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Heme Oxygenase-2 Is Neuroprotective in Cerebral Ischemia


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Cerebral Ischemia

Sylvain Dore,' Kenji Sampei,5



Nabil J.


Daniel Guastella,' Seth Blackshaw,'



Richard J.


Patricia D. Hurn,5

Raymond C. Koehler,5 and Solomon






'Neuroscience, 2Pharmacology

and Molecular

Sciences, 3Psychiatry, 4Psychology,



and Critical Care


The Johns

Hopkins University/School



Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.

CommunicatedbyS. Snyder. Accepted September 8, 1999.


Hemeoxygenase (HO)isbelievedtobeapotent antiox-idant enzyme inthe nervoussystem; itdegradesheme from heme-containing proteins, giving rise to carbon monoxide, iron, andbiliverdin,whichisrapidlyreduced

to bilirubin. The first identified isoform of the enzyme, HOI, is an inducible heat-shock protein expressed in

high levels in peripheral organs and barely detectable under normal conditions in thebrain, whereasH02 is

constitutive andmosthighlyconcentrated inthe brain.

Interestingly, although H02 is constitutively expressed,

its activity can be modulated by phosphorylation. We demonstrated thatbilirubin, formed from H02, is

neu-roprotectant, asneurotoxicity isaugmentedinneuronal


Heme oxygenase (HO) is the rate-limiting en-zymein hemedegradation catalyzing cleavage of the heme ringtoform ferrous iron, carbon mon-oxide (CO), and biliverdin. Biliverdin is rapidly

Addresscorrespondenceandreprintrequests to Dr.

So-lomonH.Snyder, DepartmentofNeuroscience, The Johns

Hopkins University/SchoolofMedicine, 725North Wolfe

Street,Baltimore, MD21205,U.S.A.Phone: 410-955-3024;

Fax:410-955-3623; E-mail: ssnyder@jhmi.edu

cultures from mice with targeted deletion of H02

(H02-'-) andreversedbylowconcentrationsof biliru-bin.We nowshowthatneuraldamage following middle

cerebral artery ocdusion (MCAO) and reperfusion, a model of focal ischemia of vascular stroke, is substan-tially worsenedinH02-' animals. By contrast, stroke damageis notsignificantlyalteredin HO -'- mice,

de-spitetheir greaterdebility.Neuraldamagefollowing

in-tracranial injections ofN-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) is also accentuatedinH02-'-animals. These findings es-tablishH02 as anendogenousneuroprotective systemin

the brain whosepharmacologic manipulationmayhave therapeutic relevance.


con-S. Doreetal.: HemeOxygenase-2 in Cerebral Ischemia 657

centratedintissuessuch as the spleen andliver, which degrade heme from aged red blood cells. By contrast, H02 is constitutive and most con-centratedinthe brain andtestes (2), accounting forthegreatmajorityof HOactivityin thebrain, where HO2 is localized to selective neuronal populations (1,3).

Of the three products of HO, CO has been mostextensivelystudied, especiallyas apotential neurotransmitter in the brain and autonomic nervous system (1,3,4). Recent evidence impli-catesbilirubinas anantioxidant neuroprotectant (5,6). Neurotoxicity in brain cultures is exacer-batedbyHOinhibitors andincultures frommice with targeted deletion of H02 (HO2-'-), whereas nanomolar concentrations of bilirubin areneuroprotective (5).BRelicits substantial an-tioxidant effects and isprobably the most abun-dantendogenous antioxidant inmammalian tis-sues (6-8).Freeradicalshavebeenimplicated as a causative agent inischemic damage.

In the present study, we demonstrate that neural damage following middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), amodel of focal ischemia of vascular stroke, is substantially worsened in HO2


animals whereas stroke damage is not significantly affected in HO1' mice. These findingsimplicate H02 asanendogenous neuro-protective system inthe brain whose pharmaco-logic manipulation may have therapeutic rele-vance.

Materials and Methods

MCAO and Reperfusion

The study was conducted in accordance with National Institutesof Health (NIH) guidelines for the use of experimental animals, and protocols were approved bythe Institutional Animal Care andUse Committee. Adult male mice (23-28 g) were obtained from Kenneth D. Poss and Su-sumuTonegawaand have been described previ-ously (4,9-11). The protocol used for MCAO was similartooneusedbefore (12), with a few mod-ifications. Briefly, under halothane anesthesia, a 6-0 monofilamentwas inserted into the internal carotid artery through the stump of the external carotid artery and advanced6 mmpastthe origin of the pterygopalatine artery such that the blunted tipwaspositionednear theorigin of the middle and anterior cerebral arteries. Because the posterior communicating artery was rela-tively large inthese animals, asecond monofila-ment wasinserted viathe external carotid artery

and advancedup the internal carotid artery 4.5

mm past the pterygopalatine artery bifurcation toreduce collateral blood flow. Reperfusionwas

accomplished by withdrawal of the sutures and anesthesia was discontinued.

Usingadifferent cohort ofanimals, the fem-oral artery was cannulated for measurement of arterial blood gases and blood pressure. Rectal temperaturewasmaintainedthroughout the ex-perimentwithheating padsin all animals andno

significant differenceswere observedamong the different groups. The skull was thinned with a

drill at 3 mm posterior and 5 mm lateral to the


and a laser-Doppler flow probe was

fixed in position. This region represents an area ofdense ischemia. Red cell flux during ischemia and reperfusion was expressed as a percent of baseline.

In other cohorts of halothane-anesthetized mice, blood flowdistributionwas measuredat 1 hr ofischemia byintravenous infusion of4



(NEN Life Sciences, Boston, MA) over a 45-sec period. Arterial blood was sampled at 5-sec intervals to generate the time integral of the arterial concentration of the tracer. At 45 sec, mice were decapitated and brains quickly frozen. Autoradiographic images of 20-,um sections were digitized and the re-gional blood flow was calculated as described before (13).

IntrastriatalN-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Injection

Mice were anesthetized and unilateral stereo-taxicmicroinjections (0.3 ,ulover 3-minperiod) wereperformed using 0.1Mphosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with or without NMDA (Sigma) following the protocol described by Ayata et al. (14). Mice were killed by decapitation after 48 hr. Time-course and dose-response experiments were first performed to find the optimal condi-tions. Brains were frozen and 20-,um coronal cryostatsectionsweretaken. Thelesion areawas measured by a computer-assisted system after Nisslstaining.
















H02-/- (n










Regional Cerebral




Fig. 1. Distribution of

ce-rebral blood flowduring ischemia inwild-type (WT) andH02 '- mice. (Top) Digitized imageof

re-gional cerebral blood flow duringfocal ischemia ina

WTandH02' mouse de-terminedby autoradiography oftheiodoantipyrine tracer.

(Bottom) Histogram depict-ingthe relativevolume of tissueinischemic hemi-sphere partitionedinto ranges of cerebral blood flow fromWT (n = 5) and


(n = 5) mice. There isno significantdifference in blood flowdistribution.

Un-dersimilarconditionsusing laser-Doppler flowmetry measured overischemic

cor-tex, we observeda rapid

de-creasein red cell flux

(ap-proximately85%) duringthe occlusion andacomplete

recovery tobaseline after the filamentswere withdrawn.

No differences could be

quantifiedbetween theWT

andH02-' mice.




I ,-I-H02*(n-7)





0-H02* (n=7)

Fig. 2. Cerebral infarct volume isincreased in H02' butnotwild-type (WT) micefollowing MCAO. Micewere submit-tedto 1 hr MCAO and23hr reperfusion. (Top) Represen-tative coronal brain sections fromWTandH02-' mice after MCA occlusion and

reperfusionare shown. The infarct volumewas deter-minedby

triphenyltetrazo-lium chloride staining. The whiteregion representing

theischemicregionwas de-lineated and the surface area wasmeasured. (Bottom) The infarct volume shown on the histogram was corrected for edema: the infarct represents 25 ± 3% of the hemisphere

in WT (n = 9) and 44 ± 6% ofthehemisphere in H02 -'- (n = 7) mice (*p <

0.001). No WTmicedied and

oneH02-'- mouse died. 75


0 2









0-O----S.Dore etal.: HemeOxygenase-2 in Cerebral Ischemia 659


z.4wW.g: jA

Fig.3. HO1inductionfollowingMCAO. Mouse

brain sections were examined after 1 hrischemia and23hr reperfusion usinginsituhybridization (HO1 mRNA) andimmunohistochemistry for immu-noreactiveHO1 (IR-HO1), glial (IR-GFAP;glial

fibril-Triton X-100 and incubated overnight at 40C with the primary antiserum dilutedin PBS con-taining 2% goat serumand 0.1% Triton X-100. Immunoreactivity was visualized with the Vec-tastain ABC Elite kit (Vector Laboratories, Inc., Burlingame, CA) using DAB as chromogen with or without nickel ammonium sulfate. The HO antibodies were obtained from Stressgen (Victo-ria, Canada). The other antibodieswere markers forglia (GFAP;DAKO, Carpinteria, CA) and mi-croglia (CD1lb, Serotec, Raleigh, NC).

In Situ Hybridization

Probes used forin situhybridization forHO 1 and H02were 900bp and700bp, respectively.These clones were inBluescript and the senseand

an-tisense weresynthesizedusingT7andT3 promo-tor. Brains were snap frozen and cut in 10-,um sections. The sections were permeabilized, blocked, and thenhybridizedovernight. Sections were developed using antidigoxygenin

conju-lary acidicprotein) andmicroglial (IR-CD Ilb)

mark-ers. HO1 mRNA and proteinareinducedinthe bordersurroundingthe infarctcore.The induction

appearsto occurin reactive microglia.

gated to phosphatase as described previously (15).


Cerebral BloodFlow in Wild-type andH02 / Mice MCAO resulted in stable decreases in cortical perfusion throughoutthe ischemicperiod as es-timatedbylaser-Doppler flowmetry (Fig. 1, top). The percent reduction in perfusion during isch-emia and recovery ofbloodflowduring reperfu-sion were not different in wild-type (WT) and


Fig. 4. Cerebral infarct volume is similar in HO1' andwild-type

(WT) micefollowing

MCAO. Mice weresubjected

to 1 hr MCAO and 23 hr reperfusion. The infarct vol-umeshown onthehistogram wascorrectedfor edema: the infarct represented 31 ± 6% of the hemispherein WT (n =

10)and 35 ± 7%of the hemisphere in HO1' (n =

10) mice. Two HO ' mice

died, and no WT mice died.

or in mean arterial blood pressure. At 1 hr of

ischemia, arterial pH (7.36 ± 0.002 vs. 7.34 ±

0.006), arterialPco2 (34 ± 2 vs. 34 1 mmHg),

and arterial P02 (138 ± 13 vs. 147 12 mmHg)

were similar in WTand H02 ' groups.

To estimate absolute blood flow in separate

cohorts, we examined intraischemic blood flow

distributionasobserved andquantifiedby

[14C]io-doantipyrine autoradiography (Fig. 1 bottom).

The distribution of tissue volume recruited into low-flow zones within the ischemichemisphere was similar in WT and H02 ' groups. Mean

blood flow in the nonischemic hemisphere was

equivalent in WT (103 ± 4ml/100 g/min; ±SE)

and H02 / (104 5 ml/100 g/min) mice.

Ischemic VolumeIs Increased in H02 / Animals

The volume of infarcted brain tissuefollowing 1

hrof ischemiaand23hrofreperfusionwas71%

greater inH02 / than inWTanimals, whereas

there was no difference in overall tissuevolume

between the two groups in the control hemi-sphere (Fig. 2).

HO1 Is Induced afterMCAO andReperfusion

Since HO1 is induced following many types of

stress, one might anticipatealterations following

MCAO. There arereports of increased HO1

pro-tein by immunohistochemical staining (16-19) and HO1 mRNA by Northern blot analysis

(17,19,20), but the exact cellular localization of the increase has been unclear. We observed a

pronounced increase in HO1 staining (mRNA

andprotein) thatwashighlyconcentratedatthe border of infarcted tissue (Fig. 3). The staining

waslocalized to reactive microglia.

Ischemic Volume Is Similar in HO1


and WT


The induction of HO1 after MCAO raises the

possibility that it maymediate neurotoxic

alter-ations. Accordingly, we evaluated ischemia in

HO 1 -/ animals.Wefoundnosignificant

differ-ences in infarct volume between WT and

HOl / mice (Fig. 4).

NMDA NeurotoxicityIsAugmented in H02 / Mice

We sought to ascertain which mechanisms of strokedamage mightaccountfor theaugmented strokedamagein H02 ' animals.Neurotoxicity

canbe elicitedbydirectinjections of NMDAinto

the brain. As reported previously (14), we

ob-served substantial neural damage following NMDA injections into the cerebral cortex

(Fig. 5).The extentofthisdamagewasincreased

3- to 4-fold inH02 ' mice.


The substantial increase in MCAO-associated neural damage in H02-/- mice suggests that H02normally performsaneuroprotectiverole in

the brain. However, it is conceivable that loss of

H02 causesnonspecific braindamage that wors-ens strokes. We think this is unlikely for the


exten-sively characterized in behavioral studies as

showingnodefects inanextensiverangeof

sen-sory and motortasks, including measures of

ol-faction, motivation, exploratory behavior,motor

coordination, strength, and balance (11), and long-termpotentiation in brain slicesisalso

nor-mal (10). The only documented abnormalities have involved diminishedpenile ejaculation( 11)


-T-0 80--W







150-° .

100-_ 0



S.Dor6etal.: HemeOxygenase-2 in Cerebral Ischemia











and reducednonadrenergic, noncholinergic

neu-ronal transmission in the intestine (4). Gross

lo-comotor behavior is normal, as is reproductive

behavior and longevity. Sixteen-month-old H02-/-animals (n = 15) performedthesame as

WTanimals (n = 14) inastandard Morriswater

mazetask (21):the distance swum (WT: 2208 ±

333; H02-'-: 2260 ± 203 cm) and the relative

speed (WT: 24.4 ± 3.6; H02


25.0 ± 2.3

cm/sec) were comparable. By contrast, most

HO1/- mice die during embryonic life and those that survive usually die at an early adult

age (9). Yet, wefoundnosignificantdifferencein

MCAO neuraldamage in HOl -/ mice as

com-paredtoWTmice. This furtheremphasizes selec-tivityforH02 inmediating neuroprotectionand establishing that the greater stroke damage of HO2 /- mice isnot relatedto generaldebility.

Strokedamagefollowingblood vessel occlu-sion andreperfusioninvolves avarietyof

mech-anisms. Onecomponentderives from the forma-tion of oxygen free-radicals by hypoxic

mitochondria. Hypoxia also triggers a massive

release ofglutamate, which causesneurotoxicity

via stimulation ofglutamatereceptors,especially the NMDA subtype (14). We soughttoascertain which mechanisms of stroke damage might be

reversedbyHO activation and hence contribute

toaugmented strokedamageinH02-'-animals. Neurotoxicity can be elicitedby directinjections

H027-Fig. 5. NMDAdamage is augmented in

H02-' mice. (Top) Representative coronal

brain sections Nisslstained after NMDA

stereo-taxicinjections show theextentof damage in H02-'- ascomparedto wild-type (WT) mice. The lesions weremostly localized tothe

stria-tumandto theadjacentcortexalong with the

needle track. (Bottom) Thehistogram depicts

the relative volume of tissuedamaged after saline orNMDAinjection fromWTand H02-'- mice (n = 4in eachgroup).

ofNMDA into the brain and, as reported previ-ously (14), we observedsubstantial neural dam-agefollowing NMDA injectionsintothe cerebral cortex (Fig. 3). The extent of this damage was increased 3- to 4-fold in H02-'- mice. Thus, it appears that physiologic H02 activity is neuro-protective against glutamate excitatoxicity that involves NMDA receptor activation.

Whatmightaccountforthe neuroprotective action of H02? One of the enzyme's products, CO, isaputative neurotransmitterbut ithas not been directly linked to neuroprotective mecha-nisms (3,4). CO can dilate blood vessels, but there is no evidencethat CO elaborated byH02 in neurons regulates vascular reactivity. More-over, the reduction in perfusion during the en-tire ischemic period and the volume of tissue subjected to ischemic levels of blood flow were thesame in


andWTmice.Thus the lack of hypothesized CO-mediated vasodilation dur-ing ischemia in


mice does not account for the greater infarction volume in these ani-mals. By contrast, there is direct evidence for a neuroprotective roleforBR. Inhippocampal and cerebral cortical cultures, the neurotoxic effects ofhydrogenperoxide (5), hemin and the Alzhei-mer'sA31_42peptide (22)aresubstantially wors-ened by HO inhibitors and in cultures from H02 ' mice. BR in nanomolar concentrations isneuroprotective againstH202-induced toxicity 661



,-in these primary cultures. Phorbol esters also elicit neuroprotective actions in brain neuronal cultures by activating protein kinase C to phos-phorylate and activate H02 (5). Thus, it seems possible that diminished formation of BR in H02-'- animals leads to greater neural stroke damage. HO participates in the efflux of iron from cells, as iron accumulates in tissues of HOI ' mice while serum iron levels are low (9). Moreover, the physiologic egress of iron fromfibroblasts is diminished in HO1-/- prepa-rations and augmented by transfection of HO 1 (23). Whether H02 aswell asHOl regulates iron efflux is unclear. Ferrous iron is highly toxic following its interaction with hydrogen peroxide in the Fenton reaction, so that a loss of H02 might lead to accentuated iron-mediated dam-age. It isnoteworthythatbrain levels of iron are similarinWTand the


brainsasobserved by Prussian blue staining and quantified by atomic emissionspectrometry (23).

Our findings may have clinical relevance in cerebral ischemia. Since H02 deletion worsens stroke damage, activating the enzyme may be therapeutic. Drugs that augment H02 activity would be predicted to be neuroprotective. Re-cently, we showed that activation of heme oxy-genase activity is cytoprotective for cultured neurons, fibroblasts, and human embryonic kid-ney 293 cells (5,23). HOI can be induced by a variety of agents, including several porphyrin derivatives (24). However, HO1 activation is not likely to be neuroprotective, as in our experi-ments, stroke damage wasnotworse inHOI 1 -mice. Presumably, HO1 is not neuroprotective, because it is selectivelylocalizedto microglia, in contrast toH02,which isexclusivelyneuronalin the brain. The one known class of substances that activates H02 are phorbol esters that acti-vateproteinkinase C, whichphosphorylates and activates H02 (5). Phorbolesters aretumor pro-moters, which would preclude use for chronic therapy; however, acute treatment with such agents would be feasible. While most phorbol esters are lipophilic, water-soluble derivatives exist that could potentially be administered to stroke patients. Selectivity for protein kinase C activation might be feasible because of the nu-merous subtypes of the enzyme, some of which are specifically enriched in the brain (25), and activationofH02mightoccur to agreaterextent with particular enzyme subtypes. Low doses of BR itself might also afford a therapeutic venue. BR is an effective antioxidant of peroxynitrite-mediated protein oxidation (26) and lipid

peroxi-dation (6). BRmaybeparticularly importantas a cytoprotectorfor tissues withrelativelyweak en-dogenous antioxidant defenses such asthe myo-cardium (27) and the nervous system (28). In-terestingly, a decreased risk for coronary artery disease is associated with mildly elevated serum BR,withaprotectiveeffectcomparabletothat of HDL-cholesterol (8,29). There is evidence that BR associated with the physiologic jaundice of newborn babies is neuroprotective, since higher BR levels in premature infants are associated with a lower incidence of oxygen free-radical-mediated injury (7,30,31) and BR protects against retinopathyin premature babies (32).


This work was supported by USPHS grants DA00266 (S. H. S.), NS20020 (R. J. T, R. C. K.) and Research Scientist Award DA00074 (S. H. S.). S. D. has a Centennial Fellowship from the Medical Research Council of Canada. We thank Drs. KennethD.PossandSusumuTonegawafor providingHO-- miceand matched controls.We also thank Drs. Lee J. Martin, MarkE. Molliver, and Mary Ann Wilson for their help with the immunohistochemistry. We also thank Ms. Mi-Ryoung Song and Carrie Largent for technical assistance.


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