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Page Family Child Care Handbook and Guidelines


Academic year: 2021

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Page Family Child Care Handbook and Guidelines

This Contract is valid Starting May 31st, 2021

About the Provider

My name is Breanna Page and I am licensed by the state of Minnesota to practice Family Child Care for ages 6 weeks to 10 years. I’m licensed to care for 12 kids alone and 14 with my second provider, Megan Page home. I only take one infant and one toddler at a time; the rest are preschool or school age children. I have an Associate’s degree from Rochester Community and Technical College and a Bachelor’s in Communication, Arts and Literature for teaching secondary grades from Winona State University; I’ve been working with children in a school setting since 2007. I’ve also been a member of Family Childcare, Inc. since 2012, on the board since 2019 and won Olmsted County’s Provide of the Year in 2020. Megan and I have five children: Zayler (2018), Hazelynn (2018), Calyn (2016), Dylyn (2014) and Maddlynn (2012).

I have one co-provider on my license (beginning May 2021), whom is also my spouse: Megan Page

I also have One substitute on call: Nita Higgins that is a certified sub in Olmstead County.

I do participate in educational training throughout the year to keep up on safety, nutrition, first aid, CPR, child guidance, business practices and much more. We will be closed at 5:20pm sharp the 2nd Monday AND the

3rd Tuesday & the last Thursday of each month for training. Overtime of $10.00 per minute will occur starting at 5:21pm. It’s important for us to arrive on time to receive credit.

Our home is a smoke free and pet free environment. I do not allow smoking in or near my home.

About Our Program

I do incorporate an educational preschool curriculum September through May with preschool activities extending from June to August. This is a program that I create using many different curriculums. These activities provide routine and structure which are crucial in a young child’s everyday life. Young children learn best through play and doing what they find interesting and fun, while improving their social skills, creative expression and educational milestones that meet or exceed the levels your child should be at when starting Kindergarten. Throughout our program we participate in story time, arts and crafts, writing, letter, number and shape recognition, free-play, early math, problem-solving, science experiments, dramatic play, dress-up, cultural leaning, gardening, music, singing, dancing, worksheets, puzzles, coloring and everyday household skills. We use themed curriculum to teach along with sensory bins and a mini library.

We have monthly to bi-monthly classes with Zoom to the Music, LLC along with other scheduled visitors throughout the year, such as: The Bee Shed, Police Officer, U.S. Soldier, Dental Office and more. We also take field trips to places such as: Quarry Hill, Sekapp Apple Orchard, Wittlief Tree Farm, Firefly Berries Farm, Red Barn Learning Farm and more.

Field Trips: Page Family Childcare owns a company 15-passenger transit

van and is certified to drive with childcare children. We do take field trips regularly and we own clean, up to date, reliable car seats but I may request to use yours if more are needed. we DO NOT own an infant car seat so if your child is an infant, you must provide your own. I bring all emergency supplies with along with emergency number and the childcare phone. All

basic field trip fees are covered in your tuition.

Starting September 2021 to July 2023, I will need to pick my kids up from a program by 5pm sharp so I will be leaving here at 4:45pm SHARP and I will arrive home by 5:20pm Monday through Friday. I prefer you pick up before I leave but if your child must stay, they will come with me to get them and we will arrive back by closing time.

I give Page Family Childcare permission to transport my child. I understand the risks involved with transportation but trust Parge Family Childcare to be safe and use their best judgement while transporting my child. I will provide a clean, usable, up to date car seat when requested.

Parents Signature: _____________________________________________

Date: _________________

We will not go outside most cold days, especially if there is an infant in care. Going outside in the cold or winter can be difficult with one provider, two littles and several preschoolers. We do keep extra snow pants, hats, gloves, boots, etc but we do require all children to have the following in order for us to all go outside to play in the cold: Winter Jacket, Winter Snow Pants, Winter Gloves, Winter Hat and Winter Boots. If one child is missing one of these, we will be unable to go outside.

School Age Children: If your child is the age of 5 years or older, I MAY

allow outside time, unsupervised when it’s not possible for everyone to get out. I require kids to stay in the backyard or the childcares front yard ONLY and no warnings are given. If a child is not following rules, they will be required to join the group for the day and try again the next day. It’s a privilege to be outside without supervision, so please discuss this with your child and only good behavior will warrant this privilege.

I give my school age child: _____________________________________ permission to be outside, unsupervised knowing the risks to my child being alone unsupervised. I understand that my provider will be available to my child when needed but agree to them following rules and guidelines that are put in place for their safety.

Parent Signature: _________________________________________

Date: __________

On warmer days we tend to make it outside during one section of the day if not all day on the really nice days. We require all kids to dress appropriately which includes closed toed shoes. Flip Flops cannot be worn when playing on the playground due to hazards of tripping, stubbing a toe, etc. We teach children to put their shoes on by themselves when they are ready and only assist when needed. If they have laces, we will teach them to how to tie their shoes when they are ready, as well but we prefer Velcro or slip on until age 4 years.

Sunscreen: I will provide generic, spray sunscreen and a stick for faces, for all kids. We require kids to arrive at childcare with their first application on already. We will reapply it after nap if we go back outside. If your child has a sensitivity, you must provide your own.

All kids are enrolled within the childcare app: Brightwheel. Within this app, you will get up to date notifications on your child throughout the day. I do my very best to post as many notifications as I can but there may be days that I’m too busy or forget to post. Please let me know if you have any questions about the day!

Parent(s)/guardian(s) are welcome in my home at any time and I will gladly have conferences if you would like. If you arrive between noon and 3pm, we ask that you give us a heads up so we do not disturb the others sleeping at nap time.

If your child has any special needs or you have any concerns, please give me these, in writing to ensure there are no miscommunications and to be able to put it in your child’s file. This may be done in written form or text.


We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex or disability. We are supporters of the LGBTQ community as well and welcome all in our care.

Safety: For safety reasons, the doors within the home will remain locked

while child care kids are present. There will be a pin that will let you in the child care door; the instructions are to follow below. Please knock hard if you need assistance and if we do not answer, please feel free to ring the doorbell; we will answer the door as promptly as we can.

• Doors will be locked from 12:30pm to 3:00pm due to my kids being on a different level at nap.

• The Door will also remain locked until no earlier than the first

child’s arrival. SHARP.

• IF THE DOOR IS LOCKED AND YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO BE HERE/YOUR KIDS ARE PRESENT, PLEASE RING THE DOORBELL. We will not hear you knocking and we may not hear the phone go off.

We have made emergency plans for fires and storms and will discuss them with you if asked. The children we care for and I will be practicing in these plans monthly.

Sleeping Arrangements

All kids will be given one to two clean blankets to make themselves comfortable on the carpeted floor along with a foam mat or a sleep sack. These blankets will be washed every day.

We do not provide pillows and we do not allow kids to bring pillows. They may use an extra blanket as a pillow. This reduces the spread of germs and pillows are harder to wash and sanitize then a blanket is.

Kids will be able to spread out and sleep on the floor at nap time. They usually have assigned sleeping spots and are very good at the routine during nap of getting their own blankets and mat and going to their spots.

Nap time is between 12:30pm/1:00pm until 3:00pm/3:30pm. It will depend on when they fall asleep and when they wake up. We don’t typically wake a sleeping child. Please let me know if your child is having trouble sleeping at night and we can discuss some options.

All children are required to participate in quiet time. We have other options, other than nap, when your child reaches age 5 and isn’t taking naps anymore. Before age 5, your child much lay down and rest during quiet time.

Daily Schedule

• Breakfast with cartoons: 7:30am – 8:00am

• Group Activities/Preschool or Outside: 9:00am to 11:00am • AM Snack: 9:00am (Not always served)

• Clean Up/Educational Tv or Video: 11:00am • Lunch: 11:30am

• Nap: 12:45pm to 3:00pm • PM Snack: 3:15 • Childcare Ends at 5:20pm

Lost Items

The provider is not responsible for items lost at child care. You, the parents, are responsible for making sure your child has everything they came with when leaving each day. Including, but not limited to: blankets, bottles, pacifiers, diaper bags, shoes, clothes, sippy cups, etc. Your items will be donated after being left here or one week after care.

Things Brought from Home

Kids are not allowed to bring their toys from home due to the risk of losing them and having to share them.

RULES within the Daycare

• No running or jumping while in doors (we don’t want to break anything) • No screaming while in doors (inside voices only)

• No hitting, biting, pinching, etc of the other kids (be respectful)

• Pick up your toys/items after using them (it’s good to keep things neat for others to use)

• Be sure to share and be fair to others (although it may be hard sometimes)

• Please stay off the couches/furniture and sit at tables nicely.

• When we’re upstairs, kids over the age of one year are not allowed in the upstairs living room. This is to keep the little ones separate and safe from the older kids in a smaller space.

• Kids are only allowed to use the downstairs bathroom due to licensing and they’re not allowed upstairs without permission.

If a child breaks something, it will be the parents’ responsibility to pay for the broken item or service to fix it. This includes but isn’t limited to: toys, windows, light fixtures, clogged toilets, etc.

(Parents are responsible for their child(ren) while they are within the daycare home. Including but not limited to, discipline, dirty diapers, etc)


Discipline practices include: talking to the child, time-outs, positive reinforcements and taking away of privileges. There is NO corporal punishment or emotional abuse used while I am caring for your child(ren). I will do what I can to promote consistency between home and child care, but please do not hesitate to talk to me about any ideas or concerns that you may have. If at any time something happens where your child needs a time out, you will be notified by me telling you or within a written message via text or Brightwheel. If the problems are recurring ones, we will need to find a way to somehow resolve them. If you have any questions on this at any time please let me know.


I am on the Providers Choice food program and will provide one meal and two snacks or two meals and one snack daily at the provided times; depending on the times your child is in care. Once a meal/snack time has passed, it will not be served any longer that day; no exceptions. Please do not bring food into child care, leave it in the car or finish it before entering.

Allergies: The county allergy form must be filled out so we have proper notice of any foods your child cannot have.

I provide Target Brand formula for infants; if you prefer another brand, you are required to provide it for your child to use.

I give the recommended amount of food by the food program to each child. For kids age one year or older, if there is extra and they want more, they are welcome to it. We give one glass of milk at each meal for age one year and older and then the kids are served water. For infants, I only give the required amount due to cost. If you would like your infant to have more than the required amount, you are required to provide it. Including, but not limited to: baby food, puffs, formula, etc.

Breakfast is served when your child arrives, if it’s during breakfast. Due to kids arriving at various times, and they are hungry at arrival, we usually do serve breakfast at different times. Due to this, we’ve decided to keep breakfast simple with the occasional fun breakfast. There is a very limited selection of cereals allowed on the Food Program due to sugars, so we do serve plain Cheerios with a fruit, usually bananas and a cup of milk. Honey Nut Cheerios are not allowed on the Food Program but we do mix a little in with the plain Cheerios to give the kids a little flavor.

With Lunch, the four food groups are always served with the exception of a fruit. In replacement of the fruit, we may serve an extra veggie but we usually stick to the four food groups.

Currently Snack is served after nap with the additional AM snack at times. Snack usually consists of a grain (crackers, cereal, bread, etc) and Milk and/or water with the occasional fun but healthy snack.

Please do not bring food or beverage from home unless it is necessary due to an allergy; exceptions on picnic days, etc. If it is necessary, please write


your child’s name and the date on the items. This includes drop off; your child will not be allowed to eat in the entryway or bring it into the child care. Your child must finish or remove the food/beverage before entering the child care door.

• Breakfast: 7:30am – 8:00am

• AM Snack: 9:00am – 9:30am (Not always served) • Lunch: 11:30am – 12:00pm

• PM Snack: 3:15 – 3:30pm

• PM Snack: 4:30pm – 5:00pm (School Age Kids)


You are welcome to bring birthday treats for your child to share and we appreciate it very much! Please bring enough for everyone and please be sure to ask if there any current allergies in our group.

Frosting is not ideal with one provider and 6 to 10 preschoolers. Please send a fairly non-messy treat suitable for all ages such as: healthy snack, brownies, cookies or a cookie cake, rice crispies or their favorite crackers. No Candy Please. It also must be store bought.

You are welcome to pass out birthday invitations to other children in the child care. You may put them in their cubbies located in the entryway.

We celebrate holidays and the changing of seasons with the children; watch the calendar for special theme days! Around Christmas we do a holiday party during child care hours along with a voluntary gift exchange; this has been a hit over the years.

In February we do participate in Valentine’s Day and you are welcome to bring Valentine’s to hand out to all your child’s preschool friends as well.

Hours of Operation

We open promptly at 7:00am or when the first child arrives; no earlier.

Contracted Days: 7:00am to 5:20pm (M-F)

Saturday and Sunday: Drop In Only (24 Hours Available

Overnights: Drop In Only

• Details: The county DOES NOT require a provider to be awake at all times when a child care child is present within the home at night. On the other hand, Megan and I would arrange to make sure one of us is awake MOST OF THE NIGHT. There is a video monitor where the kids sleep and regular, in person, checks will be made throughout the night. PLEASE DO NOT ring the doorbell and we may not hear you knock so if you need anything or if you arrive before I re-open, please give us a call when you're on your way and we'll come let you in! Bedtime is 8:00pm.


• You may use this if you need a date night, if you have to work extra or just a night to yourself. Please be courteous and schedule in advance to be sure we are available because we cannot guarantee availability past 5:20pm without notice. • Meals Provided: Dinner @ 6:30pm & Evening Snack @ 7:45pm

before bedtime • Bedtime: 8:00pm

Payments and Fees

All families are required to pay a one-time registration fee of $35.00 per child. This is due no later than the first day of care.

You are required to pay your last two weeks of care upfront, which is due by the second week of care unless discussed with the provider. If it is not received by the end of the first month (4 weeks) care will be terminated with no refund of previously given funds. If rates are raised, you are required to pay the increase within the timeframe given. There are no refunds for your two-week fee.

• I plan to pay the two-week termination fee of

$________________________ by (Date) _________________________ CCAP: We do accept child care assistance with a paid two-week fee which

may be returned at the end of care after all payments have been received. This fee cannot be used as payment to cover any final fees. This payment is also in place to ensure payments are made and may be used to cover any outstanding fees which will reflect on your invoice.

W-10 Tax Form

Please message me with a w-10 form (Via text, facebook or email) at the end of the year if you would like a copy of your W-10 or you can usually find it on your online Kidkare account. If you need my EIN Number, please let me know but it is usually on your online account as well, along with all my information. It is your responsibility to let me know of any discrepancies posted on your tax form within one week from the date sent.


Family Child Care is a business for me and I depend upon my income just as you do yours. You are contracted for your rate and payment is due

every Monday (in advance) by 10:00pm if you pay online or by pick up if

you pay in person, for Monday through Sunday. There will be a charge of $10.00 late fee per day per child after that. The provider can decide to not take your child if payment is not received and your child will not be allowed to come to daycare until a payment is made (This will be enforced). • If you have made other arrangements with the provider, payment is due

that day or your child will not be able to return to child care until payment is made in full; No Exceptions.

• Payments are to be made through VENMO or cash. If you decide to pay with cash, you are agreeing to the amount posted on your online account and you have 24 hours after payment was received to discuss any discrepancies with the main provider, Breanna Page.

• You will be given an online account through KidKare to see any and all payments received and due. Once you log into your online account, I no longer have access to it to help you back into it. Please keep your password in a safe spot.

• We do not accept checks. If you prefer to pay with a check, you can do so through VENMO.

• We also accept Paypal and Square, if needed. There is a fee associated with these two payment options. Please ask me for details.


Rates for Ages 6 weeks to 23 months

Weekly Full Time Day Rate: $225.00 Drop-In Day Rate: $55.00

Drop-In Evening Rate: $60.00 Drop-In Weekend Rate: $60.00

Rates for Ages 2 years to Pre-K

Weekly Full Time Day Rate: $185.00 Drop-In Day Rate: $45.00

Drop-In Evening Rate: $50.00 Drop-In Weekend Rate: $50.00

Rates for Ages Kindergarten and Up

Weekly Before and After School Care: $100.00 Add a Full, Non-School, Random Day: Add $17 Weekly Full Time Day Rate: $185.00

Drop-In Day Rate: $45.00 Drop-In Evening Rate: $50.00 Drop-In Weekend Rate: $50.00

Overnight Rate (7pm to 7am)

2 years + or sleeping through the night: $60.00 6 week to 23 Months: $80.00


$10.00/Hour with a 2-hour minimum

Evening Rate starts at 5:20pm and ends at 11:30pm

• Once scheduled, there is a $20.00 minimum charge for cancellation. • This can only be used 2 times per month.

Overtime Rates

• For the purpose of this agreement, if you are contracted for 7:00am to 5:20pm, overtime will normally be charged if you drop off your child before 7:00am and/or pick your child up after 5:20pm. We open

promptly at 7:00am or when the first child arrives; no earlier.

• For the purpose of this agreement, overtime will normally be charged if your child is in care for longer than 9 hours. This means, but is not limited to: if the parent(s)/guardian(s) picks their child up after the child has been at or scheduled at daycare for more than 9 hours, there will be an overtime charge.

• For the purpose of this agreement, overtime will normally be charged if you pick up after your SCHEDULED pick-up time. I have five kids of my own and schedule of my own that I need to follow. Please be on time. • Overtime will be charged in full hour increments (even by 1 minute). • The following rate will be the overtime charge:

o Over 9 hours at/scheduled at childcare: $10.00 per hour o Arrival before 7:00am &/or 5:30pm: $10.00 per hour o Arriving before or after your scheduled times: $10 per hour

Returned Payment

A $50.00 fee will be charged for each check/online payment returned to Breanna Borth, the daycare provider, along with any other fees charged due to your returned payment; such as overdraft fees from the bank. Daily fees of $5.00 may be charged dating back to when payment was due until payment is made in full.

Drop In

Once scheduled we do charge whether or not your child is brought to child care due to a spot being held. This includes, but is not limited to, drop- in, events such as overnight date nights and discounted date nights. You can schedule last minute or several months out; it doesn't matter. A spot will never be held for a drop-in child over a contracted child; a contracted child's spot is held first and then a drop-in child may schedule around them. All Paperwork must be submitted and kept up to date in our files to use our drop-in services.


Early Arrival: If you arrive before your scheduled time and I am uninformed I may not take your child until the scheduled time previously provided.

Dropped off Late: If you are running late, please notify me within 15 minutes before your scheduled time so I know you’re still coming. If your child is more than 15 minutes late from their drop off time, you will be charged for that day and the provider may not take your child that day. (This WILL be enforced). If you tend to be late, please inform me via text when you are on your way. This ensures I am not in the middle of an activity, using the bathroom, changing a diaper, etc.

You may pick up early at any time. We ask that you send us a quick text when you’re on your way just to limit interruptions within our daily schedule. My values as a provider are best matched with parents who want to spend their time off with their children. My experience has proven that children whose parents spend the most time possible with them and make their children’s behavior, respect and learning a priority are the people who have the most adjusted, behaved and happy children.

Remember you are contracted/scheduled for certain times and days, so it is important you contract/schedule yourself enough time to get to and from work; No Expectations. Please provide me with an accurate schedule so there are no surprises.

Holidays/Time Off

One Additional Consecutive Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday in January for Tax Purposes

(H)New Year’s Day Good Friday (H)Easter Memorial Day

Provider Appreciation Day: The Friday Before Mother’s Day (H)Fourth & Fifth of July

Labor Day

(H) Halloween @ 4:00pm

The Day Before Thanksgiving @ 4:00pm Thanksgiving Day & The Day after Thanksgiving

(H)Christmas Eve & Christmas Day & The Day after Christmas (H) New Year’s Eve @ 4:00pm

**One Day after 1pm in the Spring and One Day after 1pm in the Fall for Our Kids school concerts**

If a Holiday (H) falls on a Saturday, the previous Friday we will be closed for a paid holiday. If a Holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be closed for a Paid Holiday.

Provider Time Off

The provider will take 10 days paid vacation per year that everyone is required to pay. These days will be announced no later than 2 months (8 weeks) in advance. Payment is required on time through VENMO or in advance if you pay cash in person. These days may or may not be scheduled together.

The provider will also receive up to 5 paid personal/sick days per year. These can be used for but not limited to: unexpected deaths, illness, doctors’ appointments, etc.

You are responsible for finding back up care for your children on your own.

The provider will let you know as soon as possible of any unpaid or sick days off. This notification will be given via text, Brightwheel and/or facebook.

If I were to take a day off – unpaid – due to an emergency or any other reason, you will be given a daily discount for the day.

Maternity Leave: Provider will receive one week, paid Maternity leave but provider may use vacation days to cover more time off. Provider will have a scheduled c-section but if she were to labor early, maternity leave would start the day baby is born.

Family Time Off

Families are required to pay the full 52 weeks each year. Inclement Weather

I stay open regardless of weather but I urge you to exercise good decision-making and caution on extreme weather days. If you, as a parent, will be off of work on a “snow day” (a day the school district or your work closes due to weather), I expect you to keep your children home with you.


Kids thrive on a routine so we tend to have a very rigid schedule throughout the day and we stay quite busy. I expect drop off and pick up to be fairly

quick to be able to stick to our routine and schedule. Mornings are not

an ideal time to talk and discuss things because I am very busy. If you have any questions or concerns, I would be happy to set up a meeting time or have a short discussion at pick up.

Rates are for a 9 hour day which begins at the time you are scheduled or

whenever you arrive; whichever is earlier. If you arrive late, you will still be expected to pick up at your scheduled time.


We are open to talking about longer hours or hours outside of the contracted times, if it is needed for work. If you are contracted for longer hours for work, these need to be used for work. If it is used for running errands, personal days, etc you will be charged the extra overtime without warning.

All days and times are based on other kids enrolled and their schedules. You are contracted for your days and times and it is your right to have those days and times held up to the Monday, one week prior, to the following

week. After this Monday, the provider has the right to schedule drop ins. In other words, a schedule needs to be given on or by Monday for the following Monday.

I understand that if I do not give the provider my schedule at least 7 days in advance (Monday for the following Monday) that I will be charged for the days I am contracted for regardless of attendance and I will forfeit my spot for that week.

You, the parent, are contracted to the following days and times (Please check one):

I have a set schedule and my hours are listed below with the days that I need held.


I have a schedule that varies and my earliest and latest times are listed for the days I need held and I understand I need to give an accurate schedule one week in advance.


I am not looking to be contracted for any times or days; I would just like to enroll for drop-in care, but I understand that I am required to follow all policies within the contract. _________________ (initial)

If you need to change your contracted scheduled times, you must discuss it with the main provider: Breanna Page within 30 days before the change is needed. If your days are not set then only one week is required.


We understand there is a high demand for infant and toddler spots so we strive to ensure that the quality of care is exceeded for not only infants but all other children within our care. Infants do require more help and attention than other children but we ensure that all kids are getting the right amount of care needed. I only take on ONE infant and ONE toddler at a time; all other kids are 2+ in my care.

You are required to provide written instructions for anything you’re trying at home and would like to try here; this may be provided in a text/message.

Toddlers (1yr+) are served the same meals, at the same times as the kids who are 2 years and older. Please keep this in mind when it comes to breakfast and the time you arrive.

Breastmilk: I am a big supporter in Fed Is Best but if you bring breastmilk

or any food for your baby, it must be labeled with the following: Date & Child’s name. If you bring a mini cooler, just the cooler needs to be labeled each day. You are required to provide written instructions about anything you’re trying at home and would like to try here; this may be provided in a text/message.

Infants 6 weeks to 11 months: If a parent has the day off your baby IS

REQUIRED to be kept home with you for the day. We understand that you are paying for a service but we also believe that it is important for a young child to be at home with their parents when it’s possible; especially if mom is nursing.

Infants will be enrolled within our childcare app: Brightwheel where you will receive up to date notifications on your baby along with photos, their naps, diapers and meals throughout the day. We do our best to post as much as we can but there may be somedays with the basic updates.

If you bring your baby in strapped to a car seat, you MUST remove them and hand them to me before leaving. I understand your baby may have been sleeping but it’s important that your baby is handed to me awake. If you drop your baby and leave, it’s grounds for immediate termination.

Safe Sleep

We take great caution when it comes to the care of an infant within our care. We practice strict sleeping policies and keep a close eye on your baby while they sleep.

I place infants on their backs, in a pack-n-play only and they can roll over when they can do so on their own. I do not and cannot allow them to sleep in a swing, car seat, bouncer, on the floor, etc due to the risk of SUIDS.

If an infant were to fall asleep in a bouncer, swing or on the floor they will be closely watched and placed in a pack-n-play immediately.

Infants tend to create their own schedules but we do ask that babies come fed with a clean, dry diaper. As an extra note, if your child is on a set schedule and is needing a bottle before the 2 hours, I am flexible but please don’t arrive expecting me to instantly feed your baby.

I do not swaddle infants and do not allow anything in a pack-n-play at any time. Ever. Once they turn a year old, they will be allowed to have a blanket within the pack-n-play. Once they are about 16 to 18 months old, we will begin to transition them to sleep with the other children on the floor.

Please be aware that your baby may need to go through a transition; especially if they have slept in anything else besides a pack-n-play with nothing in it (with the possible exception of a pacifier).

• While in the pack n play, your baby will not be allowed to wear: socks, clothing with a hood or clothing that could come off (pants that are too big and they can wiggle out of), etc. We understand this may seem a little extreme but we want to be sure your baby is safe while in our care. Not only are we extra cautious about MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY

Drop Off Time Pick Up



safe sleep but we could face a $200.00 fine along with losing our license. Your baby’s safety is our #1 priority and we appreciate your understanding.

Again, your baby may need to go through a transition at daycare; we do let your child cry for about 10 to 15 minutes at a time to get them used to sleeping at daycare. If your child is inconsolable for more than 2 hours, we will call you at work to discuss options.

Pacifier/Bottle Policy

Infants/Toddlers are allowed to use a pacifier until they are 12 months old. After this, pacifiers must be removed at the door and taken home with the parent. Infants/Toddlers are allowed to use a bottle until they are 14 months old. After they are 14 months old bottles must be removed at the door and taken home with the parent.

We DO NOT allow Wub-A-Nub Pacifiers: Pacifiers with an animal attached.

Diapers/Potty Training

You are required to bring your own diaper supplies. I will let you know within 2 days of needing supplies. If supplies are not brought and stocked, there will be the following fees: $2.00 per diaper change

Once your child has consistent dry diapers or reached the age of 4, we will discuss starting potty training. We expect parents to start potty training at home before starting at daycare. You are required to provide written instructions about anything you’re trying at home and would like to try here; this may be provided in a text/message.

You are required to provide pull ups while potty training; not diapers.

If your child has an accident twice in one week, while at daycare, they will be required to wear pull ups until they can stay dry for one week.

Sick Policy

I do not care for sick children. My sick policy is VERY important to me, my family, you, your child and other families involved in my child care. I do my very best to keep a sickness free home. As tempting as it is to send your sick child to daycare so you don’t miss work, you are likely going to miss more than if you would have kept your child(ren) home when ill: your child will get me or my children sick, then I will need to close for illness, inconveniencing other families and the cycle will continue.

If your child is unable to function normally and/or is unable to participate in normal activities, please keep them home or they will be sent home. It is important that they are able to participate within the group activities so I'm not taking my attention away from the other kids to care for a sick child that should be home. They will want to be with mom/dad as well if they are not feeling well.

Although Doctors notes are appreciated, I reserve the right to decide if your child is healthy enough to participate in daycare activities.

I will notify you immediately if your child develops a fever of 100 degrees or higher, vomits, has lice, diarrhea, an injury requiring medical attention, etc.

If I have to close due to cleaning from an illness, such as lice or HFM, I will still charge the normal rate for that day.

COVID-19: I have a separate policy for the Coronavirus. Please See That.

Fever: Your child is not allowed to attend child care if they have a temp of 100.0 or over and they need to be clear of it for 24 hours before returning. It does not matter the reason for the temp (suspected teething, tiredness, etc), they cannot return until their temp is under 100.0.

Diarrhea: 2 loose bowel movements (poops) in one day; loose as in, not their normal consistency. Kids will also be sent home if they have a blowout

resulting in a bath needed; we do not give baths. If a blowout occurs, we will wipe them down with wipes the best we can. We may rinse the clothes but it’ll depend on time.

Hand Foot and Mouth (HFM): Your child is required to stay home for at least 24 hours AFTER all red bumps, sores are completely gone. It’s important that you notify me immediately if your child has HFM to prevent the spread of it.

Lice: You must notify me immediately if your child has lice so we can take the extra steps to ensure it does not spread throughout the childcare. You child must stay gone for at least 24 hours after all lice and nits have been gone from your child’s hair. This means but is not limited to after treatment of their hair and your home. If a child within the childcare has lice, even if you don’t suspect your child has it, I would recommend treating your child to be on the safe side.

Pink Eye: Symptoms may include: redness or swelling of the white of the eye or inside the eyelids, increased number of tears, white, yellow or green eye discharge, normal eye vs. eye with inflamed or irritated conjunctiva.

Viral and bacterial pink eye are very contagious and can spread easily and quickly from person to person. You can reduce the risk of getting or

spreading pink eye by following some simple self-care steps, like washing your hands and not touching your eyes. Pink eye that is caused by allergens or irritants is not contagious, but it is possible to develop a secondary infection by other viruses or bacteria. Your child may not return until their eye has cleared and has been clear for 24 hours. Even if your child is on drops medication, we still require your child’s eye to be clear before returning.

Runny Nose: If your child has a constant runny nose with green discharge, please keep them home; green discharge indicates an infection or illness. Although we try to keep masks on those who are "sick" and although we practice good hand washing and although I do my very best to keep up on wiping constant runny noses, this type of illness still seems to spread due to kids still wiping their noses through the mask/touching their faces/lunch time and touching other kids, toys, etc. I stress the constant runny green discharge and they will be able to return once the infection has cleared and the discharge is no longer green.

Cough: If your child has a dry cough, they must stay home.

Mask Wearing: Any child age 16 months + who has a congested cough or consistent runny nose with clear discharge will be required to wear a children’s hospital face mask that covers their nose and mouth until their cough or runny nose is completely gone for one full day.

You must notify me within 24 hours of the diagnosis of a serious contagious illness or parasite infestation so that I may notify the other parents within my daycare.

We no longer give Over the Counter Medication (OTCM) such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen, etc to children. If your child needs OTCM due to teething, pain or anything else, then they will be required to stay home until they no longer need it. If your child is on a doctor prescribed medication, then that is ok, with the proper forms.

As tempting as it may be to give your child OTCM and then send them to daycare, this would be grounds for immediate termination.

Your child may return to daycare after they are symptom free for 24 hours; not any sooner. For COVID-19 related illness, please follow the COVID-19 decision tree.

Children needing to be picked up while at daycare

• Procedure: A notification will be sent through the app. If there is no response within 5 minutes, a text will be sent to both parents’ phones. If there is no response within 15 minutes, we will call your cell phone and if you do not answer, I will leave a message and will call you at work.


• When you call back, please tell me your plan for picking up your child. If I have not heard from you after 30 minutes, I will make a second attempt to get in touch with you. If 45 minutes pass and arrangements have not been made, I will begin calling your emergency contacts to have your child picked up.

• If I am unable to get ahold of anyone within the 1 hour, I will be calling 911 to ensure something isn’t wrong. It is important to be sure I have updated phone numbers on file.

• Parents are required to have a backup plan if their child becomes sick during the day.

• I will provide you with a 1-hour grace period from the first contact to pick up your child.

• I charge in $20.00 every ten minutes for providing sick care after the first hour has passed regardless of who ends up picking up the child. This will be billed in full ten-minute increments and will be due before returning to daycare.

• If an emergency were to happen within the childcare where your child needed immediate medical attention, 911 would be called and then I would call your cell phone immediately, then your work phone and then your emergency contacts if you are unreachable. If medical attention is needed but not necessarily immediate, then I would call your cell phone immediately, then your work phone, your emergency contacts if you are unreachable and if I cannot get ahold of anyone 911 would be called.

If there are siblings of a sick child (say one child is sick but a sibling is not), the sibling MUST stay home too. This is an important preventative measure to help stop the spread of the illness.

I have children of my own that live within the daycare home and if my children or I were to become ill, I will not close daycare unless I'm unable to care for the other children or keep my kids separate if they’re sick. If your child were to get sick, you will be responsible for keeping your child home and paying for the sick day. If I am unable to remove my sick child or myself, then I may have to close and notify those scheduled immediately via text and on the daycare, closed group, facebook page and take a sick day. It’s your responsibility to have a backup.

We practice good and consistent handwashing skills and would like to encourage the same is done at home. We also ask that all kids and parents use the hand sanitizer located in the entry before entering the home or immediately washing their hands.

Grievance Procedure

If you have any problems, questions or concerns at any time with the services I provide, please come and talk to me so I can try and fix the problems or concerns that you have. Page Family Child Care is very open to communication and always willing to talk about anything; please come to us with any questions or concerns you may have about payments, scheduling, your child, etc

There will be a one-week paid trial period, beginning on the child’s first day of care. Either party may terminate this contract within the trial period, without further obligation.

Subs & Employees

Substance Abuse Policy & Training: All employees, subcontractors, volunteers and provider’s children 13 years of age and older have been trained about the program’s drug and alcohol policy. This policy states that they will not use or abuse any alcohol, drugs or prescription medication or be under the influence while caring for children at Page Family Child Care.

Subs: I have two substitutes on call: Megan Page and Nita Higgins that are certified subs in Olmstead County.


I DO carry daycare insurance through Assure Childcare. By signing below, I understand that the child care provider, Breanna Page (Breanna Borth, Breanna Bruce) will not be held liable if my child were to be hurt while in the care of Page Family Child Care. All billing will be charged to the

parent(s)/guardian(s) or their health insurance FIRST and then to our Insurance. Any remaining balances after submitted to insurances will be obligated to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and not Page Family Childcare. Page Family Child Care has my consent to obtain emergency medical care or treatment for my child. I/we, the parent/s, will assume full financial responsibility for any emergency transportation and care given to my child under the care of Borth Family Child Care and agree not to hold Breanna Borth liable for any decisions made regarding such treatment and

transportation. I understand that the provider does carry insurance on Page Family Child Care but I will not attempt to sue if my child were to be hurt within their care. I understand and believe the provider will use their best judgment if something were to happen to my child while in their care. I also understand that Page Family Child Care was formally known as Borth Family Childcare & The Borth Buddies Daycare.

Parent: ___________________________________________________

Parent: ___________________________________________________

You are required to sign the insurance form once a year and return it to the provider before May 1st.

Photo Release

Page Family Child Care has a facebook group that is secured and blocked from outside views. Page Family Childcare also has a website and a public Facebook Page. The facebook page contains pictures of the kids at play, during activities, new found friends within the daycare, and much more. It also contains certain updates, special notices and other notes related to daycare. The closed facebook page is intended to show parents what their child has been doing within the daycare, to keep parents updated on events and friends made within the daycare, and for parents to meet and talk to each other if wanted. I do not tag anyone in the photos and I do not allow others to tag themselves for security purposes. This prevents any unwanted views by others and it keeps the page private to daycare parents only. If a parent is interested in joining the daycare, I will give them one week to access and view the page; if they decide not to enroll, then they will be deleted and will no longer have access to view the page. To find the facebook page search: “Page Family Child Care.”

We also have an app that we use called Brightwheel.

Please Initial:

________ I DO give permission to take photos of my child/ren.

________ I DO give permission to post my child(ren)’s photos on the Public Facebook Page & Website

________ I DO NOT give permission to take photos of my child/ren.

________ I DO NOT give permission to post my child(ren)’s photos on the Public Page & Website

Termination Procedure

This contract may be terminated by the parent(s)/guardian(s) or the provider, by giving a minimum of FOUR weeks written notice, in advance, of the ending date. Your two-week termination fee will be put towards the last two weeks of care; whether or not your child is brought to daycare.

The provider, Breanna Page, may terminate this contract, without any given notice, if the parent(s)/guardian(s) fail to comply with the contract terms; including, but not limited to, timely payment of fees, which may result in the parent forfeiting their termination fee.


Two weeks, paid, notice is required to terminate care. No refunds or adjustments will be given for the deposit/holding fee at any time, unless you are part of the Child Care Assistance Program and have followed the termination policy.

Notifications of termination of care are only accepted on Fridays and must be written, signed and dated. The notice period will begin on the following Monday.

Failure to give written notice will result in the providers’ decision on official last day and possible forfeiting of the termination fee.

Failure by the provider to enforce one or more terms of the contract does not waive the right of the provider to enforce any other terms of the contract.

We would like to add: if you are planning on leaving our care and it is more than two weeks away (you’re moving away, etc), we would like to ask that you communicate with us. This will never change our perspective on your family or child but it will give us adequate time to be able to fill your child’s spot within our care. We will always respect your chosen ending date and never ask you to leave until you’re ready. We do rely on our income to pay our own bills so as a courtesy; we encourage you to communicate with us.

Contract Renewal

All contracts are renewed on January 1st and take effect January 1st. A copy of the contract will be given each year via facebook and the website. Please read it over carefully and note any changes that may have been made to the contract. It is the parent(s)/guardian(s) responsibility to know and follow all policies within the contact.

Parent(s)/guardian(s) will not always be required to sign a new contract unless asked but will be required to be aware of any changes made and they are expected to be followed. Please provide the provider with a current e-mail by the end of November if you’d like a copy sent to you.


My Expectations

Kids come in clean clothes along with clean, dry diapers.

I expect parents to bring an extra change of clothes if their child has a history of wetting themselves. I provide what I can, but if nothing is available, your child may be running around without any clothes.

Parents are responsible for their child’s behavior while the parent is present in the daycare home; if your child has a difficult time transitioning between parent and daycare, my recommendation would be to make the drop-off and pick-up quick and simple.

Daycare kids and parents are not allowed to pick up other daycare children.

I expect that if your child is sick, that you keep them home and notify me as soon as you possibly can.

I expect parents to be prompt and on time for their scheduled pick up and drop off times.

I expect parents to have a backup emergency plan for child care if daycare were to be closed due to my personal emergency or illness.

I expect parents to have an email that they use on a regular or a Facebook account they check regularly to stay up to date and current on events and for communication purposes.

I expect parents to check the app at least once a day in the evening.

I expect parents to have open communication with me about payments, schedules, policies, their kids’ needs and anything else.

I expect parents to know and follow all guidelines within the contract.

Daycare Entrance Pin Agreement


Please remember to promptly close the door behind you when entering and leaving. Please help us save on energy costs.

The door is tough to open; push hard. It will be replaced in the future; please bear with it for now.

Please remember to lock the door promptly when leaving the child care. The Door May Be Open and Not Locked if you have a primary drop off or pick up time.

When leaving the daycare home, you’ll have to close the door, type in the code and manually lock the blot before leaving, if you do not have a primary drop off or pick up time.

Please remember to remove all shoes before leaving the entrance (including parents).

Please do not let your child leave the house or entrance area without you. Enter/Exit the basement together as well.

Please do NOT park in the driveway: …

• We prefer it if you park in front of the driveway or on the street but we understand that it’s not always possible.

• If there is a lot of snow, please DO NOT park in the driveway so the snow doesn’t become compact and turn into ice.

• Please do not park close behind our or other vehicles

Door Entrance Requirements:

The pin is NOT to be shared with anyone who is not a REGULAR Pick up & Drop off Person (weekly attendance). If you have a new person picking up, please notify me of who they are and when they will be picking up; I will let them in. Any violation of this could result in immediate termination of care. Any new person picking up will need their identification in order to for me to allow them to leave with your child.

There are security cameras monitoring and recording the driveway, main door and daycare entrance to the home. If at any time you have any questions about your drop off or pick up time, please let us know. There are also cameras monitoring the daycare entryway and basement within the home.

The pin may be changed yearly. You will be notified via text.

PIN: Please Ask Your Provider

Enrollment and Required Papers

• Family Child Care Admission & Arrangements (one filled out for each child)

o Check to make sure the “Family Daycare Admissions and Arrangements” is completely filled out; including an emergency contact, a hospital and dentist regardless of your child’s age.

• Reporting Policy for Licensed Family Child Care Program • Permission to Administer

• Family Child Care Liability Insurance Notice to Parents/Guardians (Once a year)

• Emergency Authorization Form (one filled out for each child) • Immunization records (need to stay current and updated)


o There’s an extra form to go with immunization records as well.

• This Page Family Child Care Handbook (Don’t forget to initial ALL of the bottom pages)

• Registration fee: $35.00 & Two-week fee: depends on enrollment

To Hold A Spot:

• A registration Fee & two week fee is required.

• Payment must be made the day a spot comes available. This includes but not limited to: Infant openings, preschool openings, etc

I agree to enroll my child(ren) __________________________________________________________________ at Page Family Child Care beginning on

___________________(MM/DD/YYY). I have received and read the attached policy and agree to comply with all the rules and responsibilities stated within the policy.

Parent(s)/guardian(s) e-mail for communication purposes only: _______________________________________________________________________

I understand and agree to all the above policies:

Parent/guardian signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Parent/guardian signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Provider’s signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

We want to thank you for your interest in our child care and preschool. We also want to express that we are very open to communication and welcome you and your little ones within our home. This may be like a second home for your child so we want to ensure we provide the best care possible in a home-based setting. We lastly want to add that this is also a business to us and how we pay our bills so please be sure you read and follow all guidelines out of respect for our home, family and business.


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