Announcement of Tender on the Terekkan, Perevalnoe gold deposits and Terek
gold-antimony deposit (except block 17)
The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic announces a tender for the right for subsoil
usage on exploitation the Terekkan, Perevalnoe gold deposits and Terek
gold-antimony deposit (except block 17) according to the Law of Kyrgyz Republic “On
The tender will be held in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure and
conditions of the tender for the right of subsoil use, approved by Resolution of the
Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated December 14, 2012 No.834.
Tender commission has established the cost of payment for the right to use subsoil
object of the contest in the amount not less than US $ 20 million.
One of the requirements for participation in the tender is the payment for a brief
package of geological information in the amount of 1677610 soms.
All interested may get detailed information on all required documents for
participation in the tender and other information regarding tender on the exploitation
the Terekkan, Perevalnoe gold deposits and Terek gold-antimony deposit (except
block 17) in file “Terms and procedures of the tender for the subsoil license for the
development of gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit Terek
(except for the block 17) and the award criteria” uploaded on official website of
All those who wish to participate in the tender should submit documents for
participation in tender
no later than 3:00 p.m. October 22, 2015
to The State
Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources under the Government of the Kyrgyz
Republic at: Bishkek city, Erkindik Avenue, 2, office No.217.
Consultations regarding participation in the tender are possible by phones: (+996
312) 300 246 (on Kyrgyz and Russian), (+996 312) 909 869 or by e-mail:
[email protected] (on English).
Reserves, approved by the State balance as 01/01/2015 Deposit, the area Antimony
ore, thous.tons antimony, thous.tons Gold ore, thous.tons gold, tons Silver, ore, thous.tons Silver, tons Category reserves and
probable resources
Category reserves and probable resources
Category reserves and probable resources В С1 С2 Р1 С1 С2 з/б Р1 С1 С2 з/б Р1 Terekkan 248.1 2.227 312 2.331 98 0.504 248.1 0.843 464 1.7 98 0.1 Perevalnoe 535.4 5.471 84.1 0.626 378.8 1.405
Terek by the ares:
Southern 322.1 7.224 2629.2 12.357 322.1 0.233 2629.2 12.552 322.1 3.9 2629.2 12.647 Interstratal orebody 55,3 1.439 6,1 0.038 89,9 0.382 55.3 0.6 6.1 0.02 89.9 0.12 Western 4 1.845 Northern 22 1.311 190 9.276 7 0.148 97 0.98
Appendix 1
to the Terms and procedures
of the tender for the subsoil license
for the development of gold
deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and
gold-antimony deposit Terek
(except for the block 17) and the
award criteria
for participation in a tender
For individual and legal persons:
I, ____________________________________________________________
(surname, first name and patronymic)
(identification document)
(document type, series, number, authority and date of issue)
on behalf
(full name, registration number, registration date and authority,
address, details of legal entity)
acting on the basis of: _________________________________________________
(document on the basis of which the person is acting, if the representative
is acting under a power of attorney, then details of attorney)
Under a power of attorney:
(surname, first name and patronymic)
(identification document)
(document type, series, number, authority and date of issue)
at the
(country, city, aiyl, village, street, house and apartment)
hereby declare:
about intention to take part in the tender which will take place on:__________
(place and time)
in respect of subsoil facility (facilities):_______________________
with respect to lot (lots):
In accordance with this intention I have paid the following contributions:
Payment for preliminary geological information in the amount of 1 677
610 (one million six hundred seventy seven thousand six hundred and ten hundred)
Tender fee in the amount of 1,000,000 (one million) soms.
In case of winning in the tender I undertake:
1) to sign protocol on results of the tender;
2) to pay the value of the right for use of subsoil of the facility purchased at
the tender, in the terms defined by the Terms and conditions of the tender, to the
authorized state body on implementation of the state policy on subsoil use;
3) to pay necessary payments in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz
Republic to the authorized state body on implementation of the state policy on
subsoil use;
4) to fulfill the established requirements for the use of subsoil facility by the
tender organizer, which are essential conditions for presentation of subsoil facility
for tender and in case of non-fulfillment to pay the penalties established by the
legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and the
Terms and procedures of the tender for
the subsoil license for the development of gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and
gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17) and the award criteria,
approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 459-p dated 16 Sptember
2015. I agree that in the event the tender is acknowledged invalid, if none of the
submitted proposals meets tender conditions or in the absence of applications, or
when only one application is received to sign the protocol of the tender results,
herewith, the amount of payment made for preliminary geological information and
tender participation fee will not be returned and remain with the authorized state
body on implementation of the policy on subsoil use.
In addition to participation in the tender I attach the following to this
1. ____________________________________________________________;
2. ____________________________________________________________;
3. ____________________________________________________________;
4. ____________________________________________________________;
5. ____________________________________________________________;
6. ____________________________________________________________;
7. ____________________________________________________________;
8. ____________________________________________________________;
9. ____________________________________________________________;
Passport shall be provided personally by the bidder when tendering.
Signature of declarant (authorized person): _______________________
Date "____" ____________ 2015
(position of the person who has accepted the bid)
acceptance date with indication of exact time)
(Full name and signature of the person who has accepted the bid)
Appendix 2
to the Terms and procedures
of the tender for the subsoil
license for the development of
gold deposits Terekkan,
Perevalnoe and gold-antimony
deposit Terek (except for the
block 17) and the award criteria
on the Company owners
Full name of the Company.
Registered office of the Company (location).
Date and place of state registration.
The Company is:
Please, list subsidiary companies where the Company has 100 (one
hundred) % of shares/equity interests.
Please list other companies where the Company has 5 (five) % and
more shares/equity interests.
The information about the Company owners (shareholders/participant
of the Company):
No. Name of legal entity/Full name. of the owner
Equity interest Registered address/Registere d office Information on supporting documentation 1 2 3 …
The information on the owners of shareholders/participant of the
No. Name of legal entity/Full name. of the owner
Equity interest Registered address/Registere d office Information on supporting documentation 1 2 3 …
The information on the owners of the companies specified in Clause 8:
No. Name of legal entity/Full name. of the owner
Equity interest Registered address/Registere d office Information on supporting documentation 1 2
3 …
The Company ensures that the data and the information referred to in this
Statement are complete, accurate and reliable.
Signature: _______________________
Full name: _______________________
Appendix 3
to the Terms and procedures
of the tender for the subsoil
license for the development of
gold deposits Terekkan,
Perevalnoe and gold-antimony
deposit Terek (except for the
block 17) and the award criteria
as the Bidder,
represented by
___________________________________________, acting on the basis of
_____________________________________, hereby undertakes to follow and
comply with all the requirements provided for by the Terms and procedures
of the tender for the subsoil license for the development of gold deposits
Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block
17) and the award criteria (hereinafter referred to as the Terms).
In case of determination of the Bidder as the winner of the tender for the
subsoil license for the development of gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and
gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17) and the award criteria,
the Bidder shall assume the following obligations:
- to pay all the penalties provided for by the Terms in case of violation of
the date of the Gold-processing Plant construction commencement and / or its
- agrees that its proposed price of the right to use subsoil of the tender
facility is a nonrecoverable payment, except the cases provided for in Clause 42
of the Terms;
- agrees to compensate for the damages to the environment as a result of
its activities and to perform the activities on restoration of the disturbed state of
the environment if such harm suffered as a result of environmental offense.
The Bidder shall understand and agree that the above obligations are the
part of the Terms and procedures of the tender for the subsoil license for the
development of gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit
Terek (except for the block 17) and the award criteria and undertake to follow
and fulfill them.
Signature: __________________________
Full name: __________________________
Position: _________________________
Terms and procedures
of the tender for the subsoil license for the development of gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17) and the award criteria
1. Purpose and objectives of the tender
1. The tender for the subsoil license for the development of gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-and-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17) is carried out to determine the winner, which proposed the most favourable terms for the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. The following is tendered: subsoil license for the development of gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-and-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17) for a period of 20 (twenty) years with the following prolongation till the mineral reserve depletion upon the performance of license terms by the winner of tender, with the following angular points in the rectangular coordinates:
Point No. X Y Point No. X Y
1 4604000 12677000 4 4600000 12681000
2 4604000 12679500 5 4598500 12681000
3 4600000 12679500 6 4598500 12677000
Square – 1589.5 ha
2. Background of the group of Terek deposits
3. The gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-and-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17) are located on the territory of Chatkal district of Jalal-Abad region, in the middle bed of the Tereksai river – the left tributary of the Kassansai river, at absolute altitude of 1500-2400 meters.
4. The distance to the nearest village, the district center Kanysh-Kiya, is 47 km. This section of the way is represented with a mountain dirt road. The road has an asphalt covering from the village Kanysh-Kiya. The distance to the city of Osh is 370 km, to Jalal-Abad - 240 km. The nearest railway stations in Kyrgyzstan are the Tash Kumyr and Shamaldy-Sai – on the distance of about 160 km.
No fuel resources are available in the area. Mining industry and geologic exploration are provided with the imported fuel and timber.
Directly on the deposit area there operates the “Tereksai Mine” affiliate of the open joint stock company “Kyrgyzaltyn”. The mine is supplied with electric power from the district mains of the “Shekaftar” substation (35 km). Its production capacity is 60 - 80 thousand tons of ore per year. The water supply of the mine is carried out from the Tereksai River, with a flow rate of 2.5 m3/sec.
5. The gold deposit Terekkan was discovered in 1934, the gold-antimony deposit Terek - in 1941. The exploration of the Terek deposit has been performed in 1942 - 1955 years.
The deposit has been exploited by the Tereksai mine of Kadamjay antimony plant since 1950 to 2001. The exploration works has been performed on the deposit Terekkan since 1956 to 1969. Along with the Terekkan there has been explored the Mezhplastovoe gold orebody in the Southern area of the Terek deposit.
The gold deposit Perevalnoe and the area “Dalniy” of the Terek deposit have been explored in detail in 1980 - 1984. The gold reserves at the Perevalnoe deposit have been explored and approved.
6. Terek deposit, Mezhplastovoe orebody. The industrial mineralization type belongs to quartz-carbonate-sulphide. The ore bodies are tabular with easy gradient (25° - 45°). The reserves of the Mezhplastovoe orebody at adit levels have been worked out by the “Tereksai Mine” affiliate of the open joint stock company “Kyrgyzaltyn”.The remaining balance reserves below the adit levels are opened by the exploring-and-producing mine, passed by the open joint stock company “Kadamzhay antimony plant” in 1990. This mine mostly opens the antimony reserves of the Terek antimony deposit. The remaining reserves of the Mezhplastovoe orebody are structurally located above the antimony orebodies and simultaneously opened by the “exploring-and-producing mine”.
7. The Terekkan deposit belongs to the veined geological-and-industrial type; the ore-bearing rocks are the quartz-feldspar-mica schists. The orebodies are of lensoid and columnar shape. The oxidation zone extends to a depth of 30 m from the surface. The ore contains arsenic up to 4.73%, in oxidized - 6.44% and
sulphide - 4%.
8. The Perevalnoe deposit belongs to the 3rd group of complexity. The industrial mineralization type is veined, the ore formation is gold-antimony. The genesis of mineralization is hydrothermal. The balance orebodies are of abrupt lensoid shape. Gold content in sulphide - 85.7% and free - 2.8%, the recovery to float concentrate - 87.2%, arsenic content in ore – 0.98-1.95%, in the concentrate recovered 86.9% and its content in concentrate is 3.02 - 4.11%. The oxidation zone is traced to a depth of 30 m from the surface. The objects are completely prepared for development. Technological properties of ore have been studied; the geological maps of scale 1:10000, 1:5000 and 1:1000 have been compiled.
9. Mineral reserves at the mentioned deposits:
Deposit, area
Antimony, ore tons, antimony,
tons. Gold, ore tons, gold, tons Silver, ore tons, silver, tons Category of reserves and
inferred resources
Category of reserves and inferred resources
Category of reserves and inferred resources
B C1 C2 P1 C1 C2 P1 C1 C2 P1
Reserves, accounted by the State balance as of 01.01.2015
Terekkan 248.1 2.227 312 2.331 98 0.504 248.1 0.843 464 1.7 98 0.1 Perevalnoe 535.4 5.471 84.1 0.626 378.8 1.405 Terek by areas: Southern 322.1 7.224 2629.2 12.357 322.1 0.233 2629.2 12.552 322.1 3.9 2629.2 12.647 Interstratal orebody 55.3 1.439 6.1 0.038 89.9 0.382 55.3 0.6 6.1 0.02 89.9 0.12 Western 4 1.845 Northern 22 1.311 190 9.276 7 0.148 97 0.98
Reserves, officially approved by the StateReserves Commission (SRC) of the Kyrgyz Republic, but not accounted in the State balance
(SRC protocol No. 86 dated November 14, 2003)
Terekkan 1142.6 5.729 4161.7 19.250 882.9 2.169 3124.2 12.922 | Deposit, area
Antimony ore, tons, antimony,
tons. Gold ore, tons, gold, tons Silver ore, tons, silver, tons Category of reserves and
inferred resources
Category of reserves and inferred resources
Category of reserves and inferred resources
B C1 C2 P1 C1 C2 P1 C1 C2 P1
Designed reserves and inferred resources
Terek by areas: Eastern 103 1.5 Pervomai 745 3.95 544 3.65 Area of West-Terek split 1071 6.0
3. Main requirements to the bidders
10. The following are permitted to participate:
- legal entities, registered in the foreign country (hereinafter – the foreign legal entities).
- private entities – the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as the foreign citizens.
11. The entities, specified in the clause 10 hereof, shall comply with the following requirements in order to be qualified:
- have at least 5 years’ experience of geologic exploration and gold deposits development, including the foreign experience;
- possess of scientific-methods and standards in the sphere of geologic exploration and apply the modern technologies of mineral exploration, mining and processing;
- have own funds and/or have the ability to involve the additional funding, required for the development of the deposits.
The mentioned entities shall comply in their activities with the international standards and standards of the Kyrgyz Republic on industrial safety, environmental safety, subsoil protection and sustainability.
12. The bidders are entitled to provide the tender committee with the additional information and documents about the level of their qualification, production, financial and other capabilities, required to obtain the subsoil license for the development of gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17).
4. Main terms of the subsoil use
13. The main terms of subsoil use are the performance of a number of liabilities by the entity, which won the tender and received the subsoil license for the development of the gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17) (hereinafter – the license), including:
1) pay for the subsoil license of tender subject in the amount, specified in the relevant bid, but not less than 20 000 000 (twenty millions) USD (hereinafter – the price for the subsoil license of tender subject);
2) ensure the preparation of the technical project for the development of gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17) and its approval by the competent government bodies and with the positive expert opinions on the industrial safety, environmental safety and protection of mineral resources no later than 1 year from the issue date of production license;
3) include in the technical project for the deposit development the performance of geologic exploration in order to transfer the inferred resources to the balanced reserves, the measures for industrial and environmental safety, protection and rational use of mineral resources, the project of mined-land reclamation and subsequent monitoring with the creation of the relevant fund, the project of elimination of mining property, the description of the other licensee’s actions, required for the most sustainable, safe and efficient subsoil use in accordance with international standards and laws of the Kyrgyz Republic,
4) ensure investment, including by attracting funding from banks and financial institutions, pursuant to the project, excluding the price for the subsoil license of tender subject, specified in the clause 19 hereof, for the first 3 (three) years from the license issue date;
5) observe the provisions of the technical projects, approved by the competent government bodies, and fulfil the requirements of the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic, including the requirements for sustainability, environmental protection and industrial safety;
6) perform gold refining in the Kyrgyz Republic;
7) Comply with the requirement of the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic on granting of first option on purchase of refined precious metals to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic;
8) prepare a social package (Agreement), including the program of social-and-economic development of local communities and territories, arrangement of work places for people, residing in the working area, maximum use of local labour during the deposit development, organization of professional training of people in order to involve them to works, related to the deposit development, and submit it no later than 2 months from the license receipt date to the local public authorities for consideration and approval. At the same time, within the period of construction of the gold recovery plant (hereinafter – the GRP), the annual investment amount for the development of local community in money terms shall be at least 15 000 000 (fifteen millions) KGS, and in subsequent years - at least 20 000 000 (twenty millions) KGS.
9) start the construction of the GRP and tailings impoundment no later than 3 months after the approval of the technical project for the deposit development by the competent authorities. In case of violation of the start-up time, the licensee agrees to pay a penalty of 20 000 (twenty thousand) USD (50% to the republican budget, 30% - to the Fund of development of Chatkal district and 20% - to the local budget of Terek-Say ayil akmak (region)) for each full month of the violation of the start-up time, except for the force majeure circumstances, defined in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Subsoil”
10) ensure the commissioning of the GRP and tailings impoundment in the stated period, which may not exceed 2 years from the date of approval of the technical project for the deposit development by the competent authorities. In case of violation of the start-up time, the licensee agrees to pay a penalty of 20 000 (twenty thousand) USD (50% to the republican budget, 30% - to the Fund of development of Chatkal district and 20% - to the local budget of Terek-Say ayil akmak (region)) for each month of the violation of commissioning period, except for the force majeure circumstances, defined in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Subsoil”;
11) ensure the reaching the project capacity of the GRP and tailings impoundment with the performance, specified in the technical project for the deposit development, but not less than 50% of project capacity, no later than 6 (six) years from the date of its commissioning. In case of violation of the period to reach the 50% project capacity, the licensee agrees to pay a penalty of 20 000 (twenty thousand) USD (50% to the
republican budget, 30% - to the Fund of development of Chatkal district and 20% - to the local budget of Terek-Say ayil akmak (region)) for each month of the violation of the commissioning period, except for the force majeure circumstances, defined in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Subsoil”;
12) involve foreign specialists for the period of construction of the GRP and before its commissioning in
the amount of no more than 30%, and after the GRP commissioning - no more than 10% of the total number of licensee’ employees, with account for contracting and subcontracting organizations
13) perform the procurement of goods (inventories), complying with the established quality standards of works and services on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, required to ensure the licensee’ activities, except for the procurement of goods, works and services, which are not produced, executed and rendered in the Kyrgyz Republic
15. The terms for granting of the subsoil license, including the main terms above, are defined in the license agreement to the license, issued to the winning bidder. Failure to execute the above terms of the subsoil use is the ground for the imposition of responsibilities, stipulated by the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic
16. Applying the bid, the bidder recognizes the main terms of subsoil use above and agrees them to be included in the license agreement, issued to the winning bidder.
5. Amount, procedure and terms of payment of fees, guarantee deposit, price, taxes and other expenses
16. Payment for a package of brief geological information:
1) the committee executive body provides each applicant with a prior geological information. To participate in the tender, the applicants shall purchase the specified geological information for 1 677 610 (one million six hundred seventy seven thousand six hundred and ten) KGS;
2) the payment for the package of brief geological information, specified in the first paragraph of this clause, shall be transferred to the special account of the State Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter – the State Geology Agency) – the committee executive body, specified in the clause 20 hereof, and shall remain in its possession. The geological information shall be issued to the applicant immediately after the full payment of its value.
17. Tender fee.
For the participation in the tender, the bidders shall pay a tender fee in the amount of 1 000 000 (one million) KGS or its equivalent in USD at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic on the payment day (hereinafter – the tender fee). The tender fee shall not be included in the final price for the subsoil license of tender subject and shall not be refunded, regardless of the results of examination of documents and/or the tender results. The specified funds shall be transferred to the special account of the committee executive body, specified in the clause 20 hereof, and shall remain in its possession.
18. Guarantee deposit of the bidder.
The bidders shall make a guarantee deposit in the amount of 2 000 000 (two million) USD. In case of the winner’s further payment of the price for the subsoil license, pursuant to the clause 19 hereof, the guarantee deposit shall be offset in the price for the subsoil license of tender subject. The guarantee deposit shall not be refunded to the winner if the winner fails to pay the price for the subsoil license of tender subject in full or partly within the period, specified in the clause 19 hereof, and shall be transferred to the republican budget.
19. Price for the subsoil license of tender subject.
1) The price for the subsoil license of tender subject can not be less than the lowest limit, which is 20 000 000 (twenty millions) USD. The price shall include the bonus amount (subsoil tax) and the price for the package of geological information on subsoils. The total amount net of bonus and price for the package of geological information on subsoil shall be distributed in accordance with the Regulation “On the procedure and terms of the tender for the subsoil license”, affirmed by the Government Resolution of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 834 dated December 14, 2012. The price for the subsoil license of tender subject shall be a one-time and non-refundable payment.
2) The winning bidder shall pay the proposed price for the subsoil license of tender subject within 30 calendar days from the date of posting of the tender committee’s decision on winner on the official websites of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Geology Agency;
20. Payment details.
The payment for the package of geological information, tender fee, guarantee deposit, as well as the price for the subsoil license of tender subject, specifying the appropriate purpose, shall be transferred to the following details of the settlement account of State Geology Agency:
Recipient: Oktyabrsky Treasurer’s Regional Office in Bishkek Bank: Oktyabrsky branch of JSC “RSK Bank”, Bishkek BIC: 129053
Settlement account: 1290534132810077 Client account: 4402032100002327
Purpose of payment: [payment for the package of geological information to the client account of State Geology Agency]/ [tender fee to the client account of State Geology Agency] / [guarantee deposit of the winner to the client account of State Geology Agency] / [subsoil payment (price for the subsoil license of tender subject) to the client account of State Geology Agency].
21. The winning bidder shall pay the license payments, taxes, non-tax payments and other mandatory payments, charges and fees in accordance with the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic.
6. Tender stages and documents, submitted by the bidders
22. The tender shall be made in two stages. At the first stage, the tender committee receives and evaluates the documents, submitted by the bidders, for their compliance with the requirements, specified hereof, in order to admit to the second stage or reject. At the second stage, the tender committee receives and evaluates the documents, submitted by the bidders, accepted to the second stage, for their compliance with the requirements, specified hereof, and decided on the winning bidder in accordance with the set criteria. 23. First tender stage.
At the first stage, no later than 30 calendar days after the announcement on the tender, published in the official printed media, the bidders shall submit the following documents in 2 (two) copies to the State Geology Agency at the address: Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Erkindik Boulevard, 2, office 217:
1) a tender application (bid), addressed to the chairman of the tender committee in form, pursuant to the Annex 1;
2) a copy of the document (and original for verification), confirming the payment for the package of brief geological information;
3) a copy of the document (and original for verification), confirming the tender fee. 4) a document, confirming the payment of guarantee deposit
The following documents shall also be submitted in a sealed envelope:
a) for legal entities, registered (reregistered) in the Kyrgyz Republic - notarized copies of the state registration certificate and copies of the charter and articles of association, certified by own seal;
b) for foreign legal entities - copies of incorporating documents and registration certificate, as well as the apostilled or legalized extract from the state register or other document, certifying that it is a valid legal entity under the laws of its country . The incorporating documents and registration certificate, submitted by the foreign legal entities in foreign language, shall be accompanied by a notarized translation into the state or official language. The validity of the submitted extract from the state registry or another document, certifying that it is a valid legal entity under the laws of its country, shall not exceed 6 (six) months from the issue date of the mentioned documents;
Note: Legalization of documents is not required:
- for the member-states of the Convention, abolishing the requirement of legalization of foreign official documents, dated October 5, 1961 (“the Hague Convention”), except for the member-states, which objected the accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Hague Convention, and
- for the member-states of the Convention on legal assistance and legal relations in civil, family and criminal matters dated October 7, 2002 (“the Kishinev Convention”).
c) for private entities – copies of passport and registration certificate as individual entrepreneur. Foreign private entities shall additionally submit the notarized translation of the passport into the state or official language;
d) information and documents that reveal the persons, who are the ultimate owners and/or beneficiaries of the bidders, in form pursuant to the Annex 2;
e) documents, confirming the authorities of the chief executive of the legal entity or the authorized representative of the legal entity;
f) written commitment in form pursuant to the Annex 3, stipulating that:
- the bidder, in the case of award, agrees to pay all penalties, stipulated hereunder;
- the bidder, in the case of award, agrees that his proposed price for subsoil license of the tender object is a non-refundable payment;
to restore the damaged environmental condition, if such damage was made as a result of environmental offence.
24. The bidder shall submit documents in one envelope, containing the full name and address of the bidder, the indication of the participation in the first tender stage, the full list of the submitted documents. The submitted documents shall be sewn together, separated with tab stocks; all the pages, contained in the envelope, shall be numbered. The documents shall be submitted in the state or official language. In case of submission of documents in foreign languages, they shall be accompanied by a notarized translation into the state or official language. The tender committee considers the documents, submitted in the state or official language. No changes and additions are accepted to the documents, submitted by the bidders, after the expiry of the deadline for submission of documents. The submitted documents are not subject to return and are stored in the State Geology Agency
25. The tender committee shall open the envelopes with documents on the next working day after the expiry of the deadline for receipt of documents and shall draw a protocol, specifying the name of the bidders and the number of pages of their submitted documents. Within 5 working days from the date of opening of envelopes, the tender committee shall consider the submitted documents and decide on the admission or rejection of bidders to participate in the second tender stage. The bidders shall be admitted to the second stage, provided that their submitted documents comply with the requirements, specified hereof. In case of any questions in relation to the requirements to the list, type and form of the submitted documents, the tender committee shall be entitled to provide the additional explanations, drawn up in form of a protocol.
26. The decision of the tender committee to admit to the second stage or to reject shall be posted on the official websites of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Geology Agency, as well as in other print media.
27. Second tender stage.
The bidders, admitted to the second stage, no later than 10 calendar days after the decision on admission, shall submit the following documents in a sealed envelope to the State Geology Agency at the address: Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Erkindik Boulevard, 2, office 217:
1) program of development of the gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17), which shall include the preliminary proposals on:
- technical and economic calculations regarding the capital investments, operating costs and profitability of the project;
- program of geological exploration for the purpose of transferring of inferred resources into the industrial ones;
- the least term of commissioning of the mineral deposits, after the receipt of subsoil license; - use of modern technologies upon the exploration, extraction and processing of mineral resources;
- activities for mined-land reclamation
- calculation of the required investments;
2) information and documents, certifying the existence of experience in geologic exploration and gold deposits development for at least last 5 (five) years;
3) confirmation of the availability of own funds and/or of possibility to raise financial resources for the initial capital investment and other similar documents;
4) proposals of the “Social package” that includes a program of social-and-economic development of local communities and territories, arrangement of work places for people, residing in the project area, maximum use of local labour during the deposit development, organization of professional training of people in order to involve them to works, related to the deposit development;
5) proposal of price for the subsoil license of the tender subject in the amount of not less than the minimum value, specified in the clause 19 hereof;
6) proposal of the gratuitous transfer of the legal entity’s (the future licensee) share ownership to the Kyrgyz Republic;
7) any additional information and documents, certifying the level of qualification, production, financial and other capabilities of the bidder, required for the development of the gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17).
28. The bidder, admitted to the second stage, shall submit documents in one envelope, containing the full name and address of the bidder, the indication of the participation in the second tender stage, the full list of the submitted documents. The submitted documents shall be sewn together, separated with tab stocks; all the pages, contained in the envelope, shall be numbered. The documents shall be submitted in the state
and/or official language. In the case of submission of documents in foreign languages, they shall be accompanied by a notarized translation into the state or official language. No changes and additions shall be accepted to the documents, submitted by the bidders, after the expiry of the deadline for submission of documents. The submitted documents are not subject to return and are stored in the State Geology Agency. 29. The tender committee shall open the envelopes with documents on the next working day after the expiry of the deadline for receipt of documents and shall draw a protocol, specifying the name and address of the bidders, the number of pages of their submitted documents and the proposed price for the subsoil license of the tender subject. The bidders shall be entitled to be present during the opening of the envelopes.
30. The tender committee protocol on opening of envelopes shall be posted on the official websites of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Geology Agency.
7. Award criteria
31. Within 5 working days from the date of opening of envelopes, the tender committee shall consider the bidders’ proposals, draw up a protocol on the voting results following the second tender stage and decide on the winning bidder on the basis of this protocol. When considering the documents, submitted by the bidders, the tender committee shall be entitled to invite the authorized representative of the bidder to provide the additional explanations within the submitted documents.
32. The winning bidder shall be determined by evaluating the submitted documents and information. The tender committee shall carry out the evaluation of the documents pursuant to the following criteria by the point-based system:
No. Name of criteria Points
1 Quality of the submitted program of development of the gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17), including its compliance with the requirements, specified hereof
Up to 5 points
2 Quality of the submitted program of geologic exploration, including its compliance with the requirements, specified hereof
up to 3 points
3 Financial capabilities for the deposits development (own and raised funds) up to 3 points
4 Amount of funds, allocated for social package in excess of the amount, specified in paragraph 8 of the clause 13 hereof
up to 3 points
5 The least term of commissioning of the mineral deposits, after the receipt of subsoil license
up to 18 months – 5 points, up to 30 months – 2 points
6 Construction of GRP GRP - 5 points, Kustovaya GRP
– 20 points
7 Construction of the service road on the Perevalnoe and Terekkan deposits up to 12 months - 6 points; up to 6 months - 10 points
8 Construction of power transmission line up to 6 months - 10 points; up to
12 months - 5 points 9 Gratuitous transfer of the legal entity’s (the future licensee) share ownership to the
Kyrgyz Republic
10 points per each 10 percent
Note: In case of participation in the tender of the 100% state-owned legal entity, the points on the 9 criteria shall be determined on the basis of the agreement on the joint activity with foreign investor.
33. The tender committee shall draw a point counting protocol for each bidder, indicating the points, obtained by the bidder for each criterion, and a total score of the bidders.
34. Based on the analysis of all the bidders’ proposals and the determination of points on the set criteria, the committee shall draw up a protocol on the voting results following the second tender stage and decide on the winning bidder on the basis of this protocol.
35. The winning bidder shall be the bidder with the highest score. If the two or more bidders have equal score, the committee chairman shall appoint the open voting procedure. The voting shall be performed separately for each bidder. Herewith, each committee member is entitled to vote for only one bidder. The winner shall be the bidder with the highest number of votes. If the two or more bidders have equal number of votes, the second round of voting shall be performed for such bidders pursuant to the rules of the first round. If necessary, the additional voting rounds shall be held to determine the winner. The committee members shall not be entitled to abstain from voting. In case of equality of votes of the committee members, the vote of the chairman of the tender committee shall be decisive in all voting rounds.
36. The decision of the tender committee shall be drawn up in writing, signed by all tender committee members and the winning bidder, and shall be announced on the committee meeting, inviting the bidders
and the media. The decision of the tender committee on the award shall be posted on the official websites of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Geology Agency.
37. The protocols of the tender committee shall be deemed valid if signed by the majority of the total number of the tender committee members.
38. The decision of the tender committee shall be the basis to award the winning bidder with the subsoil license for the development of the gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17). The license agreements to the license shall include the terms, established during the tender.
39. If the foreign legal entity is awarded, the licenses shall be issued to a subsidiary, established and registered by the winning bidder - the foreign legal entity - on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic on the location of the Terek deposits. The subsidiary, to be created by the foreign legal entity, shall be registered no later than one month from the date of announcement of award to the foreign legal entity. The subsidiary shall be 100% owned by the foreign legal entity - the winning bidder, except for the cases of the gratuitous transfer of the legal entity’s (the licensee) share ownership to the Kyrgyz Republic.
40. The licence shall be issued to the winning bidder within 5 working days after the payment of its proposed price for the subsoil license of the tender subject. If the foreign legal entity is awarded, the license shall be issued within 5 working days after (a) the payment of its proposed price for the subsoil license of the tender subject and (b) the submission of the original or notarized copy of the registration certificate of the foreign legal entity’s subsidiary at its location on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic for the development of the gold deposits Terekkan, Perevalnoe and gold-antimony deposit Terek (except for the block 17), whichever comes later.
41. If the winning bidder refuses to sign the protocol on the tender results or fails to pay the stated price for the subsoil license of the tender subject within the established period, the winning bidder shall lose the right to obtain licenses, and the bidder with the second highest score, relating to the other bidders or the second highest number of votes in the additional voting shall be awarded, unless other decision is made by the tender committee.
8. Tender cancelling and declaration void
42. The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic shall be entitled to cancel the tender before the publication of announcement on tender in mass media and the tender committee’s decision on award. Herewith the tender committee shall be dissolved. If the tender failed to take place after the announcement, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic shall be entitled to dissolve the tender committee and to announce a new tender with a new tender composition.
43. If there are no bids or there is a bid from only one bidder, or if the documents, submitted by all bidders, fail to comply with the main terms and requirements for the bidders, the tender shall be declared void according to the decision of the tender committee, drawn up as a protocol and published on the official print media and websites of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Geology Agency.
44. The bidder shall be entitled to withdraw its bid before the tender committee’s decision on award. Herewith, the tender fee in the amount of 1 000 000 (one million) KGS and the payment for the package of brief geological information in the amount of 1 677 610 (one million six hundred seventy seven thousand six hundred and ten) KGS tender committee shall not be refunded and the guarantee deposit shall be returned.
For more information, please, call: (+996 312) 30-03-71, 30-02-46.