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Software Testing of NoTA DIP Implementation


Academic year: 2021

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Software Testing of NoTA DIP




Flander, Ardites and Symbio Group merged

and as a result Symbio was established


Software Testing of NoTA DIP


Ville Kankainen symbio.com 2009-10-01



Device Interconnet Protocol (DIP) stack

Testing DIP implementation


Low level

High level

Test applications


Questions, feedback


Device Interconnect Protocol

stack (DIP)

Tester Application Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down ref L_IN up

Device Interconnect Protocol

stack (DIP)

H_IN (High interconnect)

• Provides user API, to discover, to access and to communicate

between processes (Nodes)

Tester Application Tester Service Device A ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down ref L_IN up ref H_IN ref H_IN


Device Interconnect Protocol

stack (DIP)

H_IN (High interconnect)

• Provides user API, to discover, to access and to communicate

between processes (Nodes)

L_IN (Low interconnect)

Up and Down parts

L_INup is responsible of managing

connections Tester Application Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down ref L_IN up


Device Interconnect Protocol

stack (DIP)

H_IN (High interconnect)

• Provides user API, to discover, to access and to communicate

between process (Nodes)

L_IN (Low interconnect)

Up and Down parts

L_INup is responsible of managing


L_INdown is responsible of

providing connections over target bearer technology Tester Application Tester Service Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down ref H_IN ref L_IN up


Testing DIP implementation

Testing is divided into two parts

• System testing of L_INdown through L_INdown interface

Tester Application Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down ref L_IN up


Testing DIP implementation

Testing is divided into two parts

• System testing of L_INdown through L_INdown interface • System testing of DIP through

H_IF API interface

• (dependency on L_INdown) Tester Application Tester Service Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down ref H_IN ref L_IN up


Testing DIP implementation

Testing is divided into two parts

• System testing of L_INdown through L_INdown interface • System testing of DIP through

H_IF API interface

Same test applications can be

utilitilized again

Tester Application Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down ref L_IN up

Testing DIP implementation

Testing is divided into two parts

• System testing of L_INdown through L_INdown interface • System testing of DIP through

H_IF API interface

Same test applications can be

utilized again

Testing is modularized for easy

verification for each component

Tester Application Tester Service Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down ref H_IN ref L_IN up


Tester Application Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down ref L_IN up

Test is executed on L_INdown level

Testing of DIP


Testing of DIP


Test is executed on L_INdown level

Tests are run by LD_TESTER

• Scene discovery

• Address resolution

• Socket connection creation

• Socket features and speed

Device A

LD_TESTER client

L_IN down

L_IN down


Testing of DIP


Test is executed on L_INdown level

Tests are run by LD_TESTER

• Scene discovery

• Address resolution

• Socket connection creation

• Socket features and speed

Made with C language to support

Device A

LD_TESTER client

L_IN down


Testing of DIP


Test is executed on L_INdown level

Tests are run by LD_TESTER

• Scene discovery

• Address resolution

• Socket connection creation

• Socket features and speed

Made with C language to support variety of platforms

Requires two devices having the same L_INdown implemented on

Device A Device B LD_TESTER client L_IN down L_IN down LD_TESTER server


Testing of DIP


L_IN down is now trusted to be

working and it can be used to verify rest of the stack

Device A

LD_TESTER client

L_IN down


Testing of DIP

(H_IF 1/4) loopback

Communication between local processes through H_IF

Local communication is provided by

• Single process implementation

• Daemon implementation

• (Kernel – userspace implementation)

Ensures that the target service can be tested on target hardware

• H_IN interface available during

Test A Tester Service Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down ref H_IN ref L_IN up Test S


Testing of DIP

(H_IF 2/4) two stacks, one process

Two full stacks in one process

Testing of full stacks in target hardware without implementing L_INdown

Testing of NoTA approach in target hardware

Done with the single process

Tester Application Process A ref H_IN ref L_IN up Single process L_IN down ref L_IN up


Testing of DIP

(H_IF 3/4) two stacks, two devices

Tests the integration of DIP

stacks in both devices

Ensures compatibility between


Connected through target

L_INdown technology

Tester Application Tester Service Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down ref H_IN ref L_IN up

Testing of DIP

(H_IF 4/4) testing non-reference stack

Non-reference stack is required for the most optimal way to use the platform

• Reference stack is using too much system resources (e.g. threads, memory)

• Reference stack has ”unnecessary” features and stack can be reduced for particular purpose

Non-reference stack is verified against reference stack using reference testcases

• Reference stack is also verified against

Tester Application Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down Vendor’s H_IN + L_INup


Testing of DIP

(H_IF test applications)

H_IN Reference test applications

• Service registeration

• Service discovery

• Service access

• Connection throughput and roundtrip

• Stress testing

Service specific test application

Model based test applications

Tester Application Tester Service Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down Vendor’s H_IN + L_INup


Testing of DIP

(H_IF) conclusions

Stacks are verified within different combinations of network

Different HW combinationscan be verified with reference and non-refetence stacks

Test applications can be reused in all of the combinations

Test applications to particular

Tester Application Device A ref H_IN ref L_IN up L_IN down L_IN down Vendor’s H_IN + L_INup


Thank you!

Ville Kankainen [email protected] +358-40-0126999




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