult one to address be­

cause it fu rth er complicates already sophisticated models. Myers et al. (1996) have

developed a simple analytic model of radiative transfer in which th e contribution

of outflowing gas to spectral line profiles from contracting clouds is also considered.

This model provides a simple way to quantify characteristic infall speeds, and its

use to in terp ret d a ta strongly suggests th a t the inward m otions derived from the

line profiles are gravitational in origin.

One way to avoid complications due to the presence of stellar outflows is to

observe starless cores which, presumably, do not have outflows. Some of these

objects m ay be collapsing, yet are starless due to insufficient developm ent tim e. To

d ate, only one starless core L1544 has shown evidence of infall asym m etry profiles

which strongly suggest infall motions (Myers et al. 1996; Tafalla et al. 1998). The

m easured linew idths in L1544 are extrem ely small (~0.3 km s“ ^) and im ply th a t

therm al pressure is playing an im p o rtan t role in th e dynamics. In addition, it is one

of the m ost opaque cores in the Taurus Molecular Cloud, suggesting th e presence of

high colum n densities. Myers and collaborators have therefore defined L I544 as the

m o s t evolved starless core. L1498 is another interesting starless core which shows

an intriguing double-peaked CS feature w ith th e blue peak stronger th a n th e red

peak (L em m eet al. 1995). However, L1498 has a com plicated physical and chemical

stru ctu re which hinders an easy interp retatio n of observational d a ta (see K uiper,

Langer & Velusamy 1996). Figure 1.9 shows th e shape of an NH3 emission line

feature arising in the dense core L1498 (Myers & Benson 1983). As th e source was

observed in two separate lines a tem p eratu re could be derived. The NH3 emission

profile shows very little deviation from th a t expected from a static core w ith very

subsonic turbulence. There are no broad wings like those th a t m ight be expected to


m agnetic effects are negligible, in the fastest (supersonically) infalling m aterial.

High sensitivity and high spectral resolution interferom etric observations are

providing a new window to the innerm ost p arts of low-mass star form ing cores,

and are helping to establish infall from outflow m otions (e.g. Ohashi et al. 1997).

Interferom eters are also needed to identify which p a rt of th e cloud is traced by

th e chosen m olecular species. For exam ple, C2S in B335 is tracing th e outer p arts

of th e collapsing envelope of the core (Velusamy et al. 1995), whereas H2CO and

CS emission is coming from deeper regions. A sim ilar result has been found from

high resolution observations toward L1498 (K uiper et al. 1996). This starless core

shows a chemically differentiated onion-shell stru ctu re, w ith the NH 3 in th e inner

and th e C2S in th e outer part of the core; the CS and C3H2 emission seems to lie

betw een these. The chemical and physical properties of L1498 have been in terp reted

by K uiper et al. in term s of a “slowly contracting” dense core in which th e outer

envelope is still growing.



^ 0.8

H 0.6

> 0 .4



1.2.3 STATIC

10 K


-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0 .4

V L S R -< V L S R > (K M S * ')

Figure 1.9: The NH3 line profile of L1498. The curve associated with the dots is the observed profile. That marked static is the one expected from lOK gas th a t is not turbulent and experiences no systemic motion. The curve marked collapse is the profile expected if the fractional abundance of NH3 is constant and the core is undergoing collapse governed by a particular solution of the class th at Shu (1977) investigated. From Myers & Benson (1983).

Some questions arise

cloud core collapse:


1. How deeply in the core are infalling motions traced by H2CO and CS obser­

vations? These are th e species used most for this kind of study.

2. How strongly do stellar outflows affect the abundance and th e excitation of

th e above molecular species?

3. W hy does NH3 not reveal infall signatures?

4. W hy do CS and C2S seem to trace “envelope” m aterial, even though they are

bo th high density tracers? They should trace densities higher th a n NH3 but

their emission seems to be external to am m onia emission.

5. W hat is happening to molecular m aterial in a region im m ediately surrounding

th e accreting young star, and can depletion onto grains occur in spite of the

proxim ity of a central source?

More high sensitivity and high resolution observations are required to answer

these questions, to b etter understand the physics of gravitational collapse in cloud

cores, and the chemical processes in star forming regions.


T h e o r e tic a l stu d ie s o f th e c h e m istr y o f d en se

core co lla p se in regions o f lo w -m a ss sta r for­

m a tio n

Analysis of dense cores have revealed variations in th eir chemical com position and

these have effects on the profiles of lines observed to study core collapse. In order

to obtain th e m axim um inform ation from the profiles about th e dynam ics of core

collapse, the observed variations in chemical com position m ust be understood theo­

retically so th a t their effects on the profiles can be reliably deconvolved from those

of th e dynamics.

As m entioned in the previous section, a key problem associated w ith dense

core observations is the absence of infall signatures in NH3 line profiles. M enten


is not observable in it. This suggestion was taken by Rawlings et al. (1992) to be

th e startin g point for a theoretical exam ination of chem istry in dense core collapse.

H artq u ist & W illiams (1989) argued th a t for some ranges of depletion, some species

should have gas phase fractional abundances th a t increase as depletion occurs (see

C h ap ter 4). Following these findings of H artquist & W illiams (1989), Rawlings

et al. (1992) a tte m p ted to identify gas phase species th a t have non-dim inishing or

at m ost slowly diminishing fractional abundances during some stages of depletion.

T he proposal by Rawlings et al. (1992) was th a t the lines of such species would be

th e m ost suitable ones to observe when attem p tin g to discover unam biguous spec­

tra l signatures of ongoing collapse, such efforts having been unsuccessful up to th a t

tim e.

T he m odel of collapse adopted was th a t of th e inside-out collapse of a singular

isotherm al sphere due to Shu (1977), as described in 1.5. Rawlings et al. (1992) cal­

culated tim e-varying profiles for optically thin lines of a num ber of species. T he line

profiles were calculated for angular resolutions obtainable w ith existing single dish

telescopes and for an object at the distance of L1498. Species found to have notice­

ably broader line profiles th an NH3 included HCO, HNO, N2H"^, HCO"^, HS, CH and

H2S. For a num ber of these species the prim ary cause for their greater w idths was

th a t as depletion occurs the reduction of the high gas phase H2O fractional abun­

dance (which was an artifact of the initial conditions used in th e model) decreases

th e ra te of th e prim ary removal mechanism of th e species itself or a species th a t is

a progenitor of it. It was concluded th a t the suggestion of M enten et al. (1984) is

plausible, and th a t the proposal may be further tested by study of th e line profiles

of th e additional species listed above.

U nfortunately, Rawlings et al. (1992) did not follow th e behaviour of CS. The

behaviour of th e sulphur depletion is a key unanswered question in star form ation.

Sulphur is observed to be practically undepleted in diffuse clouds, yet it is heavily

depleted in dense cores even when carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are not (Taylor

et al. 1996). It is not known w hether the depletion of S increases where C and 0

depletions are m ore substantial, but it is apparent th a t S depletes in a very different


detail and propose a potential mechanism to explain th e unusual behaviour of S.

Various models of the ways in which m agnetic fields and am bipolar diffusion

affect dense core collapse exist (e.g. Ciolek & Mouschovias 1995). It is som etim es

valuable to adopt a simple description of the dynamics or even assume a fixed den­

sity to explore th e effects of depletions in models w ith varying initial conditions,

ra th e r th a n perform ing complex calculations for detailed dynam ical models. N ejad,

H artq u ist & W illiams (1994) studied the chemical evolution in a single parcel of gas

undergoing cycling in one cyclic model. Species found to have fractional abundances

increasing w ith tim e or at least rem aining fairly level w ith tim e included CH, OH,

C2H, H2CO, HCN, HNC and CN, for model tim es when some im p o rtan t TMC-1

fractional abundances were reasonably well m atched by the model fractional abun­

dances. These species might be good candidates to observe in studies of infall, as

H2CO has, in fact, proven to be (Zhou et al. 1993). We investigate the dependences

of th e fractional abundances of a num ber of species on the selective depletions of

elem ental carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur, as well as m etals in C h ap ter 7.


S u m m ary

In th e previous sections we have outlined some fundam ental questions th a t inhibit

our understanding of the star form ation process. In the following chapters we ex­

am ine these problems in detail.

In C hapter 2 we discuss further th e chem istry and physics of star form ing re­

gions, and provide an introduction to the model which is employed in th e rem aining

chapters. We investigate th e initial support and collapse of translucent clum ps to

form dense cores in C hapter 3. In C hapter 4 we study th e effects th a t th e gas

grain interaction has on observable molecular species and the assum ption th a t cer­

ta in types of molecules are indicative of a specific evolutionary epoch in a clouds

lifetim e.

In an a tte m p t to test the accuracy of the models th a t we use, we exam ine th e

feasibility of a novel proposal to observe molecular nitrogen in a dark, dense core


why is S observed to be much m ore depleted in dense cores th an carbon, nitrogen

and oxygen are? In C hapter 7 we investigate th e suitability of different m olecular

species for use in attem p ts to observe regions of infall.

Finally in C hapter 8 we sum m arise the results presented in the preceeding chap­

ters and explore the future avenues of research th a t th e work presented here indi­


C hapter 2

C h em istry and physics o f

collapsing interstellar clouds

In this chapter we provide an introduction to the chemical and dynam ical modelling

employed in this work. In section 2.1 we describe th e basic chemical reactions th a t

occur in both the gas phase and grain surface production schemes. Section 2 . 2

concerns th e relative abundances of the elem ents, values of which need to specified

in a model. In section 2.3 we exam ine th e chemical networks for a few selected

elem ents and in section 2.4 we discuss how the ionization stru ctu re is determ ined by

th e chemistry. We sum m arise the physics th a t is involved in th e m odel in section

2.5. Finally in section 2.6 we describe in detail th e m ethod of using th e m odel and

producing values for the evolution w ith tim e of th e abundances of species in the



C h em ica l rea ctio n s

M any different models have been used in attem p ts to explain th e observed inter­

stellar m olecular species and their abundances. There are two basic schemes for th e

form ation of molecules th a t have been established. The first scheme involves reac­

tions taking place in the gas phase (Bates & Spitzer 1951; H erbst & K lem perer 1973;

Black & Dalgarno 1973), and the second involves reactions on interstellar grain sur­


from recent observations of an increasing num ber of molecular species th a t both gas

phase and grain surface production of molecules m ust be included into models (e.g.

W illiam s & Taylor 1996; Crawford & W illiams 1997). We exam ine these different

schemes in turn.

2 .1 .1

G a s p h a se c h e m istr y

Molecules can be formed via ion-molecule or neutral-neutral reactions. The rates of

these reactions are given by k n ( X ) n { Y ) in cm~^ s“ ^, where k is th e reaction rate

coefficient (in cm^ s“ ^) and n is the num ber density of th e species (in cm “ ^). The

reactan ts X and Y could be any of th e following: atom s, molecules, atom ic ions or

m olecular ions.

Ion-molecule reactions are particularly effective in forming increasingly complex

species, and the reactions are rapid even at the low tem p eratu re conditions of in ter­

stellar clouds. If the reaction is exotherm ic then from Langevin theory th e reaction

ra te coefficient will be independent of tem p eratu re, and will depend only on th e

reduced mass of th e system and the polarizability of th e molecule. R ate coefficients

for ion-molecule reactions are typically of the order of cm “ ^ s“ ^. However,

if th e molecule has a perm anent dipole (e.g. H2O), then the enhanced long range

a ttra c tio n leads to rate coefficients of between ten to a hundred tim es larger.

B oth an ion and a molecule are required to in itiate this chemistry. The starting

molecule is H2, and when H2 is present the effectiveness of ion-molecule chem istry is

directly related to the ion form ation rate. Ionization can be induced by ultraviolet

radiation or cosmic rays (cf. section 1.1).

Various loss mechanisms exist to hinder th e build up of complex species. These

include dissociative recom bination of molecular ions and radiative recom bination of

atom ic ions. B oth of these processes also control th e ionization level w ithin a cloud.

Photodissociation of molecules is another destructive mechanism . This last process

can be caused by photons from the background interstellar radiation field or by

photons which are generated as a result of cosmic ray ionization (see section 1.1).

N eutral-neutral reactions can also occur. N eutral exchanges are th e m ost im ­


Table 1.1: Table of observed interstellar and circumstellar molecules. We also de­note the wavelength ranges of the detections if they are not made at millimetre wavelengths
Table 1.3: Some important timescales. From Hartquist k  Williams 1998.
Figure 1.2: The distribution of dark cores and low-mass stars in the Taurus — Auriga
Figure 1.3:


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