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Role of oxidized low density lipoprotein in atherogenesis


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Role of oxidized low density lipoprotein in


J L Witztum, D Steinberg

J Clin Invest. 1991;88(6):1785-1792. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI115499.

Evidence to support an important role of oxidative modification in mediating the

atherogenicity of LDL continues to grow. New hypotheses suggest mechanisms by which Ox-LDL or products of Ox-LDL can affect many components of the atherogenic process, including vasomotor properties and thrombosis, as well as lesion initiation and progression itself. These ideas suggest new approaches, that in combination with lowering of plasma cholesterol, could lead to the prevention of atherosclerosis and its complications.

Research Article



Role of



Density Lipoprotein



Joseph L. Witztum and Daniel Steinberg

DivisionofEndocrinology and Metabolism, DepartmentofMedicine, UniversityofCalifornia, SanDiego,LaJolla, California 92093



the concept





There can be no doubt now that thereisacontinuum of

in-creasingrisk forcomplications of atherosclerosiswhen plasma cholesterol levels exceed 160-180mg/dl. Manytypesof

ex-perimentalandclinical evidence substantiatethe "cholesterol

hypothesis." Manyprimary and secondaryprevention trials, includingthe recentangiographic trials (CLAS and FATS) doc-ument that reduction of plasmacholesterolisaspowerful as hasbeen predictedinslowingtheprogression and clinical

ex-pression of coronary atherosclerosis. However,thecellularand molecular mechanisms linking hypercholesterolemia to

ath-erogenesisand itssequelaeremain unclear.

Iflowering ofLDLisefficacious in amelioratingthe

athero-genicprocess, why then shouldonebotherto understand the mechanisms? SimplybecauseloweringLDLwillnotbe a total

solution. Although itmay be truethat if cholesterollevels were reduced to < 150 mg/dl there would be littleifanycoronary

artery disease(CAD),' it isnotlikely that this will occur any

timesoon. At anygiven level ofLDLthereisgreatvariability in theclinical expression ofthedisease. Patients with heterozy-gousfamilial hypercholesterolemia exhibitastriking diversity in theage atwhichthey develop CAD, and even patientswith homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, inwhom plasma

cholesterollevelsexceed 800 mg/dl,maydiffer byasmuch as 30 yr in the age at which CAD is expressed clinically. This striking diversity in the expression of CAD undoubtedly

re-flects the complex and multifactoral events involved in the

reactions of the artery tohypercholesterolemia that result in

atherosclerosis. In other words, there must be intervening


mortal-ity. Whilethediscussionbelowwillfocuson the role that

oxi-dative modification ofLDLplays inthis process,otherfactors

mayalsoplayacrucial, perhaps even adominantrole in the

ultimate expression of CAD inanyindividual.


subse-quently leadstodevelopment oftheintermediateandthefinal complicated lesion of atherosclerosis. Consequently,much

at-Address correspondencetoJoseph L.Witztum,M.D., UCSD Depart-mentofMedicine 0613-D,9500GilmanDrive, La Jolla, CA


Receivedfor publication 19 June 1991.

1.Abbreviations used in this paper: CAD, coronary artery disease; EDRF,endothelial-dependent relaxing factor; MDA-LDL,

malodial-dehyde-conjugated LDL; Ox-LDL, oxidizedLDL.

tention is nowfocusedon understandingtheetiology of the

fattystreakandthe mechanisms bywhichmonocyte-derived macrophages,thechief cell type ofthislesion,accumulate cho-lesterol from LDL(1).

The concept that modification of LDL isaprerequisitefor

macrophageuptake and cellular accumulation of cholesterol

has been reviewedindetail elsewhere (2).ItwasGoldsteinand Brown who firstproposedthat modification of LDLwas a

pre-requisiteformacrophage uptake (3). Theyshowed that a chemi-cal derivatization, acetylation, led to enhanced macrophage

uptakebyanovel receptor, termed the "acetyl LDL" receptor

(to distinguishit from the LDLreceptor).Othersimilarly

chem-icallymodifiedforms of LDL such as malondialdehyde-conju-gatedLDL(MDA-LDL)wererecognizedbythe samereceptor (4). Studies in this laboratory showed that incubation of LDL with cultured endothelialcells, or smooth muscle cells,

con-verted it to a form taken up much more rapidly and in a

satura-blemannerby macrophages,in partbyway of theacetylLDL receptor (5). Subsequently, the modification induced was

shown to be due to oxidation (6), a finding confirmed for smooth muscle cell-induced modification as well (7). In im-portantparallel studies, it was shown that LDL was cytotoxic

toendothelial cells and smooth muscle cells and that the cyto-toxicitydepended on oxidation of the LDL during the incuba-tion (8). Many studies have now documented that oxided LDL

(Ox-LDL), produced by a variety of different techniques, shows enhanced uptake inmacrophages,and can lead to cho-lesteryl ester accumulation and foam cell formation (1, 2). Al-though it is beyond the scope of this review, it should be noted that a number of other modifications of LDL convert it to forms taken up more rapidly by macrophages. These include: other types of chemical modifications, self-aggregation, com-plex formation with avariety of other macromolecules, includ-ingproteoglycansand various matrix proteins, and immune complex formationleadingtomacrophage uptakeviaFc recep-torpathways (see reference 2).

What is Ox-LDL?

Oxidation ofLDL canbeinducedbyincubationwith cellsin

culture (endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, or

macro-phages),or byincubationwith a heavy metal ion such as cop-per(Fig. 1). Inaddition, LDL can be oxidized byincubation

with crude soybeanlipoxygenase(9).Several lines of evidence suggest that oxidation inducedbyendothelialcells(10) or by

macrophages(11) dependsonlipoperoxides generated

intracel-lularlyandthentransferredtothe LDL. Cellularlipoxygenases,

especially 15-lipoxygenase,appear to beinvolved(10, 1 1).

Al-ternatively,reactive oxygenspecies,such assuperoxideanion, maybesecretedinto the medium,leading toinitiationoflipid

peroxidation inthe LDL. Thismechanism maypredominate

in smooth muscle cells (7). Once the LDL is "seeded" with

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(methodsmay notbe sensitive enoughatthis stage)








(e.g. anti-MDA-LDL)







\.. Lipoperoxides

02,H202,OH NATIVE from cells LDL


"SEEDED"LDL (containinglimited number oflipoperoxides)

PROPAGATION | (phospholipase A2

+ activity)











lipoperoxides, copper ion in the medium will then generate peroxyradicals, leadingto achain reaction whichresults in an amplifiednumberoflipoperoxides,accompanied by

rearrange-mentof thefattyacid double bonds,yieldingthecharacteristic 234nmabsorptionof"conjugateddienes."Oxidative modifi-cation ofLDLinvitro isabsolutely dependentonlow

concen-trations ofcopper


itiscompletelyinhibited by metal

chela-torssuchasEDTA.Duringoxidative modification there is

ex-tensive conversion of lecithin to lysolecithin catalyzed by a phospholipaseA2activitypresent intheLDLandapparently intrinsic to apo B itself(12). Inhibitors ofphospholipase A2

block both thegenerationoflysolecithinand thepropagation


lipid peroxides,

and thuspreventoxidative modification of

LDLcompletely (2). Consequenttothepropagationreactions

fatty acid fragmentation occurs, leadingtothe formation of

highlyreactiveintermediates, suchasaldehydesandketones, whichcanthencomplex with theadjacentapo B(13),aswellas

withphospholipids. Thelysineresidues ofapo B arerequired for theinteraction ofLDLwith theLDL receptor. As


numbersoflysineresiduesarederivatized by the





bythe LDL receptoris de-creased. Haberlandetal.(14)showedthatacriticalnumberof

lysine residues must be conjugated with MDA before the


recognized by

theacetylLDL receptoron


macrophage. Presumably

acritical numberof


resi-dues mustalso reactwith the various








onOx-LDL that

reactwith the



(and possibly


recep-tors) on macrophages. Parthasarathy et al. (15) have shown

that it isamodifiedfragment ofapoproteinBthat isrecognized

by the macrophage acetyl LDL receptor.

Thechemical events accompanying oxidation of LDL are schematized inFig. 1 in what might be called "a probable

se-quence" but itismorelikelythatthesecomplex reactions

oc-curinavariable andevenchaoticmanner.Thereareprobably

manyfactors thatinfluencethe events resultingin amodified LDLrecognized by the scavenger receptors. It should be clear that Ox-LDL is not asingle, homogeneous entity. There are many oxidation products that form from both the peroxidation andfragmentation of the lipidcomponents ofLDL, andthe

modificationandoxidative degradation ofapoprotein B. The rapid propagation phase amplifies in a dramatic fashion the numberof oxygen and carbon centered free radicals formed,

resultingin alterations in all of the components of LDL,

in-cludingsterols,fatty acids, phospholipids, and theapoprotein


Inpractical terms, there is considerable variability in prod-uctsformed from preparation to preparation even when efforts are made to hold conditions constant. These differences may depend on the cell type used toinitiatetheoxidation,themetal

ion concentration in the medium, the composition of the me-diumitself, the incubation conditions, andofcourse,

differ-encesin the inherent susceptibility to modification of different LDLpreparations (asdiscussed further below). Many

investi-gators are now oxidizing LDL and using them inbiological

studies, in cellculture or in vivo. The variabilityinsuch prepa-rations must be appreciated and thefact that varying

"opera-tional methods" to measure the extent of LDL modification may reflect different chemical events, or stages ofoxidative

modification. In Fig. 1 we have also listed the operational methods in common use for following LDL oxidation. For example, it is likely that decreases in vitamin E and,8-carotene areearly events reflecting the initial stages of lipid peroxida-tion. Increasedabsorbance at 234 nm (indicative ofconjugated

dienes), increasedchemiluminescence and increased peroxides

determinedby iodometry are all indicative of lipoperoxide

for-mationand the accompanying rearrangement ofdouble bonds. Asfatty acidsare oxidized,the content of intact polyunsatu-ratedfatty acidsdecreases and asconjugation of aldehyde frag-ments to apo B occurs,immunoreactivitywithantibodies

spe-cific forsuchadducts can then be found. As lysine residues are blocked, LDL uptake by fibroblasts is decreased and finally, as

the epitopes on Ox-LDL that are recognized by the macro-phage receptors areformed,enhanced uptakeoftheOx-LDL

by macrophageswilloccur.Thus, a commonly usedlaboratory

technique, suchas measurement of TBARS, will be a reason-able(albeit nonspecific) indication of lipid peroxidation, yet notnecessarilybeindicative of increasedmacrophage uptake. Inthis laboratory we haveoperationally defined "biologically modifiedLDL" as anOx-LDL thatis takenup via the scaven-ger receptors on macrophages. However, as seen in Fig. 1, many changesinthe LDLparticlemay haveoccurred before

reaching thatstage and thosechangesmay haveimportant

bio-logical consequences. Some laboratorieshave used the term

"minimally modified LDL" todesignateapartiallyOx-LDL madeeitherbyallowing nativeLDLto agefor months,orby

incubatingLDL inthe presenceof iron forvarying periodsof

time (16). Such partiallyoxidized LDLparticleshave anumber


with specificcellsin culture(as notedbelow). Itislikelythat one or moresoluble, oxidized products have been created by suchapartial oxidation.

Evidencefor the presencein vivoofOx-LDL

Theevidence for the presence in vivo of Ox-LDL hasbeen reviewed elsewhere insomedetail and willnotbeelaborated extensively (1, 2).Itshould be noted thattodate theevidence

forthe presenceof Ox-LDL is confinedtoatherosclerotic

tis-sue. Immunocytochemical techniques have demonstratedthe presence inarteriallesions, butnotinnormalarteries, of

epi-topes foundin Ox-LDL. LDL extracted from arterial lesions

resemblesinvitro Ox-LDL withrespect tophysical properties, immunoreactivity with antibodiestoepitopes of Ox-LDLand byits enhanced uptake in macrophages mediated byone or more scavenger receptor pathways. Finally, convincing evi-dencefortherole ofoxidative modification in lesion formation

comes from studies demonstrating thatantioxidants such as

probucol(17, 18)orbutylatedhydroxytoluene (19)caninhibit lesionformation inWHHLrabbits and cholesterol-fed rabbits, respectively. In the case of the probucolexperiments, itwas specificallydemonstrated thatprobucol inhibited the uptake anddegradationof LDL inmacrophage-rich lesions,whilenot

inhibiting such uptake in normalarterialtissue(17). Recently,

aprobucolanalogue that retains its antioxidantactivitybut has

noeffectonplasmacholesterol levelswasalso showntohave prominentantiatherogenic potential inagenetically hypercho-lesterolemicrabbit(20).

We have assumed that theoxidative modificationoccurs

primarily intheintima, in microdomainssequesteredfromthe manyplasmaantioxidants. Wehavereasoned thatsignificant degrees of oxidative modification ofLDL do nottake place in plasmabecauseof its high antioxidant content. Furthermore, our invivo studies inguinea pigsshowed that even veryslight degrees of oxidation ofLDL(notsufficienttoincrease in vitro uptake in macrophages) nevertheless led to more rapid

re-movalof theLDLfrom plasma, presumably byscavenger re-ceptors present on sinusoidal cellsoftheliver(2). However, plasma LDL could undergolimiteddegreesofoxidation, that would have no consequences while still in the vascular space; yet, when such LDL entered the intima, it might then be "primed" formorerapid oxidative modification mediated by cells. Infact,there are numerous reportsintheliterature

sug-gesting differences inplasma LDL that could beattributableto

such early changes of oxidation. For example, LDLisolated

fromdiabetic rats showed enhanced TBARS and cytotoxicity

TableI.Potential Mechanisms by which Ox-LDL May BeAtherogenic

1. Ithasenhanceduptake by macrophagesleadingtocholesterylester


2. It is chemotactic forcirculatingmonocytes.

3. Itinhibits themotilityof tissuemacrophages.

4. Itiscytotoxic.

5. Itcanalter geneexpressionofneighboringcells suchasinduction of MCP-Iand



6. It is


andcanelicitautoantibodyformation. 7. Itcanadverselyaltercoagulation pathways.

8. Itcanadverselyaltervasomotorpropertiesof coronary arteries.

(21) and others have reportedthe isolation of a small

subfrac-tion of LDL withadifferent charge (22). Severalgroups have

reportedthat LDL from smokers is moresusceptibleto

oxida-tive modification and that this could be prevented byvitamin C(23).If one could measure suchearly changesinplasmait

mighteven predict which LDLwere more atriskandmight

proveuseful as anepidemiologic and clinical tooltopredict

differingrisks for oxidative modification. It will be ofconsider-able interesttodetermine ifanyof the"operationalmethods"

noted inFig. 1 to measurechanges in LDL during the oxidative

process canbe usedtoreliably distinguishthe LDL of popula-tions withcoronary artery disease or thoseat increased risk for it.

Potential mechanisms




Interest instudyingOx-LDL stemmedoriginallyfrom observa-tions that this modification of LDL ledtoits enhanced uptake inmacrophages. However, the ability of Ox-LDLto cause cho-lesteryl esteraccumulation may inpart also berelated toan inabilityof macrophagestodegrade Ox-LDLasreadilyas

na-tive LDL, resultingin the accumulation ofundegraded Ox-LDL(24).Therecentdemonstration that arterial wall

macro-phages, isolated from cholesterol-fed rabbits, can contain as



ofcholesterolper mgcellproteinand that they also stain forepitopesofOx-LDLevenafter being in culture for severaldaysis consistent with thissuggestion (25).Inaddition,

the various oxidized products, suchasoxidized sterols, may

interfere witha variety ofintracellularenzymes(26, 27), for

example, inhibitingthe normal cellularprocessing of ingested

lipidsandproteins,andpossiblyevenleadingtothe accumula-tion within the cellof toxic intermediates. It isimportantfor futurestudiestoinvestigateindetailtheconsequences to the macrophage of uptake of Ox-LDL.

The residence time ofLDL in theintima appears to be selectivelyincreasedatcertainlesion-susceptiblesiteseven be-fore lesion formation (28). ByincreasingthetimeLDLis

ex-posedtopro-oxidant conditions,this might be enoughto

initi-ateoxidative modificationyet notleadtothestrikingchanges that result in macrophage uptake. Nevertheless, such mini-mally modified (oxidized) LDL differs fromnative LDL in a

numberof additionalwaysthat makeitpotentially more ath-erogenic(TableI).Itis chemotactic for circulatingmonocytes,

which is attributable inpart to the lysolecithin generated dur-ing the oxidation ofLDL (2). Thus, as minimally Ox-LDL

accumulates ina localized subintimal regionof the artery, it mayrecruitfurthermonocytesintothat same area. In turn, the

further accumulation ofmonocytes and their differentiation

intotissue macrophages, which can oxidize LDL, leads to a viciouscycle, generatingever more Ox-LDL and the macro-phagesresponsible forLDLoxidationand uptake. Presumably

thenormalfunctionofatissuemacrophage, after it has

accu-mulatedlocalized debris,would be to exit the given tissue space

andthus help remodelthe damaged area. However, Ox-LDL actuallyinhibits the motility of tissuemacrophages, thus lead-ingtotheir "trapping"within the intima (2). In addition, Ox-LDLiscytotoxicto avarietyofcells in culture (8). In the artery

wall, localizedaccumulations of Ox-LDL may play a role in disrupting a variety ofcellular processes, including macro-phage motility.Asnoted above, during the unregulated


includ-ingpolar sterols, are generated and some of these are likely to

be agentsthat mediate this cytotoxicity (8). In experimental

atherosclerosis caused by cholesterol feeding the initial

accu-mulation offoam cells occurs under an intact endothelium.

Subsequently, the endotheliummay be damaged and loss of

endotheliummaythenoccur. However, even before frank cell

death one could imagine that normal endothelial function could be disrupted. For example, minimally modified (oxi-dized)LDLhas been showntoinduce expressionon

endothe-lialcells ofalteredsurface moleculesthat could also play an

importantroleinmediatingtheinflux into the artery of mono-cytes(16).

Aresearch area ofpotentially great importance has been openedrecently bythedemonstrationthat Ox-LDL may alter geneexpression in arterialwall cells. For example, Ox-LDL has

been reported to inhibit the expression and production of

PDGFby culturedbovine aorticendothelial cells (29), as well astoinhibittheexpressionof the PDGF-B chainandsecretion by cultured human monocyte-derived macrophages (30).

Also, Ox-LDL inhibits theexpression ofTNF-a mRNAin

mu-rineperitoneal macrophages (31).Incontrast,minimally Ox-LDLstimulatestheexpressionandsecretion ofM-CSF,

GM-CSF, and G-CSF by human aortic endothelialcells(32), and wheninjected in vivo in mice,caused a 7- to 26-fold increase in serum M-CSF activity (33). Of particularrelevance was the

demonstration that incubation of minimally Ox-LDL with rabbit (or human) endothelial cells stimulatedthe adherenceof

monocytes totheendothelium, presumablythroughincreased

expressionofmonocyte-specificadherence molecules(16).

Fur-thermore,minimallyOx-LDL stimulatedtranscriptionand

se-cretion ofmonocyte chemotactic protein-l (MCP-1)by cul-tured humanaortic endothelial and smooth muscle cells (34) and wheninjectedinvivoinmice,increasedmRNA expres-sion ofJE(themousehomologue ofMCP- 1) in liver and other

tissues (33).Usinginsituhybridization, wedemonstrated the

presence of


mRNA in macrophage-rich regions of

plaques in both rabbit and humanaortas(butnotin normal aortas) and demonstrated by Northern blottingthatthere is

significant expression of MCP-1 mRNA in

macrophage-de-rived foam cells isolatedfromballoonedaortasof cholesterol-fedrabbits(35). Thus, it islikelythatOx-LDLmayhave pro-foundeffectsontheabilityof the cells within thearterywallto

produce various potent chemotactic factors, cytokines, and growthfactorsthatplayanimportantrole in thedevelopment andprogressionof theatherosclerotic plaque. Currentlywedo

notknowwhich ofthemanydifferent products generated

dur-ingtheoxidation ofLDLisresponsiblefor thesevarying effects

andthis will beanimportantareaof future research.

Wehavepreviously demonstrated thatavariety of

autolo-gous modifications of LDL render it immunogenic. This provedtobe thecasealso withchanges thatoccurwith oxida-tivemodification. Antibodiestoepitopesof Ox-LDL,suchas

MDA-lysineand4-hydroxynonenallysine,werereadily gener-atedbyimmunizinganimals with their autologousLDL modi-fied byMDAor4-HNE,respectively (36). Similarly,when

au-tologous Ox-LDLwasusedastheimmunogen, antiserawere

generatedthat reactedwiththe




LDL (36). These various antibodies have been used in studies to

demonstrate thepresenceofOx-LDL in


asnoted above. Furthermore, antibodiesagainst Ox-LDL,orepitopespresent

inOx-LDL,have been demonstrated in bothhumanand

rab-bitsera(37, 38).


data suggest that




exist withinplaquesof the artery wall


Yla-Herttuala and

J. L.Witztum, unpublished data).Itis




of modifications ofproteinstructure occurwithin thearterywall,

inpartmediatedbyoxidative modification.Forexample,

gen-eration ofhighlyreactiveMDA and4-HNE, mayleadto ad-duct formation with matrix


and cellular



wellaswithapo B. Thesemodifiedproteinsmayalso be

im-munogenicandform immunecomplexeswithspecific antibod-ies. In


terminalC5b-9 complement complexeshave beenobserved in theplaque


consistent with


activation,which could be the result of


com-plexes.Complement activationmayinitiate and further

am-plify inflammatory responses,becauseproducts generated by

thispathwayareknowntopromoteleukocytechemotaxis and adhesiontoendothelial cells.In

addition, macrophage uptake

of such immunecomplexes


modifiedLDLwould lead to further deposition of cholesterol within the




thatOx-LDLcan stimu-lateplateletaggregation (40)orpromote

procoagulant activity

on the surface of human monocyte

macrophages by


in-creasein tissue

thromboplastin activity (41)


by stimulating



andsecretionof tissue factor



aorticendothelial cells(42).



increasing body


evi-dence has been



arolefor Ox-LDL in


someof the alteredvasomotor



accompanytheatheroscleroticstate.Acharacteristicofthe ath-eroscleroticcoronary artery appearstobeareduced

responsive-ness to endothelial-dependent





Manystudies havenowdemonstrated that Ox-LDL can inhibit such EDRF-mediated vasodilation


the mechanismsremain controversial.Evidence has been


thatthis effect is dueto


alteration of endothelial membranes









agonists (44).

Others have




such as direct inactivation of





after its release fromtheendothelial cells


or adirect actiononthevascularsmoothmusclecells themselves


While thereseemslittle doubt that Ox-LDL has the


toinhibit EDRF-mediated



ex-actmechanisms remaintobeworkedout.





numberof studies will be



attheeffects of Ox-LDLon a



biologi-calprocesses, both in vitro and in vivo.Asafinal caveat,we

wouldurgethe readertotakenoteof thediscussionabout the

variability in preparingOx-LDL noted above and thateven




when incubated inan

oxygen-containing physiological



thatsomeof the


and controversythat will arisemayin fact derive from the use of "oxidizedLDL" at


stages of oxidation and


different oxidation


The emergence


a consensus










and there






tolesions thatat


lookmuch alike. Our focushere has beenonwhatwe





atherosclerosis." Until



interested in




prolifera-tion, on the onehand,and thoseemphasizing lipidinfiltration, on the other (1, 47). The former focused on"injury" and re-sponses to it thatmight account for cellular proliferation.

Lipo-proteins and thedeposition oflipidwerebarely givena nod. The latter, in contrast, tended to gloss over the fact that there

wascellularproliferation andinjuryandfocusedonthefact thathypercholesterolemia alone could induce the disease in

experimental animalsand inpatientsand thatlipid deposition

was ahallmark of the lesion.Fromtheexamplescited above, we can see that Ox-LDL can play a partinatherogenesis in ways that need not bedirectlyrelated toitsroleinlipid

deposi-tion. Forexample, through its cytotoxic effects on endothelial

cells(48) it couldactually induce thesequenceofevents origi-nally envisioned intheendothelialinjury hypothesis. Its

che-motactic activity, direct andindirect, could playarole in the

recruitmentofmonocytes, a veryearlyeventin experimental atherosclerosisinducedbycholesterolfeeding (34,49). By

stim-ulatingrelease of M-CSF(32) itmayaffectgrowthand

matura-tion of macrophages and subsequent release of other cytokines andgrowth factors.Allof these phenomena would beexpected tobe moreevident whenthe concentration ofLDL is high because therelativeconcentration of Ox-LDL would then also

behigh. Thus, there would beanexcellent correlationbetween thedepositionoflipid in the lesion,onthe onehand,andthese cellulareffects of Ox-LDL,ontheother. The accumulation of lipidper seneednotnecessarily be ofcentralimportancein the proliferativeaspectsof the disease.In fact, it has been

specu-lated that the uptakeof Ox-LDL by the macrophage in early

stagesof atherosclerosismaybebeneficial rather than harmful (50). Bytakingupandsequestering Ox-LDL itmayactually

protectcells,including endothelial cells, from its cytotoxic ef-fects. Later, when the macrophages have become excessively loadedwith lipid anddie, the neteffect maybe harmful

be-causeof the release ofcytotoxiccomponentsfromlipid-laden

macrophages.Inotherwords, themacrophage may play a

pro-tective role early butapathogenetic role later in thecourseof

atherogenesis.In part,thetransition fromfattystreaktomore complicatedlesionsmightbeaconsequenceof the necrosis of oldercholesterol-loaded macrophages in the intima.

Thus, we now canunderstandhowhyperlipoproteinemia couldof itself beasufficient basisfor initiatingthe atheroscle-rotic process in all its manifestations, including the cellular

proliferationand matrixdeposition.Asrecentlyshown in vi-tro, componentsof oxidized lipidcanalsostimulatecollagen

geneexpression, atleast infibroblasts(51). Thus,there could be a link between matrix formation and oxidation as well. As already mentioned, many additional factors undoubtedly af-fect the rate and extent of lesion progression at any level of

hyperlipoproteinemiaand much remains to be learned in this connection. Finally,we can nowseethat the accumulation of

lipidper se, whilecertainly contributingtotheplaqueand the narrowing of the vessel's lumen, nevertheless need not be di-rectlycontributingin amajor way to the early "pathogenesis" of thefatty streak. The damage may be doneprimarilyby oxi-dized LDL (or its oxidation products) before or coincident with thedeliveryoflipidtoarterialcells.

Factorspotentially affecting the oxidation ofLDL invivo While evidence continues to accumulate supporting an impor-tant role for oxidative modification in atherogenesis, ulti-mately a clinical test ofthis hypothesis in man will be needed to demonstrate thatinhibition ofoxidation of LDL will inhibit theatherogenicprocess. Todesign effective clinicaltrials,one must understandthosefactorsresponsible forLDLoxidation in vivo. Conceptually, one can group such factors into two classes: first, those intrinsic to LDL, i.e., compositional and structural factors increasingor decreasing susceptibility of a

givenLDL tooxidation; and second, those extrinsictoLDL, i.e., factors inplasma ortissues thatpromote orinhibit

oxida-tion of LDL(Table II).

The nature of the substrate forlipidperoxidation, mainly thepolyunsaturated fatty acidsinlipidestersandcholesterol,is adominantinfluenceindeterminingsusceptibility. As noted

by Esterbaueretal.(52), there isa vast excessof

polyunsatu-ratedfatty acidsin LDL, inrelationshiptothecontentof

natu-ral, endogenousantioxidants.Theimportance ofthefatty acid compositionwasimpressively demonstratedby ourrecent

stud-iesof rabbits fedadiet high inlinoleic acid (18:2)orin oleic acid(18:1) foraperiod of10wk.LDLisolated from the

ani-mals onoleic acid-rich dietweregreatlyenrichedinoleate and lowinlinoleate. ThisLDL wasremarkably resistant to


peroxidation (i.e., TBARS and conjugated dienes) orby the indirect criterion ofuptake by macrophages (53). (Whether

TableII. FactorsPotentially AffectingOxidation ofLDL In Vivo

A. FactorsintrinsictoLDL

1. Fatty acid composition (polyunsaturated fatty acid content in particular)

2. Content of antioxidants: endogenous (e.g., ,-carotene, vitamin E,ubiquinol-1O);exogenous (e.g., probucol) 3. PhospholipaseA2activity

4. Others, includingsizeof particle, inherent properties of apo B, location of fatty acids (e.g., on surface phospholipids or in core triglycerides

orcholesteryl esters)

B. Factorsextrinsic to LDL

1. Potential variation in cellular prooxidant activity (e.g., genetic variation in macrophage expression of 15-lipoxygenase activity or cellular

superoxideanion secretion)

2. Concentration of plasma and extracellular fluid prooxidant components (e.g., trace metal concentrations) 3. Concentrationsof plasma and extracellular fluid antioxidant components (e.g., ascorbate, urate)

4. Concentrationsof other factors influencing LDL oxidation (e.g.,HDL)

5. Factorsinfluencingresidence time of LDL in intima (e.g., factors that increase binding such as Lp[a]; nonenzymatic glycosylation of LDL


these dramatic effects were due to simple depletion of the lin-oleic acid or enrichment of the monounsaturated acid, or a combination, is as yet unknown). In a recent study, human volunteers were fed a similar oleic acid-rich diet. When their LDL wastestedforsusceptibility to oxidative modification, it was reduced albeit to a lesser degree than that noted in the

rabbit studies(54). These studies demonstrate the feasibility of

dietary modification ofLDLfatty acidcontent in order to

re-duceits susceptibilitytomodification.

Theantioxidantcontent of LDL obviously plays an impor-tantrole inprotectingLDLfromoxidation. In the most

dra-matic example,the use ofthe lipophilic agent, probucol, which

istransportedwithintheLDL particle and has an antioxidant

potentialatleastfour timesthatofvitamin E, can dramatically protect LDL from in vitro-mediated oxidative modification

(55) andcanameliorate atherosclerosisin

hypercholesterole-mic rabbits(17, 18). In man, vitamin E, ,8-carotene, and

ubi-quinol-10 all appear tobe endogenous antioxidants in LDL (52, 56).Epidemiologicdata suggest a negative correlation be-tween coronary disease and levels of vitamin E (57), and a

preliminary report suggested that daily p3-carotene ingestion

might beofimportance inthe secondary prevention of CAD

(58).Clinical studiesareneededrelating dietarycontentof

vita-minEand,8-carotene totheircontentinplasma LDL and their

abilitytoprotect LDLfrom oxidativestress.

Athird potential variable determining the susceptibilityof LDLtooxidative modification is variabilityin intrinsic

phos-pholipaseA2activity (2, 12).Asdiscussedabove,thisactivity is

required fortheoxidative modification ofLDL. Variation in

thisactivitycould thus leadtodifferences insusceptibility of

LDL tomodification. Finally,avariety ofotherfactorssuch as the sizeof theparticle, intrinsic properties ofapoB, and the

location of the susceptible fatty acids(on thesurfaceorinthe

core) could theoretically influence the susceptibility ofagiven

LDL tooxidative modification.

Asdiscussed above, it ismostlikely that oxidative modifica-tion ofLDL occursprimarilyin theintimainmicrodomains protected from the various antioxidants found in plasma and in the bulk extracellularspace.Underappropriateinvitro

con-ditions all ofthe celltypesfoundinthearterycanoxidizeLDL. Inpartthismaybemediated bytheabilityof cellsto secrete

reactiveoxygen species, such assuperoxide anion. However,

15-lipoxygenase activity in culturedendothelial and smooth muscle cellsappears toplayadominant rolein theabilityof these cellsto oxidatively modify LDL(10), and recent data

supports the presence of thisactivity in macrophagesas well (11). Wehaverecentlyreportedthepresenceof1 5-lipoxygen-ase mRNAandproteininmacrophage-richareas ofatheroscle-rotic lesions in rabbits (59)andman (60)anddemonstrated

that thiscolocalized to areas


for oxidized-LDL

epi-topes. Variation in 15-lipoxygenase activity, possibly due to

genetic or localized factors, could


differences in the

abilityofdifferentsubjectstomodifyLDL.Inhibitors of lipox-ygenase areavailable and studiesareunder wayin animalsthat mayhelp demonstrate the importanceof thisactivity. Some



of cellstomodifyLDL(Parthasarathy,




Variation intheintimal extracellularcontentof free metal ions, suchascopperoriron, perhapsduetovariations in metal

bindingproteins, could also


influence the







which isawater-soluble

antioxidant, mayalso playan importantrole. In anin vitro setting,ascorbatecanprotect LDLfromoxidation,apparently by maintaining vitaminEand


in areduced, antioxi-dant state(52, 61). Presumably this occursbyinteraction of vitamin C with theselipophilicantioxidants at a lipid-water

interface. In fact, administration of vitamin C has been

re-portedtodecrease the enhanced susceptibilitytooxidationof LDLisolated fromsmokers (22). Theeffect of vitaminC on

established experimentalmodelsofatherosclerosisneeds to be


In vitro, HDLcan partiallyprotect LDL from oxidation mediated bycells orbycopper(62). Little is knownaboutthe

rates offlux ofHDL oritsresidence time inthe artery wall.

Variations in localized concentrations ofHDLcouldplayan

important role in preventingtheformation of Ox-LDLandin

part thiseffect ofHDLcould explain the protective role of

HDLthat has been demonstrated by epidemiologicstudies. Finally,factorsthatprolongtheresidence time ofLDLin the artery wall mayallowoxidative modificationtoproceedtoa

greater extent. LDL has ahigh affinity for proteoglycansand

localized differences in theircontent could be an important factorinthe localization of lesion formation (63).Similarly,

Lp(a), whichmay haveenhancedbindingtosuchcomplexes,

maythusbe moresusceptibleaswell(63). Other factors, such as nonenzymatic glycation ofLDL (or the matrix proteins) mayalsoserve toenhanceentrapmentofLDL,prolongation of

itshalf-life, and thuspromoteoxidation(Palinski,W., T. Kos-chinsky, S. W.Butler, M. E. Rosenfeld, H. Vlassara, A.

Cer-ami,andJ. L.Witztum, submittedforpublication). Measurestoinhibitoxidative


in man

Fromthediscussion above it followsthatinterventionsto

in-hibit oxidativemodificationcanbefocused intwo areas: mea-sures toprotect LDLitself, andmeasures toreduce those

fac-torsresponsiblefor the oxidantstress to LDL. Atpresent, pro-bucol is the most potent lipophilic antioxidant capable of

protectingLDL, butitsotherproperties,such asitspotent

abil-itytolower HDLlevels, raisequestionsabout itsuseina clini-cal trial to test theantioxidant hypothesis. Preliminary data suggestthatlimitation ofdietary unsaturated fattyacidsand

replacement with monounsaturatedfattyacids isaneffective

way toprotect LDLfrom oxidativestress.Dietary supplemen-tation with vitamin E,


(and presumablyother

carot-enoids)seemsreasonable, particularlybecausetherewould be no concerns abouttoxicity or sideeffects,but few dataas to

their effectivenessinvivo areyetavailable.Finally, combina-tionsof these interventions couldprovesynergistic, aswould thedietary


of ascorbic acid.Allofthese inter-ventionsarecurrently feasibleandintensivestudyis under way

todeterminetheeffectiveness ofsuchmodificationstoprotect

LDLfromoxidative modification.Datashouldbecome avail-able inthenextfewyearstodeterminethemosteffective

ap-proach for an intervention trial in man.


ap-proachesdesignedtoinhibittheabilityof cellsto



asforexample,byinterventionstoinhibit 1


ac-tivity, awaitthe resultsof


inanimal modelsand proofofsafety,butultimatelymayofferalternative








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suggestnewapproaches, that in combination with lowering of plasmacholesterol, could leadtotheprevention ofatherosclero-sis and itscomplications.


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