Main values
Entrepreneurial Accessible European Regional Capital City of Educa8on Hospitality City of relaxa8on City of business The city, the villages and thecountryside Industrial heritage Human scale Par8cipa8on Volume 19
Breda has a brand-new vision of the future: Breda 2030 City Plan, making choices in dynamic times. More than 3,000 people, including (international) companies and, for the first time, also expats , were involved in the debating process. This vision of the future is necessary because we are living in a different day and age, where different circumstances apply. Mayor and aldermen make fundamental choices for the future. They express their ambition to cooperate differently and more closely with Breda’s organisations, institutions, companies, expats and
One of these fundamental choices is that the city will further develop into an economic hub of rail, road and water. If Breda is to maintain its strong position, it needs to achieve a stronger regional and international position and profile. Innovative, creative or international companies will then be able to find Breda more easily. Breda puts an emphasis on favourable sectors: logistics and maintenance, healthcare and care economy,
creative industry, hospitality, retail, tourism, knowledge and education and agro/food. Office vacancy will be dealt with and only the Railzone and Rithmeesterpark will offer space to new offices. The next Breda Business Update will further explain the vision’s economic section. Breda 2030 opts for the compact, sustainable city. No more investment and expansion on its edges, but within its outer limits. The consequence, among other things, is that on the one hand the costs for creating new public space go down. On the other hand, the existing public space will be used more intensively and sooner show wear and tear, resulting in costs of management. The user is co-responsible for taking care of the quality of the public space. So more participation, but also more room for initiative from the city. Existing budgets and subsidies are axed, partnerships for other forms of financing like sponsoring and co-financing must be found. Mayor and aldermen calculate that until 2030 the extra investments in public space will amount to approximately € 20m.
In this issue: Page 1/2 Breda 2030: making
choices in dynamic times Page 3 Shanghai delegation in Via Breda Page 4Working visit to China • Why intercultural awareness?
Page 5 New school year for International
School Breda Page 6 Meet & Greet Breda
BrIM Breda and Social Media
Apart from finding updates in Breda Business Update newsletter, you can read about the latest of all of Breda’s developments on our “BrIM Breda”Breda 2030:
making choices in
dynamic times
YOUR city district and
YOUR street
What does it take to make Breda into a city where one can live? What can be done about that now? The City of Breda has asked its residents to share their thoughts. It offers a wealth of suggestions and a new vision of the future: Breda 2030 City Plan. Among other things, the vision serves as a basis for concrete urban planning, which gives a detailed picture of the kinds of developments that are possible in districts and streets.
You can find the vision of our city in 90 seconds at and The full Breda 2030 City Plan can be downloaded from
augustus 2013
Keuzes maken in een dynamische tijd
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Another crucial choice to be made is how to deal with the question of mobility. If nothing is done, our car-friendly city will not have the easy access it has now for much longer. Breda 2030 opts for the city’s good accessibility. In the future the car will also share space with bicycles and public transport. Any other choice draws heavily on liveability and accessibility in the city (air, noise, road safety) and the economic vitality of the inner city in particular. It is therefore not an option to remain idle. We make a conscious choice to harness car traffic on a number of routes that will be specially built for the purpose. Specific routes such as the northern and southern circular road will then be more directly coupled to our business parks, the railzone and the inner city. This will reduce pressure on other parts of the city, which will create more space for bicycles and public transport.
Crisscross routes through the city, which make an intensive use of roads along canals, for example, will become less obvious. Thus, in future years the inner city will be easily accessible by car, using the Claudius Prinsenlaan and the Lunetstraat. As a result, the canal routes will become quieter. Up to 2030 the investments in infrastructure will amount to approximately € 167.5m. This amount is meant to keep the existing city accessible and to ensure a snug fit for new developments such as the new railway station and the CSM site. Furthermore, these investments will contribute to a more traffic-calmed inner city, less noise pollution and more possibilities for climate adaptation.
The city council and the city made an important contribution to the realisation of Breda 2030 City Plan. It released a lot of energy in a very short time: more than 3,000 people shared their opinion or vision online or in one of the physical meetings. It shows people’s readiness to participate in the thought and action processes leading to the city’s further development. Breda 2030 offers a stage to those who have original thoughts, those who take the initiative and those who connect. It offers a platform to partnerships in the city.
>>>Breda 2030: making choices in dynamic continue >>
Direc&ves in sustainable development
Profit: the poles of Breda Planet: Breda River city People: Mozaic of Breda
Stelt de economische kracht en de regionale posi&e van Breda centraal.
Stelt de kansen en kwaliteiten van
het water in Breda centraal. Stelt de diversiteit aan karakteris&eken als kwaliteit en basis voor gebiedsopgaven.
Mobility 69% Public space 11% Green & Wa ter 3% Other projects 17% Municipal investments 2014 -‐ 2030 total 190 million Projects 5% ExisCng network 38% Ambi7on Public Transport 16% Ambi7on Bicycle 18% Ambi7on cars 23% Investments mobility 2014 -‐ 2030 total 130 million
Compact CityLimit to urbanisa5on
Lijndonk-‐Tervoort Bredestraat Breda-‐west Moskes CSM Sustainable development Profit -‐ Pole Breda Economic Power Work Mobility Hospitality Planet -‐ Breda River City
Quali'es of the water
Urban + Rural
People -‐ Mozaïc of Breda
Specific challenges for the neighbourhoods
Public Space
Social challenges
Space for ini5a5ves
Directed to clients
Compact City
focus on re-‐u'lisa'on keep and enforce the exis'ng
Sustainable developmentle
people -‐ planet -‐ profit
social -‐ spa'al – economic sustainability
Space for ini6a6ves
other roles for par'cipants in the ini'a'ves empty buildings and terrains – temporary use
A delegation of investors from Shanghai was in Breda to visit the railzone project ‘Via Breda’. Program manager Bertwin van Rooijen, project manager Nora van de Griend and Marcelle den Hooglander of Economic Affairs were honored to inform the delegates about this project which links existing historical with new area in Breda. The delegation was accompanied by Xia Li and William Klem of Rewin.
The aim of the transformation is to realise a new city district in about twenty years’ time in close collaboration with local owners, market parties and residents. A mixture of various functions should turn this city district into a top-quality spatial, sustainable, attractive and lively area offering easy access for all forms of transport. The main goal is the reinforcement of the city’s socio-economic structure.
A unique opportunity …
• Linked to the HSL grid • Accessibility
- North–South - East–West • A new railway station
• Exploiting accessibility profile and location • Economic and social functionality at urban, regional and international levels
Significance for Via Breda
• Transformation of the railzone until 2020/2025:
- matching existing quality
- living relaxed as a residential quality • New city district next to the historic one • Focus on Stationskwartier with
ca. 130,000 m² office space, ca. 750 houses, 10,000 m² of amenities and other functions
Reversing the chain
Prior financing via land belongs to the past. The key is new financing and
organisation from buyers and end of the chain. Requires new roles and a shift from admission planning and grexlaw (in advance) to an approach based on stimulated entrepreneurship and settlement value afterwards.
The question is where the government role stops, policy, initiative, entrepreneur, land speculator?
Transformation management can play a role to provide a proper landing for initiatives and functions matching the area’s (future) identity. Transformation management is a strategy to get from a “no-go area” to a “let’s go area” and to prepare the area for change in the future. Area management is part of transformation management.
Culture axis as a link between existing and new
We had a very interesting discussion with our guests from the Metropolis Shanghai about cooperation between different partners, financial involvement and the link between historic and new. It was an educational morning for all of us! themselves. This is how talents are enabled to find and inspire each other to bring out the best in themselves.”
This is where entrepreneurs are given an opportunity to acquire business space at a low rent. Eventually, they will receive three intensive years of preparation before making the step into the commercial market. The coaching of starters at Breda Incubator is done by successful concepts like Starterslift and Breda Business Coach.
Shanghai delegation
in Via Breda
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From 21st till 28th September the Mayor of the City of Breda, Mr Peter van der Velden, and King’s Commissioner, Mr Wim van de Donk, will be paying a target visit to the Chinese twinning city of Yangzhou. They will be joined by a business and education delegation around the themes of logistics, care and water. The organisation is taken care of by the China Business Assiociation (CBA) in cooperation with NV BrIM Breda.
Apart from maintaining and strengthening Chinese relations and connections, BrIM and the Mayor will be having a number of meetings with Chinese investors to present the South-West region of the Netherlands in general and the railzone development of Via Breda in particular in order to draw special attention to Breda as an international top location with its plans for a World Trade Centre in the railzone, which will also include hotel and congress facilities.
The programme mentions meetings with the Consulate in Shanghai, The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) and Netherlands Business Support Office (NBSO) and chairwoman Mrs Carla Moonen of the Waterboard Brabantse Delta will be a guest speaker at an international water congress in Yangzhou. Finally, a visit will be paid to the Chinese Eco-point site. Eco-point’s head office is in our region and the company opened a Chinese site in 2012, thanks to previous missions to China. Apart from Mayor Mr Peter van der Velden and Mr Boudie Hoogedeure (BrIM), the government will be represented by Mr Kees Kools of the
municipality of Roosendaal and Mr Peter van Vooren of the Province of Zeeland.
The business delegation consists of the Waterboard Brabantse Delta, Dinalog, Arcadis, Infram, Otentic Logistics, Care Innovation Center and the Amphia Hospital. AVANS will be the education representative.
Working visit to China
Why intercultural awareness?
In today’s global marketplace, chances of losing business, not meeting project deadlines etc. due to cultural misunderstandings run high. Quite likely you will not have a hard time to come up with examples of miscommunication between yourself and colleagues with a different cultural background.
Putting the effort into understanding cultural differences simply is a professional approach to avoid the many mistakes which are being made easily!
Awareness – the
iceberg-The bad news is that you are bounded to act upon what you see…which is only the top of the iceberg! The below the surface bit of the iceberg (90%) is much harder to understand and this bit comes in many forms. The good news is that as soon as you realize this is the case you are not too far from a solution.
Intermezzo-KIT Intercultural
Professionals-Intercultural Professionals is the training and advisory arm of the Royal Tropical Institute (est. 1910) in the fields of intercultural business and collaboration. We offer training on all aspects of dealing with foreign cultures, be it a short or long-term assignments in another country, an international move for the whole family, or a merger-takeover situation that requires increased understanding of how another culture does business. Clients are primarily midsize to large private and public companies that operate internationally or interculturally, but we also train, coach, and adviseacademic institutions, hospitals, and even professional soccer teams. Our trainers and country experts (over 300) are experts in living and working abroad and are, therefore, valuable (re)sources about 70+ countries.
Approach – the iceberg
revisited-Indeed, we do believe it is the circumstances that determine how to tackle the intercultural challenges companies, teams, or individuals face. It is not learning the stereotyping do’s and don’ts of a certain country. It is the development of an intercultural and interpersonal skill set that will add to the ability of avoiding making mistakes and to get a grasp of the many forms of the iceberg.
Therefore, our programs are designed upon the examples, cases, and inspiration from real-life situations. This makes our approach concrete, tangible and practical implementing new insight into your reality; making your (professionals) life easier.
Want to know more?
Please feel free to contact us at: +31(0)20-5688319 or mail Elisabeth Rompa-Sinke, [email protected]
New school year
for International School Breda
Last month International School Breda started its third year and proudly presented its new services for parents and children. The school makes its education into a fun, exciting and challenging experience for the children. The school’s growth and success are based on its strong relation with the parents.
After talking to many international parents, ISB has decided to start its third year with a nursery class for 3 to 4-year-olds, extracurricular activities like ISB Clubs for children and special coffee mornings for parents.
NURSERY – 3 to 4 year olds
The nursery offers pleasant, interactive and well-structured classes in an environment of warmth and good care. The classes strike a balance between creativity and educational targets and are taught by an experienced teacher.
ISB CLUBS – extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities like Clubs are quite common in international education. It was only a matter of time for ISB to have enough children to offer them extracurricular activities like building with LEGO, Ballet, HIP HOP, handicraft, tennis, swimming, calligraphy, private music classes etc. etc. There is an endless list of plans and ideas.
There were over a hundred registrations within a week, which is a result that could only be achieved by listening very carefully to the needs of parents and children and by working with an enthusiastic team.
Due to a lack of space in the temporary building itself, ISB has started to look elsewhere for the monthly coffee morning for parents. After the first introduction at the beginning of this year, ISB has organised a special guided tour of Breda’s Grote Kerk. There are plans for an art class to be taught by a female painter in a typically Dutch style, a wellness morning, a tour of a windmill etc. Of course the school is open to ideas.
International School Breda offers first-class international education and profes-sional daycare. These new services contribute to a friendly school community of cheerful children, parents and a passionate and experienced team.
Finally, this year the first Diploma Programme pupils will obtain their diploma, an event the school is very much looking forward to.
International School Breda / Mozartlaan 27 – 4837 EH Breda T: + 31 760 5607870 / E: [email protected] / W:
©2013 copyright BrIM Breda / Breda Business Update is an activity of NV BrIM Breda, part of municipality of Breda.
Postbus 2522, 4800 CM Breda / T + 31 (0)76 529 37 58 /