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EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT. Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities


Academic year: 2021

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PV\453590EN.doc PE 305.459





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Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities



of the meeting of 15 October 2001, 3 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. and 16 October 2001, 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.


On Monday, 15 October 2001, the meeting opened at 3 p.m. with Maj Britt Theorin, chairwoman, in the chair.

1. Adoption of draft agenda PE 305.449 The draft agenda was adopted.

2. Approval of minutes of the meetings of:

20/21 June 2001 PE 298.137 11/12 July 2001 PE 305.442 The minutes of 10/11 September 2001 were not available. PE 305.448

3. Chairman's announcements:

(a) Report from the informal meeting with Mr APARICIO, Spanish Minister for Employment and Social Affairs on 9 October 2001.

(b) Integrated Information Seminar with members of national parliaments of the

candidate countries on 'Implementation of equal opportunities', 15-16 October 2001: the seminar started this morning, and several Members of the committee are speaking at the conference. A group of 45-50 women from the applicant countries partaking in this conference will attend our committee meeting today at 5 p.m. A reception will take place at 6 p.m. with participants in this conference.

(c) Third annual Conference of the Assembly of European Regions working group 'equal opportunities for men and women', 1-2 November 2001, Sweden. Interested Members should contact the secretariat.

(d) International Conference on 'Women's rights and gender issues on the agenda of the Bulgarian Parliament', 8-9 November 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria.


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(e) Welcome to a visitors' group invited by MEP Joke Swiebel consisting of approximately 25 women living in the Netherlands.

4. Reports by committee members on the activities of other committees

- Employment Guidelines; the outcome of vote in EMPL committee on 9 October 2001by Mrs


The EMPL committee adopted 8 of the 10 conclusions of the opinion of our committee. The remaining 2 conclusions were covered by relative amendments presented in the EMPL committee.

- Budget amendments; the outcome of the vote in the Budgets Committee by Mrs Aviles Perea:

Speakers : Mrs Fiorella Ghilardotti, Mrs Lissy Gröner, Mrs Kratsa, Mrs Swiebel, Mrs Smet and Mrs Karamanou.

In the presence of the Council and Commission

5. EU policy towards Mediterranean Countries in relation to the promotion of women's rights and equal opportunities in these countries

Rapporteur: Mrs Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou PE 305.453 - Consideration of working document (only the following versions were

available: EL/EN/FR).

Speakers: Rodi Kratsa, rapporteur, Anna Karamanou, María Antonia Avilés Perea and Mrs Paraskevas (representative of the Commission).

Deadline for tabling amendments: 28/11/2001

6. European governance: greater involvement and openness

(White Paper) PE 305.450/fin. Draftsperson: Mrs Maj Britt Theorin

- Consideration of draft opinion

Speakers: Maj Britt Theorin, Miet Smet, Joke Swiebel.

Deadline for tabling amendments: 16 October 2001. The vote will take place on the same day.

7. Economic and social cohesion (second report) PE 305.451 Draftsperson: Mrs Helena Torres Marques


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(only the EL and FR versions were available).

Speakers: Anna Karamanou, Helena Torres Marques and the Commission representative.

Deadline for tabling amendments: 07 November 2001. The meeting adjourned at 5.30 p.m.

Tuesday, 16 October 2001

8. Decision on procedure (following the coordinators' meeting on 15 October at 5.30 p.m.) 1. Petition 253/98 by Mr José Eduardo Da-Riva Alonso:

Postponed until a later meeting.

2. Public hearing: The EU policy vis-à-vis the Mediterranean countries with regard to the promotion of women's rights and equal opportunities in these countries - initiative report by Mrs Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, 20 November 2001, afternoon:

The committee agreed on the following:

Experts to be invited: maximum four, plus representatives from the Commission, the Council and from one or two (depending on the number of other speakers confirming their participation) NGOs based in Brussels.

a. External experts Aïcha BELARBI

Moroccan Ambassador to the EU


Ministry for Women's and Family Affairs 2, rue d'Alger, 1000 Tunis

Yousria RAGAB

Coordinator of the Euromed programme Ministry of Youth

26, July Street- Meet Okba-Giza, Cairo


Lebanese parliament

b.Commission and Council, NGOs

Proposals from the rapporteur:


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Papadopoulos Vasile (Head of Unit) (EuropeAid Cooperation Office)


1. Actions in Mediterranean Simone Süskind

21, rue Paul Lauters B-1050 Brussels

2. International Federation of Human Rights Isabelle Brachet

91, rue de l’Enseignement B-1000 Brussels

3. Work plan for the coming committee meetings:

The committee considered the work plan.

The committee decided to invite members of the Committee on Equal Opportunities of the Council of Europe at its meeting on 26-27 November 2001.

It also decided to hold an extraordinary meeting on 10 December 2001. A request for authorisation of this meeting has been submitted.

4. Work programme 2002:

The committee decided:

- to invite Commissioner Diamantopoulou to present the Commission's work plan 2002 in one of the November committee meetings

- that the political groups will send their proposals for the work programme 2002 to the secretariat: deadline 19 November 2001.

- to invite candidates standing for EP President to one of its forthcoming meetings to become acquainted with their positions on equal opportunities.

5. Preparation of delegation to Network of Parliamentarians responsible for equality in Member States and the European Parliament, Stockholm, 26-27 October:

Participants: Mrs Maj Britt Theorin, chairperson Mrs Miet Smet

Mrs Helena Torres Marques Mrs Lissy Gröner

6. EWL-proposal to organise a summit of Afghan women in Brussels:

The committee accepted this proposal. The conference would be held at the beginning of December 2001.

Next coordinators' meeting: Wednesday 21 November at 9 a.m.

9. Access to employment, training and working conditions: PE 305.446/fin.

equal treatment for men and women

Rapporteur: Mrs Heidi Anneli Hautala - Adoption of draft recommendation


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Speakers: Heidi Hautala, Fiorella Ghilardotti, Mary Honeyball, Astrid Lulling The draft recommendation, as amended, was adopted unanimously with two abstentions.

10. Women and fundamentalism PE287.060/fin. Rapporteur: Mrs Maria Izquierdo Rojo

- Adoption of draft report

Speakers: Maria Izquierdo Rojo, Patsy Sörensen, Lousewies van der Laan The draft report, as amended, was adopted with 15 in favour and 7 against.

11. European governance: greater involvement and openness

(White Paper) PE 305.450/fin.

Draftsperson: Mrs Maj Britt Theorin - Adoption of draft opinion

Speakers: Maj Britt Therin, Joke Swiebel

The draft opinion, as amended, was adopted unanimously.

12. Presentation by Mrs Ortega, Director of CIM-MED, International Centre of Mediterranean Women, Valencia, Spain

Mrs Ortega spoke, followed by Mrs Aviles Perea and Mrs Torres Marques.

4. Date and place of next meeting

Brussels: Tuesday, 20 November 2001, 3 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. and Wednesday, 21 November 2001, 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.


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Formandskabet/Vorstand/Προεδρείο/Bureau/Ufficio di Presidenza/Mesa/Puheenjohtajisto/J.L. Presidium: (*) Maj Britt Theorin (P)(1,2), Jillian Evans (VP) (1), Anne E.M. Van Lancker (VP) (2)

Medlemmer/Mitglieder/Μέλη/Members/Diputados/Députés/Deputati/Leden/Deputados/Jäsenet/ Ledamöter:

María Antonia Avilés Perea (1,2), Geneviève Fraisse (2), Fiorella Ghilardotti (1,2), Koldo Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso (2), Lissy Gröner (1,2), Heidi Anneli Hautala (2), Mary Honeyball (2), Anna Karamanou (1,2), Christa Klaß (2) , Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (1, 2), Astrid Lulling (2), Thomas Mann (2), Maria Martens (1, 2), Elena Ornella Paciotti (2), Christa Prets (2), María Rodríguez Ramos (2), Miet Smet ((1, 2), Patsy Sörensen (2), Joke Swiebel (1,2), Helena Torres Marques (2), Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco (1, 2), Lousewies van der Laan (2), Sabine Zissener (2).

Stedfortrædere/Stellvertreter/Αναπληρωτές/Substitutes/Suplentes/Suppléants/ Membri supplenti/Plaatsvervangers/Membros suplentes/Varajäsenet/Suppleanter: Marie-Hélène Gillig (2), María Izquierdo Rojo (2).

Art. 153,2 Joseph Daul (2), Ursula Stenzel (2) Art. 166,3 Brigitte Wenzel-Perillo (2)

Endv. deltog/Weitere Teiln./ Συµµετείχαν επίσης/Also present Participaron igualmente/ Participaient également/ Hanno partecipato altresi΄/ Andere deelnemers/ Outros participantes/

Muut osallistujat/ Dessutom deltog

(Dagsorden/Tagesordnung Pkt/Ηµερήσια ∆ιάταξη Σηµεί/Point OJ/Punto OG/Agenda Punt/Ponto OJ/punto orden del dia/

Esityslistan kohta/Föredragningslista punkt):

* (P) =Formand/Vorsitzender/Πρόεδρος/Chairman/Président/Presidente/Voorzitter/Presidente/Puheenjohtaja/Ordförande (VP) =Næstform./Stellv. Vorsitz./Αντιπρόεδρος/Vice-Chairman/Vice-Président/Vice-Presidente/Varapuheenjohtaja

Ondervoorz./Vice-Pres./Vicepres/Vice ordförande.

Til stede den/Anwesend am/Παρών στις/Present on/Présent le/Presente il/Aanwezig op/Presente em/Presente el/Läsnä/Närvarande den.

(1) Monday, 15 October 2001 (2) Tuesday, 16 October 2001


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Efter indbydelse fra formanden/Auf Einladung d. Vorsitzenden/Με πρόσκληση του Προέδρου/At the invitation of the Chairman/Por invitación del presidente/Sur l'invitation du président/Su invito del presidente/Op uitnodiging van de voorzitter/A convite do Presidente/Puheenjohtajan kutsusta/

På ordförandens inbjudan:

Radet/Rat/Συµβούλιο/Council/Consejo/Conseil/Consiglio/Raad/Conselho/Neuvosto/Rådet: (*)

Kommissionen/Kommission/Επιτροπή/Commission/Comisión/Commissione/Commissie/Comissão/Komissio/ Kommissionen: (*)

Brennan, Paraskeva, Kontizas, Donnely, van Zonneveld, Evans, Griese, Rielau, Vasco.

Cour des comptes:

C.E.S.: Johansson

Andre deltagere/Andere Teilnehmer Επίσης Παρόντες/Also present

Otros participantes/Autres participants/Altri partecipanti Andere aanwezigen/Outros participantes

Muut osallistujat/Övriga deltagare Gruppernes sekretariat

Sekretariat der Fraktionen Γραµµατεία των Πολ. Οµάδων Secretariat political groups Secr. de los grupos politicos Secr. Groupes politiques Segr. dei gruppi politici Secr. van de fracties Secr. dos grupos politicos Poliittisten ryhmien sihteeristö Gruppernas sekretariat PPE-DE PSE ELDR Verts/ALE GUE/NGL UEN EDD NI Anne Vahl Brigitte Bataille Christina Castagnoli Henk Prummel Hanna Gedin Nora O'Brien Cab. du Président Cab. du Secrétaire Général Generaldirektorat Generaldirektion Γενική ∆ιεύθυνση Directorate-General Dirección general Direction générale Direzione generale Directoraat-generaal Direcção-Geral Contrôle financier Service juridique Pääosasto Generaldirektorat I II III IV V VI VII VIII Bacelar Efthymiou Udvalgssekretariatet Ausschußsekretariat Γραµµατεία επιτροπής Committee secretariat Secretaria de la comisión Secrétariat de la commission Segretariato della commissione Commissiesecretariaat Secretariado da comissão Valiokunnan sihteeristö Utskottssekretariatet

Svennerstal, Margaritopoulou, Brignone, Juarez Boal

Assist./Βοηθός Baum

* (P) =Formand/Pres./Πρόεδρος/Chairman/Président/Voorzitter/Puheenjohtaja/Ordförande

(VP) =Næstform./Vize-Pres./Αντιπρόεδρος/Vice-Chairman/Vice-Président/Ondervoorz./Vice-pres/Varapuheenjohtaja/Vice ordförande. (M) =Medlem./Mitglied/Μέλος/Member/Miembro/Deputado/Membro/Lid/Membro/Jäsen/Ledamot


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