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The durability properties of oil palm shell lightweight aggregate concrete containing coal bottom ASH


Academic year: 2021

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I hereby declare that the work in this thesis is based on my original work except for quotations and citations which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted for any other degree at University Malaysia Pahang or any other institution.

_______________________________ (Student’s Signature)


ID Number : AA15101




Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the

B. Eng (Hons.) Civil Engineering

Faculty of Civil Engineering & Earth Resources UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PAHANG



First and foremost, Alhamdulillah, all the praises and thanks be to Allah S.W.T. With His permission, I can finish up this thesis report on time. I would like to give a special thank you and give a high appreciation to my research supervisor, Dr. Khairunisa Binti Muthusamy. Without her assistance and dedicated involvement in every step throughout the process, this paper would have never been accomplished. I also want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and understanding throughout the course of the study.

Furthermore, getting through my dissertation required more than academic support. I would like to give my sincere thanks to all my group lab members and staff members of the Civil Engineering and Earth Resources Department, UMP, who almost time helped me in many ways and made my work at UMP pleasant and unforgettable. I cannot begin to express my gratitude and appreciation for their friendship. They have been unwavering in their personal and professional support during the time I spent on my research.

Most importantly, none of this could have happened without my beloved family. To my parents, I am very grateful for their sacrifice, patience, and understanding that was inevitable to make this work possible. I cannot find the appropriate words that could interpret to describe my appreciation for their devotion, support, and faith in my ability to achieve my goals. I acknowledge my sincere indebtedness and gratitude to my parents for their loves, dreams, and sacrifices throughout my life. Special thanks should be given to my fellow members. I would like to acknowledge their comments and suggestions, which was crucial for the successful completion of this study.



Tempurung kelapa sawit (OPS) dan abu arang (CBA) ialah sisa buangan industri kelapa sawit dan sisa buangan industri arang hasil daripada pembakaran sisa buangan bagi menjana tenaga elektrik untuk kegunaan kilang kelapa sawit dan kilang arang. Penggunaan bahan abu arang (CBA) sebagai bahan separa pengganti pasir di dalam campuran konkrit, ia dapat membantu menggurangkan pencemaran kepada alam sekitar. Kajian ini membuat penyelidikan tentang kesan penggunaan CBA sebagai bahan separa pengganti pasir terhadap sifat-sifat ketahanan konkrit aggregat dengan OPS. Terdapat dua jenis campuran konkrit digunakan iaitu konkrit OPS dengan menggunakan 100% pasir semulajadi dan konkrit OPS yang mengandungi abu arang sebagai bahan pengganti separa. Peratusan abu arang sebagai bahan pengganti separa untuk pasir adalah 0%, 10%, 20% dan 30%. Semua specimen dihasilkan telah diawet menggunakan kaedah awetan udara sehingga masa diuji tiba. Semua specimen diuji dari segi kedayatahanan penyerapan air, ujian keliangan dan rintangan asid terhadap konkrit OPS. Konkrit OPS dengan 10% CBA sebagai bahan pengganti separa untuk pasir mempunyai bacaan peratusan yang paling rendah untuk penyerapan air iaitu 1.305%. Bacaan peratusan yang paling rendah untuk ujian keliangan ialah 5.88% dengan 10% CBA sebagai bahan pengganti separa untuk pasir. Untuk rintangan asid, penurunan berat pada konkrit yang terendah ialah 3.376% dengan 10% CBA sebagai bahan pengganti separa untuk pasir. Konklusinya, penggunaan abu arang dengan jumlah yang sesuai sebagai bahan pengganti separa untuk pasir mempunyai kedayatahanan yang tinggi dari segi penyerapan air, keliangan dan rintangan asid konkrit OPS.



Oil palm shell (OPS) and coal bottom ash (CBA) is an industrial waste product. This waste material generated electricity from the burning of this waste for the purpose of their mill. The usage of CBA as partial sand replacement in the mixture of concrete can helped to reduce pollution to the environment. This research was to investigate the effect of usage CBA as partial sand replacement on durability properties of the OPS concrete. There were two types of the concrete mixture used which is OPS concrete with 100% river sand and OPS concrete containing CBA as partial sand replacement. Percentages of CBA as partial sand replacement for sand were 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%. All the specimens undergo curing which was air curing until the time for testing. All specimens were being tested in terms of water absorption, porosity and acid resistance. OPS concrete with 10% of CBA as partial sand replacement had a lowest percentage of water absorption which is 1.305%. For porosity, OPS concrete with 10% of CBA as partial sand replacement had a lowest percentage which is 5.88%. And for acid resistance, OPS concrete with 10% of CBA as partial sand replacement had a lowest percentage which is 3.376%. Conclusion, the usage of suitable amount of CBA as partial sand replacement increase the durability of OPS concrete in terms of water absorption, porosity and acid resistance.







1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Problem Statement 2

1.3 Objective of the research 3

1.4 Scope of the research 3

1.5 Problem Statement 3

1.6 Layout of thesis 4


2.1 Introduction 5

2.2 Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (LWAC) 6


2.2.2 Innovation in LWAC 8

2.3 Concrete industry and environment (climate changes) 9

2.3.1 Sand Mining and pollution 10

2.3.2 Granite quarrying and pollution 11

2.4 Oil Palm Shell (OPS) 13

2.4.1 Properties of OPS 14

2.4.2 Use in concrete 15

2.5 Coal Industry in Malaysia 16

2.5.1 Properties of CBA 16

2.5.2 CBA in concrete 18


3.1 Introduction 19

3.2 Methodology flow 20

3.3 Materials for Concrete Specimens 21

3.3.1 Cement 21

3.3.2 Oil Palm Shell (OPS) 22

3.3.3 Coal Bottom Ash (CBA) 25

3.3.4 Fine aggregate 29

3.3.5 Water 32

3.4 Mix Proportion 32

3.5 Preparation of Specimens 36

3.6 Laboratory Testing 36

3.6.1 Water Absorption Test 36

3.6.2 Porosity Test 39



4.0 Introduction 45

4.1 Water Absorption Test 46

4.2 Porosity Test 48

4.3 Acid Resistance Test 49


5.1 Introduction 54

5.2 Conclusion 54

5.2.1 To determine the effect of coal bottom ash (CBA) as a partial sand replacement on water absorption of OPS lightweight

aggregate concrete 54

5.2.2 To determine the effect of coal bottom ash (CBA) as a partial sand replacement on porosity of OPS lightweight aggregate

concrete 54

5.2.3 To determine the effect of coal bottom ash (CBA) as a partial sand replacement on acid resistance of OPS lightweight

aggregate concrete 55

5.3 Recommendation 55



Table 2.1 The physical properties of CBA, river sand and coarse aggregate. 17

Table 2.2 Chemical composition of cement, FA, and CBA. 17

Table 3.1 Physical properties of oil palm shell (OPS) 24

Table 3.2 Physical properties of coal bottom ash (CBA) 28

Table 3.3 Physical properties of river sand. 30

Table 3.4 Proportion of plain and coal bottom ash concrete mixes (1m3) 33



Figure 2.1 The production of sand and gravel (tonnes) 9

Figure 2.2 Aggregate quarrying at the site. 12

Figure 2.3 The planted area of palm oil in Malaysia 13

Figure 2.4 The production of crude palm oil in Malaysia 13

Figure 2.5 Oil palm shell (OPS) concrete structure. 15

Figure 2.6 Particle size distribution of CBA and Sand. 17

Figure 3.1 Methodology flow for work process 20

Figure 3.2 Ordinary Portland cement 21

Figure 3.3 Process of collecting OPS in oil palm mill 22

Figure 3.4 Oil Palm Shell (OPS) 22

Figure 3.5 OPS was soaked into water for 24h and being dried for about 1 hour

before start casting 23

Figure 3.6 OPS was stored in the FKASA lab to keep to maintain the humidity,

temperature, and air surrounding. 23

Figure 3.7 Grading curve of oil palm shell (OPS). 24

Figure 3.8 Process of preparing fine CBA 25

Figure 3.9 Raw CBA chunks 26

Figure 3.10 Fine CBA 26

Figure 3.11 The CBA was sieve by using mechanical sieve shaker 27

Figure 3.12 CBA was stored in the FKASA laboratory 27

Figure 3.13 Specific gravity test of CBA using pycnometer test 28

Figure 3.14 The grading curve of Coal Bottom Ash (CBA) 29

Figure 3.15 River sand 30

Figure 3.16 Specific gravity test of river sand using a pycnometer test. 30

Figure 3.17 Grading curve of river sand. 31

Figure 3.18 The weight of sand for grading curve purposed 31

Figure 3.19 Tap water at FKASA laboratory 32

Figure 3.20 The preparation of substances for concrete mixed 33

Figure 3.21 Poured the concrete mix into the concrete mixing machine. 34

Figure 3.22 Poured the concrete mix into a plate for a slump test. 34

Figure 3.23 Concrete mix is poured into molds and compacted it using vibrator

machine table 35


Figure 3.25 The mass of concrete specimens were taken and recorded 37

Figure 3.26 The specimens were immersed in the water tank at FKASA lab 38

Figure 3.27 The specimens were put into an oven for mass oven dry 38

Figure 3.28 The mass specimens were recorded 41

Figure 3.29 The process of distilled water 42

Figure 3.30 The type of pH acid used for this test 42

Figure 3.31 The handling of acid must be controlled and poured in this flume 43

Figure 3.32 The complete used of PPE while handling the acid 43

Figure 3.33 The specimens were immersed in the acid solution 44

Figure 3.34 The pH value reading for acid solution 44

Figure 4.10 Water absorption of cube specimens on 28 days of age 47

Figure 4.20 Water absorption of cube specimens on 60 days of age 47

Figure 4.30 Porosity (%) of concrete at 28 days curing age 48

Figure 4.40 Weight loss (%) of acid attack towards OPS LWAC 50

Figure 4.50 Reduction of compressive strength of OPS LWAC towards acid

attack 50

Figure 4.60 Concrete immersed in sulfuric acid for 7 days and physical changes

can really be seen. 51

Figure 4.70 Concrete immersed in sulfuric acid for 28 days and physical changes can really be seen where there was deteriorated of the

concrete. 51

Figure 4.80 Plan view of the concrete where there was a sticky whitish gray

color of the cement being leached away. 52

Figure 4.90 The compressive strength had been conducted after immersed it into

the sulfuric acid. 52

Figure 4.10 Physical changes of OPS LWAC immersed in the acid solution for



g gram

h hour



AA Alternative Aggregate

ASR Alkali-Silica Reaction

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

BS British Standard

CBA Coal Bottom Ash

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

FA Fly Ash

FGG Foam Glass Granule

FKASA Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources

GHG Greenhouse Gas

LWA Lightweight Aggregate

LWAC Lightweight Aggregate Concrete

MPOB Malaysian Palm Oil Board

M-SAND Manufactured Sand

OPS Oil Palm Shell

POC Palm Oil Clinker





Green concrete as concrete produced by utilizing alternative or recycled waste materials in order to reduce energy consumption, environmental impact and natural resource consumption (Jin & Chen, 2013). The production of green concrete by using waste material in the construction industry reduced the greenhouse gas emission and limited landfill space. Furthermore, green concrete had numerous advantages such as improvement in concrete properties, low carbon footprint, conservation of natural resources and etc. This waste material can be either used in supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) or alternative aggregate (AA) in green concrete and it can be classified into 3 categories which were agricultural, industrial and municipal wastes. For this research, we used the oil palm shell (OPS) from agricultural waste and coal bottom ash (CBA) from industrial wastes.

The waste material generated from oil palm plantation is the main contributor which led to increasing the rate of environment pollution. Along with this waste material generated by oil palm plantation, there was a by-product that ends up at landfill which known as Oil Palm Shells (OPS) and Coal Bottom Ash (CBA). Production of Coal Bottom Ash (CBA) was about 8.5 million tons of coal ash as waste which included of Bottom Ash and Fly Ash. This waste can be used as a partial sand replacement under a certain process. Coal Bottom Ash is the by-product formed in coal-fired electricity power stations (coal combustion). This usage can minimize energy consumption during the production of cement, lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and finally reduced the waste effectively.


According to Mineral and Geoscience Department Malaysia, it is reported that the production of granite aggregate was about 100 million tons in 2014 which increased by 30% since the year 2007. This could lead to environmental degradation where the deforestation of green hills took place to obtain limestones to produce cement and coarse aggregate which in result the destruction of flora and fauna occurred. With the transformation of a green hill to barren land, it will cause soil erosion which also affected the quality of water and also aquatic life in the water. Furthermore, from deforestation, it can cause greenhouse gas emission which is the main contributor to global climate change.


In Malaysia, there were 2 largest non-renewable energy resources which were oil and gas where the oil also came from oil palm industry, from this situation, in results which can cause plenty of waste product produced. The annual production of waste oil palm shell (OPS) was over 4 million tons which can cause the usage of landfill areas increasing. From this also, it can cause pollution and health problems for the environment. Production of coal also produced waste abundantly, which can lead to pollution and health problems to the people and the environment. Production of granite is from limestone where it reduced the green hill, in the result this product can cause the destruction of flora and fauna and lastly can be caused the global warming due to the reduction of green hills and trees. With the replacement of oil palm shell as coarse aggregate, it reduced the production of granite. The quarrying of natural sand will result in environmental issues such as lowering ground water level, destruction of natural habitats, soil erosion, etc. The usage of natural sand where the results will have limited supply, source location and the presence of impurities. In order to fulfill the increased in demand of more consistent supply, controlled quality, and environmental friendly sand, it showed that the usage of manufactured sand was better than natural sand plus it was less costly compared to the natural sand.

Researchers have attempted to utilize recycled sand from construction waste (Ledesma et al.,2015). Manufactured sand was readily available and its quality controlled process would enable it to be used as a replacement for conventional sand. Recent researches showed that the use of M-sand as a complete replacement of natural


sand was possible without any significant detrimental effect on the compressive strength of concrete (Nanthagopalan and Santhanam, 2011).


The objectives of the study are as follow:

i) To study the effect of coal bottom ash (CBA) as a partial sand replacement on water absorption of OPS lightweight aggregate concrete.

ii) To study the effect of coal bottom ash (CBA) as a partial sand replacement on porosity of OPS lightweight aggregate concrete.

iii) To study the effect of coal bottom ash (CBA) as a partial sand replacement on acid resistance of OPS lightweight aggregate concrete.


This research focused on investigating the durability properties of OPS lightweight aggregate concrete containing coal bottom ash (CBA) as partial sand replacement. The durability properties that have been investigated were water absorption, acid resistance, and porosity. The acid resistance test was conducted by measuring the weight loss of cube immersed on sulfuric solution. An oil palm shell was used as a coarse lightweight aggregate for concrete and in the condition of saturated surface dry. In this research, we used 100x100x100 mm3of cube specimens for these three types of tests which were water absorption, acid resistance, and porosity. Percentage of CBA used for partial replacement of sand was 0%, 10%, 20% and 30%.


The main purpose of this research was to minimize the pollution on the environment caused by the waste products from the oil palm industry and the coal industry. Manipulating the CBA and OPS reduced a large amount of waste produced and more environmental friendly can be produced. Moreover, the potential alternative material using the oil palm plantation and the coal combustion waste as partial replacement material on concrete will reduce the high dependency on natural resources thus preserving the environment. Furthermore, this study offered the oil palm industries



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