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Macrozoobenthos structure in relation to environmental changes in the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic Sea


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Helsinki 28 June 2001 ©2001

Macrozoobenthos structure in relation to

environmental changes in the Archipelago Sea,

northern Baltic Sea

Jari Hänninen and Ilppo Vuorinen

Archipelago Research Institute, University of Turku, FIN-20014 Turku, Finland Hänninen, J. & Vuorinen, I. 2001. Macrozoobenthos structure in relation to environmental changes in the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic Sea. Boreal Env. Res. 6: 93–105. ISSN 1239-6095

Since the 1960s, the major environmental change affecting the water quality of the Baltic Sea has been eutrophication. Several types of effects were attributed to increasing eutrophication in the benthic communities. In the present study, we describe the soft bottom benthic assemblages based on species number, abundance and biomass in the Airisto Inlet in 1994, and analyse the changes of community structure in relation to major environmental changes in the Archipelago Sea area since the 1950s. Special emphasis was put on alterations of Macoma balthica and Monoporeia affinis proportions. Our results provided evidence of a general increase of benthic macrofauna, especially in the middle and southern parts of the study area. The greatest relative increase seemed to occur to polychaetes and oligochaetes, whereas M. affinis showed the greatest absolute increase. However, the relative proportions of M. balthica and M. affinis generally remained unchanged. We conclude that, in the middle and southern parts, the changes observed in macro-zoobenthos were due to general eutrophication in the Archipelago Sea. In the northern parts, the communities have been remarkably influenced by local pollution and dredging.


Since the 1960s, eutrophication has been the major environmental change affecting the water quality of the Baltic Sea both basin-wide and locally (e.g. Bonsdorff et al. 1991, Wulff et al. 1994). Several types of effects were previously attributed to increasing eutrophication in the benthic communities in the Baltic Sea, both in

the main basin and in shallow areas. Cederwall and Elmgren (1980) showed that macrofaunal abundance and biomass have increased signifi-cantly in the central Baltic proper since the 1920s. Leppäkoski (1975), Pearson and Rosen-berg (1978), and later again Bonsdorff et al. (1991) have found that, depending on the earlier degree of disturbance in the seabed, caused by eutrophication, the alteration in the benthic


mac-rofauna in shallow waters could be expressed as a functional (i.e. reduced complexity in terms of diversity and evenness) or a structural response (increased abundance and biomass of species). The principal mechanism for changes is consid-ered to be the increased primary production, leading to higher organic content in sediments (improving effect), and at a certain level, result-ing in temporal oxygen deficiency in near bot-tom waters (injurious effect). Moreover, another kind of effect has also been found. Norkko and Bonsdorff (1996) showed that increased algal cover on the bottom (i.e. accumulations of drift-ing algae), and induction of hypoxia through degradation of the algae, exhibited severe ef-fects on the benthic community structure and a potential to accelerate local eutrophication.

The present study aims at describing the soft bottom macrobenthic assemblages based on spe-cies number, abundance and biomass of benthic communities in the Airisto Inlet in 1994, and analysing the changes of community structure in relation to major environmental changes in the Archipelago Sea area (eutrophication, pollution, dredging) since the 1950s. Before this work, the seminal study of Tulkki (1960) in the Airisto Inlet is the only one to cover both the inner and middle archipelago zones simultaneously. The principal idea has been to revisit sampling sta-tions previously investigated by Tulkki in 1956 and to record overall benthic changes in time and space.

Materials and methods

Study area

The study area, the Airisto Inlet, is situated mainly in the innermost archipelago (the south-ern parts verge on the middle archipelago), south–west of the city of Turku (Fig. 1). The

central basin (area 246 km2) is mostly shallow

(mean depth 20 m), but in the north–southerly direction, deeper fracture lines (50–60 m) form channels on the seabed. In the main basin, bottom sediments consist of Ancylus clay (Hei-no 1973). Some small rivers discharge into the sea, the largest being the Aurajoki (mean flow =

8.5 m3 s–1; Pitkänen 1994). Average monthly

discharge of the rivers varies seasonally with peak loads in spring and autumn (Anonymous 1998). Salinity in the area varies between 3.5 and 7.0 PSU throughout the water column (e.g. Vuorinen and Ranta 1987, Hietaranta 1990, Vii-tasalo et al. 1990) following the surface water salinity in the northern Baltic Sea (Mälkki and Tamsalu 1985). The temperature of the sea

surface ranges between 0–20 °C, the maximum

being in August. Formation of permanent ice cover usually starts in December–January and the final disappearance of ice takes place in April (HELCOM 1993, 1996).

The great majority of nutrients, sediment and organic matter come as non-point-source load-ing with the river discharges (Pitkänen 1994, Hänninen et al. 1999). The main sources of excess nutrients have been industrial and munic-ipal wastewater, forestry and agriculture (Jump-panen and Mattila 1994, Bonsdorff et al. 1997a, 1997b). During the last 20 years, fish farming has also exerted a remarkable influence on water quality in the middle and south areas (e.g. Bonsdorff et al. 1997a, Hänninen et al. 1999). The share of airborne nutrients and nutrients imported by currents from other parts of the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Proper) have only recently been estimated (Jumppanen and Mattila 1994, Kirkkala et al. 1998, Helminen et al. 1998). However, the oxygen content of the water is usually high and only in the deepest areas does a deficiency of oxygen occur in some years (Jumppanen and Mattila 1994).

Field sampling

The sampling strategy was to revisit a number of sampling stations previously investigated by Tulkki (1960) in autumn 1956. In this earlier work, 65 stations were investigated for soft bottom benthic animals and some environmental factors all over the Airisto Inlet area. We used these stations as a material for cluster analysis (average linkage method with distance metric of Pearson correlation coefficient; SPSS 1997) to divide the study area into sub-areas on the basis of similarity in benthic community structure. This was done to decrease the unexplained


vari-ation in data in later analyses. Our criteria for division was that the maximum distance for similarity should exceed predestined value 0.80. With 10 sub-areas this value was 0.876. Because of limited resources, only three of the stations used by Tulkki were resampled at random in each sub-area (Fig. 1). Sampling was done in September–October 1994 according to the meth-ods of Tulkki, concentrating on soft bottoms in the 1–50 meter depth zone. Five replicate grab samples per site were taken with a same Ek-man–Birge type hand-operated box corer

(sam-ple area 231cm2) as Tulkki used. Samples were

sieved on a 1.0 mm mesh size screen, and stored

in buffered 4% seawater–formaline solution. All animals were determined to species level, count-ed under a dissecting microscope, and their wet weight was measured to the nearest 0.01 g in a laboratory.

Statistical analyses

In order to test for overall changes in temporal (between 1956 and 1994) and spatial (within sub-areas in 1956 and 1994) distribution of the zoobenthos (number of species, species abun-dance and biomass), a non-parametric

Kruskall-Fig. 1. The study area in the

Airisto Inlet (the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic Sea) with sam-pling localities (1–30) and sub-areas (I–X) based on cluster analysis (see text for more accu-rate description).


Wallis ANOVA was performed (SPSS 1997). In analysis we concentrated on only ‘proper’ spe-cies, which during their life span live chiefly in more or less soft deposits. Therefore e.g. species Prostoma obscurum and Gammarus spp. were excluded because those species inhabit mainly littoral or littoriprofundal zone usually occupied by loose red and brown algae hindering the quantitative sampling of the box corer. Because the numbers within species were in most cases insufficient for reliable tests, we pooled the species data sets to subcategories according to the taxonomic levels. Only numbers of the most abundant species, the bivalve Macoma balthica and the amphipod Monoporeia affinis, were sufficient for testing on species level. Spatial distribution of biomass was investigated only in 1994 because data exist only for that period. When needed, Bonferroni adjusted Mann-Whit-ney U-test was used in single comparisons of differences between sub-areas in both periods (SPSS 1997).

Logistic regression analysis (SAS 1995, 1997) was used for analysing the changes in dominant species proportion between 1956 and 1994. This analysis belongs to a ‘family’ of generalised linear models where, e.g. the familiar analysis of variance is a special case with an assumption of normal distribution. One of the greatest advantages of generalised linear models is that they are often useful with such non-normal data sets (e.g. Poisson or Binomial distribution), which are not possibly normalised correctly with transformations, because of e.g. several zero val-ues. In the present study, we used binomial distribution and logit function as a link function. The response variable of interest was the sample proportion of the dominant species in the total benthic community. The dominant species were defined as the species, which usually have the largest biomass and are the most abundant in the area, i.e. Macoma balthica and Monoporeia affinis. The species were analysed separately. We used a ‘case studies’ model structure, which is

Table 1. The collected zoobenthos species or groups in 1956 and 1994. The asterisk indicates the species not

involved in the analyses, i.e. not ‘proper’ soft bottom species (see text). The species names used here are according to current names.


1956 1994 1956 1994


Nemertini Bivalvia

– Prostoma obscurum* Cerastoderma glaucum Cerastoderma glaucum

Nematoda Mya arenaria Mya arenaria

Nematoda* Macoma balthica Macoma balthica

Oligochaeta Mytilus edulis Mytilus edulis Tubifex tubifex Clitellio arenarius Cirripedia

Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Balanus improvisus* Balanus improvisus* Potamothrix hammoniensis Amphipoda

Peloscolex heterochaetus Corophium volutator Corophium volutator Stylaria lacustris Monoporeia affinis Monoporeia affinis Tubifex costatus Gammarus sp.* Pontoporeia femorata

Polychaeta Gammarus salinus*

Harmothoe sarsi Harmothoe sarsi Isopoda

Nereis diversicolor Nereis diversicolor Asellus aquaticus* Saduria entomon Marenzelleria viridis Idotea balthica*

Priapulida Saduria entomon

Halicryptus spinulosus Halicryptus spinulosus Mysidacea

Gastropoda – Mysis mixta*

Hydrobia ulvae* Bithynia tentaculata* Mysis relicta*

Theodoxus fluviatilis* Hydrobia ulvae* Neomysis integer*

Hydrobia ventrosa* Diptera

Potamopyrgus jenkinsi* Chironomidae Chironomus plumosus Chironomini spp.



suitable for analysing the change in ‘before–after’ trials (SAS 1997). The benthic community struc-ture in 1994 was treated as the response and the situation in 1956 as the baseline, which was used in analysis as a covariate. The sub-area was considered a fixed-effect factor and the station effect (nested under the sub-area) was introduced into the models as a random effect. The depth and the total abundance were also used as covariates. Before the actual analysis, the situation in 1956 was tested separately to clarify the species pro-portion at the baseline level. In this analysis, the model structure was identical to the actual analy-sis, apart from the baseline covariate. ESTI-MATE statements were used to determine the

differences in species proportions between sub-areas (SAS 1997). Sattherthwite approximation for degrees of freedom was used. All the analyses were done with GLIMMIX; Generalised Linear Mixed Models macro in SAS (1997).


A list of collected benthic species in 1956 and 1994 is presented in Table 1. The overall com-plexity of the benthic community increased in the form of a significantly higher number of

species in 1994 (Table 2: χ2 = 34.23, df = 1, p <

0.001). The species number among sub-areas

Table 2. Descriptive statistics and Kruskall-Wallis ANOVA results for comparisons of dominant groups: Species

number and abundance (ind. m–2) between 1956 and 1994, species number and abundance (ind. m–2) within 1956 and 1994, and biomass (g wwt. m–2) within 1994.

————————————————————————————————————————————————— n Mean SD χ2 df p ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1956 vs. 1994 No. of species 60 5.0 2.6 34.23 1 < 0.001 Abundance (ind. m–2) Total 60 1874.7 2204.3 27.09 1 < 0.001 Polychaeta 60 44.7 78.6 22.87 1 < 0.001 Amphipoda 60 1401.5 2042.3 13.33 1 < 0.001 Chironomidae 60 10.5 21.6 0.98 1 0.324 Oligochaeta 60 47.7 144.9 4.32 1 0.038 M. balthica 60 289.2 336.9 34.13 1 < 0.001 M. affinis 60 1394.3 2037.5 12.19 1 < 0.001 Within 1956 No. of species 30 3.1 1.2 17.68 9 0.039 Abundance (ind. m–2) Total 30 563.1 747.2 25.26 9 0.003 Polychaeta 30 7.8 21.9 19.60 9 0.021 Amphipoda 30 334.8 698.4 23.27 9 0.006 Chironomidae 30 7.5 17.4 8.23 9 0.512 Oligochaeta 30 8.4 20.8 28.56 9 0.001 M. balthica 30 91.8 90.6 20.89 9 0.013 M. affinis 30 331.9 699.1 25.23 9 0.003 Within 1994 No. of species 30 7.0 2.2 16.49 9 0.057 Biomass (g wwt. m–2) 30 109.2 79.9 16.79 9 0.052 Abundance (ind. m–2) Total 30 3186.3 2401.6 21.65 9 0.010 Polychaeta 30 81.6 96.2 10.36 9 0.322 Amphipoda 30 2468.2 2375.6 22.07 9 0.009 Chironomidae 30 13.5 24.9 16.41 9 0.059 Oligochaeta 30 87.1 197.6 19.78 9 0.019 M. balthica 30 486.6 376.9 21.26 9 0.012 M. affinis 30 2456.6 2371.1 22.04 9 0.009 —————————————————————————————————————————————————


differed significantly in 1956 (χ2 = 17.68, df = 9,

p = 0.039), but only marginally significantly in

1994 (χ2 = 16.49, df = 9, p = 0.057). In both

periods the highest numbers were generally found in northern Airisto (Fig. 2).

Correspondingly, the total abundance of the zoobenthos had increased significantly between

the periods (χ2 = 27.09, df = 1, p < 0.001) and

was roughly sixfold in 1994 (1956: mean =

563.1 ind. m–2, 1994: mean = 3186.3 ind. m–2).

Although the increase was generally evident for almost all of the groups (as pooled the Chirono-midea were the only exception, but some indica-tion of higher proporindica-tions in the innermost areas were evident), the greatest relative increase

seemed to occur for polychaetes and oligochae-tes (~ tenfold for both groups), for latter espe-cially in the innermost areas. To a great extent, the increase in polychaetes was due to appearing of the introduced polychaete, Marenzelleria vir-idis. For the most abundant species, Macoma balthica and Monoporeia affinis, the abundance was 5.3 and 7.4 times higher in 1994, respec-tively (Fig. 3). The increase of M. balthica and M. affinis seemed in general to be particularly intense in the middle and southern Airisto (Fig. 3). The highest increase of M. balthica occurred

Fig. 3. Total, Macoma balthica and Monoporeia affinis

abundances (ind. m–2) in 1956 and 1994. The boxes represent the interquartile ranges, which contain 50% of values. The whiskers extending from the boxes in-dicate the highest and lowest values. The line across the boxes show the medians.

Fig. 2. Number of species, total abundances (ind. m–2

± SE) in 1956 and 1994, and total biomass (g wwt. m–2) in 1994 in sub-areas of Airisto Inlet.


in sub-area X (1956: mean = 28.9 ind. m–2,

1994: mean = 1200.3 ind. m–2, Mann-Whitney U

= 0.0, p = 0.050) and of M. affinis in sub-area V

(1956: mean = 6.5 ind. m–2, 1994: mean =

4284.3 ind. m–2, Mann-Whitney U = 0.0, p =


The differences in total abundance within periods were significant in both study years

(Table 2; 1956: χ2 = 25.26, df = 9, p = 0.003;

1994: χ2 = 21.65, df = 9, p = 0.010). However,

there was only a marginally significant differ-ence among sub-areas in total biomass in 1994

(χ2 = 16.79, df = 9, p = 0.052), indicating that

the increase in abundance comprises mainly smaller species.

The results of the analysis of M. balthica and M. affinis proportions in 1956 and 1994 are shown in Tables 3–5. In 1956, there were significant differences in M. balthica and M. affinis proportions among sub-areas (Table 3; DDF = 11.60, F = 3.72, p = 0.020; DDF = 10.70, F = 8.00, p = 0.002, respectively). Moreover, it was obvious that M. balthica proportions were inversely influenced by depth (Table 4; DF = 10.7, t = –2.47, p = 0.032) and the total abundance of the community (DF = 9.5, t = –3.52, p = 0.006), i.e. when depth or community size increased, M. balthica

propor-tion decreased. In 1956, the highest parameter estimates, i.e. the highest significant propor-tions (calculated against sub-area X, which therefore obtain the value of Intercept esti-mate) for M. balthica were found in sub-areas V and II, and the lowest in VIII (Table 4). For M. affinis, the highest proportions were found in sub-areas IX and IV, and the lowest in VIII (Table 5).

When the 1994 situation was compared with the baseline level in 1956 (baseline–sub-area interaction) it became evident that no changes in M. balthica or M. affinis proportions had oc-curred between the periods (Table 3). Similarly, the baseline proportions had no effect on M. balthica or M. affinis proportions in 1994 (Ta-bles 4 and 5). As before, significant differences in M. balthica and M. affinis proportions were found between sub-areas (Table 3; DDF = 14.10, F = 5.01, p = 0.004; DDF = 13.00, F = 4.80, p = 0.007, respectively). Total community abundance had an inverse influence on M. balth-ica but a direct influence on M. affinis propor-tions (Tables 4 and 5). The highest M. balthica proportions in 1994 were found in sub-areas II and X, and the lowest in IV and VIII (Table 4.) M. affinis proportions were lowest in sub-area III (Table 5).

Table 3. III type F-tests for Macoma balthica and Monoporeia affinis proportions of the total benthic community in 1956 and comparison with 1994 situation when 1956 (Baseline’56) is used as a covariate. Other covariates are depth and total abundance of the community. Note that covariance estimates (variance components) are expressed as logit-scale.


Parameter M. balthica M. affinis

——————————————— ——————————————— DDF F p DDF F p ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Sub-area 1956: 11.60 3.72 0.020 10.70 8.00 0.002 1994: 14.10 5.01 0.004 13.00 4.80 0.007 Depth (cov.) 1956: 10.80 6.08 0.032 11.80 1.20 0.295 1994: 15.90 0.96 0.343 13.00 0.25 0.625 Total (cov.) 1956: 9.51 12.39 0.006 2.23 3.11 0.207 1994: 15.20 12.43 0.003 13.00 10.92 0.006 Baseline’56 (cov.) 15.70 0.64 0.436 13.00 0.20 0.661 Baseline’56 × Sub-area’94 4.10 0.28 0.955 6.00 0.21 0.978

Random effect Covariance estimate


St. (sub-area)’56 0.294 0.139

St. (sub-area)’94 0.329 1.051


Table 4

. Parameter estimates for the logistic regression models for

Macoma balthica

. The Sub-area column describes the sub-area for which the parameter

estimate is calculated, empty space (covariate) is a common effect for the periods. Dashed line separates the parameter estimat

es calculated differently with

ESTIMATE statements (only signi

cant or marginally signi

cant results are shown).

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Parameter Sub-area Estimate SE DF tp Parameter Sub-area Estimate SE DF tp ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— M. balthica 1956 M. balthica 1994 Intercep t 0.958 0.756 17.5 1.27 0.222 Intercept 1.810 0.902 15.4 2.01 0.062 Sub-area I – 0.676 0.804 17.9 – 0.84 0.411 Sub-area I – 2.023 0.711 16.4 – 2.84 0.012 Sub-area II 1.231 0.773 17.7 1.59 0.129 Sub-area II 0.521 0.745 17.0 0.70 0.494 Sub-area III – 0.149 0.682 16.3 – 0.22 0.830 Sub-area III – 1.244 0.668 16.3 – 1.86 0.081 Sub-area IV – 0.704 0.813 13.9 – 0.87 0.401 Sub-area IV – 2.451 0.685 16.0 – 3.58 0.003 Sub-area V 1.628 0.705 11.6 2.31 0.040 Sub-area V – 1.119 0.602 10.3 – 1.86 0.092 Sub-area VI – 0.076 0.671 17.8 – 0.11 0.911 Sub-area VI – 1.354 0.533 10.9 – 2.54 0.028 Sub-area VII 1.202 0.831 10.4 1.45 0.178 Sub-area VII – 1.732 0.640 12.8 – 2.71 0.018 Sub-area VIII – 1.805 0.915 13.2 – 1.97 0.070 Sub-area VIII – 2.474 0.709 16.4 – 3.49 0.003 Sub-area IX – 0.579 0.848 17.8 – 0.68 0.504 Sub-area IX – 0.424 0.636 9.8 – 0.67 0.521 Sub-area X 0.000 –– – – Sub-area X 0.000 –– – – Depth – 0.046 0.019 10.8 – 2.47 0.032 Depth – 0.020 0.020 15.9 – 0.98 0.342 Total – 0.010 0.003 9.5 – 3.52 0.006 Total – 0.003 0.001 15.2 – 3.53 0.003 Baseline ’56 – 0.722 0.903 15.7 – 0.80 0.436 — — — — ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— V vs. others 16.212 5.043 12.1 3.21 0.007 II vs. others 17.511 5.715 15.6 3.06 0.008 II vs. others 12.240 4.841 17.2 2.53 0.022 X vs. others 12.299 3.807 11.8 3.23 0.007 VII vs. others 11.946 6.680 12.1 1.79 0.099 IV vs. others – 12.207 5.026 16.9 -2.43 0.027 VIII vs. others – 18.123 5.851 10.1 -3.10 0.011 VIII vs. others – 12.436 5.452 16.9 -2.28 0.036 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————


Table 5

. Parameter estimates for the logistic regression models for

Monoporeia af



. The Sub-area column describes the sub-area for which the parameter

estimate is calculated (note that I and II are not included in the models because of no observations in either study year). Emp

ty space (covariate) is a common

effect for the periods. Dashed line separates the parameter estimates calculated differently with ESTIMATE statements (only sig


cant or marginally signi


results are shown). ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Parameter

Sub-area Estimate SE DF tp Parameter Sub-area Estimate SE DF tp ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— M. af fi nis 1956 M. af fi nis 1994 Intercept – 0.395 1.068 12.0 – 0.37 0.718 Intercept – 2.006 1.356 13.0 – 1.48 0.163 Sub-area III – 0.518 0.918 10.7 – 0.56 0.585 Sub-area III – 1.690 1.016 13.0 – 1.66 0.120 Sub-area IV 1.083 1.025 7.1 1.06 0.325 Sub-area IV 2.102 0.998 13.0 2.11 0.055 Sub-area V – 2.747 1.338 5.7 – 2.05 0.088 Sub-area V 1.546 1.203 13.0 1.29 0.221 Sub-area VI – 2.398 1.033 13.8 – 2.32 0.036 Sub-area VI 0.938 1.260 13.0 0.74 0.470 Sub-area VII – 2.112 1.442 6.4 – 1.46 0.190 Sub-area VII 2.567 1.257 13.0 2.04 0.062 Sub-area VIII – 4.713 1.317 11.9 – 3.58 0.004 Sub-area VIII 2.186 1.496 13.0 1.49 0.161 Sub-area IX 1.228 1.107 9.4 1.11 0.295 Sub-area IX – 0.058 1.099 13.0 – 0.05 0.959 Sub-area X 0.000 –– – – Sub-area X 0.000 –– – – Depth 0.028 0.026 11.8 1.10 0.295 Depth – 0.009 0.019 13.0 – 0.50 0.625 Total 0.006 0.003 2.2 1.76 0.207 Total 0.004 0.001 13.0 3.31 0.006 Baseline ’56 0.733 1.632 13.0 0.45 0.661 — — — — ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— IX vs. others 20.002 5.401 5.1 3.70 0.014 II vs. others – 21.112 5.607 13.0 – 3.77 0.002 IV vs. others 18.842 4.323 2.9 4.36 0.025 VIII vs. others – 27.528 7.336 12.7 – 3.75 0.003 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————



Our results provided evidence of a general in-crease of benthic macrofauna in the Airisto Inlet between 1956 and 1994. The increase was ap-parent in both parameters measured, i.e. in the species abundance and in the numbers of spe-cies. Although the abundance increase was gen-eral in nature, it seemed mainly to involve the middle and southern parts of the study area, and showed, together with biomass, an increasing trend towards the open sea. The number of the species did not present a corresponding pattern, but instead a rather constant level shift upwards, where the largest increase seemed to occur in the innermost sub-areas. When compared with the species list of Tulkki (1960), it can be seen that the most obvious input of indigenous soft bottom species occurred with oligochaetes. Al-together six new species appeared in 1994, and this accounts for the conspicuous increase of species number in the innermost stations near the polluted harbour. However, the increase is partly explained by the inability to identify all these species accurately in the 1950s, and proba-bly this was also the reason for the appearance of the amphipode Pontoporeia femorata in the 1990s (Paavo Tulkki, personal communication). Thus, the polychaete Marenzelleria viridis was ecologically the only indisputable newcomer as this species was found for the first time in the Baltic in 1985 (Bick and Burckhardt 1989). Although M. balthica and M. affinis proportions of the total community remained unchanged when compared to the 1956 situation, some evidence of change in terms of higher propor-tions in the southern sub-areas was discerned, especially for M. balthica. M. affinis proportions seemed to become more even in the middle and south sub-areas, while a distinct decrease coinci-dentally occurred in the north.

The present results match other findings from the Åland Islands and the Archipelago Sea areas (e.g. Bonsdorff et al. 1991, Mattila 1994, Bonsdorff et al. 1997a, 1997b), all illustrating both structural and functional changes in the benthic system. Changes are mainly attributed to general eutrophication of the Baltic Sea as increased pelagic and benthic production and subsequent input of organic matter have been

the basic reason for the alteration (Pearson and Rosenberg 1978). Although similar changes have also been recorded in the Baltic basin (Ceder-wall and Elmgren 1980), the effects of eutrophi-cation are generally more pronounced in coastal areas (HELCOM 1991). The only exception in our results is the general increase in species numbers, which have shown an unchanged or decreasing pattern in the other studies. Although this increase was more or less evident in all groups, it covered notably oligochaetes and poly-chaetes, i.e., the 1st and 2nd order regressive benthic species according to classification of Leppäkoski (1975). For M. balthica, and also for M. affinis, the increase was more like exten-sion to larger areas; former categorised as pro-gressive and latter as repro-gressive species by Lep-päkoski (1975). We believe this discrepancy between earlier studies can be explained by a longer time gap between the years compared in our study. In the present study, the ‘reference’ is located in the mid-1950s when benthic commu-nities evidently were closer to their natural state. The other studies have been done practically in the years when the eutrophication has already influenced the benthic assemblages, and there-fore the numbers already reflect a higher starting level. The difference may also partly be ex-plained by methodological differences (e.g. oli-gochaetes are better known nowadays).

In a similar study, Bonsdorff et al. (1991) made comparisons of hydrography and zoob-enthos between 1973 and 1989 in the archipela-go of the Åland Islands, and reported on altered number of species and increased abundance and biomass of benthos. They found that the spatial distribution of biomass showed an increasing trend towards the open sea and considered this to be caused by the general eutrophication proc-ess in the Baltic Sea imported to the local ecosystem. Moreover, a shift in the relative importance of species was found with the domi-nance of stress-tolerant species (oligochaetes and chironomid larvae) in the polluted inner-most areas while, coincidentally, the dominating species in the system (Macoma balthica and Monoporeia affinis) were pushed towards the open sea. Our results are in general agreement with these conclusions, especially with the idea that, depending on the location, the changes


simultaneously reflect both local disturbances and general eutrophication. In the Airisto Inlet, the innermost sub-areas cover wastewater-pol-luted harbour areas, which already in the 1960s were settled mainly by stress-tolerant oligocha-etes (Tulkki 1960, 1964, Leppäkoski 1975). Moreover, the northern parts of the Airisto Inlet have since the early 80s been under intensive dumping of the dredged masses. This material, dredged mainly from Turku harbour and the Aurajoki river, was dumped during 1989–1995,

on average at the rate of more than 130 000 m3

per year (Kauppila and Wright 1997), and since then dumping has increased further because of the development and reconstruction of the har-bour and shipyard. The dumping has contributed to the shift from suspension feeders (decline of crustaceans) to deposit feeders (increase of poly- and oligochaetes) of the benthic communi-ty. The reason for the changes is alterations in the seabed composition (increased sedimenta-tion and siltasedimenta-tion) and also accelerated local eutrophication. The middle and southern parts of the Airisto Inlet were influenced by the general eutrophication in the Archipelago Sea, and there the changes in benthos have followed the gener-al pattern observed in the sea (see earlier refs.).

The main sources of excess nutrients in the Archipelago Sea have been industrial and mu-nicipal wastewater, forestry, agriculture (all chiefly via river runoff) and, during the last 20 years, fish farming (e.g. Bonsdorff et al. 1997a, 1997b). Only recently have the share of airborne nutrients and nutrients imported by currents from other parts of the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Proper) been estimated (Jumppanen and Mattila 1994, Hel-minen et al. 1998, Kirkkala et al. 1998). Hän-ninen et al. (1999) made a comprehensive study of the eutrophication process in different zones of the Archipelago Sea. They found that nutri-ents coming with river runoffs mainly remain within inshore waters (involve the innermost and northern areas of the present study) and, therefore, the impact of eutrophication has been the most severe there. In the middle archipelago (the middle and southern parts of this study), the effect of fish farming could also be seen in water quality. After the early 1990s, the general rise in nutrient concentrations culminated, and

subse-quently levelled off or even fell because of general economic decline and decreased produc-tion in fish farm markets and coincident im-provements in aquaculture techniques. In the outer zone, the influence of the background loading from the Baltic Sea mainly influences water quality, but this seems to depend on the location and is visible only occasionally, partic-ularly in winter.

Along with human impacts, the relative im-portance of natural factors, probably causing similar changes in the benthic communities, should also be considered. Laine et al. (1997) made an analysis with long-term data (1965– 1994) on macrozoobenthos in the Gotland Basin and the Gulf of Finland in relation to the hydro-graphical regime. They found that the fluctua-tion in salinity affected the community structure and distribution of zoobenthos. The result was very similar to that of zooplankton studies, i.e. more marine species were favoured by increased salinity, while less marine groups showed the opposite (e.g. Segerstråle 1969, Vuorinen and Ranta 1987, Viitasalo et al. 1994, Vuorinen et al. 1998). However, no direct effects on the quantitative amount of zoobenthos were detect-ed in the study and, therefore, more discussion related to effects in the Airisto Inlet would be rather speculative.

One fundamental question in a work of this kind is how appropriate the method used is to record the changes in benthic community. This is partly a question of spatial scale and partly a question of a method’s accuracy to observe the change. According to Bonsdorff et al. (1991), the local sources play an important role in the structuring of the aquatic ecosystem. Changes over time at one site, although significant, may reflect merely very local progress. Therefore, to get to grips with larger scale processes, the strategy should be to sample many stations over a large area with long time-intervals between sampling. Moreover, the sampling regime should involve a sufficient number of samples (Elliott 1993). Any overall changes will then reflect processes on a much larger scale (Cederwall and Elmgren 1980, Pearson et al. 1985, Heip 1995), although the detailed processes may remain par-tially unknown. Regardless of the large size and non-homogeneity of the present study area, we


believe that the experimental design used (30 similarly resampled stations and the entire area divided into more homogeneous sub-areas) al-lows an interpretation of our results at both local and regional levels. Thus, the changes recorded reflect not only an alteration among studied sub-areas but also between the whole Airisto Inlet and the entire coastal ecosystem of the Archipel-ago Sea.

Acknowledgements: This study is a contribution to the AqValue project (Aquatic Biodiversity Research Pro-gramme/Finnish Biodiversity Research Programme FI-BRE) of the Academy of Finland, and Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation. The University Foundation of Turku is also gratefully acknowledged for financial support during the fieldwork and in the laboratory. We’d like to express our gratitude to Prof. Erik Bonsdorff, Dr. Harri Helminen, Prof. Paavo Tulkki and one anonymous re-viewer for constructive and insightful comments on the manuscript. MA Jacqueline Välimäki kindly revised the English of the manuscript.


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Fig. 1. The study area in the Airisto Inlet (the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic Sea) with  sam-pling localities (1–30) and  sub-areas (I–X) based on cluster analysis (see text for more  accu-rate description).
Fig. 3. Total,  Macoma balthica  and  Monoporeia affinis abundances (ind. m –2 ) in 1956 and 1994


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