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स एसआईआर-क द र य खनन एव ई धन अन स ध न स थ न CSIR CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF MINING & FUEL RESEARCH बरव र ड क पस, धनब द & झ रख ड भ रत


Academic year: 2021

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सीएसआईआर-के द्रीय खनन एवं ईंधन अनुसंधान सं थान


बरवा रोड कै पस





झारखंड भारत

Barwa Road Campus, Dhanbad – 826 015 (Jharkhand), India 


 : 0326‐2396018     EXTN/4429/ 7091365227 

No:  CIMFR/PUR‐09(66)/2015         िदनांक@ Date: 13.11. 2015

बोली पूवर् स मेलन (प्री बीड कॉ फ्रस) प चात िनिवदा आमंत्रण/

Invitation for tender after 

pre‐bid conference.

        िनदेशक,  सीएसआईआर-िसंफर  नीचे  विणर्त  सामग्री  हेतु    मूल  उपकरण  िविनमार्त,  उनके  िवतरक  और  िवदेशी  वािमयो के  भारतीय एजट  (यिद हो) को एक बोली पूवर् स मेलन (प्री बीड कॉ फ्रस) हेतु  िदनांक  03.11.2015 को आमंित्रत िकया गया था। इस िप्रिबड स मेलन के उपरांत सं थान  वारा तय की गई  पेिसिफकेश स  को  अंितम  प    िदया  गया  है  और    इसे  टडर  प्रपत्र  म  अंिकत  कर  िलया  गया  है/ 

Director,  CSIR-CIMFR   had   invited  original   Service  Provider,    their  authorized  distributors and  Indian  agents  of foreign  principals if any for  a pre‐bid conference  on  03.11.2015 at  Barwa Road  Campus  Dhanbad for below mentioned item.  After this Pre Bid Conference , the specifications have been finalized  and are accordingly included in the tender document.      क्रम/ S.N. िमिसल संख्या File No. सामग्री का िववरण /Description of Item संख्या quantity ईएमडी 0  /EMD –Rs. 1-  CIMFR/  PUR-9(66)2015 

fMxokMhg ifjlj ds fy, vkfIVd Qkbcj fyTM ykbu ds ek/;e ls 100 ,echih,l ds fy, lefiZr vlaihfM+r lhesfVz~d baVjusV cSMfoFkZ ¼1:1½ dh vkiwfrZ vf/k’Bkiu rFkk dehf”kafux gsrq A Supply, installation and commissioning of 100 mbps dedicated uncompressed symmetric internet Bandwidth (1:1) connectivity through optic fiber leased line for Digwadih Campus.

एक इकाई  (One Unit) 0/Rs. 60,000  मात्र/only कृ या यान द- संबि धत िप्रिबड स मेलन के उपरांत सं थान वारा तय की गई पेिसिफकेश स को िनिवदा प्रपत्र स मिलत कर वैबसाइट पर प्रदिशर्त िकया  

x;k gS

A इ छुक बोलीदाता उसी अनुसार िनिवदा जमा कर/Please Note- After concerned Pre-bid Conference, specifications finalized by the Institute has been included in the tender document and uploaded on the Institute’s website, so that, interested bidders may submit quotations accordingly

उपरोक्त मद  के िलए िनिवदाएँ जमा करने की अंितम ितिथ व समय Last Date & time for bids  submission for the above items‐ 02.12.2015  upto 1:00 p.m    

तकनीकी िनिवदा खोलन की  ितिथ व समय/ Date & time for  Opening the Technical bid‐02.12.2015   at 3:00 p.m



1. rकनीकी एवं वािणिजयक िविश टाओ के िलए कृपया हमारी वैबसाइट का अवलोकन कर।For bid details & techno-commercial specifications kindly visit to our website- www.cimfr.nic.in















इ छुक बोलीदाता और अिधक जानकारी भंडार एवं क्रय अिधकारी









 भारत से प्रा त कर सकते ह


Interested Bidders may

obtain further information from the office of the Stores & Purchase Officer,

CSIR-CIMFR , Dhanbad, Jharkhand, INDIA.


  इ छुक  बोलीदाता  िनिवदा  प्रपत्र  प्रा त  करने  हेतु    एक  िलिखत  आवेदन  के  साथ 

रा ट्रीकृत बक से 




 का िडमांड ड्रा ट 


गैरवापसी व गैरह तांतिरत







  धनबाद  के  नाम  बनवाकर  कायार्लय  िदवस 


  बजे  प्रात


काल  से 


 बजे सायंकाल


 म िनिवदापत्र जमा करने की अंितम ितिथ से तीन िदवस पूवर् तक 

कायार्लय से   यिक्तगत अथवा डाक के मा यम से क्रय कर सकते ह अथवा िनिवदापत्र 

हमारी वेबसाइट 


 से सीधे  िन


शु क डाउनलोड िकये जा सकते ह



complete set of bidding document may be purchased by interested bidder on

submission of a written application to the above office and upon payment of a

non-refundable and non-transferable fee of Rs. 300.00 in the form of a Demand

Draft issued by a nationalised bank in favour of The Director, CIMFR, Dhanbad,

during office hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) on all working days up to three days

prior to the last date of submission of the tender documents, either in person or

by post. Alternatively, the bidding documents can be downloaded directly from

our website



free of cost





  जमा  करने  की  अंितम  ितिथ  व  समय  के  भीतर  इस  कायार्लय  म 

पहुचने  चािहए।सं थान  िवलंब


देरी  से  प्रा त  िनिवदापत्र   के  प्रित  उ रदाई  नहीं  होगा। 



देरी से प्रा त िनिवदापत्र  को  वीकार नहीं िकया जाएगा



The bids must reach to

this office on or before the last date & time for submission of tender. Institute will

not be responsible for late/delayed/conditional. Late/Delayed tenders will not be



यिद बोलीदाता एक से अिधक मद  के िलए अपनी िनिवदा जमा करना चाहता है 

तो उसे हर मद के िलए अलग से िनिवदापत्र जमा करना होगा िजनपर  प ट तौर से 

िमिसल संख्या व मद संबंधी िववरण अंिकत होना चािहए। िनिवदाप्रपत्र फ़मर् के लेटरहैड 

पर  प ट  तौर  से  टंिकत


क युटर  टंिकत  होना  चािहए। 

In case if the bidder is

interested in submitting his bid for more than one item, than he should submit all

the bids separately clearly indicating the file reference number & particulars of


item. Bid should be neatly typed/ computerized on the letterhead of the firm. If

any cutting is there, it should be duly certified.



. इस िनिवदा म िदखाई देने वाले माल की िविशि टयाँ और अ य िविवध तकनीकी

/वािणिजयक िववरण  िदनांक 03.




11:00 बजे को आयोिजत  एक बोली पूवर् स मेलन (िप्रिबड कॉ फ्रस) म भाग  लेने वाले संभािवत बोलीदाताओ के साथ वातार् करने के बाद सं थान  वारा तय िकए  गए और तदनुसार  संशोिधत पेिसिफकेश स  समािहत  कर  पुनरीिक्षत  िनिवदा  प्रपत्र  तैयार  िकया  गया  है /

A Pre-bid






on 03.1


.2015 at 11:00 a.m. for firming up the

specifications after discussion with the participating bidders in the PBC, accordingly, a

revised tender document incorporating the revised specifications has been prepared.



सभी िनिवदाए वांिछत ईएमडी/िबड़-िसक्युिरटी सिहत इस कायार्लय म िनिदर् ट ितिथ व समय पर जमा  करा दी जाएँ। िनिवदाएँ िनिदर् ट ितिथ व समय पर खोली जायगी।यिद, बोलीदाता अथवा उनके प्रितिनिध  चाह  तो  उक्त  ितिथ  व  समय  पर  उपि थत  रह  सकते  ह।यिद  िनिवदा  जमा  करने  या  खोलने  के  िदन  कायार्लय  म  अवकाश  घोिषत  हो  तो  िनिवदाएँ  अगले  कायर्  िदवस  पर  पूवर्  िनधार्िरत  समय  से  खोल  दी  जाएंगी। 

All bids must be accompanied by a


bid security as specified above and

must be delivered to the above office at the date and time indicated above. Bids will be

opened in the presence of Bidders' representatives who choose to attend on the

specified date and time. In the event of the date specified for bid receipt and opening

being declared as a closed holiday for purchaser’s office, the due date for submission of

bids and opening of bids will be the following working day at the appointed time.




बोलीदाताओ को अपनी िनिवदा जमा करते समय यह सुिनि चत कर लेना होगा िक उनके  वारा दी जा 

रही वांिछत सूचनाएँ िनधार्िरत प्रपत्र पर स पूणर् टडर प्रपत्र के साथ प्र तुत की जा रही ह, यिद आव यक  हो  तो  अितिरक्त  शीट  का  प्रयोग  कर  सकते  ह।स पूणर्  टडर  प्रपत्र  पर  बोलीदाता  की  ओर  से  प्रािधकृत  ह ताक्षरकतार् के ह ताक्षर व मुहर लगी होनी चािहए/ 

Bidders are required to submit the complete

tender document along with the requisite information related to their bids in the

prescribed formats given in the tender documents. Additional sheets may be used, if

required. The complete tender documents should be signed and stamped by the

authorized signatory of the bidder.



िनदेशक, सीएसआईआर-सीआईएमएफआर को यह अिधकार है िक वह, कोई कारण बताए िबना, िकसी  या सभी िनिवदाओं को अंशत: या पूणर्त:  वीकार/ अ वीकार कर सकता है, या उसके/उनके क्रम को भंग  कर सकता है जो िक भाग लेने वाले सभी बोलीदाताओं को बा यकारी व  मा य होगा/ 

The Director,

CSIR-CIMFR, reserves the right to accept/reject any or all tenders either in part or in full

or to split the order without assigning any reasons there for


which will be binding and

acceptable to the all participating bidders.




Technical Requirement and Specifications for Hiring of 100 Mbps

Dedicated Uncompressed Symmetric Internet Bandwidth (1:1)

Connectivity through Optic Fibre Leased Line for

CSIR-CIMFR, Digwadih Campus, Dhanbad-828108

Scope of work

CSIR-Central Institute of Mining And Fuel Research, Digwadih Campus, Dhanbad-828108, Jharkhand Intends to hire 100 mbps dedicated uncompressed symmetric Internet Bandwidth (1:1) Connectivity through Leased Line (redundant fully fibre optic) with assured bandwidth of 100 mbps world wide for its location i.e. CSIR-CIMFR, Digwadih Campus.

This office has network nodes of about 200 at CIMFR-Digwadih Campus. Internet services are like E-Mail, Internet Browsing (Downloading and Uploading), web hosting, electronic exchange of documents and drawings, video conferencing & Internet faxes, etc. The termination of the last mile connection is to be made in Server Room of the above said location i.e. at the CSIR- C I M F R , D i g w a d i h C a m p u s .

100 mbps dedicated uncompressed symmetric Internet Bandwidth (1:1) connectivity through optic fiber Leased Line at given location:


CSIR-CIMFR, Digwadih Campus, - 100 mbps

Requirements and Specifications

The following technical requirement shall be complied with. 1. Link Bandwidth.

A 100 Mbps Internet Bandwidth with Committed access rate on 1:1 basis till ISP International Gateway for CSIR-CIMFR, Digwadih Campus, Dhanbad-828108, Jharkhand. Traffic should be routed to secondary International Gateway once the primary fails. The last mile link will be on Fiber with self-healing architecture to maximize the availability of the link and minimize the failure.

2. Last Mile connectivity

The data exchange between CSIR-CIMFR, Digwadih Campus and ISP premises shall be over a dedicated high-speed link.

3. IP Addresses: The bidder shall provide 12 Public IP addresses for exclusive use by C S I R - CIMFR, Digwadih Campus.

4. The bidder shall undertake installation & configuration of modems, routers

(CISCO make) or any such associated Fiber-optic equipment to make the

entire system working to provide sustained Internet bandwidth of not less than 100 mbps at C S I R - CIMFR, Digwadih Campus.

5. Service provider should guarantee for CIMFR-Digwadih campus support for uptime of minimum 99.5%.

6. Providing last mile connectivity to the CIMFR-DC premises will be the responsibility of Service Provider. The Service Provider shall meet


7. Complete detail of service provisioning including offered bandwidth, compression type, termination details etc. are to be clearly stated.

8. In case of any degradation of service noticed at any point during the agreement period, the penalty conditions will be applied as per the Purchase rules.

9. Penalty: In the event Supplier fails to make a particular Service available

to Customer on or before the committed date, the penalty would be invoked as under :

Cumulative Network Unavailability in a month beyond the guaranteed Network Availability (Hrs.) Penalty Charges In Rupees only 0-14 0% 14-19 3.33% 19-38 6.66% >38 9.99%

10. Review of Rates: CSIR-CIMFR may opt for negotiation of rates after two

years in case of downward trend in bandwidth charges.

11. Terms of Payment: Annual recurring Payment will be made on quarterly

basis in arrear's based on fulfillment of SLA parameters after adjustment of penalty (if any) due to non-compliance of SLA or due to late delivery of link. The charges shall accrue on pro-rata basis in the following manner

a. The service Provider shall commission Internet Links at the said location.

b. The start date for the payment charges for all links will be taken as per actual acceptance date for links at the location. There will be only one acceptance form for all the equipments (if any) installed at that location.

c. The accrual of charges for any subsequent orders of links will start from the date of acceptance of those individual links.

d. The payment period (quarter) will be measured from the date of acceptance by CSIR-CIMFR.

e. Calendar quarter will be taken as quarter for payable charges. f. Payment will be made in Indian Rupees Only.

g. The payment of charges will be made only after the successful completion and acceptance of the Links.


h. Payment of quarterly charges (Lump sum charges towards bandwidth & equipment) shall be payable after completion of each quarter and after certification/verification of Uptime reports. The Uptime Reports must be provided by the Service Provider and verified by the software/website by the competent authority of CIMFR, Digwadih campus.

i. For any SLA non-compliance, deductions will be made from quarterly payments.

12. Insurance: The equipment supplied by the service provider under the

contract shall be fully insured by the service Provider against any loss, theft, fire, damage due to any reason, etc. during transportation, storage, delivery, installation and operation for the entire period of the contract

For any theft or damage to any of the supplied items, where the vendor is filing a claim with the insurance agency, the vendor shall replace the item on its own within 15 working days of the reporting of the incident, after which SLA and Risk Purchase clause of the contract will become applicable.

13. Uptime: An uptime of 99.5% for the Internet links has to be maintained, failing

which penalty will be levied.

Terms & Conditions

14. Contract Period:- Initially period of contract is Two Years and may be extended

for third year after satisfactory performance with the approval of the Competent Authority.

15. Tender Evaluation :

Competent Authority will evaluate all the proposals to determine whether these are complete in all respects as specified in the tender document. Evaluation of the proposals shall be done in two stages as:-

(a) Stage – I (Technical Evaluation)

(i) Institute shall evaluate the technical bid(s) to determine whether these are qualify the essential eligibility criteria, whether the tenderer has submitted the EMD & tender fee, whether any computational errors have been made, whether all the documents have been properly signed & stamped, whether all the documents as mentioned / or required to submitted with technical bid are submitted and whether bids are completed and generally in order.

(ii) After evaluation of technical bid(s), a list of the qualifying tenderer(s) shall be made. Short-listed tenderer(s) shall be informed of the date, time and place of opening of financial bid(s) and they may attend or depute their authorized representative/s to attend the opening of financial bid(s) on the scheduled date

& time. The representative(s) should have a letter of authority to attend the price

bids) opening event.

(b) Stage – II (Financial Evaluation)

(i) The financial bid(s) shall be evaluated on the basis of the total cost quoted by the tenderer.


16. Earnest Money D eposit:- The tenderer shall be required to submit the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for an amount of RS.60,000/- (Rupees Sixty Thousand only) by way of demand drafts/banker's cheque drawn in favour of Director, Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad. The said earnest money will not bear any interest and will be refundable only after finalization of the contract awarding process.

EMD shall be forfeited if :

a) The bid is revoked during its validity period.

b) The bidder indulges himself in any undesirable practice or malpractice at any time, which would include the instance of a bidder after submission of tender and during the tender validity period resilient from his offer or modifies the terms and conditions thereof.

c) The prices are increased unilaterally during validity of offer by the bidder,

d) The successful bidder does not convey his written acceptance within a maximum period of 15 days of the order placed on him by CSIR Hqrs.

e) The bidder withdraws or modifies his tender without consultation & approval of CSIR-CIMFR within 120 days from the date of opening or within the extended period of validity for any reason whatsoever

f) The successful bidder fails to start the work within the reasonable period or fails to show reasonable progress in execution of the work / contract.

17. Financial Bid :

a) Financial bid should be in the format enclosed with tender as Annexure "B" in separate sealed cover. Failure to provide price bid in a sealed separate cover will result in invalidation of the offer.

b) The bid should be clearly filled or typed and signed in ink legibly giving full address of the tenderer. The tenderer should quote the price in figures as well as in words the amount tendered by him Alteration if any, unless legibly attested by the tenderer with his full signature, shall invalidate the tender. The Tender should be duly signed by the authorized persons. In case there is any difference In the amount between figures and words, the amount indicated in words will be treated as the valid offer

c) Service Tax or any other taxes and Education Cess will be paid extra as applicable. d) Income tax will be deducted at source.

18. Performance Security Deposit:- A Performance Security Deposit of 10% of

the total cost by way of demand drafts only drawn in favour Director, Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad will be deposited by the successful bidder within 15 days of intimation of award of contract.


1) The Service Provider shall not be liable for forfeiture of its earnest money / performance security deposit, liquidated damages, or termination for default, if and to the extent that It's delay In performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.


2) For purposes of this Clause, "Force Majeure" means an event or situation beyond the control of the Service Provider that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origin is not due to negligence or lack of care on the part of the Supplier. Such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Purchaser in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes.


1. In the event of any question, dispute/difference arising under the agreement or in connection herewith (except as to matters the decision of which is specially provided under this agreement) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration to t h e Director. CIMFR or his nominee.

2. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. In the event of such arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred is being transferred or vacating his office or resigning or refusing to work, or neglecting his work, or being unable to act for any reason whatsoever, the Director General, CSIR shall appoint another person to act as arbitrator in place of the out-going arbitrator In accordance with the terms of the agreement and the person so appointed shall be entitled to proceed with the reference form the stage at which it was left by the predecessor.

3.The expression Director, CIMFR shall mean and include an acting/officiating Director, CIMFR..

4. The Arbitrator may give interim award(s) and/ or directions, as may be required.

5. Subject to the aforesaid provisions, the Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 and the rules made hereunder and any modification thereof from time to time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this clause.

Director, CIMFR reserves the right to reject any or all tenders, wholly or partly or close the tender at any stage prior to the award of contract without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Purchase Officer CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad




Sl. No. Information

01. Name of the Agency

02. The ISP should have a valid ‘Category A’ ISP

license from Govt. of India ( Attach a copy of license)

03. Name of the concern :

(i.e. Sole Proprietor or Partnership firm or a Company or a Government Department or a

Public Sector Organisation)

04. Full Address of Regd. Office (i) Telephone No.

(ii) Fax No. (iii) e-mail address

05. Full address of Operating/Branch Office in Dhanbad (i) Telephone No.

(ii) Fax No. (iii) e-mail address 06. EMD of Rs 60,000/-

07. Banker of Agency with full address

(Attach Bankers certificate of account maintenance for the last of two years) Telephone Number of Banker

08. Registration No. of the agency/firm 09. PAN No.

10. Service Tax Registration No.

11. Service Tax paid during financial years

2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15

12. Financial turnover and I.T. Returns of the

Agency for financial years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15.

13. Details of major contracts handled in last two Years.

14. Certificate of satisfactory performance from at least two organization to whom the service was provided

15. Certificate - Not blacklisted etc.

16. The firm / agency must have a fully functional Customer Service Center(s) in this region, which is fully operational 24 X 365 days. List of Customer Service Center(s) must be enclosed with technical bid.

Signature of authorized Person with seal Date : Name :




Sl. No. Particular Price in INR

A. One Time Charges

1. One time installation and commissioning

charges of leased line at CIMFR, Digwadih Campus, Dhanbad-828108.

2. Taxes ( As applicable)


B. Annually Recurring Charges

1. 100 Mbps leased line charges (1: 1

uncompressed unshared, symmetric)

2. Taxes ( As applicable)





Indicate Not Applicable (NA), if any section (in this format) which is not


b) Rates for any additional/optional features to be mentioned clearly and


c) The rates quoted are FOR at destination and should be in Indian

rupees only. Price must to be quoted both in figures and in words. In

case of a discrepancy in the two, price quoted in words will be taken as


d) Any drop in the charges / tariff of leased line or Internet port access

during the contract period shall be passed on to Institute.


BASIS. However, CIMFR shall place the order for required additional

bandwidth as and when required by giving a written request to the


f) We have gone through the terms & conditions stipulated in the

Tender Document and confirm to abide by the same.

g) No other charges would be payable by the Institute.

Place :


Related documents

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Memorandum of Marks of all Examination starting from HSC onwards (Candidates whose results are awaited will be given provisional admission at their own risk and must produce

charges (in case of foreign supply) or FOR CSIR-CEERI, Pilani inclusive of and clearly indicating the Ex-works prices, packing, documentation, forwarding, freight,

This led to hybrid clusters with a large number of processors, each with a small number of core sharing RAM and some cache space with the development of GPGPU and other general

I/We have read all the particulars regarding the General Information and other terms and conditions of the contract for Helper for Diver at MRC of CMFRI, Mandapam Camp

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